void pluto_do_crypto_op(struct pluto_crypto_req *r) { switch(r->pcr_type) { case pcr_build_kenonce: calc_ke(r); calc_nonce(r); break; case pcr_build_nonce: calc_nonce(r); break; case pcr_compute_dh_iv: calc_dh_iv(r); break; case pcr_compute_dh: calc_dh(r); break; case pcr_compute_dh_v2: calc_dh_v2(r); break; case pcr_rsa_sign: case pcr_rsa_check: case pcr_x509cert_fetch: case pcr_x509crl_fetch: break; } }
void pluto_do_crypto_op(struct pluto_crypto_req *r, int helpernum) { DBG(DBG_CONTROL , DBG_log("helper %d doing %s op id: %u" , helpernum , enum_show(&pluto_cryptoop_names, r->pcr_type) , r->pcr_id)); #else void pluto_do_crypto_op(struct pluto_crypto_req *r) { DBG(DBG_CONTROL , DBG_log("helper %d doing %s op id: %u" , pc_helper_num , enum_show(&pluto_cryptoop_names, r->pcr_type) , r->pcr_id)); #endif #ifdef DEBUG { char *d = getenv("PLUTO_CRYPTO_HELPER_DELAY"); if(d != NULL) { int delay=atoi(d); DBG_log("helper is pausing for %d seconds", delay); sleep(delay); } } #endif /* now we have the entire request in the buffer, process it */ switch(r->pcr_type) { case pcr_build_kenonce: calc_ke(r); calc_nonce(r); break; case pcr_build_nonce: calc_nonce(r); break; case pcr_compute_dh_iv: calc_dh_iv(r); break; case pcr_compute_dh: calc_dh(r); break; case pcr_compute_dh_v2: calc_dh_v2(r); break; case pcr_rsa_sign: case pcr_rsa_check: case pcr_x509cert_fetch: case pcr_x509crl_fetch: break; } }
static void pluto_do_crypto_op(struct pluto_crypto_req *r, int helpernum) { struct timeval tv0; gettimeofday(&tv0, NULL); const char *story = NULL; DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("crypto helper %d doing %s; request ID %u", helpernum, enum_show(&pluto_cryptoop_names, r->pcr_type), r->pcr_id)); if (crypto_helper_delay > 0) { DBG_log("crypto helper is pausing for %u seconds", crypto_helper_delay); sleep(crypto_helper_delay); } /* now we have the entire request in the buffer, process it */ switch (r->pcr_type) { case pcr_build_ke_and_nonce: calc_ke(r); /* FALL THROUGH */ case pcr_build_nonce: calc_nonce(r); break; case pcr_compute_dh_iv: calc_dh_iv(r); break; case pcr_compute_dh: calc_dh(r); break; case pcr_compute_dh_v2: calc_dh_v2(r, &story); break; } DBG(DBG_CONTROL, { struct timeval tv1; unsigned long tv_diff; gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); tv_diff = (tv1.tv_sec - tv0.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tv1.tv_usec - tv0.tv_usec); DBG_log("crypto helper %d finished %s%s; request ID %u time elapsed %ld usec", helpernum, enum_show(&pluto_cryptoop_names, r->pcr_type), (story != NULL) ? story : "", r->pcr_id, tv_diff)); } }