RGBColor RenderEngine::trace_ray(const Ray& ray, int rayDepth) { Vector3D normal; // don't need until lighting and shading is added Vector3D local_hit_point; float tmin = kHugeValue; int num_objects = world_ptr->objects.size(); RGBColor pixel_color(0,0,0); ShadeRec sr; // stores information about the closest object (so far) that has been it. Look at sphere.cpp to see what is stored. sr.t = 100000; // need to initialize to a value larger than any expected hit so that this value of t is rejected. // PART 1: JUST NEED TO IMPLEMENT THE LOOP OVER OBJECTS: // loop over objects in the scene // Remember, the objects are stored in the World in a vector object (look up vector class) and also use // the variable above num_objects // For each object, check to see if the ray intersects it: // ShadeRec srObject = world_ptr->objects[j]->hit(ray); // compare with sr // if this is closer than anything else previously seen, update sr // and set pixel color: // pixel_color = world_ptr->objects[j]->color; // only used until lights and materials are implemented for (int i = 0; i<num_objects; i++){ ShadeRec srObject = world_ptr->objects[i]->hit(ray); if (srObject.t < sr.t && srObject.hit_an_object){ sr = srObject; pixel_color = world_ptr->objects[i]->color; } } // Now, check to see if there has been a hit. If so, sr should contain the information // about the closest hit. Use the pixel_color above and sr to determine the final pixel color. // (Nothing to do below here for PART 1 since we aren't implementing shading yet. if (sr.hit_an_object) { // PART 1:Nothing to do here // PART 2: // Need to implement calc_shade pixel_color = calc_shade(ray, sr); // PART 3: need to implement reflected color here } else { // If nothing is hit, use the background color. pixel_color = world_ptr->background_color; } return pixel_color; }
color* trace( ray *aray, primitive *scene, int depth, float refr, float *dist, int shadows ){ intersection *isect; primitive *prim, *iter; vector isect_pt, pn, lv, ln, tmpv1, tmpv2; ray tmpr; float tmpf1, tmpf2, tmpf3, shade; color *tmpc; color *c = (color*)malloc( sizeof( color ) ); if( c == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "*** error: could not allocate color memory\n" ); exit( 1 ); } c->x = 0.0f; c->y = 0.0f; c->z = 0.0f; isect = intersect( aray, scene ); if( isect == NULL ) { return c; } *dist = isect->dist; prim = isect->prim; if( prim->is_light ) { vect_copy( c, &(isect->prim->mat.col) ); free( isect ); return c; } vect_copy( &isect_pt, aray->dir ); vect_multf( &isect_pt, isect->dist ); vect_add( &isect_pt, aray->origin ); prim->normal( prim, &isect_pt, &pn ); iter = scene; while( iter != NULL ) { if( iter->is_light ) { vect_copy( &lv, &iter->center ); vect_sub( &lv, &isect_pt ); vect_copy( &ln, &lv ); vect_normalize( &ln ); shade = calc_shade( iter, &isect_pt, &lv, &ln, scene, shadows ); if( shade > 0.0f ) { /* determine the diffuse component */ tmpf1 = prim->mat.diffuse; if( tmpf1 > 0.0f ) { tmpf2 = vect_dot( &pn, &ln ); if( tmpf2 > 0.0f ) { tmpf1 *= tmpf2 * shade; vect_copy( &tmpv1, &prim->mat.col ); vect_mult( &tmpv1, &iter->mat.col ); vect_multf( &tmpv1, tmpf1 ); vect_add( c, &tmpv1 ); } } /* determine the specular component */ tmpf1 = prim->mat.specular; if( tmpf1 > 0.0f ) { vect_copy( &tmpv1, &pn ); vect_copy( &tmpv2, &ln ); tmpf2 = 2.0f * vect_dot( &ln, &pn ); vect_multf( &tmpv1, tmpf2 ); vect_sub( &tmpv2, &tmpv1 ); tmpf2 = vect_dot( aray->dir, &tmpv2 ); if( tmpf2 > 0.0f ) { tmpf1 = powf( tmpf2, 20.0f ) * tmpf1 * shade; vect_copy( &tmpv1, &iter->mat.col ); vect_multf( &tmpv1, tmpf1 ); vect_add( c, &tmpv1 ); } } } } iter = iter->next; } /* calculate reflection */ if( prim->mat.refl > 0.0f && depth < TRACE_DEPTH ) { vect_copy( &tmpv1, &pn ); vect_multf( &tmpv1, 2.0f * vect_dot( &pn, aray->dir ) ); vect_copy( &tmpv2, aray->dir ); vect_sub( &tmpv2, &tmpv1 ); vect_copy( &tmpv1, &tmpv2 ); vect_multf( &tmpv1, EPSILON ); vect_add( &tmpv1, &isect_pt ); tmpr.origin = &tmpv1; tmpr.dir = &tmpv2; tmpc = trace( &tmpr, scene, depth + 1, refr, &tmpf1, shadows ); vect_multf( tmpc, prim->mat.refl ); vect_copy( &tmpv1, &prim->mat.col ); vect_mult( &tmpv1, tmpc ); vect_add( c, &tmpv1 ); free( tmpc ); } /* calculate refraction */ if( prim->mat.is_refr && depth < TRACE_DEPTH ) { vect_copy( &tmpv1, &pn ); if( isect->inside ) { vect_multf( &tmpv1, -1.0f ); } tmpf1 = refr / prim->mat.refr; tmpf2 = -( vect_dot( &tmpv1, aray->dir ) ); tmpf3 = 1.0f - tmpf1 * tmpf1 * (1.0f - tmpf2 * tmpf2); if( tmpf3 > 0.0f ) { vect_copy( &tmpv2, aray->dir ); vect_multf( &tmpv2, tmpf1 ); vect_multf( &tmpv1, tmpf1 * tmpf2 - sqrtf( tmpf3 ) ); vect_add( &tmpv1, &tmpv2 ); vect_copy( &tmpv2, &tmpv1 ); vect_multf( &tmpv2, EPSILON ); vect_add( &tmpv2, &isect_pt ); tmpr.origin = &tmpv2; tmpr.dir = &tmpv1; tmpc = trace( &tmpr, scene, depth + 1, refr, &tmpf1, shadows ); vect_copy( &tmpv1, &prim->mat.col ); vect_multf( &tmpv1, prim->mat.absorb * tmpf1 ); tmpv2.x = expf( -tmpv1.x ); tmpv2.y = expf( -tmpv1.y ); tmpv2.z = expf( -tmpv1.z ); vect_mult( tmpc, &tmpv2 ); vect_add( c, tmpc ); free( tmpc ); } } free( isect ); if( c->x > 1.0f ) { c->x = 1.0f; } else if( c->x < 0.0f ) { c->x = 0.0f; } if( c->y > 1.0f ) { c->y = 1.0f; } else if( c->y < 0.0f ) { c->y = 0.0f; } if( c->z > 1.0f ) { c->z = 1.0f; } else if( c->z < 0.0f ) { c->z = 0.0f; } return c; }