Ejemplo n.º 1
mpf CosineCalculator::singleThreadedCosine() {
  mpf cos(0, exponent); 
  mpf aux(0, exponent);
  unsigned int singleIterations = 0;

  while (true) {
    aux = std::move(calculateTerm(radians, singleIterations));
    cos = cos + aux;
    if (abs(aux) < precision) break;
    gmp_printf("Partial cosine value: %.*Ff\n", exponent, cos.get_mpf_t());

  gmp_printf("Final cosine value: %.*Ff\n", exponent, cos.get_mpf_t());
  std::cout << "Number of different calculated terms: " << singleIterations << std::endl;

  return cos;
Ejemplo n.º 2
eS32 readValInstanciation(const eString& s, int start, int end, eU32* parMap, eF32* params, const eF32* prevParams) {
	int pos = start;
	int v = 0;

	if((pos >= end) || (s.at(pos) != '(')) {
		return pos;
	} else {
		while((pos < end) && (s.at(pos) != ')')) {
			if(s.at(pos) == ',') {
			pos = calculateTerm(s, pos, end, parMap, prevParams, params[v++]); 
			eASSERT(pos != -1);
	return pos + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CosineCalculator::worker(unsigned int offset) {
  terms[offset] = std::move(calculateTerm(radians, iteration * terms.size() + offset));
  if (operation_mode == 'd')
    std::cout << "Thread number " << offset
              << " has reached the barrier!" << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// calculates the expression in the string
// returns the position after second number
eS32 calculateTerm(const eString& s, int start, int end, const eU32* parMap, const eF32* params, eF32& result) {
	int pos = start;
	eF32 tuple[] = {0,0};
	eU32 tpos = 0;
	eU32 op = 0;
    eU32 c;
	while((pos < end) && ((c = s.at(pos)) != ',') && (c != ')')) {
        if(c == '(') {
			pos = calculateTerm(s, pos + 1, end, parMap, params, tuple[tpos]);
			eASSERT(pos != -1);
        } else {
            eS32 oldPos = pos;
			// try to read constant
            eF32 number = 0;
	        eF32 v = 1.0f;
	        while(pos < end) {
		        int cc = s.at(pos) - '0';
		        if(cc == '.' - '0')
			        v = 0.1f;
		        else if((eU32)cc <= 9) {// is a number
				        if(v >= 1.0f)
					        number = number * 10.0f + cc;
				        else {
					        number += v * cc;
					        v /= 10.0f;
                    tuple[tpos] = number;
		        else break;

 			// try to read symbol
            eASSERT(parMap != eNULL);
			for(eU32 i = 0; i < LSYS_PAR_MAX; i++)
				if(parMap[i] == c) {
					tuple[tpos] = params[i];

            if(pos == oldPos) {
                // is an operator
                op = c;	
	switch(op) {
	case '+': result = tuple[0] + tuple[1]; break;
	case '-': result = tuple[0] - tuple[1]; break;
	case '*': result = tuple[0] * tuple[1]; break;
	case '/': result = tuple[0] / tuple[1]; break;
	case '<': result = (tuple[0] < tuple[1]) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; break;
	case '=': result = (tuple[0] == tuple[1]) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; break;
	case '>': result = (tuple[0] > tuple[1]) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; break;
	case '^': 
        result = ePow(tuple[0], tuple[1]); break;
		result = tuple[0]; // single term
	return pos;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void eLSystem::evaluate(const tState& baseState) {
	this->numProductions = 1;
	ePROFILER_ZONE("L-System - Evaluate");
	// interpret product
	eU32 initialStackpos = stackPos;
	// now we can start derivating
	for(eU32 it = 0; it < m_iterations; it++) {

		tState					sstate = baseState;
		tState				    *state = &sstate;

		state->scopeStart = 0;

		eArray<tSymbol>& curProduction = this->productions[numProductions - 1];			
		eArray<tSymbol>& nextProduction = this->productions[numProductions++];	
		int ppos = 0;
		while(ppos < (eS32)curProduction.size()) {
			const tSymbol& curSymbol = curProduction[ppos];
			eS32 symbolRaw = curSymbol.symbol;
			eBool isVariable = (symbolRaw >= LSYS_VAR_MIN) && (symbolRaw <= LSYS_VAR_MAX);

			state->turtle.rotation = state->curBaseRotation * curSymbol.rotation;
			state->turtle.texAngle = curSymbol.texVecAngle;

			if(symbolRaw == '[')	this->pushState(&state);
			if(symbolRaw == ']')	this->popState(&state);

			/// Calculate next product ///
			// initialize next
			tSymbol& nextSymbol = nextProduction.push(curSymbol);
			nextSymbol.rotation = state->turtle.rotation;
			nextSymbol.texVecAngle = state->turtle.texAngle;
            eSinCos(state->turtle.texAngle, nextSymbol.texVec.x, nextSymbol.texVec.y);
//			nextSymbol.texVec = eVector2(eSin(state->turtle.texAngle), eCos(state->turtle.texAngle));
			nextSymbol.parentIdx = ppos;
			nextSymbol.scopeStartIdx = state->scopeStart;

			// TODO: reenable parameter copy
			//for(int i = 0; i < LSYS_MAX_SYMBOLS; i++)
			//	nextParam[nextProdLen * LSYS_MAX_SYMBOLS + i] = param[ppos * LSYS_MAX_SYMBOLS + i];

			if(symbolRaw == '[') {
				state->scopeStart = nextProduction.size() - 1;
			} else if(symbolRaw == ']') {
			} else /*if(isVariable)*/ {
				int		rpos[LSYS_MAX_RULES];
				eU32	ruleNr[LSYS_MAX_RULES];
				eU32 numRules = 0;

				// iterate through rules and lookup those with matching boolean conditions
				for(eU32 i = 0; i < symRules[symbolRaw].size(); i++) {
					ruleNr[i] = symRules[symbolRaw][i];
					rpos[numRules] = ruleOffsets[ruleNr[i]];

					// read boolean expression
					eF32 ruleCondition = 1.0f;
                    if(this->grammar.at(rpos[numRules]) == '(') {
					    rpos[numRules] = 1 + calculateTerm(this->grammar, rpos[numRules] + 1, this->grammar.length(), &paramTable[ruleNr[i]][0], &curSymbol.params[0], ruleCondition);
					    eASSERT(rpos[numRules] != 0);
                    if(ruleCondition != 0) {
						// rule can be applied
						eASSERT(rpos[numRules] != 0);

				if(numRules != 0) {
					// pick rule at random
                    eU32 i = eRandom(0, numRules);
					eASSERT(rpos[i] >= 0);
					// take this rule
					while(rpos[i] < (eS32)this->grammar.length()) {
						// read symbol
						int nsym = this->grammar.at(rpos[i]++);
						if(nsym == ';')
						eF32 sparams[LSYS_PAR_MAX];
						if(this->grammar.at(rpos[i]) == '(') 
							rpos[i] = readValInstanciation(this->grammar, rpos[i], this->grammar.length(), 
															&paramTable[ruleNr[i]][0], &sparams[0], &curSymbol.params[0]);
							this->setDefaultParams(nsym, &sparams[0], &curSymbol.params[0]);
//								eVector3 rotateAxis;
						eF32 rotateAmount = 0.0f;
                        eU32 rotateAxis;
						switch(nsym) {

							case '|': rotateAxis = 0; rotateAmount = ePI; break;
							case '+': rotateAxis = 0; rotateAmount = -sparams[0]; state->turtle.texAngle -= sparams[0]; break;
							case '-': rotateAxis = 0; rotateAmount = sparams[0]; state->turtle.texAngle += sparams[0]; break;
							case '<': rotateAxis = 1; rotateAmount = -sparams[0]; break;
							case '>': rotateAxis = 1; rotateAmount = sparams[0]; break;
							case '\\': rotateAxis = 2; rotateAmount = -sparams[0]; break;
							case '/': rotateAxis = 2; rotateAmount = sparams[0]; break;
#ifdef eEDITOR
							case '$':	// roll to horizontal left axis
                                eShowError("Temporarily disabled");
							case '$':	// roll to horizontal left axis
										eVector3 look = state->turtle.rotation.getVector(2);
										eVector3 curLeft =		state->turtle.rotation.getVector(0);
										eVector3 targetLeft = (eVector3(0,1,0) ^ look).normalized();
										eF32 cosAngle = eClamp(-1.0f, curLeft * targetLeft, 1.0f);
										eF32 angle = eACos(cosAngle);
										rotateAxis = look;
										rotateAmount = angle;
//										ePROFILER_ZONE("L-System - Evaluate Expand");
								tSymbol& nextSymbol = nextProduction.push(tSymbol());

								nextSymbol.symbol = nsym;
								for(eU32 p = 0; p < LSYS_PAR_MAX; p++)
									nextSymbol.params[p] = sparams[p];
								nextSymbol.parentIdx = ppos;
								nextSymbol.scopeStartIdx = state->scopeStart;
								nextSymbol.rotation = state->turtle.rotation;
								nextSymbol.mass = (state->turtle.size * state->turtle.height) * (state->turtle.size * state->turtle.width);
								nextSymbol.texVecAngle = state->turtle.texAngle;
                                eSinCos(state->turtle.texAngle, nextSymbol.texVec.x, nextSymbol.texVec.y);
//								nextSymbol.texVec = eVector2(eSin(state->turtle.texAngle), eCos(state->turtle.texAngle));

								if(nsym == '[') {
									state->scopeStart = nextProduction.size() - 1;
								} else if(nsym == ']') {

								// propagate mass to parent symbols
								if((nsym >= LSYS_VAR_MIN) && (nsym <= LSYS_VAR_MAX)) {
//											ePROFILER_ZONE("L-System - Propagate Mass");
									eU32 subCnt = 0;
									for(int i = nextProduction.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
										if(nextProduction[i].symbol == ']')
											i = nextProduction[i].scopeStartIdx;
										else {
											// add mass
											nextProduction[i].mass += nextSymbol.mass;


						if(rotateAmount != 0.0f) {
							state->curBaseRotation = eQuat(state->turtle.rotation.getVector(rotateAxis), rotateAmount) * state->curBaseRotation;
							state->turtle.rotation = state->curBaseRotation * curSymbol.rotation;

