Ejemplo n.º 1
void CalSpringSystem::update(float deltaTime)
  // get the attached meshes vector
  std::vector<CalMesh *>& vectorMesh = m_pModel->getVectorMesh();

  // loop through all the attached meshes
  std::vector<CalMesh *>::iterator iteratorMesh;
  for(iteratorMesh = vectorMesh.begin(); iteratorMesh != vectorMesh.end(); ++iteratorMesh)
    // get the ssubmesh vector of the mesh
    std::vector<CalSubmesh *>& vectorSubmesh = (*iteratorMesh)->getVectorSubmesh();

    // loop through all the submeshes of the mesh
    std::vector<CalSubmesh *>::iterator iteratorSubmesh;
    for(iteratorSubmesh = vectorSubmesh.begin(); iteratorSubmesh != vectorSubmesh.end(); ++iteratorSubmesh)
      // check if the submesh contains a spring system
      if((*iteratorSubmesh)->getCoreSubmesh()->getSpringCount() > 0 && (*iteratorSubmesh)->hasInternalData())
        // calculate the new forces on each unbound vertex
        calculateForces(*iteratorSubmesh, deltaTime);

        // calculate the vertices influenced by the spring system
        calculateVertices(*iteratorSubmesh, deltaTime);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Collision BoxCircleCollider::collide(EntityW::EntitySp entity1, EntityW::EntitySp entity2)
	auto transform1 = entity1->get<TransformComponent>();
	auto transform2 = entity2->get<TransformComponent>();
	auto collision1 = entity1->get<CollisionComponent>();
	auto collision2 = entity2->get<CollisionComponent>();

	auto collisionShape1 = std::static_pointer_cast<RectCollisionShape>( collision1->shape);
	auto collisionShape2 = std::static_pointer_cast<CircleCollisionShape>(collision2->shape);

	Vector2 circleCenter = transform2->position + collisionShape2->center();
	std::vector<Vector2> vertices = collisionShape1->calculateVertices(transform1);
	Vector2 axis;
	float minDistance = 10000000000;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		Vector2 vertex = vertices[i];
		Vector2 distanceVector = circleCenter - vertex;
		float distance = fabs(glm::length(distanceVector));
		if (distance < minDistance)
			minDistance = distance;
			axis = distanceVector;
	axis = glm::normalize(axis);
	return sat(entity1, entity2, { Vector2(1., 0.), Vector2(0., 1.), axis });
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Entity::moveForward()
    if (speed.x > MAX_SPEED)
        speed.x = MAX_SPEED;
    if (speed.x < -MAX_SPEED)
        speed.x = -MAX_SPEED;
    if (speed.y > MAX_SPEED)
        speed.y = MAX_SPEED;
    if (speed.y < -MAX_SPEED)
        speed.y = -MAX_SPEED;
    setPosition(center.x + speed.x, center.y + speed.y);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CalPhysique::update()
  // get the attached meshes vector
  std::vector<CalMesh *>& vectorMesh = m_pModel->getVectorMesh();

  // loop through all the attached meshes
  std::vector<CalMesh *>::iterator iteratorMesh;
  for(iteratorMesh = vectorMesh.begin(); iteratorMesh != vectorMesh.end(); ++iteratorMesh)
    // get the submesh vector of the mesh
    std::vector<CalSubmesh *>& vectorSubmesh = (*iteratorMesh)->getVectorSubmesh();

    // loop through all the submeshes of the mesh
    std::vector<CalSubmesh *>::iterator iteratorSubmesh;
    for(iteratorSubmesh = vectorSubmesh.begin(); iteratorSubmesh != vectorSubmesh.end(); ++iteratorSubmesh)
      // check if the submesh handles vertex data internally
        // calculate the transformed vertices and store them in the submesh
        std::vector<CalVector>& vectorVertex = (*iteratorSubmesh)->getVectorVertex();
        calculateVertices(*iteratorSubmesh, (float *)&vectorVertex[0]);

        // calculate the transformed normals and store them in the submesh
        std::vector<CalVector>& vectorNormal = (*iteratorSubmesh)->getVectorNormal();
        calculateNormals(*iteratorSubmesh, (float *)&vectorNormal[0]);

        unsigned mapId;
        for(mapId=0;mapId< (*iteratorSubmesh)->getVectorVectorTangentSpace().size();mapId++)
            std::vector<CalSubmesh::TangentSpace>& vectorTangentSpace = (*iteratorSubmesh)->getVectorVectorTangentSpace()[mapId];
            calculateTangentSpaces(*iteratorSubmesh, mapId,(float *)&vectorTangentSpace[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 5
void Entity::adjustAngle(float delta)
    angle += delta;