Ejemplo n.º 1
double _JSum(Process3 *p) 

    double sum = 0.0;
    int n = p->n;
    int m = p->m;
    int i, j;

    for (i=0; i<(n-1); i++)
		int i0=i;
        int i1=i+1;
        double fj = p->u[(m-1)*n+i1] - U(p->dx*i1);
        double fi = p->u[(m-1)*n+i0] - U(p->dx*i0);
        double f0 = fj*fj + fi*fi;
        sum = sum + 0.5 * f0 * (p->dx);

    double f_sum = 0.0;
    for (j=0; j<m*n; j++)
		double x = p->dx*(j%p->n);
		double t = p->dt*(j/p->m) ;
        f_sum += (p->f[j]-f(x,t))*(p->f[j]-f(x,t));
    sum = sum + f_sum;
    return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// The main callback where a stabilizing u is calculated.
// This is where the magic happens.
void chatterCallback(const pid_lyap::plant_msg& msg)
  //ROS_INFO("I heard x: %f %f", msg.x[0]);

  if ( first_callback )

  //Convert the message into the boost type we need
  for (int i=0; i<num_states; i++)
    setpoint[i] = msg.setpoint[i];

  // dx_dot_du is calculated
  boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> dx_dot_du (num_inputs, num_states);
  ublas_vector open_loop_dx_dt(x);
  calculate_dx_dot_du( dx_dot_du, open_loop_dx_dt );
  //ROS_INFO( "dxdotdu: %f %f %f %f", dx_dot_du(0,0), dx_dot_du(0,1), dx_dot_du(1,0), dx_dot_du(1,1) );

  //Calc D's: the sum of x[i]*dx_dot[i]/du for all u's
  ublas_vector D(num_inputs);


  for (int i=0; i<num_inputs; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<num_states; j++)
      // D[i] = sum( x[j]*df[j]/du[i])
      D[i] = D[i]+( msg.x[j]-setpoint[j] )*dx_dot_du(i,j);
  //ROS_INFO("D[0]: %f D[1]: %f", D[0], D[1]);

  // Calculate V_initial, V, and V_dot_target
  double V_dot_target;

  //Calc u to force V_dot<0
  calculate_u(D, open_loop_dx_dt, V_dot_target, dx_dot_du);

  //Check control effort saturation
  for (int i=0; i<num_inputs; i++)
    if ( u[i] < low_saturation_limit[i] )
      u[i] = low_saturation_limit[i];
    if ( u[i] > high_saturation_limit[i] )
      u[i] = high_saturation_limit[i];

  // Stuff the message to be published
  for (int i=0; i<num_inputs; i++)
    u_msg.u[i] = u[i];

  //ROS_INFO("Calculated u: %f", u_msg.u[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void calculate()
    int j;


    double dstnc = 0.0;
    double step = 0.01;
    double gold_epsilon = 0.0000001;
    double dist_epsilon = 0.0000001;
    double norm_epsilon = 0.0000001;

    double J1, J2;

		//printX("t", p.t, p.m);

		//_printM(p.f, p.m, p.n);
		//_printM(p.u, p.m, p.n);
		//for (j=0; j<p.m; j++)
		//	for (i=0; i<p.n; i++)
		//	{
		//		p.u1[j][i] = u(p.dx*i, p.dt*j);				
		//	}
		//_printM(p.u1, p.m, p.n);

        J1 = _JSum(&p);
        printf("J1 = %.18f\n", J1);

        double grad_norm = norm_f(&p);
        //for (j=0; j<p.m; j++) { for (i=0; i<p.n; i++) { p.p[j][i] = p.p[j][i] / grad_norm; } }

        if (grad_norm < norm_epsilon)
            puts("Iteration breaks. Because norm of gradient is less than given epsilon...");

        double argmin(double alpha)
            int j;
            double *_f  = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * p.m*p.n);
            memcpy(_f, p.f, sizeof(double) * p.m*p.n);
            for (j=0; j<p.m*p.n; j++)
                p.f[j] = p.f[j] - alpha * p.p[j];
            double sum = _JSum(&p);
            memcpy(p.f, _f, sizeof(double) * p.m*p.n);
            return sum;

        double alpha = R1Minimize(argmin, step, gold_epsilon);

        dstnc = 0.0;
        for (j=0; j<p.m*p.n; j++)
            double f = p.f[j]- alpha * p.p[j];
            double df = f - p.f[j];
            p.f[j] = f;
            dstnc = dstnc + df*df;
        dstnc = sqrt(dstnc);

        J2 = _JSum(&p);
        if (J2 > J1)
            puts("Error accure. Then next value of functional is greater than last value...");

        if (dstnc < dist_epsilon)
            puts("Iteration breaks. Because distance between last and current point is less than given epsilon...");

    } while (1);