Ejemplo n.º 1
PyObject* get_buildable_units_in_city(struct city* pCity) {
    PyObject* list = PyList_New(0);
    bool can_build;

    unit_type_iterate(un) {
        can_build = can_player_build_unit_now(client.conn.playing, un);
        can_build = can_build && can_city_build_unit_now(pCity, un);

        if (can_build) {
            const char* name = utype_name_translation(un);
            int attack = un->attack_strength;
            int defense = un->defense_strength;
            int moves = un->move_rate;
            int stock = pCity->shield_stock;
            int cost = utype_build_shield_cost(un);
            int turns = -1; //city_turns_to_build(pCity, cid_production(cid_encode_unit(un)), TRUE)

            PyList_Append(list, Py_BuildValue(
                "lisiii(iii)O", (long)un, VUT_UTYPE, name, turns, stock, cost,
                attack, defense, moves, (PyObject*)get_unittype_sprite(tileset, un)

    } unit_type_iterate_end;

    return list;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  Chooses the best available and usable air unit and records it in 
  choice, if it's better than previous choice
  The interface is somewhat different from other ai_choose, but
  that's what it should be like, I believe -- GB
bool dai_choose_attacker_air(struct ai_type *ait, struct player *pplayer,
                             struct city *pcity, struct adv_choice *choice)
  bool want_something = FALSE;

  /* This AI doesn't know to build planes */
  if (ai_handicap(pplayer, H_NOPLANES)) {
    return FALSE;

  /* military_advisor_choose_build does something idiotic, 
   * this function should not be called if there is danger... */
  if (choice->want >= 100 && choice->type != CT_ATTACKER) {
    return FALSE;

  if (!player_knows_techs_with_flag(pplayer, TF_BUILD_AIRBORNE)) {
    return FALSE;

  unit_type_iterate(punittype) {
    struct unit_class *pclass = utype_class(punittype);

    if (pclass->adv.land_move == MOVE_NONE
        || pclass->adv.sea_move == MOVE_NONE
        || uclass_has_flag(pclass, UCF_TERRAIN_SPEED)
        || unit_type_is_losing_hp(pplayer, punittype)) {
      /* We don't consider this a plane */
    if (can_city_build_unit_now(pcity, punittype)) {
      struct unit *virtual_unit = 
	unit_virtual_create(pplayer, pcity, punittype,
                            do_make_unit_veteran(pcity, punittype));
      int profit = find_something_to_bomb(ait, virtual_unit, NULL, NULL);

      if (profit > choice->want){
        /* Update choice */
        choice->want = profit;
        choice->value.utype = punittype;
        choice->type = CT_ATTACKER;
        choice->need_boat = FALSE;
        want_something = TRUE;
        log_debug("%s wants to build %s (want=%d)",
                  city_name(pcity), utype_rule_name(punittype), profit);
      } else {
        log_debug("%s doesn't want to build %s (want=%d)",
                  city_name(pcity), utype_rule_name(punittype), profit);
  } unit_type_iterate_end;

  return want_something;