Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Creates magical stairs after finishing a quest monster.
static void build_quest_stairs(int y, int x)
	int ny, nx;

	/* Stagger around */
	while (!cave_valid_bold(y, x)) {
		int d = 1;

		/* Pick a location */
		scatter(&ny, &nx, y, x, d, FALSE);

		/* Stagger */
		y = ny; x = nx;

	/* Destroy any objects */
	delete_object(y, x);

	/* Explain the staircase */
	msg("A magical staircase appears...");

	/* Create stairs down */
	/* XXX: fake depth = 0 to always produce downstairs */
	cave_add_stairs(cave, y, x, 0);

	/* Update the visuals */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

	/* Fully update the flow */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_FORGET_FLOW | PU_UPDATE_FLOW);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * @brief プレイヤーの手による能動的な階段生成処理 /
 * Create stairs at or move previously created stairs into the player location.
 * @return なし
void stair_creation(void)
	saved_floor_type *sf_ptr;
	saved_floor_type *dest_sf_ptr;

	bool up = TRUE;
	bool down = TRUE;
	s16b dest_floor_id = 0;

	/* Forbid up staircases on Ironman mode */
	if (ironman_downward) up = FALSE;

	/* Forbid down staircases on quest level */
	if (quest_number(dun_level) || (dun_level >= d_info[dungeon_type].maxdepth)) down = FALSE;

	/* No effect out of standard dungeon floor */
	if (!dun_level || (!up && !down) ||
	    (p_ptr->inside_quest && is_fixed_quest_idx(p_ptr->inside_quest)) ||
	    p_ptr->inside_arena || p_ptr->inside_battle)
		/* arena or quest */
#ifdef JP
		msg_print("There is no effect!");

	/* Artifacts resists */
	if (!cave_valid_bold(p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x))
#ifdef JP
		msg_print("The object resists the spell.");


	/* Destroy all objects in the grid */
	delete_object(p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x);

	/* Extract current floor data */
	sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(p_ptr->floor_id);

	/* Paranoia */
	if (!sf_ptr)
		/* No floor id? -- Create now! */
		p_ptr->floor_id = get_new_floor_id();
		sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(p_ptr->floor_id);

	/* Choose randomly */
	if (up && down)
		if (randint0(100) < 50) up = FALSE;
		else down = FALSE;

	/* Destination is already fixed */
	if (up)
		if (sf_ptr->upper_floor_id) dest_floor_id = sf_ptr->upper_floor_id;
		if (sf_ptr->lower_floor_id) dest_floor_id = sf_ptr->lower_floor_id;

	/* Search old stairs leading to the destination */
	if (dest_floor_id)
		int x, y;

		for (y = 0; y < cur_hgt; y++)
			for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
				cave_type *c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

				if (!c_ptr->special) continue;
				if (feat_uses_special(c_ptr->feat)) continue;
				if (c_ptr->special != dest_floor_id) continue;

				/* Remove old stairs */
				c_ptr->special = 0;
				cave_set_feat(y, x, floor_type[randint0(100)]);

	/* No old destination -- Get new one now */
		dest_floor_id = get_new_floor_id();

		/* Fix it */
		if (up)
			sf_ptr->upper_floor_id = dest_floor_id;
			sf_ptr->lower_floor_id = dest_floor_id;

	/* Extract destination floor data */
	dest_sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(dest_floor_id);

	/* Create a staircase */
	if (up)
		cave_set_feat(p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x,
			(dest_sf_ptr->last_visit && (dest_sf_ptr->dun_level <= dun_level - 2)) ?
			feat_state(feat_up_stair, FF_SHAFT) : feat_up_stair);
		cave_set_feat(p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x,
			(dest_sf_ptr->last_visit && (dest_sf_ptr->dun_level >= dun_level + 2)) ?
			feat_state(feat_down_stair, FF_SHAFT) : feat_down_stair);

	/* Connect this stairs to the destination */
	cave[p_ptr->y][p_ptr->x].special = dest_floor_id;