Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Normalizes all FSR scalar fluxes and Track boundary angular
 *        fluxes to the total fission source (times \f$ \nu \f$).
void VectorizedSolver::normalizeFluxes() {

  FP_PRECISION* nu_sigma_f;
  FP_PRECISION volume;
  FP_PRECISION tot_fission_source;
  FP_PRECISION norm_factor;

  /* Compute total fission source for each FSR, energy group */
  #pragma omp parallel for private(volume, nu_sigma_f)  \
    reduction(+:tot_fission_source) schedule(guided)
  for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {

    /* Get pointers to important data structures */
    nu_sigma_f = _FSR_materials[r]->getNuSigmaF();
    volume = _FSR_volumes[r];

    /* Loop over energy group vector lengths */
    for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

      /* Loop over each energy group within this vector */
      #pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
      for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++) {
        _fission_sources(r,e) = nu_sigma_f[e] * _scalar_flux(r,e);
        _fission_sources(r,e) *= volume;

  /* Compute the total fission source */
  int size = _num_FSRs * _num_groups;
  #ifdef SINGLE
  tot_fission_source = cblas_sasum(size, _fission_sources, 1);
  tot_fission_source = cblas_dasum(size, _fission_sources, 1);

  /* Compute the normalization factor */
  norm_factor = 1.0 / tot_fission_source;

  log_printf(DEBUG, "Tot. Fiss. Src. = %f, Normalization factor = %f",
             tot_fission_source, norm_factor);

  /* Normalize the FSR scalar fluxes */
  #ifdef SINGLE
  cblas_sscal(size, norm_factor, _scalar_flux, 1);
  cblas_dscal(size, norm_factor, _scalar_flux, 1);

  /* Normalize the Track angular boundary fluxes */
  size = 2 * _tot_num_tracks * _num_polar * _num_groups;

  #ifdef SINGLE
  cblas_sscal(size, norm_factor, _boundary_flux, 1);
  cblas_dscal(size, norm_factor, _boundary_flux, 1);

Ejemplo n.º 2
double maxeig(double *xmat, mwSignedIndex n) 
	// xmat is symmetric n x n matrix
	mwSignedIndex incx=1,indmax,maxloop=10000,k=0;
	double alpha, beta, dmax, dmax_temp,dmax_tol;
	double *bufveca=(double *) calloc(n,sizeof(double));
	double *bufvecb=(double *) calloc(n,sizeof(double));

	// do power series to get approximation to max eigenvalue of A+X
	alpha=0.0;cblas_dscal(n,alpha,bufveca,incx);bufveca[0]=1.0; // x_0 = [1,0,0,...] do something better later
	while ((dabsf(dmax-dmax_temp)>dmax_tol)&&(k<=maxloop)){
	// compute Rayleigh Quotient to approximate max eigenvalue of A+X
	return dmax;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void get_class(crbm *m, double *h, double *py, int batch_size){
    int i;
    double sum;

    cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
                batch_size, m->ncat, m->nhidden,
                1.0, h, m->nhidden, m->u, m->ncat,
                0, py, m->ncat);

    cblas_dger(CblasRowMajor, batch_size, m->ncat, 1,
               I, 1, m->by, 1, py, m->ncat);

    for(i = 0; i < batch_size * m->ncat; i++){
        py[i] = exp(py[i]);

    cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
                batch_size, 1, m->ncat,
                1, py, m->ncat, I, 1,
                0, a, 1);

    for(i = 0; i < batch_size; i++){
        cblas_dscal(m->ncat, 1.0 / a[i], py + i * m->ncat, 1);
        //printf("sum:%.2lf\n", cblas_dasum(m->ncat, py + i * m->ncat, 1));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void THBlas_(scal)(long n, real a, real *x, long incx)
  if(n == 1)
    incx = 1;

#if defined(USE_BLAS) && (defined(TH_REAL_IS_DOUBLE) || defined(TH_REAL_IS_FLOAT))
  if( (n <= INT_MAX) && (incx <= INT_MAX) )
    int i_n = (int)n;
    int i_incx = (int)incx;

#if defined(TH_REAL_IS_DOUBLE)
    cblas_dscal(i_n, a, x, i_incx);
    cblas_sscal(i_n, a, x, i_incx);
    long i;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
      x[i*incx] *= a;
Ejemplo n.º 5
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_uncomplicate_neanderthal_CBLAS_dscal
(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz,
 jint N, jdouble alpha,
 jobject X, jint offsetX, jint incX) {

    double *cX = (double *) (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, X);
    cblas_dscal(N, alpha, cX + offsetX, incX);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Class:     com_intel_analytics_bigdl_mkl_MKL
  * Method:    vdscal
  * Signature: (II[DII)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_intel_analytics_bigdl_mkl_MKL_vdscal
   (JNIEnv * env, jclass cls, jint n, jdouble a, jdoubleArray x, jint xOffset, jint incx) {

   jdouble * jni_x = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, x, JNI_FALSE);

   cblas_dscal(n, a, jni_x + xOffset, incx);

   (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, x, jni_x, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void eblas_dscal(int N, double a, double* x, int incx)
	cblas_dscal(N, a, x, incx);
	threadLaunch((N<100000) ? 1 : 0,
		eblas_dscal_sub, N, a, x, incx);
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* Computes: y <- alpha A^T*x + beta y */
int mfiles_dgemv1(double alpha, const mxArray *A, const mxArray *x,
                  double beta, mxArray *y) {
    size_t rA = mxGetM(A);
    size_t cA = mxGetN(A);
    size_t rx = mxGetM(x);
    size_t cx = mxGetN(x);
    size_t ry = mxGetM(y);
    size_t cy = mxGetN(y);

    if (mxIsSparse(x) || mxIsSparse(y)) {
                          "Sparse vectors are not supported.");

    if (mxIsComplex(A) || mxIsComplex(x) || mxIsComplex(y)) {
                          "Complex data is not supported.");

    if ((rA != rx) || (cA != ry) || (cx != 1) || (cy != 1)) {
                          "Dimensions of matrices do not match.");

    if (mxIsSparse(A)) {
        double *px = mxGetPr(x);
        double *py = mxGetPr(y);
        double *pz = mxCalloc(ry, sizeof (double));

        cs *cs_A = cs_calloc(1, sizeof (cs));
        mfiles_mx2cs(A, cs_A);

        /* Transpose A */
        cs *cs_AT = cs_transpose(cs_A, 1);
        /* Compute z <- A^T*x */
        cs_gaxpy(cs_AT, px, pz);

        /* Compute y <- beta y */
        cblas_dscal(ry, beta, py, 1);
        /* Compute y <- alpha*z+y */
        cblas_daxpy(ry, alpha, pz, 1, py, 1);

        cs_free(cs_A); /* Check this cs_free and cs_spfree ? */
    } else {
        double *pA = mxGetPr(A);
        double *px = mxGetPr(x);
        double *py = mxGetPr(y);
        cblas_dgemv(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans,
                    rA, cA, alpha, pA, rA, px, 1, beta, py, 1);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 void Scope::process(const double* inputs)
     double max = 1.;
     m_decoder->process(inputs, m_matrix);
     max = fabs(m_matrix[cblas_idamax(m_number_of_points, m_matrix, 1)]);
     if(max > 1.)
         cblas_dscal(m_number_of_points, (1. / max), m_matrix, 1.);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void Space_trans::for_space()

  /* for(int i = 0; i<n3*md; i++) */
  /* { */
  /*   realdata[i][0]/=md; */
  /*   realdata[i][1]/=md; */
  /* } */
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * 最大最大激励化 第 unitdx 个单元
double LayerWiseRBMs::maximizeUnit(int layerIdx, int unitIdx, double * unitSample, double argvNorm, int epoch){

    int AMnumIn = layers[0]->numVis;                                            

    // unitsample 归一化
    double curNorm = squareNorm(unitSample, AMnumIn, 1);
    cblas_dscal(AMnumIn, argvNorm / curNorm, unitSample, 1);
	double maxValue =0;

	for(int k=0; k<epoch; k++){
	// forward
		for(int i=0; i<=layerIdx; i++){
		maxValue = layers[layerIdx]->getOutput()[unitIdx];
	//back propagate
		for(int i=layerIdx; i>=0; i--){
				layers[i]->getAMDelta(unitIdx, NULL)	;
				layers[i]->getAMDelta(-1, layers[i+1]->AMDelta);
        double lr = 0.01 * cblas_dasum(AMnumIn, unitSample, 1) /                
                    cblas_dasum(AMnumIn, layers[0]->AMDelta, 1);
	// update unitSample
		cblas_daxpy(AMnumIn, lr, layers[0]->AMDelta, 1, unitSample, 1);
	//归一化 unitSample
		curNorm = squareNorm(unitSample, AMnumIn, 1);
	    cblas_dscal(AMnumIn, argvNorm / curNorm, unitSample, 1);
	return maxValue;
/* compute psi function */
void ACPsi(
  GlobalFrictionContactProblem* problem,
  AlartCurnierFun3x3Ptr computeACFun3x3,
  double *globalVelocity,
  double *reaction,
  double *velocity,
  double *rho,
  double *psi)

  assert(problem->H->size1 == problem->dimension * problem->numberOfContacts);
  unsigned int m = problem->H->size1;
  unsigned int n = problem->M->size0;
  unsigned int problem_size = n +  2*m ;

  cblas_dscal(problem_size, 0., psi, 1);

  /* -problem->M * globalVelocity + problem->H * reaction + problem->q ==> psi  */
  cblas_dscal(problem_size, 0., psi, 1);

  cblas_dcopy(n, problem->q, 1, psi, 1);
  NM_gemv(1., problem->H, reaction, 1, psi);
  NM_gemv(-1., problem->M, globalVelocity, 1, psi);

  /* -velocity + trans(problem->H) * globalVelocity + problem->b ==> psi + n */
  cblas_daxpy(m, -1., velocity, 1, psi + n, 1);
  cblas_daxpy(m, 1, problem->b, 1, psi + n, 1);
  NM_tgemv(1., problem->H, globalVelocity, 1, psi + n);

  /* compute AC function */
                            velocity, problem->mu, rho,
                            NULL, NULL);

Ejemplo n.º 13
    void Scope::process(const float* inputs)
        double max = 1.;
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_number_of_harmonics; i++)
            m_harmonics[i] = inputs[i];
		m_decoder->process(m_harmonics, m_matrix);
        max = fabs(m_matrix[cblas_idamax(m_number_of_points, m_matrix, 1)]);
        if(max > 1.)
            cblas_dscal(m_number_of_points, (1. / max), m_matrix, 1.);
Ejemplo n.º 14
void Orthogonalize(OrthoContext* c, double* p, int numBases, double* orthonormalBases)
	memcpy(c->Pv->Data, p, c->Pv->Count * sizeof(double));
	memcpy(c->Bases->Data, orthonormalBases, numBases * c->Pv->Count * sizeof(double));
	c->Bases->RowCount = numBases;
	c->Dp->Count = numBases;

	int basisLen = c->Pv->Count;
	GEMV(1, c->Bases, c->Pv, 0, c->Dp);
	for (int i = 0, offset = 0; i < numBases; i++, offset += basisLen)
		AXPY2(-1 * c->Dp->Data[i], c->Bases->Data + offset, basisLen, c->Pv->Data);
	double mag = cblas_dnrm2(basisLen, c->Pv->Data, 1);
	cblas_dscal(basisLen, 1.0 / mag, c->Pv->Data, 1);
	memcpy(p, c->Pv->Data, basisLen * sizeof(double));
Ejemplo n.º 15
ECLBLAS_CALL void dpotf2(bool & __isAllResult, size32_t & __lenResult,
                         void * & __result, uint8_t tri, uint32_t r,
                         bool isAllA, size32_t lenA, const void * A,
                         bool clear) {
  unsigned int cells = r*r;
  __isAllResult = false;
  __lenResult = cells * sizeof(double);
  double *new_a = (double*) rtlMalloc(__lenResult);
  memcpy(new_a, A, __lenResult);
  double ajj;
  // x and y refer to the embedded vectors for the multiply, not an axis
  unsigned int diag, a_pos, x_pos, y_pos;
  unsigned int col_step = r;  // between columns
  unsigned int row_step = 1;  // between rows
  unsigned int x_step = (tri==UPPER_TRIANGLE)  ? row_step  : col_step;
  unsigned int y_step = (tri==UPPER_TRIANGLE)  ? col_step  : row_step;
  for (unsigned int j=0; j<r; j++) {
    diag = (j * r) + j;    // diagonal
    x_pos = j * ((tri==UPPER_TRIANGLE) ? col_step  : row_step);
    a_pos = (j+1) * ((tri==UPPER_TRIANGLE) ? col_step  : row_step);
    y_pos = diag + y_step;
    // ddot.value <- x'*y
    ajj = new_a[diag] - cblas_ddot(j, (new_a+x_pos), x_step, (new_a+x_pos), x_step);
    //if ajj is 0, negative or NaN, then error
    if (ajj <= 0.0) {
      rtlFail(0, "Not a positive definite matrix");
    ajj = sqrt(ajj);
    new_a[diag] = ajj;
    if ( j < r-1) {
      // y <- alpha*op(A)*x + beta*y
                  (tri==UPPER_TRIANGLE)  ? CblasTrans  : CblasNoTrans,
                  (tri==UPPER_TRIANGLE)  ? j           : r-1-j,    // M
                  (tri==UPPER_TRIANGLE)  ? r-1-j       : j,        // N
                   -1.0,                          // alpha
                   (new_a+a_pos), r,              //A
                   (new_a+x_pos), x_step,         //X
                   1.0, (new_a+y_pos), y_step);   // beta and Y
      // x <- alpha * x
      cblas_dscal(r-1-j, 1.0/ajj, (new_a+y_pos), y_step);
    // clear lower or upper part if clear flag set
    for(unsigned int k=1; clear && k<r-j; k++) new_a[(k*x_step)+diag] = 0.0;
  __result = (void*) new_a;
/* compute psi function */
void ACPsi(
  GlobalFrictionContactProblem* problem,
  AlartCurnierFun3x3Ptr computeACFun3x3,
  double *globalVelocity,
  double *reaction,
  double *velocity,
  double *rho,
  double *psi)

  assert(problem->H->size1 == problem->dimension * problem->numberOfContacts);

  unsigned int localProblemSize = problem->H->size1;

  unsigned int ACProblemSize = sizeOfPsi(NM_triplet(problem->M),

  unsigned int globalProblemSize = problem->M->size0;

  /* psi <-
       compute -problem->M * globalVelocity + problem->H * reaction + problem->q
     ... */
  cblas_dscal(ACProblemSize, 0., psi, 1);
  cblas_dcopy(globalProblemSize, problem->q, 1, psi, 1);
  NM_gemv(1., problem->H, reaction, 1, psi);
  NM_gemv(-1., problem->M, globalVelocity, 1, psi);

  /* psi + globalProblemSize <-
     compute -velocity + trans(problem->H) * globalVelocity + problem->b
   ... */
  cblas_daxpy(localProblemSize, -1., velocity, 1, psi + globalProblemSize, 1);
  cblas_daxpy(localProblemSize, 1, problem->b, 1, psi + globalProblemSize, 1);
  NM_tgemv(1., problem->H, globalVelocity, 1, psi + globalProblemSize);

  /* compute AC function */
                                         velocity, problem->mu, rho,
                                         NULL, NULL);

Ejemplo n.º 17
// rescales the rows of A by the given weights
// weights only needs to be defined on the root process
void rescaleRows(double *localRowChunk, double *weights, distMatrixInfo *matInfo) {
    int mpi_rank = matInfo->mpi_rank;
    int numcols = matInfo->numcols;
    int localrows = matInfo->localrows;
    int * rowcounts = matInfo->rowcounts;
    int * rowoffsets = matInfo->rowoffsets;
    MPI_Comm *comm = matInfo->comm;

    double *localweights = (double *) malloc(localrows * sizeof(double));

    if(mpi_rank != 0) {
        MPI_Scatterv(NULL, rowcounts, rowoffsets, MPI_DOUBLE, localweights, localrows, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, *comm);
    } else {
        MPI_Scatterv(weights, rowcounts, rowoffsets, MPI_DOUBLE, localweights, localrows, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, *comm);
    for(int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < localrows; rowIdx = rowIdx + 1)
        cblas_dscal(numcols, localweights[rowIdx], localRowChunk + (rowIdx*numcols), 1);
Ejemplo n.º 18
void hoa_scope_perform64(t_hoa_scope *x, t_object *dsp64, double **ins, long numins, double **outs, long numouts, long sampleframes, long flags, void *userparam)
    for(int i = 0; i < numins; i++)
        cblas_dcopy(sampleframes, ins[i], 1, x->f_signals+i, numins);
    cblas_dscal(numins * sampleframes, x->f_gain, x->f_signals, 1);
    x->f_index = 0;
		x->f_startclock = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
/** Create the Householder symmetric matrix v*v^T
 * This matrix is used to process the rows and columns of the input matrix.
static void create_house_matrix_packed(size_t order, double shift, double *source, size_t incs, double *hhp) {
	double h[order];
	int i;

	/* zero out the destination hhp (it's packed aka triangular, so the size is
	 * non-square) */
	for (i = 0; i < order * (order + 1) / 2; i++) {
		hhp[i] = 0;

	/* create and normalize householder vector h */
	cblas_dcopy(order, source, incs, h, 1);
	h[0] += MYSIGN(h[0]) * cblas_dnrm2(order, h, 1);
	h[0] -= shift;
	cblas_dscal(order, 1.0 / cblas_dnrm2(order, h, 1), h, 1);

	/* hhp = h h^T */
	cblas_dspr(CblasRowMajor, CblasUpper, order, 1.0, h, 1, hhp);
Ejemplo n.º 20
/* mB = mC   => C <- alpha*A + beta*C
   otherwise    C <- alpha*A + beta*B */
void geam(double alpha, Mat mA, double beta, Mat mB, Mat mC) {
  const int n = MatN(mA);
  const int n2 = MatN2(mA);
  const void* const a = MatElems(mA);
  const void* const b = MatElems(mB);
  void* const c = MatElems(mC);
  const bool dev = MatDev(mA);

  switch (MatElemSize(mA)) {
  case 4:
    if (dev) {
      float alpha32 = alpha, beta32 = beta;
      cublasSgeam(g_cublasHandle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, n, n,
                  &alpha32, a, n, &beta32, b, n, c, n);
    } else {
      if (b == c) {
        cblas_sscal(n2, beta, c, 1);
      } else {
        memset(c, 0, MatSize(mC));
        cblas_saxpy(n2, beta, b, 1, c, 1);
      cblas_saxpy(n2, alpha, a, 1, c, 1);

  case 8:
    if (dev) {
      cublasDgeam(g_cublasHandle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, n, n,
                  &alpha, a, n, &beta, b, n, c, n);
    } else {
      if (b == c) {
        cblas_dscal(n2, beta, c, 1);
      } else {
        memset(c, 0, MatSize(mC));
        cblas_daxpy(n2, beta, b, 1, c, 1);
      cblas_daxpy(n2, alpha, a, 1, c, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 21
// The main chebyshev iteration
void cheby_solver_iterate(
        const int x,
        const int y,
        const int z,
        const int halo_depth,
        double alpha,
        double beta,
        double* vec_u,
        double* vec_u0,
        double* vec_p,
        double* vec_r,
        double* vec_w,
        double* vec_kx,
        double* vec_ky,
        double* vec_kz,
        int* a_row_index,
        int* a_col_index,
        double* a_non_zeros)
    int m = x*y*z;

            "n", &m, a_non_zeros, a_row_index, a_col_index, vec_u, vec_w);

    int x_inner = x - 2*halo_depth;
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int ii = halo_depth; ii < z-halo_depth; ++ii)
        for(int jj = halo_depth; jj < y-halo_depth; ++jj)
            const int offset = ii*x*y + jj*x + halo_depth;
            cblas_dcopy(x_inner, vec_u0 + offset, 1, vec_r + offset, 1);
            cblas_daxpy(x_inner, -1.0, vec_w + offset, 1, vec_r + offset, 1);
            cblas_dscal(x_inner, alpha, vec_p + offset, 1);
            cblas_daxpy(x_inner, beta, vec_r + offset, 1, vec_p + offset, 1);

    cheby_calc_u(x, y, z, halo_depth, vec_u, vec_p);
Ejemplo n.º 22
void THBlas_scale(long size, real alpha, real *y, long yStride)
  if(size == 1)
    yStride = 1;

  if( (size < INT_MAX) && (yStride < INT_MAX) )
    cblas_dscal(size, alpha, y, yStride);
    cblas_sscal(size, alpha, y, yStride);
    long i;
    for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
      y[i*yStride] *= alpha;
Ejemplo n.º 23
// Calculates p
void cg_solver_calc_p(
        const int x,
        const int y,
        const int z,
        const int halo_depth,
        const double beta,
        double* vec_p,
        double* vec_r)
    int x_inner = x - 2*halo_depth;

#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int ii = halo_depth; ii < z-halo_depth; ++ii)
        for(int jj = halo_depth; jj < y-halo_depth; ++jj)
            const int offset = ii*x*y + jj*x + halo_depth;
            cblas_dscal(x_inner, beta, vec_p + offset, 1);
            cblas_daxpy(x_inner, 1.0, vec_r + offset, 1, vec_p + offset, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 24
/* Ref: Weiss, Algorithm 12 BiCGSTAB
 *   n : dimension of the problem
 *   b [n] : r-h-s vector
 *   atimes (int n, static double *x, double *b, void *param) :
 *        calc matrix-vector product A.x = b.
 *   atimes_param : parameters for atimes().
 *   it : struct iter. following entries are used
 *        it->max = kend : max of iteration
 *        it->eps = eps  : criteria for |r^2|/|b^2|
 *   returned value : 0 == success, otherwise (-1) == failed
 *   x [n] : solution
 *   it->niter : # of iteration
 *   it->res2  : |r^2| / |b^2|
bicgstab (int n, const double *b, double *x,
	  void (*atimes) (int, const double *, double *, void *),
	  void *atimes_param,
	  struct iter *it)
#ifndef HAVE_CBLAS_H
# ifdef HAVE_BLAS_H
  /* use Fortran BLAS routines */

  int i_1 = 1;
  double d_1 = 1.0;
  double d_m1 = -1.0;

# endif // !HAVE_BLAS_H
#endif // !HAVE_CBLAS_H

  int ret = -1;
  double eps2 = it->eps * it->eps;
  int itmax = it->max;

  double *r  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *rs = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *p  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *ap = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *s  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *t  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (r,  "bicgstab");
  CHECK_MALLOC (rs, "bicgstab");
  CHECK_MALLOC (p,  "bicgstab");
  CHECK_MALLOC (ap, "bicgstab");
  CHECK_MALLOC (s,  "bicgstab");
  CHECK_MALLOC (t,  "bicgstab");

  double rsap; // (r*, A.p)
  double st;
  double t2;

  double rho, rho1;
  double delta;
  double gamma;
  double beta;

  double res2 = 0.0;

   * ATLAS version

  double b2 = cblas_ddot (n, b, 1, b, 1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param);    // r = A.x ...
  cblas_daxpy (n, -1.0, b, 1, r, 1); //         - b

  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, rs, 1); // r* = r
  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, p, 1);  // p  = r

  rho = cblas_ddot (n, rs, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      rsap = cblas_ddot (n, rs, 1, ap, 1); // rsap = (r*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / rsap;

      cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, s, 1);         // s = r ...
      cblas_daxpy (n, delta, ap, 1, s, 1); //   + delta A.p
      atimes (n, s, t, atimes_param); // t = A.s

      st = cblas_ddot (n, s, 1, t, 1); // st = (s, t)
      t2 = cblas_ddot (n, t, 1, t, 1); // t2 = (t, t)
      gamma = - st / t2;

      cblas_dcopy (n, s, 1, r, 1);        // r = s ...
      cblas_daxpy (n, gamma, t, 1, r, 1); //   + gamma t

      cblas_daxpy (n, delta, p, 1, x, 1); // x = x + delta p...
      cblas_daxpy (n, gamma, s, 1, x, 1); //       + gamma s

      res2 = cblas_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out,
		   "libiter-bicgstab(cblas) %d %e\n",
		   i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      rho1 = cblas_ddot (n, rs, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho * delta / gamma;
      rho = rho1;

      cblas_daxpy (n, gamma, ap, 1, p, 1); // p = p + gamma A.p
      cblas_dscal (n, beta, p, 1);         // p = beta (p + gamma A.p)
      cblas_daxpy (n, 1.0, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r + beta(p + gamma A.p)

#else // !HAVE_CBLAS_H
# ifdef HAVE_BLAS_H
   * BLAS version

  double b2 = ddot_ (&n, b, &i_1, b, &i_1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param);       // r = A.x ...
  daxpy_ (&n, &d_m1, b, &i_1, r, &i_1); //         - b

  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, rs, &i_1); // r* = r
  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, p, &i_1);  // p  = r

  rho = ddot_ (&n, rs, &i_1, r, &i_1); // rho = (r*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      rsap = ddot_ (&n, rs, &i_1, ap, &i_1); // rsap = (r*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / rsap;

      dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, s, &i_1);          // s = r ...
      daxpy_ (&n, &delta, ap, &i_1, s, &i_1); //   + delta A.p
      atimes (n, s, t, atimes_param); // t = A.s

      st = ddot_ (&n, s, &i_1, t, &i_1); // st = (s, t)
      t2 = ddot_ (&n, t, &i_1, t, &i_1); // t2 = (t, t)
      gamma = - st / t2;

      dcopy_ (&n, s, &i_1, r, &i_1);         // r = s ...
      daxpy_ (&n, &gamma, t, &i_1, r, &i_1); //   + gamma t

      daxpy_ (&n, &delta, p, &i_1, x, &i_1); // x = x + delta p...
      daxpy_ (&n, &gamma, s, &i_1, x, &i_1); //       + gamma s

      res2 = ddot_ (&n, r, &i_1, r, &i_1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out,
		   "libiter-bicgstab(blas) %d %e\n",
		   i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success
      if (res2 > 1.0e20)
	  // already too big residual

      rho1 = ddot_ (&n, rs, &i_1, r, &i_1); // rho = (r*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho * delta / gamma;
      rho = rho1;

      daxpy_ (&n, &gamma, ap, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = p + gamma A.p
      dscal_ (&n, &beta, p, &i_1);            // p = beta (p + gamma A.p)
      daxpy_ (&n, &d_1, r, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = r + beta(p + gamma A.p)

# else // !HAVE_BLAS_H
   * local BLAS version

  double b2 = my_ddot (n, b, 1, b, 1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param);    // r = A.x ...
  my_daxpy (n, -1.0, b, 1, r, 1); //         - b

  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, rs, 1); // r* = r
  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, p, 1);  // p = r

  rho = my_ddot (n, rs, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      rsap = my_ddot (n, rs, 1, ap, 1); // rsap = (r*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / rsap;

      my_dcopy (n, r, 1, s, 1);         // s = r ...
      my_daxpy (n, delta, ap, 1, s, 1); //   + delta A.p
      atimes (n, s, t, atimes_param); // t = A.s

      st = my_ddot (n, s, 1, t, 1); // st = (s, t)
      t2 = my_ddot (n, t, 1, t, 1); // t2 = (t, t)
      gamma = - st / t2;

      my_dcopy (n, s, 1, r, 1);        // r = s ...
      my_daxpy (n, gamma, t, 1, r, 1); //   + gamma t

      my_daxpy (n, delta, p, 1, x, 1); // x = x + delta p...
      my_daxpy (n, gamma, s, 1, x, 1); //       + gamma s

      res2 = my_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out,
		   "libiter-bicgstab(myblas) %d %e\n",
		   i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      rho1 = my_ddot (n, rs, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho * delta / gamma;
      rho = rho1;

      my_daxpy (n, gamma, ap, 1, p, 1); // p = p + gamma A.p
      my_dscal (n, beta, p, 1);         // p = beta (p + gamma A.p)
      my_daxpy (n, 1.0, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r + beta(p + gamma A.p)

# endif // !HAVE_BLAS_H
#endif // !HAVE_CBLAS_H

  free (r);
  free (rs);
  free (p);
  free (ap);
  free (s);
  free (t);

  if (it->debug == 1)
      fprintf (it->out, "libiter-bicgstab %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);

  it->niter = i;
  it->res2  = res2 / b2;
  return (ret);
Ejemplo n.º 25
int nonSmoothNewtonNeigh(int n, double* z, NewtonFunctionPtr* phi, NewtonFunctionPtr* jacobianPhi, int* iparam, double* dparam)

  int itermax = iparam[0]; // maximum number of iterations allowed
  int iterMaxWithSameZ = itermax / 4;
  int niter = 0; // current iteration number
  double tolerance = dparam[0];
  /*   double coef; */
  sFphi = phi;
  sFjacobianPhi = jacobianPhi;
  //  verbose=1;
  if (verbose > 0)
    printf(" ============= Starting of Newton process =============\n");
    printf(" - tolerance: %14.7e\n - maximum number of iterations: %i\n", tolerance, itermax);

  int incx = 1;
  /*   int n2 = n*n; */
  int infoDGESV;

  /** merit function and its jacobian */
  double psi_z;

  /** The algorithm is alg 4.1 of the paper of Kanzow and Kleinmichel, "A new class of semismooth Newton-type methods
      for nonlinear complementarity problems", in Computational Optimization and Applications, 11, 227-251 (1998).

      We try to keep the same notations

  double rho = 1e-8;
  double descentCondition, criterion, norm_jacobian_psi_z, normPhi_z;
  double p = 2.1;
  double terminationCriterion = 1;
  double norm;
  int findNewZ, i, j, NbLookingForANewZ;
  /*   int naux=0; */
  double aux = 0;
  /*   double aux1=0; */
  int ii;
  int resls = 1;
  /*   char c; */
  /*  double * oldz; */
  /*  oldz=(double*)malloc(n*sizeof(double));*/

  NbLookingForANewZ = 0;

  /** Iterations ... */
  while ((niter < itermax) && (terminationCriterion > tolerance))
    /** Computes phi and its jacobian */
    if (sZsol)
      for (ii = 0; ii < sN; ii++)
        szzaux[ii] = sZsol[ii] - z[ii];
      printf("dist zzsol %.32e.\n", cblas_dnrm2(n, szzaux, 1));

    (*sFphi)(n, z, sphi_z, 0);
    (*sFjacobianPhi)(n, z, sjacobianPhi_z, 1);
    /* Computes the jacobian of the merit function, jacobian_psi = transpose(jacobianPhiMatrix).phiVector */
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasTrans, n, n, 1.0, sjacobianPhi_z, n, sphi_z, incx, 0.0, sgrad_psi_z, incx);
    norm_jacobian_psi_z = cblas_dnrm2(n, sgrad_psi_z, 1);

    /* Computes norm2(phi) */
    normPhi_z = cblas_dnrm2(n, sphi_z, 1);
    /* Computes merit function */
    psi_z = 0.5 * normPhi_z * normPhi_z;

    if (normPhi_z < tolerance)
      /*it is the solution*/
      terminationCriterion = tolerance / 2.0;

    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("Non Smooth Newton, iteration number %i, norm grad psi= %14.7e , psi = %14.7e, normPhi = %e .\n", niter, norm_jacobian_psi_z, psi_z, normPhi_z);
      printf(" -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n");


    if (niter > 2)
      if (10 * norm_jacobian_psi_z < tolerance || !resls || NbLookingForANewZ > iterMaxWithSameZ)
        NbLookingForANewZ = 0;
        resls = 1;
        /*   if (NbLookingForANewZ % 10 ==1 && 0){
          printf("Try NonMonotomnelineSearch\n");
          cblas_dscal( n , -1.0 ,sdir_descent,incx);
          NonMonotomnelineSearch( z,  phi, 10);

        /* FOR DEBUG ONLY*/
        if (sZsol)
          printf("begin plot prev dir\n");
          plotMerit(z, 0, 0);
          /*     gets(&c);*/
          (*sFphi)(n, sZsol, szaux, 0);
          printf("value psi(zsol)=%e\n", cblas_dnrm2(n, szaux, 1));
          cblas_dcopy(n, sZsol, incx, szaux, incx);
          cblas_daxpy(n , -1 , z , 1 , szaux , 1);
          printf("dist to sol %e \n", cblas_dnrm2(n, szaux, 1));
          for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
            sdir_descent[ii] = sZsol[ii] - z[ii];

          aux = norm;
          norm = 1;
          printf("begin plot zzsol dir\n");
          plotMerit(z, 0, 0);
          /*     gets(&c);*/
          norm = aux;

        printf("looking for a new Z...\n");
        /*may be a local minimal*/
        /*find a gradiant going out of this cul-de-sac.*/
        norm = n / 2;
        findNewZ = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < 20; j++)

          for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (sZsol)
              /* FOR DEBUG ONLY*/
              (*sFphi)(n, sZsol, sphi_zaux, 0);
              norm = cblas_dnrm2(n, sphi_zaux, 1);
              printf("Norm of the sol %e.\n", norm);

              for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
                sdir_descent[ii] = sZsol[ii] - z[ii];
              norm = 1;
              for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
                sdir_descent[ii] = 1.0 * rand();
              cblas_dscal(n, 1 / cblas_dnrm2(n, sdir_descent, 1), sdir_descent, incx);
              cblas_dscal(n, norm, sdir_descent, incx);
            cblas_dcopy(n, z, incx, szaux, incx);
            // cblas_dscal(n,0.0,zaux,incx);
            /* zaux = z + dir */
            cblas_daxpy(n , norm , sdir_descent , 1 , szaux , 1);
            /* Computes the jacobian of the merit function, jacobian_psi_zaux = transpose(jacobianPhi_zaux).phi_zaux */
            (*sFphi)(n, szaux, sphi_zaux, 0);
            (*sFjacobianPhi)(n, szaux, sjacobianPhi_zaux, 1);

            /* FOR DEBUG ONLY*/
            if (sZsol)
              aux = cblas_dnrm2(n, sphi_zaux, 1);
              printf("Norm of the sol is now %e.\n", aux);
              for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
                printf("zsol %e zaux %e \n", sZsol[ii], szaux[ii]);

            cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor, CblasTrans, n, n, 1.0, sjacobianPhi_zaux, n, sphi_zaux, incx, 0.0, sgrad_psi_zaux, incx);
            cblas_dcopy(n, szaux, 1, szzaux, 1);
            cblas_daxpy(n , -1 , z , incx , szzaux , incx);
            /*zzaux must be a descente direction.*/
            /*ie jacobian_psi_zaux.zzaux <0
            printf("jacobian_psi_zaux : \n");*/
            plotMerit(z, phi);*/

            aux = cblas_ddot(n, sgrad_psi_zaux, 1, szzaux, 1);
            /*       aux1 = cblas_dnrm2(n,szzaux,1);
            aux1 = cblas_dnrm2(n,sgrad_psi_zaux,1);*/
            aux = aux / (cblas_dnrm2(n, szzaux, 1) * cblas_dnrm2(n, sgrad_psi_zaux, 1));
            /*       printf("aux: %e\n",aux);*/
            if (aux < 0.1 * (j + 1))
              //zaux is the new point.
              findNewZ = 1;
              cblas_dcopy(n, szaux, incx, z, incx);
          if (findNewZ)
          if (j == 10)
            norm = n / 2;
          else if (j > 10)
            norm = -2 * norm;
            norm = -norm / 2.0;
        if (! findNewZ)
          printf("failed to find a new z\n");
          /* exit(1);*/


    /* Stops if the termination criterion is satisfied */
    terminationCriterion = norm_jacobian_psi_z;
    /*      if(terminationCriterion < tolerance){

    /* Search direction calculation
    Find a solution dk of jacobianPhiMatrix.d = -phiVector.
    dk is saved in phiVector.
    cblas_dscal(n , -1.0 , sphi_z, incx);
    DGESV(n, 1, sjacobianPhi_z, n, sipiv, sphi_z, n, &infoDGESV);
    if (infoDGESV)
      printf("DGEV error %d.\n", infoDGESV);
    cblas_dcopy(n, sphi_z, 1, sdir_descent, 1);
    criterion = cblas_dnrm2(n, sdir_descent, 1);
    /*      printf("norm dir descent %e\n",criterion);*/

    /*printf("begin plot descent dir\n");
    plotMerit(z, phi);

    /*printf("begin plot zzsol dir\n");

    norm = cblas_dnrm2(n,sdir_descent,1);
    printf("norm desc %e \n",norm);
    cblas_dscal( n , 1/norm , sdir_descent, 1);
    /* descentCondition = jacobian_psi.dk */
    descentCondition = cblas_ddot(n, sgrad_psi_z,  1,  sdir_descent, 1);

    /* Criterion to be satisfied: error < -rho*norm(dk)^p */
    criterion = -rho * pow(criterion, p);
    /*      printf("ddddddd %d\n",scmp);
    if (scmp>100){

//    if ((infoDGESV != 0 || descentCondition > criterion) && 0)
//    {
//      printf("no a desc dir, get grad psy\n");
      /* dk = - jacobian_psi (remind that dk is saved in phi_z) */
//      cblas_dcopy(n, sgrad_psi_z, 1, sdir_descent, 1);
//      cblas_dscal(n , -1.0 , sdir_descent, incx);
      /*DEBUG ONLY*/
      /*printf("begin plot new descent dir\n");
//    }
    /*      coef=fabs(norm_jacobian_psi_z*norm_jacobian_psi_z/descentCondition);
    if (coef <1){
    printf("coef %e norm dir descent is now %e\n",coef,cblas_dnrm2(n,sdir_descent,1));

    /* Step-3 Line search: computes z_k+1 */
    /*linesearch_Armijo(n,z,sdir_descent,psi_z, descentCondition, phi);*/
    /*            if (niter == 10){
    printf("begin plot new descent dir\n");
    /*      memcpy(oldz,z,n*sizeof(double));*/

    resls = linesearch2_Armijo(n, z, psi_z, descentCondition);
    if (!resls && niter > 1)

      /* displayMat(sjacobianPhi_z,n,n,n);
      printf("begin plot new descent dir\n");
      plotMerit(oldz,psi_z, descentCondition);

    /*      lineSearch_Wolfe(z, descentCondition, phi,jacobianPhi);*/
    /*      if (niter>3){
    printf("angle between prev dir %e.\n",acos(cblas_ddot(n, sdir_descent,  1,  sPrevDirDescent, 1)/(cblas_dnrm2(n,sdir_descent,1)*cblas_dnrm2(n,sPrevDirDescent,1))));
    cblas_dcopy(n, sdir_descent, 1, sPrevDirDescent, 1);

    /*      for (j=20;j<32;j++){
    if (z[j]<0)

    /*      if( 1 || verbose>0)
     printf("Non Smooth Newton, iteration number %i, error grad equal to %14.7e , psi value is %14.7e .\n",niter, terminationCriterion,psi_z);
       printf(" -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n");

  /* Total number of iterations */
  iparam[1] = niter;
  /* Final error */
  dparam[1] = terminationCriterion;

  /** Free memory*/

  if (verbose > 0)
    if (dparam[1] > tolerance)
      printf("Non Smooth Newton warning: no convergence after %i iterations\n" , niter);

      printf("Non Smooth Newton: convergence after %i iterations\n" , niter);
    printf(" The residue is : %e \n", dparam[1]);

  /*  free(oldz);*/

  if (dparam[1] > tolerance)
    return 1;
  else return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
void caffe_cpu_scale<double>(const int n, const double alpha, const double *x,
                             double* y) {
    cblas_dcopy(n, x, 1, y, 1);
    cblas_dscal(n, alpha, y, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 27
void caffe_scal<double>(const int N, const double alpha, double *X) {
    cblas_dscal(N, alpha, X, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 28
void eblas_dscal_sub(size_t iStart, size_t iStop, double a, double* x, int incx)
{	cblas_dscal(iStop-iStart, a, x+incx*iStart, incx);
Ejemplo n.º 29
void FrictionContact2D_latin(FrictionContactProblem* problem , double *reaction , double *velocity , int *info, SolverOptions* options)
  int nc = problem->numberOfContacts;
  double * vec = problem->M->matrix0;
  double *qq = problem->q;
  double * mu = problem->mu;

  int info77 = 0;
  int i, j, kk, iter1, ino, ddl, nrhs;
  int info2 = 0;
  int n = 2 * nc;
  size_t idim, nbno;
  int incx = 1, incy = 1;
  size_t taille, taillet, taillen, itt;
  int *ddln;
  int *ddlt, *vectnt;

  double  errmax, alpha, beta, maxa, k_latin;
  double  aa, nt, wn, tc, zc0;
  double  err1, num11, err0;
  double  den11, den22, knz0, ktz0, *ktz, *wf;
  double  *wc, *zc, *wt, *maxwt, *wnum1, *znum1;
  double  *zt, *maxzt;

  double  *kn, *kt;

  // char    trans='T', diag='N';
  // char    uplo='U', notrans='N';

  double  *k, *DPO, *kf, *kninv;
  double  *kinvwden1, *kzden1, *kfinv, *knz, *wtnc;

  /*                Recup input                    */

  itt     = options->iparam[0];
  errmax  = options->dparam[0];
  k_latin = options->dparam[2];

  /*               Initialize output                */

  options->iparam[1] = 0;
  options->dparam[1] = 0.0;

  /*               Allocations                      */

  k         = (double*) malloc(n * n * sizeof(double));
  DPO       = (double*) malloc(n * n * sizeof(double));
  kf        = (double*) malloc(n * n * sizeof(double));
  kfinv     = (double*) malloc(n * n * sizeof(double));

  kninv     = (double*) malloc(nc * nc * sizeof(double));
  kn        = (double*) malloc(nc * nc * sizeof(double));
  kt        = (double*) malloc(nc * nc * sizeof(double));

  kinvwden1 = (double*) malloc(n  * sizeof(double));
  kzden1    = (double*) malloc(n  * sizeof(double));
  wc        = (double*) malloc(n  * sizeof(double));
  zc        = (double*) malloc(n  * sizeof(double));
  znum1     = (double*) malloc(n  * sizeof(double));
  wnum1     = (double*) malloc(n  * sizeof(double));
  wt        = (double*) malloc(n  * sizeof(double));
  maxzt     = (double*) malloc(n  * sizeof(double));

  knz       = (double*) malloc(nc * sizeof(double));
  wtnc      = (double*) malloc(nc * sizeof(double));
  ktz       = (double*) malloc(nc * sizeof(double));
  wf        = (double*) malloc(nc * sizeof(double));
  maxwt     = (double*) malloc(nc * sizeof(double));
  zt        = (double*) malloc(nc * sizeof(double));

  vectnt    = (int*) malloc(n * sizeof(int));

  ddln      = (int*) malloc(nc * sizeof(int));
  ddlt      = (int*) malloc(nc * sizeof(int));

  /*                    Initialization                   */

  for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++)
    k[i]     = 0.;
    kf[i]    = 0.;
    kfinv[i] = 0.;

    if (i < nc * nc)

      kn[i]    = 0.0;
      kt[i]    = 0.0;
      kninv[i] = 0.0;

      if (i < n)
        wc[i]    = 0.0;
        zc[i]    = 0.;
        reaction[i]     = 0.;
        velocity[i]     = 0.;
        znum1[i] = 0.;
        wnum1[i] = 0.;
        wt[i]    = 0.;
        maxzt[i] = 0.;

        if (i < nc)
          maxwt[i] = 0.;
          zt[i]    = 0.;
          knz[i]   = 0.;
          ktz[i]   = 0.;
          wf[i]    = 0.;
          wtnc[i]  = 0.;



  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

    if (fabs(vec[i * n + i]) < DBL_EPSILON)

      if (verbose > 0)
        printf("\n Warning nul diagonal term in M matrix \n");


      *info = 3;



      k[i + n * i] = k_latin / vec[i * n + i];
      vectnt[i] = i + 1;



  for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
    ddln[i] = vectnt[2 * i];
    if (i != 0) ddlt[i] = vectnt[2 * i - 1];
    else ddlt[i] = 0;


  for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
    kn[i + nc * i] = k[ddln[i] + n * ddln[i]];
    kt[i + nc * i] = k[ddlt[i] + n * ddlt[i]];

  taillen = sizeof(ddln) / sizeof(ddln[0]);
  taillet = sizeof(ddlt) / sizeof(ddlt[0]);

  idim = 1 +  taillen / taillet;

  taille = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    taille = sizeof(qq[i]) + taille;

  taille = taille / sizeof(qq[0]);
  nbno = taille / idim;

  for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
    kf[ddln[i] + n * ddln[i]] = kn[i + nc * i];
    kf[ddlt[i] + n * ddlt[i]] = kt[i + nc * i];

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    kfinv[i + n * i] = 1. / kf[i + n * i];

    if (i < nc)
      kninv[i + nc * i] = 1. / kt[i + nc * i];


  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      DPO[i + n * j] = vec[j * n + i] + kfinv[i + n * j];

  DPOTRF(LA_UP, n, DPO , n, &info2);

  if (info2 != 0)
    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("\n Matter with Cholesky factorization \n");


    *info = 2;

  /*                Iteration loops                  */

  iter1 = 0;
  err1  = 1.;

  while ((iter1 < itt) && (err1 > errmax))

    /*               Linear stage (zc,wc) -> (z,w)         */

    alpha  = 1.;
    beta   = 1.;
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, n, n, alpha, kfinv, n, zc, incx, beta, wc, incy);

    cblas_dcopy(n, qq, incx, znum1, incy);

    alpha = -1.;
    cblas_dscal(n , alpha , znum1 , incx);

    alpha = 1.;
    cblas_daxpy(n, alpha, wc, incx, znum1, incy);

    nrhs = 1;
    DTRTRS(LA_UP, LA_TRANS, LA_NONUNIT, n, nrhs, DPO, n, znum1, n, &info77);

    DTRTRS(LA_UP, LA_NOTRANS, LA_NONUNIT, n, nrhs, DPO, n, znum1, n, &info77);

    cblas_dcopy(n, znum1, incx, reaction, incy);

    alpha = -1.;
    beta = 1.;
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, n, n, alpha, kfinv, n, reaction, incx, beta, wc, incy);

    cblas_dcopy(n, wc, incx, velocity, incy);

    /*               Local stage (z,w)->(zc,wc)          */

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      zc[i] = 0.;
      wc[i] = 0.0;

    /*          Normal party                           */

    for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
      knz0 = 0.;
      for (kk = 0; kk < nc; kk++)
        knz[i] = kt[i + nc * kk] * velocity[ddlt[kk]] + knz0;
        knz0 = knz[i];

      zt[i] = reaction[ddlt[i]] - knz[i];

      if (zt[i] > 0.0)
        zc[ddlt[i]] = zt[i];
        maxzt[i] = 0.0;
        zc[ddlt[i]] = 0.0;
        maxzt[i] = -zt[i];

    for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
      zc0 = 0.;
      ktz0 = 0.;
      for (j = 0; j < nc; j++)
        wc[ddlt[i]] = kninv[i + nc * j] * maxzt[j] + zc0;
        zc0 = wc[ddlt[i]];
        ktz[i] = kn[i + nc * j] * velocity[ddln[j]] + ktz0;
        ktz0 =  ktz[i];
      wf[i] = reaction[ddln[i]] - ktz[i];

    /*             Loop other nodes              */

    for (ino = 0; ino < nbno; ino++)
      ddl  = ddln[ino];
      nt   = fabs(wf[ino]);

      /*          Tangential vector              */

      if (nt < 1.e-8) tc = 0.;
      else tc = wf[ino] / nt;

      /*               Tangentiel component             */

      wn = zc[ddlt[ino]];

      aa = nt - mu[ino] * wn;

      if (aa > 0.0)
        maxa = aa;
        maxa = 0.0;

      wc[ddl] = (maxa / (-1 * kn[ino + nc * ino])) * tc;

      aa = -nt + mu[ino] * wn;

      if (aa > 0.0)
        maxa = aa;
        maxa = 0.0;

      zc[ddl] = (mu[ino] * wn - maxa) * tc;


    /*               Convergence criterium                */

    cblas_dcopy(n, reaction, incx, znum1, incy);

    alpha = -1.;
    cblas_daxpy(n, alpha, zc, incx, znum1, incy);

    cblas_dcopy(n, velocity, incx, wnum1, incy);

    cblas_daxpy(n, alpha, wc, incx, wnum1, incy);

    alpha  = 1.;
    beta   = 1.;
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, n, n, alpha, kf, n, wnum1, incx, beta, znum1, incy);

    num11  = 0.;
    alpha  = 1.;
    beta = 0.;
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, n, n, alpha, kfinv, n, znum1, incx, beta, wnum1, incy);

    num11 = cblas_ddot(n, wnum1, incx, znum1, incy);

    cblas_dcopy(n, reaction, incx, znum1, incy);

    alpha  = 1.;
    beta   = 1.;
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, n, n, alpha, kf, n, velocity, incx, beta, znum1, incy);

    alpha  = 1.;
    beta   = 0.;
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, n, n, alpha, kfinv, n, znum1, incx, beta, wnum1, incy);

    den11  = cblas_ddot(n, wnum1, incx, znum1, incy);

    cblas_dcopy(n, zc, incx, znum1, incy);

    alpha  = 1.;
    beta   = 1.;
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, n, n, alpha, kf, n, wc, incx, beta, znum1, incy);

    alpha  = 1.;
    beta   = 0.;
    cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans, n, n, alpha, kfinv, n, znum1, incx, beta, wnum1, incy);

    den22  = cblas_ddot(n, znum1, incx, wnum1, incy);

    err0   = num11 / (den11 + den22);

    err1   = sqrt(err0);

    options->iparam[1] = iter1;
    options->dparam[1] = err1;

    iter1   = iter1 + 1;


  if (err1 > errmax)

    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("No convergence after %d iterations, the residue is %g\n", iter1, err1);

    *info = 1;

    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("Convergence after %d iterations, the residue is %g \n", iter1, err1);

    *info = 0;


Ejemplo n.º 30
Archivo: cgs.cpp Proyecto: ryseto/demsd
/* Ref: Weiss, Algorithm 11 CGS
 *   n : dimension of the problem
 *   b [n] : r-h-s vector
 *   atimes (int n, static double *x, double *b, void *param) :
 *        calc matrix-vector product A.x = b.
 *   atimes_param : parameters for atimes().
 *   it : struct iter. following entries are used
 *        it->max = kend : max of iteration
 *        it->eps = eps  : criteria for |r^2|/|b^2|
 *   returned value : 0 == success, otherwise (-1) == failed
 *   x [n] : solution
 *   it->niter : # of iteration
 *   it->res2  : |r^2| / |b^2|
cgs (int n, const double *b, double *x,
     void (*atimes) (int, const double *, double *, void *),
     void *atimes_param,
     struct iter *it)
#ifndef HAVE_CBLAS_H
# ifdef HAVE_BLAS_H
  /* use Fortran BLAS routines */

  int i_1 = 1;
  double d_m1 = -1.0;
  double d_2 = 2.0;

# endif // !HAVE_BLAS_H
#endif // !HAVE_CBLAS_H

  int ret = -1;
  double eps2 = it->eps * it->eps;
  int itmax = it->max;

  double *r  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *r0 = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *p  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *u  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *ap = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *q  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *t  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (r,  "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (r0, "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (p,  "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (u,  "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (ap, "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (q,  "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (t,  "cgs");

  double r0ap;
  double rho, rho1;
  double delta;
  double beta;

  double res2 = 0.0;

   * ATLAS version

  double b2 = cblas_ddot (n, b, 1, b, 1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  // initial residue
  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param); // r = A.x
  cblas_daxpy (n, -1.0, b, 1, r, 1); // r = A.x - b

  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, r0, 1); // r0* = r
  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r
  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, u, 1); // u = r

  rho = cblas_ddot (n, r0, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r0*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      r0ap = cblas_ddot (n, r0, 1, ap, 1); // r0ap = (r0*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / r0ap;

      cblas_dcopy (n, u, 1, q, 1); // q = u
      cblas_dscal (n, 2.0, q, 1); // q = 2 u
      cblas_daxpy (n, delta, ap, 1, q, 1); // q = 2 u + delta A.p

      atimes (n, q, t, atimes_param); // t = A.q

      cblas_daxpy (n, delta, t, 1, r, 1); // r = r + delta t
      cblas_daxpy (n, delta, q, 1, x, 1); // x = x + delta q

      res2 = cblas_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cgs %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      rho1 = cblas_ddot (n, r0, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r0*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho;
      rho = rho1;

      // here t is not used so that this is used for working area.
      double *qu = t;
      cblas_dcopy (n, q, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q
      cblas_daxpy (n, -1.0, u, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q - u
      cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, u, 1); // u = r
      cblas_daxpy (n, beta, qu, 1, u, 1); // u = r + beta (q - u)

      cblas_daxpy (n, beta, p, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q - u + beta * p
      cblas_dcopy (n, u, 1, p, 1); // p = u
      cblas_daxpy (n, beta, qu, 1, p, 1); // p = u + beta (q - u + b * p)

#else // !HAVE_CBLAS_H
# ifdef HAVE_BLAS_H
   * BLAS version

  double b2 = ddot_ (&n, b, &i_1, b, &i_1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  // initial residue
  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param); // r = A.x
  daxpy_ (&n, &d_m1, b, &i_1, r, &i_1); // r = A.x - b

  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, r0, &i_1); // r0* = r
  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = r
  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, u, &i_1); // u = r

  rho = ddot_ (&n, r0, &i_1, r, &i_1); // rho = (r0*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      r0ap = ddot_ (&n, r0, &i_1, ap, &i_1); // r0ap = (r0*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / r0ap;

      dcopy_ (&n, u, &i_1, q, &i_1); // q = u
      dscal_ (&n, &d_2, q, &i_1); // q = 2 u
      daxpy_ (&n, &delta, ap, &i_1, q, &i_1); // q = 2 u + delta A.p

      atimes (n, q, t, atimes_param); // t = A.q

      daxpy_ (&n, &delta, t, &i_1, r, &i_1); // r = r + delta t
      daxpy_ (&n, &delta, q, &i_1, x, &i_1); // x = x + delta q

      res2 = ddot_ (&n, r, &i_1, r, &i_1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cgs %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      rho1 = ddot_ (&n, r0, &i_1, r, &i_1); // rho = (r0*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho;
      rho = rho1;

      // here t is not used so that this is used for working area.
      double *qu = t;
      dcopy_ (&n, q, &i_1, qu, &i_1); // qu = q
      daxpy_ (&n, &d_m1, u, &i_1, qu, &i_1); // qu = q - u
      dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, u, &i_1); // u = r
      daxpy_ (&n, &beta, qu, &i_1, u, &i_1); // u = r + beta (q - u)

      daxpy_ (&n, &beta, p, &i_1, qu, &i_1); // qu = q - u + beta * p
      dcopy_ (&n, u, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = u
      daxpy_ (&n, &beta, qu, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = u + beta (q - u + b * p)

# else // !HAVE_BLAS_H
   * local BLAS version

  double b2 = my_ddot (n, b, 1, b, 1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  // initial residue
  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param); // r = A.x
  my_daxpy (n, -1.0, b, 1, r, 1); // r = A.x - b

  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, r0, 1); // r0* = r
  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r
  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, u, 1); // u = r

  rho = my_ddot (n, r0, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r0*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      r0ap = my_ddot (n, r0, 1, ap, 1); // r0ap = (r0*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / r0ap;

      my_dcopy (n, u, 1, q, 1); // q = u
      my_dscal (n, 2.0, q, 1); // q = 2 u
      my_daxpy (n, delta, ap, 1, q, 1); // q = 2 u + delta A.p

      atimes (n, q, t, atimes_param); // t = A.q

      my_daxpy (n, delta, t, 1, r, 1); // r = r + delta t
      my_daxpy (n, delta, q, 1, x, 1); // x = x + delta q

      res2 = my_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cgs %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      rho1 = my_ddot (n, r0, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r0*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho;
      rho = rho1;

      // here t is not used so that this is used for working area.
      double *qu = t;
      my_dcopy (n, q, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q
      my_daxpy (n, -1.0, u, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q - u
      my_dcopy (n, r, 1, u, 1); // u = r
      my_daxpy (n, beta, qu, 1, u, 1); // u = r + beta (q - u)

      my_daxpy (n, beta, p, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q - u + beta * p
      my_dcopy (n, u, 1, p, 1); // p = u
      my_daxpy (n, beta, qu, 1, p, 1); // p = u + beta (q - u + b * p)

# endif // !HAVE_BLAS_H
#endif // !HAVE_CBLAS_H

  free (r);
  free (r0);
  free (p);
  free (u);
  free (ap);
  free (q);
  free (t);

  if (it->debug == 1)
      fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cgs it= %d res^2= %e\n", i, res2);

  it->niter = i;
  it->res2  = res2 / b2;
  return (ret);