Ejemplo n.º 1
LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, ccnxInterest_SetGetHopLimit)
    CCNxName *name = ccnxName_CreateFromURI("lci:/name");
    CCNxInterest *interest = ccnxInterest_CreateSimple(name);

    CCNxInterestInterface *impl = ccnxInterestInterface_GetInterface(interest);

    if (impl->getHopLimit) {
        assertTrue(ccnxInterest_GetHopLimit(interest) == CCNxInterestDefault_HopLimit, "Expected the default hop limit");

    if (impl->setHopLimit && impl->getHopLimit) {
        ccnxInterest_SetHopLimit(interest, 10);
        assertTrue(ccnxInterest_GetHopLimit(interest) == 10, "Expected a hopLimit of 10");
        ccnxInterest_SetHopLimit(interest, 20);
        assertTrue(ccnxInterest_GetHopLimit(interest) == 20, "Expected a hopLimit of 20");

Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
_processInterest(Athena *athena, CCNxInterest *interest, PARCBitVector *ingressVector)
    uint8_t hoplimit;

    // *   (0) Hoplimit check, exclusively on interest messages
    int linkId = parcBitVector_NextBitSet(ingressVector, 0);
    if (athenaTransportLinkAdapter_IsNotLocal(athena->athenaTransportLinkAdapter, linkId)) {
        hoplimit = ccnxInterest_GetHopLimit(interest);
        if (hoplimit == 0) {
            // We should never receive a message with a hoplimit of 0 from a non-local source.
                          "Received a message with a hoplimit of zero from a non-local source (%s).",
                          athenaTransportLinkAdapter_LinkIdToName(athena->athenaTransportLinkAdapter, linkId));
        ccnxInterest_SetHopLimit(interest, hoplimit - 1);

    // *   (1) if the interest is in the ContentStore, reply and return,
    //     assuming that other PIT entries were satisified when the content arrived.
    CCNxMetaMessage *content = athenaContentStore_GetMatch(athena->athenaContentStore, interest);
    if (content) {
        const char *ingressVectorString = parcBitVector_ToString(ingressVector);
        parcLog_Debug(athena->log, "Forwarding content from store to %s", ingressVectorString);
        PARCBitVector *result = athenaTransportLinkAdapter_Send(athena->athenaTransportLinkAdapter, content, ingressVector);
        if (result) { // failed channels - client will resend interest unless we wish to optimize things here

    // *   (2) add it to the PIT, if it was aggregated or there was an error we're done, otherwise we
    //         forward the interest.  The expectedReturnVector is populated with information we get from
    //         the FIB and used to verify content objects ingress ports when they arrive.
    PARCBitVector *expectedReturnVector;
    AthenaPITResolution result;
    if ((result = athenaPIT_AddInterest(athena->athenaPIT, interest, ingressVector, &expectedReturnVector)) != AthenaPITResolution_Forward) {
        if (result == AthenaPITResolution_Error) {
            parcLog_Error(athena->log, "PIT resolution error");

    // Divert interests destined to the forwarder, we assume these are control messages
    CCNxName *ccnxName = ccnxInterest_GetName(interest);
    if (ccnxName_StartsWith(ccnxName, athena->athenaName) == true) {
        _processInterestControl(athena, interest, ingressVector);

    // *   (3) if it's in the FIB, forward, then update the PIT expectedReturnVector so we can verify
    //         when the returned object arrives that it came from an interface it was expected from.
    //         Interest messages with a hoplimit of 0 will never be sent out by the link adapter to a
    //         non-local interface so we need not check that here.
    ccnxName = ccnxInterest_GetName(interest);
    PARCBitVector *egressVector = athenaFIB_Lookup(athena->athenaFIB, ccnxName);

    if (egressVector != NULL) {
        // Remove the link the interest came from if it was included in the FIB entry
        parcBitVector_ClearVector(egressVector, ingressVector);
        // If no links remain, send a no route interest return message
        if (parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(egressVector) == 0) {
            CCNxInterestReturn *interestReturn = ccnxInterestReturn_Create(interest, CCNxInterestReturn_ReturnCode_NoRoute);
            PARCBitVector *result = athenaTransportLinkAdapter_Send(athena->athenaTransportLinkAdapter, interestReturn, ingressVector);
        } else {
            parcBitVector_SetVector(expectedReturnVector, egressVector);
            PARCBitVector *result = athenaTransportLinkAdapter_Send(athena->athenaTransportLinkAdapter, interest, egressVector);
            if (result) { // remove failed channels - client will resend interest unless we wish to optimize here
                parcBitVector_ClearVector(expectedReturnVector, result);
    } else {
        // No FIB entry found, return a NoRoute interest return and remove the entry from the PIT.
        CCNxInterestReturn *interestReturn = ccnxInterestReturn_Create(interest, CCNxInterestReturn_ReturnCode_NoRoute);
        PARCBitVector *result = athenaTransportLinkAdapter_Send(athena->athenaTransportLinkAdapter, interestReturn, ingressVector);
        const char *name = ccnxName_ToString(ccnxName);
        if (athenaPIT_RemoveInterest(athena->athenaPIT, interest, ingressVector) != true) {
            parcLog_Error(athena->log, "Unable to remove interest (%s) from the PIT.", name);
        parcLog_Debug(athena->log, "Name (%s) not found in FIB and no default route. Message dropped.", name);