Ejemplo n.º 1
static CFDataRef SecRSAPublicKeyCreatePKCS1(CFAllocatorRef allocator, ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubkey)
    size_t m_size = ccn_write_int_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey));
    size_t e_size = ccn_write_int_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_e(pubkey));

    const size_t seq_size = DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_INTEGER, m_size) +
                            DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_INTEGER, e_size);

    const size_t result_size = DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_SEQUENCE, seq_size);

	CFMutableDataRef pkcs1 = CFDataCreateMutable(allocator, result_size);

    if (pkcs1 == NULL)
        return NULL;

	CFDataSetLength(pkcs1, result_size);

    uint8_t *bytes = CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(pkcs1);

    *bytes++ = ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE;

    DERSize itemLength = 4;
    DEREncodeLength(seq_size, bytes, &itemLength);
    bytes += itemLength;

    ccasn_encode_int(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey), m_size, &bytes);
    ccasn_encode_int(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_e(pubkey), e_size, &bytes);

    return pkcs1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
CCRSACryptorCreateFromData( CCRSAKeyType keyType, uint8_t *modulus, size_t modulusLength, 
                            uint8_t *exponent, size_t exponentLength,
                            uint8_t *p, size_t pLength, uint8_t *q, size_t qLength,
                            CCRSACryptorRef *ref)
    CCCryptorStatus retval = kCCSuccess;
	CCRSACryptor *rsaKey = NULL;
    size_t n = ccn_nof_size(modulusLength);
    cc_unit m[n];
    CC_DEBUG_LOG(ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Entering\n");
    __Require_Action(ccn_read_uint(n, m, modulusLength, modulus) == 0, errOut, retval = kCCParamError);
    size_t nbits = ccn_bitlen(n, m);

    __Require_Action((rsaKey = ccMallocRSACryptor(nbits, keyType)) != NULL, errOut, retval = kCCMemoryFailure);

    __Require_Action(ccn_read_uint(n, ccrsa_ctx_m(rsaKey->fk), modulusLength, modulus) == 0, errOut, retval = kCCParamError);
    __Require_Action(ccn_read_uint(n, ccrsa_ctx_e(rsaKey->fk), exponentLength, exponent) == 0, errOut, retval = kCCParamError);
    rsaKey->keySize = ccn_bitlen(n, ccrsa_ctx_m(rsaKey->fk));

	switch(keyType) {
		case ccRSAKeyPublic:
            rsaKey->keyType = ccRSAKeyPublic;
		case ccRSAKeyPrivate: {
            ccrsa_priv_ctx_t privk = ccrsa_ctx_private(rsaKey->fk);
            size_t psize = ccn_nof_size(pLength);
            size_t qsize = ccn_nof_size(qLength);

            CCZP_N(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(privk)) = psize;
            __Require_Action(ccn_read_uint(psize, CCZP_PRIME(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(privk)), pLength, p) == 0, errOut, retval = kCCParamError);
            CCZP_N(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(privk)) = qsize;
            __Require_Action(ccn_read_uint(qsize, CCZP_PRIME(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(privk)), qLength, q) == 0, errOut, retval = kCCParamError);

            ccrsa_crt_makekey(ccrsa_ctx_zm(rsaKey->fk), ccrsa_ctx_e(rsaKey->fk), ccrsa_ctx_d(rsaKey->fk),
                              ccrsa_ctx_private_dp(privk), ccrsa_ctx_private_qinv(privk),
                              ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(privk), ccrsa_ctx_private_dq(privk));
            rsaKey->keyType = ccRSAKeyPrivate;

            retval = kCCParamError;
			goto errOut;
	*ref = rsaKey;
	return kCCSuccess;
	if(rsaKey) ccRSACryptorClear(rsaKey);
	return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int ccrsa_verify_pkcs1v15(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key, const uint8_t *oid,
                          size_t digest_len, const uint8_t *digest,
                          size_t sig_len, const uint8_t *sig,
                          bool *valid)
    size_t m_size = ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(key), ccrsa_ctx_m(key));
    cc_size n=ccrsa_ctx_n(key);
    cc_unit s[n];
    *valid = false;
    int err;


    ccn_read_uint(n, s, sig_len, sig);
    cc_require((err=ccrsa_pub_crypt(key, s, s))==0,errOut);

        unsigned char em[m_size];
        ccn_write_uint_padded(n, s, m_size, em);
        unsigned char em2[m_size];
        cc_require((err=ccrsa_emsa_pkcs1v15_encode(m_size, em2, digest_len, digest, oid))==0,errOut); /* digest len is too big ?*/

        if(memcmp(em, em2, m_size)==0)
            *valid = true;
        if(ccrsa_emsa_pkcs1v15_verify(m_size, em, digest_len, digest, oid)==0)
            *valid = true;
    return err;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* siglen will be the actual lenght of the prime in bytes */
int ccrsa_sign_pkcs1v15(ccrsa_full_ctx_t key, const uint8_t *oid,
                        size_t digest_len, const uint8_t *digest,
                        size_t *sig_len, uint8_t *sig)
    size_t m_size = ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(key), ccrsa_ctx_m(key));
    cc_size n=ccrsa_ctx_n(key);
    cc_unit s[n];
    int err;

        return CCRSA_INVALID_INPUT;


    err=ccrsa_emsa_pkcs1v15_encode(m_size, sig, digest_len, digest, oid);
    if(err) return err;

    ccn_read_uint(n, s, m_size, sig);

    err=ccrsa_priv_crypt(ccrsa_ctx_private(key), s, s);
    if(err) return err;

    /* we need to write leading zeroes if necessary */
    ccn_write_uint_padded(n, s, m_size, sig);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ccrsa_dump_public_key(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key) {
    ccn_cprint(ccrsa_ctx_n(key),      "uint8_t m[]  = ", ccrsa_ctx_m(key));
    ccn_cprint(ccrsa_ctx_n(key) + 1,  "uint8_t rm[] = ", cczp_recip(ccrsa_ctx_zm(key)));
    ccn_cprint(ccrsa_ctx_n(key),      "uint8_t e[]  = ", ccrsa_ctx_e(key));

Ejemplo n.º 6
/* siglen will be the actual lenght of the prime in bytes */
int ccrsa_sign_oaep(ccrsa_full_ctx_t key,
                    const struct ccdigest_info* di, struct ccrng_state *rng,
                    size_t digest_len, const uint8_t *digest,
                    size_t *sig_len, uint8_t *sig)
    size_t m_size = ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(key), ccrsa_ctx_m(key));
    cc_size n=ccrsa_ctx_n(key);
    cc_unit s[n];
    int err;

        return CCRSA_INVALID_INPUT;


    err=ccrsa_oaep_encode(di, rng, m_size, s, digest_len, digest);
    if(err) return err;

    err=ccrsa_priv_crypt(ccrsa_ctx_private(key), s, s);
    if(err) return err;

    /* we need to write leading zeroes if necessary */
    ccn_write_uint_padded(n, s, m_size, sig);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
CFDataRef SecKeyCopyModulus(SecKeyRef key) {
    ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubkey;
    pubkey.pub = key->key;

    size_t m_size = ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey));

	CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(key);
	CFMutableDataRef modulusData = CFDataCreateMutable(allocator, m_size);

    if (modulusData == NULL)
        return NULL;

	CFDataSetLength(modulusData, m_size);

    ccn_write_uint(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey), m_size, CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(modulusData));

    return modulusData;
Ejemplo n.º 8
CCRSACryptorRef CCRSACryptorGetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(CCRSACryptorRef privateCryptorRef)
    CCRSACryptor *publicCryptor = NULL, *privateCryptor = privateCryptorRef;
    CC_DEBUG_LOG(ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Entering\n");
    if((publicCryptor = ccMallocRSACryptor(privateCryptor->keySize, ccRSAKeyPublic)) == NULL)  return NULL;
    ccrsa_init_pub(ccrsa_ctx_public(publicCryptor->fk), ccrsa_ctx_m(privateCryptor->fk), ccrsa_ctx_e(privateCryptor->fk));
    publicCryptor->keyType = ccRSAKeyPublic;
    return publicCryptor;
size_t ccder_encode_rsa_priv_size(const ccrsa_full_ctx_t key) {
    ccrsa_priv_ctx_t privk = ccrsa_ctx_private(key);
    cc_size n = ccrsa_ctx_n(key);
	cc_unit version_0[ccn_nof(1)] = {0x00};
	return ccder_sizeof(CCDER_CONSTRUCTED_SEQUENCE,
      ccder_sizeof_integer(ccn_nof(1), version_0) +
      ccder_sizeof_integer(n, ccrsa_ctx_m(key)) +
      ccder_sizeof_integer(n, ccrsa_ctx_e(key)) +
      ccder_sizeof_integer(n, ccrsa_ctx_d(key)) +
      ccder_sizeof_integer(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(privk)), cczp_prime(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(privk))) +
      ccder_sizeof_integer(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(privk)), cczp_prime(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(privk))) +
      ccder_sizeof_integer(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(privk)), ccrsa_ctx_private_dp(privk)) +
      ccder_sizeof_integer(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(privk)), ccrsa_ctx_private_dq(privk)) +
      ccder_sizeof_integer(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(privk)), ccrsa_ctx_private_qinv(privk))
Ejemplo n.º 10
// pubkey is initilaized with an n which is the maximum it can hold
// We set the n to its correct value given m.
static int ccrsa_pub_init(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubkey,
                          size_t m_size, const uint8_t* m,
                          size_t e_size, const uint8_t* e)
    cc_skip_zeros(m_size, m);

    cc_size nm = ccn_nof_size(m_size);
    if (nm > ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey))
        return -1;

    ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey) = nm;

    ccn_read_uint(nm, ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey), m_size, m);

    return ccn_read_uint(nm, ccrsa_ctx_e(pubkey), e_size, e);
Ejemplo n.º 11
CFDataRef SecKeyCopyExponent(SecKeyRef key) {
    ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubkey;
    pubkey.pub = key->key;

    size_t e_size = ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_e(pubkey));

	CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(key);
	CFMutableDataRef exponentData = CFDataCreateMutable(allocator, e_size);

    if (exponentData == NULL)
        return NULL;

	CFDataSetLength(exponentData, e_size);

    ccn_write_uint(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey), e_size, CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(exponentData));

    return exponentData;
Ejemplo n.º 12
// verify the signature in sig. The original (hash of the message) message is in digest
int ccrsa_verify_pss(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key,
                      const struct ccdigest_info* di, const struct ccdigest_info* MgfDi,
                      size_t digestSize, const uint8_t *digest,
                      size_t sigSize, const uint8_t *sig,
                      size_t saltSize, bool *valid)
    const cc_size modBits =ccn_bitlen(ccrsa_ctx_n(key), ccrsa_ctx_m(key));
    const cc_size modBytes = cc_ceiling(modBits, 8);
    const cc_size emBits = modBits-1; //as defined in §8.1.1
    const cc_size emSize = cc_ceiling(emBits, 8);
    *valid = false;
    int rc=0;
    if(modBytes!= sigSize)  return CCRSA_INVALID_INPUT;
    if(digestSize !=  di->output_size) return CCRSA_INVALID_INPUT;

    const cc_size modWords=ccrsa_ctx_n(key);
    cc_unit EM[modWords];  //EM islarge enough to fit sig variable
    //2.a read sig to tmp array and make sure it fits
    cc_require_action(ccn_read_uint(modWords, EM, sigSize, sig)==0,errOut,rc=CCRSA_INVALID_INPUT);

    cc_require((rc=ccrsa_pub_crypt(key, EM, EM))==0,errOut);
    ccn_swap(modWords, EM);

    const size_t ofs = modWords*sizeof(cc_unit)-emSize;
    cc_assert(ofs<=sizeof(cc_unit)); //make sure sizes are consistent and we don't overrun buffers.
    rc|= ccrsa_emsa_pss_decode(di, MgfDi, saltSize, digestSize,  digest, emBits, (uint8_t *) EM+ofs);

    *valid = (rc==0)?true:false;
    return rc;
int ccrsa_get_fullkey_components(const ccrsa_full_ctx_t key, 
                                 uint8_t *modulus, size_t *modulusLength, 
                                 uint8_t *exponent, size_t *exponentLength,
                                 uint8_t *p, size_t *pLength, 
                                 uint8_t *q, size_t *qLength)
    cc_size n = ccrsa_ctx_n(key);
                               p, pLength )) return -1;
                               q, qLength )) return -1;
                               modulus, modulusLength )) return -1;
                               exponent, exponentLength )) return -1;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void ccrsa_dump_full_key(ccrsa_full_ctx_t key) {
    ccn_cprint(ccrsa_ctx_n(key),      "uint8_t m[]  = ", ccrsa_ctx_m(key));
    ccn_cprint(ccrsa_ctx_n(key) + 1,  "uint8_t rm[] = ", cczp_recip(ccrsa_ctx_zm(key)));
    ccn_cprint(ccrsa_ctx_n(key),      "uint8_t e[]  = ", ccrsa_ctx_e(key));
    ccn_cprint(ccrsa_ctx_n(key),      "uint8_t d[]  = ", ccrsa_ctx_d(key));

    printf("cc_size np = %lu;\n", cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(ccrsa_ctx_private(key))));
    ccn_cprint(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(ccrsa_ctx_private(key))),     "uint8_t p[]  = ",
    ccn_cprint(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(ccrsa_ctx_private(key))) + 1, "uint8_t rp[] = ",
    printf("cc_size nq = %lu;\n", cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(ccrsa_ctx_private(key))));
    ccn_cprint(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(ccrsa_ctx_private(key))),     "uint8_t q[]  = ",
    ccn_cprint(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(ccrsa_ctx_private(key))) + 1, "uint8_t rq[] = ",
    ccn_cprint(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(ccrsa_ctx_private(key))),     "uint8_t dp[] = ",
    ccn_cprint(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(ccrsa_ctx_private(key))),     "uint8_t dq[] = ",
    ccn_cprint(cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(ccrsa_ctx_private(key))),     "uint8_t qinv[] = ",
Ejemplo n.º 15
static OSStatus SecRSAPrivateKeyRawDecrypt(SecKeyRef key, SecPadding padding,
	const uint8_t *cipherText, size_t cipherTextLen,
	uint8_t *plainText, size_t *plainTextLen) {
    OSStatus result = errSSLCrypto;

    ccrsa_full_ctx_t fullkey;
    fullkey.full = key->key;

    size_t m_size = ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(fullkey));

    cc_unit s[ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey)];
    uint8_t recoveredData[ccn_sizeof_n(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey))];

    ccn_read_uint(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), s, cipherTextLen, cipherText);
    ccrsa_priv_crypt(ccrsa_ctx_private(fullkey), s, s);

    const uint8_t* sBytes = (uint8_t*) s;
    const uint8_t* sEnd = (uint8_t*) (s + ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey));

    require(plainTextLen, errOut);

    switch (padding) {
        case kSecPaddingNone:
            ccn_swap(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), s);
            // Skip Zeros since our contract is to do so.
            while (sBytes < sEnd && *sBytes == 0x00)

        case kSecPaddingPKCS1:
            ccn_swap(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), s);
            // Verify and skip PKCS1 padding:
            // 0x00, 0x01 (RSA_PKCS1_PAD_ENCRYPT), 0xFF .. 0x00, signedData
            size_t prefix_zeros = ccn_sizeof_n(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey)) - m_size;
            while (prefix_zeros--)
                require_quiet(*sBytes++ == 0x00, errOut);
            require_quiet(*sBytes++ == 0x00, errOut);
            require_quiet(*sBytes++ == RSA_PKCS1_PAD_ENCRYPT, errOut);

            while (*sBytes != 0x00) {
                require_quiet(++sBytes < sEnd, errOut);
            // Required to have at least 8 non-zeros
            require_quiet((sBytes - (uint8_t*)s) - 2 >= 8, errOut);

            require_quiet(*sBytes == 0x00, errOut);
            require_quiet(++sBytes < sEnd, errOut);
        case kSecPaddingOAEP:
            size_t length = sizeof(recoveredData);

                                                  ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey),ccrsa_ctx_m(fullkey)), s,
                                                  &length, recoveredData), errOut);

            sBytes = recoveredData;
            sEnd = recoveredData + length;
            goto errOut;

    require((sEnd - sBytes) <= (ptrdiff_t)*plainTextLen, errOut);
    *plainTextLen = sEnd - sBytes;
    memcpy(plainText, sBytes, *plainTextLen);

    result = errSecSuccess;

    bzero(recoveredData, sizeof(recoveredData));
    ccn_zero(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), s);

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
static OSStatus SecRSAPrivateKeyRawSign(SecKeyRef key, SecPadding padding,
    const uint8_t *dataToSign, size_t dataToSignLen,
    uint8_t *sig, size_t *sigLen) {

    OSStatus result = errSecParam;

    ccrsa_full_ctx_t fullkey;
    fullkey.full = key->key;

    size_t m_size = ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(fullkey));
    cc_unit s[ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey)];

    uint8_t* sBytes = (uint8_t*) s;

    require(sigLen, errOut);
    require(*sigLen >= m_size, errOut);

    switch (padding) {
        case kSecPaddingNone:
            require_noerr_quiet(ccn_read_uint(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), s, dataToSignLen, dataToSign), errOut);
            require_quiet(ccn_cmp(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), s, ccrsa_ctx_m(fullkey)) < 0, errOut);

        case kSecPaddingPKCS1:
            // Create PKCS1 padding:
            // 0x00, 0x01 (RSA_PKCS1_PAD_SIGN), 0xFF .. 0x00, signedData
            const int kMinimumPadding = 1 + 1 + 8 + 1;

            require(dataToSignLen < m_size - kMinimumPadding, errOut);

            size_t prefix_zeros = ccn_sizeof_n(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey)) - m_size;
            while (prefix_zeros--)
                *sBytes++ = 0x00;
            size_t pad_size = m_size - dataToSignLen;

            *sBytes++ = 0x00;
            *sBytes++ = RSA_PKCS1_PAD_SIGN;

            size_t ff_size;
            for(ff_size = pad_size - 3; ff_size > 0; --ff_size)
                *sBytes++ = 0xFF;

            *sBytes++ = 0x00;

            // Get the user data into s looking like a ccn.
            memcpy(sBytes, dataToSign, dataToSignLen);
            ccn_swap(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), s);

        case kSecPaddingOAEP:
            result = errSecParam;
            goto errOut;

    ccrsa_priv_crypt(ccrsa_ctx_private(fullkey), s, s);

    // Pad with leading zeros to fit in modulus size
    ccn_write_uint_padded(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), s, m_size, sig);
    *sigLen = m_size;

    result = errSecSuccess;

    ccn_zero(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), s);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 17
static inline size_t
ccRSAkeysize(CCRSACryptor *cryptor) {
    return ccn_bitlen(ccrsa_ctx_n(cryptor->fk), ccrsa_ctx_m(cryptor->fk));
Ejemplo n.º 18
static size_t SecRSAPublicKeyBlockSize(SecKeyRef key) {
    ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubkey;
    pubkey.pub = key->key;

    return ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey));
Ejemplo n.º 19
static OSStatus SecRSAPublicKeyRawDecrypt(SecKeyRef key, SecPadding padding,
	const uint8_t *cipherText, size_t cipherTextLen, uint8_t *plainText, size_t *plainTextLen) {
    OSStatus result = errSSLCrypto;

    ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubkey;
    pubkey.pub = key->key;

    cc_unit s[ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey)];

    require_action_quiet(cipherText != NULL, errOut, result = errSecParam);
    require_action_quiet(plainText != NULL, errOut, result = errSecParam);
    require_action_quiet(plainTextLen != NULL, errOut, result = errSecParam);

    ccn_read_uint(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s, cipherTextLen, cipherText);
    ccrsa_pub_crypt(pubkey, s, s);
    ccn_swap(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s);

    const uint8_t* sBytes = (uint8_t*) s;
    const uint8_t* sEnd = (uint8_t*) (s + ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey));

    switch (padding) {
        case kSecPaddingNone:
            // Skip leading zeros
            // We return the bytes for a number and
            // trim leading zeroes
            while (sBytes < sEnd && *sBytes == 0x00)

        case kSecPaddingPKCS1:
            // Verify and skip PKCS1 padding:
            // 0x00, 0x01 (RSA_PKCS1_PAD_ENCRYPT), 0xFF .. 0x00, signedData
            size_t m_size = ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey));
            size_t prefix_zeros = ccn_sizeof_n(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey)) - m_size;
            while (prefix_zeros--)
                require_quiet(*sBytes++ == 0x00, errOut);

            require_quiet(*sBytes++ == 0x00, errOut);
            require_quiet(*sBytes++ == RSA_PKCS1_PAD_ENCRYPT, errOut);

            while (*sBytes != 0x00) {
                require_quiet(++sBytes < sEnd, errOut);
            // Required to have at least 8 0xFFs
            require_quiet((sBytes - (uint8_t*)s) - 2 >= 8, errOut);

            require_quiet(*sBytes == 0x00, errOut);
            require_quiet(++sBytes < sEnd, errOut);

        case kSecPaddingOAEP:
            result = errSecParam;
            goto errOut;

    // Return the rest.
    require_action((sEnd - sBytes) <= (ptrdiff_t)*plainTextLen, errOut, result = errSecParam);

    *plainTextLen = sEnd - sBytes;
    memcpy(plainText, sBytes, *plainTextLen);

    result = errSecSuccess;

    ccn_zero(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s);

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 20
static OSStatus SecRSAPublicKeyRawEncrypt(SecKeyRef key, SecPadding padding,
    const uint8_t *plainText, size_t plainTextLen,
	uint8_t *cipherText, size_t *cipherTextLen) {
    OSStatus result = errSecParam;
    ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubkey;
    pubkey.pub = key->key;

    cc_unit s[ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey)];
    const size_t m_size = ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey));

    require(cipherTextLen, errOut);
    require(*cipherTextLen >= m_size, errOut);

    uint8_t* sBytes = (uint8_t*) s;

    switch (padding) {
        case kSecPaddingNone:
            require_noerr_quiet(ccn_read_uint(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s, plainTextLen, plainText), errOut);
            require_quiet(ccn_cmp(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s, ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey)) < 0, errOut);

        case kSecPaddingPKCS1:
            // Create PKCS1 padding:
            // 0x00, 0x01 (RSA_PKCS1_PAD_ENCRYPT), 0xFF .. 0x00, signedData
            const int kMinimumPadding = 1 + 1 + 8 + 1;

            require_quiet(plainTextLen < m_size - kMinimumPadding, errOut);

            size_t prefix_zeros = ccn_sizeof_n(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey)) - m_size;
            while (prefix_zeros--)
                 *sBytes++ = 0x00;

           size_t pad_size = m_size - plainTextLen;

            *sBytes++ = 0x00;
            *sBytes++ = RSA_PKCS1_PAD_ENCRYPT;

            ccrng_generate(ccrng_seckey, pad_size - 3, sBytes);
            // Remove zeroes from the random pad

            const uint8_t* sEndOfPad = sBytes + (pad_size - 3);
            while (sBytes < sEndOfPad)
                if (*sBytes == 0x00)
                    *sBytes = 0xFF; // Michael said 0xFF was good enough.


            *sBytes++ = 0x00;

            memcpy(sBytes, plainText, plainTextLen);

            ccn_swap(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s);
        case kSecPaddingOAEP:
            const struct ccdigest_info* di = ccsha1_di();

            const size_t encodingOverhead = 2 + 2 * di->output_size;

            require_action(m_size > encodingOverhead, errOut, result = errSecParam);
            require_action_quiet(plainTextLen < m_size - encodingOverhead, errOut, result = errSSLCrypto);

                                                   m_size, s,
                                                   plainTextLen, plainText), errOut, result = errSecInternal);
            goto errOut;

    ccrsa_pub_crypt(pubkey, s, s);

    ccn_write_uint_padded(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s, m_size, cipherText);
    *cipherTextLen = m_size;

    result = errSecSuccess;

    ccn_zero(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static size_t SecRSAPrivateKeyBlockSize(SecKeyRef key) {
    ccrsa_full_ctx_t fullkey;
    fullkey.full = key->key;

    return ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(fullkey));
Ejemplo n.º 22
static CFDataRef SecRSAPrivateKeyCreatePKCS1(CFAllocatorRef allocator, ccrsa_full_ctx_t fullkey)
    ccrsa_priv_ctx_t privkey = ccrsa_ctx_private(fullkey);

    const cc_size np = cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(privkey));
    const cc_size nq = cczp_n(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(privkey));

    size_t m_size = ccn_write_int_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(fullkey));
    size_t e_size = ccn_write_int_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), ccrsa_ctx_e(fullkey));
    size_t d_size = ccn_write_int_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), ccrsa_ctx_d(fullkey));

    size_t p_size = ccn_write_int_size(np, cczp_prime(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(privkey)));
    size_t q_size = ccn_write_int_size(nq, cczp_prime(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(privkey)));

    size_t dp_size = ccn_write_int_size(np, ccrsa_ctx_private_dp(privkey));
    size_t dq_size = ccn_write_int_size(nq, ccrsa_ctx_private_dq(privkey));

    size_t qinv_size = ccn_write_int_size(np, ccrsa_ctx_private_qinv(privkey));

    const size_t seq_size = 3 +
                            DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_INTEGER, m_size) +
                            DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_INTEGER, e_size) +
                            DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_INTEGER, d_size) +
                            DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_INTEGER, p_size) +
                            DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_INTEGER, q_size) +
                            DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_INTEGER, dp_size) +
                            DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_INTEGER, dq_size) +
                            DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_INTEGER, qinv_size);

    const size_t result_size = DERLengthOfItem(ASN1_SEQUENCE, seq_size);

	CFMutableDataRef pkcs1 = CFDataCreateMutable(allocator, result_size);

    if (pkcs1 == NULL)
        return NULL;

	CFDataSetLength(pkcs1, result_size);

    uint8_t *bytes = CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(pkcs1);

    *bytes++ = ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE;

    DERSize itemLength = 4;
    DEREncodeLength(seq_size, bytes, &itemLength);
    bytes += itemLength;

    *bytes++ = ASN1_INTEGER;
    *bytes++ = 0x01;
    *bytes++ = 0x00;

    ccasn_encode_int(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(fullkey), m_size, &bytes);
    ccasn_encode_int(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), ccrsa_ctx_e(fullkey), e_size, &bytes);
    ccasn_encode_int(ccrsa_ctx_n(fullkey), ccrsa_ctx_d(fullkey), d_size, &bytes);

    ccasn_encode_int(np, cczp_prime(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(privkey)), p_size, &bytes);
    ccasn_encode_int(nq, cczp_prime(ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(privkey)), q_size, &bytes);
    ccasn_encode_int(np, ccrsa_ctx_private_dp(privkey), dp_size, &bytes);
    ccasn_encode_int(nq, ccrsa_ctx_private_dq(privkey), dq_size, &bytes);
    ccasn_encode_int(np, ccrsa_ctx_private_qinv(privkey), qinv_size, &bytes);

    return pkcs1;
Ejemplo n.º 23
static OSStatus SecRSAPublicKeyRawVerify(SecKeyRef key, SecPadding padding,
    const uint8_t *signedData, size_t signedDataLen,
    const uint8_t *sig, size_t sigLen) {
    OSStatus result = errSSLCrypto;

    ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubkey;
    pubkey.pub = key->key;

    cc_unit s[ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey)];

    ccn_read_uint(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s, sigLen, sig);
    ccrsa_pub_crypt(pubkey, s, s);
    ccn_swap(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s);

    const uint8_t* sBytes = (uint8_t*) s;
    const uint8_t* sEnd = (uint8_t*) (s + ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey));

    switch (padding) {
        case kSecPaddingNone:
            // Skip leading zeros as long as s is bigger than signedData.
            while (((ptrdiff_t)signedDataLen < (sEnd - sBytes)) && (*sBytes == 0))

        case kSecPaddingPKCS1:
            // Verify and skip PKCS1 padding:
            // 0x00, 0x01 (RSA_PKCS1_PAD_SIGN), 0xFF .. 0x00, signedData
            size_t m_size = ccn_write_uint_size(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), ccrsa_ctx_m(pubkey));
            size_t prefix_zeros = ccn_sizeof_n(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey)) - m_size;
            while (prefix_zeros--)
                require_quiet(*sBytes++ == 0x00, errOut);

            require_quiet(*sBytes++ == 0x00, errOut);
            require_quiet(*sBytes++ == RSA_PKCS1_PAD_SIGN, errOut);

            while (*sBytes == 0xFF) {
                require_quiet(++sBytes < sEnd, errOut);
            // Required to have at least 8 0xFFs
            require_quiet((sBytes - (uint8_t*)s) - 2 >= 8, errOut);

            require_quiet(*sBytes == 0x00, errOut);
            require_quiet(++sBytes < sEnd, errOut);
        case kSecPaddingOAEP:
            result = errSecParam;
            goto errOut;

            result = errSecUnimplemented;
            goto errOut;

    // Compare the rest.
    require_quiet((sEnd - sBytes) == (ptrdiff_t)signedDataLen, errOut);
    require_quiet(memcmp(sBytes, signedData, signedDataLen) == 0, errOut);

    result = errSecSuccess;

    cc_zero(ccrsa_ctx_n(pubkey), s);

    return result;