Ejemplo n.º 1
BOOL ALSZOTExtSnd::CheckConsistency(queue<alsz_snd_check_t>* check_buf_q, channel* check_chan) {
	uint8_t *rcvhashbufptr, *seedbufsrvptr, *rcvbufsrvptr, *rcvhashbuf;
	uint32_t ida, idb, receiver_hashes = 4;
	uint64_t checkbytelen= receiver_hashes * OWF_BYTES, tmpid, tmpnblocks, seedhashcli, rcvhashcli;

	uint8_t* rcvbuf = check_chan->blocking_receive_id_len(&rcvhashbuf, &tmpid, &tmpnblocks);
	uint8_t ca, cb;

	alsz_snd_check_t check_buf = check_buf_q->front();

	//Should be fine since the blocks are handled sequentially - but recheck anyway
	assert(check_buf.otid == tmpid);
	assert(check_buf.numblocks == tmpnblocks);

	uint32_t blockoffset = ceil_divide(check_buf.otid, NUMOTBLOCKS * m_nBlockSizeBytes);
	uint32_t offset = 0 ;//m_nBaseOTs * blockoffset;//TODO, put offset in again when 3-stop ot is implemented

	rcvhashbufptr = rcvhashbuf;

	seedbufsrvptr = check_buf.seed_chk_buf;
	rcvbufsrvptr = check_buf.rcv_chk_buf;

	for(uint32_t i = 0, j; i < m_nChecks; i++, rcvhashbufptr+=checkbytelen) {
		ida = check_buf.perm[i].ida;
		idb = check_buf.perm[i].idb;
		assert(ida < m_nBaseOTs && idb < m_nBaseOTs);

		ca = m_vU.GetBit(ida + offset);
		cb = m_vU.GetBit(idb + offset);

		//check that ida+idb == seedbufcheck and (!ida) + (!idb) == rcvbufcheck
		for(j = 0; j < ceil_divide(OWF_BYTES,sizeof(uint64_t)); j++, seedbufsrvptr+=sizeof(uint64_t), rcvbufsrvptr+=sizeof(uint64_t)) {

			seedhashcli = *(((uint64_t*) rcvhashbufptr) + (2*ca+cb)*2 + j);
			rcvhashcli = *(((uint64_t*) rcvhashbufptr) + (2*(ca^1)+(cb^1))*2 + j);

			if(seedhashcli != *((uint64_t*) seedbufsrvptr) || rcvhashcli != *((uint64_t*) rcvbufsrvptr)) {
				cout << "Error in " << i <<"-th consistency check between " << ida << " and " << idb <<" : " << endl;
				cout << "Receiver seed = " << (hex) << ((uint64_t*) (rcvhashbufptr+((2*ca+cb) * OWF_BYTES)))[0] <<
						((uint64_t*) (rcvhashbufptr+((2*ca+cb) * OWF_BYTES) + j))[1] << ", my seed: " <<
						((uint64_t*) seedbufsrvptr)[0] << ((uint64_t*) seedbufsrvptr)[1] << (dec) << endl;
				cout << "Receiver sndval = " << (hex) << ((uint64_t*) (rcvhashbufptr+((2*(ca^1)+(cb^1)) * OWF_BYTES) + j))[0] <<
						((uint64_t*) (rcvhashbufptr+((2*(ca^1)+(cb^1)) * OWF_BYTES) + j))[1] << ", my snd val = " <<
						((uint64_t*) rcvbufsrvptr)[0] << ((uint64_t*) rcvbufsrvptr)[1] << (dec) << endl;
				return false;
	//free the receive buffer

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void prime_field::init(seclvl sp, uint8_t* seed) {
	mpz_t rnd_seed;

	//TODO: change to inits if working correctly
	secparam = sp;

	mpz_import(rnd_seed, secparam.symbits, 1, sizeof((seed)[0]), 0, 0, seed);

	if (secparam.ifcbits == ST.ifcbits) {
		mpz_set_str(p, ifcp1024, 16);
		mpz_set_str(g, ifcg1024, 16);
		mpz_set_str(q, ifcq1024, 16);
	} else if (secparam.ifcbits == MT.ifcbits) {
		mpz_set_str(p, ifcp2048, 16);
		mpz_set_str(g, ifcg2048, 16);
		mpz_set_str(q, ifcq2048, 16);
	} else if (secparam.ifcbits == LT.ifcbits) {
		mpz_set_str(p, ifcp3072, 10);
		mpz_set_str(g, ifcg3072, 10);
		mpz_set_str(q, ifcq3072, 10);
	} else //Long term security
		mpz_set_str(p, ifcp3072, 10);
		mpz_set_str(g, ifcg3072, 10);
		mpz_set_str(q, ifcq1024, 10);

	gmp_randseed(rnd_state, rnd_seed);
	fe_bytelen = ceil_divide(secparam.ifcbits, 8);
Ejemplo n.º 3
//Initialize and start numThreads OTSenderThread
BOOL OTExtSnd::start_send(uint32_t numThreads) {
	if (m_nOTs == 0)
		return true;

	if(numThreads * m_nBlockSizeBits > m_nOTs && numThreads > 1) {
		cerr << "Decreasing nthreads from " << numThreads << " to " << max(m_nOTs / m_nBlockSizeBits, (uint64_t) 1) << " to fit window size" << endl;
		numThreads = max(m_nOTs / m_nBlockSizeBits, (uint64_t) 1);

	//The total number of OTs that is performed has to be a multiple of numThreads*Z_REGISTER_BITS
	uint32_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits;//pad_to_power_of_two(m_nBaseOTs);//1 << (ceil_log2(m_nBaseOTs));
	//uint64_t numOTs = ceil_divide(PadToMultiple(m_nOTs, wd_size_bits), numThreads);
	uint64_t internal_numOTs = PadToMultiple(ceil_divide(m_nOTs, numThreads), wd_size_bits);
	vector<OTSenderThread*> sThreads(numThreads);

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
		sThreads[i] = new OTSenderThread(i, internal_numOTs, this);

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {

	m_nCounter += m_nOTs;

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
		delete sThreads[i];

#ifdef VERIFY_OT
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ALSZOTExtSnd::genRandomPermutation(linking_t* outperm, uint32_t nids, uint32_t nperms) {
	uint32_t rndbits = m_nSymSecParam * nperms;
	uint64_t bitsint = (8*sizeof(uint32_t));
	uint32_t rnditers = ceil_divide(m_cCrypt->get_seclvl().symbits, bitsint);
	CBitVector rndstring;
	rndstring.Create((uint64_t) rnditers * nperms, bitsint, m_cCrypt);

	uint64_t tmpval = 0, tmprnd;

	for(uint32_t i = 0, rndctr=0, j; i < nperms; i++) {
		outperm[i].ida = i % nids;
		//if(outperm[i].ida == 0) outperm[i].ida++;
		/*for(j = 0; j < rnditers; j++, rndctr++) {
			tmprnd = rndstring.Get<uint32_t>(rndctr);
			tmpval = ((uint64_t) (tmpval << bitsint) | tmprnd);
			tmpval = tmpval % nids;
		m_cCrypt->gen_rnd_uniform(&outperm[i].idb, nids);
		//outperm[i].idb = 0;
		//if(outperm[i].idb == 0) outperm[i].idb++;
		//cout << "Permutation " << i << ": " << outperm[i].ida << " <-> " << outperm[i].idb << endl;

Ejemplo n.º 5
alsz_snd_check_t ALSZOTExtSnd::UpdateCheckBuf(uint8_t* tocheckseed, uint8_t* tocheckrcv, uint64_t otid, uint64_t numblocks, channel* check_chan) {
	uint64_t rowbytelen = m_nBlockSizeBytes * numblocks;
	uint8_t* hash_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
	//uint8_t* tmpbuf = (uint8_t*) malloc(rowbytelen);
	uint8_t** tmpbuf = (uint8_t**) malloc(2 * sizeof(uint8_t*));
	uint8_t *idaptr, *idbptr;
	alsz_snd_check_t check_buf;
	check_buf.rcv_chk_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(m_nChecks * OWF_BYTES);
	check_buf.seed_chk_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(m_nChecks * OWF_BYTES);
	uint8_t *seedcheckbufptr = check_buf.seed_chk_buf, *rcvcheckbufptr = check_buf.rcv_chk_buf;
	uint32_t iters = rowbytelen/sizeof(uint64_t);
	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		tmpbuf[i] = (uint8_t*) malloc(rowbytelen);
	check_buf.otid = otid;
	check_buf.numblocks = numblocks;
	check_buf.perm = (linking_t*) malloc(sizeof(linking_t*) * m_nChecks);
	genRandomPermutation(check_buf.perm, m_nBaseOTs, m_nChecks);

	//right now the rowbytelen needs to be a multiple of AES_BYTES
	assert(ceil_divide(rowbytelen, OWF_BYTES) * OWF_BYTES == rowbytelen);
	cout << "rowbytelen = " << rowbytelen << endl;
	uint8_t *pas, *pbs, *par, *pbr;
	for(uint64_t i = 0; i < m_nChecks; i++, seedcheckbufptr+=OWF_BYTES, rcvcheckbufptr+=OWF_BYTES) {
		//memset(tmpbuf, 0, rowbytelen);
		cout << i << "-th check between " << check_buf.perm[i].ida << " and " << check_buf.perm[i].idb << ": " << endl;
		pas = tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen;
		pbs = tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen;
		par = tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen;
		pbr = tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen;
		for(uint64_t j = 0; j < iters; j++) {
			((uint64_t*) tmpbuf[0])[j] = ((uint64_t*) pas)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) pbs)[j];
			((uint64_t*) tmpbuf[1])[j] = ((uint64_t*) tmpbuf[0])[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) par)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) pbr)[j];
		sha512_hash(seedcheckbufptr, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf[0], rowbytelen, hash_buf);
		sha512_hash(rcvcheckbufptr, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf[1], rowbytelen, hash_buf);
		/*XORandOWF(tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen, tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen,
				rowbytelen, tmpbuf, seedcheckbufptr, hash_buf);
		XORandOWF(tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen, tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen,
				rowbytelen, tmpbuf, rcvcheckbufptr, hash_buf);*/

	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)

	//Send the permutation over to the receiver
	check_chan->send_id_len((uint8_t*) check_buf.perm, sizeof(linking_t) * m_nChecks, otid, numblocks);

	return check_buf;
Ejemplo n.º 6
BOOL OTExtSnd::verifyOT(uint64_t NumOTs) {
	cout << "Verifying OT" << endl;
	uint64_t processedOTBlocks, OTsPerIteration;
	uint32_t bytelen = ceil_divide(m_nBitLength, 8);
	uint64_t nSnd;
	uint8_t* resp;

	channel* chan = new channel(0, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);

	for (uint64_t i = 0; i < NumOTs; i += OTsPerIteration) {
		processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(NumOTs - i, AES_BITS));
		OTsPerIteration = min(processedOTBlocks * AES_BITS, NumOTs - i);
		nSnd = ceil_divide(OTsPerIteration * m_nBitLength, 8);

		chan->send_id_len(m_vValues[0].GetArr() + bits_in_bytes(i * m_nBitLength), nSnd, i, OTsPerIteration);
		chan->send_id_len(m_vValues[1].GetArr() + bits_in_bytes(i * m_nBitLength), nSnd, i, OTsPerIteration);
		//sndthread->add_snd_task_start_len(0, nSnd, m_vValues[0].GetArr() + bits_in_bytes(i * m_nBitLength), i, OTsPerIteration);
		//sndthread->add_snd_task_start_len(0, nSnd, m_vValues[1].GetArr() + bits_in_bytes(i * m_nBitLength), i, OTsPerIteration);

		//cout << "Waiting for reply" << endl;
		resp = chan->blocking_receive();
		//resp = *rcvqueue->front();
		//cout << "Got reply with " << (uint32_t) resp << endl;
		if (*resp == 0x00) {
			cout << "OT verification unsuccessful" << endl;
			return false;
	//cout << "signalling end" << endl,

	cout << "OT Verification successful" << flush << endl;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void *gen_cuckoo_entries(void *ctx_void) {
	cuckoo_entry_gen_ctx* ctx  = (cuckoo_entry_gen_ctx*) ctx_void;
	hs_t* hs = ctx->hs;
	uint32_t i, inbytelen = ceil_divide(hs->inbitlen, 8);
	uint8_t* eleptr = ctx->elements + inbytelen * ctx->startpos;

	//generate the cuckoo entries for all elements
	for(i = ctx->startpos; i < ctx->endpos; i++, eleptr+=inbytelen) {
		gen_cuckoo_entry(eleptr, ctx->cuckoo_entries + i, hs, i);
Ejemplo n.º 8
BaseMPSIParty::BaseMPSIParty(uint32_t partyId, ConfigFile &config, boost::asio::io_service &ioService) :
        MultiPartyPlayer(partyId,config,ioService) {


    m_elements.reset(new uint8_t[m_setSize*ceil_divide(m_elementSizeInBits,8)]);

    PRINT_PARTY(m_partyId) << "is receiving elements" << std::endl;

    m_serverSocket.Receive(reinterpret_cast<byte *>(m_elements.get()), m_setSize*ceil_divide(m_elementSizeInBits,8));

    m_seedBuf.reset(new uint8_t[m_seedSize]);
    m_serverSocket.Receive(m_seedBuf.get(), m_seedSize*sizeof(uint8_t));


    uint64_t rnd;
    m_crypt->gen_rnd((uint8_t*) &rnd, sizeof(uint64_t));

    m_parameters.m_statSecParameter = m_crypt->get_seclvl().statbits;
    m_crypt->init_prf_state(&m_prfState, m_seedBuf.get());
Ejemplo n.º 9
uint32_t naivepsi(role_type role, uint32_t neles, uint32_t pneles, task_ctx ectx,
		crypto* crypt_env, CSocket* sock, uint32_t ntasks, uint32_t* matches) {

	uint32_t i, intersect_size, maskbytelen;
	//task_ctx_naive ectx;
	CSocket* tmpsock = sock;

	uint32_t* perm;
	uint8_t *hashes, *phashes;

	maskbytelen = ceil_divide(crypt_env->get_seclvl().statbits + ceil_log2(neles) + ceil_log2(pneles), 8);

	hashes = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * neles * maskbytelen);
	perm  = (uint32_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * neles);

	/* Generate the random permutation the elements */
	crypt_env->gen_rnd_perm(perm, neles);

	/* Hash and permute elements */
#ifdef DEBUG
	cout << "Hashing my elements" << endl;

	//ectx.eles.input = permeles;
	//ectx.eles.inbytelen = elebytelen;
	ectx.eles.outbytelen = maskbytelen,
	ectx.eles.nelements = neles;
	ectx.eles.output = hashes;
	ectx.eles.perm = perm;
	ectx.sctx.symcrypt = crypt_env;

	run_task(ntasks, ectx, psi_hashing_function);

	phashes = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * pneles * maskbytelen);

#ifdef DEBUG
	cout << "Exchanging hashes" << endl;
	snd_and_rcv(hashes, neles * maskbytelen, phashes, pneles * maskbytelen, tmpsock);

	/*cout << "Hashes of my elements: " << endl;
	for(i = 0; i < neles; i++) {
		for(uint32_t j = 0; j < maskbytelen; j++) {
			cout << (hex) << (uint32_t) hashes[i * maskbytelen + j] << (dec);
		cout << endl;

	cout << "Hashes of partner elements: " << endl;
	for(i = 0; i < pneles; i++) {
		for(uint32_t j = 0; j < maskbytelen; j++) {
			cout << (hex) << (uint32_t) phashes[i * maskbytelen + j] << (dec);
		cout << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
	cout << "Finding intersection" << endl;
	intersect_size = find_intersection(hashes, neles, phashes, pneles, maskbytelen,
			perm, matches);

#ifdef DEBUG
	cout << "Free-ing allocated memory" << endl;

	return intersect_size;
Ejemplo n.º 10
BOOL ALSZOTExtRec::receiver_routine(uint32_t id, uint64_t myNumOTs) {
	uint64_t myStartPos = id * myNumOTs;
	uint64_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits;

	uint64_t internal_numOTs = std::min(myNumOTs + myStartPos, m_nOTs) - myStartPos;
	uint64_t lim = myStartPos + internal_numOTs;

	uint64_t processedOTBlocks = std::min(num_ot_blocks, ceil_divide(internal_numOTs, wd_size_bits));
	uint64_t OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
	uint64_t OTwindow = num_ot_blocks * wd_size_bits;
	uint64_t** rndmat;
	bool use_mat_chan = (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT || m_bUseMinEntCorRob);
	uint32_t nchans = 2;
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		nchans = 3;

	channel* ot_chan = new channel(OT_BASE_CHANNEL+nchans*id, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* check_chan = new channel(OT_BASE_CHANNEL+nchans*id+1, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* mat_chan;
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		mat_chan = new channel(nchans*id+2, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);

	// A temporary part of the T matrix
	CBitVector T(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration);

	// The send buffer
	CBitVector vSnd(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

	// A temporary buffer that stores the resulting seeds from the hash buffer
	//TODO: Check for some maximum size
	CBitVector seedbuf(OTwindow * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * 8);

	uint64_t otid = myStartPos;
	std::queue<alsz_rcv_check_t> check_buf;

	std::queue<mask_block*> mask_queue;
	CBitVector maskbuf;
	maskbuf.Create(m_nBitLength * OTwindow);

	//these two values are only required for the min entropy correlation robustness assumption
	alsz_rcv_check_t check_tmp;
	CBitVector Ttmp(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration);

	OT_AES_KEY_CTX* tmp_base_keys;

	uint64_t base_ot_block_ctr = otid / (myNumOTs);

	//TODO only do when successfull checks
	if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
		initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
	double totalMtxTime = 0, totalTnsTime = 0, totalHshTime = 0, totalRcvTime = 0, totalSndTime = 0,
			totalChkTime = 0, totalMaskTime = 0, totalEnqueueTime = 0, totalOutputSetTime = 0;
	timespec tempStart, tempEnd;

	while (otid < lim) {
		processedOTBlocks = std::min(num_ot_blocks, ceil_divide(lim - otid, wd_size_bits));
		OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
		//nSize = bits_in_bytes(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

		tmp_base_keys = m_tBaseOTKeys[base_ot_block_ctr];

#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
		BuildMatrices(&T, &vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks, tmp_base_keys);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalMtxTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
		check_buf.push(EnqueueSeed(T.GetArr(), vSnd.GetArr(), otid, processedOTBlocks));
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalEnqueueTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
		MaskBaseOTs(&T, &vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalMaskTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
		SendMasks(&vSnd, ot_chan, otid, OTsPerIteration);
		//ot_chan->send_id_len(vSnd.GetArr(), nSize, otid, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalSndTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);

		ReceiveAndFillMatrix(rndmat, mat_chan);
		if(!m_bUseMinEntCorRob) {
			T.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalTnsTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
			HashValues(&T, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, otid, std::min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration), rndmat);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalHshTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) {
				check_tmp = check_buf.front();
				Ttmp.Copy(check_tmp.T0, 0, check_tmp.numblocks * m_nBlockSizeBytes);
			ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan);
			if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) {
				ReceiveAndXORCorRobVector(&Ttmp, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits, mat_chan);
				Ttmp.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
				HashValues(&Ttmp, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, check_tmp.otid, std::min(lim - check_tmp.otid, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits), rndmat);
#ifdef OTTiming
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
			totalChkTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);

		SetOutput(&maskbuf, otid, OTsPerIteration, &mask_queue, ot_chan);

		otid += std::min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalOutputSetTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);



	while(!check_buf.empty()) {
		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) {
				check_tmp = check_buf.front();
				Ttmp.Copy(check_tmp.T0, 0, check_tmp.numblocks * m_nBlockSizeBytes);
#ifdef OTTiming
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
			ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan);
#ifdef OTTiming
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
			totalChkTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
			if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) {
				ReceiveAndXORCorRobVector(&Ttmp, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits, mat_chan);
				Ttmp.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
				HashValues(&Ttmp, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, check_tmp.otid, std::min(lim - check_tmp.otid, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits), rndmat);

	if(m_eSndOTFlav != Snd_R_OT) {
#ifdef ABY_OT
		while(!(mask_queue.empty())) {
		while(ot_chan->is_alive() && !(mask_queue.empty())) {
#ifdef OTTiming
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
			ReceiveAndUnMask(ot_chan, &mask_queue);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalOutputSetTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);

	delete ot_chan;
	delete check_chan;


	if(use_mat_chan) {
		delete mat_chan;

	if(m_eSndOTFlav==Snd_GC_OT) {
		freeRndMatrix(rndmat, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
	std::cout << "Receiver time benchmark for performing " << internal_numOTs << " OTs on " << m_nBitLength << " bit strings" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Time needed for: " << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Matrix Generation:\t" << totalMtxTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Enqueuing Seeds:\t" << totalEnqueueTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Base OT Masking:\t" << totalMaskTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Sending Matrix:\t" << totalSndTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Transposing Matrix:\t" << totalTnsTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Hashing Matrix:\t" << totalHshTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Receiving Values:\t" << totalRcvTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Checking OWF:  \t" << totalChkTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Setting Output:\t" << totalOutputSetTime << " ms" << std::endl;

	return TRUE;

void ALSZOTExtRec::ReceiveAndFillMatrix(uint64_t** rndmat, channel* mat_chan) {
	if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
		uint8_t* rnd_seed = mat_chan->blocking_receive();
		//initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs);
		fillRndMatrix(rnd_seed, rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs, m_cCrypt);

alsz_rcv_check_t ALSZOTExtRec::EnqueueSeed(uint8_t* T0, uint8_t* T1, uint64_t otid, uint64_t numblocks) {
	uint64_t expseedbytelen = m_nBaseOTs * numblocks * m_nBlockSizeBytes;
	alsz_rcv_check_t seedstr;

	seedstr.otid = otid;
	seedstr.numblocks = numblocks;
	seedstr.T0 = (uint8_t*) malloc(expseedbytelen);
	seedstr.T1 = (uint8_t*) malloc(expseedbytelen);

	memcpy(seedstr.T0, T0, expseedbytelen);
	memcpy(seedstr.T1, T1, expseedbytelen);

	return seedstr;
Ejemplo n.º 11
BOOL NNOBOTExtSnd::sender_routine(uint32_t id, uint64_t myNumOTs) {
	uint64_t myStartPos = id * myNumOTs;
	uint64_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits;
	uint64_t processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(myNumOTs, wd_size_bits));
	uint64_t OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
	uint64_t tmpctr, tmpotlen;
	uint32_t nchans = 2;
	bool use_mat_chan = (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT || m_bUseMinEntCorRob);
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		nchans = 3;

	channel* ot_chan = new channel(nchans*id, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* check_chan = new channel(nchans*id + 1, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* mat_chan;
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		mat_chan = new channel(nchans*id+2, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);

	myNumOTs = min(myNumOTs + myStartPos, m_nOTs) - myStartPos;
	uint64_t lim = myStartPos + myNumOTs;
	uint64_t** rndmat;

	// The vector with the received bits
	CBitVector vRcv(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

	// Holds the reply that is sent back to the receiver
	uint32_t numsndvals = 2;
	CBitVector* vSnd;

	CBitVector* seedbuf = new CBitVector[m_nSndVals];
	for (uint32_t u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++)
		seedbuf[u].Create(OTsPerIteration * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * 8);
#ifdef ZDEBUG
	cout << "seedbuf size = " <<OTsPerIteration * AES_KEY_BITS << endl;
	vSnd = new CBitVector[numsndvals];
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numsndvals; i++) {
		vSnd[i].Create(OTsPerIteration * m_nBitLength);

	// Contains the parts of the V matrix
	CBitVector Q(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration);
	mask_buf_t tmpmaskbuf;

	uint64_t OT_ptr = myStartPos;

	uint8_t *rcvbuftmpptr, *rcvbufptr;

	queue<nnob_snd_check_t> check_queue;
	queue<mask_buf_t> mask_queue;

	uint32_t startpos = 0;
	if(m_eRecOTFlav==Rec_R_OT) {
		startpos = 1;

	if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
		initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
	double totalMtxTime = 0, totalTnsTime = 0, totalHshTime = 0, totalRcvTime = 0, totalSndTime = 0, totalUnMaskTime = 0,
			totalHashCheckTime = 0;
	timeval tempStart, tempEnd;

	while (OT_ptr < lim) //do while there are still transfers missing
		processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(lim - OT_ptr, wd_size_bits));
		OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;

#ifdef ZDEBUG
		cout << "Processing block " << nProgress << " with length: " << OTsPerIteration << ", and limit: " << lim << endl;

#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		rcvbufptr = ot_chan->blocking_receive_id_len(&rcvbuftmpptr, &tmpctr, &tmpotlen);
		//vRcv.AttachBuf(rcvbuftmpptr, bits_in_bytes(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration));
		vRcv.SetBytes(rcvbuftmpptr, bits_in_bytes(OTsPerIteration*startpos), bits_in_bytes((m_nBaseOTs-startpos)*OTsPerIteration));
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalRcvTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		BuildQMatrix(Q, OT_ptr, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalMtxTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		check_queue.push(UpdateCheckBuf(Q.GetArr(), vRcv.GetArr(), OT_ptr, processedOTBlocks, check_chan));
		FillAndSendRandomMatrix(rndmat, mat_chan);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalHashCheckTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		UnMaskBaseOTs(Q, vRcv, processedOTBlocks);

		GenerateSendAndXORCorRobVector(Q, OTsPerIteration, mat_chan);

#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalUnMaskTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		Q.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalTnsTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		HashValues(Q, seedbuf, vSnd, OT_ptr, min(lim - OT_ptr, OTsPerIteration), rndmat);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalHshTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);

		//TODO: outsource into method
		tmpmaskbuf.otid = OT_ptr;
		tmpmaskbuf.otlen = min(lim - OT_ptr, OTsPerIteration);
		tmpmaskbuf.maskbuf = new CBitVector[numsndvals];
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numsndvals; i++)

		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			assert(CheckConsistency(&check_queue, check_chan));//TODO assert
			tmpmaskbuf = mask_queue.front();
			MaskAndSend(tmpmaskbuf.maskbuf, tmpmaskbuf.otid, tmpmaskbuf.otlen, ot_chan);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalSndTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		OT_ptr += min(lim - OT_ptr, OTsPerIteration);


	while(!check_queue.empty()) {
		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			assert(CheckConsistency(&check_queue, check_chan));//TODO assert
			tmpmaskbuf = mask_queue.front();
			MaskAndSend(tmpmaskbuf.maskbuf, tmpmaskbuf.otid, tmpmaskbuf.otlen, ot_chan);


	for (uint32_t u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++)

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numsndvals; i++)
	if (numsndvals > 0)

	if(use_mat_chan) {

	if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
		freeRndMatrix(rndmat, m_nBaseOTs);
#ifdef OTTiming
	cout << "Sender time benchmark for performing " << myNumOTs << " OTs on " << m_nBitLength << " bit strings" << endl;
	cout << "Time needed for: " << endl;
	cout << "\t Matrix Generation:\t" << totalMtxTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t BaseOT Unmasking:\t" << totalUnMaskTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Check Hashing:\t" << totalHashCheckTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Sending Matrix:\t" << totalSndTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Transposing Matrix:\t" << totalTnsTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Hashing Matrix:\t" << totalHshTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Receiving Values:\t" << totalRcvTime << " ms" << endl;

	delete ot_chan;
	delete check_chan;
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 12
nnob_snd_check_t NNOBOTExtSnd::UpdateCheckBuf(uint8_t* tocheckseed, uint8_t* tocheckrcv, uint64_t otid, uint64_t numblocks, channel* check_chan) {
	uint64_t rowbytelen = m_nBlockSizeBytes * numblocks;
	uint64_t checkbytelen = min(rowbytelen, bits_in_bytes(m_nOTs - otid));

	uint8_t* hash_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
	uint8_t* tmpbuf = (uint8_t*) malloc(rowbytelen);
	uint8_t *idaptr, *idbptr;
	nnob_snd_check_t check_buf;
	//check_buf.rcv_chk_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(m_nChecks * OWF_BYTES);
	check_buf.chk_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(m_nChecks * OWF_BYTES);

	uint8_t *chk_buf_ptr = check_buf.chk_buf;
	uint8_t *idatmpbuf = (BYTE*) malloc(sizeof(BYTE) * rowbytelen);
	uint8_t *idbtmpbuf = (BYTE*) malloc(sizeof(BYTE) * rowbytelen);
	uint8_t *seedptr, *rcvptr;

	//uint32_t blockoffset = ceil_divide(otid, NUMOTBLOCKS * m_nBlockSizeBits);
	uint32_t blockid = 0; //TODO bring in as soon as 3-step OT is implemented

	check_buf.otid = otid;
	check_buf.numblocks = numblocks;
	check_buf.perm = (linking_t*) malloc(sizeof(linking_t*) * m_nChecks);
	check_buf.permchoicebits = (BYTE*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * m_nChecks);

	genRandomMapping(check_buf.perm, m_nBaseOTs);

	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < m_nChecks; i++) {
		check_buf.permchoicebits[i] = m_vU.GetBit(blockid * m_nBaseOTs + check_buf.perm[i].ida) ^ m_vU.GetBit(blockid * m_nBaseOTs + check_buf.perm[i].idb);

	//right now the checkbytelen needs to be a multiple of AES_BYTES
	assert(ceil_divide(rowbytelen, OWF_BYTES) * OWF_BYTES == rowbytelen);

	for(uint64_t i = 0; i < m_nChecks; i++, chk_buf_ptr+=OWF_BYTES) {

		if(m_vU.GetBit(blockid * m_nBaseOTs + check_buf.perm[i].ida) == 0) {
			memcpy(idatmpbuf, tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen, rowbytelen);
		} else {
			seedptr = tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen;
			rcvptr = tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen;
			for(int j = 0; j < rowbytelen/sizeof(uint64_t); j++) {
				((uint64_t*) idatmpbuf)[j] = ((uint64_t*) seedptr)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) rcvptr)[j];

		if(m_vU.GetBit(blockid * m_nBaseOTs + check_buf.perm[i].idb) == 0) {
			memcpy(idbtmpbuf, tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen, rowbytelen);
		} else {
			seedptr = tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen;
			rcvptr = tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen;
			for(int j = 0; j < rowbytelen/sizeof(uint64_t); j++) {
				((uint64_t*) idbtmpbuf)[j] = ((uint64_t*) seedptr)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) rcvptr)[j];

		cout << "seedA: " <<  (hex) << ((uint64_t*) (tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen))[0] <<
				", rcvA: " << ((uint64_t*) (tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen))[0] << (dec) << endl;
		cout << "seedB: " <<  (hex) << ((uint64_t*) (tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen))[0] <<
				", rcvB: " << ((uint64_t*) (tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen))[0] << (dec) << endl;
		cout << "input to owf " <<  (hex) << ((uint64_t*) idatmpbuf)[0] << ", " << ((uint64_t*) idbtmpbuf)[0] << (dec) << endl;

		memset(tmpbuf, 0, rowbytelen);

		for(uint64_t j = 0; j < rowbytelen/sizeof(uint64_t); j++) {
			((uint64_t*) tmpbuf)[j] = ((uint64_t*) tmpbuf)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) idatmpbuf)[j] ^ ((uint64_t*) idbtmpbuf)[j];

		cout << "XOR-OWF Input:\t" << (hex);
		for(uint32_t t = 0; t < checkbytelen; t++) {
			cout << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (uint32_t) tmpbuf[t];
		cout << (dec) << endl;
#ifdef AES_OWF
			owf(&aesowfkey, rowbytelen, tmpbuf, resbuf);
		//m_cCrypt->hash_buf(chk_buf_ptr, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, checkbytelen, hash_buf);//hash_buf, rowbytelen, tmpbuf, resbuf, hash_buf);
		sha512_hash(chk_buf_ptr, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, checkbytelen, hash_buf);
		cout << "XOR-OWF Output:\t" << (hex);
		for(uint32_t t = 0; t < OWF_BYTES; t++) {
			cout << (uint32_t) chk_buf_ptr[t];
		cout << (dec) << endl;
		//XORandOWF(idatmpbuf, idbtmpbuf,	checkbytelen, tmpbuf, chk_buf_ptr, hash_buf);

/*	for(uint64_t i = 0; i < m_nChecks; i++, seedcheckbufptr+=OWF_BYTES, rcvcheckbufptr+=OWF_BYTES) {
		memset(tmpbuf, 0, rowbytelen);
		cout << i << "-th check between " << check_buf.perm[i].ida << " and " << check_buf.perm[i].idb << ": " << endl;
		XORandOWF(tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen, tocheckseed + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen,
				rowbytelen, tmpbuf, seedcheckbufptr, hash_buf);
		XORandOWF(tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].ida * rowbytelen, tocheckrcv + check_buf.perm[i].idb * rowbytelen,
				rowbytelen, tmpbuf, rcvcheckbufptr, hash_buf);


	//Send the permutation and the XORed bits over to the receiver
	check_chan->send_id_len((uint8_t*) check_buf.perm, sizeof(linking_t) * m_nChecks, otid, numblocks);
	check_chan->send(check_buf.permchoicebits, m_nChecks);

	return check_buf;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void KKOTExtSnd::KKHashValues(CBitVector &Q, CBitVector *seedbuf,
                              CBitVector *snd_buf, uint64_t OT_ptr,
                              uint64_t OT_len, uint64_t **mat_mul) {
    uint64_t numhashiters =
        ceil_divide(m_nBitLength, m_cCrypt->get_hash_bytes());
    uint32_t rowbytelen = bits_in_bytes(m_nBaseOTs);
    uint32_t hashinbytelen = rowbytelen + sizeof(uint64_t);
    uint32_t hashoutbitlen = ceil_log2(m_nSndVals);
    uint64_t wd_size_bytes =
        m_nBlockSizeBytes; // 1 << (ceil_log2(m_nBaseOTs) - 3);
    uint32_t u;
    uint32_t aes_key_bytes = m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes();
    uint32_t choicebitlen = ceil_log2(m_nSndVals);

    uint64_t *Qptr = (uint64_t *)Q.GetArr();

    uint8_t **sbp = (uint8_t **)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t *) * m_nSndVals);
    uint8_t *inbuf = (uint8_t *)calloc(hashinbytelen, 1);
    uint8_t *resbuf = (uint8_t *)calloc(m_cCrypt->get_hash_bytes(), 1);
    uint8_t *hash_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(m_cCrypt->get_hash_bytes(), 1);

    uint64_t *tmpbuf = (uint64_t *)calloc(
        PadToMultiple(bits_in_bytes(m_nBitLength), sizeof(uint64_t)), 1);
    uint8_t *tmpbufb = (uint8_t *)calloc(bits_in_bytes(m_nBitLength), 1);

    uint64_t global_OT_ptr = OT_ptr + m_nCounter;
    CBitVector mask(m_nCodeWordBits);

    for (u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++) {
        sbp[u] = seedbuf[u].GetArr();

    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < OT_len; global_OT_ptr++, i++, Qptr += 2) {
        for (u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++) {
            mask.Copy(m_vU, 0, rowbytelen);
            mask.ANDBytes((uint8_t *)m_vCodeWords[u], 0, rowbytelen);
            mask.XORBytes(Q.GetArr() + i * rowbytelen, rowbytelen);

            cout << "Hash-In for i = " << global_OT_ptr << ", u = " << u << ": "
                 << (hex);
            for (uint32_t p = 0; p < rowbytelen; p++)
                cout << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (uint32_t)mask.GetArr()[p];
            cout << (dec) << endl;
// cout << "Using codeword " << (hex) << m_vCodeWords[u][0] <<
// m_vCodeWords[u][1] << (hex) << m_vCodeWords[u][2] << m_vCodeWords[u][3] <<
// (dec) << endl;


            if (m_eSndOTFlav != Snd_GC_OT) {
                FixedKeyHashing(m_kCRFKey, sbp[u], (BYTE *)Qptr, hash_buf, i,
                                hashinbytelen, m_cCrypt);
                memcpy(inbuf, &global_OT_ptr, sizeof(uint64_t));
                // memcpy(inbuf+sizeof(uint64_t), Q.GetArr() + i *
                // wd_size_bytes, rowbytelen);
                memcpy(inbuf + sizeof(uint64_t), mask.GetArr(), rowbytelen);
                m_cCrypt->hash_buf(resbuf, aes_key_bytes, inbuf, hashinbytelen,
                memcpy(sbp[u], resbuf, aes_key_bytes);
                // snd_buf[u].SetBits(resbuf, i * hashoutbitlen, hashoutbitlen);
            } else {
                // TODO: mecr has not been tested with KK-OT!!
                BitMatrixMultiplication(tmpbufb, bits_in_bytes(hashoutbitlen),
                                        mask.GetArr(), m_nBaseOTs, mat_mul,
                // BitMatrixMultiplication(tmpbufb, bits_in_bytes(m_nBitLength),
                // Q.GetArr() + i * wd_size_bytes, m_nBaseOTs, mat_mul, tmpbuf);
                // m_vValues[u].SetBits(tmpbufb, (OT_ptr + i)* m_nBitLength,
                // m_nBitLength);
                snd_buf[u].SetBits(tmpbufb, i * hashoutbitlen, hashoutbitlen);
                // m_vTempOTMasks.SetBytes(tmpbufb, (uint64_t) (OT_ptr + i) *
                // aes_key_bytes, (uint64_t) aes_key_bytes);
                // m_vValues[u].SetBytes(Q.GetArr() + i * wd_size_bytes, (OT_ptr
                // + i)* wd_size_bytes, rowbytelen);

                cout << "Hash-Out for i = " << global_OT_ptr << ", u = " << u
                     << ": " << (hex);
                for (uint32_t p = 0; p < aes_key_bytes; p++)
                    cout << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (uint32_t)sbp[u][p];
                cout << (dec) << endl;
                sbp[u] += m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes();

        // TODO: difference is in here!! (could be solved by giving the
        // bit-length as parameter in the function call)
        for (uint32_t u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++) {
            m_fMaskFct->expandMask(&snd_buf[u], seedbuf[u].GetArr(), 0, OT_len,
                                   m_nBitLength * choicebitlen, m_cCrypt);
            // cout << "Mask " << u << ": ";
            // snd_buf[u].PrintHex();

        // m_vValues[0].PrintHex();
        // m_vValues[1].PrintHex();

Ejemplo n.º 14
BOOL KKOTExtSnd::sender_routine(uint32_t id, uint64_t myNumOTs) {
    uint32_t choicecodebitlen = ceil_log2(m_nSndVals);
    uint64_t myStartPos = id * myNumOTs;
    uint64_t myStartPos1ooN = ceil_divide(myStartPos, choicecodebitlen);

    uint64_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits;
    uint64_t processedOTBlocks =
        min((uint64_t)NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(myNumOTs, wd_size_bits));
    uint64_t OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
    channel *chan = new channel(id, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
    uint64_t tmpctr, tmpotlen;
    uint64_t **rndmat;
    uint64_t processedOTs;

    myNumOTs = min(myNumOTs + myStartPos, m_nOTs) - myStartPos;
    // TODO some re-formating of myNumOTs due to 1ooN OT
    uint64_t lim = myStartPos1ooN + ceil_divide(myNumOTs, choicecodebitlen);

    if (myStartPos1ooN * choicecodebitlen > m_nOTs) {
        cerr << "Thread " << id
             << " not doing any work to align to window size " << endl;
        return true;

// The vector with the received bits
    CBitVector vRcv(2 * m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);
    CBitVector vRcv(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

    // Holds the reply that is sent back to the receiver
    CBitVector *vSnd;

    CBitVector *seedbuf = new CBitVector[m_nSndVals];
    for (uint32_t u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++) {
        seedbuf[u].Create(OTsPerIteration * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * 8);
#ifdef ZDEBUG
    cout << "seedbuf size = " << OTsPerIteration *AES_KEY_BITS << endl;
    vSnd = new CBitVector[m_nSndVals];
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_nSndVals; i++) {
        vSnd[i].Create(OTsPerIteration * choicecodebitlen * m_nBitLength);

    // Contains the parts of the V matrix
    CBitVector Q(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration);

    uint64_t otid = myStartPos1ooN;

    uint8_t *rcvbuftmpptr, *rcvbufptr;

#ifdef OTTiming
    double totalMtxTime = 0, totalTnsTime = 0, totalHshTime = 0,
           totalRcvTime = 0, totalSndTime = 0, totalUnMaskTime = 0;
    timeval tempStart, tempEnd;

    if (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
        uint8_t *rnd_seed = (uint8_t *)malloc(m_nSymSecParam);
        m_cCrypt->gen_rnd(rnd_seed, m_nSymSecParam);
        chan->send(rnd_seed, m_nSymSecParam);
        initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs);
        fillRndMatrix(rnd_seed, rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs, m_cCrypt);

    while (otid < lim) // do while there are still transfers missing
        processedOTBlocks =
            min((uint64_t)NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(lim - otid, wd_size_bits));
        OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
        processedOTs = min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration);

#ifdef ZDEBUG
        cout << "Processing block " << nProgress
             << " with length: " << OTsPerIteration << ", and limit: " << lim
             << endl;

#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        ReceiveMasks(vRcv, chan, OTsPerIteration);

#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalRcvTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        BuildQMatrix(Q, otid, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalMtxTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        UnMaskBaseOTs(Q, vRcv, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalUnMaskTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        Q.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalTnsTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        KKHashValues(Q, seedbuf, vSnd, otid, processedOTs, rndmat);
#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalHshTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        KKMaskAndSend(vSnd, otid, processedOTs, chan);
#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalSndTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        otid += processedOTs;



    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_nSndVals; i++) {
    delete vSnd;

    if (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
        freeRndMatrix(rndmat, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
    cout << "Sender time benchmark for performing " << myNumOTs << " OTs ("
         << lim - myStartPos1ooN << " 1ooN) on " << m_nBitLength
         << " bit strings" << endl;
    cout << "Time needed for: " << endl;
    cout << "\t Matrix Generation:\t" << totalMtxTime << " ms" << endl;
    cout << "\t Unmasking values:\t" << totalUnMaskTime << " ms" << endl;
    cout << "\t Sending Matrix:\t" << totalSndTime << " ms" << endl;
    cout << "\t Transposing Matrix:\t" << totalTnsTime << " ms" << endl;
    cout << "\t Hashing Matrix:\t" << totalHshTime << " ms" << endl;
    cout << "\t Receiving Values:\t" << totalRcvTime << " ms" << endl;

    delete chan;

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 15
//export and pad all leading zeros
void gmp_num::export_to_bytes(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t field_size) {
	mpz_export_padded(buf, ceil_divide(field_size, 8), val);
Ejemplo n.º 16
BOOL NNOBOTExtRec::receiver_routine(uint32_t id, uint64_t myNumOTs) {
	uint64_t myStartPos = id * myNumOTs;
	uint64_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits;

	myNumOTs = min(myNumOTs + myStartPos, m_nOTs) - myStartPos;
	uint64_t lim = myStartPos + myNumOTs;

	uint64_t processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(myNumOTs, wd_size_bits));
	uint64_t OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
	uint64_t OTwindow = NUMOTBLOCKS * wd_size_bits;
	uint64_t** rndmat;
	bool use_mat_chan = (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT || m_bUseMinEntCorRob);
	uint32_t nchans = 2;
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		nchans = 3;

	channel* ot_chan = new channel(nchans*id, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* check_chan = new channel(nchans*id+1, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* mat_chan;
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		mat_chan = new channel(nchans*id+2, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);

	//counter variables
	uint64_t numblocks = ceil_divide(myNumOTs, OTsPerIteration);

	// A temporary part of the T matrix
	CBitVector T(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration);

	// The send buffer
	CBitVector vSnd(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

	// A temporary buffer that stores the resulting seeds from the hash buffer
	//TODO: Check for some maximum size
	CBitVector seedbuf(OTwindow * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * 8);

	uint64_t otid = myStartPos;
	queue<nnob_rcv_check_t> check_buf;

	queue<mask_block*> mask_queue;
	CBitVector maskbuf;
	maskbuf.Create(m_nBitLength * OTwindow);

	//TODO only do when successfull checks
	if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
		initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
	double totalMtxTime = 0, totalTnsTime = 0, totalHshTime = 0, totalRcvTime = 0, totalSndTime = 0,
			totalChkTime = 0, totalMaskTime = 0, totalEnqueueTime = 0;
	timeval tempStart, tempEnd;

	while (otid < lim) {
		processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(lim - otid, wd_size_bits));
		OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
		//nSize = bits_in_bytes(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		BuildMatrices(T, vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalMtxTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		check_buf.push(EnqueueSeed(T.GetArr(), otid, processedOTBlocks));
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalEnqueueTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		MaskBaseOTs(T, vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalMaskTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		SendMasks(vSnd, ot_chan, otid, OTsPerIteration);
		//ot_chan->send_id_len(vSnd.GetArr(), nSize, otid, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalSndTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		ReceiveAndFillMatrix(rndmat, mat_chan);
		ReceiveAndXORCorRobVector(T, OTsPerIteration, mat_chan);

		T.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalTnsTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);

		HashValues(&T, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, otid, min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration), rndmat);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalHshTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan);
		//if(ot_chan->data_available()) {
		//	ReceiveAndUnMask(ot_chan);
		SetOutput(&maskbuf, otid, OTsPerIteration, &mask_queue, ot_chan);

		otid += min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalRcvTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);


	while(!check_buf.empty()) {
		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan);

	if(m_eSndOTFlav != Snd_R_OT) {
		while(ot_chan->is_alive() && !(mask_queue.empty()))
			ReceiveAndUnMask(ot_chan, &mask_queue);


	if(use_mat_chan) {

	if(m_eSndOTFlav==Snd_GC_OT) {
		freeRndMatrix(rndmat, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
	cout << "Receiver time benchmark for performing " << myNumOTs << " OTs on " << m_nBitLength << " bit strings" << endl;
	cout << "Time needed for: " << endl;
	cout << "\t Matrix Generation:\t" << totalMtxTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Enqueuing Seeds:\t" << totalEnqueueTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Base OT Masking:\t" << totalMaskTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Sending Matrix:\t" << totalSndTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Transposing Matrix:\t" << totalTnsTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Hashing Matrix:\t" << totalHshTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Receiving Values:\t" << totalRcvTime << " ms" << endl;

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void OTExtSnd::HashValues(CBitVector& Q, CBitVector* seedbuf, CBitVector* snd_buf, uint64_t OT_ptr, uint64_t OT_len, uint64_t** mat_mul) {
	uint64_t numhashiters = ceil_divide(m_nBitLength, m_cCrypt->get_hash_bytes());
	uint32_t rowbytelen = bits_in_bytes(m_nBaseOTs);
	uint32_t hashinbytelen = rowbytelen + sizeof(uint64_t);
	uint64_t wd_size_bytes = m_nBlockSizeBytes;//1 << (ceil_log2(m_nBaseOTs) - 3);
	uint32_t u;
	uint32_t aes_key_bytes = m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes();

	uint64_t* Qptr = (uint64_t*) Q.GetArr();
	uint64_t* Uptr = (uint64_t*) m_vU.GetArr();

	uint8_t** sbp = (uint8_t**) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t*) * m_nSndVals);
	uint8_t* inbuf = (uint8_t*) calloc(hashinbytelen, 1);
	uint8_t* resbuf = (uint8_t*) calloc(m_cCrypt->get_hash_bytes(), 1);
	uint8_t* hash_buf = (uint8_t*) calloc(m_cCrypt->get_hash_bytes(), 1);

	uint64_t* tmpbuf = (uint64_t*) calloc(PadToMultiple(bits_in_bytes(m_nBitLength), sizeof(uint64_t)), 1);
	uint8_t* tmpbufb = (uint8_t*) calloc(bits_in_bytes(m_nBitLength), 1);

	uint64_t global_OT_ptr = OT_ptr + m_nCounter;

	for (u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++)
		sbp[u] = seedbuf[u].GetArr();

	for (uint64_t i = 0; i < OT_len; global_OT_ptr++, i++, Qptr += 2) {
		for (u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++) {

			if(u == 1) {
			if (u == 1)
				Q.XORBytes((uint8_t*) Uptr, i * wd_size_bytes, rowbytelen);

			cout << "Hash-In for i = " << global_OT_ptr << ", u = " << u << ": " << (hex);
			for(uint32_t p = 0; p < rowbytelen; p++)
				cout << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (uint32_t) (Q.GetArr() + i * wd_size_bytes)[p];
			cout << (dec) << endl;

			if(m_eSndOTFlav != Snd_GC_OT) {
				FixedKeyHashing(m_kCRFKey, sbp[u], (BYTE*) Qptr, hash_buf, i, hashinbytelen, m_cCrypt);
				memcpy(inbuf, &global_OT_ptr, sizeof(uint64_t));
				memcpy(inbuf+sizeof(uint64_t), Q.GetArr() + i * wd_size_bytes, rowbytelen);
				m_cCrypt->hash_buf(resbuf, aes_key_bytes, inbuf, hashinbytelen, hash_buf);
				memcpy(sbp[u], resbuf, aes_key_bytes);

			} else {

				BitMatrixMultiplication(tmpbufb, bits_in_bytes(m_nBitLength), Q.GetArr() + i * wd_size_bytes, m_nBaseOTs, mat_mul, tmpbuf);
				//m_vValues[u].SetBits(tmpbufb, (OT_ptr + i)* m_nBitLength, m_nBitLength);
				snd_buf[u].SetBits(tmpbufb, i * m_nBitLength, m_nBitLength);
					//m_vTempOTMasks.SetBytes(tmpbufb, (uint64_t) (OT_ptr + i) * aes_key_bytes, (uint64_t) aes_key_bytes);
				//m_vValues[u].SetBytes(Q.GetArr() + i * wd_size_bytes, (OT_ptr + i)* wd_size_bytes, rowbytelen);

			cout << "Hash-Out for i = " << global_OT_ptr << ", u = " << u << ": " << (hex);
			for(uint32_t p = 0; p < aes_key_bytes; p++)
				cout << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (uint32_t) sbp[u][p];
			cout << (dec) << endl;
			sbp[u] += aes_key_bytes;


	if(m_eSndOTFlav != Snd_GC_OT) {
	//Two calls to expandMask, both writing into snd_buf
		for (uint32_t u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++)
			m_fMaskFct->expandMask(snd_buf[u], seedbuf[u].GetArr(), 0, OT_len, m_nBitLength, m_cCrypt);

Ejemplo n.º 18
cuckoo_hashing(uint8_t* elements, uint32_t neles, uint32_t nbins, uint32_t bitlen, uint32_t *outbitlen, uint32_t* nelesinbin,
		uint32_t* perm,	uint32_t ntasks, prf_state_ctx* prf_state)
	//The resulting hash table
	uint8_t* hash_table;
	cuckoo_entry_ctx*** cuckoo_table;
	cuckoo_entry_ctx** cuckoo_table;
	cuckoo_entry_ctx* cuckoo_entries;
	uint32_t i, j;
	uint32_t *perm_ptr;
	pthread_t* entry_gen_tasks;
	cuckoo_entry_gen_ctx* ctx;
	hs_t hs;

	uint32_t fails = 0;

	init_hashing_state(&hs, neles, bitlen, nbins, prf_state);
	*outbitlen = hs.outbitlen;
	cuckoo_table = (cuckoo_entry_ctx***) calloc(2, sizeof(cuckoo_entry_ctx**));
	cuckoo_table[0] = (cuckoo_entry_ctx**) calloc(nbins, sizeof(cuckoo_entry_ctx*));
	cuckoo_table[1] = (cuckoo_entry_ctx**) calloc(nbins, sizeof(cuckoo_entry_ctx*));
	cuckoo_table = (cuckoo_entry_ctx**) calloc(nbins, sizeof(cuckoo_entry_ctx*));
	cuckoo_entries = (cuckoo_entry_ctx*) malloc(neles * sizeof(cuckoo_entry_ctx));
	entry_gen_tasks = (pthread_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * ntasks);
	ctx = (cuckoo_entry_gen_ctx*) malloc(sizeof(cuckoo_entry_gen_ctx) * ntasks);

	for(i = 0; i < ntasks; i++) {
		ctx[i].elements = elements;
		ctx[i].cuckoo_entries = cuckoo_entries;
		ctx[i].hs = &hs;
		ctx[i].startpos = i * ceil_divide(neles, ntasks);
		ctx[i].endpos = min(ctx[i].startpos + ceil_divide(neles, ntasks), neles);
		//cout << "Thread " << i << " starting from " << ctx[i].startpos << " going to " << ctx[i].endpos << " for " << neles << " elements" << endl;
		if(pthread_create(entry_gen_tasks+i, NULL, gen_cuckoo_entries, (void*) (ctx+i))) {
			cerr << "Error in creating new pthread at cuckoo hashing!" << endl;

	for(i = 0; i < ntasks; i++) {
		if(pthread_join(entry_gen_tasks[i], NULL)) {
			cerr << "Error in joining pthread at cuckoo hashing!" << endl;
	ctx[0].elements = elements;
	ctx[0].cuckoo_entries = cuckoo_entries;
	ctx[0].hs = &hs;
	ctx[0].startpos = 0;
	ctx[0].endpos = neles;
	//for(i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
	//	cout << "Address " << i << " mapped to " << hs.address_used[i] << " times" << endl;
	//insert all elements into the cuckoo hash table
	for(i = 0; i < neles; i++) {
		if(!(insert_element(cuckoo_table, cuckoo_entries + i, neles))) {
			/*cout << "insertion failed for element " << (hex) << (*(((uint32_t*) elements)+i)) << ", inserting to address: ";
			for(uint32_t j = 0; j < NUM_HASH_FUNCTIONS; j++) {
				cout << (cuckoo_entries + i)->address[j] << ", ";
			cout << (dec) << endl;*/
			cerr << "Insertion not successful for element " <<i <<"!" << endl;

	//Copy the final state of the cuckoo table into the hash table
	perm_ptr = perm;

	hash_table = (uint8_t*) calloc(nbins, hs.outbytelen);

	for(i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
		if(cuckoo_table[i] != NULL) {
			memcpy(hash_table + i * hs.outbytelen, cuckoo_table[i]->val, hs.outbytelen);
			//cout << "copying value: " << (hex) << (unsigned int) cuckoo_table[i]->val[cuckoo_table[i]->pos][0] << (dec) << endl;
			*perm_ptr = cuckoo_table[i]->eleid;
			nelesinbin[i] = 1;
		} else {
			memset(hash_table + i * hs.outbytelen, DUMMY_ENTRY_CLIENT, hs.outbytelen);
			nelesinbin[i] = 0;



	for(i = 0; i < neles; i++) {


	return fails;
	return hash_table;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void NNOBOTExtRec::ComputeOWF(std::queue<nnob_rcv_check_t>* check_buf_q, channel* check_chan) {//linking_t* permbits, int nchecks, int otid, int processedOTs, BYTE* outhashes) {

	//Obtain T0 and T1 from the SeedPointers
	uint32_t receiver_hashes = 1;

	uint64_t tmpid, tmpnblocks;
	linking_t* perm;
	uint8_t* rcv_buf_perm = check_chan->blocking_receive_id_len((uint8_t**) &perm, &tmpid, &tmpnblocks);
	uint8_t* rcv_buf_permchoices = check_chan->blocking_receive();
	uint8_t* sender_permchoicebitptr = rcv_buf_permchoices;

	nnob_rcv_check_t check_buf = check_buf_q->front();


	assert(tmpid == check_buf.otid);
	assert(tmpnblocks == check_buf.numblocks);

	//the bufsize has to be padded to a multiple of the PRF-size since we will omit boundary checks there
	uint32_t i, j;
	uint64_t bufrowbytelen = m_nBlockSizeBytes * check_buf.numblocks;//seedptr->expstrbitlen>>3;//(CEIL_DIVIDE(processedOTs, wd_size_bits) * wd_size_bits) >>3;
	uint64_t checkbytelen = std::min(bufrowbytelen, bits_in_bytes(m_nOTs - check_buf.otid));
	//contains the T-matrix
	uint8_t* T0 = check_buf.T0;
	//contains the T-matrix XOR the receive bits
	//uint8_t* T1 = check_buf.T1;

	uint32_t outhashbytelen = m_nChecks * OWF_BYTES * receiver_hashes;
	uint8_t* outhashes = (uint8_t*) malloc(outhashbytelen);

#ifdef AES_OWF
	AES_KEY_CTX aesowfkey;
	uint8_t* hash_buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
	uint8_t* tmpbuf = (uint8_t*) malloc(bufrowbytelen);
	uint8_t **ka = (uint8_t**) malloc(2 * sizeof(uint8_t*));
	uint8_t **kb = (uint8_t**) malloc(2 * sizeof(uint8_t*));
	uint8_t  *kaptr, *kbptr;
	uint8_t* outptr = outhashes;

	uint8_t* receiver_choicebits = m_vChoices->GetArr() + ceil_divide(check_buf.otid, 8);
	CBitVector tmp;
	tmp.AttachBuf(tmpbuf, bufrowbytelen*8);

	//Compute all hashes for the permutations given Ta, Tb and the choice bits
	for(i = 0; i < m_nChecks; i++, sender_permchoicebitptr++) {
		ka[0] = T0 + perm[i].ida * bufrowbytelen;
		kb[0] = T0 + perm[i].idb * bufrowbytelen;

		std::cout << (std::dec) << i << "-th check: between " << perm[i].ida << ", and " << perm[i].idb << std::endl;
		for(j = 0; j < receiver_hashes; j++, outptr+=OWF_BYTES) {
			kaptr = ka[0];
			kbptr = kb[0];

			assert((*sender_permchoicebitptr) == 0 || (*sender_permchoicebitptr == 1));

			tmp.SetXOR(kaptr, kbptr, 0, bufrowbytelen);
			if(*sender_permchoicebitptr == 1) {
				tmp.XORBytesReverse(receiver_choicebits, 0, checkbytelen);

			std::cout << "XOR-OWF Input:\t" << (std::hex);
			for(uint32_t t = 0; t < checkbytelen; t++) {
				std::cout << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (uint32_t) tmpbuf[t];
			std::cout << (std::dec) << std::endl;
	#ifdef AES_OWF
			owf(&aesowfkey, rowbytelen, tmpbuf, outhashes);
			//m_cCrypt->hash_buf(outptr, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, checkbytelen, hash_buf);
			sha512_hash(outptr, OWF_BYTES, tmpbuf, checkbytelen, hash_buf);
			std::cout << "XOR-OWF Output:\t" << (std::hex);
			for(uint32_t t = 0; t < OWF_BYTES; t++) {
				std::cout << (uint32_t) outptr[t];
			std::cout << (std::dec) << std::endl;
	check_chan->send_id_len(outhashes, outhashbytelen, check_buf.otid, check_buf.numblocks);

#ifndef AES_OWF