void Foam::sixDoFRigidBodyMotion::updatePosition
    scalar deltaT,
    scalar deltaT0
    // First leapfrog velocity adjust and motion part, required before
    // force calculation

    if (Pstream::master())
        v() = tConstraints_ & aDamp_*(v0() + 0.5*deltaT0*a());
        pi() = rConstraints_ & aDamp_*(pi0() + 0.5*deltaT0*tau());

        // Leapfrog move part
        centreOfRotation() = centreOfRotation0() + deltaT*v();

        // Leapfrog orientation adjustment
        Tuple2<tensor, vector> Qpi = rotate(Q0(), pi(), deltaT);
        Q() = Qpi.first();
        pi() = rConstraints_ & Qpi.second();

Ejemplo n.º 2
void Foam::sixDoFSolvers::CrankNicolson::solve
    bool firstIter,
    const vector& fGlobal,
    const vector& tauGlobal,
    scalar deltaT,
    scalar deltaT0
    // Update the linear acceleration and torque
    updateAcceleration(fGlobal, tauGlobal);

    // Correct linear velocity
    v() = tConstraints()
      & (v0() + aDamp()*deltaT*(aoc_*a() + (1 - aoc_)*a0()));

    // Correct angular momentum
    pi() = rConstraints()
      & (pi0() + aDamp()*deltaT*(aoc_*tau() + (1 - aoc_)*tau0()));

    // Correct position
    centreOfRotation() =
        centreOfRotation0() + deltaT*(voc_*v() + (1 - voc_)*v0());

    // Correct orientation
    Tuple2<tensor, vector> Qpi =
        rotate(Q0(), (voc_*pi() + (1 - voc_)*pi0()), deltaT);
    Q() = Qpi.first();
void Foam::sixDoFRigidBodyMotion::status() const
    Info<< "Centre of rotation: " << centreOfRotation() << nl
        << "Centre of mass: " << centreOfMass() << nl
        << "Linear velocity: " << v() << nl
        << "Angular velocity: " << omega()
        << endl;
Foam::tmp<Foam::pointField> Foam::sixDoFRigidBodyMotion::transform
    const pointField& initialPoints
) const
      + (Q() & initialQ_.T() & (initialPoints - initialCentreOfRotation_))
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Foam::sixDoFRigidBodyMotion::updatePosition
    bool firstIter,
    scalar deltaT,
    scalar deltaT0
    if (Pstream::master())
        if (firstIter)
            // First simplectic step:
            //     Half-step for linear and angular velocities
            //     Update position and orientation

            v() = tConstraints_ & (v0() + aDamp_*0.5*deltaT0*a());
            pi() = rConstraints_ & (pi0() + aDamp_*0.5*deltaT0*tau());

            centreOfRotation() = centreOfRotation0() + deltaT*v();
            // For subsequent iterations use Crank-Nicolson

            v() = tConstraints_
              & (v0() + aDamp_*0.5*deltaT*(a() + motionState0_.a()));
            pi() = rConstraints_
              & (pi0() + aDamp_*0.5*deltaT*(tau() + motionState0_.tau()));

            centreOfRotation() =
                centreOfRotation0() + 0.5*deltaT*(v() + motionState0_.v());

        // Correct orientation
        Tuple2<tensor, vector> Qpi = rotate(Q0(), pi(), deltaT);
        Q() = Qpi.first();
        pi() = rConstraints_ & Qpi.second();

Foam::tmp<Foam::pointField> Foam::sixDoFRigidBodyMotion::transform
    const pointField& initialPoints,
    const scalarField& scale
) const
    // Calculate the transformation septerion from the initial state
    septernion s
        centreOfRotation() - initialCentreOfRotation(),
        quaternion(Q().T() & initialQ())

    tmp<pointField> tpoints(new pointField(initialPoints));
    pointField& points = tpoints.ref();

    forAll(points, pointi)
        // Move non-stationary points
        if (scale[pointi] > SMALL)
            // Use solid-body motion where scale = 1
            if (scale[pointi] > 1 - SMALL)
                points[pointi] = transform(initialPoints[pointi]);
            // Slerp septernion interpolation
                septernion ss(slerp(septernion::I, s, scale[pointi]));

                points[pointi] =
                  + ss.invTransformPoint
                      - initialCentreOfRotation()

    return tpoints;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void Foam::sixDoFSolvers::Newmark::solve
    bool firstIter,
    const vector& fGlobal,
    const vector& tauGlobal,
    scalar deltaT,
    scalar deltaT0
    // Update the linear acceleration and torque
    updateAcceleration(fGlobal, tauGlobal);

    // Correct linear velocity
    v() =
      & (v0() + aDamp()*deltaT*(gamma_*a() + (1 - gamma_)*a0()));

    // Correct angular momentum
    pi() =
      & (pi0() + aDamp()*deltaT*(gamma_*tau() + (1 - gamma_)*tau0()));

    // Correct position
    centreOfRotation() =
      + (
          & (
              + aDamp()*sqr(deltaT)*(beta_*a() + (0.5 - beta_)*a0())

    // Correct orientation
    vector piDeltaT =
      & (
          + aDamp()*sqr(deltaT)*(beta_*tau() + (0.5 - beta_)*tau0())
    Tuple2<tensor, vector> Qpi = rotate(Q0(), piDeltaT, 1);
    Q() = Qpi.first();
void Foam::sixDoFRigidBodyMotion::applyRestraints()
    if (restraints_.empty())

    if (Pstream::master())
        forAll(restraints_, rI)
            if (report_)
                Info<< "Restraint " << restraints_[rI].name() << ": ";

            // Restraint position
            point rP = Zero;

            // Restraint force
            vector rF = Zero;

            // Restraint moment
            vector rM = Zero;

            // Accumulate the restraints
            restraints_[rI].restrain(*this, rP, rF, rM);

            // Update the acceleration
            a() += rF/mass_;

            // Moments are returned in global axes, transforming to
            // body local to add to torque.
            tau() += Q().T() & (rM + ((rP - centreOfRotation()) ^ rF));