Ejemplo n.º 1
int wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()

    int resultbutton = wxID_CANCEL;

    const long style = GetMessageDialogStyle();

    wxASSERT_MSG( (style & 0x3F) != wxYES,
        "this style is not supported on Mac" );

    AlertType alertType = kAlertPlainAlert;

    switch ( GetEffectiveIcon() )
        case wxICON_ERROR:
            alertType = kAlertStopAlert;

        case wxICON_WARNING:
            alertType = kAlertCautionAlert;

        case wxICON_QUESTION:
        case wxICON_INFORMATION:
            alertType = kAlertNoteAlert;

    // (the standard alert has two slots [title, text]
    //  for the three wxStrings [caption, message, extended message])
    // if the extended text is empty we use the caption and
    // the message (for backwards compatibility)
    // if the extended text is not empty we ignore the caption
    // and use the message and the extended message

    wxString msgtitle,msgtext;
        if ( m_caption.IsEmpty() )
            msgtitle = m_message;
            msgtitle = m_caption;
            msgtext  = m_message;
        msgtitle = m_message;
        msgtext  = m_extendedMessage;

    if ( !wxIsMainThread() )
        CFStringRef defaultButtonTitle = NULL;
        CFStringRef alternateButtonTitle = NULL;
        CFStringRef otherButtonTitle = NULL;

        wxCFStringRef cfTitle( msgtitle, GetFont().GetEncoding() );
        wxCFStringRef cfText( msgtext, GetFont().GetEncoding() );

        wxCFStringRef cfNoString( GetNoLabel().c_str(), GetFont().GetEncoding() );
        wxCFStringRef cfYesString( GetYesLabel().c_str(), GetFont().GetEncoding() );
        wxCFStringRef cfOKString( GetOKLabel().c_str() , GetFont().GetEncoding()) ;
        wxCFStringRef cfCancelString( GetCancelLabel().c_str(), GetFont().GetEncoding() );

        int buttonId[4] = { 0, 0, 0, wxID_CANCEL /* time-out */ };

        if (style & wxYES_NO)
            if ( style & wxNO_DEFAULT )
                defaultButtonTitle = cfNoString;
                alternateButtonTitle = cfYesString;
                buttonId[0] = wxID_NO;
                buttonId[1] = wxID_YES;
                defaultButtonTitle = cfYesString;
                alternateButtonTitle = cfNoString;
                buttonId[0] = wxID_YES;
                buttonId[1] = wxID_NO;
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                otherButtonTitle = cfCancelString;
                buttonId[2] = wxID_CANCEL;
            // the MSW implementation even shows an OK button if it is not specified, we'll do the same
            buttonId[0] = wxID_OK;
            // using null as default title does not work on earlier systems
            defaultButtonTitle = cfOKString;
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                alternateButtonTitle = cfCancelString;
                buttonId[1] = wxID_CANCEL;

        CFOptionFlags exitButton;
        OSStatus err = CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(
            0, alertType, NULL, NULL, NULL, cfTitle, cfText,
            defaultButtonTitle, alternateButtonTitle, otherButtonTitle, &exitButton );
        if (err == noErr)
            resultbutton = buttonId[exitButton];
        short result;

        AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec param;
        wxCFStringRef cfNoString( GetNoLabel().c_str(), GetFont().GetEncoding() );
        wxCFStringRef cfYesString( GetYesLabel().c_str(), GetFont().GetEncoding() );
        wxCFStringRef cfOKString( GetOKLabel().c_str(), GetFont().GetEncoding() );
        wxCFStringRef cfCancelString( GetCancelLabel().c_str(), GetFont().GetEncoding() );

        wxCFStringRef cfTitle( msgtitle, GetFont().GetEncoding() );
        wxCFStringRef cfText = msgtext.IsEmpty() ? wxCFStringRef() : wxCFStringRef( msgtext, GetFont().GetEncoding() );

        param.movable = true;
        param.flags = 0;
        param.version = kStdCFStringAlertVersionOne;

        bool skipDialog = false;

        if (style & wxYES_NO)
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                param.defaultText = cfYesString;
                param.cancelText = cfCancelString;
                param.otherText = cfNoString;
                param.helpButton = false;
                param.defaultButton = style & wxNO_DEFAULT ? kAlertStdAlertOtherButton : kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton = kAlertStdAlertCancelButton;
                param.defaultText = cfYesString;
                param.cancelText = NULL;
                param.otherText = cfNoString;
                param.helpButton = false;
                param.defaultButton = style & wxNO_DEFAULT ? kAlertStdAlertOtherButton : kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton = 0;
        // the MSW implementation even shows an OK button if it is not specified, we'll do the same
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                // that's a cancel missing
                param.defaultText = cfOKString;
                param.cancelText = cfCancelString;
                param.otherText = NULL;
                param.helpButton = false;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton = 0;
                param.defaultText = cfOKString;
                param.cancelText = NULL;
                param.otherText = NULL;
                param.helpButton = false;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton = 0;

        param.position = kWindowDefaultPosition;
        if ( !skipDialog )
            DialogRef alertRef;
            CreateStandardAlert( alertType, cfTitle, cfText, &param, &alertRef );
            RunStandardAlert( alertRef, NULL, &result );
            return wxID_CANCEL;

        if (style & wxOK)
            switch ( result )
            case 1:
                resultbutton = wxID_OK;

            case 2:
                // TODO: add Cancel button
                // if (style & wxCANCEL)
                //     resultbutton = wxID_CANCEL;

            case 3:
        else if (style & wxYES_NO)
            switch ( result )
            case 1:
                resultbutton = wxID_YES;

            case 2:
                if (!(style & wxCANCEL))
                    resultbutton = wxID_CANCEL;

            case 3:
                resultbutton = wxID_NO;



    return resultbutton;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool wxGUIAppTraitsBase::ShowAssertDialog(const wxString& msg)
#if defined(__WXMSW__) || !wxUSE_MSGDLG
    // under MSW we prefer to use the base class version using ::MessageBox()
    // even if wxMessageBox() is available because it has less chances to
    // double fault our app than our wxMessageBox()
    return wxAppTraitsBase::ShowAssertDialog(msg);
#else // wxUSE_MSGDLG
    wxString msgDlg = msg;

    // on Unix stack frame generation may take some time, depending on the
    // size of the executable mainly... warn the user that we are working
    wxFprintf(stderr, wxT("[Debug] Generating a stack trace... please wait"));

    const wxString stackTrace = GetAssertStackTrace();
    if ( !stackTrace.empty() )
        msgDlg << _T("\n\nCall stack:\n") << stackTrace;

    // this message is intentionally not translated -- it is for
    // developpers only
    msgDlg += wxT("\nDo you want to stop the program?\n")
              wxT("You can also choose [Cancel] to suppress ")
              wxT("further warnings.");

#ifdef __WXMAC__
    // in order to avoid reentrancy problems, use the lowest alert API available
    CFOptionFlags exitButton;
    wxMacCFStringHolder cfText(msgDlg);
    OSStatus err = CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(
            0, kAlertStopAlert, NULL, NULL, NULL, CFSTR("wxWidgets Debug Alert"), cfText,
            CFSTR("Yes"), CFSTR("No"), CFSTR("Cancel"), &exitButton );
    if ( err == noErr )
        switch( exitButton )
            case 0 : // yes
            case 2 : // cancel
                // no more asserts
                return true;
            case 1 : // no -> nothing to do
                break ;
    switch ( wxMessageBox(msgDlg, wxT("wxWidgets Debug Alert"),
                          wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxICON_STOP ) )
        case wxYES:

        case wxCANCEL:
            // no more asserts
            return true;

        //case wxNO: nothing to do
    return false;
#endif // !wxUSE_MSGDLG/wxUSE_MSGDLG
Ejemplo n.º 3
int wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()
    int resultbutton = wxID_CANCEL ;

    short result ;

    const long style = GetMessageDialogStyle();

    wxASSERT_MSG( ( style & 0x3F ) != wxYES , wxT("this style is not supported on mac") ) ;

    AlertType alertType = kAlertPlainAlert ;
    if (style & wxICON_EXCLAMATION)
        alertType = kAlertNoteAlert ;
    else if (style & wxICON_HAND)
        alertType = kAlertStopAlert ;
    else if (style & wxICON_INFORMATION)
        alertType = kAlertNoteAlert ;
    else if (style & wxICON_QUESTION)
        alertType = kAlertCautionAlert ;

    if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1000 )
        AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec param ;
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfNoString(_("No") , m_font.GetEncoding()) ;
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfYesString( _("Yes") , m_font.GetEncoding()) ;

        wxMacCFStringHolder cfTitle(m_caption , m_font.GetEncoding());
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfText(m_message , m_font.GetEncoding());

        param.movable = true;
        param.flags = 0 ;

        bool skipDialog = false ;

        if (style & wxYES_NO)
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                param.defaultText     = cfYesString ;
                param.cancelText     = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultCancelText;
                param.otherText     = cfNoString ;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = kAlertStdAlertCancelButton;
                param.defaultText     = cfYesString ;
                param.cancelText     = NULL;
                param.otherText     = cfNoString ;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
        // the msw implementation even shows an ok button if it is not specified, we'll do the same
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                // thats a cancel missing
                param.defaultText     = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultOKText ;
                param.cancelText     = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultCancelText ;
                param.otherText     = NULL;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
                param.defaultText     = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultOKText ;
                param.cancelText     = NULL;
                param.otherText     = NULL;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
            skipDialog = true ;

        param.position = kWindowDefaultPosition;
        if ( !skipDialog )
            DialogRef alertRef ;
            CreateStandardAlert( alertType , cfTitle , cfText , &param , &alertRef ) ;
            RunStandardAlert( alertRef , NULL , &result ) ;
        if ( skipDialog )
            return wxID_CANCEL ;
        AlertStdAlertParamRec    param;

        Str255 yesPString ;
        Str255 noPString ;

        Str255 pascalTitle ;
        Str255 pascalText ;
        wxMacStringToPascal( m_caption , pascalTitle ) ;
        wxMacStringToPascal( _("Yes") , yesPString ) ;
        wxMacStringToPascal(  _("No") , noPString ) ;
        wxMacStringToPascal( m_message , pascalText ) ;

        param.movable         = true;
        param.filterProc     = NULL ;
        if (style & wxYES_NO)
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                param.defaultText     = yesPString ;
                param.cancelText     = (StringPtr) kAlertDefaultCancelText;
                param.otherText     = noPString ;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = kAlertStdAlertCancelButton;
                param.defaultText     = yesPString ;
                param.cancelText     = NULL;
                param.otherText     = noPString ;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
        else if (style & wxOK)
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                param.defaultText     = (StringPtr) kAlertDefaultOKText ;
                param.cancelText     = (StringPtr) kAlertDefaultCancelText ;
                param.otherText     = NULL;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
                param.defaultText     = (StringPtr) kAlertDefaultOKText ;
                param.cancelText     = NULL;
                param.otherText     = NULL;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
            return resultbutton ;

        param.position         = 0;

        StandardAlert( alertType, pascalTitle, pascalText, &param, &result );

    if (style & wxOK)
        if (style & wxCANCEL)
            //TODO add Cancelbutton
            switch( result )
            case 1 :
                resultbutton = wxID_OK ;
                break ;
            case 2 :
                break ;
            case 3 :
                break ;
            switch( result )
            case 1 :
                resultbutton = wxID_OK ;
                break ;
            case 2 :
                break ;
            case 3 :
                break ;
    else if (style & wxYES_NO)
        if (style & wxCANCEL)
            switch( result )
            case 1 :
                resultbutton = wxID_YES ;
                break ;
            case 2 :
                resultbutton = wxID_CANCEL ;
                break ;
            case 3 :
                resultbutton = wxID_NO ;
                break ;
            switch( result )
            case 1 :
                resultbutton = wxID_YES ;
                break ;
            case 2 :
                break ;
            case 3 :
                resultbutton = wxID_NO ;
                break ;

    return resultbutton ;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()
    int resultbutton = wxID_CANCEL;

    const long style = GetMessageDialogStyle();

    wxASSERT_MSG( (style & 0x3F) != wxYES, wxT("this style is not supported on Mac") );

    AlertType alertType = kAlertPlainAlert;
    if (style & wxICON_EXCLAMATION)
        alertType = kAlertCautionAlert;
    else if (style & wxICON_HAND)
        alertType = kAlertStopAlert;
    else if (style & wxICON_INFORMATION)
        alertType = kAlertNoteAlert;
    else if (style & wxICON_QUESTION)
        alertType = kAlertNoteAlert;

    if ( !wxIsMainThread() )
        CFStringRef defaultButtonTitle = NULL;
        CFStringRef alternateButtonTitle = NULL;
        CFStringRef otherButtonTitle = NULL;

        wxMacCFStringHolder cfTitle( m_caption, m_font.GetEncoding() );
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfText( m_message, m_font.GetEncoding() );

        wxMacCFStringHolder cfNoString( _("No"), m_font.GetEncoding() );
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfYesString( _("Yes"), m_font.GetEncoding() );
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfOKString( _("OK") , m_font.GetEncoding()) ;
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfCancelString( _("Cancel"), m_font.GetEncoding() );

        int buttonId[4] = { 0, 0, 0, wxID_CANCEL /* time-out */ };

        if (style & wxYES_NO)
            if ( style & wxNO_DEFAULT )
                defaultButtonTitle = cfNoString;
                alternateButtonTitle = cfYesString;
                buttonId[0] = wxID_NO;
                buttonId[1] = wxID_YES;
                defaultButtonTitle = cfYesString;
                alternateButtonTitle = cfNoString;
                buttonId[0] = wxID_YES;
                buttonId[1] = wxID_NO;
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                otherButtonTitle = cfCancelString;
                buttonId[2] = wxID_CANCEL;
            // the MSW implementation even shows an OK button if it is not specified, we'll do the same
            buttonId[0] = wxID_OK;
            // using null as default title does not work on earlier systems
            defaultButtonTitle = cfOKString;
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                alternateButtonTitle = cfCancelString;
                buttonId[1] = wxID_CANCEL;

        CFOptionFlags exitButton;
        OSStatus err = CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(
            0, alertType, NULL, NULL, NULL, cfTitle, cfText,
            defaultButtonTitle, alternateButtonTitle, otherButtonTitle, &exitButton );
        if (err == noErr)
            resultbutton = buttonId[exitButton];
        short result;

        AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec param;
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfNoString( _("No"), m_font.GetEncoding() );
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfYesString( _("Yes"), m_font.GetEncoding() );

        wxMacCFStringHolder cfTitle( m_caption, m_font.GetEncoding() );
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfText( m_message, m_font.GetEncoding() );

        param.movable = true;
        param.flags = 0;
        param.version = kStdCFStringAlertVersionOne;

        bool skipDialog = false;

        if (style & wxYES_NO)
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                param.defaultText = cfYesString;
                param.cancelText = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultCancelText;
                param.otherText = cfNoString;
                param.helpButton = false;
                param.defaultButton = style & wxNO_DEFAULT ? kAlertStdAlertOtherButton : kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton = kAlertStdAlertCancelButton;
                param.defaultText = cfYesString;
                param.cancelText = NULL;
                param.otherText = cfNoString;
                param.helpButton = false;
                param.defaultButton = style & wxNO_DEFAULT ? kAlertStdAlertOtherButton : kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton = 0;
        // the MSW implementation even shows an OK button if it is not specified, we'll do the same
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                // that's a cancel missing
                param.defaultText = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultOKText;
                param.cancelText = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultCancelText;
                param.otherText = NULL;
                param.helpButton = false;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton = 0;
                param.defaultText = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultOKText;
                param.cancelText = NULL;
                param.otherText = NULL;
                param.helpButton = false;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton = 0;

        param.position = kWindowDefaultPosition;
        if ( !skipDialog )
            DialogRef alertRef;
            CreateStandardAlert( alertType, cfTitle, cfText, &param, &alertRef );
            RunStandardAlert( alertRef, NULL, &result );
            return wxID_CANCEL;

        if (style & wxOK)
            switch ( result )
            case 1:
                resultbutton = wxID_OK;

            case 2:
                // TODO: add Cancel button
                // if (style & wxCANCEL)
                //     resultbutton = wxID_CANCEL;

            case 3:
        else if (style & wxYES_NO)
            switch ( result )
            case 1:
                resultbutton = wxID_YES;

            case 2:
                if (!(style & wxCANCEL))
                    resultbutton = wxID_CANCEL;

            case 3:
                resultbutton = wxID_NO;


    return resultbutton;