Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Reading local directory to get specific module item's contents.
 * In future if needed we can change this to reading from smd metadata. 
int udf_cask_info_get(char *name, char * params, cf_dyn_buf * out) {

	int                 resp                = 0;
	char                filename[128]       = {0};
	int                 filename_len        = sizeof(filename);
	uint8_t *           content             = NULL;
	size_t              content_len         = 0;
	unsigned char       content_gen[256]    = {0};
	uint8_t             udf_type            = AS_UDF_TYPE_LUA;

	cf_debug(AS_INFO, "UDF CASK INFO GET");

	// get (required) script filename
	if ( as_info_parameter_get(params, "filename", filename, &filename_len) ) {
		cf_info(AS_INFO, "invalid or missing filename");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=invalid_filename");
		return 0;

	// read the script from filesystem
	resp = file_read(filename, &content, &content_len, content_gen);
	if ( resp ) {
		switch ( resp ) {
			case 1 : {
				cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=not_found");
			case 2 : {
				cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=empty");
			default : {
				cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=unknown_error");
				break; // complier complains without a break;
	else {
		// put back the result
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "gen=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, (char *) content_gen);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ";type=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, as_udf_type_name[udf_type]);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ";content=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_buf(out, content, content_len);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ";");

	if ( content ) {
		content = NULL;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * UDF SMD get metadata items callback.
static int udf_cask_get_metadata_cb(char *module, as_smd_item_list_t *items, void *udata)
	udf_get_data_t *p_get_data = (udf_get_data_t *) udata;
	cf_dyn_buf *out = p_get_data->db;

	unsigned char   hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
	// hex string to be returned to the client
	unsigned char   sha1_hex_buff[CF_SHA_HEX_BUFF_LEN];
	// Currently just return directly for LUA
	uint8_t udf_type = AS_UDF_TYPE_LUA;

	for (int index = 0; index < items->num_items; index++) {
		as_smd_item_t *item = items->item[index];
		cf_debug(AS_UDF, "UDF metadata item[%d]:  module \"%s\" ; key \"%s\" ; value \"%s\" ; generation %u ; timestamp %lu",
				 index, item->module_name, item->key, item->value, item->generation, item->timestamp);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "filename=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_buf(out, (uint8_t *)item->key, strlen(item->key));
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ",");
		SHA1((uint8_t *)item->value, strlen(item->value), hash);

		// Convert to a hexadecimal string
		cf_convert_sha1_to_hex(hash, sha1_hex_buff);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "hash=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_buf(out, sha1_hex_buff, CF_SHA_HEX_BUFF_LEN);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ",type=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, as_udf_type_name[udf_type]);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ";");


	p_get_data->done = true;
	int retval = pthread_cond_signal(p_get_data->cv);
	if (retval) {
		cf_warning(AS_UDF, "pthread_cond_signal failed (rv %d)", retval);


	return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int udf_cask_info_put(char *name, char * params, cf_dyn_buf * out) {

	cf_debug(AS_INFO, "UDF CASK INFO PUT");

	int					rc 					= 0;
	char                filename[128]       = {0};
	int                 filename_len        = sizeof(filename);
	// Content_len from the client and its expected size
	char                content_len[32]     = {0};
	int 		        clen		        = sizeof(content_len);
	// Udf content from the client and its expected length
	char	 		    *udf_content        = NULL;
	int 		        udf_content_len    = 0;
	// Udf type from the client and its expected size
	char 		         type[8]            = {0};
	int 		         type_len 	        = sizeof(type);

	// get (required) script filename
	char *tmp_char;

	if ( as_info_parameter_get(params, "filename", filename, &filename_len)
			|| !(tmp_char = strchr(filename, '.'))               // No extension in filename
			|| tmp_char == filename                              // '.' at the begining of filename
			|| strlen (tmp_char) <= 1) {                         // '.' in filename, but no extnsion e.g. "abc."
		cf_info(AS_INFO, "invalid or missing filename");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=invalid_filename");
		return 0;

	if ( as_info_parameter_get(params, "content-len", content_len, &(clen)) ) {
		cf_info(AS_INFO, "invalid or missing content-len");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=invalid_content_len");
		return 0;

	if ( as_info_parameter_get(params, "udf-type", type, &type_len) ) {
		// Replace with DEFAULT IS LUA
		strcpy(type, as_udf_type_name[0]);

	// check type field
	if (-1 == udf_type_getid(type)) {
		cf_info(AS_INFO, "invalid or missing udf-type : %s not valid", type);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=invalid_udf_type");
		return 0;

	// get b64 encoded script
	udf_content_len = atoi(content_len) + 1;
	udf_content = (char *) cf_malloc(udf_content_len);

	if ( udf_content == NULL ) {
		cf_info(AS_UDF, "internal allocation error");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=internal_error");
		// As memory is not allocated.
		// It should not continue.
		return 0;

	// cf_info(AS_UDF, "content_len = %s", content_len);
	// cf_info(AS_UDF, "udf_content_len = %d", udf_content_len);

	// get (required) script content - base64 encoded here.
	if ( as_info_parameter_get(params, "content", udf_content, &(udf_content_len)) ) {
		cf_info(AS_UDF, "invalid content");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=invalid_content");
		return 0;

	// base 64 decode it
	uint32_t encoded_len = strlen(udf_content);
	uint32_t decoded_len = cf_b64_decoded_buf_size(encoded_len) + 1;
	// Don't allow UDF file size > 1MB 
	if ( decoded_len > MAX_UDF_CONTENT_LENGTH) {
		cf_info(AS_INFO, "lua file size:%d > 1MB", decoded_len);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=invalid_udf_content_len, lua file size > 1MB");
		return 0;

	char * decoded_str = cf_malloc(decoded_len);

	if ( ! cf_b64_validate_and_decode(udf_content, encoded_len, (uint8_t*)decoded_str, &decoded_len) ) {
		cf_info(AS_UDF, "invalid base64 content %s", filename);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=invalid_base64_content");
		return 0;

	decoded_str[decoded_len] = '\0';

	as_module_error err;
	rc = as_module_validate(&mod_lua, NULL, filename, decoded_str, decoded_len, &err);

	decoded_str = NULL;
	decoded_len = 0;

	if ( rc ) {
		cf_warning(AS_UDF, "udf-put: compile error: [%s:%d] %s", err.file, err.line, err.message);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=compile_error");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ";file=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, err.file);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ";line=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_uint32(out, err.line);

		uint32_t message_len = strlen(err.message);
		uint32_t enc_message_len = cf_b64_encoded_len(message_len);
		char enc_message[enc_message_len];

		cf_b64_encode((const uint8_t*)err.message, message_len, enc_message);

		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ";message=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_buf(out, (uint8_t *)enc_message, enc_message_len);

		return 0;

	// Create an empty JSON object
	json_t *udf_obj = 0;
	if (!(udf_obj = json_object())) {
		cf_warning(AS_UDF, "failed to create JSON array for receiving UDF");
		if (udf_content) cf_free(udf_content);
		return -1;
	int e = 0;
	e += json_object_set_new(udf_obj, "content64", json_string(udf_content));
	e += json_object_set_new(udf_obj, "type", json_string(type));
	e += json_object_set_new(udf_obj, "name", json_string(filename));
	if (e) {
		cf_warning(AS_UDF, "could not encode UDF object, error %d", e);
		if (udf_content) cf_free(udf_content);
	// make it into a string, yet another buffer copy
	char *udf_obj_str = json_dumps(udf_obj, 0/*flags*/);
	udf_obj = 0;

	cf_debug(AS_UDF, "created json object %s", udf_obj_str);

	// how do I know whether to call create or add?
	e = as_smd_set_metadata(udf_smd_module_name, filename, udf_obj_str);
	if (e) {
		cf_warning(AS_UDF, "could not add UDF metadata, error %d", e);
		if (udf_content) cf_free(udf_content);

	cf_info(AS_UDF, "UDF module '%s' (%s/%s) registered", filename, g_config.mod_lua.user_path, filename);

	// free the metadata
	udf_obj_str = 0;

	if (udf_content) cf_free(udf_content);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int udf_cask_info_list(char *name, cf_dyn_buf * out) {

	DIR 		  * dir	             = NULL;
	bool 		    not_empty        = false;
	struct dirent * entry            = NULL;
	int 		    count 	         = 0;
	uint8_t       * content          = NULL;
	size_t          content_len      = 0;
	unsigned char   content_gen[256] = {0};
	unsigned char   hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
	// hex string to be returned to the client
	unsigned char   sha1_hex_buff[CF_SHA_HEX_BUFF_LEN];


	// Currently just return directly for LUA
	uint8_t 		udf_type 	    = AS_UDF_TYPE_LUA;
	dir = opendir(g_config.mod_lua.user_path);
	if ( dir == 0 ) {
		cf_warning(AS_UDF, "could not open udf directory %s: %s", g_config.mod_lua.user_path, cf_strerror(errno));
		return -1;

	while ( (entry = readdir(dir)) && entry->d_name ) {

		char * name = entry->d_name;
		size_t len = strlen(name);

		// if ( len < 4 ) continue;

		if ( name[0] == '.' ) continue;

		if ( not_empty ) {
			cf_dyn_buf_append_char(out, ';');
		else {
			not_empty = true;

		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "filename=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_buf(out, (uint8_t *) name, len);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ",");
		if (file_read(name, &content, &content_len, content_gen) != 0) {
			cf_info(AS_UDF, "UDF-list : file not readable");
			cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "error=file_not_readable");
			return 0;
		SHA1(content, content_len, hash);
		// Convert to a hexadecimal string
		cf_convert_sha1_to_hex(hash, sha1_hex_buff);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, "hash=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_buf(out, sha1_hex_buff, CF_SHA_HEX_BUFF_LEN);
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ",type=");
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, as_udf_type_name[udf_type]);
		count ++;
	if (not_empty)
		cf_dyn_buf_append_string(out, ";");


	return 0;