int main(int argc, char **argv) { cwp_String key[SU_NKEYS]; /* array of keywords */ cwp_String type[SU_NKEYS]; /* array of types for key */ int index[SU_NKEYS]; /* array of indexes for key */ int ikey; /* key counter */ int nkeys; /* number of header fields set */ int n; /* number of min,max values */ Value val; /* value of key field */ double fval; /* value of key field */ float *min=NULL; /* array of "min" values */ float *max=NULL; /* array of "max" values */ /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); /* Get "key" values */ if ((nkeys=countparval("key"))!=0) { getparstringarray("key",key); } else { key[0]="cdp"; } /* get types and indexes corresponding to the keys */ for (ikey=0; ikey<nkeys; ++ikey) { type[ikey]=hdtype(key[ikey]); index[ikey]=getindex(key[ikey]); } /* get "min" values */ if ((n=countparval("min"))!=0) { if (n!=nkeys) err("number of a values not equal to number of keys"); min=ealloc1float(n); getparfloat("min",min); } else { min=ealloc1float(nkeys); for (ikey=0; ikey<nkeys; ++ikey) min[ikey]=0.; } /* get "max" values */ if ((n=countparval("max"))!=0) { if (n!=nkeys) err("number of a values not equal to number of keys"); max=ealloc1float(n); getparfloat("max",max); } else { max=ealloc1float(nkeys); for (ikey=0; ikey<nkeys; ++ikey) max[ikey]=ULONG_MAX; } /* get types and index values */ for (ikey=0; ikey<nkeys; ++ikey) { type[ikey] = hdtype(key[ikey]); index[ikey] = getindex(key[ikey]); } while (gettr(&tr)) { for (ikey=0; ikey<nkeys; ++ikey) { gethval(&tr, index[ikey], &val); fval = vtof(type[ikey], val); if (fval < min[ikey]) { changeval(type[ikey], &val, min[ikey]); puthval(&tr, index[ikey], &val); } else if (fval > max[ikey]) { changeval(type[ikey], &val, max[ikey]); puthval(&tr, index[ikey], &val); } } puttr(&tr); } return(CWP_Exit()); }
void intout(float *xi, float *xo, float *yo, char *hdrs, int nxi, int nxo, int nt, FILE *outfp, int extrap, String hdtp, int index) { segytrace tro, tr1, tr2; float tmp, res, ftmp; int one=1, indx, itmp, ix, it; float sx, gx, sy, gy, mx, my, dd, ofo; Value val; /* output interpolated result */ for(ix=0;ix<nxo;ix++) { for(it=0;it<nt;it++)[it]=yo[it+ix*nt]; tmp = xo[ix]; bisear_(&nxi,&one,xi,&tmp,&indx); if(tmp<=xi[0]) { itmp = 1; bcopy(hdrs,(char*)&tro,HDRBYTES); } else if(tmp>=xi[nxi-1]) { itmp = nxi-1; bcopy(hdrs+(nxi-1)*HDRBYTES, (char*)&tro,HDRBYTES); } else { if(indx==nxi) indx=indx-1; itmp = indx; if(abs(tmp-xi[itmp-1])<abs(tmp-xi[itmp])) { bcopy(hdrs+(itmp-1)*HDRBYTES, (char*)&tro,HDRBYTES); } else { bcopy(hdrs+itmp*HDRBYTES, (char*)&tro,HDRBYTES); } } bcopy(hdrs+(itmp-1)*HDRBYTES,(char*)&tr1, HDRBYTES); bcopy(hdrs+itmp*HDRBYTES,(char*)&tr2, HDRBYTES); res = (tmp-xi[itmp-1])/(xi[itmp]-xi[itmp-1]); ftmp = tr1.cdp + res*(tr2.cdp-tr1.cdp) + .5; tro.cdp = ftmp; ftmp = tr1.mute + res*(tr2.mute-tr1.mute) + .5; tro.mute = ftmp; ftmp = + res*( + .5; = ftmp; ftmp = + res*( + .5; = ftmp; ftmp = tr1.gx + res*(tr2.gx-tr1.gx) + .5; tro.gx = ftmp; ftmp = + res*( + .5; = ftmp; /* if offsets are the same sign, linearly interpolate to get the output offset; otherwise, use the closest trace's offset */ if(tr1.offset*tr2.offset >= 0.) { ftmp = tr1.offset + res*(tr2.offset-tr1.offset) + .5; tro.offset = ftmp; } if(abs(tmp-xi[itmp-1])<0.1 || abs(tmp-xi[itmp])<0.1) { tro.duse = 1; } else { tro.duse = 2; } changeval(hdtp,&val,xo[ix]); puthval(&tro, index, &val); /* need to adjust (x,y) of source and receiver, with the new offset for pre-stack migration */ sx =; sy =; gx = tro.gx; gy =; mx = (sx+gx)/2.; my = (sy+gy)/2.; dd = sqrt((sx-gx)*(sx-gx)+(sy-gy)*(sy-gy)); if(tro.scalco>1) { dd = dd * tro.scalco; } else if(tro.scalco<0) { dd = - dd / tro.scalco; } ofo = tro.offset; if(ofo<0) ofo = - ofo; if (dd>0.) { = mx+(*ofo/dd; tro.gx = mx+(tro.gx-mx)*ofo/dd; = my+(*ofo/dd; = my+(*ofo/dd; } else { = mx-ofo/2; tro.gx = mx-ofo/2; = my; = my; } if(xi[0]-tmp>0.1 || tmp-xi[nxi-1]>0.1 ) { if(extrap==0) { tro.trid = 2; bzero(,nt*sizeof(float)); } } fputtr(outfp,&tro); } }