Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: xwayland.c Proyecto: gpyh/wlc
static bool
open_display(int socks[2])
   int lock_fd, dpy = -1;
   char lock_name[64];

   dpy += 1;
   for (lock_fd = -1; dpy <= 32 && lock_fd < 0; ++dpy) {
      snprintf(lock_name, sizeof(lock_name), LOCK_FMT, dpy);
      if ((lock_fd = open(lock_name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_CLOEXEC, 0444)) >= 0)

      if ((lock_fd = open(lock_name, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)) < 0)

      char pid[12];
      memset(pid, 0, sizeof(pid));
      ssize_t bytes = read(lock_fd, pid, sizeof(pid) - 1);
      lock_fd = -1;

      if (bytes != sizeof(pid) - 1)

      pid_t owner;
      if (!chck_cstr_to_i32(pid, &owner))

       * Check if the pid for existing lock file is not alive by
       * sending kill signal and checking that errno == ESRCH (process not found, in most cases)
      errno = 0;
      if (kill(owner, 0) != 0 && errno == ESRCH) {
         snprintf(lock_name, sizeof(lock_name), SOCKET_FMT, dpy);

         /* try open again, as the X server for this lock is not running,
          * if we fail here, give up and try next display */
         snprintf(lock_name, sizeof(lock_name), LOCK_FMT, dpy);
         if ((lock_fd = open(lock_name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_CLOEXEC, 0444)) >= 0)

   if (dpy > 32)
      goto no_open_display;

   char pid[12];
   snprintf(pid, sizeof(pid), "%10d", getpid());
   if (write(lock_fd, pid, sizeof(pid) - 1) != sizeof(pid) - 1) {
      goto retry;


   struct sockaddr_un addr = { .sun_family = AF_LOCAL };
   addr.sun_path[0] = '\0';
   size_t path_size = snprintf(addr.sun_path + 1, sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1, SOCKET_FMT, dpy);
   if ((socks[0] = open_socket(&addr, path_size)) < 0) {
      unlink(addr.sun_path + 1);
      goto retry;

   mkdir(socket_dir, 0777);
   path_size = snprintf(addr.sun_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path), SOCKET_FMT, dpy);
   if ((socks[1] = open_socket(&addr, path_size)) < 0) {
      goto retry;

   snprintf(xserver.display_name, sizeof(xserver.display_name), ":%d", (xserver.display = dpy));
   return true;

   wlc_log(WLC_LOG_WARN, "No open display in first 32");
   goto fail;
   if (lock_fd > 0) {
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: test.c Proyecto: Cloudef/chck
int main(void)
   /* TEST: stripping */
      struct chck_string v = {0};
      assert(chck_string_set_cstr(&v, "   contains some whitespace     ", true));
      assert(chck_cstr_strip(v.data) == v.data + 3);
      assert(strlen(v.data + 3) == 24);
      assert(chck_cstreq(v.data + 3, "contains some whitespace"));

      assert(chck_string_set_cstr(&v, "asd", true));
      assert(chck_cstr_strip(v.data) == v.data);
      assert(strlen(v.data) == 3);
      assert(chck_cstreq(v.data, "asd"));

      assert(chck_string_set_cstr(&v, "foo baz lol", true));
      assert(chck_cstr_remove_chars(v.data, "baz") == v.data);
      assert(chck_cstreq(v.data, "foo  lol"));

      assert(chck_string_set_cstr(&v, "foo baz lol", true));
      assert(chck_cstr_remove_chars(v.data, "qwerty") == v.data);
      assert(chck_cstreq(v.data, "foo baz lol"));

      assert(chck_string_set_cstr(&v, "foo --- bar", true));
      assert(chck_cstr_replace_char(v.data, '-', '.') == v.data);
      assert(chck_cstreq(v.data, "foo ... bar"));

      assert(chck_string_set_cstr(&v, "foo --- bar", true));
      assert(chck_cstr_replace_char(v.data, '.', '-') == v.data);
      assert(chck_cstreq(v.data, "foo --- bar"));

   /* TEST: tokenizing */
      const char *v = "  token: this :please  ";

         size_t len, i = 0;
         const char *t, *state = NULL;
         const char *except[] = { "  token", " this ", "please  " };
         while ((t = chck_cstr_tokenize(v, &len, ":", false, &state))) {
            assert(i < 3);
            assert(len == strlen(except[i]));
            assert(chck_cstrneq(except[i], t, len));
         assert(i == 3);

         size_t len, i = 0;
         const char *t, *state = NULL;
         const char *except[] = { "token", "this", "please" };
         while ((t = chck_cstr_tokenize(v, &len, ":", true, &state))) {
            assert(i < 3);
            assert(len == strlen(except[i]));
            assert(chck_cstrneq(except[i], t, len));
         assert(i == 3);

      v = "some : words : \"  but this is included  \" : \"yay : yoy\" : \"foo\"";

         size_t len, i = 0;
         const char *t, *state = NULL;
         const char *except[] = { "some", "words", "  but this is included  ", "yay : yoy", "foo" };
         while ((t = chck_cstr_tokenize_quoted(v, &len, ":", "\"", &state))) {
            assert(i < 5);
            assert(len == strlen(except[i]));
            assert(chck_cstrneq(except[i], t, len));
         assert(i == 5);

      v = "some words  \"  but this is included  \" \"yay  yoy\"  \"foo\"";

         size_t len, i = 0;
         const char *t, *state = NULL;
         const char *except[] = { "some", "words", "  but this is included  ", "yay  yoy", "foo" };
         while ((t = chck_cstr_tokenize_quoted(v, &len, " ", "\"", &state))) {
            assert(i < 5);
            assert(len == strlen(except[i]));
            assert(chck_cstrneq(except[i], t, len));
         assert(i == 5);

   /* TEST: bool conversion tests */
      bool v;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_bool("true", &v) && v == true);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_bool("false", &v) && v == false);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_bool("1", &v) && v == true);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_bool("0", &v) && v == false);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_bool("falsef", NULL));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_bool("fals", NULL));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_bool("truee", NULL));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_bool("tru", NULL));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_bool("not-a-bool", NULL));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_bool("5", NULL));

   /* TEST: float conversion tests */
      float v;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_f("0.123", &v) && chck_equalf(v, 0.123, 1.0f));
      assert(chck_cstr_to_f("0.1e2", &v) && chck_equalf(v, 0.1e2, 1.0f));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_f("0.1e1000", NULL));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_f("not-float", NULL));

   /* TEST: double conversion tests */
      double v;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_d("0.123", &v) && chck_equal(v, 0.123, 1.0));
      assert(chck_cstr_to_d("0.1e100", &v) && chck_equal(v, 0.1e100, 1.0));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_d("0.1e1000", NULL));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_d("not-double", NULL));

   /* TEST: long double conversion tests */
      long double v; // valgrind does not handle long double so we don't do 1e1000 here
      assert(chck_cstr_to_ld("0.123", &v) && chck_equalld(v, 0.123l, 1.0l));
      assert(chck_cstr_to_ld("0.1e100", &v) && chck_equalld(v, 0.1e100l, 1.0));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_ld("0.1e100000", NULL));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_ld("not-long-double", NULL));

   /* TEST: i64 conversion tests */
      int64_t v;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i64("1", &v) && v == 1);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i64("-1", &v) && v == -1);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i64("9223372036854775807", &v) && v == INT64_MAX);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i64("-9223372036854775808", &v) && v == INT64_MIN);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i64("9223372036854775808", &v));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i64("-9223372036854775809", &v));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i64("1.0", &v));

      uint64_t uv;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_u64("1", &uv) && uv == 1);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u64("-1", &uv));
      assert(chck_cstr_to_u64("18446744073709551615", &uv) && uv == UINT64_MAX);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u64("18446744073709551616", &uv));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u64("1.0", &uv));

   /* TEST: i32 conversion tests */
      int32_t v;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i32("1", &v) && v == 1);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i32("-1", &v) && v == -1);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i32("2147483647", &v) && v == INT32_MAX);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i32("-2147483648", &v) && v == INT32_MIN);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i32("2147483648", &v));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i32("-2147483649", &v));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i32("1.0", &v));

      uint32_t uv;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_u32("1", &uv) && uv == 1);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u32("-1", &uv));
      assert(chck_cstr_to_u32("4294967295", &uv) && uv == UINT32_MAX);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u32("4294967296", &uv));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u32("1.0", &uv));

   /* TEST: i16 conversion tests */
      int16_t v;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i16("1", &v) && v == 1);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i16("-1", &v) && v == -1);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i16("32767", &v) && v == INT16_MAX);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i16("-32768", &v) && v == INT16_MIN);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i16("32768", &v));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i16("-32769", &v));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i16("1.0", &v));

      uint16_t uv;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_u16("1", &uv) && uv == 1);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u16("-1", &uv));
      assert(chck_cstr_to_u16("65535", &uv) && uv == UINT16_MAX);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u16("65536", &uv));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u16("1.0", &uv));

   /* TEST: i8 conversion tests */
      int8_t v;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i8("1", &v) && v == 1);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i8("-1", &v) && v == -1);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i8("127", &v) && v == INT8_MAX);
      assert(chck_cstr_to_i8("-128", &v) && v == INT8_MIN);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i8("128", &v));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i8("-129", &v));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_i8("1.0", &v));

      uint8_t uv;
      assert(chck_cstr_to_u8("1", &uv) && uv == 1);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u8("-1", &uv));
      assert(chck_cstr_to_u8("255", &uv) && uv == UINT8_MAX);
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u8("257", &uv));
      assert(!chck_cstr_to_u8("1.0", &uv));

   /* TEST: string tests */
      struct chck_string str = {0};
      assert(chck_string_set_cstr(&str, "foobar", false));
      assert(str.data && str.size == strlen("foobar") && chck_string_eq_cstr(&str, "foobar"));
      assert(chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, "") && chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, NULL) && chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, "foobar") && chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, "bar") && !chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, "bur"));
      assert(chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, "") && chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, NULL) && chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, "foobar") && chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, "foo") && !chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, "fuo"));
      assert(chck_string_set_cstr(&str, "", false));
      assert(!str.data && str.size == strlen("") && chck_string_eq_cstr(&str, ""));
      assert(!str.data && str.size == 0 && chck_string_eq_cstr(&str, NULL)); // string_eq_cstr treats empty string as NULL
      assert(chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, "") && chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, NULL) && !chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, "foobar"));
      assert(chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, "") && chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, NULL) && !chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, "foobar"));
      assert(chck_string_set_cstr(&str, NULL, false));
      assert(!str.data && str.size == 0 && !chck_string_eq_cstr(&str, "foobar"));
      assert(chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, "") && chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, NULL) && !chck_string_ends_with_cstr(&str, "foobar"));
      assert(chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, "") && chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, NULL) && !chck_string_starts_with_cstr(&str, "foobar"));

      // is_heap is false, so nothing is copied.
      // since chck_strings do not copy when is_heap is false, printf for .data would print whole "foobar" in this case.
      // if is_heap is set to true, the string is copied and terminated correctly.
      assert(chck_string_set_cstr_with_length(&str, "foobar", 3, false));
      assert(str.data && str.size == strlen("foo") && chck_string_eq_cstr(&str, "foo") && !chck_string_eq_cstr(&str, "foobar"));

      struct chck_string str2 = {0};
      assert(chck_string_set(&str2, &str, false));
      assert(str.data == str2.data && str2.size == strlen("foo") && chck_string_eq(&str, &str2));
      assert(chck_string_ends_with(&str, &str2));
      assert(chck_string_starts_with(&str, &str2));
      assert(chck_string_set(&str2, &str, true));
      assert(str.data != str2.data && str2.size == strlen("foo") && chck_string_eq(&str, &str2));
      assert(chck_string_ends_with(&str, &str2));
      assert(chck_string_starts_with(&str, &str2));
      assert(chck_string_set_cstr(&str2, "foobar2", false));
      assert(str.data != str2.data && str2.size == strlen("foobar2") && !chck_string_eq(&str, &str2));
      assert(!chck_string_ends_with(&str, &str2));
      assert(!chck_string_starts_with(&str, &str2));

      assert(chck_string_set_format(&str, "%s-%s", "test", str2.data));
      assert(str.data && str.size == strlen("test-foobar2") && str.is_heap && chck_string_eq_cstr(&str, "test-foobar2"));

      assert(!str.data && !str2.data && str.size + str2.size == 0);
      assert(chck_string_eq(&str, &str2));

      assert(chck_cstreq("foobar", "foobar"));
      assert(!chck_cstreq("foobar", "foo"));
      assert(!chck_cstreq("foobar", NULL));
      assert(chck_cstreq(NULL, NULL));

      assert(chck_cstrneq("foobar", "foo", 3));
      assert(chck_cstrneq("fo", "fo", 3));
      assert(!chck_cstrneq("foobar", "foa", 3));
      assert(chck_cstrneq(NULL, NULL, 3));
      assert(chck_cstrneq(NULL, NULL, 0));

      assert(chck_cstr_ends_with("foobar", "foobar") && chck_cstr_ends_with("foobar", "bar") && !chck_cstr_ends_with("foobar", "bur"));
      assert(chck_cstr_starts_with("foobar", "foobar") && chck_cstr_starts_with("foobar", "foo") && !chck_cstr_starts_with("foobar", "fur"));
      assert(chck_cstr_is_empty("") && chck_cstr_is_empty(NULL));
      assert(chck_cstr_ends_with("", "") && chck_cstr_ends_with(NULL, NULL));
      assert(chck_cstr_starts_with("", "") && chck_cstr_starts_with(NULL, NULL));
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;