double RootMeanSquaredError::calculate_performance(void) const { // Control sentence #ifdef __OPENNN_DEBUG__ check(); #endif // Neural network stuff const MultilayerPerceptron* multilayer_perceptron_pointer = neural_network_pointer->get_multilayer_perceptron_pointer(); const size_t inputs_number = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->get_inputs_number(); const size_t outputs_number = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->get_outputs_number(); // Data set stuff const Matrix<double>& data = data_set_pointer->get_data(); const Instances& instances = data_set_pointer->get_instances(); const size_t training_instances_number = instances.count_training_instances_number(); const Vector<size_t> training_indices = instances.arrange_training_indices(); size_t training_index; const Variables& variables = data_set_pointer->get_variables(); const Vector<size_t> inputs_indices = variables.arrange_inputs_indices(); const Vector<size_t> targets_indices = variables.arrange_targets_indices(); // Root mean squared error Vector<double> inputs(inputs_number); Vector<double> outputs(outputs_number); Vector<double> targets(outputs_number); double sum_squared_error = 0.0; int i = 0; #pragma omp parallel for private(i, training_index, inputs, outputs, targets) reduction(+:sum_squared_error) for(i = 0; i < (int)training_instances_number; i++) { training_index = training_indices[i]; // Input vector inputs = data_set_pointer->get_instance(training_index, inputs_indices); // Output vector outputs = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->calculate_outputs(inputs); // Target vector // targets = data_set_pointer->get_instance(training_index, targets_indices); // Sum squaresd error // sum_squared_error += outputs.calculate_sum_squared_error(targets); sum_squared_error += outputs.calculate_sum_squared_error(data, training_index, targets_indices); } return(sqrt(sum_squared_error/(double)training_instances_number)); }
void LH_ITERATE_PATCHED_WORDS_NAME(const unichar *buf, size_t bufsize, lh_word_check_t *check, lh_word_patch_t *patch, lh_word_callback_t *callback, void *userdata) { size_t pos = 0; size_t word_start; size_t word_length; unichar patch_buf[WORD_MAX_CHARS]; const unichar *arg_begin; size_t arg_length; utf8char word_buf[BUFSIZEOF__UTF8_WORD]; utf8char *hugeword_buf = NULL; size_t hugeword_buf_size = 0; utf8char *word_end; int prop; #ifdef LH_ITERATOR_DEBUG int wordctr = 0, wordcount = LH_COUNT_WORDS_NAME (buf, bufsize, check); #define wordctr_INC1 wordctr++ #else #define wordctr_INC1 #endif while (pos < bufsize) { prop = UNICHAR_GETPROPS_EXPN(buf,bufsize,pos); if (prop & UCP_ALPHA) { word_start = pos; do pos++; while ((pos < bufsize) && (UNICHAR_GETPROPS_EXPN(buf,bufsize,pos) & UCP_ALPHA)); word_length = pos - word_start; if (WORD_MAX_CHARS < word_length) continue; if (NULL!=check && 0 == check(buf+word_start, word_length)) { DBG_PRINTF_NOISE_WORD(word_start,word_length); continue; } if (NULL != patch) { /* word should be patched */ if (0 == patch (buf+word_start, word_length, patch_buf, &arg_length)) { DBG_PRINTF_PATCH_FAILED(word_start,word_length); continue; } arg_begin = patch_buf; } else { /* argument should be taken right from \c buf */ arg_begin = buf+word_start; arg_length = word_length; } word_end = (utf8char *)eh_encode_buffer__UTF8 (arg_begin, arg_begin+arg_length, (char *)(word_buf), (char *)(word_buf+BUFSIZEOF__UTF8_WORD)); if (NULL != word_end) { callback (word_buf, word_end-word_buf, userdata); wordctr_INC1; continue; } if (hugeword_buf_size<(word_length*MAX_UTF8_CHAR)) { /* overflow danger detected */ if (hugeword_buf_size) dk_free (hugeword_buf, hugeword_buf_size); hugeword_buf_size = word_length*MAX_UTF8_CHAR; hugeword_buf = (utf8char *) dk_alloc (hugeword_buf_size); } word_end = (utf8char *)eh_encode_buffer__UTF8 (arg_begin, arg_begin+arg_length, (char *)(hugeword_buf), (char *)(hugeword_buf+hugeword_buf_size)); callback (hugeword_buf, word_end-hugeword_buf, userdata); wordctr_INC1; continue; } if (prop & UCP_IDEO) { word_start = pos; pos++; word_length = pos - word_start; if (NULL!=check && 0 == check(buf+word_start, word_length)) { DBG_PRINTF_NOISE_IDEO(word_start,word_length); continue; } if (NULL != patch) { /* word should be patched */ if (0 == patch (buf+word_start, word_length, patch_buf, &arg_length)) { DBG_PRINTF_IDEO_PATCH_FAILED(word_start,word_length); continue; } arg_begin = patch_buf; } else { /* argument should be taken right from \c buf */ arg_begin = buf+word_start; arg_length = word_length; } word_end = (utf8char *)eh_encode_buffer__UTF8 (arg_begin, arg_begin+arg_length, (char *)(word_buf), (char *)(word_buf+BUFSIZEOF__UTF8_WORD)); callback (word_buf, word_end-word_buf, userdata); wordctr_INC1; continue; } pos++; } if (hugeword_buf_size) dk_free (hugeword_buf, hugeword_buf_size); #ifdef LH_ITERATOR_DEBUG if (wordctr != wordcount) GPF_T; #endif }
static int test1 (void) { const char * in = "{\n" " \"headers\": {\n" " \"type\": \"request\",\n" " \"tag\": 666\n" " },\n" " \"body\": {\n" " \"name\": \"torrent-info\",\n" " \"arguments\": {\n" " \"ids\": [ 7, 10 ]\n" " }\n" " }\n" "}\n"; tr_variant top, *headers, *body, *args, *ids; const char * str; int64_t i; const int err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, in, strlen(in)); check (!err); check (tr_variantIsDict (&top)); check ((headers = tr_variantDictFind (&top, tr_quark_new("headers",7)))); check (tr_variantIsDict (headers)); check (tr_variantDictFindStr (headers, tr_quark_new("type",4), &str, NULL)); check_streq ("request", str); check (tr_variantDictFindInt (headers, TR_KEY_tag, &i)); check_int_eq (666, i); check ((body = tr_variantDictFind (&top, tr_quark_new("body",4)))); check (tr_variantDictFindStr (body, TR_KEY_name, &str, NULL)); check_streq ("torrent-info", str); check ((args = tr_variantDictFind (body, tr_quark_new("arguments",9)))); check (tr_variantIsDict (args)); check ((ids = tr_variantDictFind (args, TR_KEY_ids))); check (tr_variantIsList (ids)); check_int_eq (2, tr_variantListSize (ids)); check (tr_variantGetInt (tr_variantListChild (ids, 0), &i)); check_int_eq (7, i); check (tr_variantGetInt (tr_variantListChild (ids, 1), &i)); check_int_eq (10, i); tr_variantFree (&top); return 0; }
void AWalkerAIController::Possess(APawn *aPawn) { Super::Possess(aPawn); check(aPawn != nullptr); aPawn->OnTakeAnyDamage.AddDynamic(this, &AWalkerAIController::OnPawnTookDamage); }
void FontRendererImpl::DrawText(const std::string& text, const Rect& rect, const RGBA& color, float fontSize, float fontScale, const std::string& fontRef) { // wait for a swap to complete FrpSeqAllocatorWaitForSwap(); m_mutex.lock(); // create or find a text format ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> textFormat; auto formatKey = std::make_pair(fontRef, fontSize); auto formatIter = m_textFormatCache.find(formatKey); if (formatIter != m_textFormatCache.end()) { textFormat = formatIter->second; } else { m_dwFactory->CreateTextFormat(ToWide(fontRef).c_str(), nullptr, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL, fontSize, L"en-us", textFormat.GetAddressOf()); m_textFormatCache[formatKey] = textFormat; } // create or find a cached text layout ComPtr<IDWriteTextLayout> textLayout; auto layoutKey = std::make_pair(textFormat.Get(), std::make_pair(color.AsARGB(), text)); auto layoutIter = m_textLayoutCache.find(layoutKey); if (layoutIter != m_textLayoutCache.end()) { textLayout = layoutIter->second; } else { std::wstring wideText = ToWide(text); // parse colors and the lot std::wstring noColorTextString; std::vector<DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE> textRanges; std::vector<RGBA> textColors; { std::wstringstream noColorText; int count = 0; static const RGBA colors[] = { RGBA(0, 0, 0), RGBA(255, 0, 0), RGBA(0, 255, 0), RGBA(255, 255, 0), RGBA(0, 0, 255), RGBA(0, 255, 255), RGBA(255, 0, 255), RGBA(255, 255, 255), RGBA(100, 0, 0), RGBA(0, 0, 100) }; textRanges.reserve(50); textColors.reserve(50); textRanges.push_back({ 0, UINT32_MAX }); textColors.push_back(color); for (int i = 0; i < wideText.length(); i++) { if (wideText[i] == '^' && (i + 1) < wideText.length() && isdigit(wideText[i + 1])) { textRanges.back().length = count - textRanges.back().startPosition; textRanges.push_back({ (UINT32)count, UINT32_MAX }); textColors.push_back(colors[wideText[i + 1] - '0']); ++i; continue; } noColorText << wideText[i]; ++count; } textRanges.back().length = count - textRanges.back().startPosition; noColorTextString = noColorText.str(); } m_dwFactory->CreateTextLayout(noColorTextString.c_str(), static_cast<UINT32>(noColorTextString.length()), textFormat.Get(), rect.Width(), rect.Height(), textLayout.GetAddressOf()); m_textLayoutCache[layoutKey] = textLayout; // set effect for (size_t i : irange(textRanges.size())) { DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE effectRange = textRanges[i]; RGBA color = textColors[i]; static thread_local std::map<uint32_t, ComPtr<FrDrawingEffect>> effects; auto it = effects.find(color.AsARGB()); if (it == effects.end()) { ComPtr<FrDrawingEffect> effect = Make<FrDrawingEffect>(); effect->SetColor(textColors[i]); it = effects.insert({ color.AsARGB(), effect }).first; } check(SUCCEEDED(textLayout->SetDrawingEffect((IUnknown*)it->second.Get(), effectRange))); } } // draw auto drawingContext = new FrDrawingContext(); textLayout->Draw(drawingContext, m_textRenderer.Get(), rect.Left(), rect.Top()); auto numRuns = drawingContext->glyphRuns.size(); if (numRuns) { for (auto& run : drawingContext->glyphRuns) { m_queuedRenderables.push_back(std::make_unique<FrGlyphRunRenderable>(run)); //m_queuedGlyphRuns.push_back(run); } } delete drawingContext; m_mutex.unlock(); }
void SInlineEditableTextBlock::Construct( const FArguments& InArgs ) { check(InArgs._Style); OnBeginTextEditDelegate = InArgs._OnBeginTextEdit; OnTextCommittedDelegate = InArgs._OnTextCommitted; IsSelected = InArgs._IsSelected; OnVerifyTextChanged= InArgs._OnVerifyTextChanged; Text = InArgs._Text; bIsReadOnly = InArgs._IsReadOnly; bIsMultiLine = InArgs._MultiLine; DoubleSelectDelay = 0.0f; ChildSlot [ SAssignNew(HorizontalBox, SHorizontalBox) +SHorizontalBox::Slot() .VAlign(VAlign_Center) [ SAssignNew(TextBlock, STextBlock) .Text(Text) .TextStyle( &InArgs._Style->TextStyle ) .Font(InArgs._Font) .ColorAndOpacity( InArgs._ColorAndOpacity ) .ShadowColorAndOpacity( InArgs._ShadowColorAndOpacity ) .ShadowOffset( InArgs._ShadowOffset ) .HighlightText( InArgs._HighlightText ) .ToolTipText( InArgs._ToolTipText ) .WrapTextAt( InArgs._WrapTextAt ) .Justification( InArgs._Justification ) .LineBreakPolicy( InArgs._LineBreakPolicy ) ] ]; if( bIsMultiLine ) { SAssignNew(MultiLineTextBox, SMultiLineEditableTextBox) .Text(InArgs._Text) .Style(&InArgs._Style->EditableTextBoxStyle) .Font(InArgs._Font) .ToolTipText( InArgs._ToolTipText ) .OnTextChanged(this, &SInlineEditableTextBlock::OnTextChanged) .OnTextCommitted(this, &SInlineEditableTextBlock::OnTextBoxCommitted) .SelectAllTextWhenFocused(true) .ClearKeyboardFocusOnCommit(true) .RevertTextOnEscape(true) .ModiferKeyForNewLine(InArgs._ModiferKeyForNewLine); } else { SAssignNew(TextBox, SEditableTextBox) .Text(InArgs._Text) .Style(&InArgs._Style->EditableTextBoxStyle) .Font(InArgs._Font) .ToolTipText( InArgs._ToolTipText ) .OnTextChanged( this, &SInlineEditableTextBlock::OnTextChanged ) .OnTextCommitted(this, &SInlineEditableTextBlock::OnTextBoxCommitted) .SelectAllTextWhenFocused(true) .ClearKeyboardFocusOnCommit(false); } }
uint32 FSoundFileDecoder::Run() { while (bIsDecoding) { for (int32 DataIndex = 0; DataIndex < Settings.NumDecodeBuffers; ++DataIndex) { FSoundFileDecodeData& Data = DecodeData[DataIndex]; // If the data is not active, continue if (!Data.bIsActive) { continue; } int32 CurrentWriteBufferIndex = Data.CurrentWriteBufferIndex.GetValue(); while (CurrentWriteBufferIndex != Data.CurrentReadBufferIndex.GetValue()) { TArray<float>& DecodeBuffer = Data.DecodedBuffers[CurrentWriteBufferIndex]; SoundFileCount RequestedNumSamples = (SoundFileCount)DecodeBuffer.Num(); SoundFileCount NumSamplesActuallyRead = 0; // If the data is looping, then we need to keep reading samples from the file until we've reached the number of requested // samples. For *very* short duration sounds (or for long-duration decode buffers), we may have an edge case where // the sound file needs to seek from the beginning multiple times to fulfill the decode buffer size request if (Data.bIsLooping) { // Keep looping until we've read everything we requested while (true) { ESoundFileError::Type Result = Data.SoundFileReader->ReadSamples(DecodeBuffer.GetData(), RequestedNumSamples, NumSamplesActuallyRead); check(Result == ESoundFileError::NONE); // If we've read all the samples we wanted, then we're good if (RequestedNumSamples == NumSamplesActuallyRead) { break; } // ... otherwise, we need to seek back to the beginning of the file and try to read samples that are left else { // Seek to beginning of file SoundFileCount OutFrameOffset = 0; Data.SoundFileReader->SeekFrames(0, ESoundFileSeekMode::FROM_START, OutFrameOffset); // Calculate samples left we need to read RequestedNumSamples -= NumSamplesActuallyRead; } } } else { ESoundFileError::Type Result = Data.SoundFileReader->ReadSamples(DecodeBuffer.GetData(), RequestedNumSamples, NumSamplesActuallyRead); check(Result == ESoundFileError::NONE); // if the number of samples we read was not the number we requested, then we've reached the end of the file if (RequestedNumSamples != NumSamplesActuallyRead) { // tell the data that this entry is no longer active Data.bIsActive = false; // and what our last sample index is Data.LastSampleIndex = NumSamplesActuallyRead; } } // Increment the buffer index CurrentWriteBufferIndex = CurrentWriteBufferIndex % Settings.NumDecodeBuffers; // Publish results by writing setting buffer index so other thread can read it Data.CurrentWriteBufferIndex.Set(CurrentWriteBufferIndex); } } // Once we're done decoding everything, then put this thread to sleep // Any new requests (or any shutdowns) will trigger this thread to wake up. ThreadDecodeEvent->Wait((uint32)-1); } return true; }
bool check(const php::Program& p) { for (DEBUG_ONLY auto& u : p.units) assert(check(*u)); return true; }
void AudioStream_Ogg::open(const std::string &path, int startTime, int inLoops, const SoundTransform &inTransform) { if (openal_is_shutdown) return; int result; mPath = std::string(path.c_str()); mStartTime = startTime; mLoops = inLoops; mIsValid = true; mSuspend = false; #ifdef ANDROID mInfo = AndroidGetAssetFD(path.c_str()); oggFile = fdopen(mInfo.fd, "rb"); fseek(oggFile, mInfo.offset, 0); ov_callbacks callbacks; callbacks.read_func = &nme::AudioStream_Ogg::read_func; callbacks.seek_func = &nme::AudioStream_Ogg::seek_func; callbacks.close_func = &nme::AudioStream_Ogg::close_func; callbacks.tell_func = &nme::AudioStream_Ogg::tell_func; #else oggFile = fopen(path.c_str(), "rb"); #endif if(!oggFile) { //throw std::string("Could not open Ogg file."); LOG_SOUND("Could not open Ogg file."); mIsValid = false; return; } oggStream = new OggVorbis_File(); #ifdef ANDROID result = ov_open_callbacks(this, oggStream, NULL, 0, callbacks); #else result = ov_open(oggFile, oggStream, NULL, 0); #endif if(result < 0) { fclose(oggFile); oggFile = 0; //throw std::string("Could not open Ogg stream. ") + errorString(result); LOG_SOUND("Could not open Ogg stream."); //LOG_SOUND(errorString(result).c_str()); mIsValid = false; return; } vorbisInfo = ov_info(oggStream, -1); vorbisComment = ov_comment(oggStream, -1); if(vorbisInfo->channels == 1) { format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; } else { format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } if (startTime != 0) { double seek = startTime * 0.001; ov_time_seek(oggStream, seek); } alGenBuffers(2, buffers); check(); alGenSources(1, &source); check(); alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); alSource3f(source, AL_DIRECTION, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); alSourcef (source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0 ); alSourcei (source, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE ); setTransform(inTransform); } //open
void ReturnToPool(FEvent* Event) { check(Event); Pool.Push(Event); }
bool check(const php::Unit& u) { assert(check(*u.pseudomain)); for (DEBUG_ONLY auto& c : u.classes) assert(check(*c)); for (DEBUG_ONLY auto& f : u.funcs) assert(check(*f)); return true; }
double RootMeanSquaredError::calculate_selection_performance(void) const { // Control sentence (if debug) #ifdef __OPENNN_DEBUG__ check(); #endif // Neural network staff const MultilayerPerceptron* multilayer_perceptron_pointer = neural_network_pointer->get_multilayer_perceptron_pointer(); const size_t inputs_number = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->get_inputs_number(); const size_t outputs_number = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->get_outputs_number(); // Data set stuff const Instances& instances = data_set_pointer->get_instances(); const size_t selection_instances_number = instances.count_selection_instances_number(); if(selection_instances_number == 0) { return(0.0); } const Vector<size_t> selection_indices = instances.arrange_selection_indices(); size_t selection_index; const Variables& variables = data_set_pointer->get_variables(); const Vector<size_t> inputs_indices = variables.arrange_inputs_indices(); const Vector<size_t> targets_indices = variables.arrange_targets_indices(); Vector<double> inputs(inputs_number); Vector<double> outputs(outputs_number); Vector<double> targets(outputs_number); int i = 0; double selection_performance = 0.0; #pragma omp parallel for private(i, selection_index, inputs, outputs, targets) reduction(+ : selection_performance) for(i = 0; i < (int)selection_instances_number; i++) { selection_index = selection_indices[i]; // Input vector inputs = data_set_pointer->get_instance(selection_index, inputs_indices); // Output vector outputs = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->calculate_outputs(inputs); // Target vector targets = data_set_pointer->get_instance(selection_index, targets_indices); // Sum of squares error selection_performance += outputs.calculate_sum_squared_error(targets); } return(sqrt(selection_performance/(double)selection_instances_number)); }
Vector<double> RootMeanSquaredError::calculate_gradient(void) const { // Control sentence #ifdef __OPENNN_DEBUG__ check(); #endif // Neural network stuff const MultilayerPerceptron* multilayer_perceptron_pointer = neural_network_pointer->get_multilayer_perceptron_pointer(); const size_t inputs_number = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->get_inputs_number(); const size_t outputs_number = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->get_outputs_number(); const size_t layers_number = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->get_layers_number(); const size_t parameters_number = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->count_parameters_number(); // Data set stuff Vector< Vector< Vector<double> > > first_order_forward_propagation(2); const bool has_conditions_layer = neural_network_pointer->has_conditions_layer(); const ConditionsLayer* conditions_layer_pointer = has_conditions_layer ? neural_network_pointer->get_conditions_layer_pointer() : NULL; Vector<double> particular_solution; Vector<double> homogeneous_solution; // Data set stuff const Instances& instances = data_set_pointer->get_instances(); const size_t training_instances_number = instances.count_training_instances_number(); const Vector<size_t> training_indices = instances.arrange_training_indices(); size_t training_index; const Variables& variables = data_set_pointer->get_variables(); const Vector<size_t> inputs_indices = variables.arrange_inputs_indices(); const Vector<size_t> targets_indices = variables.arrange_targets_indices(); Vector<double> inputs(inputs_number); Vector<double> targets(outputs_number); // Performance functional stuff const double performance = calculate_performance(); Vector< Vector<double> > layers_delta; Vector<double> output_gradient(outputs_number); Vector<double> point_gradient(parameters_number, 0.0); // Main loop Vector<double> gradient(parameters_number, 0.0); int i = 0; #pragma omp parallel for private(i, training_index, inputs, targets, first_order_forward_propagation, output_gradient, \ layers_delta, particular_solution, homogeneous_solution, point_gradient) for(i = 0; i < (int)training_instances_number; i++) { training_index = training_indices[i]; inputs = data_set_pointer->get_instance(training_index, inputs_indices); targets = data_set_pointer->get_instance(training_index, targets_indices); first_order_forward_propagation = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->calculate_first_order_forward_propagation(inputs); const Vector< Vector<double> >& layers_activation = first_order_forward_propagation[0]; const Vector< Vector<double> >& layers_activation_derivative = first_order_forward_propagation[1]; if(!has_conditions_layer) { output_gradient = (layers_activation[layers_number-1]-targets)/(training_instances_number*performance); layers_delta = calculate_layers_delta(layers_activation_derivative, output_gradient); } else { particular_solution = conditions_layer_pointer->calculate_particular_solution(inputs); homogeneous_solution = conditions_layer_pointer->calculate_homogeneous_solution(inputs); output_gradient = (particular_solution+homogeneous_solution*layers_activation[layers_number-1] - targets)/(training_instances_number*performance); layers_delta = calculate_layers_delta(layers_activation_derivative, homogeneous_solution, output_gradient); } point_gradient = calculate_point_gradient(inputs, layers_activation, layers_delta); #pragma omp critical gradient += point_gradient; } return(gradient); }
double RootMeanSquaredError::calculate_performance(const Vector<double>& parameters) const { // Control sentence (if debug) #ifdef __OPENNN_DEBUG__ check(); #endif #ifdef __OPENNN_DEBUG__ std::ostringstream buffer; const size_t size = parameters.size(); const size_t parameters_number = neural_network_pointer->count_parameters_number(); if(size != parameters_number) { buffer << "OpenNN Exception: RootMeanSquaredError class.\n" << "double calculate_performance(const Vector<double>&) const method.\n" << "Size (" << size << ") must be equal to number of parameters (" << parameters_number << ").\n"; throw std::logic_error(buffer.str()); } #endif // Neural network stuff const MultilayerPerceptron* multilayer_perceptron_pointer = neural_network_pointer->get_multilayer_perceptron_pointer(); const size_t inputs_number = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->get_inputs_number(); const size_t outputs_number = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->get_outputs_number(); // Data set stuff const Instances& instances = data_set_pointer->get_instances(); const size_t training_instances_number = instances.count_training_instances_number(); const Vector<size_t> training_indices = instances.arrange_training_indices(); size_t training_index; const Variables& variables = data_set_pointer->get_variables(); const Vector<size_t> inputs_indices = variables.arrange_inputs_indices(); const Vector<size_t> targets_indices = variables.arrange_targets_indices(); // Root mean squared error Vector<double> inputs(inputs_number); Vector<double> outputs(outputs_number); Vector<double> targets(outputs_number); double sum_squared_error = 0.0; int i = 0; #pragma omp parallel for private(i, training_index, inputs, outputs, targets) reduction(+:sum_squared_error) for(i = 0; i < (int)training_instances_number; i++) { training_index = training_indices[i]; // Input vector inputs = data_set_pointer->get_instance(training_index, inputs_indices); // Output vector outputs = multilayer_perceptron_pointer->calculate_outputs(inputs, parameters); // Target vector targets = data_set_pointer->get_instance(training_index, targets_indices); // Sum squaresd error sum_squared_error += outputs.calculate_sum_squared_error(targets); } return(sqrt(sum_squared_error/(double)training_instances_number)); }
BufferType* FD3D12Adapter::CreateRHIBuffer(FRHICommandListImmediate* RHICmdList, const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC& InDesc, uint32 Alignment, uint32 Stride, uint32 Size, uint32 InUsage, FRHIResourceCreateInfo& CreateInfo, bool SkipCreate) { const bool bIsDynamic = (InUsage & BUF_AnyDynamic) ? true : false; BufferType* BufferOut = CreateLinkedObject<BufferType>([&](FD3D12Device* Device) { BufferType* NewBuffer = new BufferType(Device, Stride, Size, InUsage); NewBuffer->BufferAlignment = Alignment; if (SkipCreate == false) { AllocateBuffer(Device, InDesc, Size, InUsage, CreateInfo, Alignment, NewBuffer->ResourceLocation); } return NewBuffer; }); if (CreateInfo.ResourceArray) { if (bIsDynamic == false && BufferOut->ResourceLocation.IsValid()) { check(Size == CreateInfo.ResourceArray->GetResourceDataSize()); // Get an upload heap and initialize data FD3D12ResourceLocation SrcResourceLoc(BufferOut->GetParentDevice()); void* pData = SrcResourceLoc.GetParentDevice()->GetDefaultFastAllocator().Allocate<FD3D12ScopeLock>(Size, 4UL, &SrcResourceLoc); check(pData); FMemory::Memcpy(pData, CreateInfo.ResourceArray->GetResourceData(), Size); const auto& pfnUpdateBuffer = [&]() { BufferType* CurrentBuffer = BufferOut; while (CurrentBuffer != nullptr) { FD3D12Resource* Destination = CurrentBuffer->ResourceLocation.GetResource(); FD3D12Device* Device = Destination->GetParentDevice(); FD3D12CommandListHandle& hCommandList = Device->GetDefaultCommandContext().CommandListHandle; // Copy from the temporary upload heap to the default resource { // Writable structured bufferes are sometimes initialized with inital data which means they sometimes need tracking. FConditionalScopeResourceBarrier ConditionalScopeResourceBarrier(hCommandList, Destination, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_DEST, 0); Device->GetDefaultCommandContext().numCopies++; hCommandList->CopyBufferRegion( Destination->GetResource(), CurrentBuffer->ResourceLocation.GetOffsetFromBaseOfResource(), SrcResourceLoc.GetResource()->GetResource(), SrcResourceLoc.GetOffsetFromBaseOfResource(), Size); hCommandList.UpdateResidency(Destination); } CurrentBuffer = CurrentBuffer->GetNextObject(); } }; //TODO: This should be a deferred op like the buffer lock/unlocks // We only need to synchronize when creating default resource buffers (because we need a command list to initialize them) if (RHICmdList) { FScopedRHIThreadStaller StallRHIThread(*RHICmdList); pfnUpdateBuffer(); } else { pfnUpdateBuffer(); } } // Discard the resource array's contents. CreateInfo.ResourceArray->Discard(); } return BufferOut; }
static void rm_tree(char **argv) { FTS *fts; FTSENT *p; int needstat; int flags; int rval; /* * Remove a file hierarchy. If forcing removal (-f), or interactive * (-i) or can't ask anyway (stdin_ok), don't stat the file. */ needstat = !uid || (!fflag && !iflag && stdin_ok); /* * If the -i option is specified, the user can skip on the pre-order * visit. The fts_number field flags skipped directories. */ #define SKIPPED 1 flags = FTS_PHYSICAL; if (!needstat) flags |= FTS_NOSTAT; if (Wflag) flags |= FTS_WHITEOUT; if (xflag) flags |= FTS_XDEV; if (!(fts = fts_open(argv, flags, NULL))) { if (fflag && errno == ENOENT) return; err(1, "fts_open"); } while ((p = fts_read(fts)) != NULL) { switch (p->fts_info) { case FTS_DNR: if (!fflag || p->fts_errno != ENOENT) { warnx("%s: %s", p->fts_path, strerror(p->fts_errno)); eval = 1; } continue; case FTS_ERR: errx(1, "%s: %s", p->fts_path, strerror(p->fts_errno)); case FTS_NS: /* * Assume that since fts_read() couldn't stat the * file, it can't be unlinked. */ if (!needstat) break; if (!fflag || p->fts_errno != ENOENT) { warnx("%s: %s", p->fts_path, strerror(p->fts_errno)); eval = 1; } continue; case FTS_D: /* Pre-order: give user chance to skip. */ if (!fflag && !check(p->fts_path, p->fts_accpath, p->fts_statp)) { (void)fts_set(fts, p, FTS_SKIP); p->fts_number = SKIPPED; } else if (!uid && (p->fts_statp->st_flags & (UF_APPEND|UF_IMMUTABLE)) && !(p->fts_statp->st_flags & (SF_APPEND|SF_IMMUTABLE)) && lchflags(p->fts_accpath, p->fts_statp->st_flags &= ~(UF_APPEND|UF_IMMUTABLE)) < 0) goto err; continue; case FTS_DP: /* Post-order: see if user skipped. */ if (p->fts_number == SKIPPED) continue; break; default: if (!fflag && !check(p->fts_path, p->fts_accpath, p->fts_statp)) continue; } rval = 0; if (!uid && (p->fts_statp->st_flags & (UF_APPEND|UF_IMMUTABLE)) && !(p->fts_statp->st_flags & (SF_APPEND|SF_IMMUTABLE))) rval = lchflags(p->fts_accpath, p->fts_statp->st_flags &= ~(UF_APPEND|UF_IMMUTABLE)); if (rval == 0) { /* * If we can't read or search the directory, may still be * able to remove it. Don't print out the un{read,search}able * message unless the remove fails. */ switch (p->fts_info) { case FTS_DP: case FTS_DNR: rval = rmdir(p->fts_accpath); if (rval == 0 || (fflag && errno == ENOENT)) { if (rval == 0 && vflag) (void)printf("%s\n", p->fts_path); if (rval == 0 && info) { info = 0; (void)printf("%s\n", p->fts_path); } continue; } break; case FTS_W: rval = undelete(p->fts_accpath); if (rval == 0 && (fflag && errno == ENOENT)) { if (vflag) (void)printf("%s\n", p->fts_path); if (info) { info = 0; (void)printf("%s\n", p->fts_path); } continue; } break; case FTS_NS: /* * Assume that since fts_read() couldn't stat * the file, it can't be unlinked. */ if (fflag) continue; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case FTS_F: case FTS_NSOK: if (Pflag) if (!rm_overwrite(p->fts_accpath, p->fts_info == FTS_NSOK ? NULL : p->fts_statp)) continue; /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: rval = unlink(p->fts_accpath); if (rval == 0 || (fflag && errno == ENOENT)) { if (rval == 0 && vflag) (void)printf("%s\n", p->fts_path); if (rval == 0 && info) { info = 0; (void)printf("%s\n", p->fts_path); } continue; } } } err: warn("%s", p->fts_path); eval = 1; } if (!fflag && errno) err(1, "fts_read"); fts_close(fts); }
void* FD3D12DynamicRHI::LockBuffer(FRHICommandListImmediate* RHICmdList, BufferType* Buffer, uint32 Offset, uint32 Size, EResourceLockMode LockMode) { #if STATS LockBufferCalls++; SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_D3D12LockBufferTime); INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_D3D12LockBufferCalls, LockBufferCalls); #endif FD3D12LockedResource& LockedData = Buffer->LockedData; check(LockedData.bLocked == false); FD3D12Device* Device = GetRHIDevice(); FD3D12Adapter& Adapter = GetAdapter(); // Determine whether the buffer is dynamic or not. const bool bIsDynamic = (Buffer->GetUsage() & BUF_AnyDynamic) ? true : false; void* Data = nullptr; if (bIsDynamic) { check(LockMode == RLM_WriteOnly); BufferType* CurrentBuffer = Buffer; // Update all of the resources in the LDA chain while (CurrentBuffer) { // Allocate a new resource // If on the RenderThread, queue up a command on the RHIThread to rename this buffer at the correct time if (ShouldDeferBufferLockOperation(RHICmdList)) { FRHICommandRenameUploadBuffer<BufferType>* Command = new (RHICmdList->AllocCommand<FRHICommandRenameUploadBuffer<BufferType>>()) FRHICommandRenameUploadBuffer<BufferType>(CurrentBuffer, Device); Data = Adapter.GetUploadHeapAllocator().AllocUploadResource(Buffer->GetSize(), Buffer->BufferAlignment, Command->NewResource); } else { FD3D12ResourceLocation Location(CurrentBuffer->GetParentDevice()); Data = Adapter.GetUploadHeapAllocator().AllocUploadResource(Buffer->GetSize(), Buffer->BufferAlignment, Location); CurrentBuffer->Rename(Location); } CurrentBuffer = CurrentBuffer->GetNextObject(); } } else { FD3D12Resource* pResource = Buffer->ResourceLocation.GetResource(); // Locking for read must occur immediately so we can't queue up the operations later. if (LockMode == RLM_ReadOnly) { LockedData.bLockedForReadOnly = true; // If the static buffer is being locked for reading, create a staging buffer. FD3D12Resource* StagingBuffer = nullptr; const GPUNodeMask Node = Device->GetNodeMask(); VERIFYD3D12RESULT(Adapter.CreateBuffer(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK, Node, Node, Offset + Size, &StagingBuffer)); // Copy the contents of the buffer to the staging buffer. { const auto& pfnCopyContents = [&]() { FD3D12CommandContext& DefaultContext = Device->GetDefaultCommandContext(); FD3D12CommandListHandle& hCommandList = DefaultContext.CommandListHandle; FScopeResourceBarrier ScopeResourceBarrierSource(hCommandList, pResource, pResource->GetDefaultResourceState(), D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_SOURCE, 0); // Don't need to transition upload heaps DefaultContext.numCopies++; hCommandList->CopyBufferRegion( StagingBuffer->GetResource(), 0, pResource->GetResource(), Offset, Size); hCommandList.UpdateResidency(StagingBuffer); hCommandList.UpdateResidency(pResource); DefaultContext.FlushCommands(true); }; if (ShouldDeferBufferLockOperation(RHICmdList)) { // Sync when in the render thread implementation check(IsInRHIThread() == false); RHICmdList->ImmediateFlush(EImmediateFlushType::FlushRHIThread); pfnCopyContents(); } else { check(IsInRHIThread()); pfnCopyContents(); } } LockedData.ResourceLocation.AsStandAlone(StagingBuffer, Size); Data = LockedData.ResourceLocation.GetMappedBaseAddress(); } else { // If the static buffer is being locked for writing, allocate memory for the contents to be written to. Data = Device->GetDefaultFastAllocator().Allocate<FD3D12ScopeLock>(Size, D3D12_TEXTURE_DATA_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT, &LockedData.ResourceLocation); } } LockedData.LockedOffset = Offset; LockedData.LockedPitch = Size; LockedData.bLocked = true; // Return the offset pointer check(Data != nullptr); return Data; }
static void rm_file(char **argv) { struct stat sb; int rval; char *f; /* * Remove a file. POSIX 1003.2 states that, by default, attempting * to remove a directory is an error, so must always stat the file. */ while ((f = *argv++) != NULL) { /* Assume if can't stat the file, can't unlink it. */ if (lstat(f, &sb)) { if (Wflag) { sb.st_mode = S_IFWHT|S_IWUSR|S_IRUSR; } else { if (!fflag || errno != ENOENT) { warn("%s", f); eval = 1; } continue; } } else if (Wflag) { warnx("%s: %s", f, strerror(EEXIST)); eval = 1; continue; } if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) && !dflag) { warnx("%s: is a directory", f); eval = 1; continue; } if (!fflag && !S_ISWHT(sb.st_mode) && !check(f, f, &sb)) continue; rval = 0; if (!uid && !S_ISWHT(sb.st_mode) && (sb.st_flags & (UF_APPEND|UF_IMMUTABLE)) && !(sb.st_flags & (SF_APPEND|SF_IMMUTABLE))) rval = lchflags(f, sb.st_flags & ~(UF_APPEND|UF_IMMUTABLE)); if (rval == 0) { if (S_ISWHT(sb.st_mode)) rval = undelete(f); else if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) rval = rmdir(f); else { if (Pflag) if (!rm_overwrite(f, &sb)) continue; rval = unlink(f); } } if (rval && (!fflag || errno != ENOENT)) { warn("%s", f); eval = 1; } if (vflag && rval == 0) (void)printf("%s\n", f); if (info && rval == 0) { info = 0; (void)printf("%s\n", f); } } }
void FSoundFileDecoder::Signal() { check(ThreadDecodeEvent != nullptr); ThreadDecodeEvent->Trigger(); }
void FSlateOpenGLVS::Create( const FString& Filename ) { check( ShaderID==0 ); // Compile the vertex shader CompileShader( Filename, GL_VERTEX_SHADER ); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // check for correct number of args if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) { printf("Usage: speller [dictionary] text\n"); return 1; } // structs for timing data struct rusage before, after; // benchmarks double time_load = 0.0, time_check = 0.0, time_size = 0.0, time_unload = 0.0; // determine dictionary to use char* dictionary = (argc == 3) ? argv[1] : DICTIONARY; // load dictionary getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &before); bool loaded = load(dictionary); getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &after); // abort if dictionary not loaded if (!loaded) { printf("Could not load %s.\n", dictionary); return 1; } // calculate time to load dictionary time_load = calculate(&before, &after); // try to open text char* text = (argc == 3) ? argv[2] : argv[1]; FILE* fp = fopen(text, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Could not open %s.\n", text); unload(); return 1; } // prepare to report misspellings printf("\nMISSPELLED WORDS\n\n"); // prepare to spell-check int index = 0, misspellings = 0, words = 0; char word[LENGTH+1]; // spell-check each word in text for (int c = fgetc(fp); c != EOF; c = fgetc(fp)) { // allow only alphabetical characters and apostrophes if (isalpha(c) || (c == '\'' && index > 0)) { // append character to word word[index] = c; index++; // ignore alphabetical strings too long to be words if (index > LENGTH) { // consume remainder of alphabetical string while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF && isalpha(c)); // prepare for new word index = 0; } } // ignore words with numbers (like MS Word can) else if (isdigit(c)) { // consume remainder of alphanumeric string while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF && isalnum(c)); // prepare for new word index = 0; } // we must have found a whole word else if (index > 0) { // terminate current word word[index] = '\0'; // update counter words++; // check word's spelling getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &before); bool misspelled = !check(word); getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &after); // update benchmark time_check += calculate(&before, &after); // print word if misspelled if (misspelled) { printf("%s\n", word); misspellings++; } // prepare for next word index = 0; } } // check whether there was an error if (ferror(fp)) { fclose(fp); printf("Error reading %s.\n", text); unload(); return 1; } // close text fclose(fp); // determine dictionary's size getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &before); unsigned int n = size(); getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &after); // calculate time to determine dictionary's size time_size = calculate(&before, &after); // unload dictionary getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &before); bool unloaded = unload(); getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &after); // abort if dictionary not unloaded if (!unloaded) { printf("Could not unload %s.\n", dictionary); return 1; } // calculate time to unload dictionary time_unload = calculate(&before, &after); // report benchmarks printf("\nWORDS MISSPELLED: %d\n", misspellings); printf("WORDS IN DICTIONARY: %d\n", n); printf("WORDS IN TEXT: %d\n", words); printf("TIME IN load: %.2f\n", time_load); printf("TIME IN check: %.2f\n", time_check); printf("TIME IN size: %.2f\n", time_size); printf("TIME IN unload: %.2f\n", time_unload); printf("TIME IN TOTAL: %.2f\n\n", time_load + time_check + time_size + time_unload); // that's all folks return 0; }
void FSlateOpenGLPS::Create( const FString& Filename ) { check( ShaderID==0 ); // Compile the pixel shader CompileShader( Filename, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER ); }
static float GetForwardSpeed(const AWheeledVehicle &Vehicle) { const auto *MovementComponent = Vehicle.GetVehicleMovementComponent(); check(nullptr != MovementComponent); return MovementComponent->GetForwardSpeed(); }
void FSlateOpenGLShader::CompileShader( const FString& Filename, GLenum ShaderType ) { // Create a new shader ID. ShaderID = glCreateShader( ShaderType ); GLint CompileStatus = GL_FALSE; check( ShaderID ); // Load the file to a string FString Source; bool bFileFound = FFileHelper::LoadFileToString( Source, *Filename ); check(bFileFound); FString Header; // pass the #define along to the shader #if PLATFORM_USES_ES2 Header.Append("#define PLATFORM_USES_ES2 1\n"); #elif PLATFORM_LINUX #if LINUX_USE_OPENGL_3_2 Header.Append("#version 150\n#define PLATFORM_USES_ES2 0\n"); #else Header.Append("#version 120\n#define PLATFORM_USES_ES2 0\n"); #endif // LINUX_USE_OPENGL_3_2 #else Header.Append("#version 120\n#define PLATFORM_USES_ES2 0\n"); #endif #if PLATFORM_LINUX Header.Append("#define PLATFORM_LINUX 1\n"); #else Header.Append("#define PLATFORM_LINUX 0\n"); #endif #if PLATFORM_MAC Header.Append("#define PLATFORM_MAC 1\n"); #else Header.Append("#define PLATFORM_MAC 0\n"); #endif #if USE_709 Header.Append("#define USE_709 1\n"); #else Header.Append("#define USE_709 0\n"); #endif // Allocate a buffer big enough to store the string in ascii format ANSICHAR* Chars[2] = {0}; Chars[0] = new ANSICHAR[Header.Len()+1]; FCStringAnsi::Strcpy(Chars[0], Header.Len() + 1, TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*Header)); Chars[1] = new ANSICHAR[Source.Len()+1]; FCStringAnsi::Strcpy(Chars[1], Source.Len() + 1, TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*Source)); // give opengl the source code for the shader glShaderSource( ShaderID, 2, (const ANSICHAR**)Chars, NULL ); delete[] Chars[0]; delete[] Chars[1]; // Compile the shader and check for success glCompileShader( ShaderID ); glGetShaderiv( ShaderID, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &CompileStatus ); if( CompileStatus == GL_FALSE ) { // The shader did not compile. Display why it failed. FString Log = GetGLSLShaderLog( ShaderID ); checkf(false, TEXT("Failed to compile shader: %s\n%s"), *Filename, *Log ); // Delete the shader since it failed. glDeleteShader( ShaderID ); ShaderID = 0; } }
Distance Distance::operator -(const Distance& _distance) const { /// @todo check(false,"note yet implemented") ; }
FBlendedCurve::FBlendedCurve(const class UAnimInstance* AnimInstance) { check(AnimInstance); InitFrom(AnimInstance->CurrentSkeleton); }
void LH_ITERATE_WORDS_NAME(const unichar *buf, size_t bufsize, lh_word_check_t *check, lh_word_callback_t *callback, void *userdata) { size_t pos = 0; size_t word_start; size_t word_length; utf8char word_buf[BUFSIZEOF__UTF8_WORD]; utf8char *hugeword_buf = NULL; size_t hugeword_buf_size = 0; utf8char *word_end; int prop; #ifdef LH_ITERATOR_DEBUG int wordctr = 0, wordcount = LH_COUNT_WORDS_NAME (buf, bufsize, check); #define wordctr_INC1 wordctr++ #else #define wordctr_INC1 #endif while (pos < bufsize) { prop = UNICHAR_GETPROPS_EXPN (buf, bufsize, pos); if (prop & UCP_ALPHA) { word_start = pos; do pos++; while ((pos < bufsize) && (UNICHAR_GETPROPS_EXPN (buf, bufsize, pos) & UCP_ALPHA)); word_length = pos - word_start; if (WORD_MAX_CHARS < word_length) continue; if (NULL!=check && 0 == check(buf+word_start, word_length)) continue; word_end = (utf8char *)eh_encode_buffer__UTF8 (buf+word_start, buf+pos, (char *)word_buf, (char *)(word_buf+BUFSIZEOF__UTF8_WORD)); if (NULL != word_end) { callback (word_buf, word_end-word_buf, userdata); wordctr_INC1; continue; } if (hugeword_buf_size<(word_length*MAX_UTF8_CHAR)) { if (hugeword_buf_size) dk_free (hugeword_buf, hugeword_buf_size); hugeword_buf_size = word_length*MAX_UTF8_CHAR; hugeword_buf = (utf8char *) dk_alloc (hugeword_buf_size); } word_end = (utf8char *)eh_encode_buffer__UTF8 (buf+word_start, buf+pos, (char *)hugeword_buf, (char *)(hugeword_buf+hugeword_buf_size)); callback (hugeword_buf, word_end-hugeword_buf, userdata); wordctr_INC1; continue; } if (prop & UCP_IDEO) { word_start = pos; pos++; if (NULL!=check && 0 == check(buf+pos-1, 1)) continue; word_end = (utf8char *)eh_encode_buffer__UTF8 (buf+word_start, buf+pos, (char *)(word_buf), (char *)(word_buf+BUFSIZEOF__UTF8_WORD)); callback (word_buf, word_end-word_buf, userdata); wordctr_INC1; continue; } pos++; } if (hugeword_buf_size) dk_free (hugeword_buf, hugeword_buf_size); #ifdef LH_ITERATOR_DEBUG if (wordctr != wordcount) GPF_T; #endif }
static void get_spc_xid6( byte const* begin, long size, track_info_t* out ) { // header byte const* end = begin + size; if ( size < 8 || memcmp( begin, "xid6", 4 ) ) { check( false ); return; } long info_size = get_le32( begin + 4 ); byte const* in = begin + 8; if ( end - in > info_size ) { debug_printf( "Extra data after SPC xid6 info\n" ); end = in + info_size; } int year = 0; char copyright [256 + 5]; int copyright_len = 0; int const year_len = 5; while ( end - in >= 4 ) { // header int id = in [0]; int data = in [3] * 0x100 + in [2]; int type = in [1]; int len = type ? data : 0; in += 4; if ( len > end - in ) { check( false ); break; // block goes past end of data } // handle specific block types char* field = 0; switch ( id ) { case 0x01: field = out->song; break; case 0x02: field = out->game; break; case 0x03: field = out->author; break; case 0x04: field = out->dumper; break; case 0x07: field = out->comment; break; case 0x14: year = data; break; //case 0x30: // intro length // Many SPCs have intro length set wrong for looped tracks, making it useless /* case 0x30: check( len == 4 ); if ( len >= 4 ) { out->intro_length = get_le32( in ) / 64; if ( out->length > 0 ) { long loop = out->length - out->intro_length; if ( loop >= 2000 ) out->loop_length = loop; } } break; */ case 0x13: copyright_len = min( len, (int) sizeof copyright - year_len ); memcpy( ©right [year_len], in, copyright_len ); break; default: if ( id < 0x01 || (id > 0x07 && id < 0x10) || (id > 0x14 && id < 0x30) || id > 0x36 ) debug_printf( "Unknown SPC xid6 block: %X\n", (int) id ); break; } if ( field ) { check( type == 1 ); Gme_File::copy_field_( field, (char const*) in, len ); } // skip to next block in += len; // blocks are supposed to be 4-byte aligned with zero-padding... byte const* unaligned = in; while ( (in - begin) & 3 && in < end ) { if ( *in++ != 0 ) { // ...but some files have no padding in = unaligned; debug_printf( "SPC info tag wasn't properly padded to align\n" ); break; } } } char* p = ©right [year_len]; if ( year ) { *--p = ' '; for ( int n = 4; n--; ) { *--p = char (year % 10 + '0'); year /= 10; } copyright_len += year_len; } if ( copyright_len ) Gme_File::copy_field_( out->copyright, p, copyright_len ); check( in == end ); }
static int test_utf8 (void) { const char * in = "{ \"key\": \"Letöltések\" }"; tr_variant top; const char * str; char * json; int err; const tr_quark key = tr_quark_new ("key", 3); err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, in, strlen(in)); check (!err); check (tr_variantIsDict (&top)); check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, key, &str, NULL)); check_streq ("Letöltések", str); if (!err) tr_variantFree (&top); in = "{ \"key\": \"\\u005C\" }"; err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, in, strlen(in)); check (!err); check (tr_variantIsDict (&top)); check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, key, &str, NULL)); check_streq ("\\", str); if (!err) tr_variantFree (&top); /** * 1. Feed it JSON-escaped nonascii to the JSON decoder. * 2. Confirm that the result is UTF-8. * 3. Feed the same UTF-8 back into the JSON encoder. * 4. Confirm that the result is JSON-escaped. * 5. Dogfood that result back into the parser. * 6. Confirm that the result is UTF-8. */ in = "{ \"key\": \"Let\\u00f6lt\\u00e9sek\" }"; err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, in, strlen(in)); check (!err); check (tr_variantIsDict (&top)); check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, key, &str, NULL)); check_streq ("Letöltések", str); json = tr_variantToStr (&top, TR_VARIANT_FMT_JSON, NULL); if (!err) tr_variantFree (&top); check (json); check (strstr (json, "\\u00f6") != NULL); check (strstr (json, "\\u00e9") != NULL); err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, json, strlen(json)); check (!err); check (tr_variantIsDict (&top)); check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, key, &str, NULL)); check_streq ("Letöltések", str); if (!err) tr_variantFree (&top); tr_free (json); return 0; }
// The stack-unwinding loop. static inline void unwind_loop(ExcInfo* exc_data) { // NB. is a very useful resource // as are and unw_cursor_t cursor; unw_context_t uc; // exists only to initialize cursor #ifndef NDEBUG // poison stack memory. have had problems with these structures being insufficiently initialized. memset(&uc, 0xef, sizeof uc); memset(&cursor, 0xef, sizeof cursor); #endif unw_getcontext(&uc); unw_init_local(&cursor, &uc); auto unwind_session = getActivePythonUnwindSession(); while (unw_step(&cursor) > 0) { unw_proc_info_t pip; static StatCounter frames_unwound("num_frames_unwound_cxx"); frames_unwound.log(); // NB. unw_get_proc_info is slow; a significant chunk of all time spent unwinding is spent here. check(unw_get_proc_info(&cursor, &pip)); assert((pip.lsda == 0) == (pip.handler == 0)); assert(pip.flags == 0); if (VERBOSITY("cxx_unwind") >= 4) { print_frame(&cursor, &pip); } // let the PythonUnwindSession know that we're in a new frame, // giving it a chance to possibly add a traceback entry for // it. unwindingThroughFrame(unwind_session, &cursor); // Skip frames without handlers if (pip.handler == 0) { continue; } RELEASE_ASSERT(pip.handler == (uintptr_t)__gxx_personality_v0, "personality function other than __gxx_personality_v0; " "don't know how to unwind through non-C++ functions"); // Don't call __gxx_personality_v0; we perform dispatch ourselves. // 1. parse LSDA header lsda_info_t info; parse_lsda_header(&pip, &info); call_site_entry_t entry; { // 2. Find our current IP in the call site table. unw_word_t ip; unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_IP, &ip); // ip points to the instruction *after* the instruction that caused the error - which is generally (always?) // a call instruction - UNLESS we're in a signal frame, in which case it points at the instruction that // caused the error. For now, we assume we're never in a signal frame. So, we decrement it by one. // // TODO: double-check that we never hit a signal frame. --ip; bool found = find_call_site_entry(&info, (const uint8_t*)ip, &entry); // If we didn't find an entry, an exception happened somewhere exceptions should never happen; terminate // immediately. if (!found) { panic(); } } // 3. Figure out what to do based on the call site entry. if (!entry.landing_pad) { // No landing pad means no exception handling or cleanup; keep unwinding! continue; } // After this point we are guaranteed to resume something rather than unwinding further. if (VERBOSITY("cxx_unwind") >= 4) { print_lsda(&info); } int64_t switch_value = determine_action(&info, &entry); if (switch_value != CLEANUP_ACTION) { // we're transfering control to a non-cleanup landing pad. // i.e. a catch block. thus ends our unwind session. endPythonUnwindSession(unwind_session); #if STAT_TIMERS pyston::StatTimer::finishOverride(); #endif pyston::is_unwinding = false; } static_assert(THREADING_USE_GIL, "have to make the unwind session usage in this file thread safe!"); // there is a python unwinding implementation detail leaked // here - that the unwind session can be ended but its // exception storage is still around. // // this manifests itself as this short window here where we've // (possibly) ended the unwind session above but we still need // to pass exc_data (which is the exceptionStorage for this // unwind session) to resume(). // // the only way this could bite us is if we somehow clobber // the PythonUnwindSession's storage, or cause a GC to occur, before // transfering control to the landing pad in resume(). // resume(&cursor, entry.landing_pad, switch_value, exc_data); } // Hit end of stack! return & let unwindException determine what to do. }