Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Verify at least one key value obtained from DIT matches the search key
 *		 0	NO MATCH
static int
verifyKey(char *key, __nis_rule_value_t *rv) {
	int	i, j;
	char	*sipkey, *str;

	for (i = 0; i < rv->numColumns; i++) {
		if (rv->colName[i] == 0)
		if (strcasecmp(N2LKEY, rv->colName[i]) == 0) {
			if (rv->colVal[i].val == 0)
				return (0);
			for (j = 0; j < rv->colVal[i].numVals; j++) {
				str = (char *)rv->colVal[i].val[j].value;
				if (str && strcmp(str, key) == 0)
					return (1);
			return (0);
		} else if (strcasecmp(N2LIPKEY, rv->colName[i]) == 0) {
			if (checkIPaddress(key, strlen(key), &sipkey) > 0) {
				if (rv->colVal[i].val == 0)
					return (0);
				for (j = 0; j < rv->colVal[i].numVals; j++) {
					str = rv->colVal[i].val[j].value;
					if (str && strcmp(str, sipkey) == 0) {
						return (1);
			return (0);
	return (-1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int checkHostAccessControl( char *username, char *hostclient, char *groupsname ) {

    //char *configDir;
    //char* hostControlAccessFile[LONG_NAME_LEN];
    char grouplist[MAX_SQL_ROWS][MAXSTR];
    const char *delim = " \t\n";
    int groupok, i, indxc, iok, nelt;
    char line[MAXLEN], *eltstr, tempArr[NFIELDS][MAXLEN];
    unsigned char result, IPEntry[IPV4], subnetEntry[IPV4], visitorIP[IPV4];
    FILE *fp;

    /* try to open the HostControlAccess if it exists. */
    //configDir = getConfigDir();
    //snprintf( hostControlAccessFile, LONG_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", configDir,HOST_ACCESS_CONTROL_FILE );

    std::string cfg_file;
    irods::error ret = irods::get_full_path_for_config_file( HOST_ACCESS_CONTROL_FILE, cfg_file );
    if ( !ret.ok() ) {
        irods::log( PASS( ret ) );
        return ret.code();

    fp = fopen( cfg_file.c_str(), "r" );
    if ( fp == NULL ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE,
                 "hostAuthCheck: can't open HostControlAccess file %s", cfg_file.c_str() );
        return ( UNIX_FILE_OPEN_ERR - errno );
    /* parse the list of groups for the user from the groupsname char */
    nelt = 0;
    strncpy( grouplist[0], strtok( groupsname, delim ), MAXSTR );
    while ( ( eltstr = strtok( NULL, delim ) ) ) {
        strncpy( grouplist[nelt], eltstr, MAXSTR );
    /* parse HostControlAccess and check if <user,IP,group> is allowed to access this server. */
    while ( !feof( fp ) ) {
        indxc = 0;
        if ( fgets( line, MAXLEN, fp ) ) {
            if ( line[0] != '#' && line[0] != '\n' ) {  /* Comment or empty line, ignore */
                eltstr = strtok( line, delim );
                strncpy( tempArr[indxc], eltstr, MAXSTR );
                while ( ( eltstr = strtok( NULL, delim ) ) ) {
                    strncpy( tempArr[indxc], eltstr, MAXSTR );
                if ( ( indxc + 1 ) == NFIELDS && checkIPaddress( tempArr[2], IPEntry ) == 0 &&
                        checkIPaddress( tempArr[3], subnetEntry ) == 0 &&
                        checkIPaddress( hostclient, visitorIP ) == 0 ) {
                    /* check through if one of the group does correspond to the one allowed */
                    groupok = 1;
                    for ( i = 0; i <= nelt; i++ ) {
                        if ( strcmp( tempArr[1], grouplist[i] ) == 0 ) {
                            groupok = 0;
                    if ( strcmp( tempArr[1], "all" ) == 0 || groupok == 0 ) {
                        if ( strcmp( tempArr[0], "all" ) == 0 || strcmp( tempArr[0], username ) == 0 ) {
                            iok = 1;
                            /* check if <client, group, clientIP> match this entry of the control access file
                               (iok=1). Get out immediatly from this function: client is allowed to proceed. */
                            for ( i = 0; i < IPV4; i++ ) {
                                result = ~( visitorIP[i]  ^ IPEntry[i] ) | subnetEntry[i];
                                if ( result != 255 ) {
                                    iok = 0;
                            if ( iok == 1 ) {
                                fclose( fp );    // JMC cppcheck - resource
                                return ( 0 );
    fclose( fp ); // JMC cppcheck - resource
    return ( -1 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Convert the datum to an array of RuleValues
__nis_rule_value_t *
datumToRuleValue(datum *key, datum *value, __nis_table_mapping_t *t,
			int *nv, char *domain, bool_t readonly, int *statP) {

	__nis_rule_value_t	*rvq, *subrvq, *newrvq;
	__nis_value_t		*val;
	__nis_value_t		**valA;
	__nis_table_mapping_t	*sf;
	int			valueLen, comLen, numVals, nr, count = 1;
	int			i, j, k, l;
	char			*ipaddr, *ipvalue;

	/*  At this point, 't' is always non NULL */

	/* Initialize rule-value */
	if ((rvq = initRuleValue(1, 0)) == 0) {
		return (0);

	/* Add domainname to rule-value */
	if (addCol2RuleValue(vt_string, N2LDOMAIN, domain, strlen(domain),
						rvq)) {
		freeRuleValue(rvq, 1);
		return (0);

	/* Handle key */
	if (key != 0) {
		/* Add field=value pair for N2LKEY */
		i = addCol2RuleValue(vt_string, N2LKEY, key->dptr, key->dsize,

		/* For readonly, add field=value pair for N2LSEARCHKEY */
		if (readonly == TRUE && i == 0) {
			i = addCol2RuleValue(vt_string, N2LSEARCHKEY, key->dptr,
						key->dsize, rvq);
		if (i) {
			freeRuleValue(rvq, 1);
			return (0);

		/* Add field=value pairs for IP addresses */
		if (checkIPaddress(key->dptr, key->dsize, &ipaddr) > 0) {
			/* If key is IPaddress, use preferred format */
			ipvalue = ipaddr;
			valueLen = strlen(ipaddr);
			i = addCol2RuleValue(vt_string, N2LIPKEY, ipvalue,
						valueLen, rvq);
		} else {
			/* If not, use original value for N2LSEARCHIPKEY */
			ipaddr = 0;
			ipvalue = key->dptr;
			valueLen = key->dsize;
			i = 0;

		if (readonly == TRUE && i == 0) {
			i = addCol2RuleValue(vt_string, N2LSEARCHIPKEY, ipvalue,
								valueLen, rvq);
		if (i) {
			freeRuleValue(rvq, 1);
			return (0);

	/* Handle datum value */
	if (value != 0 && t->e) {
		valueLen = value->dsize;
		 * Extract the comment, if any, and add it to
		 * the rule-value.
		if (t->commentChar != '\0') {
			 * We loop on value->dsize because value->dptr
			 * may not be NULL-terminated.
			for (i = 0; i < value->dsize; i++) {
				if (value->dptr[i] == t->commentChar) {
					valueLen = i;
					comLen = value->dsize - i - 1;
					if (comLen == 0)
					if (addCol2RuleValue(vt_string,
						N2LCOMMENT, value->dptr + i + 1,
						comLen, rvq)) {
						freeRuleValue(rvq, 1);
						*statP = MAP_INTERNAL_ERROR;
						return (0);

		/* Skip trailing whitespaces */
		for (; valueLen > 0 && (value->dptr[valueLen - 1] == ' ' ||
			value->dptr[valueLen - 1] == '\t'); valueLen--);

		 * At this point valueLen is the effective length of
		 * the data. Convert value into __nis_value_t so that
		 * we can use the matchMappingItem function to break it
		 * into fields.
		if ((val = stringToValue(value->dptr, valueLen)) == 0) {
			freeRuleValue(rvq, 1);
			*statP = MAP_NO_MEMORY;
			return (0);

		/* Perform namefield match */
		valA = matchMappingItem(t->e->element.match.fmt, val,
							&numVals, 0, 0);
		if (valA == 0) {
			freeValue(val, 1);
			freeRuleValue(rvq, 1);
			return (0);

		/* We don't need val anymore, so free it */
		freeValue(val, 1);

		 * Since matchMappingItem only returns us an array of
		 * __nis_value_t's, we need to associate each value
		 * in the array with the corresponding item name.
		 * This code assumes that numVals will be less than or
		 * equal to the number of item names associated with
		 * the format.
		 * These name=value pairs are added to rvq.
		for (i = 0, *statP = SUCCESS; i < numVals; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
				if (addCol2RuleValue(vt_string,
					valA[i]->val->length, &rvq[j])) {
			if (*statP == MAP_INTERNAL_ERROR)

			 * Check if splitField exists for the field.
			 * Since splitfields are also stored as mapping
			 * structures, we need to get the hash table entry
			 * corresponding to the splitfield name
			sf = mappingFromMap(t->e->element.match.item[i].name,
					domain, statP);
			if (*statP == MAP_NO_MEMORY)
			*statP = SUCCESS;
			if (sf == 0)

			 * Process and add splitFields to rule-value rvq
			subrvq = processSplitField(sf, valA[i], &nr, statP);

			if (subrvq == 0) {
				/* statP would have been set */

			 * We merge 'count' rule-values in rvq with 'nr'
			 * rule-values from subrvq to give us a whopping
			 * 'count * nr' rule-values

			/* Initialize the new rule-value array */
			if ((newrvq = initRuleValue(count * nr, 0)) == 0) {
				freeRuleValue(subrvq, nr);

			for (j = 0, l = 0; j < nr; j++) {
				for (k = 0; k < count; k++, l++) {
					if ((mergeRuleValue(&newrvq[l],
							&rvq[k]) == -1) ||
							&subrvq[j]) == -1)) {
						*statP = MAP_INTERNAL_ERROR;
						for (i = 0; i < numVals; i++)
							freeValue(valA[i], 1);
						freeRuleValue(rvq, count);
								count * nr);
						freeRuleValue(subrvq, nr);
						return (0);

			freeRuleValue(rvq, count);
			rvq = newrvq;
			count = l;
			freeRuleValue(subrvq, nr);


		/* We don't need valA anymore, so free it */
		for (i = 0; i < numVals; i++)
			freeValue(valA[i], 1);

		if (*statP != SUCCESS) {
			freeRuleValue(rvq, count);
			return (0);

	} /* if value */

	if (nv != 0)
		*nv = count;
	return (rvq);
