Ejemplo n.º 1
void mdhim_options_set_db_paths(struct mdhim_options_t* opts, char **paths, int num_paths)
	int i = 0;
	int ret;
	int verified_paths = -1;

	if (num_paths <= 0) {

	opts->db_paths = malloc(sizeof(char *) * num_paths);
	for (i = 0; i < num_paths; i++) {
		if (!paths[i]) {

		ret = check_path_length(opts, paths[i]);
		if (!ret) {
		if (!i) {
			set_manifest_path(opts, paths[i]);

		opts->db_paths[verified_paths] = malloc(strlen(paths[i]) + 1);
		sprintf(opts->db_paths[verified_paths], "%s", paths[i]);

	opts->num_paths = ++verified_paths;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void mdhim_options_set_db_path(mdhim_options_t* opts, char *path)
	int ret;

	if (!path) {

	ret = check_path_length(opts, path);
	if (ret) {
		opts->db_path = path;
		set_manifest_path(opts, path);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void psys_apply_child_modifiers(ParticleThreadContext *ctx, struct ListBase *modifiers,
                                ChildParticle *cpa, ParticleTexture *ptex, const float orco[3], const float ornor[3], float hairmat[4][4],
                                ParticleCacheKey *keys, ParticleCacheKey *parent_keys, const float parent_orco[3])
	struct ParticleSettings *part = ctx->sim.psys->part;
	struct Material *ma = ctx->ma;
	const bool draw_col_ma = (part->draw_col == PART_DRAW_COL_MAT);
	const bool use_length_check = !ELEM(part->kink, PART_KINK_SPIRAL);

	ParticlePathModifier *mod;
	ParticleCacheKey *key;
	int totkeys, k;
	float max_length;

#if 0 /* TODO for the future: use true particle modifiers that work on the whole curve */
	for (mod = modifiers->first; mod; mod = mod->next) {
		mod->apply(keys, totkeys, parent_keys);

	if (part->kink == PART_KINK_SPIRAL) {
		do_kink_spiral(ctx, ptex, parent_orco, cpa, orco, hairmat, keys, parent_keys, &totkeys, &max_length);
		keys->segments = totkeys - 1;
	else {
		/* Fill in invariant part of modifier context. */
		ParticleChildModifierContext modifier_ctx = {NULL};
		modifier_ctx.thread_ctx = ctx;
		modifier_ctx.sim = &ctx->sim;
		modifier_ctx.ptex = ptex;
		modifier_ctx.cpa = cpa;
		modifier_ctx.orco = orco;
		modifier_ctx.parent_keys = parent_keys;

		totkeys = ctx->segments + 1;
		max_length = ptex->length;

		for (k = 0, key = keys; k < totkeys; k++, key++) {
			ParticlePathIterator iter;
			psys_path_iter_get(&iter, keys, totkeys, parent_keys, k);

			ParticleKey *par = (ParticleKey *)iter.parent_key;

			/* Fill in variant part of modifier context. */
			modifier_ctx.par_co = par->co;
			modifier_ctx.par_vel = par->vel;
			modifier_ctx.par_rot = iter.parent_rotation;
			modifier_ctx.par_orco = parent_orco;

			/* Apply different deformations to the child path. */
			do_child_modifiers(&modifier_ctx, hairmat, (ParticleKey *)key, iter.time);

		const float step_length = 1.0f / (float)(totkeys - 1);
		float cur_length = 0.0f;

		if (max_length <= 0.0f) {
			keys->segments = -1;
			totkeys = 0;

		/* we have to correct velocity because of kink & clump */
		for (k = 0, key = keys; k < totkeys; ++k, ++key) {
			if (k >= 2) {
				sub_v3_v3v3((key-1)->vel, key->co, (key-2)->co);
				mul_v3_fl((key-1)->vel, 0.5);

				if (ma && draw_col_ma)
					get_strand_normal(ma, ornor, cur_length, (key-1)->vel);

			if (use_length_check && k > 0) {
				float dvec[3];
				/* check if path needs to be cut before actual end of data points */
				if (!check_path_length(k, keys, key, max_length, step_length, &cur_length, dvec)) {
					/* last key */
					sub_v3_v3v3(key->vel, key->co, (key-1)->co);
					if (ma && draw_col_ma) {
						copy_v3_v3(key->col, &ma->r);
			if (k == totkeys-1) {
				/* last key */
				sub_v3_v3v3(key->vel, key->co, (key-1)->co);

			if (ma && draw_col_ma) {
				copy_v3_v3(key->col, &ma->r);
				get_strand_normal(ma, ornor, cur_length, key->vel);