 * Returns the \c Updater instance registered with the given \a url.
 * If an \c Updater instance registered with teh given \a url does not exist,
 * this function will create it and configure it automatically.
Updater* QSimpleUpdater::getUpdater (const QString& url) const
    if (!URLS.contains (url)) {
        Updater* updater = new Updater;
        updater->setUrl (url);

        URLS.append (url);
        UPDATERS.append (updater);

        connect (updater, SIGNAL (checkingFinished  (QString)),
                 this,    SIGNAL (checkingFinished  (QString)));
        connect (updater, SIGNAL (downloadFinished  (QString, QString)),
                 this,    SIGNAL (downloadFinished  (QString, QString)));
        connect (updater, SIGNAL (appcastDownloaded (QString, QByteArray)),
                 this,    SIGNAL (appcastDownloaded (QString, QByteArray)));

    return UPDATERS.at (URLS.indexOf (url));
QSimpleUpdater::QSimpleUpdater (QObject *parent)
    : QObject (parent)
    , m_silent (false)
    , m_show_newest_version (true)
    , m_show_update_available (true)
    , m_new_version_available (false)

    m_progressDialog = new ProgressDialog();
    m_downloadDialog = new DownloadDialog();

    m_manager = new QNetworkAccessManager (this);

    connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (sslErrors (QNetworkReply *, QList<QSslError>)),
             this,        SLOT (ignoreSslErrors (QNetworkReply *, QList<QSslError>)));

    connect (m_progressDialog, SIGNAL (cancelClicked()),
             this,               SLOT (cancel()));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (checkingFinished()),
             this,   SLOT (onCheckingFinished()));

    setApplicationVersion (qApp->applicationVersion());