Ejemplo n.º 1
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get the file containing the input matrix */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    FILE *ff = NULL ;
    FILE *fb = NULL ;
    if (argc <= 1)
        printf("Usage is: cholmod_simple A.tri [B.txt (dense)]\n");
    if (argc > 1)
      ff = fopen(argv[1],"r");
    if (argc > 2)
      fb = fopen(argv[2], "r");

    cholmod_sparse *A ;
    cholmod_dense *x, *b, *r ;
    cholmod_factor *L ;
    double one [2] = {1,0}, m1 [2] = {-1,0} ; // basic scalars 
    cholmod_common c ;
    cholmod_start (&c) ;			    /* start CHOLMOD */
    A = cholmod_read_sparse (ff, &c) ;              /* read in a matrix */
    cholmod_print_sparse (A, (char *)"A", &c) ; /* print the matrix */
    if (A->dtype) printf("A is float\n");
    else printf("A is double\n");
    if (A == NULL || A->stype == 0)		    /* A must be symmetric */
	cholmod_free_sparse (&A, &c) ;
	cholmod_finish (&c) ;
        if (ff) fclose(ff);
        if (fb) fclose(fb);
	return (0) ;
    if (fb)
      b = cholmod_read_dense(fb, &c);
      b = cholmod_ones (A->nrow, 1, A->xtype, &c) ; /* b = ones(n,1) */
    double t0 = CPUTIME;
    L = cholmod_analyze (A, &c) ;		    /* analyze */
    cholmod_factorize (A, L, &c) ;		    /* factorize */
    x = cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A, L, b, &c) ;	    /* solve Ax=b */
    double t1 = CPUTIME;
    if (c.dtype) printf("Compute is float\n");
    else printf("Compute is double\n");
    printf("Time: %12.4f \n", t1-t0);
    r = cholmod_copy_dense (b, &c) ;		    /* r = b */
    cholmod_sdmult (A, 0, m1, one, x, r, &c) ;	    /* r = r-Ax */
    printf ("norm(b-Ax) %8.1e\n",
	    cholmod_norm_dense (r, 0, &c)) ;	    /* print norm(r) */
    cholmod_free_factor (&L, &c) ;		    /* free matrices */
    cholmod_free_sparse (&A, &c) ;
    cholmod_free_dense (&r, &c) ;
    cholmod_free_dense (&x, &c) ;
    cholmod_free_dense (&b, &c) ;
    cholmod_finish (&c) ;			    /* finish CHOLMOD */
    return (0) ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main (void)
    cholmod_sparse *A ;
    cholmod_dense *x, *b, *r ;
    cholmod_factor *L ;
    double one [2] = {1,0}, m1 [2] = {-1,0} ;	    /* basic scalars */
    cholmod_common c ;
    cholmod_start (&c) ;			    /* start CHOLMOD */
    A = cholmod_read_sparse (stdin, &c) ;	    /* read in a matrix */
    cholmod_print_sparse (A, "A", &c) ;		    /* print the matrix */
    if (A == NULL || A->stype == 0)		    /* A must be symmetric */
	cholmod_free_sparse (&A, &c) ;
	cholmod_finish (&c) ;
	return (0) ;
    b = cholmod_ones (A->nrow, 1, A->xtype, &c) ;   /* b = ones(n,1) */
    L = cholmod_analyze (A, &c) ;		    /* analyze */
    cholmod_factorize (A, L, &c) ;		    /* factorize */
    x = cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A, L, b, &c) ;	    /* solve Ax=b */
    r = cholmod_copy_dense (b, &c) ;		    /* r = b */
    cholmod_sdmult (A, 0, m1, one, x, r, &c) ;	    /* r = r-Ax */
    printf ("norm(b-Ax) %8.1e\n",
	    cholmod_norm_dense (r, 0, &c)) ;	    /* print norm(r) */
    cholmod_free_factor (&L, &c) ;		    /* free matrices */
    cholmod_free_sparse (&A, &c) ;
    cholmod_free_dense (&r, &c) ;
    cholmod_free_dense (&x, &c) ;
    cholmod_free_dense (&b, &c) ;
    cholmod_finish (&c) ;			    /* finish CHOLMOD */
    return (0) ;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Destructor
ClpCholeskyUfl::~ClpCholeskyUfl ()
     cholmod_free_factor (&L_, c_) ;
     cholmod_finish (c_) ;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main() {
	// define variable
	cholmod_dense *A;

	cholmod_common c ;
	cholmod_start(&c) ; // start CHOLMOD
	A = cholmod_ones(3, 3, CHOLMOD_REAL, &c) ; // A = ones(3,3)
	std::cout << "norm(A): " << cholmod_norm_dense(A, 0, &c) << std::endl;
	cholmod_finish (&c) ; // finish CHOLMOD
   delete _cholmodSparse;
   if (_cholmodFactor) {
     cholmod_free_factor(&_cholmodFactor, &_cholmodCommon);
     _cholmodFactor = 0;
   cholmod_free_triplet(&_permutedUpdate, &_cholmodCommon);
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    double resid, t, ta, tf, ts, tot, bnorm, xnorm, anorm, rnorm, fl, anz, 
	axbnorm, rnorm2, resid2 ;
    FILE *f ;
    cholmod_sparse *A ;
    cholmod_dense *X, *B, *W, *R ;
    double one [2], zero [2], minusone [2], beta [2], xlnz ;
    cholmod_common Common, *cm ;
    cholmod_factor *L ;
    double *Bx, *Rx, *Xx ;
    int i, n, isize, xsize, ordering, xtype, s, ss, lnz ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get the file containing the input matrix */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ff = NULL ;
    if (argc > 1)
	if ((f = fopen (argv [1], "r")) == NULL)
	    my_handler (CHOLMOD_INVALID, __FILE__, __LINE__,
		    "unable to open file") ;
	ff = f ;
	f = stdin ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* start CHOLMOD and set parameters */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cm = &Common ;
    cholmod_start (cm) ;

    /* use default parameter settings, except for the error handler.  This
     * demo program terminates if an error occurs (out of memory, not positive
     * definite, ...).  It makes the demo program simpler (no need to check
     * CHOLMOD error conditions).  This non-default parameter setting has no
     * effect on performance. */
    cm->error_handler = my_handler ;

    /* Note that CHOLMOD will do a supernodal LL' or a simplicial LDL' by
     * default, automatically selecting the latter if flop/nnz(L) < 40. */

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* create basic scalars */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    zero [0] = 0 ;
    zero [1] = 0 ;
    one [0] = 1 ;
    one [1] = 0 ;
    minusone [0] = -1 ;
    minusone [1] = 0 ;
    beta [0] = 1e-6 ;
    beta [1] = 0 ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* read in a matrix */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    printf ("\n---------------------------------- cholmod_demo:\n") ;
    A = cholmod_read_sparse (f, cm) ;
    if (ff != NULL) fclose (ff) ;
    anorm = cholmod_norm_sparse (A, 0, cm) ;
    xtype = A->xtype ;
    printf ("norm (A,inf) = %g\n", anorm) ;
    printf ("norm (A,1)   = %g\n", cholmod_norm_sparse (A, 1, cm)) ;
    cholmod_print_sparse (A, "A", cm) ;

    if (A->nrow > A->ncol)
	/* Transpose A so that A'A+beta*I will be factorized instead */
	cholmod_sparse *C = cholmod_transpose (A, 2, cm) ;
	cholmod_free_sparse (&A, cm) ;
	A = C ;
	printf ("transposing input matrix\n") ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* create an arbitrary right-hand-side */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    n = A->nrow ;
    B = cholmod_zeros (n, 1, xtype, cm) ;
    Bx = B->x ;

#if GHS
	/* b = A*ones(n,1), used by Gould, Hu, and Scott in their experiments */
	cholmod_dense *X0 ;
	X0 = cholmod_ones (A->ncol, 1, xtype, cm) ;
	cholmod_sdmult (A, 0, one, zero, X0, B, cm) ;
	cholmod_free_dense (&X0, cm) ;
    if (xtype == CHOLMOD_REAL)
	/* real case */
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    double x = n ;
	    Bx [i] = 1 + i / x ;
	/* complex case */
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    double x = n ;
	    Bx [2*i  ] = 1 + i / x ;		/* real part of B(i) */
	    Bx [2*i+1] = (x/2 - i) / (3*x) ;	/* imag part of B(i) */

    cholmod_print_dense (B, "B", cm) ;
    bnorm = cholmod_norm_dense (B, 0, cm) ;	/* max norm */
    printf ("bnorm %g\n", bnorm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* analyze, factorize, and solve */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    t = CPUTIME ;
    L = cholmod_analyze (A, cm) ;
    ta = CPUTIME - t ;
    ta = MAX (ta, 0) ;

    printf ("Analyze: flop %g lnz %g\n", cm->fl, cm->lnz) ;

    if (A->stype == 0)
	printf ("Factorizing A*A'+beta*I\n") ;
	t = CPUTIME ;
	cholmod_factorize_p (A, beta, NULL, 0, L, cm) ;
	tf = CPUTIME - t ;
	tf = MAX (tf, 0) ;
	printf ("Factorizing A\n") ;
	t = CPUTIME ;
	cholmod_factorize (A, L, cm) ;
	tf = CPUTIME - t ;
	tf = MAX (tf, 0) ;

    t = CPUTIME ;

    X = cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A, L, B, cm) ;
    ts = CPUTIME - t ;
    ts = MAX (ts, 0) ;
    tot = ta + tf + ts ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* compute the residual */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (A->stype == 0)
	/* (AA'+beta*I)x=b is the linear system that was solved */
	/* W = A'*X */
	W = cholmod_allocate_dense (A->ncol, 1, A->ncol, xtype, cm) ;
	cholmod_sdmult (A, 2, one, zero, X, W, cm) ;
	/* R = B - beta*X */
	R = cholmod_zeros (n, 1, xtype, cm) ;
	Rx = R->x ;
	Xx = X->x ;
	if (xtype == CHOLMOD_REAL)
	    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
		Rx [i] = Bx [i] - beta [0] * Xx [i] ;
	    /* complex case */
	    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
		Rx [2*i  ] = Bx [2*i  ] - beta [0] * Xx [2*i  ] ;
		Rx [2*i+1] = Bx [2*i+1] - beta [0] * Xx [2*i+1] ;
	/* R = A*W - R */
	cholmod_sdmult (A, 0, one, minusone, W, R, cm) ;
	cholmod_free_dense (&W, cm) ;
	/* Ax=b was factorized and solved, R = B-A*X */
	R = cholmod_copy_dense (B, cm) ;
	cholmod_sdmult (A, 0, minusone, one, X, R, cm) ;
    rnorm = cholmod_norm_dense (R, 0, cm) ;	    /* max abs. entry */
    xnorm = cholmod_norm_dense (X, 0, cm) ;	    /* max abs. entry */

    axbnorm = (anorm * xnorm + bnorm + ((n == 0) ? 1 : 0)) ;
    resid = rnorm / axbnorm ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* iterative refinement (real symmetric case only) */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    resid2 = -1 ;
    if (A->stype != 0 && A->xtype == CHOLMOD_REAL)
	cholmod_dense *R2 ;

	/* R2 = A\(B-A*X) */
	R2 = cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A, L, R, cm) ;
	/* compute X = X + A\(B-A*X) */
	Xx = X->x ;
	Rx = R2->x ;
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    Xx [i] = Xx [i] + Rx [i] ;
	cholmod_free_dense (&R2, cm) ;
	cholmod_free_dense (&R, cm) ;

	/* compute the new residual, R = B-A*X */
	R = cholmod_copy_dense (B, cm) ;
	cholmod_sdmult (A, 0, minusone, one, X, R, cm) ;
	rnorm2 = cholmod_norm_dense (R, 0, cm) ;
	resid2 = rnorm2 / axbnorm ;

    cholmod_free_dense (&R, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* print results */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cholmod_print_factor (L, "L", cm) ;

    /* determine the # of integers's and reals's in L.  See cholmod_free */
    if (L->is_super)
	s = L->nsuper + 1 ;
	xsize = L->xsize ;
	ss = L->ssize ;
	isize =
	    n	/* L->Perm */
	    + n	/* L->ColCount, nz in each column of 'pure' L */
	    + s	/* L->pi, column pointers for L->s */
	    + s	/* L->px, column pointers for L->x */
	    + s	/* L->super, starting column index of each supernode */
	    + ss ;	/* L->s, the pattern of the supernodes */
	/* this space can increase if you change parameters to their non-
	 * default values (cm->final_pack, for example). */
	lnz = L->nzmax ;
	xsize = lnz ;
	isize =
	    n	/* L->Perm */
	    + n	/* L->ColCount, nz in each column of 'pure' L */
	    + n+1	/* L->p, column pointers */
	    + lnz	/* L->i, integer row indices */
	    + n	/* L->nz, nz in each column of L */
	    + n+2	/* L->next, link list */
	    + n+2 ;	/* L->prev, link list */

    anz = cm->anz ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < CHOLMOD_MAXMETHODS ; i++)
	fl = cm->method [i].fl ;
	xlnz = cm->method [i].lnz ;
	cm->method [i].fl = -1 ;
	cm->method [i].lnz = -1 ;
	ordering = cm->method [i].ordering ;
	if (fl >= 0)
	    printf ("Ordering: ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_POSTORDERED) printf ("postordered ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_NATURAL)     printf ("natural ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_GIVEN)	     printf ("user    ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_AMD)	     printf ("AMD     ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_METIS)	     printf ("METIS   ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_NESDIS)      printf ("NESDIS  ") ;
	    if (xlnz > 0)
		printf ("fl/lnz %10.1f", fl / xlnz) ;
	    if (anz > 0)
		printf ("  lnz/anz %10.1f", xlnz / anz) ;
	    printf ("\n") ;

    printf ("ints in L: %d, doubles in L: %d\n", isize, xsize) ;
    printf ("factor flops %g nnz(L) %15.0f (w/no amalgamation)\n",
	    cm->fl, cm->lnz) ;
    if (A->stype == 0)
	printf ("nnz(A):    %15.0f\n", cm->anz) ;
	printf ("nnz(A*A'): %15.0f\n", cm->anz) ;
    if (cm->lnz > 0)
	printf ("flops / nnz(L):  %8.1f\n", cm->fl / cm->lnz) ;
    if (anz > 0)
	printf ("nnz(L) / nnz(A): %8.1f\n", cm->lnz / cm->anz) ;
    printf ("analyze cputime:  %12.4f\n", ta) ;
    printf ("factor  cputime:   %12.4f mflop: %8.1f\n", tf,
	(tf == 0) ? 0 : (1e-6*cm->fl / tf)) ;
    printf ("solve   cputime:   %12.4f mflop: %8.1f\n", ts,
	(ts == 0) ? 0 : (1e-6*4*cm->lnz / ts)) ;
    printf ("overall cputime:   %12.4f mflop: %8.1f\n", 
	    tot, (tot == 0) ? 0 : (1e-6 * (cm->fl + 4 * cm->lnz) / tot)) ;
    printf ("peak memory usage: %12.0f (MB)\n",
	    (double) (cm->memory_usage) / 1048576.) ;
    printf ("residual %8.1e (|Ax-b|/(|A||x|+|b|))\n", resid) ;
    if (resid2 >= 0)
	printf ("residual %8.1e (|Ax-b|/(|A||x|+|b|))"
		" after iterative refinement\n", resid2) ;
    printf ("rcond    %8.1e\n\n", cholmod_rcond (L, cm)) ;
    cholmod_free_factor (&L, cm) ;
    cholmod_free_dense (&X, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* free matrices and finish CHOLMOD */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cholmod_free_sparse (&A, cm) ;
    cholmod_free_dense (&B, cm) ;
    cholmod_finish (cm) ;
    return (0) ;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int get_blocking_internal(const int n_vertices,
                          const int n_edges,
                          const SEXP NNE_R,
                          const bool directed,
                          const int MIS_method,
                          const int unassinged_method,
                          std::list<int>& seeds,
                          int* const blocks) {

  cholmod_common cholmod_c;

  cholmod_sparse* NNE = get_cholmod_NNE(n_vertices, n_edges, NNE_R, &cholmod_c);

  if (!directed) {
    // NNE = NNE | t(NNE)
    cholmod_sparse* NNEt = cholmod_transpose(NNE, CHOLMOD_PATTERN, &cholmod_c);
    cholmod_sparse* NNE_tmp = cholmod_add(NNE, NNEt, NULL, NULL, false, false, &cholmod_c);
    cholmod_free_sparse(&NNEt, &cholmod_c);
    NNE->i = NULL; // Remove pointer to R object before freeing memory
    cholmod_free_sparse(&NNE, &cholmod_c);
    NNE = NNE_tmp;

  switch(MIS_method) {
    case LEXICAL:
      findMIS_in_sp_lex(NNE, seeds);

    case HEURISTIC:
        std::list<int> ordering;
        get_ordering(NNE, MIS_method, directed, ordering, &cholmod_c);
        if (MIS_method == HEURISTIC) {
          heuristic_search(NNE, ordering, seeds);
        } else {
          findMIS_in_sp_order(NNE, ordering, seeds);

    case MAXIS:
      findMaxIS_in_sp(NNE, directed, seeds, &cholmod_c);

      error("Unknown MIS method.");

  const int* const NNE_p = static_cast<const int*>(NNE->p);
  const int* const NNE_i = static_cast<const int*>(NNE->i);
  int n_unassigned = n_vertices;

  int block_label = 1;
  for (std::list<int>::const_iterator it = seeds.begin();
       it != seeds.end(); ++it, ++block_label) {
    // Set block for seed
    blocks[*it] = block_label;

    // Set block for adjacent to seed
    const int* const a_stop = NNE_i + NNE_p[*it + 1];
    for (const int* a = NNE_i + NNE_p[*it]; a != a_stop; ++a) {
      blocks[*a] = block_label;

  if (unassinged_method == ADJACENT_S) {
    // Assign unassigned to the block that contains
    // a neighbor in the NNE. Set to negative first as
    // unassigned cannot be match to another unassigned
    // that just been assigned.

    // If NNE is directed, it is ordered by closeness.
    // I.e. the unassigned will be assigned to the blocks
    // that contain their closest neighbor.
    // When NNE is undirected, the matrix multiplication
    // has scrambled the ordering. Then the unassigned are
    // assigned to neighbors lexically.
    if (directed) {
      for (int i = 0; i < n_vertices; ++i) {
        if (blocks[i] == 0) {
          const int* const a_stop = NNE_i + NNE_p[i + 1];
          for (const int* a = NNE_i + NNE_p[i]; a != a_stop; ++a) {
            if (blocks[*a] > 0) {
              blocks[i] = -blocks[*a];

    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < n_vertices; ++i) {
        if (blocks[i] == 0) {
          int lowest_adjacent = n_vertices;
          const int* const a_stop = NNE_i + NNE_p[i + 1];
          for (const int* a = NNE_i + NNE_p[i]; a != a_stop; ++a) {
            if (*a < lowest_adjacent && blocks[*a] > 0) {
              blocks[i] = -blocks[*a];
              lowest_adjacent = *a;

    for (int i = 0; i < n_vertices; ++i) {
      if (blocks[i] < 0) {
        blocks[i] = -blocks[i];

  if (directed) { // This is already done for undirected case
    NNE->i = NULL; // Remove pointer to R object before freeing memory
  cholmod_free_sparse(&NNE, &cholmod_c);

  return n_unassigned;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void tele2d::computeVectorField(){

	unsigned time1, time2, time3 ;
	time1 = clock() ;

	std::vector<std::vector<double2>>  allcurves = curves ;
	vector_field.clear() ;
	vector_field.resize(resolution*resolution) ;

	// delete too short curves
	for( int i=0; i<allcurves.size(); ++i ){
		if( allcurves[i].size() < 5 )
			allcurves.erase( allcurves.begin() + i ) ;

	if( allcurves.size() == 0 ){
		std::cout<<"no valid curves!" ;
		exit(1) ;

	// mark constrained vertices
	constrained_vertices_mark.clear() ;
	for( int i=0; i<resolution; ++i ) {
		std::vector<int> a ;
		for( int j=0;j<resolution; ++j )
			a.push_back(0) ;
		constrained_vertices_mark.push_back(a) ;
	for( int i=0; i<allcurves.size(); ++ i){
		for( int j =0; j<allcurves[i].size(); ++ j){
			// get x index of closest vertices
			float x = allcurves[i][j].x * resolution - 0.5 ;
			int ix ;
			if( x-floor(x) < 0.5 ) ix = floor(x) ;
			else	ix = ceil( x ) ;
			// get y index of closest vertices
			float y = allcurves[i][j].y * resolution - 0.5 ;
			int iy ;
			if( y-floor(y) < 0.5 ) iy = floor(y) ;
			else	iy = ceil( y ) ;

			if( ix < 0 ) ix = 0;
			if( ix > resolution-1) ix = resolution -1;
			if( iy < 0 ) iy = 0;
			if( iy > resolution-1) iy = resolution -1;

			constrained_vertices_mark[ix][iy] = 1 ;


	// compute b
	std::vector<double2> b ;
	b.resize(resolution*resolution) ;
	for( int i=0; i<resolution; ++i ){
		for( int j=0; j<resolution; ++j){
			if(constrained_vertices_mark[i][j] == 0 ){
				b[i+j*resolution].x = 0; 
				b[i+j*resolution].y = 0; 
				continue ;

			// otherwise, the vertex indexed by (i,j) is constrained
			double vx = ((double)i+0.5)/(double)resolution ; 
			double vy = ((double)j+0.5)/(double)resolution ; 
			// search for the closest points
			int curveid_record = 0;
			int pointid_record = 0;
			double mindis = 1000.0f ;
			for( int curveid=0; curveid<allcurves.size(); ++curveid ){				
				for( int pointid=0; pointid<allcurves[curveid].size(); ++pointid  ){
					double quadratic_dis = ( allcurves[curveid][pointid].x - vx )*( allcurves[curveid][pointid].x - vx ) + ( allcurves[curveid][pointid].y - vy )*( allcurves[curveid][pointid].y - vy ) ;
					if( quadratic_dis < mindis ){
							mindis = quadratic_dis ;
							curveid_record = curveid ;
							pointid_record = pointid ;

			// compute the vector of the vertex indexed by (i,j)
			int pid1 = pointid_record-1 > 0 ? pointid_record-1 : 0 ;
			int pid2 = pointid_record+1 <  allcurves[curveid_record].size()-1 ? pointid_record+1 : allcurves[curveid_record].size()-1;

			double2 vector_of_vertex ;
			vector_of_vertex.x = allcurves[curveid_record][pid2].x - allcurves[curveid_record][pid1].x ;
			vector_of_vertex.y = allcurves[curveid_record][pid2].y - allcurves[curveid_record][pid1].y ;
			double norm = sqrt( vector_of_vertex.x * vector_of_vertex.x + vector_of_vertex.y * vector_of_vertex.y) ;
			vector_of_vertex.x /= norm ;
			vector_of_vertex.y /= norm ;

			assert( norm > 0 && norm < 1) ;

			//std::cout<<"norm "<<norm<<std::endl;
			b[i+j*resolution ] = vector_of_vertex ;


	// compute Pb
	std::vector<double2> Pb = b ;
	for( int i=0; i<Pb.size(); ++i ){
		Pb[i].x *= 1.0e8 ;
		Pb[i].y *= 1.0e8 ;

	// compute L+P
	int vnum =  resolution*resolution  ;
	sparse_matrix L_add_P(vnum) ;  // create a sparse matrix of vnum rows

	// L_add_P <- D - W
	for( int id_x =0; id_x<resolution; ++id_x ){
		for( int id_y =0; id_y<resolution; ++id_y ){
			int vid = id_x + id_y * resolution ;
			if( id_x != 0 && id_x != resolution-1 && id_y != 0 && id_y != resolution-1 ){ // inner area
				//L_add_P[ vid + vid*vnum] += 6.8284 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,vid,6.8284 ) ;
				int neibour_id_1 =  id_x + id_y * resolution - 1 ;
				int neibour_id_2 =  id_x + id_y * resolution + 1 ;
				int neibour_id_3 =  id_x + (id_y-1) * resolution ;
				int neibour_id_4 =  id_x + (id_y+1) * resolution ;
				int neibour_id_5 =  id_x + (id_y+1) * resolution - 1 ;
				int neibour_id_6 =  id_x + (id_y+1) * resolution + 1 ;
				int neibour_id_7 =  id_x + (id_y-1) * resolution - 1 ;
				int neibour_id_8 =  id_x + (id_y-1) * resolution + 1 ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_1+vid*vnum] -= 1 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_1, -1 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_2+vid*vnum] -= 1 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_2, -1 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_3+vid*vnum] -= 1 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_3, -1 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_4+vid*vnum] -= 1 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_4, -1 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_5+vid*vnum] -=  0.7071;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_5, -0.7071 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_6+vid*vnum] -=  0.7071;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_6, -0.7071 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_7+vid*vnum] -=  0.7071;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_7, -0.7071 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_8+vid*vnum] -=  0.7071;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_8, -0.7071 ) ;

			else if((id_x == 0 || id_x==resolution-1) && (id_y == 0 || id_y==resolution-1)  ){  // coners
				//L_add_P[ vid + vid*vnum] += 2.7071 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,vid, 2.7071 ) ;
				int neibour_id_1 =  ( id_x == 0 ? ( id_x+id_y * resolution+1) :  ( id_x+id_y * resolution - 1) );
				int neibour_id_2 =  ( id_y == 0 ? ( id_x+ (id_y+1) * resolution) : ( id_x+ (id_y-1) * resolution )) ;
				int neibour_id_3 =  ( id_x == 0 ? 1 : (resolution-2) ) + ( id_y == 0 ? 1 : (resolution - 2)) * resolution ;

				//L_add_P[neibour_id_1+vid*vnum] -= 1 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_1, -1 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_2+vid*vnum] -= 1 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_2, -1 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_3+vid*vnum] -=  0.7071;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_3, -0.7071 ) ;

			else {																		// boundaries
				//L_add_P[ vid + vid*vnum] += 4.4142 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,vid, 4.4142 ) ;

				int neibour_id_1, neibour_id_2, neibour_id_3, neibour_id_4, neibour_id_5 ;
				if( id_x == 0){
					neibour_id_1 =  id_x + id_y * resolution + 1 ;
					neibour_id_2 =  id_x + (id_y+1) * resolution ;
					neibour_id_3 =  id_x + (id_y-1) * resolution ;
					neibour_id_4 =  id_x + (id_y+1) * resolution + 1;
					neibour_id_5 =  id_x + (id_y-1) * resolution + 1 ;
				else if( id_x == resolution-1 ){
					neibour_id_1 =  id_x + id_y * resolution - 1 ;
					neibour_id_2 =  id_x + (id_y+1) * resolution ;
					neibour_id_3 =  id_x + (id_y-1) * resolution ;
					neibour_id_4 =  id_x + (id_y+1) * resolution - 1;
					neibour_id_5 =  id_x + (id_y-1) * resolution - 1 ;
				else if( id_y == resolution-1 ){
					neibour_id_1 =  id_x + id_y * resolution + 1 ;
					neibour_id_2 =  id_x + id_y * resolution - 1 ;
					neibour_id_3 =  id_x + (id_y-1) * resolution ;
					neibour_id_4 =  id_x + (id_y-1) * resolution + 1;
					neibour_id_5 =  id_x + (id_y-1) * resolution - 1 ;
				else {
					neibour_id_1 =  id_x + id_y * resolution + 1 ;
					neibour_id_2 =  id_x + id_y * resolution - 1 ;
					neibour_id_3 =  id_x + (id_y+1) * resolution ;
					neibour_id_4 =  id_x + (id_y+1) * resolution + 1;
					neibour_id_5 =  id_x + (id_y+1) * resolution - 1 ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_1+vid*vnum] -= 1 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_1, -1 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_2+vid*vnum] -= 1 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_2, -1 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_3+vid*vnum] -= 1 ;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_3, -1 ) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_4+vid*vnum] -=  0.7071;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_4, -0.7071) ;
				//L_add_P[neibour_id_5+vid*vnum] -=  0.7071;
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,neibour_id_5, -0.7071 ) ;


	// L_add_P <- D - W + P
	for( int i=0; i<resolution; ++i ){
		for( int j=0; j<resolution; ++j){
			if(constrained_vertices_mark[i][j] == 1  ){
				int vid = i + j*resolution ;
				//L_add_P[vid+vid*vnum]+=1e8 ; 
				L_add_P.pluse(vid,vid, 1.0e8  ) ;


	// solve the linear system with cholmod
	cholmod_sparse *A ;
	cholmod_dense *x, *y, *b1 ;
	double one [2] = {1,0}, m1 [2] = {-1,0} ; /* basic scalars */
	cholmod_factor *L ;
	cholmod_common c ;
	cholmod_start (&c) ;; /* start CHOLMOD */
	//A = cholmod_read_sparse (pFile, &c) ; /* read in a matrix */
	CMatrix  *SM = new CMatrix( vnum, true, &c) ;
	//for( int i=0; i<vnum; ++i ){
	//	for( int j=0; j<vnum; ++j ){
	//		if( L_add_P.getValue(j,i)!=0 )
	//			SM->set_coef(i, j,L_add_P.getValue(j,i) ) ;
	//	}
	for( int i=0; i<L_add_P.data.size(); ++i){
		for( int j=0; j<L_add_P.data[i].size(); ++j)
			SM->set_coef(L_add_P.data[i][j].row, i,  L_add_P.data[i][j].val ) ;

	A =(cholmod_sparse *) SM->get_cholmod_sparse();

	time2 = clock() ;

	//cholmod_print_sparse (A, "A", &c) ; /* print the matrix */

	if (A == NULL || A->stype == 0) /* A must be symmetric */
		cholmod_free_sparse (&A, &c) ;
		cholmod_finish (&c) ;
		std::cout << "fail to load the matrix or it's not symmeric!"<<std::endl;
		exit(1) ;

	b1 = cholmod_zeros(vnum, 1, CHOLMOD_REAL, &c);

	// --------------------- x demension -----------------------
	for( int i =0 ;i<Pb.size(); ++i ){
		((double*)(b1->x))[i] = Pb[i].x ;
	L = cholmod_analyze (A, &c) ; /* analyze */
	cholmod_factorize (A, L, &c) ; /* factorize */
	x = cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A, L, b1, &c) ; /* solve Ax=b */

	// write x-values
	for( int i=0; i<vector_field.size(); ++i)
		vector_field[i].x = ((double*)(x->x))[i] ;
	// --------------------- y demension -----------------------
	for( int i =0 ;i<Pb.size(); ++i ){
		((double*)(b1->x))[i] = Pb[i].y ;
	y = cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A, L, b1, &c) ; /* solve Ay=b */
	// write y-values
	for( int i=0; i<vector_field.size(); ++i)
		vector_field[i].y = ((double*)(y->x))[i] ;

	cholmod_free_factor (&L, &c) ; 
	cholmod_free_dense (&x, &c) ;
	cholmod_free_dense (&y, &c) ;
	cholmod_free_dense (&b1, &c) ;
	//delete L_add_P ;
	delete SM ;
	cholmod_finish (&c) ; /* finish CHOLMOD */

	double normx2, normy2 ;
	normx2 = normy2 = 0.0 ;

	for( int i=0; i<vnum; ++i ){
		normx2 += vector_field[i].x * vector_field[i].x ; 
		normy2 += vector_field[i].y * vector_field[i].y ; 

	//std::cout<<"|x| = "<<sqrt(normx2) <<"\n|y| = "<<sqrt(normy2) <<std::endl;

	// normalize vector field
	for( int i=0; i<vector_field.size(); ++i){
		double norm = sqrt( vector_field[i].x * vector_field[i].x + vector_field[i].y * vector_field[i].y) ;
		vector_field[i].x /= norm ;
		vector_field[i].y /= norm ;


	time3 = clock() ;

	//std::cout<<"time consumed by computing A and b: " << (double)(time2-time1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<" s" <<std::endl ;
	//std::cout<<"time consumed by solving the system: " << (double)(time3-time2)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<" s" <<std::endl ;

	//std::cout<<"vector field computing completed."<<std::endl; ;
	int count = 0;
	for( int i=0; i<L_add_P.data.size(); ++i)
		count += L_add_P.data[i].size() ;

	//std::cout << "nonzero number: " << count <<std::endl; 

Ejemplo n.º 9
int klu_cholmod
    /* inputs */
    int n,		    /* A is n-by-n */
    int Ap [ ],		    /* column pointers */
    int Ai [ ],		    /* row indices */
    /* outputs */
    int Perm [ ],	    /* fill-reducing permutation */
    /* user-defined */
    klu_common *Common	    /* user-defined data is in Common->user_data */
    double one [2] = {1,0}, zero [2] = {0,0}, lnz = 0 ;
    cholmod_sparse Amatrix, *A, *AT, *S ;
    cholmod_factor *L ;
    cholmod_common cm ;
    int *P ;
    int k, symmetric ;

    if (Ap == NULL || Ai == NULL || Perm == NULL || n < 0)
	/* invalid inputs */
	return (0) ;

    /* start CHOLMOD */
    cholmod_start (&cm) ;
    cm.supernodal = CHOLMOD_SIMPLICIAL ;
    cm.print = 0 ;

    /* use KLU memory management routines for CHOLMOD */
    cm.malloc_memory = Common->malloc_memory ;
    cm.realloc_memory = Common->realloc_memory ;
    cm.calloc_memory = Common->calloc_memory ;
    cm.free_memory = Common->free_memory ;

    /* construct a CHOLMOD version of the input matrix A */
    A = &Amatrix ;
    A->nrow = n ;		    /* A is n-by-n */
    A->ncol = n ;
    A->nzmax = Ap [n] ;		    /* with nzmax entries */
    A->packed = TRUE ;		    /* there is no A->nz array */
    A->stype = 0 ;		    /* A is unsymmetric */
    A->itype = CHOLMOD_INT ;
    A->xtype = CHOLMOD_PATTERN ;
    A->dtype = CHOLMOD_DOUBLE ;
    A->nz = NULL ;
    A->p = Ap ;			    /* column pointers */
    A->i = Ai ;			    /* row indices */
    A->x = NULL ;		    /* no numerical values */
    A->z = NULL ;
    A->sorted = FALSE ;		    /* columns of A are not sorted */

    /* get the user_data; default is symmetric if user_data is NULL */
    symmetric = (Common->user_data == NULL) ? TRUE :
	(((int *) (Common->user_data)) [0] != 0) ;

    /* AT = pattern of A' */
    AT = cholmod_transpose (A, 0, &cm) ;
    if (symmetric)
	/* S = the symmetric pattern of A+A' */
	S = cholmod_add (A, AT, one, zero, FALSE, FALSE, &cm) ;
	cholmod_free_sparse (&AT, &cm) ;
	if (S != NULL)
	    S->stype = 1 ;
	/* S = A'.  CHOLMOD will order S*S', which is A'*A */
	S = AT ;

    /* order and analyze S or S*S' */
    L = cholmod_analyze (S, &cm) ;

    /* copy the permutation from L to the output */
    if (L != NULL)
	P = L->Perm ;
	for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
	    Perm [k] = P [k] ;
	lnz = cm.lnz ;

    cholmod_free_sparse (&S, &cm) ;
    cholmod_free_factor (&L, &cm) ;
    cholmod_finish (&cm) ;
    return (lnz) ;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 static int finish(cholmod_common* c) {
   return cholmod_finish(c);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    double resid [4], t, ta, tf, ts [3], tot, bnorm, xnorm, anorm, rnorm, fl,
        anz, axbnorm, rnorm2, resid2, rcond ;
    FILE *f ;
    cholmod_sparse *A ;
    cholmod_dense *X = NULL, *B, *W, *R ;
    double one [2], zero [2], minusone [2], beta [2], xlnz ;
    cholmod_common Common, *cm ;
    cholmod_factor *L ;
    double *Bx, *Rx, *Xx ;
    int i, n, isize, xsize, ordering, xtype, s, ss, lnz ;
    int trial, method, L_is_super ;
    int ver [3] ;

    ts[0] = 0.;
    ts[1] = 0.;
    ts[2] = 0.;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get the file containing the input matrix */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ff = NULL ;
    if (argc > 1)
	if ((f = fopen (argv [1], "r")) == NULL)
	    my_handler (CHOLMOD_INVALID, __FILE__, __LINE__,
		    "unable to open file") ;
	ff = f ;
	f = stdin ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* start CHOLMOD and set parameters */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cm = &Common ;
    cholmod_start (cm) ;
    CHOLMOD_FUNCTION_DEFAULTS (cm) ;    /* just for testing (not required) */

    /* use default parameter settings, except for the error handler.  This
     * demo program terminates if an error occurs (out of memory, not positive
     * definite, ...).  It makes the demo program simpler (no need to check
     * CHOLMOD error conditions).  This non-default parameter setting has no
     * effect on performance. */
    cm->error_handler = my_handler ;

    /* Note that CHOLMOD will do a supernodal LL' or a simplicial LDL' by
     * default, automatically selecting the latter if flop/nnz(L) < 40. */

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* create basic scalars */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    zero [0] = 0 ;
    zero [1] = 0 ;
    one [0] = 1 ;
    one [1] = 0 ;
    minusone [0] = -1 ;
    minusone [1] = 0 ;
    beta [0] = 1e-6 ;
    beta [1] = 0 ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* read in a matrix */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    printf ("\n---------------------------------- cholmod_demo:\n") ;
    cholmod_version (ver) ;
    printf ("cholmod version %d.%d.%d\n", ver [0], ver [1], ver [2]) ;
    SuiteSparse_version (ver) ;
    printf ("SuiteSparse version %d.%d.%d\n", ver [0], ver [1], ver [2]) ;
    A = cholmod_read_sparse (f, cm) ;
    if (ff != NULL)
        fclose (ff) ;
        ff = NULL ;
    anorm = cholmod_norm_sparse (A, 0, cm) ;
    xtype = A->xtype ;
    printf ("norm (A,inf) = %g\n", anorm) ;
    printf ("norm (A,1)   = %g\n", cholmod_norm_sparse (A, 1, cm)) ;
    cholmod_print_sparse (A, "A", cm) ;

    if (A->nrow > A->ncol)
	/* Transpose A so that A'A+beta*I will be factorized instead */
	cholmod_sparse *C = cholmod_transpose (A, 2, cm) ;
	cholmod_free_sparse (&A, cm) ;
	A = C ;
	printf ("transposing input matrix\n") ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* create an arbitrary right-hand-side */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    n = A->nrow ;
    B = cholmod_zeros (n, 1, xtype, cm) ;
    Bx = B->x ;

#if GHS
	/* b = A*ones(n,1), used by Gould, Hu, and Scott in their experiments */
	cholmod_dense *X0 ;
	X0 = cholmod_ones (A->ncol, 1, xtype, cm) ;
	cholmod_sdmult (A, 0, one, zero, X0, B, cm) ;
	cholmod_free_dense (&X0, cm) ;
    if (xtype == CHOLMOD_REAL)
	/* real case */
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    double x = n ;
	    Bx [i] = 1 + i / x ;
	/* complex case */
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    double x = n ;
	    Bx [2*i  ] = 1 + i / x ;		/* real part of B(i) */
	    Bx [2*i+1] = (x/2 - i) / (3*x) ;	/* imag part of B(i) */

    cholmod_print_dense (B, "B", cm) ;
    bnorm = cholmod_norm_dense (B, 0, cm) ;	/* max norm */
    printf ("bnorm %g\n", bnorm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* analyze and factorize */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    t = CPUTIME ;
    L = cholmod_analyze (A, cm) ;
    ta = CPUTIME - t ;
    ta = MAX (ta, 0) ;

    printf ("Analyze: flop %g lnz %g\n", cm->fl, cm->lnz) ;

    if (A->stype == 0)
	printf ("Factorizing A*A'+beta*I\n") ;
	t = CPUTIME ;
	cholmod_factorize_p (A, beta, NULL, 0, L, cm) ;
	tf = CPUTIME - t ;
	tf = MAX (tf, 0) ;
	printf ("Factorizing A\n") ;
	t = CPUTIME ;
	cholmod_factorize (A, L, cm) ;
	tf = CPUTIME - t ;
	tf = MAX (tf, 0) ;

    cholmod_print_factor (L, "L", cm) ;

    /* determine the # of integers's and reals's in L.  See cholmod_free */
    if (L->is_super)
	s = L->nsuper + 1 ;
	xsize = L->xsize ;
	ss = L->ssize ;
	isize =
	    n	/* L->Perm */
	    + n	/* L->ColCount, nz in each column of 'pure' L */
	    + s	/* L->pi, column pointers for L->s */
	    + s	/* L->px, column pointers for L->x */
	    + s	/* L->super, starting column index of each supernode */
	    + ss ;	/* L->s, the pattern of the supernodes */
	/* this space can increase if you change parameters to their non-
	 * default values (cm->final_pack, for example). */
	lnz = L->nzmax ;
	xsize = lnz ;
	isize =
	    n	/* L->Perm */
	    + n	/* L->ColCount, nz in each column of 'pure' L */
	    + n+1	/* L->p, column pointers */
	    + lnz	/* L->i, integer row indices */
	    + n	/* L->nz, nz in each column of L */
	    + n+2	/* L->next, link list */
	    + n+2 ;	/* L->prev, link list */

    /* solve with Bset will change L from simplicial to supernodal */
    rcond = cholmod_rcond (L, cm) ;
    L_is_super = L->is_super ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* solve */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (method = 0 ; method <= 3 ; method++)
        double x = n ;

        if (method == 0)
            /* basic solve, just once */
            t = CPUTIME ;
            X = cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A, L, B, cm) ;
            ts [0] = CPUTIME - t ;
            ts [0] = MAX (ts [0], 0) ;
        else if (method == 1)
            /* basic solve, many times, but keep the last one */
            t = CPUTIME ;
            for (trial = 0 ; trial < NTRIALS ; trial++)
                cholmod_free_dense (&X, cm) ;
                Bx [0] = 1 + trial / x ;        /* tweak B each iteration */
                X = cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A, L, B, cm) ;
            ts [1] = CPUTIME - t ;
            ts [1] = MAX (ts [1], 0) / NTRIALS ;
        else if (method == 2)
            /* solve with reused workspace */
            cholmod_dense *Ywork = NULL, *Ework = NULL ;
            cholmod_free_dense (&X, cm) ;

            t = CPUTIME ;
            for (trial = 0 ; trial < NTRIALS ; trial++)
                Bx [0] = 1 + trial / x ;        /* tweak B each iteration */
                cholmod_solve2 (CHOLMOD_A, L, B, NULL, &X, NULL,
                    &Ywork, &Ework, cm) ;
            cholmod_free_dense (&Ywork, cm) ;
            cholmod_free_dense (&Ework, cm) ;
            ts [2] = CPUTIME - t ;
            ts [2] = MAX (ts [2], 0) / NTRIALS ;
            /* solve with reused workspace and sparse Bset */
            cholmod_dense *Ywork = NULL, *Ework = NULL ;
            cholmod_dense *X2 = NULL, *B2 = NULL ;
            cholmod_sparse *Bset, *Xset = NULL ;
            int *Bsetp, *Bseti, *Xsetp, *Xseti, xlen, j, k, *Lnz ;
            double *X1x, *X2x, *B2x, err ;
            FILE *timelog = fopen ("timelog.m", "w") ;
            if (timelog) fprintf (timelog, "results = [\n") ;

            B2 = cholmod_zeros (n, 1, xtype, cm) ;
            B2x = B2->x ;

            Bset = cholmod_allocate_sparse (n, 1, 1, FALSE, TRUE, 0,
                CHOLMOD_PATTERN, cm) ;
            Bsetp = Bset->p ;
            Bseti = Bset->i ;
            Bsetp [0] = 0 ;     /* nnz(B) is 1 (it can be anything) */
            Bsetp [1] = 1 ;
            resid [3] = 0 ;

            for (i = 0 ; i < MIN (100,n) ; i++)
                /* B (i) is nonzero, all other entries are ignored
                   (implied to be zero) */
                Bseti [0] = i ;
                if (xtype == CHOLMOD_REAL)
                    B2x [i] = 3.1 * i + 0.9 ;
                    B2x [2*i  ] = i + 0.042 ;
                    B2x [2*i+1] = i - 92.7 ;

                /* first get the entire solution, to compare against */
                cholmod_solve2 (CHOLMOD_A, L, B2, NULL, &X, NULL,
                    &Ywork, &Ework, cm) ;

                /* now get the sparse solutions; this will change L from
                   supernodal to simplicial */

                if (i == 0)
                    /* first solve can be slower because it has to allocate
                       space for X2, Xset, etc, and change L.
                       So don't time it */
                    cholmod_solve2 (CHOLMOD_A, L, B2, Bset, &X2, &Xset,
                        &Ywork, &Ework, cm) ;

                t = CPUTIME ;
                for (trial = 0 ; trial < NTRIALS ; trial++)
                    /* solve Ax=b but only to get x(i).
                       b is all zero except for b(i).
                       This takes O(xlen) time */
                    cholmod_solve2 (CHOLMOD_A, L, B2, Bset, &X2, &Xset,
                        &Ywork, &Ework, cm) ;
                t = CPUTIME - t ;
                t = MAX (t, 0) / NTRIALS ;

                /* check the solution and log the time */
                Xsetp = Xset->p ;
                Xseti = Xset->i ;
                xlen = Xsetp [1] ;
                X1x = X->x ;
                X2x = X2->x ;
                Lnz = L->nz ;

                printf ("\ni %d xlen %d  (%p %p)\n", i, xlen, X1x, X2x) ;

                if (xtype == CHOLMOD_REAL)
                    fl = 2 * xlen ;
                    for (k = 0 ; k < xlen ; k++)
                        j = Xseti [k] ;
                        fl += 4 * Lnz [j] ;
                        err = X1x [j] - X2x [j] ;
                        err = ABS (err) ;
                        resid [3] = MAX (resid [3], err) ;
                    fl = 16 * xlen ;
                    for (k = 0 ; k < xlen ; k++)
                        j = Xseti [k] ;
                        fl += 16 * Lnz [j] ;
                        err = X1x [2*j  ] - X2x [2*j  ] ;
                        err = ABS (err) ;
                        resid [3] = MAX (resid [3], err) ;
                        err = X1x [2*j+1] - X2x [2*j+1] ;
                        err = ABS (err) ;
                        resid [3] = MAX (resid [3], err) ;
                if (timelog) fprintf (timelog, "%g %g %g %g\n",
                    (double) i, (double) xlen, fl, t);

                /* clear B for the next test */
                if (xtype == CHOLMOD_REAL)
                    B2x [i] = 0 ;
                    B2x [2*i  ] = 0 ;
                    B2x [2*i+1] = 0 ;


            if (timelog)
                fprintf (timelog, "] ; resid = %g ;\n", resid [3]) ;
                fprintf (timelog, "lnz = %g ;\n", cm->lnz) ;
                fprintf (timelog, "t = %g ;   %% dense solve time\n", ts [2]) ;
                fclose (timelog) ;

            resid [3] = resid [3] / cholmod_norm_dense (X, 1, cm) ;

            cholmod_free_dense (&Ywork, cm) ;
            cholmod_free_dense (&Ework, cm) ;
            cholmod_free_dense (&X2, cm) ;
            cholmod_free_dense (&B2, cm) ;
            cholmod_free_sparse (&Xset, cm) ;
            cholmod_free_sparse (&Bset, cm) ;

        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /* compute the residual */
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

        if (method < 3)

            if (A->stype == 0)
                /* (AA'+beta*I)x=b is the linear system that was solved */
                /* W = A'*X */
                W = cholmod_allocate_dense (A->ncol, 1, A->ncol, xtype, cm) ;
                cholmod_sdmult (A, 2, one, zero, X, W, cm) ;
                /* R = B - beta*X */
                R = cholmod_zeros (n, 1, xtype, cm) ;
                Rx = R->x ;
                Xx = X->x ;
                if (xtype == CHOLMOD_REAL)
                    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                        Rx [i] = Bx [i] - beta [0] * Xx [i] ;
                    /* complex case */
                    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                        Rx [2*i  ] = Bx [2*i  ] - beta [0] * Xx [2*i  ] ;
                        Rx [2*i+1] = Bx [2*i+1] - beta [0] * Xx [2*i+1] ;
                /* R = A*W - R */
                cholmod_sdmult (A, 0, one, minusone, W, R, cm) ;
                cholmod_free_dense (&W, cm) ;
                /* Ax=b was factorized and solved, R = B-A*X */
                R = cholmod_copy_dense (B, cm) ;
                cholmod_sdmult (A, 0, minusone, one, X, R, cm) ;
            rnorm = cholmod_norm_dense (R, 0, cm) ;	    /* max abs. entry */
            xnorm = cholmod_norm_dense (X, 0, cm) ;	    /* max abs. entry */

            axbnorm = (anorm * xnorm + bnorm + ((n == 0) ? 1 : 0)) ;
            resid [method] = rnorm / axbnorm ;

    tot = ta + tf + ts [0] ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* iterative refinement (real symmetric case only) */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    resid2 = -1 ;
    if (A->stype != 0 && A->xtype == CHOLMOD_REAL)
	cholmod_dense *R2 ;

	/* R2 = A\(B-A*X) */
	R2 = cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A, L, R, cm) ;
	/* compute X = X + A\(B-A*X) */
	Xx = X->x ;
	Rx = R2->x ;
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    Xx [i] = Xx [i] + Rx [i] ;
	cholmod_free_dense (&R2, cm) ;
	cholmod_free_dense (&R, cm) ;

	/* compute the new residual, R = B-A*X */
	R = cholmod_copy_dense (B, cm) ;
	cholmod_sdmult (A, 0, minusone, one, X, R, cm) ;
	rnorm2 = cholmod_norm_dense (R, 0, cm) ;
	resid2 = rnorm2 / axbnorm ;

    cholmod_free_dense (&R, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* print results */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    anz = cm->anz ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < CHOLMOD_MAXMETHODS ; i++)
	fl = cm->method [i].fl ;
	xlnz = cm->method [i].lnz ;
	cm->method [i].fl = -1 ;
	cm->method [i].lnz = -1 ;
	ordering = cm->method [i].ordering ;
	if (fl >= 0)
	    printf ("Ordering: ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_POSTORDERED) printf ("postordered ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_NATURAL)     printf ("natural ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_GIVEN)	     printf ("user    ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_AMD)	     printf ("AMD     ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_METIS)	     printf ("METIS   ") ;
	    if (ordering == CHOLMOD_NESDIS)      printf ("NESDIS  ") ;
	    if (xlnz > 0)
		printf ("fl/lnz %10.1f", fl / xlnz) ;
	    if (anz > 0)
		printf ("  lnz/anz %10.1f", xlnz / anz) ;
	    printf ("\n") ;

    printf ("ints in L: %15.0f, doubles in L: %15.0f\n",
        (double) isize, (double) xsize) ;
    printf ("factor flops %g nnz(L) %15.0f (w/no amalgamation)\n",
	    cm->fl, cm->lnz) ;
    if (A->stype == 0)
	printf ("nnz(A):    %15.0f\n", cm->anz) ;
	printf ("nnz(A*A'): %15.0f\n", cm->anz) ;
    if (cm->lnz > 0)
	printf ("flops / nnz(L):  %8.1f\n", cm->fl / cm->lnz) ;
    if (anz > 0)
	printf ("nnz(L) / nnz(A): %8.1f\n", cm->lnz / cm->anz) ;
    printf ("analyze cputime:  %12.4f\n", ta) ;
    printf ("factor  cputime:   %12.4f mflop: %8.1f\n", tf,
	(tf == 0) ? 0 : (1e-6*cm->fl / tf)) ;
    printf ("solve   cputime:   %12.4f mflop: %8.1f\n", ts [0],
	(ts [0] == 0) ? 0 : (1e-6*4*cm->lnz / ts [0])) ;
    printf ("overall cputime:   %12.4f mflop: %8.1f\n", 
	    tot, (tot == 0) ? 0 : (1e-6 * (cm->fl + 4 * cm->lnz) / tot)) ;
    printf ("solve   cputime:   %12.4f mflop: %8.1f (%d trials)\n", ts [1],
	(ts [1] == 0) ? 0 : (1e-6*4*cm->lnz / ts [1]), NTRIALS) ;
    printf ("solve2  cputime:   %12.4f mflop: %8.1f (%d trials)\n", ts [2],
	(ts [2] == 0) ? 0 : (1e-6*4*cm->lnz / ts [2]), NTRIALS) ;
    printf ("peak memory usage: %12.0f (MB)\n",
	    (double) (cm->memory_usage) / 1048576.) ;
    printf ("residual (|Ax-b|/(|A||x|+|b|)): ") ;
    for (method = 0 ; method <= 3 ; method++)
        printf ("%8.2e ", resid [method]) ;
    printf ("\n") ;
    if (resid2 >= 0)
	printf ("residual %8.1e (|Ax-b|/(|A||x|+|b|))"
		" after iterative refinement\n", resid2) ;

    printf ("rcond    %8.1e\n\n", rcond) ;

    if (L_is_super)
        cholmod_gpu_stats (cm) ;

    cholmod_free_factor (&L, cm) ;
    cholmod_free_dense (&X, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* free matrices and finish CHOLMOD */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cholmod_free_sparse (&A, cm) ;
    cholmod_free_dense (&B, cm) ;
    cholmod_finish (cm) ;
    return (0) ;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *name = "main";
	char *seperator = "**********************************************************";

	// Setup the data structure with parameters of the problem
	switch (argc)
		case 1:
				printf("No input file specified. Using dia1P.inp\n");
		case 2:

	// Print the problem to make sure

	/* The prefix M_ is used for components that can be reused in several 
		failure simulations. For example, it is not necessary to compute 
		the first stiffness matrix M_M or its decomposition M_L for each 
		failure simulation. On the other hand, the matrix of fuse strengths, 
		S, needs to be repopulated every time.

	// Stiffness matrix M
	cholmod_sparse *M_M;

	// J = M_V2C*V; where J = current flowing into the bottom nodes,
	// and V = vector of voltages of all nodes
	cholmod_sparse	*M_V2C;

	// Voltages at top and bottom nodes
	cholmod_sparse *M_vTop, *M_vBot;	

	// Cholesky factor of the stiffness matrix M
	cholmod_factor *M_L;				

	// Cholmod Common object
	cholmod_common Common;	
	// Basic scalars, one and minus one
	double one [2] = {1,0}, m1 [2] = {-1,0} ;


	// Start cholmod, and the cholmod_common object

	// Populated the top and bottom node voltages

	// Bottom row is "grounded", thus has zero 
	// voltage by convention. 
	// cholmod_spzeros(NRow,NCol,stype,xtype,*common)	
	M_vBot = cholmod_spzeros(pD.gridSize/2,1,0,CHOLMOD_REAL,&Common);

	// The top row has voltage = 1. Since cholmod has no inbuild
	// function to return a sparse vector of all ones (makes sense)
	// so we first create a dense vector of ones and then 
	// convert it to a sparse vector

	{ // limit the scope of temporary variables
		cholmod_dense *temp;
		temp = cholmod_ones(pD.gridSize/2,1,CHOLMOD_REAL,&Common);
		M_vTop = cholmod_dense_to_sparse(temp,1,&Common);

	// Polulate voltage to current matrix and check it for
	// consistency 
	M_V2C = dia1P_voltageToCurrentMatrix(&Common,name);

	// Populate stiffness matrix
	M_M = dia1P_stiffnessMatrix(&Common,name);
	// Check it for consistency

	// Analyze and factorise the stiffness matrix
	M_L = cholmod_analyze(M_M,&Common);
	// Check the factor for consistency

	// Depending on the mode in which the program is run 
	// various levels of output are given to the user.
	// The three modes implemented so far are:
	// 0: Silent,
	// 1: minimal,
	// 2: normal
	// 3: verbose
	switch (pD.diagMode)
		case 0:	
		case 1:	
		case 2:	
		case 3:	
			fprintf(pD.diagFile,"Initial Stiffness Matrix\n");


	// Number of simulations performed
	int countSims = 0;	

	while (countSims < pD.NSim)

		// The sampleFailed flag remains zeros as long as 
		// the sample is not broken (a spanning crack is 
		// not encountered; it becomes 1 otherwise.
		int sampleFailed = 0;
		// nFail counts the number of bonds snapped till 
		// sample failure
		int nFail = 0;
		// Cholesky factor L will hold the cholesky factor that will be updated after each bond snapping
		cholmod_factor *L;

		// Vector of random fuse strengths
		double *S;
		// Matrix that maps the node voltages to the vector of
		// currents flowing into the bottom nodes.
		// This matrix is update after every bond breaking
		cholmod_sparse *V2C;

		// Load vector b. This vector is to be updated after 
		// every bond breaking
		cholmod_sparse *b;

		// A data structure that will store information about the 
		// most recently failed bond
		dia1P_failureSite FD;

		// A data structure that will store information about the 
		// sequence of failures in a particular simulation
		dia1P_brokenBonds *BB;	


		// Copy the pre-calculated cholesky factor into the local 
		// cholesky factor
		L = cholmod_copy_factor(M_L,&Common);

		// Populate fuse strength vector
		S = dia1P_strengthVector(name);	
		//FILE *pf = fopen("16.S","r");  S = cholmod_read_sparse(pf,&Common); fclose(pf);
		// Copy the initial voltage to current matrix
		V2C = cholmod_copy_sparse(M_V2C,&Common);

		// Initialize the structure for keeping records of broken bonds
		BB = dia1P_initializeBrokenBonds(name);
		// Polulate the load vector b
		b = dia1P_loadVector(&Common,name);
		// Check to ensure consistency... 

		// Write diagonistic output as requested
		switch (pD.diagMode)
			case 0:	break;
			case 1:	break;
			case 2:	
					fprintf(pD.diagFile,"Starting Simulation Number %d\n",countSims+1);
			case 3:	
					fprintf(pD.diagFile,"Starting Simulation Number %d\n",countSims+1);
					fprintf(pD.diagFile,"Matrix of Random Fuse Strengths:\n");
						int count = 0;
						for(count = 0; count < (pD.gridSize)*(pD.gridSize); count++)
							int n1, n2;
			default: dia1P_errHandler(errCode_UnknownDiagMode,name,name,errMesg_UnknownDiagMode);

		while(sampleFailed == 0)
			// Vector x will hold the unknown voltages
			cholmod_sparse *x;

			// Vectors VNode_s and VNode_d hold the full set
			// of node voltages (knowns appended to the calculated unknowns)
			cholmod_sparse *VNode_s;
			cholmod_dense *VNode_d;

			// This vector will be used to update the stiffness matrix M
			// as M_new = M_old - stiffUpdate*transpose(stiffUpdate)
			// Ofcouse, M is not update, rather its cholesky factor L is
			cholmod_sparse *stiffUpdate;

			// This vector updates the load vector as 
			// b_new = b_old + loadUpdate
			cholmod_sparse *loadUpdate;

			// This vector is needed for internal cholmod use.
			// We L = PMP^T, where P is the permuation matrix.
			// Thus, if U updates M, then PU will update L. 
			// uper = PU.
			cholmod_sparse *uper;


			// Solve for the unknown voltages
			x = cholmod_spsolve(CHOLMOD_A,L,b,&Common);

			// Append the known vectors top and the bottom 
			// row voltages to x to construct the complete 
			// vector of voltages.
			{	// Limit the score of temporary variables
				cholmod_sparse *temp1;
				temp1 = cholmod_vertcat(M_vBot,x,1,&Common);
				VNode_s = cholmod_vertcat(temp1,M_vTop,1,&Common);

			// Check if the sample is broken, if it is then
			// we are done
				sampleFailed = 1;
					int count = 0;
					for(count = 0; count < BB->nFail; count++)
			{	// If the sample is not broken yet, then we need to 
				// to find which bond will be snapped next.
				// Increment the number of failed bonds, since we know
				// that one is going to snap

				// Make a dense vector of voltages
				VNode_d = cholmod_sparse_to_dense(VNode_s,&Common);
				// Find which bond to break and store the information 
				// in the data structure FD.

				// Update the data structure BB, which stores the entire
				// sequence of broken bonds

				// Update the voltage to current matrix.
				// This matrix will change only if a fuse connected to the 
				// bottom edge is blown.

				// Find the vector to update the stiffness matrix. 
				// This vector is never empty, it has either 1 or 2 nonzero components
				// depending on weather a boundary node is involved in the snapping or not
				stiffUpdate = dia1P_stiffnessUpdateVector(&FD,&Common,name);

				// Find the vector to update the load vector.
				// This vector is non-zero only if a fuse connected to the 
				// top edge is blown.
				loadUpdate = dia1P_loadUpdateVector(&FD,&Common,name);

				// Update the load vector
				{ // Limit the score of temporary variables
					cholmod_sparse *temp;
					temp = cholmod_copy_sparse(b,&Common);
					// Free the current memory occupied by b before reallocating
					// Reallocate b
					b = cholmod_add(temp,loadUpdate,one,one,1,0,&Common);
					// Free temp

				// Calculate the permuted update vector for updating the cholesky factor
				uper = cholmod_submatrix(stiffUpdate,L->Perm,L->n,NULL,-1,1,1,&Common);
				// update (downdate) the cholesky factor

				// Write appropriate diagnostic output
				switch (pD.diagMode)
					case 0:	break;
					case 1:	break;
					case 2:
					case 3:
						fprintf(pD.diagFile,"\nPass No. %d\nUnknown Node Voltages:\n",nFail);
						fprintf(pD.diagFile,"\nSnapped Bond: \nI\t\tJ\t\tV\t\tC\n");
						fprintf(pD.diagFile,"\nStiffNess Update Vector\n");
						fprintf(pD.diagFile,"\nLoad Update Vector\n");
					default: dia1P_errHandler(errCode_UnknownDiagMode,name,name,errMesg_UnknownDiagMode);

				//Free memory
		}//ELIHW, loop for nth simulation
		// Free memory
	}//ELIHW, main loop for NSim simulations

	// This completes the requested set of NSim simulations. 
	// Free memory

	// Close dia1P and cholmod
//	cholmod_print_common("FuseNet Statistics",&Common);
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main(void)
    int N = 2 ;
    int i, j, n ;
    int nz = 0;
    double *Ax ;
    double x, error ;
    cholmod_dense *A, *invK, *spinvK, *I ;
    cholmod_sparse *K, *V ;
    cholmod_factor *L ;
    cholmod_common Common,*cm ;
    clock_t start, end;
    double cpu_time_used;
    // Start using CHOLMOD
    cholmod_start(cm) ;

    // Generate random symmetric positive (semi)definite matrix
    A = cholmod_zeros(N, N, CHOLMOD_REAL, &Common) ;
    Ax =(double*) A->x ;
    nz = N ;

    // Make positive-definite by adding something positive to the
    // diagonal
    for (n = 0; n < N; n++)
        Ax[n+n*N] += 5;

    // Make the matrix sparse
    K = cholmod_dense_to_sparse(A, TRUE, &Common) ;

    // Identity matrix
    I = cholmod_eye(N,N,CHOLMOD_REAL,&Common) ;

    /* SIMPLICIAL */

    // Factorize
    Common.supernodal = CHOLMOD_SIMPLICIAL ;
    L = cholmod_analyze(K, &Common) ;
    cholmod_factorize(K, L, &Common) ;
    invK = cholmod_solve(CHOLMOD_A, L, I, &Common) ;

    // Compute the sparse inverse and the full inverse
    start = clock();
    V = cholmod_spinv(L, &Common) ;
    end = clock();
    cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    // Show results
    cholmod_print_sparse(K,"Original",&Common) ;
    cholmod_print_factor(L,"Factor",&Common) ;
    cholmod_print_sparse(V,"Sparse inverse",&Common) ;
    cholmod_print_dense(invK,"Dense inverse",&Common);

    // Free memory
    cholmod_free_factor(&L, &Common) ;
    cholmod_free_sparse(&K, &Common) ;
    cholmod_free_dense(&I, &Common) ;
    cholmod_free_dense(&A, &Common) ;
    cholmod_finish(&Common) ;
    return 0 ;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void R_unload_Matrix(DllInfo *dll)