// static
const QByteArray QgsAuthProviderIdentityCert::certAsPem( const QString &certid )
  // get identity from database
  QPair<QSslCertificate, QSslKey> cibundle( QgsAuthManager::instance()->getCertIdentityBundle( certid ) );

  return ( !cibundle.first.isNull() ? cibundle.first.toPem() : QByteArray() );
QgsPkiConfigBundle *QgsAuthIdentCertMethod::getPkiConfigBundle( const QString &authcfg )
  QMutexLocker locker( &mMutex );
  QgsPkiConfigBundle *bundle = nullptr;

  // check if it is cached
  if ( sPkiConfigBundleCache.contains( authcfg ) )
    bundle = sPkiConfigBundleCache.value( authcfg );
    if ( bundle )
      QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Retrieved PKI bundle for authcfg %1" ).arg( authcfg ) );
      return bundle;

  // else build PKI bundle
  QgsAuthMethodConfig mconfig;

  if ( !QgsApplication::authManager()->loadAuthenticationConfig( authcfg, mconfig, true ) )
    QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "PKI bundle for authcfg %1: FAILED to retrieve config" ).arg( authcfg ) );
    return bundle;

  // get identity from database
  QPair<QSslCertificate, QSslKey> cibundle( QgsApplication::authManager()->certIdentityBundle( mconfig.config( QStringLiteral( "certid" ) ) ) );

  // init client cert
  // Note: if this is not valid, no sense continuing
  QSslCertificate clientcert( cibundle.first );
  if ( !QgsAuthCertUtils::certIsViable( clientcert ) )
    QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "PKI bundle for authcfg %1: insert FAILED, client cert is not viable" ).arg( authcfg ) );
    return bundle;

  // init key
  QSslKey clientkey( cibundle.second );
  if ( clientkey.isNull() )
    QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "PKI bundle for authcfg %1: insert FAILED, PEM cert key could not be created" ).arg( authcfg ) );
    return bundle;

  bundle = new QgsPkiConfigBundle( mconfig, clientcert, clientkey );

  // cache bundle
  putPkiConfigBundle( authcfg, bundle );

  return bundle;
QgsPkiBundle *QgsAuthProviderIdentityCert::getPkiBundle( const QString& authcfg )
  QgsPkiBundle * bundle = 0;

  // check if it is cached
  if ( mPkiBundleCache.contains( authcfg ) )
    bundle = mPkiBundleCache.value( authcfg );
    if ( bundle )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Retrieved PKI bundle for authcfg %1" ).arg( authcfg ) );
      return bundle;

  // else build PKI bundle
  QgsAuthConfigIdentityCert config;

  if ( !QgsAuthManager::instance()->loadAuthenticationConfig( authcfg, config, true ) )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "PKI bundle for authcfg %1: FAILED to retrieve config" ).arg( authcfg ) );
    return bundle;

  // get identity from database
  QPair<QSslCertificate, QSslKey> cibundle( QgsAuthManager::instance()->getCertIdentityBundle( config.certId() ) );

  // init client cert
  // Note: if this is not valid, no sense continuing
  QSslCertificate clientcert( cibundle.first );
  if ( !clientcert.isValid() )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "PKI bundle for authcfg %1: insert FAILED, client cert is not valid" ).arg( authcfg ) );
    return bundle;

  // init key
  QSslKey clientkey( cibundle.second );
  if ( clientkey.isNull() )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "PKI bundle for authcfg %1: insert FAILED, PEM cert key could not be created" ).arg( authcfg ) );
    return bundle;

  bundle = new QgsPkiBundle( config, clientcert, clientkey );

  // cache bundle
  putPkiBundle( authcfg, bundle );

  return bundle;
// static
const QByteArray QgsAuthProviderIdentityCert::keyAsPem( const QString &certid,
    const QString &keypass,
    bool reencrypt )
  // get identity from database
  QPair<QSslCertificate, QSslKey> cibundle( QgsAuthManager::instance()->getCertIdentityBundle( certid ) );
  if ( cibundle.second.isNull() )
    return QByteArray();

  // reapply passphrase if protection is requested and passphrase exists
  return ( cibundle.second.toPem( reencrypt && !keypass.isEmpty() ? keypass.toUtf8() : QByteArray() ) );