ClRcT clAspBasicLibInitialize() { ClUint32T i = 0; ClRcT rc = CL_OK; ClUint32T tableSize = sizeof(gClBasicLibInitTable) / sizeof(ClInitFinalizeDef); for (i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) { if (gClBasicLibInitTable[i].fn == NULL) continue; if (eoBasicLibs[i] == CL_TRUE) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_DEBUG, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_INI, "Initializing basic library [%s]...", gClBasicLibInitTable[i].libName); if (CL_OK != (rc = gClBasicLibInitTable[i].fn())) { return rc; } } } rc = clDispatchLibInitialize(); if (CL_OK != rc) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_CRITICAL, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_INI, "Error Initializing Basic Library" "clDispatchLibInitialize(), rc=[0x%x]\n", rc); return rc; } return CL_OK; }
/* * This function initializes all the Basic ASP library */ ClRcT clEoEssentialLibInitialize(void) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; ClUint32T i = 0; ClUint32T tableSize = CL_EO_LIB_ID_RES; // CL_SIZEOF_ARRAY(gEssentialLibInfo); /* * Initializing the Essential Libraries */ for (i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_DEBUG, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_INI, "Initializing essential library [%s]...", gEssentialLibInfo[i].libName); if (CL_OK != (rc = gEssentialLibInfo[i].pLibInitializeFunc(gEssentialLibInfo[i].pConfig))) { if (CL_GET_ERROR_CODE(rc) != CL_ERR_INITIALIZED) /* Already Initialized is benign */ { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_CRITICAL, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_INI, "Failed to initialize essential library [%s], error [0x%x]", gEssentialLibInfo[i].libName, rc); return rc; } } } return CL_OK; }
/** * Called by CPM in clCpmComponentResourceCleanup() */ ClRcT clAspClientLibFinalize(void) { ClInt32T i = 0; ClRcT rc = CL_OK; ClUint32T tableSize = sizeof(gClClientLibCleanupTable) / sizeof(ClInitFinalizeDef); for (i = tableSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { /* * Ignore if function not registered to avoid a crash. Refer bug 4061. */ if (gClClientLibCleanupTable[i].fn == NULL) continue; if (eoClientLibs[i] == CL_TRUE) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_DEBUG, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_FIN, "Finalizing client library [%s]...", gClClientLibCleanupTable[i].libName); if (CL_OK != (rc = gClClientLibCleanupTable[i].fn())) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_CRITICAL, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_FIN, "Failed to finalize client library [%s], error [0x%x]", gClClientLibCleanupTable[i].libName, rc); } } } return CL_OK; }
static ClRcT clAspBasicLibFinalize() { ClInt32T i = 0; ClRcT rc = CL_OK; ClUint32T tableSize = sizeof(gClBasicLibCleanupTable) / sizeof(ClInitFinalizeDef); rc = clDispatchLibFinalize(); if (CL_OK != rc) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_CRITICAL, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_FIN, "Error finalizing Dispatch Library " "clDispatchLibFinalize(), rc=[0x%x]\n",rc); return rc; } for (i = tableSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (gClBasicLibCleanupTable[i].fn == NULL) continue; if (eoBasicLibs[i] == CL_TRUE) { if (CL_OK != (rc = gClBasicLibCleanupTable[i].fn())) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_CRITICAL, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_FIN, "Failed to finalize basic library [%s], error [0x%x]", gClBasicLibCleanupTable[i].libName, rc); } } } return CL_OK; }
/* exec init function is called as soon as this service object is loaded. */ static int gms_exec_init_fn (struct objdb_iface_ver0 *objdb) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; extern ClRcT clCpmComponentRegister(ClCpmHandleT ,const SaNameT *,const SaNameT *); log_init ("GMS"); clLog (DBG,OPN,AIS,"Initializing clovis GMS service"); gAspNativeLeaderElection = clAspNativeLeaderElection(); rc = clCpmComponentRegister( gmsGlobalInfo.cpmHandle, &gmsGlobalInfo.gmsComponentName, NULL ); if(rc) { clLog(ERROR,OPN,AIS, "clCpmComponent register failed with rc 0x%x",rc); } clLogMultiline(DBG,OPN,AIS, "clCpmComponentRegister successful. Updating GMS state as RUNNING"); gmsGlobalInfo.opState = CL_GMS_STATE_RUNNING; /* Initialize my ip address */ memset(&myAddress, 0, sizeof(ClGmsNodeAddressT)); clGmsWrapperUpdateMyIP(); return (0); }
ClRcT clASPFinalize(void) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; if (CL_FALSE == gClASPInitialized) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_ERROR, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_FIN, "Called SAFplus finalize without initializing first."); return CL_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } gClASPInitCount--; if(gClASPInitCount > 0) { return CL_OK; } /* * Unblock all threads. first */ clEoUnblock(NULL); rc = clEoTearDown(); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_ERROR, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_FIN, "SAFplus finalize failed, error[0x%x]", rc); return rc; } gClASPInitialized = CL_FALSE; return CL_OK; }
void xrLC_GlobalData ::vertices_isolate_and_pool_reload() { const u32 inital_verts_count = _g_vertices.size(); u32 not_empty_verts = 0; //for(u32 i = 0; i < inital_verts_count; ++i ) // if(!_g_vertices[i]->m_adjacents.empty()) // ++not_empty_verts; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string_path path_name; FS.update_path ( path_name, "$app_root$", "ccc__temp__vertices" ); { IWriter * file = FS.w_open( path_name ); R_ASSERT( file ); for(u32 i = 0; i < inital_verts_count; ++i ) { Vertex &v = *_g_vertices[i]; if( v.m_adjacents.empty() ) { ::destroy_vertex( _g_vertices[i], false ); continue; } //isolate_pool_clear_read //isolate_pool_clear_write v.isolate_pool_clear_write( *file ); ::destroy_vertex( _g_vertices[i], false ); ++not_empty_verts; } FS.w_close(file); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _g_vertices.clear_not_free(); clLog( "mem usage before clear pool: %u", Memory.mem_usage() ); _VertexPool.clear(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { b_vert_not_register = true; _g_vertices.resize( not_empty_verts, 0 ); Memory.mem_compact(); clLog( "mem usage after clear pool: %u", Memory.mem_usage() ); INetReaderFile r_verts( path_name ); for(u32 i = 0; i < not_empty_verts; ++i ) { Vertex* &v = _g_vertices[i]; v = _VertexPool.create(); v->isolate_pool_clear_read( r_verts ); } b_vert_not_register = false; } }
void xrLC_GlobalData::clear_mu_models () { clLog( "mem usage before mu_clear %d", Memory.mem_usage() ); vec_clear(_mu_models);// not clear ogf vec_clear(_mu_refs); mu_mesh_clear(); Memory.mem_compact(); clLog( "mem usage after mu_clear: %d", Memory.mem_usage() ); }
void xrLC_GlobalData::clear_build_textures_surface() { clLog( "mem usage before clear build textures surface: %u", Memory.mem_usage() ); //xr_vector<b_BuildTexture> _textures; xr_vector<b_BuildTexture>::iterator i = textures().begin(); xr_vector<b_BuildTexture>::const_iterator e = textures().end(); for(;i!=e;++i) ::clear((*i)); Memory.mem_compact(); clLog( "mem usage after clear build textures surface: %u", Memory.mem_usage() ); }
void xrLC_GlobalData::clear_mesh () { //R_ASSERT(g_XSplit.empty()); clLog( "mem usage before clear mesh: %u", Memory.mem_usage() ); //g_vertices().clear(); //g_faces().clear(); //_VertexPool.clear(); //_FacePool.clear(); gl_mesh_clear (); Memory.mem_compact(); clLog( "mem usage after clear mesh: %u", Memory.mem_usage() ); }
void xrLC_GlobalData::clear_build_textures_surface( const xr_vector<u32> &exept ) { clLog( "mem usage before clear build textures surface: %u", Memory.mem_usage() ); xr_vector<b_BuildTexture>::iterator i = textures().begin(); xr_vector<b_BuildTexture>::const_iterator e = textures().end(); xr_vector<b_BuildTexture>::const_iterator b = textures().begin(); for(;i!=e;++i) { xr_vector<u32>::const_iterator ff = std::find( exept.begin(), exept.end(),u32( i - b ) ); if( ff == exept.end() ) ::clear((*i)); } Memory.mem_compact(); clLog( "mem usage after clear build textures surface: %u", Memory.mem_usage() ); }
ClRcT _clGmsDbOpen( CL_IN const ClUint64T numOfGroups, CL_INOUT ClGmsDbT** const gmsDb) { if (gmsDb == NULL) { return CL_GMS_RC(CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER); } *gmsDb = (ClGmsDbT *) clHeapAllocate(sizeof(ClGmsDbT) * numOfGroups); if (*gmsDb == NULL) { return CL_GMS_RC(CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY); } memset(*gmsDb, 0, sizeof(ClGmsDbT)* numOfGroups); clLog(DBG,GEN,DB, "Created GMS master database successfully"); return CL_OK; }
/* below function is required in config_ch function * because the totempg_ifaces_print function returns * the IP address corresponding to the in a different format. * Hence we have the below function */ char *get_node_ip (unsigned int nodeid) { static char iface_string[256 * INTERFACE_MAX]; char one_iface[64]; struct totem_ip_address interfaces[INTERFACE_MAX]; char **status; unsigned int iface_count; int res; iface_string[0] = '\0'; res = totempg_ifaces_get (nodeid, interfaces, &status, &iface_count); if (res == -1) { clLog(ERROR,OPN,AIS, "totempg_ifaces_get failed"); return ("no interface found for nodeid"); } assert(iface_count <= INTERFACE_MAX); /* Please note that in openais.conf file as of now we are specifying * ONLY ONE interface. The protocol works for multiple processes as well. * But we are limiting it to work on only one interface */ sprintf (one_iface, "%s",totemip_print (&interfaces[0])); strncat (iface_string, one_iface, sizeof(iface_string)-1); return (iface_string); }
void clGmsWrapperUpdateMyIP() { /* This function extracts the latest "this_ip" information * about the IP address that this node has bound to * and updates a GMS specific local structure. * In the config change functions we update my node * details with the updated IP in case there was a network * up/down and the node has bound to new IP */ sprintf ((char *)myAddress.value, "%s",totemip_print (this_ip)); myAddress.length = strlen ((char *)myAddress.value); #ifndef OPENAIS_TIPC if (this_ip->family == AF_INET) { = CL_GMS_AF_INET; } else { if (this_ip->family == AF_INET6) { = CL_GMS_AF_INET6; } else { assert (0); } } #else = AF_TIPC; #endif /* Also update the global gms data of thisnode with new IP */ gmsGlobalInfo.config.thisNodeInfo.nodeIpAddress = myAddress; clLog(DBG,OPN,AIS, "My Local IP address = %s",myAddress.value); }
ClRcT clSnmpnameTableIndexTlvGet(ClPtrT pIndexInfo, ClAlarmUtilTlvInfoPtrT pTlvList) { ClAlarmUtilTlvT * pTlv = NULL; ClSnmpnameTableIndexInfoT * pnameTableIndex = (ClSnmpnameTableIndexInfoT *)pIndexInfo; if(!pIndexInfo || !pTlvList) { CL_DEBUG_PRINT(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, ("NULL arguments received!")); return CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER; } pTlvList->pTlv = (ClAlarmUtilTlvT *) clHeapAllocate (1 * sizeof (ClAlarmUtilTlvT)); if (pTlvList->pTlv == NULL) { clLog(CL_LOG_ERROR, CL_SNMP_AREA, CL_SNMP_GEN_OP_COTX, "nameTableIndexTlvGet unable to allocate memory!"); return (CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY); } pTlvList->numTlvs = 1; pTlv = pTlvList->pTlv + 0; pTlv->value = clHeapAllocate (sizeof (ClUint32T)); if (pTlv->value == NULL) { clHeapFree(pTlvList->pTlv); return (CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY); } memcpy(pTlv->value, &(pnameTableIndex->nodeAdd), sizeof (ClUint32T)); pTlv->length = sizeof (ClUint32T); pTlv->type = CL_COR_UINT32; return CL_OK; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; if (argc < 2){ clLog (EMER,GEN,NA, "usage : %s", GMS_USAGE); exit(0); } /* Connect to the SAF cluster */ rc = initializeAmf(); if( rc != CL_OK) { clLogCritical(GEN,NA, "GMS: gmsInitialize failed [0x%X]\n\r", rc); return rc; } _clGmsServiceInitialize ( argc , argv ); /* Block on AMF dispatch file descriptor for callbacks. When this function returns its time to quit. */ dispatchLoop(); saAmfFinalize(amfHandle); return 0; }
/* Called by SaAmfInitialize, but SAFplus services do not call this */ ClRcT clASPInitialize(void) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; if(CL_TRUE == gClASPInitialized) { gClASPInitCount++; return CL_OK; } if (clLoadEnvVars() != CL_OK) exit(1); // Returns an error if essential variables are not set rc = clEoSetup(); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_CRITICAL, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_INI, "Exiting : SAFplus initialize failed, error [0x%x]", rc); return rc; } clCpmTargetInfoInitialize(); gClASPInitCount++; gClASPInitialized = CL_TRUE; return CL_OK; }
static ClRcT clEoEssentialLibFinalize(void) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; ClInt32T i = 0; ClUint32T tableSize = CL_EO_LIB_ID_RES; // CL_SIZEOF_ARRAY(gEssentialLibInfo); /* * Finalizing the Essential Libraries */ for (i = tableSize-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (gEssentialLibInfo[i].pLibFinalizeFunc) { rc = gEssentialLibInfo[i].pLibFinalizeFunc(); if (CL_OK != rc) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_CRITICAL, CL_LOG_AREA, CL_LOG_CTXT_FIN, "Failed to finalize essential library [%s], error [0x%x]", gEssentialLibInfo[i].libName, rc); return rc; } } } return CL_OK; }
static void gms_confchg_fn ( enum totem_configuration_type configuration_type, unsigned int *member_list, int member_list_entries, unsigned int *left_list, int left_list_entries, unsigned int *joined_list, int joined_list_entries, struct memb_ring_id *ring_id) { int i = 0; char iface_string[256 * INTERFACE_MAX] = ""; ClRcT rc = CL_OK; ClUint32T minVersion = CL_VERSION_CODE(5, 0, 0); clLog (NOTICE,OPN,AIS, "GMS CONFIGURATION CHANGE"); clLog (NOTICE,OPN,AIS, "GMS Configuration:"); for (i = 0; i < member_list_entries; i++) { clLog (NOTICE,OPN,AIS, "\t%s", totempg_ifaces_print (member_list[i])); } clLog(NOTICE,OPN,AIS, "Members Left:"); for (i = 0; i < left_list_entries; i++) { clLog (NOTICE,OPN,AIS, "\t%s", totempg_ifaces_print (left_list[i])); } clLog(NOTICE,OPN,AIS, "Members Joined:"); for (i = 0; i < joined_list_entries; i++) { clLog (NOTICE,OPN,AIS, "\t%s", totempg_ifaces_print (joined_list[i])); } clNodeCacheMinVersionGet(NULL, &minVersion); if(minVersion >= CL_VERSION_CODE(5, 0, 0) && gAspNativeLeaderElection) { clLog(DBG, OPN, AIS, "Skipping node leave processing since node cache is used to sync cluster views"); return ; } for (i = 0; i < left_list_entries; i++) { /* Call Cluster Leave for the nodes which are left. * To do that we need to translate IP address to gms nodeID * NOTE: Currently we are getting the this left_list[i] to * the ip address mapping from the get_interface_ip function. * This is not quite reliable and may get into issues when using * multiple interfaces... */ strncpy(iface_string, get_node_ip(left_list[i]), (256*INTERFACE_MAX)-1); clLog(DBG,OPN,AIS, "Invoking cluster leave for node with IP %s",iface_string); rc = _clGmsEngineClusterLeaveWrapper(CL_GMS_CLUSTER_ID, iface_string); } return; }
ClRcT clSnmpocTrainDefaultInstXlator (CL_IN const struct ClMedAgentId *pAgntId, CL_IN ClCorMOIdPtrT hmoId, CL_IN ClCorAttrPathPtrT containedPath, CL_OUT void** pRetInstData, CL_OUT ClUint32T *pInstLen, CL_OUT ClPtrT pCorAttrValueDescList, CL_IN ClMedInstXlationOpEnumT instXlnOp, CL_IN ClPtrT cookie) { ClUint32T len = 0; ClSNMPRequestInfoT *pInst = NULL; clLog(CL_LOG_DEBUG, CL_SNMP_AREA, CL_SNMP_GEN_XLA_COTX, "Default Instant Xlation for MOID : "); CL_MED_COR_STR_MOID_PRINT(hmoId); if(!pAgntId || !pRetInstData || !pInstLen) { clLog(CL_LOG_ERROR, CL_SNMP_AREA, CL_SNMP_GEN_XLA_COTX, "clSnmpInstXlator received NULL arguments!"); return CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER; } pInst = (ClSNMPRequestInfoT*)*pRetInstData; if (pInst == NULL) { pInst = (ClSNMPRequestInfoT *) clHeapAllocate (sizeof (ClSNMPRequestInfoT)); if (pInst == NULL) { clLog(CL_LOG_ERROR, CL_SNMP_AREA, CL_SNMP_GEN_XLA_COTX, "clSnmpocTrainDefaultInstXlator Unable to allocate memory for the instance translation!"); return (CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY); } *pInstLen = sizeof (ClSNMPRequestInfoT); memset(pInst, 0, *pInstLen); *pRetInstData = (void**)pInst; } for(len = 0; len < pAgntId->len; len++) { pInst->oid[len] = pAgntId->id[len]; } pInst->tableType = CL_OCTRAIN_SCALARS; return CL_OK; }
static void gms_exec_message_endian_convert (void *msg) { /* We only need to convert the header as all the other * elements are being marshalled/unmarshalled using xdr */ mar_req_header_t *header = msg; clLog(DBG,OPN,AIS, "Converting endianness for this message"); swab_mar_req_header_t (header); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Cluster Track Callback Handler *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ClRcT clGmsClusterTrackCallbackHandler( CL_IN ClGmsClusterTrackCallbackDataT* const res) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; struct gms_instance *gms_instance_ptr = NULL; ClGmsHandleT gmsHandle = CL_GMS_INVALID_HANDLE; CL_ASSERT(res != NULL); clLog(INFO,NA,NA,"received cluster track callback"); gmsHandle = res->gmsHandle; rc = clHandleCheckout(gmsHandleDb, gmsHandle, (void**)&gms_instance_ptr); if (rc != CL_OK) { goto error_free_res; } if (gms_instance_ptr == NULL) { rc = CL_GMS_RC(CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER); goto error_free_res; } if (gms_instance_ptr->callbacks.clGmsClusterTrackCallback == NULL) { rc = CL_GMS_RC(CL_ERR_NO_CALLBACK); goto error_checkin_free_res; } /* * Calling the user's callback function with the data. The user cannot * free the data we provide. If it needs to reatin it, it has to copy * it out from what we provide here. */ (*gms_instance_ptr->callbacks.clGmsClusterTrackCallback) (gmsHandle, &res->buffer, res->numberOfMembers, res->rc); error_checkin_free_res: if (clHandleCheckin(gmsHandleDb, gmsHandle) != CL_OK) { clLogError(CLM,NA, "\nclHandleCheckin failed"); } error_free_res: /* Need to free data (res) if are not able to call the actual callback */ if (res->buffer.notification != NULL) { clHeapFree((void*)res->buffer.notification); } clHeapFree((void*)res); return rc; }
ClRcT clSnmpalarmTrapIndexGet(ClUint32T objectType, ClCorMOIdPtrT pMoId, ClAlarmUtilTlvInfoPtrT pTlvList ) { ClSNMPRequestInfoT *pInst = NULL; ClUint32T instLen = 0; ClMedAgentIdT oid = { (ClUint8T *)"0.0", 4 }; /* Dummy OID. */ ClRcT rc = CL_OK; if(NULL == pMoId) { CL_DEBUG_PRINT(CL_DEBUG_ERROR,("moId is passed as NULL")); return CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER; } if(NULL == pTlvList) { CL_DEBUG_PRINT(CL_DEBUG_ERROR,("pTlvList is passed as NULL")); return CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER; } switch(objectType) { case ALARMTRAP_CLOCKID: { /* OID = . */ rc = clSnmpclockTableInstXlator ( &oid, pMoId, NULL, (void **)&pInst, &instLen, NULL, 0); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLog(CL_LOG_ERROR, CL_SNMP_AREA, CL_SNMP_GEN_OP_COTX, "clockTableInstXlator returned : [0x%x]", rc); } rc = clSnmpclockTableIndexTlvGet(&(pInst->index.clockTableInfo), pTlvList); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLog(CL_LOG_ERROR, CL_SNMP_AREA, CL_SNMP_GEN_OP_COTX, "clockTableIndexTlvGet returned : [0x%x]", rc); return rc; } break; } } return rc; }
void __cdecl clMsg( const char *format, ...) { va_list mark; char buf [4*256]; va_start ( mark, format ); vsprintf ( buf, format, mark ); string1024 _out_; strconcat (sizeof(_out_),_out_," | | ", buf ); clLog (_out_); }
// coverity[pass_by_value] ClRcT _clCorSubTreeDelete(ClCorMOIdT moId) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; CL_FUNC_ENTER(); rc = _clCorObjectWalk(&moId, NULL, _corObjSubtreeDelete, CL_COR_MO_SUBTREE_WALK, 0); if (rc != CL_OK) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_DEBUG, "CLI", "OBT", "Failed to walk the object tree. rc [0x%x]", rc); CL_FUNC_EXIT(); return rc; } CL_FUNC_EXIT(); return CL_OK; }
static ClRcT gmsLeaderElect ( CL_IN ClUint32T argc, CL_IN ClCharT** argv, CL_OUT ClCharT** ret) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; ClGmsClusterLeaderElectRequestT req = {0}; ClGmsClusterLeaderElectResponseT res = {0}; /* Allocate maximum possible */ *ret = clHeapAllocate(1020); if( *ret == NULL ){ clLog (ERROR,GEN,NA, "Memory allocation failed"); return CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY; } memset(*ret,0,1020); if (argc != 2) { _clGmsCliMakeError( ret, LEADER_ELECT_USAGE ); return CL_OK; } req.gmsHandle = 0; req.preferredLeaderNode = atoi(argv[1]); req.clientVersion = gmsGlobalInfo.config.versionsSupported.versionsSupported[0] ; rc = clGmsClusterLeaderElectHandler(&req, &res); if ((rc != CL_OK) && (rc != CL_ERR_ALREADY_EXIST)) { _clGmsCliPrint(ret, "ClusterLeaderElect failed with rc 0x%x \n",rc); return rc; } if (rc == CL_ERR_ALREADY_EXIST) { _clGmsCliPrint(ret, "Node [%d] is already the leader node\n",req.preferredLeaderNode); } _clGmsCliPrint(ret, "New leader = %d\nNew Deputy = %d\nLeadership Changed = %s\n", res.leader,res.deputy,(res.leadershipChanged == CL_TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); return CL_OK; }
static ClCharT* _clTxnCmdNameGet(ClUint32T cmd) { switch(cmd) { case CL_TXN_CMD_PREPARE: return "PREPARE"; case CL_TXN_CMD_1PC_COMMIT: return "1PC COMMIT"; case CL_TXN_CMD_2PC_COMMIT: return "2PC COMMIT"; case CL_TXN_CMD_ROLLBACK: return "ROLLBACK"; default: clLog(CL_DEBUG_ERROR, "AGT", NULL, "Cannot find valid cmd corresponding to [%d]", cmd); return "INVALID"; } }
void _clGmsLoadUserAlgorithm(const ClUint32T groupid , char* const pluginPath) { const ClGmsLeaderElectionAlgorithmT algorithm = NULL; /* load the plugin in to process address space */ pluginHandle = dlopen(pluginPath, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL ); if(pluginHandle == NULL) { clLogMultiline(ERROR,GEN,NA, "Unable to open the leader election plugin :[%s]," "reason: [%s] ",pluginPath,dlerror() ); return; } /* Get the algorithm from the plugin */ *(void**)&algorithm =dlsym( pluginHandle, LEADER_ELECTION_ALGORITHM); if(algorithm == NULL) { clLog(ERROR,GEN,NA, "Unable to find the algorithm in plugin:[%s] %s", pluginPath,dlerror()); dlclose(pluginHandle); return; } /* Store the algorithm handle in the groups slot of the GmsConfiguration * structure */ clLogMultiline (INFO,GEN,NA, "Group [%d] is using [%s] for leader election; Loaded from [%s]", groupid, LEADER_ELECTION_ALGORITHM, pluginPath); gmsGlobalInfo.config.leaderAlgDb[groupid] = algorithm; return; }
void _corObjSubtreeDelete(void * pMoId, ClBufferHandleT buffer) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; ClCorMOIdT moId; CL_FUNC_ENTER(); moId = *(ClCorMOIdT *) pMoId; clCorMoIdServiceSet(&moId, CL_COR_INVALID_SVC_ID); rc = clCorUtilMoAndMSODelete(&moId); if (rc != CL_OK) { clLog(CL_LOG_SEV_DEBUG, "CLI", "OBT", "Failed to delete Mo and Mso objects. rc [0x%x]", rc); CL_FUNC_EXIT(); return; } CL_FUNC_EXIT(); return; }
ClRcT clSnmpnameTableIndexCorAttrGet(ClPtrT pInst, ClPtrT pCorAttrValueDescList) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; ClSNMPRequestInfoT *pReqInfo = (ClSNMPRequestInfoT *) pInst; ClAlarmUtilTlvInfoT indexTlvList = {0}; ClCorAttrValueDescriptorListPtrT pAttrDescList = (ClCorAttrValueDescriptorListPtrT) pCorAttrValueDescList; ClCorAttrValueDescriptorPtrT pAttrDescriptor = NULL; ClAlarmUtilTlvT * pTlv = NULL; ClUint32T count = 0; if(pInst == NULL || pCorAttrValueDescList == NULL) { clLog(CL_LOG_ERROR, CL_SNMP_AREA, CL_SNMP_GEN_OP_COTX, "NULL arguments received!"); return CL_ERR_NULL_POINTER; } rc = clSnmpnameTableIndexTlvGet(&(pReqInfo->index.nameTableInfo), &indexTlvList); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLog(CL_LOG_ERROR, CL_SNMP_AREA, CL_SNMP_GEN_OP_COTX, "clSnmpnameTableIndexTlvGet returned error rc : [0x%x]", (ClUint32T)rc); return rc; } pAttrDescList->numOfDescriptor = 1; pAttrDescList->pAttrDescriptor = (ClCorAttrValueDescriptorT *) clHeapAllocate(1 * sizeof(ClCorAttrValueDescriptorT)); pAttrDescriptor = pAttrDescList->pAttrDescriptor; if(pAttrDescriptor == NULL) { rc = CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY; } if(CL_OK == rc) { for(count = 0; count < pAttrDescList->numOfDescriptor; count++) { ClCorAttrValueDescriptorT * pAttrDesc = pAttrDescriptor + count; pTlv = (indexTlvList.pTlv) + count; pAttrDesc->pAttrPath = nameTableIndexCorAttrIdList[count].pAttrPath; pAttrDesc->attrId = nameTableIndexCorAttrIdList[count].attrId; pAttrDesc->index = -1; pAttrDesc->pJobStatus = (ClCorJobStatusT *)clHeapAllocate(sizeof(ClCorJobStatusT)); if(pAttrDesc->pJobStatus == NULL) { rc = CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } pAttrDesc->bufferSize = pTlv->length; pAttrDesc->bufferPtr = clHeapAllocate(pAttrDesc->bufferSize); if(pAttrDesc->bufferPtr == NULL) { rc = CL_ERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } memcpy(pAttrDesc->bufferPtr, pTlv->value, pAttrDesc->bufferSize); } } /* CLEAN UP */ { if(rc != CL_OK && pAttrDescriptor != NULL) { for(count = 0; count < pAttrDescList->numOfDescriptor; count++) { ClCorAttrValueDescriptorT * pAttrDesc = pAttrDescriptor + count; clHeapFree(pAttrDesc->pJobStatus); clHeapFree(pAttrDesc->bufferPtr); } } for(count = 0; count < indexTlvList.numTlvs; count++) { pTlv = (indexTlvList.pTlv) + count; clHeapFree(pTlv->value); } clHeapFree(indexTlvList.pTlv); indexTlvList.pTlv = NULL; } return CL_OK; }