Ejemplo n.º 1
t_plugtastic* plugtastic_new()
	t_plugtastic*	self = (t_plugtastic*)(object_alloc(sPlugtasticClass));
	t_atom			a;
	t_class*		c;
	t_object*		p;

	c = class_findbyname(_sym_box, _sym_forward);
	if (!c) {
		p = (t_object*)newinstance(_sym_forward, 0, NULL);
		if (p) {
			c = class_findbyname(_sym_box, _sym_forward);
			p = NULL;
	atom_setsym(&a, GENSYM("plugtastic_extra_toggle"));
	self->forward = (t_object*)object_new_typed(CLASS_BOX, _sym_forward, 1, &a);
	self->openSplash = &sPlugtasticSplash;
	a.a_type = 0;
	preferences_getatomforkey(GENSYM("plugtastic_splash"), &a);
	if (a.a_type)
		*self->openSplash = atom_getlong(&a);
	return self;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Load an external for internal use
t_max_err loadextern(t_symbol *objectname, long argc, t_atom *argv, t_object **object)
	t_class 	*c = NULL;
	t_object	*p = NULL;
	c = class_findbyname(_sym_box, objectname);
	if (!c) {
		p = (t_object*)newinstance(objectname, 0, NULL);
			c = class_findbyname(_sym_box, objectname);
			p = NULL;
			error("could not load extern (%s) within the oscar extension", objectname->s_name);
			return MAX_ERR_GENERIC;
	if (*object != NULL) {			// if there was an object set previously, free it first...
		*object = NULL;
	*object = (t_object*)object_new_typed(_sym_box, objectname, argc, argv);
	return MAX_ERR_NONE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Load an external for internal use
// returns true if successful
bool jamoma_loadextern(t_symbol *objectname, long argc, t_atom *argv, t_object **object)
	t_class 	*c = NULL;
	t_object	*p = NULL;
	c = class_findbyname(jps_box, objectname);
	if (!c) {
		p = (t_object *)newinstance(objectname, 0, NULL);
		if (p) {
			c = class_findbyname(jps_box, objectname);
			p = NULL;
		else {
			error("jamoma: could not load extern (%s) within the core", objectname->s_name);
			return false;
	if (*object != NULL) {			// if there was an object set previously, free it first...
		*object = NULL;
	*object = (t_object *)object_new_typed(CLASS_BOX, objectname, argc, argv);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void load_bundle(t_symbol *realname, t_symbol *diskname)
	void *c, *p;
	c = (void *)class_findbyname(gensym("jitter"),realname);
	if (!c) {
		if (p=newinstance(diskname,0,NULL)) { 
			c = (void *)class_findbyname(gensym("jitter"),realname);
			p = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(void)
	t_class *c;

	c = class_new("hoa.connect", (method)connect_new, (method)connect_free, (short)sizeof(t_connect), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)connect_notify,				"notify",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)connect_bang,				"bang",			A_CANT,	0);
	// defaults don't work with non-UI objects (an optimization)
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY(c, "poscolor", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "poscolor", 0, t_connect, f_colorPositiv);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "poscolor", NULL, connect_setattr_poscolor);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c, "poscolor", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY(c, "negcolor", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "negcolor", 0, t_connect, f_colorNegativ);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "negcolor", NULL, connect_setattr_negcolor);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c, "poscolor", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY(c, "planecolor", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c, "planecolor", 0, t_connect, f_colorPlane);
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "planecolor", NULL, connect_setattr_planecolor);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c, "poscolor", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	connect_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.binaural~", (method)HoaBinaural_new, (method)HoaBinaural_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaBinaural), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaBinaural_dsp,			"dsp",		A_CANT,		0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaBinaural_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT,		0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaBinaural_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT,		0);
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c,"pinnasize", 0,      t_HoaBinaural, f_pinna_size);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c,"pinnasize", NULL,   HoaBinaural_set_pinnasize);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"pinnasize", 0,      "Pinna Size");
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c,"pinnasize", 0,      "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c,"pinnasize", 0,      "small large");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT          (c,"pinnasize", 0,      "small");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c,"pinnasize", 0,      "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c,"pinnasize", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaBinaural_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(void)

	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.encoder~", (method)HoaEncode_new, (method)HoaEncode_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaEncode), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaEncode_float,		"float",	A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaEncode_int,		"int",		A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaEncode_dsp,		"dsp",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaEncode_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaEncode_assist,	"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaEncode_class = c;

	if(class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.loader")) == NULL)
		if(postons == 0)
			postons = 1;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int C74_EXPORT main(void)

	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.optim~", (method)HoaOptim_new, (method)dsp_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaOptim), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaOptim_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaOptim_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM				(c, "optim", 0, t_HoaOptim, f_optim_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "optim", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "optim", 0, "Optimization");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c, "optim", 0, "basic maxRe inPhase");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "optim", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "optim", NULL, HoaOptim_optim);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "optim", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaOptim_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_BOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main(void)

	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.convolve~", (method)HoaConvolve_new, (method)HoaConvolve_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaConvolve), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dsp,			"dsp",		A_CANT,     0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT,     0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT,     0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_notify,		"notify",	A_CANT,     0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dblclick,    "dblclick", A_CANT,     0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_clear,       "clear",                0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "buffer",   0, t_HoaConvolve, f_name);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "buffer",   0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "buffer",   0, "buffer~ Object Name");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "buffer",   0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "buffer",   NULL, buffer_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "buffer",   0, "");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "buffer",   1);

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "channel",  0, t_HoaConvolve, f_channel);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "channel",  0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "channel",  0, "buffer~ Object Channel");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "channel",  0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "channel",  NULL, channel_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "channel",  0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "channel",  1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "dry",      0, t_HoaConvolve, f_dry);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "dry",      0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "dry",      0, "Dry value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "dry",      0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "dry",      NULL, dry_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "dry",      0, "0.");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "dry",      1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "wet",      0, t_HoaConvolve, f_wet);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "wet",      0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "wet",      0, "Wet value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "wet",      0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "wet",      NULL, wet_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "wet",      0, "1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "wet",      1);

	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaConvolve_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;

	c = class_new("hoa.dac~", (method)dac_new, (method)NULL, (short)sizeof(0), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	dac_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_BOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
Ejemplo n.º 11
int C74_EXPORT main(void)

	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.projector~", (method)HoaProjector_new, (method)dsp_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaProjector), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaProjector_dsp64,			"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaProjector_assist,			"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaProjector_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_BOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.restitution~", (method)HoaStereo_new, (method)HoaStereo_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaStereo), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaStereo_dsp,		"dsp",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaStereo_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaStereo_assist,	"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaStereo_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_BOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.delay~", (method)HoaDelay_new, (method)dsp_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaDelay), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaDelay_float,		"float",	A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaDelay_int,		"int",		A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaDelay_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaDelay_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "ramp", 0, t_HoaDelay, f_ramp_time);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "ramp", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "ramp", 0, "Ramp time (ms)");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "ramp", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "ramp", NULL, ramp_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "ramp", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "compensation", 0, t_HoaDelay, f_encoding_compensation);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "compensation", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL      (c, "compensation", 0, "onoff", "Encoding compensation")
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "compensation", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "compensation", NULL, comp_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "compensation", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "delay", 0, t_HoaDelay, f_delay);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "delay", 0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "delay", 0, "Delay time (ms)");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "delay", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "delay", NULL, delay_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "delay", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "diffusion", 0, t_HoaDelay, f_diffuse_factor);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "diffusion", 0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "diffusion", 0, "Diffusion factor");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "diffusion", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "diffusion", NULL, diff_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "diffusion", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaDelay_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int main(void)

	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.sixDotOne~", (method)HoaSevenDotOne_new, (method)dsp_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaSevenDotOne), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaSevenDotOne_dsp,			"dsp",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaSevenDotOne_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaSevenDotOne_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaSevenDotOne_infos,		"infos",	A_GIMME, 0);

	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaSevenDotOne_class = c;
	class_alias(c, gensym("hoa.6.1~"));
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("rev.width~", (method)stereoWidth_new, (method)stereoWidth_free, (long)sizeof(t_stereoWidth ), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stereoWidth_dsp,			"dsp",			A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stereoWidth_dsp64,		"dsp64",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stereoWidth_assist,		"assist",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stereoWidth_float,		"float",		A_FLOAT,0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)stereoWidth_int,			"int",			A_LONG, 0);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	stereoWidth_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_BOX, gensym("rev.freeverb~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
int main(void)

	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.convolve~", (method)HoaConvolve_new, (method)HoaConvolve_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaConvolve), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_float,		"float",	A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_int,			"int",		A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dsp,			"dsp",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaConvolve_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "buffers", 0, t_HoaConvolve, f_name);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "buffers", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "buffers", 0, "buffer~ Object Name");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "buffers", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "buffers", NULL, buffer_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "buffers", 0, "");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "buffers", 1);

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "channels", 0, t_HoaConvolve, f_channel);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "channels", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "channels", 0, "buffer~ Object Channel");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "channels", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "channels", NULL, channel_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "channels", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "channels", 1);

	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaConvolve_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.recomposer~", (method)HoaRecomposer_new, (method)HoaRecomposer_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaRecomposer), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaRecomposer_dsp64,			"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaRecomposer_assist,		"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaRecomposer_angle,         "angles",    A_GIMME,0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaRecomposer_wide,          "directivities",     A_GIMME,0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaRecomposer_float,         "float",    A_FLOAT,0);
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c,"mode", 0, t_HoaRecomposer, f_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"mode", 0, "Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c,"mode", 0, "fixe fisheye free");
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c,"mode", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c,"mode", NULL, HoaRecomposer_set_attr_mode);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c,"mode", 0,  "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c,"mode", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c,"ramp", 0, t_HoaRecomposer, f_ramp_time);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"ramp", 0, "Ramp Time in milliseconds");
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c,"ramp", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c,"ramp", NULL, HoaRecomposer_ramp);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c,"ramp", 0,  "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c,"ramp", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	HoaRecomposer_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_BOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.freeverb~", (method)freeverb_new, (method)freeverb_free, (long)sizeof(t_freeverb ), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)freeverb_dsp,		"dsp",			A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)freeverb_dsp64,		"dsp64",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)freeverb_assist,		"assist",		A_CANT, 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT			(c, "size", 0, t_freeverb, f_size);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "size", 0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "size", 0, "Room size");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "size", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "size", NULL, size_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "size", 0, "0.5");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN		(c, "size", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "size", 1);

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT			(c, "damp", 0, t_freeverb, f_damp);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "damp", 0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "damp", 0, "Damping value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "damp", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "damp", NULL, damp_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "damp", 0, "0.5");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN		(c, "damp", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "damp", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT			(c, "dry", 0, t_freeverb, f_dry);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "dry", 0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "dry", 0, "Dry value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "dry", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "dry", NULL, dry_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "dry", 0, "0.");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN		(c, "dry", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "dry", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT			(c, "wet", 0, t_freeverb, f_wet);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "wet", 0, "Parameters");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "wet", 0, "Wet value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "wet", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "wet", NULL, wet_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "wet", 0, "1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN		(c, "wet", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "wet", 1);

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG				(c, "freeze", 0, t_freeverb, f_freeze);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "freeze", 0, "Behaviors");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL		(c, "freeze", 0, "onoff", "Freeze");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "freeze", NULL, freeze_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "freeze", 0, "0");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "freeze", 1);

	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	freeverb_class = c;
    class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.decoder~", (method)HoaDecode_new, (method)HoaDecode_free, (long)sizeof(t_HoaDecode), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaDecode_dsp64,		"dsp64",	A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)HoaDecode_assist,	"assist",	A_CANT, 0);
    /* Attribut Global */
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "mode", 0, t_HoaDecode, f_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "mode", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "mode", 0, "Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c, "mode", 0, "ambisonic binaural irregular");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "mode", NULL, configuration_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "mode", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "mode", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "channels", 0, t_HoaDecode, f_number_of_loudspeakers);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "channels", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "channels", 0, "Number of Loudspeakers");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "channels", NULL, loudspeakers_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "channels", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "channels", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_ALIAS            (c, "channels", "loudspeakers");
    CLASS_ATTR_ALIAS            (c, "channels", "ychannels");
    /* Binaural */
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "pinnaesize", 0, t_HoaDecode, f_pinna_size);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "pinnaesize", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "pinnaesize", 0, "Pinnae Size");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c, "pinnaesize", 0, "small large");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "pinnaesize", NULL, pinnaesize_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "pinnaesize", 0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "pinnaesize", 1);
    /* Irregular */
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE   (c, "angles", 0, t_HoaDecode, f_angles_of_loudspeakers, f_number_of_loudspeakers, MAX_SPEAKER);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "angles", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "angles", 0, "Angles of Loudspeakers");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "angles", NULL, angles_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "angles", 0, "5");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "angles", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_ALIAS            (c, "angles", "zchannels");
    CLASS_ATTR_SYM              (c, "restitution", 0, t_HoaDecode, f_resitution_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "restitution", 0, "Behavior");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL            (c, "restitution", 0, "Restitution Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUM             (c, "restitution", 0, "panning projection");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "restitution", NULL, restitution_set);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "restitution", 0, "6");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "restitution", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "autoconnect", 0, t_HoaDecode, f_send_config);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "autoconnect", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL      (c, "autoconnect", 0, "onoff", "Auto connection");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER            (c, "autoconnect", 0, "7");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "autoconnect", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);	
	HoaDecode_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_BOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
int C74_EXPORT main()
	t_class *c;

	c = class_new("hoa.scope~", (method)scope_new, (method)scope_free, (short)sizeof(t_scope), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);


	class_addmethod(c, (method)scope_dsp,			"dsp",			A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)scope_dsp64,			"dsp64",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)scope_assist,		"assist",		A_CANT,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)scope_paint,			"paint",		A_CANT,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)scope_notify,		"notify",		A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)scope_getdrawparams, "getdrawparams", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)scope_oksize,		"oksize",		A_CANT, 0);

	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "patching_rect", 0, "0 0 225 225");

    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "order", 0, t_scope, f_order);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS        (c, "order", (method)NULL,(method)scope_setattr_order);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "order", 0, "Value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "order", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "order", 0, "Ambisonic Order");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN		(c, "order", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "order", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "order", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "mode", 0, t_scope, f_process_mode);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "mode", 0, "Value");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX2       (c, "mode", 0, "Peak", "Average");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "mode", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "mode", 0, "Process Mode");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "mode", 0, "0");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "mode", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "bufsize", 0, t_scope, f_bufsize);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "bufsize", 0, "Value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "bufsize", 0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN		(c, "bufsize", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "bufsize", 0, "Buffer Size (in samps)");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "bufsize", 0, "128");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "bufsize", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG             (c, "interval", 0, t_scope, f_interval);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "interval", 0, "Value");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "interval", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "interval", 0, "Refresh Interval in Milliseconds");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN		(c, "interval", 20);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "interval", 0, "100");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "interval", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG		(c, "drawcircle", 0, t_scope, f_drawCircle);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "drawcircle", 0, "Appearance");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "drawcircle", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL		(c, "drawcircle", 0, "onoff", "Draw Circle");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "drawcircle", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "drawcircle", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG		(c, "drawangles", 0, t_scope, f_drawAngles);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "drawangles", 0, "Appearance");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "drawangles", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL		(c, "drawangles", 0, "onoff", "Draw Angles");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "drawangles", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "drawangles", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_ATOM_LONG		(c, "drawcontrib", 0, t_scope, f_drawContributions);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "drawcontrib", 0, "Appearance");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "drawcontrib", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL		(c, "drawcontrib", 0, "onoff", "Draw Contributions");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "drawcontrib", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "drawcontrib", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE		(c, "color", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE		(c, "textcolor", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA				(c, "bgcolor", 0, t_scope, f_colorBackground);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "bgcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE			(c, "bgcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "bgcolor", 0, "Background Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "bgcolor", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "bgcolor", 0, "0.76 0.76 0.76 1.");
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA				(c, "bordercolor", 0, t_scope, f_bordercolor);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "bordercolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE			(c, "bordercolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "bordercolor", 0, "Border Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "bordercolor", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "bordercolor", 0, "0.7 0.7 0.7 1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA				(c, "txcolor", 0, t_scope, f_colorText);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "txcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE			(c, "txcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "txcolor", 0, "Text Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "txcolor", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "txcolor", 0, "0. 0. 0. 7.");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA				(c, "phcolor", 0, t_scope, f_colorPositif);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "phcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE			(c, "phcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "phcolor", 0, "Positifs Harmonics");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "phcolor", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "phcolor", 0, "1. 0. 0. 1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA				(c, "nhcolor", 0, t_scope, f_colorNegatif);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "nhcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE			(c, "nhcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "nhcolor", 0, "Negatifs Harmonics");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "nhcolor", 0, "5");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "nhcolor", 0, "0. 0. 1. 1.");
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	scope_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
int main()
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.space", (method)space_new, (method)space_free, (short)sizeof(t_space), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);

	jbox_initclass(c, JBOX_COLOR | JBOX_FIXWIDTH);

	class_addmethod(c, (method)space_assist,          "assist",         A_CANT,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)space_paint,           "paint",          A_CANT,	0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)space_notify,          "notify",         A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)space_getdrawparams,   "getdrawparams",  A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)space_mouse_down,      "mousedown",      A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)space_mouse_drag,      "mousedrag",      A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)space_mouse_enddrag,   "mouseup",         A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)space_preset,          "preset",         0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)space_getvalueof,      "getvalueof",     A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)space_setvalueof,      "setvalueof",     A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)coefficients_set,      "list",           A_GIMME, 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT				(c, "patching_rect", 0, "0 0 225 225");
	CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE			(c, "color", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE			(c, "textcolor", 0);
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG					(c, "shadow", 0, t_space, f_shadow);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY				(c, "shadow", 0, "Appearance");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER				(c, "shadow", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL			(c, "shadow", 0, "onoff", "Draw Shadows");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT				(c, "shadow", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE					(c, "shadow", 1);

    CLASS_ATTR_LONG					(c, "nmics", 0, t_space, f_number_of_microphones);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY				(c, "nmics", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER				(c, "nmics", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL				(c, "nmics", 0, "Number of virtuals microphones");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS			(c, "nmics", NULL, number_of_microphones_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT				(c, "nmics", 0, "10");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE					(c, "nmics", 1);

    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_VARSIZE       (c, "coeffs", 0, t_space, f_microphonesValues, f_number_of_microphones, MAX_MICS);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "coeffs", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "coeffs", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "coeffs", 0, "Virtuals microphones coefficients");
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS			(c, "coeffs", NULL, coefficients_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "coeffs", 0, "666.");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "coeffs", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA					(c, "bgcolor", 0, t_space, f_color_background);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY				(c, "bgcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE				(c, "bgcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL				(c, "bgcolor", 0, "Background Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT	(c, "bgcolor", 0, "1. 1. 1. 1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA					(c, "circlecolor", 0, t_space, f_color_circle);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY				(c, "circlecolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE				(c, "circlecolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL				(c, "circlecolor", 0, "Circle Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT	(c, "circlecolor", 0, "0.6 0.6 0.6 1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA					(c, "harmocolor", 0, t_space, f_color_harmonics);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY				(c, "harmocolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE				(c, "harmocolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL				(c, "harmocolor", 0, "Harmonics color");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT	(c, "harmocolor", 0, "0. 0. 1. 0.25");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA					(c, "miccolor", 0, t_space, f_color_points);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY				(c, "miccolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE				(c, "miccolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL				(c, "miccolor", 0, "Virtuals microphones color");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT	(c, "miccolor", 0, "0. 0. 0. 1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA					(c, "cishadcolor", 0, t_space, f_color_circleShadow);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY				(c, "cishadcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE				(c, "cishadcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL				(c, "cishadcolor", 0, "Circle Shadow Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT	(c, "cishadcolor", 0, "1. 1. 1. 0.2");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA					(c, "cicolorin", 0, t_space, f_color_circleInner);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY				(c, "cicolorin", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL			(c, "cicolorin", 0, "rgba", "Circle Inner Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE		(c, "cicolorin", 0, "0.7 0.7 0.7 1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA					(c, "borderboxcolor", 0, t_space, f_color_border_box);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY				(c, "borderboxcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL			(c, "borderboxcolor", 0, "rgba", "Border Box Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE		(c, "borderboxcolor", 0, "0.5 0.5 0.5 1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER				(c, "bgcolor", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER				(c, "borderboxcolor", 0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER				(c, "cicolor", 0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER				(c, "cicolorin", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER				(c, "cishadcolor", 0, "5");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER				(c, "harmocolor", 0, "6");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER				(c, "miccolor", 0, "7");
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	space_class = c;
	class_findbyname(CLASS_NOBOX, gensym("hoa.encoder~"));
	return 0;