int rsDataGet( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataOprInp_t *dataOprInp, portalOprOut_t **portalOprOut ) { int status; int remoteFlag; int l3descInx; rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost; l3descInx = dataOprInp->srcL3descInx; if ( getValByKey( &dataOprInp->condInput, EXEC_LOCALLY_KW ) != NULL ) { remoteFlag = LOCAL_HOST; } else { rodsServerHost = FileDesc[l3descInx].rodsServerHost; if ( rodsServerHost == NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "rsDataGet: NULL rodsServerHost" ); return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } remoteFlag = rodsServerHost->localFlag; } if ( remoteFlag == LOCAL_HOST ) { status = _rsDataGet( rsComm, dataOprInp, portalOprOut ); } else { addKeyVal( &dataOprInp->condInput, EXEC_LOCALLY_KW, "" ); status = remoteDataGet( rsComm, dataOprInp, portalOprOut, rodsServerHost ); clearKeyVal( &dataOprInp->condInput ); } return status; }
int dataObjCreateByFusePath( rcComm_t *conn, char *path, int mode, char *irodsPath ) { dataObjInp_t dataObjInp; int status; memset( &dataObjInp, 0, sizeof( dataObjInp ) ); rstrcpy( dataObjInp.objPath, irodsPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); if ( strlen( MyRodsEnv.rodsDefResource ) > 0 ) { addKeyVal( &dataObjInp.condInput, RESC_NAME_KW, MyRodsEnv.rodsDefResource ); } addKeyVal( &dataObjInp.condInput, DATA_TYPE_KW, "generic" ); /* dataObjInp.createMode = DEF_FILE_CREATE_MODE; */ dataObjInp.createMode = mode; dataObjInp.openFlags = O_RDWR; dataObjInp.dataSize = -1; status = rcDataObjCreate( conn, &dataObjInp ); clearKeyVal( &dataObjInp.condInput ); return status; }
int _l3Open( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo, int mode, int flags ) { int l3descInx; fileOpenInp_t fileOpenInp; // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // extract the host location from the resource hierarchy std::string location; irods::error ret = irods::get_loc_for_hier_string( dataObjInfo->rescHier, location ); if ( !ret.ok() ) { irods::log( PASSMSG( "l3Open - failed in get_loc_for_hier_string", ret ) ); return -1; } memset( &fileOpenInp, 0, sizeof( fileOpenInp ) ); rstrcpy( fileOpenInp.resc_name_, dataObjInfo->rescName, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( fileOpenInp.resc_hier_, dataObjInfo->rescHier, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( fileOpenInp.objPath, dataObjInfo->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( fileOpenInp.addr.hostAddr, location.c_str(), NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( fileOpenInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); fileOpenInp.mode = mode; fileOpenInp.flags = flags; rstrcpy( fileOpenInp.in_pdmo, dataObjInfo->in_pdmo, MAX_NAME_LEN ); // kv passthru copyKeyVal( &dataObjInfo->condInput, &fileOpenInp.condInput ); l3descInx = rsFileOpen( rsComm, &fileOpenInp ); clearKeyVal( &fileOpenInp.condInput ); return l3descInx; }
int irods_reli_putfile ( const char *host, const char *path, const char *local_path ) { dataObjInp_t request; int result; struct irods_server *server = connect_to_host(host); if(!server) return -1; memset(&request,0,sizeof(request)); strcpy(request.objPath,path); request.numThreads = 0; // server chooses threads request.openFlags = O_CREAT|O_WRONLY; addKeyVal (&request.condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW, ""); addKeyVal (&request.condInput, ALL_KW, ""); debug(D_IRODS,"rcDataObjPut %s %s %s",host,path,local_path); result = rcDataObjPut(server->conn,&request,(char*)local_path); debug(D_IRODS,"= %d",result); clearKeyVal (&request.condInput); if(result<0) { errno = irods_reli_errno(result); return -1; } return 0; }
error call( plugin_context& _ctx, T1 _t1, T2 _t2, T3 _t3, T4 _t4, T5 _t5, T6 _t6, T7 _t7, T8 _t8, T9 _t9, T10 _t10, T11 _t11 ) { if ( operation_ ) { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // get vars from fco keyValPair_t kvp; bzero( &kvp, sizeof( kvp ) ); _ctx.fco()->get_re_vars( kvp ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // call the pre-rule for this op std::string pre_results; error ret = rule_exec_mgr_->exec_pre_op( _ctx.comm(), kvp, pre_results ); if ( !ret.ok() && ret.code() != SYS_RULE_NOT_FOUND ) { return PASS( ret ); } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // call the actual operation _ctx.rule_results( pre_results ); error op_err = ( *operation_ )( _ctx, _t1, _t2, _t3, _t4, _t5, _t6, _t7, _t8, _t9, _t10, _t11 ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // if the op failed, notify the post rule if ( !op_err.ok() ) { _ctx.rule_results( OP_FAILED ); } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // call the post-rule for this op std::string rule_results = _ctx.rule_results(); rule_exec_mgr_->exec_post_op( _ctx.comm(), kvp, rule_results ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // clean up kvp struct clearKeyVal( &kvp ); return op_err; } else { return ERROR( NULL_VALUE_ERR, "null resource operation." ); } } // operator() - T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11
/** * \fn rcExecMyRule( rcComm_t *conn, execMyRuleInp_t *execMyRuleInp, msParamArray_t **outParamArray ) * * \brief Execute my rule. * * \user client * * \ingroup rules * * \since 1.0 * * * \remark none * * \note none * * \param[in] conn - A rcComm_t connection handle to the server. * \param[in] execMyRuleInp * \param[out] outParamArray * * \return integer * \retval 0 on success. * \sideeffect none * \pre none * \post none * \sa none **/ int rcExecMyRule( rcComm_t *conn, execMyRuleInp_t *execMyRuleInp, msParamArray_t **outParamArray ) { int status = procApiRequest( conn, EXEC_MY_RULE_AN, execMyRuleInp, NULL, ( void ** )outParamArray, NULL ); while ( status == SYS_SVR_TO_CLI_MSI_REQUEST ) { /* it is a server request */ msParam_t *myParam = NULL, *putParam = NULL; if ( ( myParam = putParam = getMsParamByLabel( *outParamArray, CL_PUT_ACTION ) ) || ( myParam = getMsParamByLabel( *outParamArray, CL_GET_ACTION ) ) ) { //putParam is non-null if it's a put, null if it's a get dataObjInp_t * dataObjInp = ( dataObjInp_t * ) myParam->inOutStruct; char * locFilePath; char myDir[MAX_NAME_LEN], myFile[MAX_NAME_LEN]; // locFilePath should be the return of getValByKey if it exists, // otherwise use the filename from splitPathByKey if ( ( locFilePath = getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, LOCAL_PATH_KW ) ) || ( ( status = splitPathByKey( dataObjInp->objPath, myDir, MAX_NAME_LEN, myFile, MAX_NAME_LEN, '/' ) ) >= 0 && ( locFilePath = ( char * ) myFile ) ) ) { status = putParam ? rcDataObjPut( conn, dataObjInp, locFilePath ) : rcDataObjGet( conn, dataObjInp, locFilePath ); rcOprComplete( conn, status ); } else { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "rcExecMyRule: splitPathByKey for %s error", dataObjInp->objPath ); rcOprComplete( conn, USER_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ); } clearKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput ); } else { rcOprComplete( conn, SYS_SVR_TO_CLI_MSI_NO_EXIST ); } /* free outParamArray */ clearMsParamArray( *outParamArray, 1 ); free( *outParamArray ); *outParamArray = NULL; /* read the reply from the earlier call */ status = branchReadAndProcApiReply( conn, EXEC_MY_RULE_AN, ( void ** )outParamArray, NULL ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLogError( LOG_DEBUG, status, "rcExecMyRule: readAndProcApiReply failed. status = %d", status ); } } return status; }
/* resolveDataObjReplStatus - a dirty copy may be deleted leaving no * dirty copy. In that case, pick the newest copy and mark it dirty */ int resolveDataObjReplStatus( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjUnlinkInp ) { int status; dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfoHead = NULL; dataObjInfo_t *newestDataObjInfo = NULL; dataObjInfo_t *tmpDataObjInfo; if ( getValByKey( &dataObjUnlinkInp->condInput, RESC_NAME_KW ) == NULL && getValByKey( &dataObjUnlinkInp->condInput, REPL_NUM_KW ) == NULL ) { return 0; } status = getDataObjInfo( rsComm, dataObjUnlinkInp, &dataObjInfoHead, ACCESS_DELETE_OBJECT, 1 ); if ( status < 0 ) { return status; } tmpDataObjInfo = dataObjInfoHead; while ( tmpDataObjInfo != NULL ) { if ( tmpDataObjInfo->replStatus == 0 ) { if ( newestDataObjInfo == NULL ) { newestDataObjInfo = tmpDataObjInfo; } else if ( atoi( tmpDataObjInfo->dataModify ) > atoi( newestDataObjInfo->dataModify ) ) { newestDataObjInfo = tmpDataObjInfo; } } else { newestDataObjInfo = NULL; break; } tmpDataObjInfo = tmpDataObjInfo->next; } /* modify the repl status */ if ( newestDataObjInfo != NULL ) { keyValPair_t regParam; char tmpStr[MAX_NAME_LEN]; modDataObjMeta_t modDataObjMetaInp; memset( ®Param, 0, sizeof( regParam ) ); memset( &modDataObjMetaInp, 0, sizeof( modDataObjMetaInp ) ); snprintf( tmpStr, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%d", NEWLY_CREATED_COPY ); addKeyVal( ®Param, REPL_STATUS_KW, tmpStr ); modDataObjMetaInp.dataObjInfo = newestDataObjInfo; modDataObjMetaInp.regParam = ®Param; status = rsModDataObjMeta( rsComm, &modDataObjMetaInp ); clearKeyVal( ®Param ); } freeAllDataObjInfo( dataObjInfoHead ); return status; }
/** * \fn msiPropertiesClear( msParam_t *listParam, ruleExecInfo_t *rei ) * * \brief Clear a property list * * \module properties * * \since pre-2.1 * * \author David R. Nadeau / University of California, San Diego * \date 2007 * * \usage See clients/icommands/test/rules3.0/ * * \param[in,out] listParam - a KeyValPair_MS_T, the property list to clear * \param[in,out] rei - The RuleExecInfo structure that is automatically * handled by the rule engine. The user does not include rei as a * parameter in the rule invocation. * * \DolVarDependence none * \DolVarModified none * \iCatAttrDependence none * \iCatAttrModified none * \sideeffect property list is cleared * * \return integer * \retval 0 on success * \pre none * \post none * \sa none **/ int msiPropertiesClear( msParam_t *listParam, ruleExecInfo_t *rei ) { RE_TEST_MACRO( " Calling msiPropertiesClear" ); /* Check parameters */ if ( strcmp( listParam->type, KeyValPair_MS_T ) != 0 ) return USER_PARAM_TYPE_ERR; /* Clear list */ clearKeyVal( (keyValPair_t*)listParam->inOutStruct ); return 0; }
int _rsNcGetVarsByTypeForObj( rsComm_t *rsComm, ncGetVarInp_t *ncGetVarInp, ncGetVarOut_t **ncGetVarOut ) { int remoteFlag; rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost = NULL; int l1descInx; ncGetVarInp_t myNcGetVarInp; int status = 0; l1descInx = ncGetVarInp->ncid; l1desc_t& my_desc = irods::get_l1desc( l1descInx ); if ( my_desc.remoteZoneHost != NULL ) { myNcGetVarInp = *ncGetVarInp; myNcGetVarInp.ncid = my_desc.remoteL1descInx; /* cross zone operation */ status = rcNcGetVarsByType( my_desc.remoteZoneHost->conn, &myNcGetVarInp, ncGetVarOut ); } else { remoteFlag = resoAndConnHostByDataObjInfo( rsComm, my_desc.dataObjInfo, &rodsServerHost ); if ( remoteFlag < 0 ) { return ( remoteFlag ); } else if ( remoteFlag == LOCAL_HOST ) { status = _rsNcGetVarsByType( my_desc.l3descInx, ncGetVarInp, ncGetVarOut ); if ( status < 0 ) { return status; } } else { /* execute it remotely */ myNcGetVarInp = *ncGetVarInp; myNcGetVarInp.ncid = my_desc.l3descInx; addKeyVal( &myNcGetVarInp.condInput, NATIVE_NETCDF_CALL_KW, "" ); status = rcNcGetVarsByType( rodsServerHost->conn, &myNcGetVarInp, ncGetVarOut ); clearKeyVal( &myNcGetVarInp.condInput ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsNcGetVarsByType: rcNcGetVarsByType %d for %s error, status = %d", my_desc.l3descInx, my_desc.dataObjInfo->objPath, status ); return ( status ); } } } return status; }
int irodsUnlink (const char *path) { dataObjInp_t dataObjInp; int status; iFuseConn_t *iFuseConn = NULL; rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "irodsUnlink: %s", path); memset (&dataObjInp, 0, sizeof (dataObjInp)); status = parseRodsPathStr ((char *) (path + 1) , &MyRodsEnv, dataObjInp.objPath); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "irodsUnlink: parseRodsPathStr of %s error", path); /* use ENOTDIR for this type of error */ return -ENOTDIR; } addKeyVal (&dataObjInp.condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW, ""); getAndUseIFuseConn (&iFuseConn, &MyRodsEnv); status = rcDataObjUnlink (iFuseConn->conn, &dataObjInp); if (status >= 0) { #ifdef CACHE_FUSE_PATH pathNotExist ((char *) path); #endif status = 0; } else { if (isReadMsgError (status)) { ifuseReconnect (iFuseConn); status = rcDataObjUnlink (iFuseConn->conn, &dataObjInp); } if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "irodsUnlink: rcDataObjUnlink of %s error", path); status = -ENOENT; } } unuseIFuseConn (iFuseConn); clearKeyVal (&dataObjInp.condInput); return (status); }
/** * \fn msiNcOpenGroup (msParam_t *rootNcidParam, msParam_t *fullGrpNameParam, msParam_t *outParam, ruleExecInfo_t *rei) * \brief Open a fully qualified group name and get the group id. nc_inq_grp_full_ncid is called to get the grpncid * \module core * * \since 3.2 * * \author Mike Wan * \date 2012 * * \usage See clients/icommands/test/rules3.0/netcdfTest1.r, netcdfTest2.r and netcdfTest3.r. * \param[in] rootNcidParam - An INT_MS_T containing the rootNcid. * \param[in] fullGrpNameParam - A STR_MS_T containing the full group name * \param[out] outParam - An INT_MS_T containing the group ncid * **/ int msiNcOpenGroup (msParam_t *rootNcidParam, msParam_t *fullGrpNameParam, msParam_t *outParam, ruleExecInfo_t *rei) { rsComm_t *rsComm; ncOpenInp_t ncOpenInp; int *grpNcid = NULL; RE_TEST_MACRO (" Calling msiNcOpenGroup") if (rei == NULL || rei->rsComm == NULL) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "msiNcOpenGroup: input rei or rsComm is NULL"); return (SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR); } rsComm = rei->rsComm; bzero (&ncOpenInp, sizeof (ncOpenInp)); if (rootNcidParam == NULL) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "msiNcOpenGroup: input rootNcidParam is NULL"); return (SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR); } ncOpenInp.rootNcid = parseMspForPosInt (rootNcidParam); if (strcmp (fullGrpNameParam->type, STR_MS_T) == 0) { rstrcpy (ncOpenInp.objPath, (char*)fullGrpNameParam->inOutStruct, MAX_NAME_LEN); } else { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "msiNcOpenGroup: Unsupported input fullGrpNameParam type %s", fullGrpNameParam->type); return (USER_PARAM_TYPE_ERR); } rei->status = irods::server_api_call ( NC_OPEN_GROUP_AN, rsComm, &ncOpenInp, &grpNcid); clearKeyVal (&ncOpenInp.condInput); if (rei->status >= 0) { fillIntInMsParam (outParam, *grpNcid); free (grpNcid); } else { rodsLogAndErrorMsg (LOG_ERROR, &rsComm->rError, rei->status, "msiNcOpenGroup: api call to ncOpenGroup failed for rootNcid %d, status = %d", ncOpenInp.rootNcid, rei->status); } return (rei->status); }
int filePathRegRepl (rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *phyPathRegInp, char *filePath, rescInfo_t *rescInfo) { dataObjInfo_t destDataObjInfo, *dataObjInfoHead = NULL; regReplica_t regReplicaInp; char *rescGroupName = NULL; int status; status = getDataObjInfo (rsComm, phyPathRegInp, &dataObjInfoHead, ACCESS_READ_OBJECT, 0); if (status < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "filePathRegRepl: getDataObjInfo for %s", phyPathRegInp->objPath); return (status); } status = sortObjInfoForOpen (rsComm, &dataObjInfoHead, NULL, 0); if (status < 0) return status; destDataObjInfo = *dataObjInfoHead; rstrcpy (destDataObjInfo.filePath, filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN); destDataObjInfo.rescInfo = rescInfo; rstrcpy (destDataObjInfo.rescName, rescInfo->rescName, NAME_LEN); if ((rescGroupName = getValByKey (&phyPathRegInp->condInput, RESC_GROUP_NAME_KW)) != NULL) { rstrcpy (destDataObjInfo.rescGroupName, rescGroupName, NAME_LEN); } memset (®ReplicaInp, 0, sizeof (regReplicaInp)); regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo = dataObjInfoHead; regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo = &destDataObjInfo; if (getValByKey (&phyPathRegInp->condInput, SU_CLIENT_USER_KW) != NULL) { addKeyVal (®ReplicaInp.condInput, SU_CLIENT_USER_KW, ""); addKeyVal (®ReplicaInp.condInput, IRODS_ADMIN_KW, ""); } else if (getValByKey (&phyPathRegInp->condInput, IRODS_ADMIN_KW) != NULL) { addKeyVal (®ReplicaInp.condInput, IRODS_ADMIN_KW, ""); } status = rsRegReplica (rsComm, ®ReplicaInp); clearKeyVal (®ReplicaInp.condInput); freeAllDataObjInfo (dataObjInfoHead); return status; }
int irods_reli_rmdir ( const char *host, const char *path ) { collInp_t request; int result; /* Note that an irods rmdir will fail silently if you attempt to remove a non-directory. So, first we must examine the type and fail explicitly if it is not a dir. */ struct pfs_stat info; result = irods_reli_stat(host,path,&info); if(result<0) return result; if(!S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)) { errno = EISDIR; return -1; } struct irods_server *server = connect_to_host(host); if(!server) return -1; memset(&request,0,sizeof(request)); strcpy(request.collName,path); addKeyVal (&request.condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW, ""); debug(D_IRODS,"rcRmColl %s %s",host,path); result = rcRmColl(server->conn,&request,0); debug(D_IRODS,"= %d",result); clearKeyVal (&request.condInput); if(result<0) { errno = irods_reli_errno(result); return -1; } return result; }
int irodsRmdir (const char *path) { collInp_t collInp; int status; iFuseConn_t *iFuseConn = NULL; rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "irodsRmdir: %s", path); memset (&collInp, 0, sizeof (collInp)); status = parseRodsPathStr ((char *) (path + 1) , &MyRodsEnv, collInp.collName); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "irodsRmdir: parseRodsPathStr of %s error", path); /* use ENOTDIR for this type of error */ return -ENOTDIR; } addKeyVal (&collInp.condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW, ""); getAndUseIFuseConn (&iFuseConn, &MyRodsEnv); RECONNECT_IF_NECESSARY(status, iFuseConn, rcRmColl (iFuseConn->conn, &collInp, 0)); if (status >= 0) { #ifdef CACHE_FUSE_PATH pathNotExist ((char *) path); #endif status = 0; } else { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "irodsRmdir: rcRmColl of %s error", path); status = -ENOENT; } unuseIFuseConn (iFuseConn); clearKeyVal (&collInp.condInput); return (status); }
int _rsNcInqIdDataObj( rsComm_t *rsComm, ncInqIdInp_t *ncInqIdInp, int **outId ) { int remoteFlag; rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost = NULL; int l1descInx; ncInqIdInp_t myNcInqIdInp; int status = 0; l1descInx = ncInqIdInp->ncid; l1desc_t& my_desc = irods::get_l1desc( l1descInx ); remoteFlag = resoAndConnHostByDataObjInfo( rsComm, my_desc.dataObjInfo, &rodsServerHost ); if ( remoteFlag < 0 ) { return ( remoteFlag ); } else if ( remoteFlag == LOCAL_HOST ) { status = _rsNcInqId( ncInqIdInp->paramType, my_desc.l3descInx, ncInqIdInp->name, outId ); if ( status < 0 ) { return status; } } else { /* execute it remotely */ bzero( &myNcInqIdInp, sizeof( myNcInqIdInp ) ); myNcInqIdInp.paramType = ncInqIdInp->paramType; myNcInqIdInp.ncid = my_desc.l3descInx; rstrcpy(, ncInqIdInp->name, MAX_NAME_LEN ); addKeyVal( &myNcInqIdInp.condInput, NATIVE_NETCDF_CALL_KW, "" ); status = rcNcInqId( rodsServerHost->conn, &myNcInqIdInp, outId ); clearKeyVal( &myNcInqIdInp.condInput ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsNcInqIdDataObj: rcNcInqId %d for %s error, status = %d", my_desc.l3descInx, my_desc.dataObjInfo->objPath, status ); return ( status ); } } return status; }
int readAggInfo (rsComm_t *rsComm, char *aggColl, keyValPair_t *condInput, ncAggInfo_t **ncAggInfo) { int status; dataObjInp_t dataObjInp; bytesBuf_t packedBBuf; portalOprOut_t *portalOprOut = NULL; bzero (&dataObjInp, sizeof (dataObjInp)); bzero (&packedBBuf, sizeof (packedBBuf)); if (condInput != NULL) replKeyVal (condInput, &dataObjInp.condInput); snprintf (dataObjInp.objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", aggColl, NC_AGG_INFO_FILE_NAME); dataObjInp.oprType = GET_OPR; status = rsDataObjGet (rsComm, &dataObjInp, &portalOprOut, &packedBBuf); clearKeyVal (&dataObjInp.condInput); if (portalOprOut != NULL) free (portalOprOut); if (status < 0) { if (status == CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND) status = NETCDF_AGG_INFO_FILE_ERR; rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "readAggInfo: rsDataObjGet error for %s", dataObjInp.objPath); return status; } status = unpackStruct (packedBBuf.buf, (void **) ncAggInfo, "NcAggInfo_PI", RodsPackTable, XML_PROT); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "readAggInfo: unpackStruct error for %s", dataObjInp.objPath); return NETCDF_AGG_INFO_FILE_ERR; } if (*ncAggInfo == NULL || (*ncAggInfo)->numFiles == 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "readAggInfo: No ncAggInfo for %s", dataObjInp.objPath); return NETCDF_AGG_INFO_FILE_ERR; } return status; }
int svrRegDataObj( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo ) { int status; rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost = NULL; if ( dataObjInfo->specColl != NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "svrRegDataObj: Reg path %s is in spec coll", dataObjInfo->objPath ); return SYS_REG_OBJ_IN_SPEC_COLL; } status = getAndConnRcatHost( rsComm, MASTER_RCAT, ( const char* )dataObjInfo->objPath, &rodsServerHost ); if ( status < 0 || NULL == rodsServerHost ) { // JMC cppcheck - nullptr return status; } if ( rodsServerHost->localFlag == LOCAL_HOST ) { #ifdef RODS_CAT status = _rsRegDataObj( rsComm, dataObjInfo ); #else status = SYS_NO_RCAT_SERVER_ERR; #endif } else { dataObjInfo_t *outDataObjInfo = NULL; status = rcRegDataObj( rodsServerHost->conn, dataObjInfo, &outDataObjInfo ); if ( status >= 0 && NULL != outDataObjInfo ) { // JMC cppcheck - nullptr dataObjInfo->dataId = outDataObjInfo->dataId; clearKeyVal( &outDataObjInfo->condInput ); free( outDataObjInfo ); } } return status; }
int sendAndProcApiReply( rsComm_t * rsComm, int apiInx, int status, void * myOutStruct, bytesBuf_t * myOutBsBBuf ) { int retval; retval = sendApiReply( rsComm, apiInx, status, myOutStruct, myOutBsBBuf ); clearBBuf( myOutBsBBuf ); if ( myOutStruct != NULL ) { free( myOutStruct ); } freeRErrorContent( &rsComm->rError ); /* check for portal operation */ if ( rsComm->portalOpr != NULL ) { handlePortalOpr( rsComm ); clearKeyVal( &rsComm->portalOpr->dataOprInp.condInput ); free( rsComm->portalOpr ); rsComm->portalOpr = NULL; } return retval; }
int l3FilePutSingleBuf( rsComm_t *rsComm, int l1descInx, bytesBuf_t *dataObjInpBBuf ) { dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo; fileOpenInp_t filePutInp; int bytesWritten; dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp; int retryCnt = 0; int chkType = 0; // JMC - backport 4774 dataObjInfo = L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo; dataObjInp = L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInp; // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // extract the host location from the resource hierarchy std::string location; irods::error ret = irods::get_loc_for_hier_string( dataObjInfo->rescHier, location ); if ( !ret.ok() ) { irods::log( PASSMSG( "l3FilePutSingleBuf - failed in get_loc_for_hier_string", ret ) ); return -1; } if ( getStructFileType( dataObjInfo->specColl ) >= 0 ) { subFile_t subFile; memset( &subFile, 0, sizeof( subFile ) ); rstrcpy( subFile.subFilePath, dataObjInfo->subPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( subFile.addr.hostAddr, location.c_str(), NAME_LEN ); subFile.specColl = dataObjInfo->specColl; subFile.mode = getFileMode( dataObjInp ); subFile.flags = O_WRONLY | dataObjInp->openFlags; if ( ( L1desc[l1descInx].replStatus & OPEN_EXISTING_COPY ) != 0 ) { subFile.flags |= FORCE_FLAG; } bytesWritten = rsSubStructFilePut( rsComm, &subFile, dataObjInpBBuf ); return bytesWritten; } // struct file type >= 0 std::string prev_resc_hier; memset( &filePutInp, 0, sizeof( filePutInp ) ); rstrcpy( filePutInp.resc_hier_, dataObjInfo->rescHier, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( filePutInp.objPath, dataObjInp->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); if ( ( L1desc[l1descInx].replStatus & OPEN_EXISTING_COPY ) != 0 ) { filePutInp.otherFlags |= FORCE_FLAG; } rstrcpy( filePutInp.addr.hostAddr, location.c_str(), NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( filePutInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); filePutInp.mode = getFileMode( dataObjInp ); filePutInp.flags = O_WRONLY | dataObjInp->openFlags; rstrcpy( filePutInp.in_pdmo, L1desc[l1descInx].in_pdmo, MAX_NAME_LEN ); // kv pasthru copyKeyVal( &dataObjInfo->condInput, &filePutInp.condInput ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // JMC - backport 4774 chkType = getchkPathPerm( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInp, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo ); if ( chkType == DISALLOW_PATH_REG ) { clearKeyVal( &filePutInp.condInput ); return PATH_REG_NOT_ALLOWED; } else if ( chkType == NO_CHK_PATH_PERM ) { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- filePutInp.otherFlags |= NO_CHK_PERM_FLAG; // JMC - backport 4758 } filePutOut_t* put_out = 0; prev_resc_hier = filePutInp.resc_hier_; bytesWritten = rsFilePut( rsComm, &filePutInp, dataObjInpBBuf, &put_out ); // update the dataObjInfo with the potential changes made by the resource - hcj rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->rescHier, filePutInp.resc_hier_, MAX_NAME_LEN ); if ( put_out ) { rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->filePath, put_out->file_name, MAX_NAME_LEN ); free( put_out ); } /* file already exists ? */ while ( bytesWritten < 0 && retryCnt < 10 && ( filePutInp.otherFlags & FORCE_FLAG ) == 0 && getErrno( bytesWritten ) == EEXIST ) { if ( resolveDupFilePath( rsComm, dataObjInfo, dataObjInp ) < 0 ) { break; } rstrcpy( filePutInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); filePutOut_t* put_out = 0; bytesWritten = rsFilePut( rsComm, &filePutInp, dataObjInpBBuf, &put_out ); // update the dataObjInfo with the potential changes made by the resource - hcj rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->rescHier, filePutInp.resc_hier_, MAX_NAME_LEN ); if ( put_out ) { rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->filePath, put_out->file_name, MAX_NAME_LEN ); free( put_out ); } retryCnt ++; } // while clearKeyVal( &filePutInp.condInput ); return bytesWritten; } // l3FilePutSingleBuf
int _rsDataObjPut( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp, bytesBuf_t *dataObjInpBBuf, portalOprOut_t **portalOprOut ) { int status; int l1descInx; int retval; openedDataObjInp_t dataObjCloseInp; int allFlag; transferStat_t *transStat = NULL; dataObjInp_t replDataObjInp; if ( getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, ALL_KW ) != NULL ) { allFlag = 1; } else { allFlag = 0; } if ( getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, DATA_INCLUDED_KW ) != NULL ) { /* single buffer put */ status = l3DataPutSingleBuf( rsComm, dataObjInp, dataObjInpBBuf ); if ( status >= 0 && allFlag == 1 ) { /* update the rest of copies */ addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, UPDATE_REPL_KW, "" ); status = rsDataObjRepl( rsComm, dataObjInp, &transStat ); if ( transStat != NULL ) { free( transStat ); } } if ( status >= 0 ) { status = applyRuleForPostProcForWrite( rsComm, dataObjInpBBuf, dataObjInp->objPath ); if ( status >= 0 ) { status = 0; } } return status; } /* get down here. will do parallel I/O */ /* so that mmap will work */ dataObjInp->openFlags |= O_RDWR; l1descInx = rsDataObjCreate( rsComm, dataObjInp ); if ( l1descInx < 0 ) { return l1descInx; } L1desc[l1descInx].oprType = PUT_OPR; L1desc[l1descInx].dataSize = dataObjInp->dataSize; if ( getStructFileType( L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->specColl ) >= 0 ) { // JMC - backport 4682 *portalOprOut = ( portalOprOut_t * ) malloc( sizeof( portalOprOut_t ) ); bzero( *portalOprOut, sizeof( portalOprOut_t ) ); ( *portalOprOut )->l1descInx = l1descInx; return l1descInx; } status = preProcParaPut( rsComm, l1descInx, portalOprOut ); if ( status < 0 ) { memset( &dataObjCloseInp, 0, sizeof( dataObjCloseInp ) ); dataObjCloseInp.l1descInx = l1descInx; L1desc[l1descInx].oprStatus = status; rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp ); return status; } if ( allFlag == 1 ) { /* need to save dataObjInp. get freed in sendAndRecvBranchMsg */ memset( &replDataObjInp, 0, sizeof( replDataObjInp ) ); rstrcpy( replDataObjInp.objPath, dataObjInp->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); addKeyVal( &replDataObjInp.condInput, UPDATE_REPL_KW, "" ); addKeyVal( &replDataObjInp.condInput, ALL_KW, "" ); } /* return portalOprOut to the client and wait for the rcOprComplete * call. That is when the parallel I/O is done */ retval = sendAndRecvBranchMsg( rsComm, rsComm->apiInx, status, ( void * ) * portalOprOut, NULL ); if ( retval < 0 ) { memset( &dataObjCloseInp, 0, sizeof( dataObjCloseInp ) ); dataObjCloseInp.l1descInx = l1descInx; L1desc[l1descInx].oprStatus = retval; rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp ); if ( allFlag == 1 ) { clearKeyVal( &replDataObjInp.condInput ); } } else if ( allFlag == 1 ) { status = rsDataObjRepl( rsComm, &replDataObjInp, &transStat ); if ( transStat != NULL ) { free( transStat ); } clearKeyVal( &replDataObjInp.condInput ); } /* already send the client the status */ return SYS_NO_HANDLER_REPLY_MSG; }
int createPhyBundleDataObj( rsComm_t *rsComm, char *collection, const std::string& _resc_name, const char* rescHier, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp, // should be able to only use rescHier char* dataType ) { // JMC - backport 4658 int l1descInx; int status; /* XXXXXX We do bundle only with UNIX_FILE_TYPE for now */ if ( _resc_name.empty() ) { return SYS_INTERNAL_NULL_INPUT_ERR; } std::string type; irods::error err = irods::get_resource_property< std::string >( _resc_name, irods::RESOURCE_TYPE, type ); if ( !err.ok() ) { irods::log( PASS( err ) ); } do { int loopCnt = 0; bzero( dataObjInp, sizeof( dataObjInp_t ) ); while ( 1 ) { status = rsMkBundlePath( rsComm, collection, dataObjInp->objPath, getRandomInt() ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "createPhyBundleFile: getPhyBundlePath err for %s.stat = %d", collection, status ); return status; } /* check if BundlePath already existed */ if ( isData( rsComm, dataObjInp->objPath, NULL ) >= 0 ) { if ( loopCnt >= 100 ) { break; } else { loopCnt++; continue; } } else { break; } } if ( dataType != NULL && strstr( dataType, BUNDLE_STR ) != NULL ) { // JMC - backport 4658 addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, DATA_TYPE_KW, dataType ); } else { /* assume it is TAR_BUNDLE_DT_STR */ addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, DATA_TYPE_KW, TAR_BUNDLE_DT_STR ); } if ( rescHier != NULL ) { addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW, rescHier ); } if ( dataType != NULL && strstr( dataType, ZIP_DT_STR ) != NULL ) { // JMC - backport 4664 /* zipFile type. must end with .zip */ int len = strlen( dataObjInp->objPath ); if ( strcmp( &dataObjInp->objPath[len - 4], ".zip" ) != 0 ) { strcat( dataObjInp->objPath, ".zip" ); } } l1descInx = _rsDataObjCreateWithResc( rsComm, dataObjInp, _resc_name ); clearKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput ); } while ( l1descInx == OVERWRITE_WITHOUT_FORCE_FLAG ); if ( l1descInx >= 0 ) { l3Close( rsComm, l1descInx ); L1desc[l1descInx].l3descInx = 0; if ( dataType != NULL && strstr( dataType, ZIP_DT_STR ) != NULL ) { // JMC - backport 4664 l3Unlink( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo ); } } return l1descInx; }
int bundleAndRegSubFiles( rsComm_t *rsComm, int l1descInx, char *phyBunDir, char *collection, bunReplCacheHeader_t *bunReplCacheHeader, int chksumFlag ) { // JMC - backport 4528 int status; openedDataObjInp_t dataObjCloseInp; bunReplCache_t *tmpBunReplCache, *nextBunReplCache; regReplica_t regReplicaInp; dataObjInp_t dataObjUnlinkInp; keyValPair_t regParam; // JMC - backport 4528 modDataObjMeta_t modDataObjMetaInp; // JMC - backport 4528 int savedStatus = 0; bzero( &dataObjCloseInp, sizeof( dataObjCloseInp ) ); dataObjCloseInp.l1descInx = l1descInx; if ( bunReplCacheHeader->numSubFiles == 0 ) { bzero( &dataObjUnlinkInp, sizeof( dataObjUnlinkInp ) ); rstrcpy( dataObjUnlinkInp.objPath, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); dataObjUnlinkS( rsComm, &dataObjUnlinkInp, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo ); L1desc[l1descInx].bytesWritten = 0; rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp ); bzero( bunReplCacheHeader, sizeof( bunReplCacheHeader_t ) ); return 0; } status = phyBundle( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo, phyBunDir, collection, CREATE_TAR_OPR ); // JMC - backport 4643 if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "bundleAndRegSubFiles: rsStructFileSync of %s error. stat = %d", L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->objPath, status ); rmLinkedFilesInUnixDir( phyBunDir ); rmdir( phyBunDir ); rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp ); tmpBunReplCache = bunReplCacheHeader->bunReplCacheHead; while ( tmpBunReplCache != NULL ) { nextBunReplCache = tmpBunReplCache->next; free( tmpBunReplCache ); tmpBunReplCache = nextBunReplCache; // JMC - backport 4579 } bzero( bunReplCacheHeader, sizeof( bunReplCacheHeader_t ) ); return status; } else { /* mark it was written so the size would be adjusted */ L1desc[l1descInx].bytesWritten = 1; } /* now register a replica for each subfile */ tmpBunReplCache = bunReplCacheHeader->bunReplCacheHead; if ( tmpBunReplCache == NULL ) { rmdir( phyBunDir ); bzero( &dataObjUnlinkInp, sizeof( dataObjUnlinkInp ) ); rstrcpy( dataObjUnlinkInp.objPath, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); dataObjUnlinkS( rsComm, &dataObjUnlinkInp, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo ); L1desc[l1descInx].bytesWritten = 0; rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp ); bzero( bunReplCacheHeader, sizeof( bunReplCacheHeader_t ) ); return 0; } bzero( ®ReplicaInp, sizeof( regReplicaInp ) ); regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo = ( dataObjInfo_t* )malloc( sizeof( dataObjInfo_t ) ); regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo = ( dataObjInfo_t* )malloc( sizeof( dataObjInfo_t ) ); bzero( regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo, sizeof( dataObjInfo_t ) ); bzero( regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo, sizeof( dataObjInfo_t ) ); addKeyVal( ®ReplicaInp.condInput, ADMIN_KW, "" ); rstrcpy( regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->rescName, BUNDLE_RESC, NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->filePath, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->rescHier, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->rescHier, MAX_NAME_LEN ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // JMC - backport 4528 if ( chksumFlag != 0 ) { bzero( &modDataObjMetaInp, sizeof( modDataObjMetaInp ) ); bzero( ®Param, sizeof( regParam ) ); modDataObjMetaInp.dataObjInfo = regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo; modDataObjMetaInp.regParam = ®Param; } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- /* close here because dataObjInfo is still being used */ rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp ); while ( tmpBunReplCache != NULL ) { char subPhyPath[MAX_NAME_LEN]; nextBunReplCache = tmpBunReplCache->next; /* rm the hard link here */ snprintf( subPhyPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%lld", phyBunDir, tmpBunReplCache->dataId ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // JMC - backport 4528 if ( chksumFlag != 0 ) { status = fileChksum( rsComm, regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->filePath, subPhyPath, regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->rescHier, 0, tmpBunReplCache->chksumStr ); if ( status < 0 ) { savedStatus = status; rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "bundleAndRegSubFiles: fileChksum error for %s", tmpBunReplCache->objPath ); } } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- unlink( subPhyPath ); /* register the replica */ rstrcpy( regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo->objPath, tmpBunReplCache->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo->dataId = regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->dataId = tmpBunReplCache->dataId; regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo->replNum = tmpBunReplCache->srcReplNum; status = rsRegReplica( rsComm, ®ReplicaInp ); if ( status < 0 ) { savedStatus = status; rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "bundleAndRegSubFiles: rsRegReplica error for %s. stat = %d", tmpBunReplCache->objPath, status ); } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // JMC - backport 4528 if ( chksumFlag != 0 ) { addKeyVal( ®Param, CHKSUM_KW, tmpBunReplCache->chksumStr ); // avoid triggering file operations addKeyVal( ®Param, IN_PDMO_KW, "" ); status = rsModDataObjMeta( rsComm, &modDataObjMetaInp ); clearKeyVal( ®Param ); if ( status < 0 ) { savedStatus = status; rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "bundleAndRegSubFiles: rsModDataObjMeta error for %s.", tmpBunReplCache->objPath ); } } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- free( tmpBunReplCache ); tmpBunReplCache = nextBunReplCache; } clearKeyVal( ®ReplicaInp.condInput ); free( regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo ); free( regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo ); bzero( bunReplCacheHeader, sizeof( bunReplCacheHeader_t ) ); rmdir( phyBunDir ); if ( status >= 0 && savedStatus < 0 ) { return savedStatus; } else { return status; } }
int _rsPhyBundleColl( rsComm_t* rsComm, structFileExtAndRegInp_t* phyBundleCollInp, const char *_resc_name ) { collInp_t collInp; bzero( &collInp, sizeof( collInp ) ); rstrcpy( collInp.collName, phyBundleCollInp->collection, MAX_NAME_LEN ); collInp.flags = RECUR_QUERY_FG | VERY_LONG_METADATA_FG | NO_TRIM_REPL_FG; char* srcRescName = getValByKey( &phyBundleCollInp->condInput, RESC_NAME_KW ); if ( srcRescName != NULL ) { collInp.flags |= INCLUDE_CONDINPUT_IN_QUERY; addKeyVal( &collInp.condInput, RESC_NAME_KW, srcRescName ); } int handleInx = rsOpenCollection( rsComm, &collInp ); if ( handleInx < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "_rsPhyBundleColl: rsOpenCollection of %s error. status = %d", collInp.collName, handleInx ); return handleInx; } if ( CollHandle[handleInx].rodsObjStat->specColl != NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "_rsPhyBundleColl: unable to bundle special collection %s", collInp.collName ); rsCloseCollection( rsComm, &handleInx ); return 0; } /* create the bundle file */ char* dataType = getValByKey( &phyBundleCollInp->condInput, DATA_TYPE_KW ); // JMC - backport 4658 char* rescHier = getValByKey( &phyBundleCollInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW ); dataObjInp_t dataObjInp; int l1descInx = createPhyBundleDataObj( rsComm, phyBundleCollInp->collection, _resc_name, rescHier, &dataObjInp, dataType ); // JMC - backport 4658 if ( l1descInx < 0 ) { return l1descInx; } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // JMC - backport 4528 int chksumFlag = -1; if ( getValByKey( &phyBundleCollInp->condInput, VERIFY_CHKSUM_KW ) != NULL ) { L1desc[l1descInx].chksumFlag = VERIFY_CHKSUM; chksumFlag = 1; } else { chksumFlag = 0; } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // JMC - backport 4771 int maxSubFileCnt = -1; // JMC - backport 4528, 4771 if ( getValByKey( &phyBundleCollInp->condInput, MAX_SUB_FILE_KW ) != NULL ) { maxSubFileCnt = atoi( getValByKey( &phyBundleCollInp->condInput, MAX_SUB_FILE_KW ) ); } else { maxSubFileCnt = MAX_SUB_FILE_CNT; } rodsLong_t maxBunSize; if ( getValByKey( &phyBundleCollInp->condInput, MAX_BUNDLE_SIZE_KW ) != NULL ) { maxBunSize = atoi( getValByKey( &phyBundleCollInp->condInput, MAX_BUNDLE_SIZE_KW ) ) * OneGig; } else { maxBunSize = MAX_BUNDLE_SIZE * OneGig; } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- char phyBunDir[MAX_NAME_LEN]; createPhyBundleDir( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->filePath, phyBunDir, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->rescHier ); curSubFileCond_t curSubFileCond; bunReplCacheHeader_t bunReplCacheHeader; bzero( &bunReplCacheHeader, sizeof( bunReplCacheHeader ) ); bzero( &curSubFileCond, sizeof( curSubFileCond ) ); int status = -1; int savedStatus = 0; collEnt_t* collEnt = NULL; while ( ( status = rsReadCollection( rsComm, &handleInx, &collEnt ) ) >= 0 ) { if ( collEnt->objType == DATA_OBJ_T ) { if ( curSubFileCond.collName[0] == '\0' ) { /* a new dataObj. */ rstrcpy( curSubFileCond.collName, collEnt->collName, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( curSubFileCond.dataName, collEnt->dataName, MAX_NAME_LEN ); curSubFileCond.dataId = strtoll( collEnt->dataId, 0, 0 ); } else if ( strcmp( curSubFileCond.collName, collEnt->collName ) != 0 || strcmp( curSubFileCond.dataName, collEnt->dataName ) != 0 ) { /* a new file, need to handle the old one */ if ( bunReplCacheHeader.numSubFiles >= maxSubFileCnt || // JMC - backport 4771 bunReplCacheHeader.totSubFileSize + collEnt->dataSize > maxBunSize ) { /* bundle is full */ status = bundleAndRegSubFiles( rsComm, l1descInx, phyBunDir, phyBundleCollInp->collection, &bunReplCacheHeader, chksumFlag ); // JMC - backport 4528 if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "_rsPhyBundleColl:bunAndRegSubFiles err for %s,stst=%d", phyBundleCollInp->collection, status ); savedStatus = status; } else { /* create a new bundle file */ l1descInx = createPhyBundleDataObj( rsComm, phyBundleCollInp->collection, _resc_name, rescHier, &dataObjInp, dataType ); // JMC - backport 4658 if ( l1descInx < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "_rsPhyBundleColl:createPhyBundleDataObj err for %s,stat=%d", phyBundleCollInp->collection, l1descInx ); freeCollEnt( collEnt ); return l1descInx; } createPhyBundleDir( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->filePath, phyBunDir, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->rescHier ); /* need to reset subPhyPath since phyBunDir has * changed */ /* At this point subPhyPath[0] == 0 if it has gone * through replAndAddSubFileToDir below. != 0 if it has * not and already a good cache copy */ if ( curSubFileCond.subPhyPath[0] != '\0' ) setSubPhyPath( phyBunDir, curSubFileCond.dataId, curSubFileCond.subPhyPath ); } } /* end of new bundle file */ status = replAndAddSubFileToDir( rsComm, &curSubFileCond, _resc_name, phyBunDir, &bunReplCacheHeader ); if ( status < 0 ) { savedStatus = status; rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "_rsPhyBundleColl:replAndAddSubFileToDir err for %s,sta=%d", curSubFileCond.subPhyPath, status ); } curSubFileCond.bundled = 0; curSubFileCond.subPhyPath[0] = curSubFileCond.cachePhyPath[0] = '\0'; rstrcpy( curSubFileCond.collName, collEnt->collName, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( curSubFileCond.dataName, collEnt->dataName, MAX_NAME_LEN ); curSubFileCond.dataId = strtoll( collEnt->dataId, 0, 0 ); } /* end of name compare */ if ( curSubFileCond.bundled > 0 ) { /* already bundled. skip */ } else if ( isDataObjBundled( collEnt ) ) { /* already bundled, skip */ curSubFileCond.bundled = 1; curSubFileCond.subPhyPath[0] = '\0'; curSubFileCond.cachePhyPath[0] = '\0'; /* XXXX there was a bug that if dataSize == 0, replStatus is 0. * This bug has been fixed since 3.1 */ } else if ( ( collEnt->replStatus > 0 || curSubFileCond.subPhyPath[0] == '\0' ) && // JMC - backport 4755 strcmp( collEnt->resource, _resc_name ) == 0 ) { /* have a good copy in cache resource */ setSubPhyPath( phyBunDir, curSubFileCond.dataId, curSubFileCond.subPhyPath ); rstrcpy( curSubFileCond.cachePhyPath, collEnt->phyPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); curSubFileCond.cacheReplNum = collEnt->replNum; curSubFileCond.subFileSize = collEnt->dataSize; } } // if data obj free( collEnt ); /* just free collEnt but not content */ } // while /* handle any remaining */ status = replAndAddSubFileToDir( rsComm, &curSubFileCond, _resc_name, phyBunDir, &bunReplCacheHeader ); if ( status < 0 ) { savedStatus = status; rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "_rsPhyBundleColl:replAndAddSubFileToDir err for %s,stat=%d", curSubFileCond.subPhyPath, status ); } status = bundleAndRegSubFiles( rsComm, l1descInx, phyBunDir, phyBundleCollInp->collection, &bunReplCacheHeader, chksumFlag ); // JMC - backport 4528 if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "_rsPhyBundleColl:bunAndRegSubFiles err for %s,stat=%d", phyBundleCollInp->collection, status ); } clearKeyVal( &collInp.condInput ); rsCloseCollection( rsComm, &handleInx ); if ( status >= 0 && savedStatus < 0 ) { return savedStatus; } else { return status; } }
/* createEmptyRepl - Physically create a zero length file and register * as a replica and queue the dataObjInfo on the top of dataObjInfoHead. */ int createEmptyRepl( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp, dataObjInfo_t **dataObjInfoHead ) { int status; regReplica_t regReplicaInp; keyValPair_t *condInput = &dataObjInp->condInput; dataObjInfo_t *myDataObjInfo; std::string resc_name; if ( getValByKey( condInput, DEST_RESC_NAME_KW ) == NULL && getValByKey( condInput, BACKUP_RESC_NAME_KW ) == NULL && getValByKey( condInput, DEF_RESC_NAME_KW ) == NULL ) { return USER_NO_RESC_INPUT_ERR; } status = getRescForCreate( rsComm, dataObjInp, resc_name ); if ( status < 0 || resc_name.empty() ) { return status; // JMC cppcheck } myDataObjInfo = ( dataObjInfo_t* )malloc( sizeof( dataObjInfo_t ) ); *myDataObjInfo = *( *dataObjInfoHead ); rstrcpy( myDataObjInfo->rescName, ( *dataObjInfoHead )->rescName, NAME_LEN ); char* resc_hier = getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW ); if ( resc_hier ) { rstrcpy( myDataObjInfo->rescHier, resc_hier, MAX_NAME_LEN ); // hier sent from upper level code } else { rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "createEmptyRepl :: using rescName for hier" ); rstrcpy( myDataObjInfo->rescHier, ( *dataObjInfoHead )->rescName, MAX_NAME_LEN ); // in kw else } rodsLong_t resc_id; irods::error ret = resc_mgr.hier_to_leaf_id( myDataObjInfo->rescHier, resc_id ); myDataObjInfo->rescId = resc_id; status = getFilePathName( rsComm, myDataObjInfo, dataObjInp ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "getFilePathName failed in %s with status %d", __FUNCTION__, status ); return status; } status = l3CreateByObjInfo( rsComm, dataObjInp, myDataObjInfo ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "l3CreateByObjInfo failed in %s with status %d", __FUNCTION__, status ); return status; } /* close it */ _l3Close( rsComm, status ); /* register the replica */ memset( ®ReplicaInp, 0, sizeof( regReplicaInp ) ); regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo = *dataObjInfoHead; regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo = myDataObjInfo; if ( getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, ADMIN_KW ) != NULL ) { addKeyVal( ®ReplicaInp.condInput, ADMIN_KW, "" ); } status = rsRegReplica( rsComm, ®ReplicaInp ); clearKeyVal( ®ReplicaInp.condInput ); if ( status < 0 ) { free( myDataObjInfo ); } else { /* queue it on top */ myDataObjInfo->next = *dataObjInfoHead; *dataObjInfoHead = myDataObjInfo; } return status; }
int rsDataObjCopy( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjCopyInp_t *dataObjCopyInp, transferStat_t **transStat ) { dataObjInp_t *srcDataObjInp, *destDataObjInp; int srcL1descInx, destL1descInx; int status; int existFlag; uint createMode; int remoteFlag; rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost; specCollCache_t *specCollCache = NULL; srcDataObjInp = &dataObjCopyInp->srcDataObjInp; destDataObjInp = &dataObjCopyInp->destDataObjInp; resolveLinkedPath( rsComm, srcDataObjInp->objPath, &specCollCache, &srcDataObjInp->condInput ); resolveLinkedPath( rsComm, destDataObjInp->objPath, &specCollCache, &destDataObjInp->condInput ); remoteFlag = getAndConnRemoteZoneForCopy( rsComm, dataObjCopyInp, &rodsServerHost ); if ( remoteFlag < 0 ) { return remoteFlag; } else if ( remoteFlag == REMOTE_HOST ) { status = _rcDataObjCopy( rodsServerHost->conn, dataObjCopyInp, transStat ); return status; } if ( strcmp( srcDataObjInp->objPath, destDataObjInp->objPath ) == 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsDataObjCopy: same src and dest objPath %s not allowed", srcDataObjInp->objPath ); return USER_INPUT_PATH_ERR; } addKeyVal( &srcDataObjInp->condInput, PHYOPEN_BY_SIZE_KW, "" ); srcL1descInx = rsDataObjOpen( rsComm, srcDataObjInp ); if ( srcL1descInx < 0 ) { std::stringstream msg; char* sys_error = NULL; const char* rods_error = rodsErrorName( srcL1descInx, &sys_error ); msg << __FUNCTION__; msg << " - Failed to open source object: \""; msg << srcDataObjInp->objPath; msg << "\" - "; msg << rods_error << " " << sys_error; irods::log( LOG_ERROR, msg.str() ); free( sys_error ); return srcL1descInx; } /* have to set L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataSize because open set this to -1 */ destDataObjInp->dataSize = L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataSize = L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataObjInfo->dataSize; createMode = atoi( L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataObjInfo->dataMode ); if ( createMode >= 0100 ) { destDataObjInp->createMode = createMode; } L1desc[srcL1descInx].oprType = COPY_SRC; if ( L1desc[srcL1descInx].l3descInx <= 2 ) { /* dataSingleBuf */ addKeyVal( &destDataObjInp->condInput, NO_OPEN_FLAG_KW, "" ); } destL1descInx = rsDataObjCreate( rsComm, destDataObjInp ); if ( destL1descInx == CAT_UNKNOWN_COLLECTION ) { /* collection does not exist. make one */ char parColl[MAX_NAME_LEN], child[MAX_NAME_LEN]; splitPathByKey( destDataObjInp->objPath, parColl, MAX_NAME_LEN, child, MAX_NAME_LEN, '/' ); rsMkCollR( rsComm, "/", parColl ); destL1descInx = rsDataObjCreate( rsComm, destDataObjInp ); } if ( destL1descInx < 0 ) { clearKeyVal( &destDataObjInp->condInput ); std::stringstream msg; char* sys_error = NULL; const char* rods_error = rodsErrorName( destL1descInx, &sys_error ); msg << __FUNCTION__; msg << " - Failed to create destination object: \""; msg << destDataObjInp->objPath; msg << "\" - "; msg << rods_error << " " << sys_error; irods::log( LOG_ERROR, msg.str() ); free( sys_error ); return destL1descInx; } if ( L1desc[destL1descInx].replStatus == NEWLY_CREATED_COPY ) { existFlag = 0; } else { existFlag = 1; } L1desc[destL1descInx].oprType = COPY_DEST; L1desc[destL1descInx].srcL1descInx = srcL1descInx; rstrcpy( L1desc[destL1descInx].dataObjInfo->dataType, L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataObjInfo->dataType, NAME_LEN ); /* set dataSize for verification in _rsDataObjClose */ L1desc[destL1descInx].dataSize = L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataObjInfo->dataSize; status = _rsDataObjCopy( rsComm, destL1descInx, existFlag, transStat ); clearKeyVal( &destDataObjInp->condInput ); return status; }
int rsNcGetAggInfo( rsComm_t *rsComm, ncOpenInp_t *ncOpenInp, ncAggInfo_t **ncAggInfo ) { specCollCache_t *specCollCache = NULL; collInp_t collInp; int handleInx; collEnt_t *collEnt; int status = 0; int status2 = 0; int savedStatus = 0; ncOpenInp_t childNcOpenInp; ncAggElement_t *ncAggElement = NULL; bytesBuf_t *packedBBuf = NULL; bzero( &collInp, sizeof( collInp ) ); rstrcpy( collInp.collName, ncOpenInp->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); resolveLinkedPath( rsComm, collInp.collName, &specCollCache, &ncOpenInp->condInput ); collInp.flags = VERY_LONG_METADATA_FG; handleInx = irods::server_api_call ( OPEN_COLLECTION_AN, rsComm, &collInp ); if ( handleInx < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsNcGetAggInfo: rsOpenCollection of %s error. status = %d", collInp.collName, handleInx ); return ( handleInx ); } bzero( &childNcOpenInp, sizeof( childNcOpenInp ) ); *ncAggInfo = ( ncAggInfo_t * ) calloc( 1, sizeof( ncAggInfo_t ) ); rstrcpy( ( *ncAggInfo )->ncObjectName, ncOpenInp->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); while ( ( status2 = irods::server_api_call ( READ_COLLECTION_AN, rsComm, &handleInx, &collEnt ) ) >= 0 ) { if ( collEnt->objType != DATA_OBJ_T ) { free( collEnt ); continue; } else if ( strcmp( collEnt->dataType, "netcdf" ) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp( collEnt->dataName, NC_AGG_INFO_FILE_NAME ) != 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "rsNcGetAggInfo: dataType of %s in %s is not 'netcdf' type", collEnt->dataName, collInp.collName ); savedStatus = NETCDF_INVALID_DATA_TYPE; } free( collEnt ); continue; } snprintf( childNcOpenInp.objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", collInp.collName, collEnt->dataName ); status = irods::server_api_call ( NC_GET_AGG_ELEMENT_AN, rsComm, &childNcOpenInp, &ncAggElement ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "rsNcGetAggInfo: rsNcGetAggElement of %s error.", childNcOpenInp.objPath ); free( collEnt ); break; } else { status = addNcAggElement( ncAggElement, *ncAggInfo ); free( ncAggElement ); if ( status < 0 ) { free( collEnt ); break; } } free( collEnt ); } irods::server_api_call ( CLOSE_COLLECTION_AN, rsComm, &handleInx ); if ( status2 < 0 && status2 != CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND && status >= 0 ) { status = status2; } if ( status >= 0 && ( ncOpenInp->mode & NC_WRITE ) != 0 ) { dataObjInp_t dataObjInp; portalOprOut_t *portalOprOut = NULL; status = packStruct( ( void * ) * ncAggInfo, &packedBBuf, "NcAggInfo_PI", RodsPackTable, 0, XML_PROT ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "rsNcGetAggInfo: packStruct error for %s", childNcOpenInp.objPath ); return status; } /* write it */ bzero( &dataObjInp, sizeof( dataObjInp ) ); replKeyVal( &ncOpenInp->condInput, &dataObjInp.condInput ); snprintf( dataObjInp.objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", collInp.collName, NC_AGG_INFO_FILE_NAME ); dataObjInp.dataSize = packedBBuf->len; dataObjInp.oprType = PUT_OPR; addKeyVal( &dataObjInp.condInput, DATA_INCLUDED_KW, "" ); addKeyVal( &dataObjInp.condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW, "" ); status = irods::server_api_call ( DATA_OBJ_PUT_AN, rsComm, &dataObjInp, packedBBuf, &portalOprOut ); clearBBuf( packedBBuf ); clearKeyVal( &dataObjInp.condInput ); if ( portalOprOut != NULL ) { free( portalOprOut ); } if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "rsNcGetAggInfo: rsDataObjPut error for %s", dataObjInp.objPath ); } } if ( status < 0 ) { return status; } else { return savedStatus; } }
int rsNcGetVarsByType (rsComm_t *rsComm, ncGetVarInp_t *ncGetVarInp, ncGetVarOut_t **ncGetVarOut) { int remoteFlag; rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost = NULL; int l1descInx; ncGetVarInp_t myNcGetVarInp; int status = 0; if (getValByKey (&ncGetVarInp->condInput, NATIVE_NETCDF_CALL_KW) != NULL) { /* just do nc_inq_YYYY */ status = _rsNcGetVarsByType (ncGetVarInp->ncid, ncGetVarInp, ncGetVarOut); return status; } l1descInx = ncGetVarInp->ncid; if (l1descInx < 2 || l1descInx >= NUM_L1_DESC) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "rsNcGetVarsByType: l1descInx %d out of range", l1descInx); return (SYS_FILE_DESC_OUT_OF_RANGE); } if (L1desc[l1descInx].inuseFlag != FD_INUSE) return BAD_INPUT_DESC_INDEX; if (L1desc[l1descInx].remoteZoneHost != NULL) { myNcGetVarInp = *ncGetVarInp; myNcGetVarInp.ncid = L1desc[l1descInx].remoteL1descInx; /* cross zone operation */ status = rcNcGetVarsByType (L1desc[l1descInx].remoteZoneHost->conn, &myNcGetVarInp, ncGetVarOut); } else { remoteFlag = resoAndConnHostByDataObjInfo (rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo, &rodsServerHost); if (remoteFlag < 0) { return (remoteFlag); } else if (remoteFlag == LOCAL_HOST) { status = _rsNcGetVarsByType (L1desc[l1descInx].l3descInx, ncGetVarInp, ncGetVarOut); if (status < 0) { return status; } } else { /* execute it remotely */ myNcGetVarInp = *ncGetVarInp; myNcGetVarInp.ncid = L1desc[l1descInx].l3descInx; addKeyVal (&myNcGetVarInp.condInput, NATIVE_NETCDF_CALL_KW, ""); status = rcNcGetVarsByType (rodsServerHost->conn, &myNcGetVarInp, ncGetVarOut); clearKeyVal (&myNcGetVarInp.condInput); if (status < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "rsNcGetVarsByType: rcNcGetVarsByType %d for %s error, status = %d", L1desc[l1descInx].l3descInx, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->objPath, status); return (status); } } } return status; }
int _rsStructFileBundle( rsComm_t* rsComm, structFileExtAndRegInp_t* structFileBundleInp ) { int status; int handleInx; char phyBunDir[MAX_NAME_LEN]; char tmpPath[MAX_NAME_LEN]; int l1descInx; char* dataType = 0; // JMC - backport 4664 openedDataObjInp_t dataObjCloseInp; // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // create an empty data obj dataObjInp_t dataObjInp; memset( &dataObjInp, 0, sizeof( dataObjInp ) ); dataObjInp.openFlags = O_WRONLY; // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // get the data type of the structured file dataType = getValByKey( &structFileBundleInp->condInput, DATA_TYPE_KW ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // ensure that the file name will end in .zip, if necessary if ( dataType != NULL && strstr( dataType, ZIP_DT_STR ) != NULL ) { int len = strlen( structFileBundleInp->objPath ); if ( strcmp( &structFileBundleInp->objPath[len - 4], ".zip" ) != 0 ) { strcat( structFileBundleInp->objPath, ".zip" ); } } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // capture the object path in the data obj struct rstrcpy( dataObjInp.objPath, structFileBundleInp->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // replicate the condInput. may have resource input replKeyVal( &structFileBundleInp->condInput, &dataObjInp.condInput ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // open the file if we are in an add operation, otherwise create the new file if ( ( structFileBundleInp->oprType & ADD_TO_TAR_OPR ) != 0 ) { // JMC - backport 4643 l1descInx = rsDataObjOpen( rsComm, &dataObjInp ); } else { l1descInx = rsDataObjCreate( rsComm, &dataObjInp ); } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // error check create / open if ( l1descInx < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsStructFileBundle: rsDataObjCreate of %s error. status = %d", dataObjInp.objPath, l1descInx ); return l1descInx; } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // FIXME :: Why, when we replicate them above? clearKeyVal( &dataObjInp.condInput ); // JMC - backport 4637 // ???? l3Close (rsComm, l1descInx); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // zip does not like a zero length file as target //L1desc[ l1descInx ].l3descInx = 0; //if( dataType != NULL && strstr( dataType, ZIP_DT_STR ) != NULL ) { // if( ( structFileBundleInp->oprType & ADD_TO_TAR_OPR) == 0 ) { // JMC - backport 4643 // l3Unlink( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo ); // } //} // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // check object permissions / stat chkObjPermAndStat_t chkObjPermAndStatInp; memset( &chkObjPermAndStatInp, 0, sizeof( chkObjPermAndStatInp ) ); rstrcpy( chkObjPermAndStatInp.objPath, structFileBundleInp->collection, MAX_NAME_LEN ); chkObjPermAndStatInp.flags = CHK_COLL_FOR_BUNDLE_OPR; addKeyVal( &chkObjPermAndStatInp.condInput, RESC_NAME_KW, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->rescName ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // get the resc hier string std::string resc_hier; char* resc_hier_ptr = getValByKey( &structFileBundleInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW ); if ( !resc_hier_ptr ) { rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "_rsStructFileBundle :: RESC_HIER_STR_KW is NULL" ); } else { addKeyVal( &chkObjPermAndStatInp.condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW, resc_hier_ptr ); resc_hier = resc_hier_ptr; } status = rsChkObjPermAndStat( rsComm, &chkObjPermAndStatInp ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsStructFileBundle: rsChkObjPermAndStat of %s error. stat = %d", chkObjPermAndStatInp.objPath, status ); dataObjCloseInp.l1descInx = l1descInx; rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp ); return status; } clearKeyVal( &chkObjPermAndStatInp.condInput ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // create the special hidden directory where the bundling happens createPhyBundleDir( rsComm, L1desc[ l1descInx ].dataObjInfo->filePath, phyBunDir, L1desc[ l1descInx ].dataObjInfo->rescHier ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // build a collection open input structure collInp_t collInp; bzero( &collInp, sizeof( collInp ) ); collInp.flags = RECUR_QUERY_FG | VERY_LONG_METADATA_FG | NO_TRIM_REPL_FG | INCLUDE_CONDINPUT_IN_QUERY; rstrcpy( collInp.collName, structFileBundleInp->collection, MAX_NAME_LEN ); addKeyVal( &collInp.condInput, RESC_NAME_KW, L1desc[ l1descInx ].dataObjInfo->rescName ); rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "rsStructFileBundle: calling rsOpenCollection for [%s]", structFileBundleInp->collection ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // open the collection from which we will bundle handleInx = rsOpenCollection( rsComm, &collInp ); if ( handleInx < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsStructFileBundle: rsOpenCollection of %s error. status = %d", collInp.collName, handleInx ); rmdir( phyBunDir ); return handleInx; } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // preserve the collection path? int collLen = 0; if ( ( structFileBundleInp->oprType & PRESERVE_COLL_PATH ) != 0 ) { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // preserve the last entry of the coll path char* tmpPtr = collInp.collName; int tmpLen = 0; collLen = 0; // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // find length to the last '/' while ( *tmpPtr != '\0' ) { if ( *tmpPtr == '/' ) { collLen = tmpLen; } tmpLen++; tmpPtr++; } } else { collLen = strlen( collInp.collName ); } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // preserve the collection path? collEnt_t* collEnt = NULL; while ( ( status = rsReadCollection( rsComm, &handleInx, &collEnt ) ) >= 0 ) { if ( NULL == collEnt ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsStructFileBundle: collEnt is NULL" ); continue; } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // entry is a data object if ( collEnt->objType == DATA_OBJ_T ) { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // filter out any possible replicas that are not on this resource if ( resc_hier != collEnt->resc_hier ) { rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "_rsStructFileBundle - skipping [%s] on resc [%s]", collEnt->phyPath, collEnt->resc_hier ); free( collEnt ); collEnt = NULL; continue; } if ( collEnt->collName[collLen] == '\0' ) { snprintf( tmpPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", phyBunDir, collEnt->dataName ); } else { snprintf( tmpPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s/%s", phyBunDir, collEnt->collName + collLen + 1, collEnt->dataName ); status = mkDirForFilePath( rsComm, strlen( phyBunDir ), tmpPath, collEnt->resc_hier, getDefDirMode() ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "mkDirForFilePath failed in _rsStructFileBundle with status %d", status ); free( collEnt ); return status; } } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // add a link status = link( collEnt->phyPath, tmpPath ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsStructFileBundle: link error %s to %s. errno = %d", collEnt->phyPath, tmpPath, errno ); rmLinkedFilesInUnixDir( phyBunDir ); rmdir( phyBunDir ); free( collEnt ); return UNIX_FILE_LINK_ERR - errno; } else { rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "_rsStructFileBundle - LINK [%s] on resc [%s]", collEnt->phyPath, collEnt->resc_hier ); } } else { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // entry is a collection if ( ( int ) strlen( collEnt->collName ) + 1 <= collLen ) { free( collEnt ); collEnt = NULL; continue; } snprintf( tmpPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", phyBunDir, collEnt->collName + collLen ); status = mkFileDirR( rsComm, strlen( phyBunDir ), tmpPath, resc_hier.c_str(), getDefDirMode() ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "mkFileDirR failed in _rsStructFileBundle with status %d", status ); free( collEnt ); return status; } } // else free( collEnt ); collEnt = NULL; } // while // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // clean up key vals and close the collection clearKeyVal( &collInp.condInput ); rsCloseCollection( rsComm, &handleInx ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // call the helper function to do the actual bundling status = phyBundle( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo, phyBunDir, collInp.collName, structFileBundleInp->oprType ); // JMC - backport 4643 int savedStatus = 0; if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsStructFileBundle: phyBundle of %s error. stat = %d", L1desc[ l1descInx ].dataObjInfo->objPath, status ); L1desc[ l1descInx ].bytesWritten = 0; savedStatus = status; } else { // mark it was written so the size would be adjusted L1desc[ l1descInx ].bytesWritten = 1; } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // clean up after the bundle directory rmLinkedFilesInUnixDir( phyBunDir ); rmdir( phyBunDir ); dataObjCloseInp.l1descInx = l1descInx; status = rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp ); if ( status >= 0 ) { return savedStatus; } return status; }
int rsMkCollR( rsComm_t *rsComm, const char *startColl, const char *destColl ) { int status; int startLen; int pathLen, tmpLen; char tmpPath[MAX_NAME_LEN]; startLen = strlen( startColl ); pathLen = strlen( destColl ); rstrcpy( tmpPath, destColl, MAX_NAME_LEN ); tmpLen = pathLen; while ( tmpLen > startLen ) { if ( isCollAllKinds( rsComm, tmpPath, NULL ) >= 0 ) { break; } /* Go backward */ while ( tmpLen && tmpPath[tmpLen] != '/' ) { tmpLen --; } tmpPath[tmpLen] = '\0'; } /* Now we go forward and make the required coll */ while ( tmpLen < pathLen ) { collInp_t collCreateInp; /* Put back the '/' */ tmpPath[tmpLen] = '/'; memset( &collCreateInp, 0, sizeof( collCreateInp ) ); rstrcpy( collCreateInp.collName, tmpPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); status = rsCollCreate( rsComm, &collCreateInp ); if ( status == CAT_NAME_EXISTS_AS_DATAOBJ && isTrashPath( tmpPath ) ) { /* name conflict with a data object in the trash collection */ dataObjCopyInp_t dataObjRenameInp; memset( &dataObjRenameInp, 0, sizeof( dataObjRenameInp ) ); dataObjRenameInp.srcDataObjInp.oprType = dataObjRenameInp.destDataObjInp.oprType = RENAME_DATA_OBJ; rstrcpy( dataObjRenameInp.srcDataObjInp.objPath, tmpPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( dataObjRenameInp.destDataObjInp.objPath, tmpPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); appendRandomToPath( dataObjRenameInp.destDataObjInp.objPath ); status = rsDataObjRename( rsComm, &dataObjRenameInp ); if ( status >= 0 ) { status = rsCollCreate( rsComm, &collCreateInp ); } } /* something may be added by rsCollCreate */ clearKeyVal( &collCreateInp.condInput ); if ( status < 0 ) { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // JMC - backport 4819 if ( status == CATALOG_ALREADY_HAS_ITEM_BY_THAT_NAME ) { rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "rsMkCollR: rsCollCreate - coll %s already exist.stat = %d", tmpPath, status ); status = 0; } else { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "rsMkCollR: rsCollCreate failed for %s, status =%d", tmpPath, status ); } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- return status; } while ( tmpLen && tmpPath[tmpLen] != '\0' ) { tmpLen ++; } } return 0; }
int l3CreateByObjInfo( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp, dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo ) { int l3descInx; int retryCnt = 0; int chkType = 0; // JMC - backport 4774 // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // extract the host location from the resource hierarchy std::string location; irods::error ret = irods::get_loc_for_hier_string( dataObjInfo->rescHier, location ); if ( !ret.ok() ) { irods::log( PASSMSG( "l3CreateByObjInfo - failed in get_loc_for_hier_String", ret ) ); return -1; } fileCreateInp_t fileCreateInp; memset( &fileCreateInp, 0, sizeof( fileCreateInp ) ); rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.resc_name_, location.c_str(), MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.resc_hier_, dataObjInfo->rescHier, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.objPath, dataObjInfo->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.addr.hostAddr, location.c_str(), NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); fileCreateInp.mode = getFileMode( dataObjInp ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // JMC - backport 4774 chkType = getchkPathPerm( rsComm, dataObjInp, dataObjInfo ); copyFilesystemMetadata( &dataObjInfo->condInput, &fileCreateInp.condInput ); if ( chkType == DISALLOW_PATH_REG ) { clearKeyVal( &fileCreateInp.condInput ); return PATH_REG_NOT_ALLOWED; } else if ( chkType == NO_CHK_PATH_PERM ) { fileCreateInp.otherFlags |= NO_CHK_PERM_FLAG; // JMC - backport 4758 } rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.in_pdmo, dataObjInfo->in_pdmo, MAX_NAME_LEN ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // fileCreateOut_t* create_out = 0; std::string prev_resc_hier = fileCreateInp.resc_hier_; l3descInx = rsFileCreate( rsComm, &fileCreateInp, &create_out ); // update the dataObjInfo with the potential changes made by the resource - hcj rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->rescHier, fileCreateInp.resc_hier_, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->filePath, create_out->file_name, MAX_NAME_LEN ); /* file already exists ? */ while ( l3descInx <= 2 && retryCnt < 100 && getErrno( l3descInx ) == EEXIST ) { if ( resolveDupFilePath( rsComm, dataObjInfo, dataObjInp ) < 0 ) { break; } rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN ); free( create_out ); l3descInx = rsFileCreate( rsComm, &fileCreateInp, &create_out ); // update the dataObjInfo with the potential changes made by the resource - hcj rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->rescHier, fileCreateInp.resc_hier_, MAX_NAME_LEN ); rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->filePath, create_out->file_name, MAX_NAME_LEN ); retryCnt ++; } clearKeyVal( &fileCreateInp.condInput ); return ( l3descInx ); }