Ejemplo n.º 1
string client_index (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;
  Assets_View view;
  if (request->query.count ("disable")) {
    client_logic_enable_client (false);
    client_index_remove_all_users (request);
    Database_Config_General::setRepeatSendReceive (0);
    Database_Config_General::setUnsentBibleDataTime (0);
    Database_Config_General::setUnreceivedBibleDataTime (0);
  bool connect = request->post.count ("connect");
  bool demo = request->query.count ("demo");
  if (connect || demo) {
    string address;
    if (connect) address = request->post ["address"];
    if (demo) address = demo_address ();
    if (address.find ("http") == string::npos) address = filter_url_set_scheme (address, false);
    Database_Config_General::setServerAddress (address);
    int port = convert_to_int (config_logic_http_network_port ());
    if (connect) port = convert_to_int (request->post ["port"]);
    if (demo) port = demo_port ();
    Database_Config_General::setServerPort (port);
    string user;
    if (connect) user = request->post ["user"];
    if (demo) user = session_admin_credentials ();
    string pass;
    if (connect) pass = request->post ["pass"];
    if (demo) pass = session_admin_credentials (); 

    string response = client_logic_connection_setup (user, md5 (pass));
    int iresponse = convert_to_int (response);

    if ((iresponse >= Filter_Roles::guest ()) && (iresponse <= Filter_Roles::admin ())) {
      // Enable client mode upon a successful connection.
      client_index_enable_client (request, user, pass, iresponse);
      // Feedback.
      view.set_variable ("success", translate("Connection is okay."));
    } else {
      view.set_variable ("error", translate ("Could not create a connection with Bibledit Cloud") + ": " + response);

  if (client_logic_client_enabled ())
    view.enable_zone ("clienton");
    view.enable_zone ("clientoff");
  string address = Database_Config_General::getServerAddress ();
  view.set_variable ("address", address);
  int port = Database_Config_General::getServerPort ();
  view.set_variable ("port", convert_to_string (port));
  view.set_variable ("url", client_logic_link_to_cloud ("", ""));
  vector <string> users = request->database_users ()->getUsers ();
  for (auto & user : users) {
    int level = request->database_users()->get_level (user);
    view.set_variable ("role", Filter_Roles::text (level));
  view.set_variable ("demo", demo_client_warning ());

  string page;

  // Since the role of the user may change after a successful connection to the server,
  // the menu generation in the header should be postponed till when the actual role is known.
  page = Assets_Page::header (translate ("Server"), webserver_request);
  page += view.render ("client", "index");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void sendreceive_changes ()
  if (sendreceive_changes_watchdog) {
    int time = filter_date_seconds_since_epoch ();
    if (time < (sendreceive_changes_watchdog + 900)) {
      Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + translate("Still busy"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + translate("Watchdog timeout"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
  sendreceive_changes_kick_watchdog ();
  config_globals_syncing_changes = true;

  Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_sendreceive_text (), Filter_Roles::translator ());

  Webserver_Request request;
  Sync_Logic sync_logic = Sync_Logic (&request);
  Database_Modifications database_modifications;
  if (!database_modifications.healthy ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + translate("Recreate damaged modifications database"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    database_modifications.erase ();
    database_modifications.create ();
  string response = client_logic_connection_setup ();
  int iresponse = convert_to_int (response);
  if (iresponse < Filter_Roles::guest () || iresponse > Filter_Roles::admin ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + translate("Failure to initiate connection"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
  // Set the correct user in the session: The sole user on the Client.
  vector <string> users = request.database_users ()->getUsers ();
  if (users.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (translate("No user found"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
  string user = users [0];
  request.session_logic ()->setUsername (user);
  string password = request.database_users ()->getmd5 (user);
  // The basic request to be POSTed to the server.
  // It contains the user's credentials.
  map <string, string> post;
  post ["u"] = bin2hex (user);
  post ["p"] = password;
  post ["l"] = convert_to_string (request.database_users ()->getUserLevel (user));
  // Error variables.
  string error;
  bool communication_errors = false;
  // Server URL to call.
  string address = Database_Config_General::getServerAddress ();
  int port = Database_Config_General::getServerPort ();
  string url = client_logic_url (address, port, sync_changes_url ());
  // Send the removed change notifications to the server.
  vector <int> ids = request.database_config_user ()->getRemovedChanges ();
  if (!ids.empty ()) Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Sending removed notifications: " + convert_to_string (ids.size()), Filter_Roles::translator ());
  for (auto & id : ids) {
    post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::changes_delete_modification);
    post ["i"] = convert_to_string (id);
    response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
    if (!error.empty ()) {
      communication_errors = true;
      Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Failure sending removed notification: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    else {
      request.database_config_user ()->removeRemovedChange (id);
  if (communication_errors) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + translate("Not downloading change notifications due to communication error"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
  // Compare the total checksum for the change notifications for the active user on client and server.
  // Checksum is cached for future re-use.
  // Take actions based on that.
  string client_checksum = request.database_config_user ()->getChangeNotificationsChecksum ();
  if (client_checksum.empty ()) {
    client_checksum = Sync_Logic::changes_checksum (user);
    request.database_config_user ()->setChangeNotificationsChecksum (client_checksum);
  string server_checksum;
  post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::changes_get_checksum);
  response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
  if (!error.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Failure receiving checksum: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
  server_checksum = response;
  if (client_checksum == server_checksum) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_up_to_date_text (), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
  // Get all identifiers for the notifications on the server for the user.
  // Get the identifiers on the client.
  vector <int> client_identifiers = database_modifications.getNotificationIdentifiers (user, false);
  vector <int> server_identifiers;
  post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::changes_get_identifiers);
  response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
  if (!error.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Failure receiving identifiers: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
    vector <string> ids = filter_string_explode (response, '\n');
    for (auto & id : ids) server_identifiers.push_back (convert_to_int (id));

  // Any identifiers on the client, but not on the server, remove them from the client.
  vector <int> remove_identifiers = filter_string_array_diff (client_identifiers, server_identifiers);
  for (auto & id : remove_identifiers) {
    database_modifications.deleteNotification (id);
    request.database_config_user ()->setChangeNotificationsChecksum ("");
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Removing notification: " + convert_to_string (id), Filter_Roles::translator ());

  // Any identifiers on the server, but not on the client, download them from the server.
  vector <int> download_identifiers = filter_string_array_diff (server_identifiers, client_identifiers);
  for (auto & id : download_identifiers) {
    sendreceive_changes_kick_watchdog ();
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Downloading notification: " + convert_to_string (id), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::changes_get_modification);
    post ["i"] = convert_to_string (id);
    response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
    if (!error.empty ()) {
      Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Failure downloading notification: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    else {
      // The server has put all bits together, one bit per line.
      vector <string> lines = filter_string_explode (response, '\n');
      string category;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        category = lines [0];
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      string bible;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        bible = lines [0];
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      int book = 0;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        book = convert_to_int (lines [0]);
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      int chapter = 0;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        chapter = convert_to_int (lines [0]);
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      int verse = 0;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        verse = convert_to_int (lines [0]);
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      string oldtext;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        oldtext = lines [0];
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      string modification;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        modification = lines [0];
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      string newtext;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        newtext = lines [0];
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      database_modifications.storeClientNotification (id, user, category, bible, book, chapter, verse, oldtext, modification, newtext);
      request.database_config_user ()->setChangeNotificationsChecksum ("");

  // Done.
  Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Ready", Filter_Roles::translator ());
  send_receive_changes_done ();