/** * Responder thread main body. * Collects responses from the opensrf network and relays them to the * websocket caller. */ void* APR_THREAD_FUNC osrf_responder_thread_main(apr_thread_t *thread, void *data) { transport_message *tmsg; while (1) { if (apr_thread_mutex_unlock(trans->mutex) != APR_SUCCESS) { osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "WS error un-locking thread mutex"); return NULL; } // wait for a response tmsg = client_recv(osrf_handle, -1); if (!tmsg) continue; // interrupt if (trans->client_connected) { if (apr_thread_mutex_lock(trans->mutex) != APR_SUCCESS) { osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "WS error locking thread mutex"); return NULL; } osrfLogForceXid(tmsg->osrf_xid); osrf_responder_thread_main_body(tmsg); last_activity_time = time(NULL); } message_free(tmsg); } return NULL; }
void server_process(Peer *peer) { struct sockaddr_in cli_addr; int i,nfds; int socket; int cli_len = sizeof(cli_addr); nfds = epoll_wait(g_epoll_fd,g_events,MAX_EVENTS,100); /* timeout 100ms */ if(nfds == 0) return; /* no event , no work */ if(nfds < 0) { printf("[ETEST] epoll wait error\n"); return; /* return but this is epoll wait error */ } for( i = 0 ; i < nfds ; i++ ) { if(g_events[i].data.fd == g_svr_sockfd) { socket = accept(g_svr_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr, (socklen_t *)&cli_len); if(socket < 0) /* accept error */ { } else { printf("[ETEST][Accpet] New client connected. fd:%d,ip:%s\n", socket, inet_ntoa(cli_addr.sin_addr)); userpool_add(socket, inet_ntoa(cli_addr.sin_addr), peer); epoll_cli_add(socket); } continue; /* next fd */ } /* if not server socket , this socket is for client socket, so we read it */ // 이벤트가 발생한 소켓에 대해서 데이터를 읽어들인다. // Thread Creadte printf("Event Create \n"); client_recv(g_events[i].data.fd, peer); } /* end of for 0-nfds */ }
void server_process(Peer *peer) { struct sockaddr_in cli_addr; int i,nfds; int socket; int cli_len = sizeof(cli_addr); nfds = epoll_wait(g_epoll_fd,g_events,MAX_EVENTS,100); /* timeout 100ms */ if(nfds == 0) return; /* no event , no work */ if(nfds < 0) { printf("[ETEST] epoll wait error\n"); return; /* return but this is epoll wait error */ } for( i = 0 ; i < nfds ; i++ ) { if(g_events[i].data.fd == g_svr_sockfd) { socket = accept(g_svr_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr, (socklen_t *)&cli_len); if(socket < 0) /* accept error */ { printf("Accept Error \n"); } else { // Mac Address Add int flag = fcntl(socket, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flag|O_NONBLOCK); epoll_cli_add(socket); printf("New client connected and Set Async fd : %d, ip : %s \n", socket , inet_ntoa(cli_addr.sin_addr)); userpool_add(socket, inet_ntoa(cli_addr.sin_addr), peer); } continue; } // 이벤트가 발생한 소켓에 대해서 데이터를 읽어들인다. int flag = fcntl(socket, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flag|O_NONBLOCK); client_recv(g_events[i].data.fd, peer); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fh = NULL; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify file to write to.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (argc == 2) { fh = fopen(argv[1], "w"); if (NULL == fh) { fprintf(stderr, "Failure to open file.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } int sock = client_init("", 5555); struct sample samples[SAMPLES_PER_FILE]; memset(samples, 0, sizeof(samples)); struct sample *cap = samples; while (true) { size_t len = client_recv(sock, (uint8_t *)cap, SAMPLES_PER_CAPTURE * sizeof(*cap)); assert(SAMPLES_PER_CAPTURE * sizeof(*cap) == len); cap += SAMPLES_PER_CAPTURE; if (cap >= &samples[SAMPLES_PER_FILE]) { // Write out the file with all the known samples. fh = fopen(argv[1], "w"); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(samples); i++) { fprintf(fh, "%f %03.4f\n", samples[i].t.tv_sec + samples[i].t.tv_nsec / NSEC_PER_SEC, ((105.84 / 4096) * samples[i].d) / 0.1); } fclose(fh); // Shift room for the new samples. memset(samples, 0, sizeof(samples)); cap = samples; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static int _gnutls_status_request_recv_params(gnutls_session_t session, const uint8_t * data, size_t size) { extension_priv_data_t epriv; status_request_ext_st *priv; int ret; ret = _gnutls_ext_get_session_data(session, GNUTLS_EXTENSION_STATUS_REQUEST, &epriv); if (ret < 0 || epriv.ptr == NULL) /* it is ok not to have it */ return 0; priv = epriv.ptr; if (session->security_parameters.entity == GNUTLS_CLIENT) return client_recv(session, priv, data, size); return server_recv(session, priv, data, size); }
void *client_recv1(void *gui){ while(1){ char buff[MAXLINE]; int bytes = client_recv(((Gui*)gui)->sockfd, buff); buff[bytes] = '\0'; if (buff[0] != '\0'){ gchar *new_tab = "> "; add_to_text(gui, new_tab); add_to_text(gui, buff); gchar *new_line = "\n"; add_to_text(gui, new_line); } buff[0] = '\0'; sleep(.1); } }
/** @brief Read and process available transport_messages for a transport_client. @param client Pointer to the transport_client whose socket is to be read. @param timeout How many seconds to wait for the first message. @param msg_received A pointer through which to report whether a message was received. @return 0 upon success (even if a timeout occurs), or -1 upon failure. Read and process all available transport_messages from the socket of the specified transport_client. Pass each one through osrf_stack_transport(). The timeout applies only to the first message. Any subsequent messages must be available immediately. Don't wait for them, even if the timeout has not expired. In theory, a sufficiently large backlog of input messages could keep you working past the nominal expiration of the timeout. The @a msg_received parameter points to an int owned by the calling code and used as a boolean. Set it to true if you receive at least one transport_message, or to false if you don't. A timeout is not treated as an error; it just means you must set that boolean to false. */ int osrf_stack_process( transport_client* client, int timeout, int* msg_received ) { if( !client ) return -1; transport_message* msg = NULL; if(msg_received) *msg_received = 0; // Loop through the available input messages while( (msg = client_recv( client, timeout )) ) { if(msg_received) *msg_received = 1; osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Received message from transport code from %s", msg->sender ); osrf_stack_transport_handler( msg, NULL ); timeout = 0; } if( client->error ) { osrfLogWarning(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "transport_client had trouble reading from the socket.."); return -1; } if( ! client_connected( client ) ) return -1; return 0; }
static int osrfHttpTranslatorProcess(osrfHttpTranslator* trans) { if(trans->body == NULL) return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; if(!osrfHttpTranslatorSetTo(trans)) return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; char* jsonBody = osrfHttpTranslatorParseRequest(trans); if (NULL == jsonBody) return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; while(client_recv(trans->handle, 0)) continue; // discard any old status messages in the recv queue // send the message to the recipient transport_message* tmsg = message_init( jsonBody, NULL, trans->thread, trans->recipient, NULL); message_set_osrf_xid(tmsg, osrfLogGetXid()); client_send_message(trans->handle, tmsg); message_free(tmsg); free(jsonBody); if(trans->disconnectOnly) { osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "exiting early on disconnect"); osrfCacheRemove(trans->thread); return OK; } // process the response from the opensrf service int firstWrite = 1; while(!trans->complete) { transport_message* msg = client_recv(trans->handle, trans->timeout); if(trans->handle->error) { osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Transport error"); osrfCacheRemove(trans->thread); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } if(msg == NULL) return HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT; if(msg->is_error) { osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "XMPP message resulted in error code %d", msg->error_code); osrfCacheRemove(trans->thread); return HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } if(!osrfHttpTranslatorCheckStatus(trans, msg)) continue; if(firstWrite) { osrfHttpTranslatorInitHeaders(trans, msg); if(trans->connecting) osrfHttpTranslatorCacheSession(trans, msg->sender); firstWrite = 0; } if(trans->multipart) { osrfHttpTranslatorWriteChunk(trans, msg); if(trans->connectOnly) break; } else { if(!trans->messages) trans->messages = osrfNewList(); osrfListPush(trans->messages, msg->body); if(trans->complete || trans->connectOnly) { growing_buffer* buf = buffer_init(128); unsigned int i; OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(buf, osrfListGetIndex(trans->messages, 0)); for(i = 1; i < trans->messages->size; i++) { buffer_chomp(buf); // chomp off the closing array bracket char* body = osrfListGetIndex(trans->messages, i); char newbuf[strlen(body)]; sprintf(newbuf, "%s", body+1); // chomp off the opening array bracket OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(buf, ','); OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(buf, newbuf); } ap_rputs(buf->buf, trans->apreq); buffer_free(buf); } } } if(trans->disconnecting) // DISCONNECT within a multi-message batch osrfCacheRemove(trans->thread); return OK; }
static int rping_cq_event_handler(struct rping_cb *cb) { struct ibv_wc wc; struct ibv_recv_wr *bad_wr; int ret; int flushed = 0; while ((ret = ibv_poll_cq(cb->cq, 1, &wc)) == 1) { ret = 0; if (wc.status) { if (wc.status == IBV_WC_WR_FLUSH_ERR) { flushed = 1; continue; } fprintf(stderr, "cq completion failed status %d\n", wc.status); ret = -1; goto error; } switch (wc.opcode) { case IBV_WC_SEND: DEBUG_LOG("send completion\n"); break; case IBV_WC_RDMA_WRITE: DEBUG_LOG("rdma write completion\n"); cb->state = RDMA_WRITE_COMPLETE; sem_post(&cb->sem); break; case IBV_WC_RDMA_READ: DEBUG_LOG("rdma read completion\n"); cb->state = RDMA_READ_COMPLETE; sem_post(&cb->sem); break; case IBV_WC_RECV: DEBUG_LOG("recv completion\n"); ret = cb->server ? server_recv(cb, &wc) : client_recv(cb, &wc); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "recv wc error: %d\n", ret); goto error; } ret = ibv_post_recv(cb->qp, &cb->rq_wr, &bad_wr); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "post recv error: %d\n", ret); goto error; } sem_post(&cb->sem); break; default: DEBUG_LOG("unknown!!!!! completion\n"); ret = -1; goto error; } } if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "poll error %d\n", ret); goto error; } return flushed; error: cb->state = ERROR; sem_post(&cb->sem); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { srand(time(NULL)); rand(); if (argc == 2 || argc == 3) { char *hostname = argv[1]; int port = DEFAULT_PORT; if (argc == 3) { port = atoi(argv[2]); } db_disable(); client_enable(); client_connect(hostname, port); client_start(); } if (!glfwInit()) { return -1; } create_window(); if (!window) { glfwTerminate(); return -1; } glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); glfwSwapInterval(VSYNC); glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED); glfwSetKeyCallback(window, on_key); glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(window, on_mouse_button); glfwSetScrollCallback(window, on_scroll); #ifndef __APPLE__ if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK) { return -1; } #endif if (db_init()) { return -1; } glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glLogicOp(GL_INVERT); glClearColor(0.53, 0.81, 0.92, 1.00); GLuint texture; glGenTextures(1, &texture); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); load_png_texture("texture.png"); GLuint block_program = load_program( "shaders/block_vertex.glsl", "shaders/block_fragment.glsl"); GLuint matrix_loc = glGetUniformLocation(block_program, "matrix"); GLuint camera_loc = glGetUniformLocation(block_program, "camera"); GLuint sampler_loc = glGetUniformLocation(block_program, "sampler"); GLuint timer_loc = glGetUniformLocation(block_program, "timer"); GLuint position_loc = glGetAttribLocation(block_program, "position"); GLuint normal_loc = glGetAttribLocation(block_program, "normal"); GLuint uv_loc = glGetAttribLocation(block_program, "uv"); GLuint line_program = load_program( "shaders/line_vertex.glsl", "shaders/line_fragment.glsl"); GLuint line_matrix_loc = glGetUniformLocation(line_program, "matrix"); GLuint line_position_loc = glGetAttribLocation(line_program, "position"); GLuint item_position_buffer = 0; GLuint item_normal_buffer = 0; GLuint item_uv_buffer = 0; int previous_block_type = 0; Chunk chunks[MAX_CHUNKS]; int chunk_count = 0; Player players[MAX_PLAYERS]; int player_count = 0; FPS fps = {0, 0}; float matrix[16]; float x = (rand_double() - 0.5) * 10000; float z = (rand_double() - 0.5) * 10000; float y = 0; float dy = 0; float rx = 0; float ry = 0; double px = 0; double py = 0; int loaded = db_load_state(&x, &y, &z, &rx, &ry); ensure_chunks(chunks, &chunk_count, floorf(roundf(x) / CHUNK_SIZE), floorf(roundf(z) / CHUNK_SIZE), 1); if (!loaded) { y = highest_block(chunks, chunk_count, x, z) + 2; } glfwGetCursorPos(window, &px, &py); double previous = glfwGetTime(); while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { update_fps(&fps, SHOW_FPS); double now = glfwGetTime(); double dt = MIN(now - previous, 0.2); previous = now; if (exclusive && (px || py)) { double mx, my; glfwGetCursorPos(window, &mx, &my); float m = 0.0025; rx += (mx - px) * m; ry -= (my - py) * m; if (rx < 0) { rx += RADIANS(360); } if (rx >= RADIANS(360)){ rx -= RADIANS(360); } ry = MAX(ry, -RADIANS(90)); ry = MIN(ry, RADIANS(90)); px = mx; py = my; } else { glfwGetCursorPos(window, &px, &py); } int sz = 0; int sx = 0; ortho = glfwGetKey(window, 'F'); fov = glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) ? 15.0 : 65.0; if (glfwGetKey(window, 'Q')) break; if (glfwGetKey(window, 'W')) sz--; if (glfwGetKey(window, 'S')) sz++; if (glfwGetKey(window, 'A')) sx--; if (glfwGetKey(window, 'D')) sx++; float m = dt * 1.0; if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT)) rx -= m; if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)) rx += m; if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_UP)) ry += m; if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_DOWN)) ry -= m; float vx, vy, vz; get_motion_vector(flying, sz, sx, rx, ry, &vx, &vy, &vz); if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_SPACE)) { if (flying) { vy = 1; } else if (dy == 0) { dy = 8; } } if (glfwGetKey(window, 'Z')) { vx = -1; vy = 0; vz = 0; } if (glfwGetKey(window, 'X')) { vx = 1; vy = 0; vz = 0; } if (glfwGetKey(window, 'C')) { vx = 0; vy = -1; vz = 0; } if (glfwGetKey(window, 'V')) { vx = 0; vy = 1; vz = 0; } if (glfwGetKey(window, 'B')) { vx = 0; vy = 0; vz = -1; } if (glfwGetKey(window, 'N')) { vx = 0; vy = 0; vz = 1; } float speed = flying ? 20 : 5; int step = 8; float ut = dt / step; vx = vx * ut * speed; vy = vy * ut * speed; vz = vz * ut * speed; for (int i = 0; i < step; i++) { if (flying) { dy = 0; } else { dy -= ut * 25; dy = MAX(dy, -250); } x += vx; y += vy + dy * ut; z += vz; if (collide(chunks, chunk_count, 2, &x, &y, &z)) { dy = 0; } } if (y < 0) { y = highest_block(chunks, chunk_count, x, z) + 2; } for (int i = 0; i < chunk_count; i++) { Chunk *chunk = chunks + i; chunk->dirty = 0; } if (left_click) { left_click = 0; int hx, hy, hz; int hw = hit_test(chunks, chunk_count, 0, x, y, z, rx, ry, &hx, &hy, &hz); if (hy > 0 && is_destructable(hw)) { set_block(chunks, chunk_count, hx, hy, hz, 0, 1); } } if (right_click) { right_click = 0; int hx, hy, hz; int hw = hit_test(chunks, chunk_count, 1, x, y, z, rx, ry, &hx, &hy, &hz); if (is_obstacle(hw)) { if (!player_intersects_block(2, x, y, z, hx, hy, hz)) { set_block(chunks, chunk_count, hx, hy, hz, block_type, 1); } } } if (middle_click) { middle_click = 0; int hx, hy, hz; int hw = hit_test(chunks, chunk_count, 0, x, y, z, rx, ry, &hx, &hy, &hz); if (is_selectable(hw)) { block_type = hw; } } if (teleport) { teleport = 0; if (player_count) { int index = rand_int(player_count); Player *player = players + index; x = player->x; y = player->y; z = player->z; rx = player->rx; ry = player->ry; ensure_chunks(chunks, &chunk_count, floorf(roundf(x) / CHUNK_SIZE), floorf(roundf(z) / CHUNK_SIZE), 1); } } client_position(x, y, z, rx, ry); char buffer[RECV_BUFFER_SIZE]; while (client_recv(buffer, RECV_BUFFER_SIZE)) { float ux, uy, uz, urx, ury; if (sscanf(buffer, "U,%*d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", &ux, &uy, &uz, &urx, &ury) == 5) { x = ux; y = uy; z = uz; rx = urx; ry = ury; ensure_chunks(chunks, &chunk_count, floorf(roundf(x) / CHUNK_SIZE), floorf(roundf(z) / CHUNK_SIZE), 1); y = highest_block(chunks, chunk_count, x, z) + 2; } int bx, by, bz, bw; if (sscanf(buffer, "B,%*d,%*d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &bx, &by, &bz, &bw) == 4) { set_block(chunks, chunk_count, bx, by, bz, bw, 0); if ((int)roundf(x) == bx && (int)roundf(z) == bz) { y = highest_block(chunks, chunk_count, x, z) + 2; } } int pid; float px, py, pz, prx, pry; if (sscanf(buffer, "P,%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", &pid, &px, &py, &pz, &prx, &pry) == 6) { Player *player = find_player(players, player_count, pid); if (!player && player_count < MAX_PLAYERS) { player = players + player_count; player_count++; player->id = pid; player->position_buffer = 0; player->normal_buffer = 0; player->uv_buffer = 0; printf("%d other players are online\n", player_count); } if (player) { update_player(player, px, py, pz, prx, pry); } } if (sscanf(buffer, "D,%d", &pid) == 1) { delete_player(players, &player_count, pid); printf("%d other players are online\n", player_count); } } for (int i = 0; i < chunk_count; i++) { Chunk *chunk = chunks + i; if (chunk->dirty) { update_chunk(chunk); } } int p = floorf(roundf(x) / CHUNK_SIZE); int q = floorf(roundf(z) / CHUNK_SIZE); ensure_chunks(chunks, &chunk_count, p, q, 0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); update_matrix_3d(matrix, x, y, z, rx, ry); // render chunks glUseProgram(block_program); glUniformMatrix4fv(matrix_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, matrix); glUniform3f(camera_loc, x, y, z); glUniform1i(sampler_loc, 0); glUniform1f(timer_loc, glfwGetTime()); for (int i = 0; i < chunk_count; i++) { Chunk *chunk = chunks + i; if (chunk_distance(chunk, p, q) > RENDER_CHUNK_RADIUS) { continue; } if (!chunk_visible(chunk, matrix)) { continue; } draw_chunk(chunk, position_loc, normal_loc, uv_loc); } // render players for (int i = 0; i < player_count; i++) { Player *player = players + i; draw_player(player, position_loc, normal_loc, uv_loc); } // render focused block wireframe int hx, hy, hz; int hw = hit_test( chunks, chunk_count, 0, x, y, z, rx, ry, &hx, &hy, &hz); if (is_obstacle(hw)) { glUseProgram(line_program); glLineWidth(1); glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); glUniformMatrix4fv(line_matrix_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, matrix); GLuint cube_buffer = make_cube_buffer(hx, hy, hz, 0.51); draw_lines(cube_buffer, line_position_loc, 3, 48); glDeleteBuffers(1, &cube_buffer); glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); } update_matrix_2d(matrix); // render crosshairs glUseProgram(line_program); glLineWidth(4); glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); glUniformMatrix4fv(line_matrix_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, matrix); GLuint line_buffer = make_line_buffer(); draw_lines(line_buffer, line_position_loc, 2, 4); glDeleteBuffers(1, &line_buffer); glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); // render selected item update_matrix_item(matrix); if (block_type != previous_block_type) { previous_block_type = block_type; make_single_cube( &item_position_buffer, &item_normal_buffer, &item_uv_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, block_type); } glUseProgram(block_program); glUniformMatrix4fv(matrix_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, matrix); glUniform3f(camera_loc, 0, 0, 5); glUniform1i(sampler_loc, 0); glUniform1f(timer_loc, glfwGetTime()); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); draw_single_cube( item_position_buffer, item_normal_buffer, item_uv_buffer, position_loc, normal_loc, uv_loc); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glfwSwapBuffers(window); glfwPollEvents(); } client_stop(); db_save_state(x, y, z, rx, ry); db_close(); glfwTerminate(); return 0; }
void *client_fn(LTP_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED void *arg) { char buf[server_msg_size]; int cfd, i; intptr_t err = 0; /* connect & send requests */ cfd = client_connect_send(client_msg, client_msg_size); if (cfd == -1) { err = errno; goto out; } if (client_recv(&cfd, buf)) { err = errno; goto out; } for (i = 1; i < client_max_requests; ++i) { /* check connection, it can be closed */ int ret = 0; if (cfd != -1) ret = recv(cfd, buf, 1, MSG_DONTWAIT); if (ret == 0) { /* try to reconnect and send */ if (cfd != -1) SAFE_CLOSE(cleanup, cfd); cfd = client_connect_send(client_msg, client_msg_size); if (cfd == -1) { err = errno; goto out; } if (client_recv(&cfd, buf)) { err = errno; break; } continue; } else if (ret > 0) { err = EMSGSIZE; break; } if (verbose) { tst_resm_hexd(TINFO, client_msg, client_msg_size, "try to send msg[%d]", i); } if (send(cfd, client_msg, client_msg_size, MSG_NOSIGNAL) != client_msg_size) { err = ECOMM; break; } if (client_recv(&cfd, buf)) { err = errno; break; } } if (cfd != -1) SAFE_CLOSE(cleanup, cfd); out: return (void *) err; }
/** * User thread responsible for handling individual clients * @param arg Structure to use to process the thread */ void *user_thread( void *arg ) { User user = new_user( ((Environment)arg)->client ); Management manager = ((Environment)arg)->manager; // increase thread count manager_up_thread( manager, pthread_self() ); // lock user for now user_lock( user ); // add the user to the list of users manager_add_user( manager, user ); // turn client on client_ok( user->client ); // ready user for commo user_unlock( user ); /* --------------------------------------------- * Login screen */ Room login_room = room_get( manager->rooms, 0 ); if( login_room == NULL ){ printf("Error getting login room\n"); //return 0; } char_set_room( user->parent->character, login_room ); // have a look action_look( NULL, user, manager ); // client_prompt( ) // accept input // initialize int buff_len = 256; char *buff = (char *) malloc( buff_len ); memset( buff, 0, 256 ); if( buff == NULL ){ perror("client thread recv buffer malloc"); return NULL; } // user response loop while( manager->cease != 1 && (user->flags & USER_FLAG_EXIT) == 0 ){ // receive response from client int length = client_recv( user->client, &buff, &buff_len ); // handle response if( buff != NULL && length > 0 ){ // parse the response for actionable text action_parse_response( buff, // buffer with response length, // length of response user, // user making response manager ); // manager // reset response memset(buff,0,length); } else { // nothing going on, yield sched_yield(); } } free( buff ); // remove from manager list manager_remove_user( manager, user ); // lock user for this user_lock( user ); // close and destory all structs // manually manage this part close_client( user->client ); destroy_client( user->client ); // user gone from manager so safe to unlock a head user_unlock( user ); // now destroy destroy_user( user ); free( ((Environment)arg) ); // decrease thread count manager_down_thread( manager, pthread_self() ); pthread_exit( 0 ); return NULL; }
static int cq_event_handler(struct thread_data *td, enum ibv_wc_opcode opcode) { struct rdmaio_data *rd = td->io_ops->data; struct ibv_wc wc; struct rdma_io_u_data *r_io_u_d; int ret; int compevnum = 0; int i; while ((ret = ibv_poll_cq(rd->cq, 1, &wc)) == 1) { ret = 0; compevnum++; if (wc.status) { log_err("fio: cq completion status %d(%s)\n", wc.status, ibv_wc_status_str(wc.status)); return -1; } switch (wc.opcode) { case IBV_WC_RECV: if (rd->is_client == 1) ret = client_recv(td, &wc); else ret = server_recv(td, &wc); if (ret) return -1; if (wc.wr_id == FIO_RDMA_MAX_IO_DEPTH) break; for (i = 0; i < rd->io_u_flight_nr; i++) { r_io_u_d = rd->io_us_flight[i]->engine_data; if (wc.wr_id == r_io_u_d->rq_wr.wr_id) { rd->io_us_flight[i]->resid = rd->io_us_flight[i]->buflen - wc.byte_len; rd->io_us_flight[i]->error = 0; rd->io_us_completed[rd-> io_u_completed_nr] = rd->io_us_flight[i]; rd->io_u_completed_nr++; break; } } if (i == rd->io_u_flight_nr) log_err("fio: recv wr %" PRId64 " not found\n", wc.wr_id); else { /* put the last one into middle of the list */ rd->io_us_flight[i] = rd->io_us_flight[rd->io_u_flight_nr - 1]; rd->io_u_flight_nr--; } break; case IBV_WC_SEND: case IBV_WC_RDMA_WRITE: case IBV_WC_RDMA_READ: if (wc.wr_id == FIO_RDMA_MAX_IO_DEPTH) break; for (i = 0; i < rd->io_u_flight_nr; i++) { r_io_u_d = rd->io_us_flight[i]->engine_data; if (wc.wr_id == r_io_u_d->sq_wr.wr_id) { rd->io_us_completed[rd-> io_u_completed_nr] = rd->io_us_flight[i]; rd->io_u_completed_nr++; break; } } if (i == rd->io_u_flight_nr) log_err("fio: send wr %" PRId64 " not found\n", wc.wr_id); else { /* put the last one into middle of the list */ rd->io_us_flight[i] = rd->io_us_flight[rd->io_u_flight_nr - 1]; rd->io_u_flight_nr--; } break; default: log_info("fio: unknown completion event %d\n", wc.opcode); return -1; } rd->cq_event_num++; } if (ret) { log_err("fio: poll error %d\n", ret); return 1; } return compevnum; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { srand(time(NULL)); rand(); if (argc == 2 || argc == 3) { char *hostname = argv[1]; int port = DEFAULT_PORT; if (argc == 3) { port = atoi(argv[2]); } db_disable(); client_enable(); client_connect(hostname, port); client_start(); } if (!glfwInit()) { return -1; } create_window(); if (!window) { glfwTerminate(); return -1; } glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); glfwSwapInterval(VSYNC); glfwSetInputMode(window, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED); glfwSetKeyCallback(window, on_key); glfwSetCharCallback(window, on_char); glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(window, on_mouse_button); glfwSetScrollCallback(window, on_scroll); #ifndef __APPLE__ if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK) { return -1; } #endif if (db_init()) { return -1; } glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glLogicOp(GL_INVERT); glClearColor(0.53, 0.81, 0.92, 1.00); GLuint texture; glGenTextures(1, &texture); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); load_png_texture("texture.png"); GLuint font; glGenTextures(1, &font); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, font); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); load_png_texture("font.png"); GLuint block_program = load_program( "shaders/block_vertex.glsl", "shaders/block_fragment.glsl"); GLuint matrix_loc = glGetUniformLocation(block_program, "matrix"); GLuint camera_loc = glGetUniformLocation(block_program, "camera"); GLuint sampler_loc = glGetUniformLocation(block_program, "sampler"); GLuint timer_loc = glGetUniformLocation(block_program, "timer"); GLuint position_loc = glGetAttribLocation(block_program, "position"); GLuint normal_loc = glGetAttribLocation(block_program, "normal"); GLuint uv_loc = glGetAttribLocation(block_program, "uv"); GLuint line_program = load_program( "shaders/line_vertex.glsl", "shaders/line_fragment.glsl"); GLuint line_matrix_loc = glGetUniformLocation(line_program, "matrix"); GLuint line_position_loc = glGetAttribLocation(line_program, "position"); GLuint text_program = load_program( "shaders/text_vertex.glsl", "shaders/text_fragment.glsl"); GLuint text_matrix_loc = glGetUniformLocation(text_program, "matrix"); GLuint text_sampler_loc = glGetUniformLocation(text_program, "sampler"); GLuint text_position_loc = glGetAttribLocation(text_program, "position"); GLuint text_uv_loc = glGetAttribLocation(text_program, "uv"); GLuint item_position_buffer = 0; GLuint item_normal_buffer = 0; GLuint item_uv_buffer = 0; int previous_block_type = 0; char messages[MAX_MESSAGES][TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; int message_index = 0; Chunk chunks[MAX_CHUNKS]; int chunk_count = 0; Player players[MAX_PLAYERS]; int player_count = 0; FPS fps = {0, 0}; float matrix[16]; float x = (rand_double() - 0.5) * 10000; float z = (rand_double() - 0.5) * 10000; float y = 0; float dy = 0; float rx = 0; float ry = 0; double px = 0; double py = 0; int loaded = db_load_state(&x, &y, &z, &rx, &ry); ensure_chunks(chunks, &chunk_count, x, y, z, 1); if (!loaded) { y = highest_block(chunks, chunk_count, x, z) + 2; } glfwGetCursorPos(window, &px, &py); double previous = glfwGetTime(); while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { int width, height; glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, &width, &height); glViewport(0, 0, width, height); update_fps(&fps, SHOW_FPS); double now = glfwGetTime(); double dt = MIN(now - previous, 0.2); previous = now; if (exclusive && (px || py)) { double mx, my; glfwGetCursorPos(window, &mx, &my); float m = 0.0025; rx += (mx - px) * m; ry -= (my - py) * m; if (rx < 0) { rx += RADIANS(360); } if (rx >= RADIANS(360)){ rx -= RADIANS(360); } ry = MAX(ry, -RADIANS(90)); ry = MIN(ry, RADIANS(90)); px = mx; py = my; } else { glfwGetCursorPos(window, &px, &py); } int sz = 0; int sx = 0; if (!typing) { float m = dt * 1.0; ortho = glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_ORTHO); fov = glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_ZOOM) ? 15.0 : 65.0; if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_QUIT)) break; if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_FORWARD)) sz--; if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_BACKWARD)) sz++; if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_LEFT)) sx--; if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_RIGHT)) sx++; if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT)) rx -= m; if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)) rx += m; if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_UP)) ry += m; if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_DOWN)) ry -= m; } float vx, vy, vz; get_motion_vector(flying, sz, sx, rx, ry, &vx, &vy, &vz); if (!typing) { if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_JUMP)) { if (flying) { vy = 1; } else if (dy == 0) { dy = 8; } } if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_XM)) { vx = -1; vy = 0; vz = 0; } if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_XP)) { vx = 1; vy = 0; vz = 0; } if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_YM)) { vx = 0; vy = -1; vz = 0; } if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_YP)) { vx = 0; vy = 1; vz = 0; } if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_ZM)) { vx = 0; vy = 0; vz = -1; } if (glfwGetKey(window, CRAFT_KEY_ZP)) { vx = 0; vy = 0; vz = 1; } } float speed = flying ? 20 : 5; int step = 8; float ut = dt / step; vx = vx * ut * speed; vy = vy * ut * speed; vz = vz * ut * speed; for (int i = 0; i < step; i++) { if (flying) { dy = 0; } else { dy -= ut * 25; dy = MAX(dy, -250); } x += vx; y += vy + dy * ut; z += vz; if (collide(chunks, chunk_count, 2, &x, &y, &z)) { dy = 0; } } if (y < 0) { y = highest_block(chunks, chunk_count, x, z) + 2; } if (left_click) { left_click = 0; int hx, hy, hz; int hw = hit_test(chunks, chunk_count, 0, x, y, z, rx, ry, &hx, &hy, &hz); if (hy > 0 && is_destructable(hw)) { set_block(chunks, chunk_count, hx, hy, hz, 0); int above = get_block(chunks, chunk_count, hx, hy + 1, hz); if (is_plant(above)) { set_block(chunks, chunk_count, hx, hy + 1, hz, 0); } } } if (right_click) { right_click = 0; int hx, hy, hz; int hw = hit_test(chunks, chunk_count, 1, x, y, z, rx, ry, &hx, &hy, &hz); if (is_obstacle(hw)) { if (!player_intersects_block(2, x, y, z, hx, hy, hz)) { set_block(chunks, chunk_count, hx, hy, hz, block_type); } } } if (middle_click) { middle_click = 0; int hx, hy, hz; int hw = hit_test(chunks, chunk_count, 0, x, y, z, rx, ry, &hx, &hy, &hz); if (is_selectable(hw)) { block_type = hw; } } if (teleport) { teleport = 0; if (player_count) { int index = rand_int(player_count); Player *player = players + index; x = player->x; y = player->y; z = player->z; rx = player->rx; ry = player->ry; ensure_chunks(chunks, &chunk_count, x, y, z, 1); } } client_position(x, y, z, rx, ry); char buffer[RECV_BUFFER_SIZE]; while (client_recv(buffer, RECV_BUFFER_SIZE)) { float ux, uy, uz, urx, ury; if (sscanf(buffer, "U,%*d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", &ux, &uy, &uz, &urx, &ury) == 5) { x = ux; y = uy; z = uz; rx = urx; ry = ury; ensure_chunks(chunks, &chunk_count, x, y, z, 1); y = highest_block(chunks, chunk_count, x, z) + 2; } int bp, bq, bx, by, bz, bw; if (sscanf(buffer, "B,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &bp, &bq, &bx, &by, &bz, &bw) == 6) { _set_block(chunks, chunk_count, bp, bq, bx, by, bz, bw); if (player_intersects_block(2, x, y, z, bx, by, bz)) { y = highest_block(chunks, chunk_count, x, z) + 2; } } int pid; float px, py, pz, prx, pry; if (sscanf(buffer, "P,%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", &pid, &px, &py, &pz, &prx, &pry) == 6) { Player *player = find_player(players, player_count, pid); if (!player && player_count < MAX_PLAYERS) { player = players + player_count; player_count++; player->id = pid; player->position_buffer = 0; player->normal_buffer = 0; player->uv_buffer = 0; } if (player) { update_player(player, px, py, pz, prx, pry); } } if (sscanf(buffer, "D,%d", &pid) == 1) { delete_player(players, &player_count, pid); } if (buffer[0] == 'T' && buffer[1] == ',') { char *text = buffer + 2; printf("%s\n", text); snprintf( messages[message_index], TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s", text); message_index = (message_index + 1) % MAX_MESSAGES; } } int p = chunked(x); int q = chunked(z); ensure_chunks(chunks, &chunk_count, x, y, z, 0); // RENDER 3-D SCENE // glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); set_matrix_3d(matrix, width, height, x, y, z, rx, ry, fov, ortho); // render chunks glUseProgram(block_program); glUniformMatrix4fv(matrix_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, matrix); glUniform3f(camera_loc, x, y, z); glUniform1i(sampler_loc, 0); glUniform1f(timer_loc, glfwGetTime()); for (int i = 0; i < chunk_count; i++) { Chunk *chunk = chunks + i; if (chunk_distance(chunk, p, q) > RENDER_CHUNK_RADIUS) { continue; } if (y < 100 && !chunk_visible(chunk, matrix)) { continue; } draw_chunk(chunk, position_loc, normal_loc, uv_loc); } // render players for (int i = 0; i < player_count; i++) { Player *player = players + i; draw_player(player, position_loc, normal_loc, uv_loc); } // render focused block wireframe int hx, hy, hz; int hw = hit_test( chunks, chunk_count, 0, x, y, z, rx, ry, &hx, &hy, &hz); if (is_obstacle(hw)) { glUseProgram(line_program); glLineWidth(1); glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); glUniformMatrix4fv(line_matrix_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, matrix); GLuint wireframe_buffer = gen_wireframe_buffer(hx, hy, hz, 0.51); draw_lines(wireframe_buffer, line_position_loc, 3, 48); glDeleteBuffers(1, &wireframe_buffer); glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); } // RENDER 2-D HUD PARTS // glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); set_matrix_2d(matrix, width, height); // render crosshairs glUseProgram(line_program); glLineWidth(4); glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); glUniformMatrix4fv(line_matrix_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, matrix); GLuint crosshair_buffer = gen_crosshair_buffer(width, height); draw_lines(crosshair_buffer, line_position_loc, 2, 4); glDeleteBuffers(1, &crosshair_buffer); glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); // render text glUseProgram(text_program); glUniformMatrix4fv(text_matrix_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, matrix); glUniform1i(text_sampler_loc, 1); char text_buffer[1024]; float ts = 12; float tx = ts / 2; float ty = height - ts; snprintf( text_buffer, 1024, "%d, %d, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f [%d, %d]", p, q, x, y, z, player_count, chunk_count); print( text_position_loc, text_uv_loc, tx, ty, ts, text_buffer); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MESSAGES; i++) { int index = (message_index + i) % MAX_MESSAGES; if (strlen(messages[index])) { ty -= ts * 2; print( text_position_loc, text_uv_loc, tx, ty, ts, messages[index]); } } if (typing) { ty -= ts * 2; snprintf(text_buffer, 1024, "> %s", typing_buffer); print( text_position_loc, text_uv_loc, tx, ty, ts, text_buffer); } // RENDER 3-D HUD PARTS // set_matrix_item(matrix, width, height); // render selected item if (block_type != previous_block_type) { previous_block_type = block_type; if (is_plant(block_type)) { gen_plant_buffers( &item_position_buffer, &item_normal_buffer, &item_uv_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, block_type); } else { gen_cube_buffers( &item_position_buffer, &item_normal_buffer, &item_uv_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, block_type); } } glUseProgram(block_program); glUniformMatrix4fv(matrix_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, matrix); glUniform3f(camera_loc, 0, 0, 5); glUniform1i(sampler_loc, 0); glUniform1f(timer_loc, glfwGetTime()); if (is_plant(block_type)) { draw_plant( item_position_buffer, item_normal_buffer, item_uv_buffer, position_loc, normal_loc, uv_loc); } else { draw_cube( item_position_buffer, item_normal_buffer, item_uv_buffer, position_loc, normal_loc, uv_loc); } // swap buffers glfwSwapBuffers(window); glfwPollEvents(); } client_stop(); db_save_state(x, y, z, rx, ry); db_close(); glfwTerminate(); return 0; }
static void krping_cq_event_handler(struct ib_cq *cq, void *ctx) { struct krping_cb *cb = ctx; struct ib_wc wc; struct ib_recv_wr *bad_wr; int ret; mtx_lock(&cb->lock); KASSERT(cb->cq == cq, ("bad condition")); if (cb->state == ERROR) { log(LOG_ERR, "cq completion in ERROR state\n"); mtx_unlock(&cb->lock); return; } if (!cb->wlat && !cb->rlat && !cb->bw) ib_req_notify_cq(cb->cq, IB_CQ_NEXT_COMP); while ((ret = ib_poll_cq(cb->cq, 1, &wc)) == 1) { if (wc.status) { if (wc.status == IB_WC_WR_FLUSH_ERR) { DEBUG_LOG("cq flushed\n"); continue; } else { log(LOG_CRIT, "cq completion failed status %d\n", wc.status); goto error; } } switch (wc.opcode) { case IB_WC_SEND: DEBUG_LOG(PFX "send completion\n"); cb->stats.send_bytes += cb->send_sgl.length; cb->stats.send_msgs++; break; case IB_WC_RDMA_WRITE: DEBUG_LOG(PFX "rdma write completion\n"); cb->stats.write_bytes += cb->rdma_sq_wr.sg_list->length; cb->stats.write_msgs++; cb->state = RDMA_WRITE_COMPLETE; wakeup(cb); break; case IB_WC_RDMA_READ: DEBUG_LOG(PFX "rdma read completion\n"); cb->stats.read_bytes += cb->rdma_sq_wr.sg_list->length; cb->stats.read_msgs++; cb->state = RDMA_READ_COMPLETE; wakeup(cb); break; case IB_WC_RECV: DEBUG_LOG(PFX "recv completion\n"); cb->stats.recv_bytes += sizeof(cb->recv_buf); cb->stats.recv_msgs++; if (cb->wlat || cb->rlat || cb->bw) ret = server_recv(cb, &wc); else ret = cb->server ? server_recv(cb, &wc) : client_recv(cb, &wc); if (ret) { log(LOG_ERR, "recv wc error: %d\n", ret); goto error; } ret = ib_post_recv(cb->qp, &cb->rq_wr, &bad_wr); if (ret) { log(LOG_ERR, "post recv error: %d\n", ret); goto error; } wakeup(cb); break; default: log(LOG_ERR, "unknown!!!!! completion\n"); goto error; } } if (ret) { log(LOG_ERR, "poll error %d\n", ret); goto error; } mtx_unlock(&cb->lock); return; error: cb->state = ERROR; wakeup(cb); mtx_unlock(&cb->lock); }
/** Read a 'packet' of data from a connection and process it. Read in * 8k chunks to give a better performance rating (for server * connections). Do some tricky stuff for client connections to make * sure they don't do any flooding >:-) -avalon * @param cptr Client from which to read data. * @param socket_ready If non-zero, more data can be read from the client's socket. * @return Positive number on success, zero on connection-fatal failure, negative * if user is killed. */ static int read_packet(struct Client *cptr, int socket_ready) { unsigned int dolen = 0; unsigned int length = 0; if (socket_ready && !(IsUser(cptr) && DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) > feature_uint(FEAT_CLIENT_FLOOD))) { #if defined(USE_SSL) switch (client_recv(cptr, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf), &length)) { #else switch (os_recv_nonb(cli_fd(cptr), readbuf, sizeof(readbuf), &length)) { #endif case IO_SUCCESS: if (length) { cli_lasttime(cptr) = CurrentTime; ClearPingSent(cptr); ClrFlag(cptr, FLAG_NONL); if (cli_lasttime(cptr) > cli_since(cptr)) cli_since(cptr) = cli_lasttime(cptr); } break; case IO_BLOCKED: break; case IO_FAILURE: cli_error(cptr) = errno; /* SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_DEADSOCKET); */ return 0; } } /* * For server connections, we process as many as we can without * worrying about the time of day or anything :) */ if (length > 0 && IsServer(cptr)) return server_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, length); else if (length > 0 && (IsHandshake(cptr) || IsConnecting(cptr))) return connect_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, length); else { /* * Before we even think of parsing what we just read, stick * it on the end of the receive queue and do it when its * turn comes around. */ if (length > 0 && dbuf_put(cptr, &(cli_recvQ(cptr)), readbuf, length) == 0) return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "dbuf_put fail"); if ((DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) > feature_uint(FEAT_CLIENT_FLOOD)) && !IsChannelService(cptr)) return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "Excess Flood"); while (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) && !NoNewLine(cptr) && (IsTrusted(cptr) || IsChannelService(cptr) || cli_since(cptr) - CurrentTime < 10)) { dolen = dbuf_getmsg(&(cli_recvQ(cptr)), cli_buffer(cptr), BUFSIZE); /* * Devious looking...whats it do ? well..if a client * sends a *long* message without any CR or LF, then * dbuf_getmsg fails and we pull it out using this * loop which just gets the next 512 bytes and then * deletes the rest of the buffer contents. * -avalon */ if (dolen == 0) { if (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) < 510) SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_NONL); else { /* More than 512 bytes in the line - drop the input and yell * at the client. */ DBufClear(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))); send_reply(cptr, ERR_INPUTTOOLONG); } } else if (client_dopacket(cptr, dolen) == CPTR_KILLED) return CPTR_KILLED; /* * If it has become registered as a Server * then skip the per-message parsing below. */ if (IsHandshake(cptr) || IsServer(cptr)) { while (-1) { dolen = dbuf_get(&(cli_recvQ(cptr)), readbuf, sizeof(readbuf)); if (dolen <= 0) return 1; else if (dolen == 0) { if (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) < 510) SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_NONL); else { DBufClear(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))); /* send_reply(cptr, ERR_INPUTTOOLONG); */ } } else if ((IsServer(cptr) && server_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, dolen) == CPTR_KILLED) || (!IsServer(cptr) && connect_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, dolen) == CPTR_KILLED)) return CPTR_KILLED; } } } /* If there's still data to process, wait 2 seconds first */ if (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) && !NoNewLine(cptr) && !t_onqueue(&(cli_proc(cptr)))) { Debug((DEBUG_LIST, "Adding client process timer for %C", cptr)); cli_freeflag(cptr) |= FREEFLAG_TIMER; timer_add(&(cli_proc(cptr)), client_timer_callback, cli_connect(cptr), TT_RELATIVE, 2); } } return 1; } /** Start a connection to another server. * @param aconf Connect block data for target server. * @param by Client who requested the connection (if any). * @return Non-zero on success; zero on failure. */ int connect_server(struct ConfItem* aconf, struct Client* by) { struct Client* cptr = 0; assert(0 != aconf); if (aconf->dns_pending) { sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Server %s connect DNS pending", aconf->name); return 0; } Debug((DEBUG_NOTICE, "Connect to %s[@%s]", aconf->name, ircd_ntoa(&aconf->address.addr))); if ((cptr = FindClient(aconf->name))) { if (IsServer(cptr) || IsMe(cptr)) { sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Server %s already present from %s", aconf->name, cli_name(cli_from(cptr))); if (by && IsUser(by) && !MyUser(by)) { sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Server %s already present " "from %s", by, aconf->name, cli_name(cli_from(cptr))); } return 0; } else if (IsHandshake(cptr) || IsConnecting(cptr)) { if (by && IsUser(by)) { sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Connection to %s already in " "progress", by, cli_name(cptr)); } return 0; } } /* * If we don't know the IP# for this host and it is a hostname and * not a ip# string, then try and find the appropriate host record. */ if (!irc_in_addr_valid(&aconf->address.addr) && !ircd_aton(&aconf->address.addr, aconf->host)) { char buf[HOSTLEN + 1]; host_from_uh(buf, aconf->host, HOSTLEN); gethost_byname(buf, connect_dns_callback, aconf); aconf->dns_pending = 1; return 0; } cptr = make_client(NULL, STAT_UNKNOWN_SERVER); /* * Copy these in so we have something for error detection. */ ircd_strncpy(cli_name(cptr), aconf->name, HOSTLEN); ircd_strncpy(cli_sockhost(cptr), aconf->host, HOSTLEN); /* * Attach config entries to client here rather than in * completed_connection. This to avoid null pointer references */ attach_confs_byhost(cptr, aconf->host, CONF_SERVER); if (!find_conf_byhost(cli_confs(cptr), aconf->host, CONF_SERVER)) { sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Host %s is not enabled for " "connecting: no Connect block", aconf->name); if (by && IsUser(by) && !MyUser(by)) { sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Connect to host %s failed: no " "Connect block", by, aconf->name); } det_confs_butmask(cptr, 0); free_client(cptr); return 0; } /* * attempt to connect to the server in the conf line */ if (!connect_inet(aconf, cptr)) { if (by && IsUser(by) && !MyUser(by)) { sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Couldn't connect to %s", by, cli_name(cptr)); } det_confs_butmask(cptr, 0); free_client(cptr); return 0; } /* * NOTE: if we're here we have a valid C:Line and the client should * have started the connection and stored the remote address/port and * ip address name in itself * * The socket has been connected or connect is in progress. */ make_server(cptr); if (by && IsUser(by)) { ircd_snprintf(0, cli_serv(cptr)->by, sizeof(cli_serv(cptr)->by), "%s%s", NumNick(by)); assert(0 == cli_serv(cptr)->user); cli_serv(cptr)->user = cli_user(by); cli_user(by)->refcnt++; } else { *(cli_serv(cptr))->by = '\0'; /* strcpy(cptr->serv->by, "Auto"); */ } cli_serv(cptr)->up = &me; SetConnecting(cptr); if (cli_fd(cptr) > HighestFd) HighestFd = cli_fd(cptr); LocalClientArray[cli_fd(cptr)] = cptr; Count_newunknown(UserStats); /* Actually we lie, the connect hasn't succeeded yet, but we have a valid * cptr, so we register it now. * Maybe these two calls should be merged. */ add_client_to_list(cptr); hAddClient(cptr); /* nextping = CurrentTime; */ return (s_state(&cli_socket(cptr)) == SS_CONNECTED) ? completed_connection(cptr) : 1; } /** Find the real hostname for the host running the server (or one which * matches the server's name) and its primary IP#. Hostname is stored * in the client structure passed as a pointer. */ void init_server_identity(void) { const struct LocalConf* conf = conf_get_local(); assert(0 != conf); ircd_strncpy(cli_name(&me), conf->name, HOSTLEN); SetYXXServerName(&me, conf->numeric); } /** Process events on a client socket. * @param ev Socket event structure that has a struct Connection as * its associated data. */ static void client_sock_callback(struct Event* ev) { struct Client* cptr; struct Connection* con; char *fmt = "%s"; char *fallback = 0; assert(0 != ev_socket(ev)); assert(0 != s_data(ev_socket(ev))); con = (struct Connection*) s_data(ev_socket(ev)); assert(0 != con_client(con) || ev_type(ev) == ET_DESTROY); cptr = con_client(con); assert(0 == cptr || con == cli_connect(cptr)); switch (ev_type(ev)) { case ET_DESTROY: con_freeflag(con) &= ~FREEFLAG_SOCKET; if (!con_freeflag(con) && !cptr) free_connection(con); #if defined(USE_SSL) ssl_free(ev_socket(ev)); #endif break; case ET_CONNECT: /* socket connection completed */ if (!completed_connection(cptr) || IsDead(cptr)) fallback = cli_info(cptr); break; case ET_ERROR: /* an error occurred */ fallback = cli_info(cptr); cli_error(cptr) = ev_data(ev); /* If the OS told us we have a bad file descriptor, we should * record that for future reference. */ if (cli_error(cptr) == EBADF) cli_fd(cptr) = -1; if (s_state(&(con_socket(con))) == SS_CONNECTING) { completed_connection(cptr); /* for some reason, the os_get_sockerr() in completed_connection() * can return 0 even when ev_data(ev) indicates a real error, so * re-assign the client error here. */ cli_error(cptr) = ev_data(ev); break; } /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case ET_EOF: /* end of file on socket */ Debug((DEBUG_ERROR, "READ ERROR: fd = %d %d", cli_fd(cptr), cli_error(cptr))); SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_DEADSOCKET); if ((IsServer(cptr) || IsHandshake(cptr)) && cli_error(cptr) == 0) { exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "Server %s closed the connection (%s)", cli_name(cptr), cli_serv(cptr)->last_error_msg); return; } else { fmt = "Read error: %s"; fallback = "EOF from client"; } break; case ET_WRITE: /* socket is writable */ ClrFlag(cptr, FLAG_BLOCKED); if (cli_listing(cptr) && MsgQLength(&(cli_sendQ(cptr))) < 2048) list_next_channels(cptr); Debug((DEBUG_SEND, "Sending queued data to %C", cptr)); send_queued(cptr); break; case ET_READ: /* socket is readable */ if (!IsDead(cptr)) { Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "Reading data from %C", cptr)); if (read_packet(cptr, 1) == 0) /* error while reading packet */ fallback = "EOF from client"; } break; default: assert(0 && "Unrecognized socket event in client_sock_callback()"); break; } assert(0 == cptr || 0 == cli_connect(cptr) || con == cli_connect(cptr)); if (fallback) { const char* msg = (cli_error(cptr)) ? strerror(cli_error(cptr)) : fallback; if (!msg) msg = "Unknown error"; exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, fmt, msg); } } /** Process a timer on client socket. * @param ev Timer event that has a struct Connection as its * associated data. */ static void client_timer_callback(struct Event* ev) { struct Client* cptr; struct Connection* con; assert(0 != ev_timer(ev)); assert(0 != t_data(ev_timer(ev))); assert(ET_DESTROY == ev_type(ev) || ET_EXPIRE == ev_type(ev)); con = (struct Connection*) t_data(ev_timer(ev)); assert(0 != con_client(con) || ev_type(ev) == ET_DESTROY); cptr = con_client(con); assert(0 == cptr || con == cli_connect(cptr)); if (ev_type(ev)== ET_DESTROY) { con_freeflag(con) &= ~FREEFLAG_TIMER; /* timer has expired... */ if (!con_freeflag(con) && !cptr) free_connection(con); /* client is being destroyed */ } else { Debug((DEBUG_LIST, "Client process timer for %C expired; processing", cptr)); read_packet(cptr, 0); /* read_packet will re-add timer if needed */ } assert(0 == cptr || 0 == cli_connect(cptr) || con == cli_connect(cptr)); }
/****************************************************************** * This function is called when an event occurs on a client socket ******************************************************************/ void client_cb(int fd, short events, void *arg) { assert(arg != NULL); Client *cli = arg; int free = 0; // g_hash_table_foreach(g_jobqueue, _print_queue, NULL); if ((events & EV_WRITE) != 0) { event_del(&cli->evt); cli->evt.ev_events = EV_READ|EV_PERSIST; event_add(&cli->evt, NULL); if (client_flush(cli) < 0) { free = 1; } } if ((events & EV_READ) != 0) { int ret = 0; if (!cli->buffer_in) { cli->buffer_in = getBlock(HEADER_SIZE); incRef(cli->buffer_in); ret = client_recv(cli, HEADER_SIZE); } if (ret >= 0) { /* Make sure we don't over-read into the next packet */ int psize = HEADER_SIZE; if (cli->buffer_in->nbytes >= HEADER_SIZE) { if (ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(cli->buffer_in->bytes + HEADER_OFFSET_MAGIC)) != MAGIC_REQUEST) { free = 1; g_warning("[%s] Invalid MAGIC", cli->id); goto free_client; } psize = HEADER_SIZE + ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(cli->buffer_in->bytes + HEADER_OFFSET_SIZE)); /* If the input block isn't large enough to receive the entire packet then switch to one that is */ if (psize > cli->buffer_in->size) { #if DEBUG g_debug("Switching to bigger block (pktsize=%d)", psize); #endif /* Create new (bigger) block */ MemBlock *block = getBlock(psize + 1); /* +1 for terminating NULL to make args easier to work with */ if (!block) { g_error("Failed to get block of size %d", psize); free = 1; goto free_client; } incRef(block); /* Copy bytes into new block */ block->nbytes = cli->buffer_in->nbytes; memmove(block->bytes, cli->buffer_in->bytes, cli->buffer_in->nbytes); /* Swap blocks */ decRef(cli->buffer_in); cli->buffer_in = block; } } int num = psize - cli->buffer_in->nbytes; if (num > 0) ret = client_recv(cli, num); } if (ret < 0) { #if DEBUG g_debug("[%s] Connection on closed", cli->id); #endif free = 1; } else if (ret >= 0) { if (process_client(cli) != 0) { g_warning("[%s] Processing of client failed", cli->id); free = 1; } } } /*if ((events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE)) == 0) { g_warning("[%s] unhandled event %d", __func__, events); }*/ free_client: if (free != 0) { #if DEBUG g_message("[%s] Client disconnected", cli->id); #endif /*printf("[%s] Removing client %d\n", __func__, cli->fd);*/ close(cli->fd); cli->fd = -1; fail_working_jobs(cli); stop_all_listening(cli); unregister_all_abilities(cli); event_del(&cli->evt); g_ptr_array_remove_fast(g_clients, cli); client_free(cli); } }
/* * otras funciones */ TEG_STATUS pre_client_recv( gpointer data, int sock, GdkInputCondition GDK_INPUT_READ ) { client_recv( sock ); return TEG_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
/* connects and registers with the router */ int main( int argc, char** argv ) { if( argc < 5 ) { osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Usage: %s <username> <host> <resource> <recipient> \n", argv[0] ); return 99; } transport_message* send; transport_client* client = client_init( argv[2], 5222, 0 ); // try to connect, allow 15 second connect timeout if( client_connect( client, argv[1], "jkjkasdf", argv[3], 15, AUTH_DIGEST ) ) osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Connected...\n"); else { osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "NOT Connected...\n" ); return -1; } if( (pid=fork()) ) { /* parent */ signal(SIGINT, sig_int); fprintf(stderr, "Listener: %ld\n", (long) getpid() ); char buf[300]; osrf_clearbuf(buf, sizeof(buf)); printf("=> "); while( fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) ) { // remove newline buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; if( strcmp(buf, "exit")==0) { client_free( client ); break; } send = message_init( buf, "", "123454321", argv[4], NULL ); client_send_message( client, send ); message_free( send ); printf("\n=> "); osrf_clearbuf(buf, sizeof(buf)); } fprintf(stderr, "Killing child %d\n", pid ); kill( pid, SIGKILL ); return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Sender: %ld\n", (long) getpid() ); transport_message* recv; while( (recv=client_recv( client, -1)) ) { if( recv->is_error ) fprintf( stderr, "\nReceived Error\t: ------------------\nFrom:\t\t" "%s\nRouterFrom:\t%s\nBody:\t\t%s\nType %s\nCode %d\n=> ", recv->sender, recv->router_from, recv->body, recv->error_type, recv->error_code ); else fprintf( stderr, "\nReceived\t: ------------------\nFrom:\t\t" "%s\nRouterFrom:\t%s\nBody:\t\t%s\n=> ", recv->sender, recv->router_from, recv->body ); message_free( recv ); } } return 0; }
int run_client(uint16_t port, vpn_conf_t *my) { fd_set fds; int r, fd = 0, ppp = 0; struct in_addr out; struct sockaddr_in s; char temp[VPN_PACKET]; if(vpn_cryptinit(&cry, my->algo, my->srckey, my->dstkey) == -1) return -1; signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); if((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { xmsg(0, VPN_DEBUG|VPN_INFO, "socket: %s\n", errstr); vpn_cryptfinish(&cry); exit(1); } if(!inet_aton(my->dstaddr, &out)) { xmsg(0, VPN_DEBUG|VPN_INFO, "invalid IP address: %s\n", my->dstaddr); vpn_cryptfinish(&cry); exit(1); } /* connect */ s.sin_family = AF_INET; s.sin_port = port; s.sin_addr = out; if(connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&s, sizeof(s)) == -1) { close(fd); vpn_cryptfinish(&cry); return xmsg(-1, VPN_DEBUG|VPN_INFO, "connect (%s): %s\n", my->name, errstr); } /* set O_NONBLOCK, KEEPALIVE and TCP_NODELAY */ sockattr(fd); /* send VPN name */ memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s\n", my->name); send(fd, temp, strlen(temp), 0); /* xmsg(0, VPN_TERM, "connected to %s, running pppd\n", my->name); */ /* run pppd */ if((ppp = run_pppd(my->ppplocal, my->pppremote, &pppd_pid)) == -1) { close(fd); vpn_cryptfinish(&cry); return xmsg(-1, VPN_DEBUG|VPN_INFO, "unable to start pppd\n"); } else xmsg(0, VPN_INFO, "connected to %s\n", my->name); /* save pidfile */ save_pidfile(my->name); /* set signals */ signal(SIGINT, mysig); signal(SIGTERM, mysig); signal(SIGKILL, mysig); signal(SIGSEGV, mysig); for(;;) { FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); FD_SET(ppp, &fds); if(select(ppp+1, &fds, 0, 0, 0) >= 1) { memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); if(FD_ISSET(fd, &fds)) { if((r = client_recv(fd, &cry, temp, sizeof(temp))) >= 1) write(ppp, temp, r); else { /* received invalid packet or peer disconnected * kill pppd */ kill(pppd_pid, SIGTERM); break; } } else if(FD_ISSET(ppp, &fds)) { r = read(ppp, temp, sizeof(temp)); if(r == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) continue; else if(r <= 0) { xmsg(0, VPN_DEBUG|VPN_INFO, "lost pppd connection\n"); break; } client_send(fd, &cry, temp, r); } } else break; /* run `up' command */ if(!ifup) { if(!run_cmd(my->cmdup, my->ppplocal)) { my_ptr = my; ifup = 1; } } } if(fd) close(fd); if(ppp) close(ppp); vpn_cryptfinish(&cry); /* run downcmd */ if(ifup) { run_cmd(my->cmddown, NULL); ifup = 0; } return 0; }