Ejemplo n.º 1
dim clmAssimilate
(  mclx* mx
,  mclx* cl
,  dim   prune_sz
,  mclx** cl_prunedpp
,  dim*  sjd_left
,  dim*  sjd_right
   {  dim dist_this_pru = 0, dist_pru_this = 0
   ;  mclx* cl_pru = NULL
   ;  const char* me = "clmAssimilate"

   ;  dim o, m, e, n_source, n_sink

   ;  dim sum_pruned = clm_clm_prune
      (mx, cl, prune_sz, &cl_pru, &n_source, &n_sink)

   ;  *cl_prunedpp = NULL

   ;  if (sum_pruned)
      {  mcxLog
         (  MCX_LOG_AGGR
         ,  me
         ,  "funneling %lu nodes from %lu sources into %lu targets"
         ,  (ulong) sum_pruned
         ,  (ulong) n_source
         ,  (ulong) n_sink

      ;  clmEnstrict(cl_pru, &o, &m, &e, 0)
      ;  *cl_prunedpp = cl_pru

      ;  clmSJDistance
         (cl, cl_pru, NULL, NULL, &dist_this_pru, &dist_pru_this)
      ;  if (sjd_left)
            *sjd_left  = dist_this_pru
         ,  *sjd_right = dist_pru_this
   ;  }
      else if (sjd_left)
         *sjd_left = 0
      ,  *sjd_right = 0

   ;  mcxLog
      (  MCX_LOG_AGGR
      ,  me
      ,  "dim %lu pruned %lu distance %lu|%lu"
      ,  (ulong) N_COLS(mx)
      ,  (ulong) sum_pruned 
      ,  (ulong) dist_this_pru
      ,  (ulong) dist_pru_this

   ;  return sum_pruned
;  }
Ejemplo n.º 2
static mcxstatus meetMain
(  int                  argc
,  const char*          argv[]
   {  mcxIO          **xfmcs        =  NULL

   ;  mclMatrix      *lft           =  NULL
   ;  mclMatrix      *rgt           =  NULL
   ;  mclMatrix      *dst           =  NULL

   ;  int            a              =  0
   ;  int            n_mx           =  0
   ;  int            j
   ;  dim  o, m, e

   ;  mclx_app_init(stderr)

   ;  xfmcs    =  (mcxIO**) mcxAlloc
                  (  (argc)*sizeof(mcxIO*)
                  ,  EXIT_ON_FAIL

   ;  mcxIOopen(xfout, EXIT_ON_FAIL)

   ;  for(j=a;j<argc;j++)
      {  xfmcs[n_mx] = mcxIOnew(argv[j], "r")
      ;  n_mx++
   ;  }

      if (!n_mx)
      mcxDie(1, me, "at least one clustering matrix required")

  /* Fixme: do a decent initialization with lft = clmTop() *before*
   * this loop (removing the need for ugly tmp assignment), but that requires
   * we know the correct domain to pass to it.  For that, we need to peak into
   * the first matrix.

   ;  for (j=0;j<n_mx;j++)
      {  mclMatrix* tmp = mclxRead (xfmcs[j], EXIT_ON_FAIL)

      ;  if (clmEnstrict(tmp, &o, &m, &e, ENSTRICT_SPLIT_OVERLAP))
            report_partition("clmmeet", tmp, xfmcs[j]->fn, o, m, e)
         ,  mcxExit(1)

      ;  if (!lft)
         {  lft = tmp
         ;  continue
      ;  }
         rgt = tmp

      ;  if (!MCLD_EQUAL(lft->dom_rows, rgt->dom_rows))
         (  1
         ,  me
         ,  "domains not equal (files %s/%s)"
         ,  xfmcs[j-1]->fn->str
         ,  xfmcs[j]->fn->str

      ;  mcxIOclose(xfmcs[j])

      ;  dst   =  clmMeet(lft, rgt)
      ;  lft   =  dst
      ;  mclxFree(&rgt)
   ;  }

      mclxColumnsRealign(lft, mclvSizeRevCmp)
   ;  mclxWrite(lft, xfout, MCLXIO_VALUE_NONE, EXIT_ON_FAIL)

   ;  mclxFree(&lft)
   ;  mcxIOfree(&xfout)
   ;  free(xfmcs)
   ;  return STATUS_OK
;  }
Ejemplo n.º 3
dim clmAdjust
(  mclx* mx
,  mclx* cl
,  dim cls_size_max
,  mclx** cl_adjustedpp
,  mclv** ls_adjustedpp    /* nodes that moved around */
,  dim*  sjd_left
,  dim*  sjd_right
   {  dim sum_adjusted = 0, n_ite = 0
   ;  dim dist_curr_adj = 0, dist_adj_curr = 0
   ;  mclx* cl_adj = NULL
   ;  mclx* cl_curr = cl
   ;  mclv* ls_adjusted = mclvInit(NULL)
   ;  clmXScore score_curr, score_adj
   ;  const char* me = "clmAdjust"

   ;  *cl_adjustedpp = NULL
   ;  *ls_adjustedpp = NULL

   ;  while (1)
      {  dim n_adjusted
      ;  double cov_curr, cov_adj, frac_curr = 0.0, frac_adj = 0.0
      ;  mclv* cid_affected = NULL, *nid_affected = NULL
      ;  dim o, m, e

      ;  if (n_ite++ >= 100)

      ;  mclxColumnsRealign(cl_curr, mclvSizeCmp)

      ;  if
         ( !(n_adjusted
         =   clm_clm_adjust
             (mx, cl_curr, cls_size_max, &cl_adj, &cid_affected, &nid_affected)

      ;  mcxTell
         (  me
         ,  "assembled %lu nodes with %lu clusters affected"
         ,  (ulong) n_adjusted
         ,  (ulong) cid_affected->n_ivps

      ;  clmXScanInit(&score_curr)
      ;  clmXScanInit(&score_adj)

      ;  clmXScanDomainSet(mx, cl_curr,cid_affected, &score_curr)
      ;  clmXScanDomainSet(mx, cl_adj, cid_affected, &score_adj)

      ;  clmXScoreCoverage(&score_curr, &cov_curr, NULL)
      ;  clmXScoreCoverage(&score_adj , &cov_adj , NULL)

      ;  if (score_curr.n_hits && score_adj.n_hits)
            frac_curr = score_curr.sum_i / score_curr.n_hits
         ,  frac_adj  = score_adj.sum_i  / score_adj.n_hits

      ;  mcxLog
         (  MCX_LOG_LIST
         ,  me
         ,  "consider (%.5f|%.5f|%lu) vs (%.5f|%.5f|%lu)"
         ,  cov_adj, frac_adj, (ulong) score_adj.n_hits
         ,  cov_curr, frac_curr, (ulong) score_curr.n_hits
                           /* experience tells us that mcl's funneling
                            * worsens frac
      ;  if (frac_adj <=  frac_curr)
         {  mclvFree(&cid_affected)
         ;  mclvFree(&nid_affected)
         ;  break
      ;  }
         clmEnstrict(cl_adj, &o, &m, &e, 0)
      ;  clmSJDistance(cl_curr, cl_adj, NULL, NULL, &dist_curr_adj, &dist_adj_curr)

      ;  mcxLog
         (  MCX_LOG_AGGR
         ,  me
         ,  "distance %lu|%lu"
         ,  (ulong) dist_curr_adj, (ulong) dist_adj_curr

      ;  mclvAdd(ls_adjusted, nid_affected, ls_adjusted)

      ;  if (cl_curr != cl)

      ;  cl_curr = cl_adj
      ;  sum_adjusted += n_adjusted

      ;  mclvFree(&cid_affected)
      ;  mclvFree(&nid_affected)
   ;  }

      if (cl_curr != cl)            /* fixme free logic */
      {  mclxColumnsRealign(cl_curr, mclvSizeRevCmp)
      ;  *cl_adjustedpp = cl_curr
      ;  *ls_adjustedpp = ls_adjusted
      ;  clmSJDistance
         (cl, cl_curr, NULL, NULL, &dist_curr_adj, &dist_adj_curr)
      ;  if (sjd_left)
            *sjd_left  = dist_curr_adj
         ,  *sjd_right = dist_adj_curr
   ;  }
      {  if (sjd_left)
            *sjd_left = 0
         ,  *sjd_right = 0
      ;  mclvFree(&ls_adjusted)
   ;  }

      (  MCX_LOG_AGGR
      ,  me
      ,  "total adjusted %lu, final distance %lu|%lu"
      ,  (ulong) sum_adjusted 
      ,  (ulong) dist_curr_adj
      ,  (ulong) dist_adj_curr

   ;  mclxColumnsRealign(cl, mclvSizeRevCmp)
   ;  return sum_adjusted
;  }