Ejemplo n.º 1
int GaussSeidelPoisson1Drb(Vector u, double tol, int maxit)
  int it=0, i, j;
  double max = tol+1;
  Vector b = cloneVector(u);
  Vector r = cloneVector(u);
  Vector v = cloneVector(u);
  copyVector(b, u);
  fillVector(u, 0.0);
  while (max > tol && ++it < maxit) {
    copyVector(v, u);
    copyVector(u, b);
    for (j=0;j<2;++j) {
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
      for (i=1+j;i<r->len-1;i+=2) {
        u->data[i] += v->data[i-1];
        u->data[i] += v->data[i+1];
        r->data[i] = u->data[i]-(2.0+alpha)*v->data[i];
        u->data[i] /= (2.0+alpha);
        v->data[i] = u->data[i];
      if (j == 0)
    max = maxNorm(r);

  return it;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int GaussJacobiPoisson1D(Vector u, double tol, int maxit)
  int it=0, i;
  Vector b = cloneVector(u);
  Vector e = cloneVector(u);
  copyVector(b, u);
  fillVector(u, 0.0);
  double max = tol+1;
  while (max > tol && ++it < maxit) {
    copyVector(e, u);
    copyVector(u, b);
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
    for (i=1;i<e->len-1;++i) {
      u->data[i] += e->data[i-1];
      u->data[i] += e->data[i+1];
      u->data[i] /= (2.0+alpha);
    axpy(e, u, -1.0);
    e->data[0] = e->data[e->len-1] = 0.0;
    max = maxNorm(e);

  return it;
Ejemplo n.º 3
AUD_Error gmm_clone( void **phGmmHandle, void *hSrcGmmHandle, AUD_Int8s *pName )
	AUD_ASSERT( phGmmHandle && hSrcGmmHandle );
	AUD_ASSERT( *phGmmHandle == NULL );

	AUD_Int32s ret = 0;

	GmmModel *pState = NULL;
	pState = (GmmModel*)calloc( sizeof(GmmModel), 1 );
	if ( pState == NULL )
		*phGmmHandle = NULL;

	GmmModel *pSrcModel = (GmmModel*)hSrcGmmHandle;

	if ( pName == NULL )
		snprintf( (char*)pState->arGmmName, MAX_GMMNAME_LENGTH, "%s", (char*)pSrcModel->arGmmName );
		snprintf( (char*)pState->arGmmName, MAX_GMMNAME_LENGTH, "%s", (char*)pName );

	pState->numMix  = pSrcModel->numMix;
	pState->width   = pSrcModel->width;
	pState->step    = pState->width;

	pState->means.rows     = pState->numMix;
	pState->means.cols     = pState->step;
	pState->means.dataType = AUD_DATATYPE_INT32S;
	ret = createMatrix( &(pState->means) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );
	ret = cloneMatrix( &(pState->means), &(pSrcModel->means) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );

	pState->cvars.rows     = pState->numMix;
	pState->cvars.cols     = pState->step;
	pState->cvars.dataType = AUD_DATATYPE_INT64S;
	ret = createMatrix( &(pState->cvars) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );
	ret = cloneMatrix( &(pState->cvars), &(pSrcModel->cvars) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );

	pState->weights.len      = pState->numMix;
	pState->weights.dataType = AUD_DATATYPE_DOUBLE;
	ret = createVector( &(pState->weights) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );
	ret = cloneVector( &(pState->weights), &(pSrcModel->weights) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );

	pState->dets.len      = pState->numMix;
	pState->dets.dataType = AUD_DATATYPE_DOUBLE;
	ret = createVector( &(pState->dets) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );
	ret = cloneVector( &(pState->dets), &(pSrcModel->dets) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );

	*phGmmHandle = pState;

Ejemplo n.º 4
AUD_Error gmm_init( void **phGmmHandle, AUD_Int8s *pModelName, AUD_Int32s numMix, AUD_Int32s featDim,
                    AUD_Vector *pWeights, AUD_Matrix *pMeans, AUD_Matrix *pCvars )
	AUD_ASSERT( phGmmHandle && pModelName && pWeights && pMeans && pCvars );
	AUD_ASSERT( *phGmmHandle == NULL );

	AUDLOG( "init model: %s\n", pModelName );

	AUD_Int32s ret = 0;

	GmmModel *pState = NULL;
	pState = (GmmModel*)calloc( sizeof(GmmModel), 1 );
	if ( pState == NULL )
		*phGmmHandle = NULL;

	strncpy( (char*)pState->arGmmName, (char*)pModelName, MAX_GMMNAME_LENGTH - 1 );
	pState->arGmmName[strlen( (char*)pModelName )] = '\0';

	pState->numMix  = numMix;
	pState->width   = featDim;
	pState->step    = pState->width;

	pState->means.rows     = pState->numMix;
	pState->means.cols     = pState->step;
	pState->means.dataType = AUD_DATATYPE_INT32S;
	ret = createMatrix( &(pState->means) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );
	if ( pMeans != NULL )
		ret = cloneMatrix( &(pState->means), pMeans );
		AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );

	pState->cvars.rows     = pState->numMix;
	pState->cvars.cols     = pState->step;
	pState->cvars.dataType = AUD_DATATYPE_INT64S;
	ret = createMatrix( &(pState->cvars) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );
	if ( pCvars != NULL )
		ret = cloneMatrix( &(pState->cvars), pCvars );
		AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );

	pState->weights.len      = pState->numMix;
	pState->weights.dataType = AUD_DATATYPE_DOUBLE;
	ret = createVector( &(pState->weights) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );
	if ( pWeights != NULL )
		ret = cloneVector( &(pState->weights), pWeights );
		AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );

	pState->dets.len      = pState->numMix;
	pState->dets.dataType = AUD_DATATYPE_DOUBLE;
	ret = createVector( &(pState->dets) );
	AUD_ASSERT( ret == 0 );
	calcdet( &(pState->cvars), &(pState->weights), &(pState->dets) );

	*phGmmHandle = pState;

Ejemplo n.º 5
// =============================================================================
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
    // Initialize MPI
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    MPI_Init ( &argc,&argv );

    // create Epetra communicator
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_MpiComm> eComm =
        Teuchos::rcp<Epetra_MpiComm> ( new Epetra_MpiComm ( MPI_COMM_WORLD ) );
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_SerialComm> eComm =
        Teuchos::rcp<Epetra_SerialComm> ( new Epetra_SerialComm() );

    int status;


        // Create a communicator for Tpetra objects
        const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > Comm =

        // =========================================================================
        // handle command line arguments
        Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor My_CLP;

        My_CLP.setDocString (
            "This program does continuation for the Ginzburg--Landau problem with a LOCA interface.\n"
            "It is possible to give an initial guess in VTK format on the command line.\n" );

        std::string xmlInputFileName = "";
        My_CLP.setOption ( "xml-input-file", &xmlInputFileName,
                           "XML file containing the parameter list", true );

        // print warning for unrecognized arguments
        My_CLP.recogniseAllOptions ( true );

        // don't throw exceptions
        My_CLP.throwExceptions ( false );

        // finally, parse the stuff!
        Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parseReturn;
        parseReturn = My_CLP.parse ( argc, argv );

        Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> paramList =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new Teuchos::ParameterList );
        std::cout << "Reading parameter list from \"" << xmlInputFileName << "\"."
                  << std::endl;

        Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile ( xmlInputFileName, paramList.get() );

        // =========================================================================
        // extract data for the output the parameter list
        Teuchos::ParameterList outputList;
        outputList = paramList->sublist ( "Output", true );

        // set default directory to be the directory of the XML file itself
        std::string xmlPath = boost::filesystem::path ( xmlInputFileName ).branch_path().string();
        boost::filesystem::path outputDirectory = outputList.get<string> ( "Output directory" );
        if ( outputDirectory.root_directory().empty() ) // outputDirectory is empty or is a relative directory.
            outputDirectory = xmlPath / outputDirectory;
        std::string contFileBaseName =
            outputList.get<string> ( "Continuation file base name" );
        std::string outputFormat =
            outputList.get<string> ( "Output format" );
        std::string contDataFileName =
            outputList.get<string> ( "Continuation data file name" );
        // =========================================================================

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Teuchos::ParameterList glParameters;
        Teuchos::RCP<ComplexVector> psi;
        Teuchos::RCP<Recti::Grid::Uniform> grid;

        Teuchos::ParameterList initialGuessList;
        initialGuessList = paramList->sublist ( "Initial guess", true );

        boost::filesystem::path inputGuessFile = initialGuessList.get<string> ( "File name" );
        if ( !inputGuessFile.empty() && inputGuessFile.root_directory().empty() ) // if inputGuessFile is a relative path
            inputGuessFile = xmlPath / inputGuessFile;

        TEUCHOS_ASSERT( !inputGuessFile.empty() );

        // For technical reasons, the reader can only accept ComplexMultiVectors.
        Teuchos::RCP<Ginla::FDM::State> state;
        Recti::Grid::Reader::read ( Comm,
                                    glParameters );

        // possibly overwrite the parameters
        Teuchos::ParameterList & overwriteParamsList = paramList->sublist ( "Overwrite parameter list", true );
        bool overwriteParameters = overwriteParamsList.get<bool> ( "Overwrite parameters" );
        if ( overwriteParameters )
            Teuchos::ParameterList & overwritePList = overwriteParamsList.sublist( "Parameters", true );
            glParameters.setParameters( overwritePList );

            // possibly update the scaling of the grid
            grid->updateScaling( glParameters.get<double>("scaling") );
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Teuchos::RCP<Ginla::MagneticVectorPotential::Virtual> A =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new Ginla::MagneticVectorPotential::ZSquareSymmetric
                           ( glParameters.get<double> ( "H0" ),
                             glParameters.get<double> ( "scaling" )

        // create the operator
        Teuchos::RCP<Ginla::FDM::Operator::Virtual> glOperator =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new Ginla::FDM::Operator::BCCentral ( grid, A, psi->getMap(), psi->getMap() ) );

//     // create a perturbation
//     Teuchos::RCP<GL::Perturbation::Virtual> quadrantsPerturbation =
//       Teuchos::rcp ( new GL::Perturbation::Quadrants ( grid ) );

        // TODO: why not make glOperator depend upon perturbation instead?
//     GinzburgLandau glProblem = GinzburgLandau ( glOperator,
//                                                 quadrantsPerturbation );

        std::string fn = outputDirectory.string() + "/" + contDataFileName;
        Teuchos::RCP<Ginla::IO::StatsWriter> statsWriter =
            Teuchos::rcp( new Ginla::IO::StatsWriter( fn ) );

        Teuchos::RCP<Ginla::FDM::LocaSystem::Bordered> glsystem;

        Teuchos::ParameterList & stepperList = paramList->sublist ( "LOCA" ).sublist ( "Stepper" );
        int maxLocaSteps = stepperList.get<int> ( "Max Steps" );

        Teuchos::RCP<Ginla::IO::StateWriter> stateWriter =
            Teuchos::rcp( new Ginla::IO::StateWriter( outputDirectory.string(),
                          maxLocaSteps ) );

        glsystem = Teuchos::rcp ( new Ginla::FDM::LocaSystem::Bordered ( glOperator,
                                  stateWriter ) );

        // set the initial value from glParameters
        std::string contParam = stepperList.get<string> ( "Continuation Parameter" );
        TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION ( !glParameters.isParameter ( contParam ),
                             "Parameter \"" << contParam << "\" given as continuation parameter, but doesn't exist"
                             << "in the glParameters list." );

        // check if the initial value was given (will be unused anyway)
        if ( stepperList.isParameter ( "Initial Value" ) )
            std::cerr << "Warning: Parameter 'LOCA->Stepper->Initial Value' given, but will not be used."
                      << std::endl;

        // TODO Get rid of the explicit "double".
        stepperList.set ( "Initial Value", glParameters.get<double> ( contParam ) );

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create the necessary objects
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create Epetra factory
        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Abstract::Factory> epetraFactory =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new LOCA::Epetra::Factory );

        // Create global data object
        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::GlobalData> globalData =
            LOCA::createGlobalData ( paramList, epetraFactory );
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Teuchos::ParameterList& eigenList =
            paramList->sublist ( "LOCA" ).sublist ( "Stepper" ) .sublist ( "Eigensolver" );
        std::string eigenvaluesFileName =
            outputDirectory.string()  + "/" + outputList.get<string> ( "Eigenvalues file name" );
        std::string eigenstateFileNameAppendix =
            outputList.get<string> ( "Eigenstate file name appendix" );

        Teuchos::RCP<Ginla::IO::StatsWriter> eigenStatsWriter =
            Teuchos::rcp( new Ginla::IO::StatsWriter( eigenvaluesFileName ) );

        Teuchos::RCP<Ginla::IO::SaveEigenData> glEigenSaver =
            Teuchos::RCP<Ginla::IO::SaveEigenData> ( new Ginla::IO::SaveEigenData ( eigenList,
                    eigenStatsWriter ) );

        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::SaveEigenData::AbstractStrategy> glSaveEigenDataStrategy =
        eigenList.set ( "Save Eigen Data Method", "User-Defined" );
        eigenList.set ( "User-Defined Save Eigen Data Name", "glSaveEigenDataStrategy" );
        eigenList.set ( "glSaveEigenDataStrategy", glSaveEigenDataStrategy );

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create all possible Epetra_Operators.
        Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_RowMatrix> J = glsystem->getJacobian();
//  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_RowMatrix> M = glsystem->getPreconditioner();

        // Create the linear system.
        // Use the TimeDependent interface for computation of shifted matrices.
        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Interface::Required> iReq = glsystem;
        Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Interface::Jacobian> iJac = glsystem;
//  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Interface::Preconditioner> iPrec = glsystem;

        Teuchos::ParameterList& nlPrintParams =
            paramList->sublist ( "NOX" ) .sublist ( "Printing" );

        Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams =
            paramList->sublist ( "NOX" ) .sublist ( "Direction" ) .sublist ( "Newton" ) .sublist ( "Linear Solver" );

//  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO> linSys = Teuchos::rcp(
//      new NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO(nlPrintParams, lsParams, iJac, J, iPrec, M, *soln));

        NOX::Epetra::Vector cloneVector( Epetra_Vector( *glsystem->getMap() ) );
        Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO> linSys =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO ( nlPrintParams,
                           cloneVector ) );

        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Interface::TimeDependent> iTime = glsystem;
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create a group which uses that problem interface. The group will
        // be initialized to contain the default initial guess for the
        // specified problem.

        // translate parameters into a LOCA list
        LOCA::ParameterVector locaParams =
            *(Ginla::Helpers::teuchosParameterList2locaParameterVector( glParameters ));

        // get initial guess
        NOX::Epetra::Vector initialGuess ( glsystem->createSystemVector( *state ),

        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Group> grp =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new LOCA::Epetra::Group ( globalData,
                           locaParams ) );

        grp->setParams ( locaParams );
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Set up the NOX status tests
        Teuchos::ParameterList& noxList = paramList->sublist ( "NOX", true );
        double tol = noxList.get<double> ( "Tolerance" );
        int maxNonlinarSteps = noxList.get<int> ( "Max steps" );
        Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::NormF> normF =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new NOX::StatusTest::NormF ( tol ) );
        Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters> maxIters =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters ( maxNonlinarSteps ) );
        Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::Generic> comboOR =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new NOX::StatusTest::Combo ( NOX::StatusTest::Combo::OR,
                           maxIters ) );
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Set up the LOCA status tests
        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::StatusTest::Abstract> maxLocaStepsTest =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new LOCA::StatusTest::MaxIters ( maxLocaSteps ) );

        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::StatusTest::Abstract> zeroEnergyTest =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new Ginla::StatusTest::Energy ( glsystem,
                           0.0 ) );

        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::StatusTest::Abstract> loopTest =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new Ginla::StatusTest::Loop ( glsystem ) );

        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::StatusTest::Abstract> turnaroundTest =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new Ginla::StatusTest::Turnaround () );

        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::StatusTest::Combo> locaCombo =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new LOCA::StatusTest::Combo ( LOCA::StatusTest::Combo::OR ) );
        locaCombo->addStatusTest( maxLocaStepsTest );
//     locaCombo->addStatusTest( zeroEnergyTest );
        locaCombo->addStatusTest( loopTest );
        locaCombo->addStatusTest( turnaroundTest );
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create the stepper
        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Thyra::Group> grp2 = Teuchos::null;
        Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Stepper> stepper =
            Teuchos::rcp ( new LOCA::Stepper ( globalData,
                                               paramList ) );
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // make sure that the stepper starts off with the correct starting value

        // pass pointer to stepper to glsystem to be able to read stats from the stepper in there
        glsystem->setLocaStepper ( stepper );
        glEigenSaver->setLocaStepper ( stepper );

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Perform continuation run
        status = stepper->run();
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // clean up
        LOCA::destroyGlobalData ( globalData );
    catch ( std::exception &e )
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
        status += 10;
    catch ( char const* e )
        std::cerr << "Exception raised: " << e << std::endl;
        status += 20;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

    // Final return value (0 = successful, non-zero = failure)
    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Calculates the EISF if the fit includes a Delta function
 * @param tableWs - The TableWorkspace to append the EISF calculation to
void ConvolutionFitSequential::calculateEISF(
    API::ITableWorkspace_sptr &tableWs) {
  // Get height data from parameter table
  const auto columns = tableWs->getColumnNames();
  const auto height = searchForFitParams("Height", columns).at(0);
  const auto heightErr = searchForFitParams("Height_Err", columns).at(0);
  auto heightY = tableWs->getColumn(height)->numeric_fill<>();
  auto heightE = tableWs->getColumn(heightErr)->numeric_fill<>();

  // Get amplitude column names
  const auto ampNames = searchForFitParams("Amplitude", columns);
  const auto ampErrorNames = searchForFitParams("Amplitude_Err", columns);

  // For each lorentzian, calculate EISF
  size_t maxSize = ampNames.size();
  if (ampErrorNames.size() > maxSize) {
    maxSize = ampErrorNames.size();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) {
    // Get amplitude from column in table workspace
    const auto ampName = ampNames.at(i);
    auto ampY = tableWs->getColumn(ampName)->numeric_fill<>();
    const auto ampErrorName = ampErrorNames.at(i);
    auto ampErr = tableWs->getColumn(ampErrorName)->numeric_fill<>();

    // Calculate EISF and EISF error
    // total = heightY + ampY
    auto total = cloneVector(heightY);
    std::transform(total.begin(), total.end(), ampY.begin(), total.begin(),
    // eisfY = heightY / total
    auto eisfY = cloneVector(heightY);
    std::transform(eisfY.begin(), eisfY.end(), total.begin(), eisfY.begin(),
    // heightE squared
    auto heightESq = cloneVector(heightE);
    heightESq = squareVector(heightESq);
    // ampErr squared
    auto ampErrSq = cloneVector(ampErr);
    ampErrSq = squareVector(ampErrSq);
    // totalErr = heightE squared + ampErr squared
    auto totalErr = cloneVector(heightESq);
    std::transform(totalErr.begin(), totalErr.end(), ampErrSq.begin(),
                   totalErr.begin(), std::plus<double>());
    // heightY squared
    auto heightYSq = cloneVector(heightY);
    heightYSq = squareVector(heightYSq);
    // total Squared
    auto totalSq = cloneVector(total);
    totalSq = squareVector(totalSq);
    // errOverTotalSq = totalErr / total squared
    auto errOverTotalSq = cloneVector(totalErr);
    std::transform(errOverTotalSq.begin(), errOverTotalSq.end(),
                   totalSq.begin(), errOverTotalSq.begin(),
    // heightESqOverYSq = heightESq / heightYSq
    auto heightESqOverYSq = cloneVector(heightESq);
    std::transform(heightESqOverYSq.begin(), heightESqOverYSq.end(),
                   heightYSq.begin(), heightESqOverYSq.begin(),
    // sqrtESqOverYSq = squareRoot( heightESqOverYSq )
    auto sqrtESqOverYSq = cloneVector(heightESqOverYSq);
    std::transform(sqrtESqOverYSq.begin(), sqrtESqOverYSq.end(),
                   static_cast<double (*)(double)>(sqrt));
    // eisfYSumRoot = eisfY * sqrtESqOverYSq
    auto eisfYSumRoot = cloneVector(eisfY);
    std::transform(eisfYSumRoot.begin(), eisfYSumRoot.end(),
                   sqrtESqOverYSq.begin(), eisfYSumRoot.begin(),
    // eisfErr = eisfYSumRoot + errOverTotalSq
    auto eisfErr = cloneVector(eisfYSumRoot);
    std::transform(eisfErr.begin(), eisfErr.end(), errOverTotalSq.begin(),
                   eisfErr.begin(), std::plus<double>());

    // Append the calculated values to the table workspace
    auto columnName =
        ampName.substr(0, (ampName.size() - std::string("Amplitude").size()));
    columnName += "EISF";
    auto errorColumnName = ampErrorName.substr(
        0, (ampErrorName.size() - std::string("Amplitude_Err").size()));
    errorColumnName += "EISF_Err";

    tableWs->addColumn("double", columnName);
    tableWs->addColumn("double", errorColumnName);
    size_t maxEisf = eisfY.size();
    if (eisfErr.size() > maxEisf) {
      maxEisf = eisfErr.size();

    Column_sptr col = tableWs->getColumn(columnName);
    Column_sptr errCol = tableWs->getColumn(errorColumnName);
    for (size_t j = 0; j < maxEisf; j++) {
      col->cell<double>(j) = eisfY.at(j);
      errCol->cell<double>(j) = eisfErr.at(j);