Ejemplo n.º 1
// generate a ground substitution for a clause
groundSubstitutions(const Clause &clause, Substitutions &subs)
	// clear substitutions

	// get a string representation
	String clstring = (String)clause;

	// list of variables
	Map<String, String> variables;

	// find variables in clause
	StringTokens clst(clstring, " \t");
	for ( ; !clst.done(); clst++)
		if ((clst()(0,2) == String("_V")) ||
		    (clst()(0,3) == String("_RV")))
			String variable(clst());
			if (!variables.isInMap(variable))
				variables[variable] = 

	// generate substitutions now
	MapIterator<String, String> varsIter(variables);
	for ( ; !varsIter.done(); varsIter++)
		Substitution sub(Terms(varsIter.data()), varsIter.key());
		subs = subs*sub;

	// all done
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(void)
   clst("lower123",  "lowerabc",  '\0');
   clst("higher234", "higher123", '\0');
   clst("equal",  "equal",  '\0');

   clst("equal",  "equallong",  '\0');
   clst("equallong",  "equal",  '\0');

   clst("lower1",  "lower2",  'w');   // will compare equal

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Function make_cluster()
 *  Given a list of fragments denoted by seeds, make pairwise comparison
 *  and clustering conforming max_mismatch criteria
 *  Output: clusters in 2d vector format, where each row of the vector
 *  stores the clustered fragment IDs.
void make_cluster (iivec_t& clusters, const ii64vec_t& list_seeds,
		const ivec_t& init_cluster, int max_mismatch, const ivec_t& uf_clst) {

	if (list_seeds.size() == 0) {
		abording ("DuplRm.cpp -- make_cluster(): SC failed");

	//--------- union find: (1) initialize the cluster ---------
	int sz = init_cluster.size();
	bvec_t visited (sz, false);
	ivec_t clst (sz);
	for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++ i) clst[i] = i;

	//---------  pairwise comparison ---------
	for (int i = 0; i < sz - 1; ++ i) {
		if (visited[i]) continue; // to speed up

		int idx_i = init_cluster[i];
		for (int j = i + 1; j < sz; ++ j) {

			if (visited[j]) continue; // to speed up, avoid of comparison
									  // if this is already clustered
			int idx_j = init_cluster[j];

			// check global uf structure according to fragID
			int root_uf_i = uf_clsfind ((int) list_seeds[idx_i].back(), uf_clst),
				root_uf_j = uf_clsfind ((int) list_seeds[idx_j].back(), uf_clst);

			if (root_uf_i != root_uf_j) {
				int root_i = uf_find (i, clst),
					root_j = uf_find (j, clst);

				if (root_i != root_j) {
					if (is_similar (list_seeds[idx_i], list_seeds[idx_j],
							max_mismatch)) {
						clst[root_j] = root_i;
						visited[j] = true;
			} // if
		} // for (int j = i + 1
	} // for (int i = 0

	//----- generate final cluster { clusterID --> fragment IDs } ------
	std::map<int, ivec_t> clstID_fragIDs;
	std::map<int, ivec_t>::iterator it;
	for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++ i) {
		int idx_i = init_cluster[i];
		int fragID = list_seeds[idx_i].back();
		int root_i = uf_clsfind (i, clst);
		it = clstID_fragIDs.find (root_i);
		if (it != clstID_fragIDs.end()) it->second.push_back(fragID);
		else clstID_fragIDs[root_i] = ivec_t (1, fragID);
	} // for (int i = 0

	// go through the map and produce clusters in sorted vector format
	for (it = clstID_fragIDs.begin(); it != clstID_fragIDs.end(); ++ it) {
		if (it->second.size() > 1) {
			std::sort (it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
	} // for (it

} // make_cluster