Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Get the link from the CMS, but include proofing and/or a device link
   profile.  Note also, that the source may be a device link profile, in
   which case we will not have a destination profile but could still have
   a proof profile or an additional device link profile */
gscms_get_link_proof_devlink(gcmmhprofile_t lcms_srchandle,
                             gcmmhprofile_t lcms_proofhandle,
                             gcmmhprofile_t lcms_deshandle,
                             gcmmhprofile_t lcms_devlinkhandle,
                             gsicc_rendering_param_t *rendering_params,
                             bool src_dev_link, int cmm_flags,
                             gs_memory_t *memory)
    cmsUInt32Number src_data_type,des_data_type;
    cmsColorSpaceSignature src_color_space,des_color_space;
    int src_nChannels,des_nChannels;
    int lcms_src_color_space, lcms_des_color_space;
    cmsHPROFILE hProfiles[5];
    int nProfiles = 0;
    unsigned int flag;

    /* Check if the rendering intent is something other than relative colorimetric
       and  if we have a proofing profile.  In this case we need to create the
       combined profile a bit different.  LCMS does not allow us to use different
       intents in the cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform transform.  Also, don't even
       think about doing this if someone has snuck in a source based device link
       profile into the mix */
    if (lcms_proofhandle != NULL &&
            rendering_params->rendering_intent != gsRELATIVECOLORIMETRIC &&
            !src_dev_link) {
        /* First handle the source to proof profile with its particular intent as
           a device link profile */
        cmsHPROFILE src_to_proof;
        cmsHTRANSFORM temptransform;

        temptransform = gscms_get_link(lcms_srchandle, lcms_proofhandle,
                                       rendering_params, cmm_flags, memory);
        /* Now mash that to a device link profile */
        flag = cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC;
        if (rendering_params->black_point_comp == gsBLACKPTCOMP_ON ||
                rendering_params->black_point_comp == gsBLACKPTCOMP_ON_OR) {
            flag = (flag | cmsFLAGS_BLACKPOINTCOMPENSATION);
        src_to_proof = cmsTransform2DeviceLink(temptransform, 3.4, flag);
        /* Free up the link handle */
        src_color_space  = cmsGetColorSpace(src_to_proof);
        lcms_src_color_space = _cmsLCMScolorSpace(src_color_space);
        /* littlecms returns -1 for types it does not (but should) understand */
        if (lcms_src_color_space < 0) lcms_src_color_space = 0;
        src_nChannels = cmsChannelsOf(src_color_space);
        /* For now, just do single byte data, interleaved.  We can change this
          when we use the transformation. */
        src_data_type = (COLORSPACE_SH(lcms_src_color_space)|
        if (lcms_devlinkhandle == NULL) {
            des_color_space = cmsGetColorSpace(lcms_deshandle);
        } else {
            des_color_space = cmsGetPCS(lcms_devlinkhandle);
        lcms_des_color_space = _cmsLCMScolorSpace(des_color_space);
        if (lcms_des_color_space < 0) lcms_des_color_space = 0;
        des_nChannels = cmsChannelsOf(des_color_space);
        des_data_type = (COLORSPACE_SH(lcms_des_color_space)|
        /* Now, we need to go back through the proofing profile, to the
           destination and then to the device link profile if there was one. */
        hProfiles[nProfiles++] = src_to_proof;  /* Src to proof with special intent */
        hProfiles[nProfiles++] = lcms_proofhandle; /* Proof to CIELAB */
        if (lcms_deshandle != NULL) {
            hProfiles[nProfiles++] = lcms_deshandle;  /* Our destination */
        /* The output device link profile */
        if (lcms_devlinkhandle != NULL) {
            hProfiles[nProfiles++] = lcms_devlinkhandle;
        flag = cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC;
        if (rendering_params->black_point_comp == gsBLACKPTCOMP_ON
                || rendering_params->black_point_comp == gsBLACKPTCOMP_ON_OR) {
            flag = (flag | cmsFLAGS_BLACKPOINTCOMPENSATION);
        /* Use relative colorimetric here */
        temptransform = cmsCreateMultiprofileTransformTHR((cmsContext)memory,
                        hProfiles, nProfiles, src_data_type,
                        des_data_type, gsRELATIVECOLORIMETRIC, flag);
        return temptransform;
    } else {
        /* First handle all the source stuff */
        src_color_space  = cmsGetColorSpace(lcms_srchandle);
        lcms_src_color_space = _cmsLCMScolorSpace(src_color_space);
        /* littlecms returns -1 for types it does not (but should) understand */
        if (lcms_src_color_space < 0) lcms_src_color_space = 0;
        src_nChannels = cmsChannelsOf(src_color_space);
        /* For now, just do single byte data, interleaved.  We can change this
          when we use the transformation. */
        src_data_type = (COLORSPACE_SH(lcms_src_color_space)|
        if (lcms_devlinkhandle == NULL) {
            if (src_dev_link) {
                des_color_space = cmsGetPCS(lcms_srchandle);
            } else {
                des_color_space = cmsGetColorSpace(lcms_deshandle);
        } else {
            des_color_space = cmsGetPCS(lcms_devlinkhandle);
        lcms_des_color_space = _cmsLCMScolorSpace(des_color_space);
        if (lcms_des_color_space < 0) lcms_des_color_space = 0;
        des_nChannels = cmsChannelsOf(des_color_space);
        des_data_type = (COLORSPACE_SH(lcms_des_color_space)|
        /* lcms proofing transform has a clunky API and can't include the device
           link profile if we have both. So use cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform
           instead and round trip the proofing profile. */
        hProfiles[nProfiles++] = lcms_srchandle;
        /* Note if source is device link, we cannot do any proofing */
        if (lcms_proofhandle != NULL && !src_dev_link) {
            hProfiles[nProfiles++] = lcms_proofhandle;
            hProfiles[nProfiles++] = lcms_proofhandle;
        /* This should be NULL if we have a source device link */
        if (lcms_deshandle != NULL) {
            hProfiles[nProfiles++] = lcms_deshandle;
        /* Someone could have a device link at the output, giving us possibly two
           device link profiles to smash together */
        if (lcms_devlinkhandle != NULL) {
            hProfiles[nProfiles++] = lcms_devlinkhandle;
        flag = cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC;
        if (rendering_params->black_point_comp == gsBLACKPTCOMP_ON
                || rendering_params->black_point_comp == gsBLACKPTCOMP_ON_OR) {
            flag = (flag | cmsFLAGS_BLACKPOINTCOMPENSATION);
        return cmsCreateMultiprofileTransformTHR((cmsContext)memory,
                hProfiles, nProfiles, src_data_type,
                des_data_type, rendering_params->rendering_intent, flag);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void OpenTransforms(int argc, char *argv[])
    DWORD dwIn, dwOut, dwFlags;

	if (lMultiProfileChain) {

		int i;

		nProfiles = argc - xoptind;
		for (i=0; i < nProfiles; i++) {

			hProfiles[i] = OpenProfile(argv[i+xoptind]);

		// Create a temporary devicelink 

		hTmp = cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform(hProfiles, nProfiles, 
							0, 0, Intent, GetFlags());

		hInput = cmsTransform2DeviceLink(hTmp, 0);
		hOutput = NULL;

		InputColorSpace  = cmsGetColorSpace(hInput);
        OutputColorSpace = cmsGetPCS(hInput);        
		lIsDeviceLink = TRUE;

    if (lIsDeviceLink) {
        hInput  = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(cInProf, "r");
        hOutput = NULL;
        InputColorSpace  = cmsGetColorSpace(hInput);
        OutputColorSpace = cmsGetPCS(hInput);
    else {
        hInput  = OpenProfile(cInProf);
        hOutput = OpenProfile(cOutProf);    
        InputColorSpace   = cmsGetColorSpace(hInput);
        OutputColorSpace  = cmsGetColorSpace(hOutput);
        if (cmsGetDeviceClass(hInput) == icSigLinkClass ||
            cmsGetDeviceClass(hOutput) == icSigLinkClass)   
            FatalError("Use %cl flag for devicelink profiles!\n", SW);
    if (Verbose) {
        mexPrintf("From: %s\n", cmsTakeProductName(hInput));
        if (hOutput) mexPrintf("To  : %s\n\n", cmsTakeProductName(hOutput));
    OutputChannels = _cmsChannelsOf(OutputColorSpace);
	InputChannels  = _cmsChannelsOf(InputColorSpace);

    dwIn  = MakeFormatDescriptor(InputColorSpace, nBytesDepth);
    dwOut = MakeFormatDescriptor(OutputColorSpace, nBytesDepth);
    dwFlags = GetFlags();
    if (cProofing != NULL) {

                   hProof = OpenProfile(cProofing);
                   dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_SOFTPROOFING;


     hColorTransform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(hInput, dwIn, 
                                          hOutput, dwOut, 
                                          hProof, Intent, 
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int i, nargs;
	cmsHPROFILE Profiles[257];
	cmsHPROFILE hProfile;
	DWORD dwFlags = 0;
	cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform;

     fprintf(stderr, "little cms device link generator - v1.7\n");

	 HandleSwitches(argc, argv);


     nargs = (argc - xoptind);
	 if (nargs < 1)
	 if (nargs > 255)
			FatalError("ERROR: Holy profile! what are you trying to do with so many profiles?");

	 for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) {
		 Profiles[i] = OpenProfile(argv[i + xoptind]);


	 switch (PrecalcMode) {
	    case 0: dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_LOWRESPRECALC; break;
		case 2: dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC; break;
		case 1: 
            if (NumOfGridPoints > 0)
                dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_GRIDPOINTS(NumOfGridPoints);

		default: FatalError("ERROR: Unknown precalculation mode '%d'", PrecalcMode);

     if (BlackPointCompensation)

     if (BlackPreservation > 0) {

            dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_PRESERVEBLACK;

     if (TagResult)
            dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_GUESSDEVICECLASS;

     if (NoPrelinearization)
         dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NOPRELINEARIZATION;
     if (InkLimit != 400.0) {

            cmsHPROFILE hInkLimit = cmsCreateInkLimitingDeviceLink(
                                    cmsGetColorSpace(Profiles[nargs-1]), InkLimit);

            Profiles[nargs++] = hInkLimit;

     if (lUse8bits) dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NOPRELINEARIZATION;

	 hTransform = cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform(Profiles, nargs, 0, 0, Intent, dwFlags);
	 if (hTransform) {

        size_t size = sizeof(int) + nargs * sizeof(cmsPSEQDESC);
        LPcmsSEQ pseq = (LPcmsSEQ) _cmsMalloc(size);
        ZeroMemory(pseq, size);
        pseq ->n = nargs;

        for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) {

            strcpy(pseq ->seq[i].Manufacturer, cmsTakeManufacturer(Profiles[i]));
            strcpy(pseq ->seq[1].Model, cmsTakeModel(Profiles[i]));
		hProfile = 	cmsTransform2DeviceLink(hTransform, dwFlags);

		cmsAddTag(hProfile, icSigProfileDescriptionTag, (LPVOID) Description);
		cmsAddTag(hProfile, icSigCopyrightTag, (LPVOID) "Generated by littlecms icclink. No copyright, use freely");
        cmsAddTag(hProfile, icSigProfileSequenceDescTag, (LPVOID) pseq);

        if (lUse8bits) _cmsSetLUTdepth(hProfile, 8);

		if (_cmsSaveProfile(hProfile, cOutProf)) 
				fprintf(stderr, "Ok");
				fprintf(stderr, "Error saving file!");



	 for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) {

     return 0;     
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, nargs, rc;
    cmsHPROFILE Profiles[257];
    cmsHPROFILE hProfile;
    cmsUInt32Number dwFlags;
    cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = NULL;

    // Here we are
    fprintf(stderr, "little cms ICC device link generator - v2.2 [LittleCMS %2.2f]\n", LCMS_VERSION / 1000.0);

    // Initialize
    rc = 0;
    // Get the options
    HandleSwitches(argc, argv);

    // How many profiles to link?
    nargs = (argc - xoptind);
    if (nargs < 1)
        return Help(0); 

    if (nargs > 255) {
        FatalError("Holy profile! what are you trying to do with so many profiles!?");
        goto Cleanup;

    // Open all profiles
    memset(Profiles, 0, sizeof(Profiles));
    for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) {

        Profiles[i] = OpenStockProfile(0, argv[i + xoptind]);
        if (Profiles[i] == NULL) goto Cleanup;      

        if (Verbose >= 1) {

    // Ink limiting
    if (InkLimit != 400.0) {        
        cmsColorSpaceSignature EndingColorSpace = cmsGetColorSpace(Profiles[nargs-1]);
        Profiles[nargs++] = cmsCreateInkLimitingDeviceLink(EndingColorSpace, InkLimit);

    // Set the flags
    dwFlags = cmsFLAGS_KEEP_SEQUENCE;
    switch (PrecalcMode) {

        case 0: dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_LOWRESPRECALC; break;
        case 2: dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC; break;
        case 1: 
            if (NumOfGridPoints > 0)
                dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_GRIDPOINTS(NumOfGridPoints);

                FatalError("Unknown precalculation mode '%d'", PrecalcMode);
                goto Cleanup;

    if (BlackPointCompensation)

    if (TagResult)
        dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_GUESSDEVICECLASS;

    if (KeepLinearization)

    if (lUse8bits) dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_8BITS_DEVICELINK;

    // Create the color transform. Specify 0 for the format is safe as the transform 
    // is intended to be used only for the devicelink.
    hTransform = cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform(Profiles, nargs, 0, 0, Intent, dwFlags|cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE);
    if (hTransform == NULL) {
        FatalError("Transform creation failed");
        goto Cleanup;

    hProfile =  cmsTransform2DeviceLink(hTransform, Version, dwFlags);
    if (hProfile == NULL) {
        FatalError("Devicelink creation failed");
        goto Cleanup;

    cmsSetHeaderRenderingIntent(hProfile, Intent);

    if (cmsSaveProfileToFile(hProfile, cOutProf)) {

        if (Verbose > 0) 
            fprintf(stderr, "Ok");
        FatalError("Error saving file!");



    if (hTransform != NULL) cmsDeleteTransform(hTransform);
    for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) {

        if (Profiles[i] != NULL) cmsCloseProfile(Profiles[i]);

    return rc;     