Ejemplo n.º 1
void bli_her2k_u_ker_var2( obj_t*   a,
                           obj_t*   bh,
                           obj_t*   b,
                           obj_t*   ah,
                           obj_t*   c,
                           her2k_t* cntl )
	herk_t herk_cntl;
	obj_t  c_local;

	// Implement her2k kernel in terms of two calls to the corresponding
	// herk kernel.

	// Note we have to use BLIS_ONE for the second rank-k product since we
	// only want to apply beta once. (And beta might be unit anyway if this
	// is not the first iteration of variant 3.)

	cntl_gemm_ukrs( (&herk_cntl) ) = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );

	bli_obj_alias_to( *c, c_local );

	bli_herk_u_ker_var2( a,
	                     &herk_cntl );

	bli_obj_scalar_reset( &c_local );

	bli_herk_u_ker_var2( b,
	                     &herk_cntl );
Ejemplo n.º 2
func_t* bli_gemm_cntl_ukrs( gemm_t* cntl )
	dim_t max_depth = 10;
	dim_t i;

	for ( i = 0; ; ++i )
		// If the gemm sub-tree is NULL, we are at the leaf.
		if ( cntl_sub_gemm( cntl ) == NULL ) break;

		// If the above branch was not taken, we can assume the gemm
		// sub-tree is valid. Here, we step down into that sub-tree.
		cntl = cntl_sub_gemm( cntl );

		// Safeguard against infinite loops due to bad control tree
		// configuration.
		if ( i == max_depth ) bli_abort();

	return cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void bli_trsm_rl_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                           obj_t*  b,
                           obj_t*  c,
                           trsm_t* cntl,
                           trsm_thrinfo_t* thread )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffb  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *b );

	pack_t    schema_a  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *a );
	pack_t    schema_b  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	dim_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	dim_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	void*     buf_alpha1;
	void*     buf_alpha2;


	func_t*   gemmtrsm_ukrs;
	func_t*   gemm_ukrs;
	void*     gemmtrsm_ukr;
	void*     gemm_ukr;

	// Grab the address of the internal scalar buffer for the scalar
	// attached to A. This will be the alpha scalar used in the gemmtrsm
	// subproblems (ie: the scalar that would be applied to the packed
	// copy of A prior to it being updated by the trsm subproblem). This
	// scalar may be unit, if for example it was applied during packing.
	buf_alpha1 = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *a );

	// Grab the address of the internal scalar buffer for the scalar
	// attached to C. This will be the "beta" scalar used in the gemm-only
	// subproblems that correspond to micro-panels that do not intersect
	// the diagonal. We need this separate scalar because it's possible
	// that the alpha attached to B was reset, if it was applied during
	// packing.
	buf_alpha2 = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Extract from the control tree node the func_t objects containing
	// the gemmtrsm and gemm micro-kernel function addresses, and then
	// query the function addresses corresponding to the current datatype.
	gemmtrsm_ukrs = cntl_gemmtrsm_u_ukrs( cntl );
	gemm_ukrs     = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
	gemmtrsm_ukr  = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemmtrsm_ukrs );
	gemm_ukr      = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemm_ukrs );

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffb,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   thread );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void bli_trsm_ru_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                           obj_t*  b,
                           obj_t*  c,
                           trsm_t* cntl )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffb  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	void*     buf_alpha1;
	void*     buf_alpha2;


	func_t*   gemmtrsm_ukrs;
	func_t*   gemm_ukrs;
	void*     gemmtrsm_ukr;
	void*     gemm_ukr;

	// Grab the address of the internal scalar buffer for the scalar
	// attached to A. This will be the alpha scalar used in the gemmtrsm
	// subproblems (ie: the scalar that would be applied to the packed
	// copy of A prior to it being updated by the trsm subproblem). This
	// scalar may be unit, if for example it was applied during packing.
	buf_alpha1 = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *a );

	// Grab the address of the internal scalar buffer for the scalar
	// attached to C. This will be the "beta" scalar used in the gemm-only
	// subproblems that correspond to micro-panels that do not intersect
	// the diagonal. We need this separate scalar because it's possible
	// that the alpha attached to B was reset, if it was applied during
	// packing.
	buf_alpha2 = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Adjust cs_a and rs_b if A and B were packed for 4m or 3m. This
	// is needed because cs_a and rs_b are used to index into the
	// micro-panels of A and B, respectively, and since the pointer
	// types in the macro-kernel (scomplex or dcomplex) will result
	// in pointer arithmetic that moves twice as far as it should,
	// given the datatypes actually stored (float or double), we must
	// halve the strides to compensate.
	if ( bli_obj_is_panel_packed_4m( *a ) ||
	     bli_obj_is_panel_packed_3m( *a ) ) { cs_a /= 2; rs_b /= 2; }

	// Extract from the control tree node the func_t objects containing
	// the gemmtrsm and gemm micro-kernel function addresses, and then
	// query the function addresses corresponding to the current datatype.
	gemmtrsm_ukrs = cntl_gemmtrsm_l_ukrs( cntl );
	gemm_ukrs     = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
	gemmtrsm_ukr  = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemmtrsm_ukrs );
	gemm_ukr      = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemm_ukrs );

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffb,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   gemm_ukr );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void bli_herk_l_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                          obj_t*  b,
                          obj_t*  c,
                          gemm_t* cntl,
                          herk_thrinfo_t* thread )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffc  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *c );

	pack_t    schema_a  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *a );
	pack_t    schema_b  = bli_obj_pack_schema( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	func_t*   gemm_ukrs;
	void*     gemm_ukr;

	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Extract from the control tree node the func_t object containing
	// the gemm micro-kernel function addresses, and then query the
	// function address corresponding to the current datatype.
	gemm_ukrs = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
	gemm_ukr  = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemm_ukrs );

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffc,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
	   thread );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void bli_symm_front( side_t  side,
                     obj_t*  alpha,
                     obj_t*  a,
                     obj_t*  b,
                     obj_t*  beta,
                     obj_t*  c,
                     gemm_t* cntl )
	obj_t   a_local;
	obj_t   b_local;
	obj_t   c_local;

	// Check parameters.
	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
		bli_symm_check( side, alpha, a, b, beta, c );

	// If alpha is zero, scale by beta and return.
	if ( bli_obj_equals( alpha, &BLIS_ZERO ) )
		bli_scalm( beta, c );

	// Alias A, B, and C in case we need to apply transformations.
	bli_obj_alias_to( *a, a_local );
	bli_obj_alias_to( *b, b_local );
	bli_obj_alias_to( *c, c_local );

	// An optimization: If C is stored by rows and the micro-kernel prefers
	// contiguous columns, or if C is stored by columns and the micro-kernel
	// prefers contiguous rows, transpose the entire operation to allow the
	// micro-kernel to access elements of C in its preferred manner.
	if (
	     ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c_local ) &&
	       bli_func_prefers_contig_cols( bli_obj_datatype( c_local ),
	                                     cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl ) ) ) ||
	     ( bli_obj_is_col_stored( c_local ) &&
	       bli_func_prefers_contig_rows( bli_obj_datatype( c_local ),
	                                     cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl ) ) )
		bli_toggle_side( side );
		bli_obj_induce_trans( b_local );
		bli_obj_induce_trans( c_local );

	// Swap A and B if multiplying A from the right so that "B" contains
	// the symmetric matrix.
	if ( bli_is_right( side ) )
		bli_obj_swap( a_local, b_local );

    gemm_thrinfo_t** infos = bli_create_gemm_thrinfo_paths();
    dim_t n_threads = thread_num_threads( infos[0] );
    // Invoke the internal back-end.
    bli_level3_thread_decorator( n_threads,   
                                 (level3_int_t) bli_gemm_int, 
                                 (void*) cntl, 
                                 (void**) infos );

     bli_gemm_thrinfo_free_paths( infos, n_threads );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void bli_trmm_ru_ker_var2( obj_t*  a,
                           obj_t*  b,
                           obj_t*  c,
                           trmm_t* cntl,
                           trmm_thrinfo_t* thread )
	num_t     dt_exec   = bli_obj_execution_datatype( *c );

	doff_t    diagoffb  = bli_obj_diag_offset( *b );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *c );
	dim_t     k         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );
	inc_t     pd_a      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *a );
	inc_t     ps_a      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_b     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *b );
	inc_t     rs_b      = bli_obj_row_stride( *b );
	inc_t     pd_b      = bli_obj_panel_dim( *b );
	inc_t     ps_b      = bli_obj_panel_stride( *b );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	obj_t     scalar_a;
	obj_t     scalar_b;

	void*     buf_alpha;
	void*     buf_beta;


	func_t*   gemm_ukrs;
	void*     gemm_ukr;

	// Detach and multiply the scalars attached to A and B.
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( a, &scalar_a );
	bli_obj_scalar_detach( b, &scalar_b );
	bli_mulsc( &scalar_a, &scalar_b );

	// Grab the addresses of the internal scalar buffers for the scalar
	// merged above and the scalar attached to C.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( scalar_b );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_internal_scalar_buffer( *c );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_exec];

	// Adjust cs_a and rs_b if A and B were packed for 4m or 3m. This
	// is needed because cs_a and rs_b are used to index into the
	// micro-panels of A and B, respectively, and since the pointer
	// types in the macro-kernel (scomplex or dcomplex) will result
	// in pointer arithmetic that moves twice as far as it should,
	// given the datatypes actually stored (float or double), we must
	// halve the strides to compensate.
	if ( bli_obj_is_panel_packed_4m( *a ) ||
	     bli_obj_is_panel_packed_3m( *a ) ) { cs_a /= 2; rs_b /= 2; }

	// Extract from the control tree node the func_t object containing
	// the gemm micro-kernel function addresses, and then query the
	// function address corresponding to the current datatype.
	gemm_ukrs = cntl_gemm_ukrs( cntl );
	gemm_ukr  = bli_func_obj_query( dt_exec, gemm_ukrs );

	// Invoke the function.
	f( diagoffb,
	   buf_a, cs_a, pd_a, ps_a,
	   buf_b, rs_b, pd_b, ps_b,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c,
       thread );