Ejemplo n.º 1
int main() {




Ejemplo n.º 2
int main()
    int i, n;
    int * arr;

    scanf("%d", &n);

    arr = (int*) malloc(n*sizeof(int));

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        scanf("%d", arr+i);

    cocktail(arr, n);

    for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
        printf("%d,", arr[i]);
    printf("%d\n", arr[i]);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
  int dmin    =       0;
  int dmax    =    1000;
  int nstart  =      20;
  int nmax    =   30000;
  double nfac =       1.2;
  double nd;
  int * data;
  int * dup;
    Allocate one big random input data array. For varying the and
    making sure we always start with random input, we will use a
    duplicate (with just the first N entries) at each iteration.
  printf ("# generating input data (this can take a while...)\n");
  fflush (stdout);
  data = random_array (dmin, dmax, nmax);
  dup = malloc (nmax * sizeof(int));
  if (NULL == dup) {
    err (EXIT_FAILURE, __FILE__": %s: malloc", __func__);
  printf ("################################################\n"
	  "# Cocktail sort runtime measurements\n"
	  "# column 1: N\n"
	  "# column 2: Random array T [ms]\n"
      "# column 3: ascended array as input  [ms]\n"
      "# column 4: Descended array as in put [ms]\n"
    Main benchmarking loop.
    Note that we use a floating point "length" so that we can easily
    create a geometric series for N. This spaces the sampled array
    sizes more densely for small N, and for big N (where things
    usually take much longer) we don't take so many samples (otherwise
    running the benchmark takes a really long time).
 //int tempnum; 
 	 for (nd = nstart; nd <= nmax; nd *= nfac) {
 	 	double temp0 = 0, temp1 = 0, temp2 = 0;
    int nn;
    double tstart2, tstop2, tstart1 , tstop1 , tstart0, tstop0;
      convert the floating point "length" to an integer
    nn = nd;
//    printf ("%8d", nn);
    fflush (stdout);
      use a fresh duplicate from the random input data
    memcpy (dup, data, nn * sizeof(int));
    //=========== random input ===================
    tstart0 = clockms ();
    cocktail (dup, nn);
    tstop0 = clockms ();
    temp0 = tstop0 - tstart0;
	//========== Asc sort as input ===============
	bubbAsc (dup, nn);
    tstart1 = clockms ();
    cocktail (dup, nn);
    tstop1 = clockms ();
    temp1 = tstop1 - tstart1;
    //=========== Des sort as input ==============
    bubbDes (dup, nn);
    tstart2 = clockms ();
    cocktail (dup, nn);
    tstop2 = clockms ();
    temp2 = tstop2 - tstart2;
    //	printf ("  %8g", tstop - tstart);

     printf (" %8d  %8g  %8g  %8g\n",nn,temp0, temp1 ,temp2);
    End of the program.
  free (data);
  free (dup);
  return 0;