Ejemplo n.º 1
void FibreReader<DIM>::GetAllOrtho(std::vector< c_vector<double, DIM> >& first_direction,
                                   std::vector< c_vector<double, DIM> >& second_direction,
                                   std::vector< c_vector<double, DIM> >& third_direction)
    if (mNumItemsPerLine != DIM*DIM)
        EXCEPTION("Use GetAllAxi when reading axisymmetric fibres");
    for (unsigned i=0; i<mNumLinesOfData; i++)
        c_matrix<double, DIM, DIM> temp_matrix;
        GetFibreSheetAndNormalMatrix(i, temp_matrix, true);

        //Note that although the matrix appears row-wise in the ascii .ortho file,
        //for convenience it is stored column-wise.
        matrix_column<c_matrix<double, DIM, DIM> > col0(temp_matrix, 0);
        if (DIM>=2)
            matrix_column<c_matrix<double, DIM, DIM> > col1(temp_matrix, 1);
        if (DIM==3)
            matrix_column<c_matrix<double, DIM, DIM> > col2(temp_matrix, 2);
TEST(PaletteTranslator, BuildSortLuminance)
	//uint32 y = r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114;

	Color col0(0, 0, 10);
	Color col1(0, 0, 11);
	Color col2(10, 0, 0);
	Color col3(11, 0, 0);
	Color col4(0, 10, 0);
	Color col5(0, 11, 0);

	Palette pal;
	pal.m_count = 6;
	pal[0] = col3;
	pal[1] = col5;
	pal[2] = col1;
	pal[3] = col2;
	pal[4] = col4;
	pal[5] = col0;

	Palette exp;
	exp.m_count = 6;
	exp[0] = col0;
	exp[1] = col1;
	exp[2] = col2;
	exp[3] = col3;
	exp[4] = col4;
	exp[5] = col5;

	PaletteTranslator pt;
	pt.BuildSortLuminance(pal, nullptr);

	ASSERT_TRUE( pal == exp );
Ejemplo n.º 3
// @ IvRenderer::SetWorldMatrix()
// Sets the world matrix for the renderer
void IvRenderer::SetWorldMatrix(const IvMatrix44& matrix)
    mWorldMat = matrix;
    mWVPMat = mProjectionMat*mViewMat*mWorldMat;
    IvMatrix33 worldMat3x3;
    IvVector3 col0(mWorldMat(0,0), mWorldMat(1,0), mWorldMat(2,0));
    IvVector3 col1(mWorldMat(0,1), mWorldMat(1,1), mWorldMat(2,1));
    IvVector3 col2(mWorldMat(0,2), mWorldMat(1,2), mWorldMat(2,2));
    worldMat3x3.SetColumns(col0, col1, col2);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    // extract frustum plane in world space.
    // the normals facing inward.
    // pass in view * projection matrix.
    void Frustum::InitFromMatrix(const Matrix &VP)

        // near and far plane corners
        static float3 verts[8] =
            // near plane corners
            float3( -1, -1,0 ),
            float3( 1, -1,0 ),
            float3( 1, 1,0 ),
            float3( -1, 1 ,0),

            // far plane corners.
            float3( -1, -1 ,1),
            float3( 1,  -1,1 ),
            float3( 1,  1,1 ),
            float3( -1, 1,1 )

        this->m_matrix = VP;

        float4 col0(VP(0,0), VP(1,0), VP(2,0), VP(3,0));
        float4 col1(VP(0,1), VP(1,1), VP(2,1), VP(3,1));
        float4 col2(VP(0,2), VP(1,2), VP(2,2), VP(3,2));
        float4 col3(VP(0,3), VP(1,3), VP(2,3), VP(3,3));

        // Planes face inward.
        m_planes[Near]   = Plane(col2);        // near
        m_planes[Far]    = Plane(col3 - col2); // far
        m_planes[Left]   = Plane(col3 + col0); // left
        m_planes[Right]  = Plane(col3 - col0); // right
        m_planes[Top]    = Plane(col3 - col1); // top
        m_planes[Bottom] = Plane(col3 + col1); // bottom

        // normalize all six planes
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)

        // tranform eight corner from device coordiate to world coordinate.
        Matrix invVP = VP;
        for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            this->m_corners[i] = float3::Transform(verts[i],invVP);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void DebugDrawer::drawGrid()
	Vec4 col0(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
	Vec4 col1(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	Vec4 col2(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

	const F32 SPACE = 1.0; // space between lines
	const U NUM = 57;  // lines number. must be odd

	const F32 GRID_HALF_SIZE = ((NUM - 1) * SPACE / 2);



	for(U x = - NUM / 2 * SPACE; x < NUM / 2 * SPACE; x += SPACE)

		// if the middle line then change color
		if(x == 0)

		// line in z
		pushBackVertex(Vec3(x, 0.0, -GRID_HALF_SIZE));
		pushBackVertex(Vec3(x, 0.0, GRID_HALF_SIZE));

		// if middle line change col so you can highlight the x-axis
		if(x == 0)

		// line in the x
		pushBackVertex(Vec3(-GRID_HALF_SIZE, 0.0, x));
		pushBackVertex(Vec3(GRID_HALF_SIZE, 0.0, x));

	// render
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Camera::buildFrustumPlanes()
	D3DXMATRIX VP = m_view * m_proj;

	D3DXVECTOR4 col0(VP(0, 0), VP(1, 0), VP(2, 0), VP(3, 0));
	D3DXVECTOR4 col1(VP(0, 1), VP(1, 1), VP(2, 1), VP(3, 1));
	D3DXVECTOR4 col2(VP(0, 2), VP(1, 2), VP(2, 2), VP(3, 2));
	D3DXVECTOR4 col3(VP(0, 3), VP(1, 3), VP(2, 3), VP(3, 3));

	// Planes face inward.
	mFrustumPlanes[0] = (D3DXPLANE)(col2);        // near
	mFrustumPlanes[1] = (D3DXPLANE)(col3 - col2); // far
	mFrustumPlanes[2] = (D3DXPLANE)(col3 + col0); // left
	mFrustumPlanes[3] = (D3DXPLANE)(col3 - col0); // right
	mFrustumPlanes[4] = (D3DXPLANE)(col3 - col1); // top
	mFrustumPlanes[5] = (D3DXPLANE)(col3 + col1); // bottom

	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		D3DXPlaneNormalize(&mFrustumPlanes[i], &mFrustumPlanes[i]);
TEST(PaletteTranslator, BuildDuplicatedColors)
	Color col0(11, 12, 13);
	Color col1(14, 15, 16);
	Color col2(20, 21, 22, 0);
	Color col3(11, 12, 13);
	Color col4(30, 31, 32, 0);

	Palette pal;
	pal.m_count = 5;
	pal[0] = col0;
	pal[1] = col1;
	pal[2] = col2;
	pal[3] = col3;
	pal[4] = col4;

	Palette exp;
	exp.m_count = 3;
	exp[0] = col0;
	exp[1] = col1;
	exp[2] = col2;

	uint32 colCounts[256] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 };
	uint32 expectedColCounts[256] = { 1001, 10, 10100, 0, 0 };

	PaletteTranslator pt;
	pt.BuildDuplicatedColors(pal, colCounts);
	ASSERT_TRUE( pal == exp );
	ASSERT_TRUE( memcmp(colCounts, expectedColCounts, sizeof(colCounts)) == 0 );

	uint8 pixels[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
	const uint8 expectedPixels[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2 };
	pt.Translate(pixels, sizeof(pixels));
	ASSERT_TRUE( memcmp(pixels, expectedPixels, sizeof(pixels)) == 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 8
	// bilinear filtering
	void PointSampler::Sample(shading::Sample *samples, Cache &, bool mipmapping) const {
		for(int k = 0 + 0; k < 4; k++) {
			shading::Sample &s = samples[k];

			Vec2q pos = ClampTexCoord <i32x4>(s.texCoord) * Vec2q(wMul, hMul);

			uint mip = 0;
			if(mipmapping) {
				floatq min = Min(s.texDiff.x * wMul, s.texDiff.y * hMul);
				uint   pixels = uint(Minimize(min) * 0.6f);
				mip = 0;
				while(pixels) {
					pixels >>= 1;
				mip = Min(mip, tex->Mips() - 1);

			const u8 *data = (u8 *)tex->DataPointer(mip);
			int pitch = mipPitch[mip];

			i32x4 x1(pos.x), y1(pos.y);
			i32x4 x2 = x1 + i32x4(1), y2 = y1 + i32x4(1);

			floatq dx = pos.x - floatq(x1), dy = pos.y - floatq(y1);

			//TODO: wylaczyc odbicie w pionie
			y1 = int(tex->Height()) - y1;
			y2 = int(tex->Height()) - y2;

			x1 >>= mip;
			y1 >>= mip;
			x2 >>= mip;
			y2 >>= mip;

			x1 &= i32x4(wMask >> mip);
			y1 &= i32x4(hMask >> mip);
			x2 &= i32x4(wMask >> mip);
			y2 &= i32x4(hMask >> mip);
			x1  = x1 + x1 + x1;
			x2  = x2 + x2 + x2;

			y1 *= pitch;
			y2 *= pitch;

			i32x4 o[4] = { x1 + y1, x2 + y1, x1 + y2, x2 + y2 };

#define DATA(a, b)    *(u32*)&data[o[a][b]]

			//	s.temp1 = Vec3q(B(0, 0), G(0, 0), R(0, 0)) * f32x4(1.0f / 255.0f);
			//	continue;
			floatq red, green, blue; {
				// TODO upewnic sie ze mozna czytac zawsze 4 bajty
				i32x4 col0( DATA(0, 0), DATA(0, 1), DATA(0, 2), DATA(0, 3) );
				i32x4 col1( DATA(1, 0), DATA(1, 1), DATA(1, 2), DATA(1, 3) );
				i32x4 col2( DATA(2, 0), DATA(2, 1), DATA(2, 2), DATA(2, 3) );
				i32x4 col3( DATA(3, 0), DATA(3, 1), DATA(3, 2), DATA(3, 3) );

				floatq r[4], g[4], b[4];

				r[0] = floatq( col0 & i32x4(255) );
				g[0] = floatq( Shr<8>(col0) & i32x4(255) );
				b[0] = floatq( Shr<16>(col0) & i32x4(255) );

				r[1] = floatq( col1 & i32x4(255) );
				g[1] = floatq( Shr<8>(col1) & i32x4(255) );
				b[1] = floatq( Shr<16>(col1) & i32x4(255) );

				r[2] = floatq( col2 & i32x4(255) );
				g[2] = floatq( Shr<8>(col2) & i32x4(255) );
				b[2] = floatq( Shr<16>(col2) & i32x4(255) );

				r[3] = floatq( col3 & i32x4(255) );
				g[3] = floatq( Shr<8>(col3) & i32x4(255) );
				b[3] = floatq( Shr<16>(col3) & i32x4(255) );

				red = Lerp(Lerp(r[0], r[1], dx), Lerp(r[2], r[3], dx), dy);
				green = Lerp(Lerp(g[0], g[1], dx), Lerp(g[2], g[3], dx), dy);
				blue = Lerp(Lerp(b[0], b[1], dx), Lerp(b[2], b[3], dx), dy);
#undef DATA

			s.temp1 = Vec3q(red, green, blue) * f32x4(1.0f / 255.0f);