Ejemplo n.º 1
void Character::charactersCollisions() {
	for(std::vector<Character*>::iterator it = MapManager::currentMap->characters()->begin() ; it != MapManager::currentMap->characters()->end() ; it++) {
		// Left and right
		if((m_vx != 0)
		&& (((*it)->x() + (*it)->hitboxX() < m_x + m_hitboxX + m_vx				&& (*it)->x() + (*it)->hitboxX() + (*it)->hitboxW() > m_x + m_hitboxX + m_vx			)
		||  ((*it)->x() + (*it)->hitboxX() < m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW + m_vx && (*it)->x() + (*it)->hitboxX() + (*it)->hitboxW() > m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW + m_vx))
		&& (((*it)->y() + (*it)->hitboxY() < m_y + m_hitboxY					&& (*it)->y() + (*it)->hitboxY() + (*it)->hitboxH() > m_y + m_hitboxY					)
		||  ((*it)->y() + (*it)->hitboxY() < m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH		&& (*it)->y() + (*it)->hitboxY() + (*it)->hitboxH() > m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH		))) {
			// Reset horizontal movement vector
			m_vx = 0;
			// Execute collision action
		// Up and down
		if((m_vy != 0)
		&& (((*it)->x() + (*it)->hitboxX() < m_x + m_hitboxX					&& (*it)->x() + (*it)->hitboxX() + (*it)->hitboxW() > m_x + m_hitboxX					)
		||  ((*it)->x() + (*it)->hitboxX() < m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW		&& (*it)->x() + (*it)->hitboxX() + (*it)->hitboxW() > m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW		))
		&& (((*it)->y() + (*it)->hitboxY() < m_y + m_hitboxY + m_vy				&& (*it)->y() + (*it)->hitboxY() + (*it)->hitboxH() > m_y + m_hitboxY + m_vy			)
		||  ((*it)->y() + (*it)->hitboxY() < m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH + m_vy && (*it)->y() + (*it)->hitboxY() + (*it)->hitboxH() > m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH + m_vy))) {
			// Reset vertical movement vector
			m_vy = 0;
			// Execute collision action
Ejemplo n.º 2
// For a single word, returns the start of the result Docnode list.
// Makes an exact copy of the docnode from index
DocNode *getResultsForWord(char *word, INVERTED_INDEX *index) {
  // check for reserved words first
  if (!strncmp(word, "AND", 3) || !strncmp(word, "OR", 2)) {
    printf("AND and OR are reserved words. Please enter a different query.\n");
    return NULL;


  int h = makeHash(word);
  int word_not_found = 1;  // 1 for true, 0 for false
  WordNode *cluster_end = NULL;

  // collisionAction is like getDatawith key for Dictionary..
  cluster_end = collisionAction(index, h, word, &word_not_found);

  if (word_not_found)
    return NULL;

  else {
    DocNode *d = cluster_end->data; // page from the wordnode
    DocNode *dcopy = initDocNode(d->doc_id, d->page_word_frequency);

    // see if more documents exist
    for (d=d->next; d!=NULL; d=d->next)
      updateDocNode(dcopy, d->doc_id, d->page_word_frequency);

    // This also works but commented because ORhelper has to free
    // the incoming doc list...
    // since we are making exact copy of the docnode from index,
    // we need to add the docs that are not already in our copy.
    // So this is like an OR operation.
    // if (d->next != NULL)
      // ORHelper(&dcopy, d->next);

    return dcopy;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Character::mapCollisions() {
	// Up and down
	if(m_vy != 0) {
		if (!passable(m_x + m_hitboxX			 , m_y + m_hitboxY + m_vy			 )
		||  !passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_vy			 )
		||  !passable(m_x + m_hitboxX			 , m_y + m_hitboxY + m_vy + m_hitboxH)
		||  !passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_vy + m_hitboxH)) {
			/* Let player slide on tiles corners */
			// Top left
			if (!passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW + 8, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_vy)
			&&	 passable(m_x + m_hitboxX				 , m_y + m_hitboxY + m_vy)) {
				m_vx = -1;
			// Top right
			if (!passable(m_x + m_hitboxX - 8		 , m_y + m_hitboxY + m_vy)
			&&   passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_vy)) {
				m_vx = 1;
			// Bottom left
			if (!passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW + 8, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH + m_vy)
			&&	 passable(m_x + m_hitboxX				 , m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH + m_vy)) {
				m_vx = -1;
			// Bottom right
			if (!passable(m_x + m_hitboxX - 8		 , m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH + m_vy)
			&&   passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH + m_vy)) {
				m_vx = 1;
			// Reset vertical movement vector
			m_vy = 0;
			// Execute collision action
	// Left and right
	if(m_vx != 0) {
		if (!passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_vx			, m_y + m_hitboxY			 )
		||  !passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_vx + m_hitboxW, m_y + m_hitboxY			 )
		||  !passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_vx			, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH)
		||  !passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_vx + m_hitboxW, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH)) {
			/* Let player slide on tiles corners */
			// Top left
			if (!passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_vx, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH + 0)
			&&	 passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_vx, m_y + m_hitboxY				 )) {
				m_vy = -1;
			// Bottom left
			if (!passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_vx, m_y + m_hitboxY - 0		 )
			&&   passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_vx, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH)) {
				m_vy = 1;
			// Top right
			if (!passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW + m_vx, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH + 0)
			&&	 passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW + m_vx, m_y + m_hitboxY				 )) {
				m_vy = -1;
			// Bottom right
			if (!passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW + m_vx, m_y + m_hitboxY - 0		 )
			&&   passable(m_x + m_hitboxX + m_hitboxW + m_vx, m_y + m_hitboxY + m_hitboxH)) {
				m_vy = 1;
			// Reset horizontal movement vector
			m_vx = 0;
			// Execute collision action