std::map<std::string, string_map> tlobby_main::make_game_row_data(const game_info& game) { std::map<std::string, string_map> data; std::string color_string; if(game.vacant_slots > 0) { color_string = (game.reloaded || game.started) ? "yellow" : "green"; } else { color_string = game.observers ? "#ddd" : "red"; } if(!game.have_era && (game.vacant_slots > 0 || game.observers)) { color_string = "#444"; } add_label_data(data, "status", colorize(game.status, color_string)); add_label_data(data, "name", colorize(, color_string)); add_label_data(data, "era", colorize(game.era, "#a69275")); add_label_data(data, "era_short", game.era_short); add_label_data(data, "mods", colorize(game.mod_info, "#a69275")); add_label_data(data, "map_info", game.map_info); add_label_data(data, "scenario", game.scenario); add_label_data(data, "map_size_text", game.map_size_info); add_label_data(data, "time_limit", game.time_limit); add_label_data(data, "gold_text",; add_label_data(data, "xp_text", game.xp); add_label_data(data, "vision_text",; add_label_data(data, "time_limit_text", game.time_limit); add_label_data(data, "status", game.status); if(game.observers) { add_label_data(data, "observer_icon", "misc/eye.png"); add_tooltip_data(data, "observer_icon", _("Observers allowed")); } else { add_label_data(data, "observer_icon", "misc/no_observer.png"); add_tooltip_data(data, "observer_icon", _("Observers not allowed")); } std::string vision_icon; if(game.fog) { vision_icon = game.shroud ? "misc/vision-fog-shroud.png" : "misc/vision-fog.png"; } else { vision_icon = game.shroud ? "misc/vision-shroud.png" : "misc/vision-none.png"; } add_label_data(data, "vision_icon", vision_icon); add_tooltip_data(data, "vision_icon",; return data; }
std::string tricolorization_( std::vector<int> red, std::vector<int> other, const std::vector<int>& data) { if (red.size() == 0) { return ""; } if (checkSelectedIsHalfOfOther(red, other)) { std::string otherColor = twocolorization(other); if (otherColor != "") { return colorize(other, data, 'R', otherColor); } } for (int i = 0; i < red.size(); ++i) { std::vector<int> nextRed(red); std::vector<int> nextOther(other); std::swap(nextRed[i], nextRed.back()); nextRed.pop_back(); nextOther.push_back(red[i]); std::string result = tricolorization_(nextRed, nextOther, data); if (result != "") { return result; } } return ""; }
QImage KIconEffect::apply(const QImage &img, int effect, float value, const QColor &col, const QColor &col2, bool trans) const { QImage image = img; if (effect >= LastEffect) { qWarning() << "Illegal icon effect: " << effect; return image; } if (value > 1.0) { value = 1.0; } else if (value < 0.0) { value = 0.0; } switch (effect) { case ToGray: toGray(image, value); break; case DeSaturate: deSaturate(image, value); break; case Colorize: colorize(image, col, value); break; case ToGamma: toGamma(image, value); break; case ToMonochrome: toMonochrome(image, col, col2, value); break; } if (trans == true) { semiTransparent(image); } return image; }
void CtrlrMIDIBuffer::resized() { //[UserPreResize] Add your own custom resize code here.. //[/UserPreResize] documentEditor->setBounds (0, 88, getWidth() - 0, getHeight() - 104); bufferSource->setBounds (8, 8, proportionOfWidth (0.4000f), 24); label->setBounds (8, 40, 32, 16); prefixLengthLabel->setBounds (8, 56, 32, 24); nameLengthLabel->setBounds (80, 56, 32, 24); dataOffsetLabel->setBounds (120, 56, 32, 24); suffixLengthLabel->setBounds (192, 56, 32, 24); label7->setBounds (48, 40, 64, 16); label8->setBounds (120, 40, 64, 16); label9->setBounds (192, 40, 32, 16); nameOffsetLabel->setBounds (48, 56, 32, 24); dataLengthLabel->setBounds (152, 56, 32, 24); reloadButton->setBounds (8 + proportionOfWidth (0.4000f), 8, proportionOfWidth (0.1537f), 24); status->setBounds (0, getHeight() - 16, getWidth() - 0, 16); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. const int columnsVisible = documentEditor->getNumColumnsOnScreen(); if (lastNumberOfColumns != columnsVisible) { lastNumberOfColumns = columnsVisible; colorize(); } //[/UserResized] }
void ImageView::refresh() { if (isAnimation) { return; } if (GData::scaledWidth) { displayImage = origImage.scaled(GData::scaledWidth, GData::scaledHeight, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } else { displayImage = origImage; } transform(); if (GData::colorsActive || GData::keepTransform) { colorize(); } if (mirrorLayout) { mirror(); } displayPixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(displayImage); imageLabel->setPixmap(displayPixmap); resizeImage(); }
// callback float *compute (unsigned iterations) { static int step = 0; reset_change(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { step++; for (int y = 0; y < DIM; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < DIM; x++) { if (ocean[x][y] >= 4) { ocean[x+1][y] += 1; ocean[x-1][y] += 1; ocean[x][y+1] += 1; ocean[x][y-1] += 1; ocean[x][y] -= 4; changed[x][y] = 1; } } } } // return DYNAMIC_COLORING; // altitude-based coloring colorize(); return couleurs; }
QString MessageFormatter::prettyUser(const IrcSender& sender) { const QString name =; if (sender.isValid()) return colorize(name); return name; }
int write_to_descriptor (DESCRIPTOR_DATA * d, const char *txt) { int sofar; int thisround; int total; char ansi_buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH * 2]; colorize (txt, ansi_buf, d); total = strlen (ansi_buf); sofar = 0; do { thisround = write (d->hSocketFD, ansi_buf + sofar, total - sofar); if (thisround < 0) { perror ("Write to socket"); return -1; } sofar += thisround; } while (sofar < total); return 0; }
std::string twocolorization_( std::vector<int> green, std::vector<int> other, const std::vector<int> data) { if (green.size() == 0) { return ""; } if (checkSelectedIsEqualToOther(green, other)) { std::string color(green.size(), 'G'); return colorize(green, data, 'B', color); } for (int i = 0; i < green.size(); ++i) { std::vector<int> nextGreen(green); std::vector<int> nextOther(other); std::swap(nextGreen[i], nextGreen.back()); nextGreen.pop_back(); nextOther.push_back(green[i]); std::string result = twocolorization_(nextGreen, nextOther, data); if (result != "") { return result; } } return ""; }
void Point::setPoint(float x, float y, float z) { point[0] = x; point[1] = y; point[2] = z; modified = true; colorize(); }
void TextBuffer::colorizeAll() { if (testFlag(EditFlags::HiliteOff) || !syntax->highlighting()) return; else colorize(bufferMin(), bufferMax(), false); }
string_t reporter::mebbe_colorize(const Color color, const string_t &string) const { if (options_.colorize) { return colorize(color, string); } else { return string; } }
t_hs create_prompt(void) { t_hs user; t_hs host; t_hs pwd; t_hs prompt; user = env_get_default(hs("USER"), hs("nobody")); pwd = env_get_default(hs("PWD"), hs("")); host = get_hostname(); if (env_contains(hs("HOME"))) pwd = format_pwd(pwd, env_get(hs("HOME"))); prompt = hs_format("%hs%hs%hs:%hs$ ", colorize("red bold", user), colorize("red bold", hs("@")), colorize("red bold", host), colorize("blue bold", pwd)); return (prompt); }
unsigned char *tx(float *points, float *weights, int cPoints, int w, int h, int dotsize, int *scheme, unsigned char *pix_color, int opacity, int boundsOverride, float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY) { unsigned char *pixels_bw = NULL; //basic sanity checks to keep from segfaulting if (NULL == points || NULL == weights || NULL == scheme || NULL == pix_color || w <= 0 || h <= 0 || cPoints <= 1 || opacity < 0 || dotsize <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid parameter; aborting.\n"); return NULL; } DOTSIZE = dotsize; WIDTH = w; HEIGHT = h; // get min/max x/y values from point list if (boundsOverride == 1) { MAX_X = maxX; MIN_X = minX; MAX_Y = maxY; MIN_Y = minY; } else { getBounds(points, cPoints); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("min: (%.2f, %.2f) max: (%.2f, %.2f)\n", MIN_X, MIN_Y, MAX_X, MAX_Y); #endif //iterate through points, place a dot at each center point //and set pix value from 0 - 255 using multiply method for radius [dotsize]. pixels_bw = calcDensity(points, weights, cPoints); //using provided color scheme and opacity, update pixel value to RGBA values pix_color = colorize(pixels_bw, scheme, pix_color, opacity); free(pixels_bw); pixels_bw = NULL; //return list of RGBA values return pix_color; }
void alarmclock(void) { f_alarm = 0; logintime += 5; sleeptimes += 5; alarm(mybtmp->time + (logintime + 5) * 60 - (msg->t = time(0))); xcount = xcount > logintime * 4 ? xcount : logintime * 4; postcount = postcount > logintime * 2 ? postcount : logintime * 2; if (!ouruser && nonew >= 0) { colorize("\n\n\a@CYou have exceeded the time limit for entering your name and password.\n\n"); my_exit(10); } else if (nonew < 0 && logintime == 30) { colorize("\n\n\a@CYou have exceeded the time limit for entering your information.\n\n"); my_exit(10); } else if (sleeptimes == 20 + 40 * !(!client)) { colorize("\n\n\a@CYou have been logged out due to inactivity.\n\n"); my_exit(10); } else if (logintime == 240) { colorize("\n\n\a@CYou have been on four hours. That is plenty long enough. Goodbye.\n\n"); my_exit(10); } else if (logintime == 225) { colorize("\n\n\a@YYou have 15 minutes left before you are logged out!\n\n"); fflush(stdout); } else if (logintime == 235) { colorize("\n\n\a@YYou have 5 minutes left before you are logged out!\n\n"); fflush(stdout); } if (sleeptimes == 15 + 40 * (client > 0)) { colorize("\n\n\a@YHello??? Is anyone out there?\n@RYou will be logged off unless you start looking more alive!\n\n\a"); fflush(stdout); } else if (client && sleeptimes >= 15) { dead = 1; putchar(IAC); putchar(CLIENT); fflush(stdout); } if (ouruser && !guest && !(logintime % 30)) msync((caddr_t)ouruser, sizeof(struct user), MS_ASYNC); }
void CLogSyntaxHighlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &AText) { if (AText.isEmpty()) return; { QTextCharFormat fmt; fmt.setBackground(QColor::fromRgb(255, 220, 220)); QRegExp re("^.*\\[ERROR\\].*$"); colorize(AText, fmt, re); } { QTextCharFormat fmt; fmt.setForeground(QColor::fromRgb(50, 100, 220)); fmt.setFontItalic(true); QRegExp re("^\\[[^\\]]*\\] \\[[^\\]]*\\] "); colorize(AText, fmt, re); } }
CPicture * CWindowObject::createBg(std::string imageName, bool playerColored) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; if (imageName.empty()) return nullptr; auto image = new CPicture(imageName); if (playerColored) image->colorize(LOCPLINT->playerID); return image; }
int __print_tests_summary(int tests) { int non_passing = __error_count__ + __pending_count__; int result_color = COLOR_GREEN; if(non_passing > 0) { fprintf(stdout,"\n"); } if(__error_count__ == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s %d Tests successful!\n", colorize("OK:\t\t", COLOR_BACKGROUND), tests-non_passing); if(__pending_count__ > 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s %d test(s) pending...\n", colorize("Pending:\t", COLOR_YELLOW), __pending_count__); } } else { fprintf(stdout, "%s %d test(s) FAILED.\n", colorize("FAILURES:\t", COLOR_RED), __error_count__); if(__pending_count__ > 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s %d test(s) Pending.\n", colorize("Pending:\t", COLOR_BACKGROUND), __pending_count__); } fprintf(stdout, "%s %d test(s) succesful.\n", colorize("ok:\t\t", COLOR_BACKGROUND), tests-non_passing); } fprintf(stdout, "--------------------------------------\n"); if(__error_count__ > 0) { result_color = COLOR_RED; } else if(__pending_count__ > 0) { result_color = COLOR_YELLOW; } fprintf(stdout, "%s %d test(s)\n", colorize("TOTAL:\t\t", result_color), tests); return __error_count__; }
static void separator(jmp_buf jmpBuf, struct Output* output, const char* separator) { if(separator == NULL) { output->separator = ""; return; } output->separator = malloc(strlen(separator) * sizeof(char)); if(output->separator == NULL) longjmp(jmpBuf, MYERR_ALLOCFAIL); char* colors; colorize(jmpBuf, separator, &colors); strcpy(output->separator, colors); free(colors); }
void tag_lvitem::set_on(bool b) { treeWidget()->blockSignals(true); if ((checkState(0)==Qt::Unchecked && b==true) || (checkState(0)==Qt::Checked && b==false)) { DBG_PRINTF(5, "set_on changes state"); setCheckState(0, b ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); last_known_state = (b ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); colorize(); } treeWidget()->blockSignals(false); }
std::string describe( const Character *ch ) const override { vpart_position part_pos( cur.veh, cur.part ); std::string res; if( auto label = part_pos.get_label() ) { res = colorize( *label, c_light_blue ) + " "; } if( auto cargo_part = part_pos.part_with_feature( "CARGO", true ) ) { res += cargo_part->part().name(); } else { debugmsg( "item in vehicle part without cargo storage" ); } if( ch ) { res += " " + direction_suffix( ch->pos(), part_pos.pos() ); } return res; }
pixel *flatten(int *deck) { int rows = ROWS(); int cols = COLS(); pixel *flat = XCALLOC(rows * cols * sizeof(pixel)); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { pixel *pp = &flat[(i * cols) + j]; *pp = colorize(deck[j / CARD_WIDTH]); if (!(pp->red > 0 || pp->green > 0 || pp->blue > 0)) { printf("Pixel %d,%d (#%d) failed\n", i,j, j/CARD_WIDTH); } } } return flat; }
float *compute2(unsigned iterations) { reset_change(); for (int i = 0; i < DIM; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < DIM; j++) { old[i][j] = ocean[i][j]; } } for (int ite = 0; ite < iterations; ite++) { for (int x = 0; x < DIM; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < DIM; y++) { if ( ocean[x+1][y] >= 4) { old[x][y] += 1; old[x+1][y] -= 1; changed[x+1][y] = 1; } if ( ocean[x-1][y] >= 4) { old[x][y] += 1; old[x-1][y] -= 1; changed[x-1][y] = 1; } if ( ocean[x][y+1] >= 4) { old[x][y] += 1; old[x][y+1] -= 1; changed[x][y+1] = 1; } if ( ocean[x][y-1] >= 4) { old[x][y] += 1; old[x][y-1] -= 1; changed[x][y-1] = 1; } } } } for (int i = 0; i < DIM; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < DIM; j++) { ocean[i][j] = old[i][j]; } } colorize(); return couleurs; }
/* Entry point ... */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ FILE *fp = stdin; if(argc == 2){ /* work off a file */ fp = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if(!fp){ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file: %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; } } if(fp!=stdin){ fclose(fp); } colorize(fp); return 0; }
void CtrlrMIDIBuffer::reloadEditor(const String &_dataToDisplay, const bool resetPositions) { dataToDisplay = _dataToDisplay; dataToDisplaySize = dataToDisplay.length(); if (resetPositions) { prefixLengthLabel->setText ("4", sendNotification); nameLengthLabel->setText ("16", sendNotification); nameOffsetLabel->setText ("4", sendNotification); dataLengthLabel->setText ("16", sendNotification); dataOffsetLabel->setText ("20", sendNotification); suffixLengthLabel->setText ("4", sendNotification); } colorize(); }
Point::Point(float x, float y, float z) { point[0] = x; point[1] = y; point[2] = z; color[0] = 1.0; color[1] = 1.0; color[2] = 1.0; normal[0] = 0; normal[1] = 0; normal[2] = 0; modified = false; colorize(); }
void tShootRay(const ray& r, float color[3]) { color[0] = 1.f; color[1] = 0.f; color[2] = 0.f; float BG[2] = {0}; Vector3 Origin = {r.origin.X, r.origin.Y, r.origin.Z}; Vector3 Dir = {r.direction.X, r.direction.Y, r.direction.Z}; int index = -1; float t = FLT_MAX; if(rIntersection(Origin, Dir, gKDTree[0], index, t, BG)) { colorize(Origin, Dir, index, t, BG, color); } }
int main(){ int instancias, cidades,a,b; scanf("%d", &instancias); for(int counter=0; counter< instancias; counter++ ){ scanf("%d", &cidades); for(int i=0; i<cidades; i++){ mapa[i][SIZE]=0; color[i]= 0; } for(int i=0; i< cidades-1; i++){ scanf("%d %d",&a, &b);a--;b--; mapa[a][mapa[a][SIZE]]= b; mapa[a][SIZE]++; mapa[b][mapa[b][SIZE]]= a; mapa[b][SIZE]++; } printf("%d\n", colorize(0, -1)); } }
char *image_to_string(const xcolor_image_t *image) { fab_buffer_t *buffer; if((buffer = malloc(sizeof(fab_buffer_t))) == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } init_buffer(buffer); for(size_t y = 0; y < image->y; y++) { for(size_t x = 0; x < image->x; x++) { const char *color_block = colorize(escape(3, 48, 5, image->pixels[y][x]), escape(1, 49), " "); append_buffer(buffer, color_block); free((void *)color_block); } append_buffer(buffer, "\n"); } truncate_buffer(buffer); char *string = buffer->buffer; free(buffer); return string; }
int colorize(int city, int parent ){ int val=0; int paint=1; if( mapa[city][SIZE]> 1 || parent == -1){ for(int i=0; i<mapa[city][SIZE]; i++){ if (mapa[city][i] != parent) val+=colorize( mapa[city][i], city); paint= paint && !color[mapa[city][i]]; } if (paint){ val++; color[city]=1; } } else{ color[city]=1; return 1; } return val; }