Ejemplo n.º 1
void QCustomTableWidget::scrollTo(int row, int column)
    int row_count = rowCount(), column_count = columnCount();
    if (row > -1 && row < row_count)
        int y = rowViewportPosition(row);
        QScrollBar *bar = verticalScrollBar();
        if (y < 0)
            int dy = y + rowHeight(row) - viewport()->height();
            if (columnViewportPosition(column_count-1) + columnWidth(column_count-1) > viewport()->width())
                dy += horizontalScrollBar()->height() + 3;
            if (dy > 0)
                int value = bar->value() + dy;
                if (value > bar->maximum())
    if (column > -1 && column < column_count)
        int x = columnViewportPosition(column);
        QScrollBar *bar = horizontalScrollBar();
        if (x < 0)
            int dx = x + columnWidth(column) - viewport()->width();
            if (dx > 0)
                int value = bar->value() + dx;
                if (value > bar->maximum())
Ejemplo n.º 2
int KateCompletionTree::columnTextViewportPosition(int column) const
    int ret = columnViewportPosition(column);
    QModelIndex i = model()->index(0, column, QModelIndex());
    QModelIndex base = model()->index(0, 0, QModelIndex());

    //If it's just a group header, use the first child
    if (base.isValid() && model()->rowCount(base)) {
        i = base.child(0, column);

    if (i.isValid()) {
        QIcon icon = i.data(Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>();
        if (!icon.isNull()) {
            ret += icon.actualSize(sizeHintForIndex(i)).width();
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void KateCompletionTree::resizeColumns(bool firstShow, bool forceResize)
    static bool preventRecursion = false;
    if (preventRecursion) {

    if (firstShow) {
        forceResize = true;

    preventRecursion = true;


    int modelIndexOfName = kateModel()->translateColumn(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::Name);
    int oldIndentWidth = columnViewportPosition(modelIndexOfName);

    ///Step 1: Compute the needed column-sizes for the visible content
    const int numColumns = model()->columnCount();
    QVarLengthArray<int, 8> columnSize(numColumns);
    for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; ++i) {
        columnSize[i] = 5;
    QModelIndex current = indexAt(QPoint(1, 1));
    const bool changed = current.isValid();
    int currentYPos = 0;
    measureColumnSizes(this, current, columnSize, currentYPos, height());

    int totalColumnsWidth = 0, originalViewportWidth = viewport()->width();

    int maxWidth = (QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(widget()->view()).width() * 3) / 4;

    ///Step 2: Update column-sizes
    //This contains several hacks to reduce the amount of resizing that happens. Generally,
    //resizes only happen if a) More than a specific amount of space is saved by the resize, or
    //b) the resizing is required so the list can show all of its contents.
    int minimumResize = 0;
    int maximumResize = 0;

    if (changed) {

        for (int n = 0; n < numColumns; n++) {
            totalColumnsWidth += columnSize[n];

            int diff = columnSize[n] - columnWidth(n);
            if (diff < minimumResize) {
                minimumResize = diff;
            if (diff > maximumResize) {
                maximumResize = diff;

        int noReduceTotalWidth = 0; //The total width of the widget of no columns are reduced
        for (int n = 0; n < numColumns; n++) {
            if (columnSize[n] < columnWidth(n)) {
                noReduceTotalWidth += columnWidth(n);
            } else {
                noReduceTotalWidth += columnSize[n];

        //Check whether we can afford to reduce none of the columns
        //Only reduce size if we widget would else be too wide.
        bool noReduce = noReduceTotalWidth < maxWidth && !forceResize;

        if (noReduce) {
            totalColumnsWidth = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < numColumns; n++) {
                if (columnSize[n] < columnWidth(n)) {
                    columnSize[n] = columnWidth(n);

                totalColumnsWidth += columnSize[n];

        if (minimumResize > -40 && maximumResize == 0 && !forceResize) {
            //No column needs to be exanded, and no column needs to be reduced by more than 40 pixels.
            //To prevent flashing, do not resize at all.
            totalColumnsWidth = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < numColumns; n++) {
                columnSize[n] = columnWidth(n);
                totalColumnsWidth += columnSize[n];
        } else {
//       viewport()->resize( 5000, viewport()->height() );
            for (int n = 0; n < numColumns; n++) {
                setColumnWidth(n, columnSize[n]);
//       qCDebug(LOG_KTE) << "resizing viewport to" << totalColumnsWidth;
            viewport()->resize(totalColumnsWidth, viewport()->height());

    ///Step 3: Update widget-size and -position

    int scrollBarWidth = verticalScrollBar()->width();

    int newIndentWidth = columnViewportPosition(modelIndexOfName);

    int newWidth = qMin(maxWidth, qMax(75, totalColumnsWidth));

    if (newWidth == maxWidth) {
    } else {

    if (maximumResize > 0 || forceResize || oldIndentWidth != newIndentWidth) {

        //   qCDebug(LOG_KTE) << geometry() << "newWidth" << newWidth << "current width" << width() << "target width" << newWidth + scrollBarWidth;

        if ((newWidth + scrollBarWidth) != width() && originalViewportWidth != totalColumnsWidth) {
            widget()->resize(newWidth + scrollBarWidth + 2, widget()->height());
            resize(newWidth + scrollBarWidth, widget()->height() - (2 * widget()->frameWidth()));

        //   qCDebug(LOG_KTE) << "created geometry:" << widget()->geometry() << geometry() << "newWidth" << newWidth << "viewport" << viewport()->width();

        if (viewport()->width() > totalColumnsWidth) { //Set the size of the last column to fill the whole rest of the widget
            setColumnWidth(numColumns - 1, viewport()->width() - columnViewportPosition(numColumns - 1));

        /*  for(int a = 0; a < numColumns; ++a)
            qCDebug(LOG_KTE) << "column" << a << columnWidth(a) << "target:" << columnSize[a];*/

        if (oldIndentWidth != newIndentWidth)
            if (widget()->updatePosition() && !forceResize) {
                preventRecursion = false;
                resizeColumns(true, true);


    preventRecursion = false;