int main() { time_t t; srand((unsigned) time(&t)); commandLine(); return 0; }
int main(int argumentCount, const CHAR** arguments) { CommandLine commandLine(argumentCount, arguments); BOOL continueLoop = !Tp2Constants::SKIP_DATA_INPUT; do { Vector4d initialLinearVelocity = Tp2Constants::INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY; Vector4d initialAngularVelocity = Tp2Constants::INITIAL_ANGULAR_VELOCITY; if ( !Tp2Constants::SKIP_DATA_INPUT ) { BOOL breakLoop = promptData(initialLinearVelocity, initialAngularVelocity); if ( breakLoop ) return 0; } cout << endl << "Fermer la fenetre pour recommencer pour revenir a la console" << endl << endl; ApplicationManager::get()->startApplication(new Tp2Simulation(&commandLine, initialLinearVelocity, initialAngularVelocity)); // Les resultat sont afficher dans la simulation directement ApplicationManager::destroy(); } while( continueLoop ); // Will never get to this point return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QTime t; t.start(); Log::Write(LOG_TYPE_NORMAL, " _ "); Log::Write(LOG_TYPE_NORMAL, " | | /\\ "); Log::Write(LOG_TYPE_NORMAL, " __| | / \\ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ "); Log::Write(LOG_TYPE_NORMAL, " / _` | / /\\ \\ | '__/ _ \\ '_ \\ / _` |"); Log::Write(LOG_TYPE_NORMAL, "| (_| |/ ____ \\| | | __/ | | | (_| | Dofus Arena Emulator"); Log::Write(LOG_TYPE_NORMAL, " \\__,_/_/ \\_\\_| \\___|_| |_|\\__,_| by Sgt Fatality"); Log::Write(LOG_TYPE_NORMAL, " =============================================================="); Log::Write(LOG_TYPE_NORMAL, ""); if (!WorldServer::Instance()->Initialize()) return close(); Log::Write(LOG_TYPE_NORMAL, "Press ctrl + c to quit."); Log::Write(LOG_TYPE_NORMAL, "dArena started in %s sec.", QString::number(t.elapsed() / IN_MILLISECONDS).toLatin1().data()); Chat::Instance(); CommandLine commandLine(&a); commandLine.start(); signal(SIGINT, &stop); signal(SIGTERM, &stop); #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX signal(SIGHUP, &stop); #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) signal(SIGBREAK, &stop); #endif return a.exec(); }
void ProcessLauncher::launchProcess() { // First, create the server and client identifiers. HANDLE serverIdentifier, clientIdentifier; if (!CoreIPC::Connection::createServerAndClientIdentifiers(serverIdentifier, clientIdentifier)) { // FIXME: What should we do here? ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } // Ensure that the child process inherits the client identifier. ::SetHandleInformation(clientIdentifier, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT); // To get the full file path to WebKit2WebProcess.exe, we fild the location of WebKit.dll, // remove the last path component, and then append WebKit2WebProcess(_debug).exe. HMODULE webKitModule = ::GetModuleHandleW(webKitDLLName); ASSERT(webKitModule); if (!webKitModule) return; WCHAR pathStr[MAX_PATH]; if (!::GetModuleFileNameW(webKitModule, pathStr, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(pathStr))) return; ::PathRemoveFileSpecW(pathStr); if (!::PathAppendW(pathStr, webProcessName)) return; String commandLine(pathStr); // FIXME: It would be nice if we could just create a CommandLine object and output a command line vector from it. Vector<UChar> commandLineVector; append(commandLineVector, "\""); append(commandLineVector, commandLine); append(commandLineVector, "\""); append(commandLineVector, " -type webprocess"); append(commandLineVector, " -clientIdentifier "); append(commandLineVector, String::number(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(clientIdentifier))); commandLineVector.append('\0'); STARTUPINFO startupInfo = { 0 }; startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo); PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation = { 0 }; BOOL result = ::CreateProcessW(0,, 0, 0, true, 0, 0, 0, &startupInfo, &processInformation); // We can now close the client identifier handle. ::CloseHandle(clientIdentifier); if (!result) { // FIXME: What should we do here? DWORD error = ::GetLastError(); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } // Don't leak the thread handle. ::CloseHandle(processInformation.hThread); // We've finished launching the process, message back to the run loop. RunLoop::main()->dispatch(bind(&ProcessLauncher::didFinishLaunchingProcess, this, processInformation.hProcess, serverIdentifier)); }
int main(int argumentCount, const CHAR** arguments) { CommandLine commandLine(argumentCount, arguments); ApplicationManager::get()->startApplication(new BrickShaderApplication(&commandLine)); ApplicationManager::destroy(); return 0; }
void ProcessWin::ForkAndExec() { nativeIn->CreateHandles(); nativeOut->CreateHandles(); nativeErr->CreateHandles(); STARTUPINFO startupInfo; startupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); startupInfo.lpReserved = NULL; startupInfo.lpDesktop = NULL; startupInfo.lpTitle = NULL; startupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; startupInfo.cbReserved2 = 0; startupInfo.lpReserved2 = NULL; //startupInfo.hStdInput = nativeIn->GetReadHandle(); //startupInfo.hStdOutput = nativeOut->GetWriteHandle(); //startupInfo.hStdError = nativeErr->GetWriteHandle(); HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess(); nativeIn->DuplicateRead(hProc, &startupInfo.hStdInput); nativeOut->DuplicateWrite(hProc, &startupInfo.hStdOutput); nativeErr->DuplicateWrite(hProc, &startupInfo.hStdError); std::string commandLine(ArgListToString(args)); std::wstring commandLineW(::UTF8ToWide(commandLine)); logger->Debug("Launching: %s", commandLine.c_str()); PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo; BOOL rc = CreateProcessW(NULL, (wchar_t*) commandLineW.c_str(), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, // If this is a console application, NULL, // don't open a console window. NULL, &startupInfo, &processInfo); //CloseHandle(nativeIn->GetReadHandle()); CloseHandle(startupInfo.hStdInput); CloseHandle(startupInfo.hStdOutput); CloseHandle(startupInfo.hStdError); if (!rc) { std::string message = "Error launching: " + commandLine; logger->Error(message); throw ValueException::FromString(message); } else { CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); this->pid = processInfo.dwProcessId; this->process = processInfo.hProcess; this->running = true; } }
// main processing void process(int connfd, struct sockaddr_in address) { // Local variables char buf[MAXDATASIZE + 1]; // while data is read while (Read(connfd, buf, MAXDATASIZE) > 0) { // executes command commandLine(connfd, address, buf); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int APIENTRY wWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, _In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow) { int argc = 0; char* argv = ""; // Exit handler to check memory on exit. const int result_1 = std::atexit(CheckMemCallback); std::wstring commandLine(lpCmdLine); gEditorMode = commandLine.find(L"-Editor") != std::string::npos; // Setup glut. glutInit(&argc, &argv); glutInitWindowSize(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); glutInitWindowPosition(100, 100); int glutWind = glutCreateWindow(APP_WINDOW_TITLE); HDC dc = wglGetCurrentDC(); MAIN_WINDOW_HANDLE = WindowFromDC(dc); glutIdleFunc(Idle); glutDisplayFunc(Display); // Register callback handler for window re-paint event glutSetOption(GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE, GLUT_ACTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION); InitGL(); // Our own OpenGL initialization // Init sounds system. CSimpleSound::GetInstance().Initialize(MAIN_WINDOW_HANDLE); // Call user defined init. if (gEditorMode) { EditorInit(); } else { Init(); } // Enter glut the event-processing loop glutMainLoop(); // Call user shutdown. if (gEditorMode) { EditorShutdown(); } else { Shutdown(); } // Shutdown sound system. CSimpleSound::GetInstance().Shutdown(); // And we are done. return 0; }
int main(int argumentCount, const CHAR** arguments) { CommandLine commandLine(argumentCount, arguments); do { STRING simulationType; cout << "Entrez le type de simulation (1 ou 2 ou q pour quitter) : "; getline(cin, simulationType); UINT quitLetterPosition = simulationType.find("q"); if ( quitLetterPosition != string::npos ) return 0; UINT automaticLetterPosition = simulationType.find("a"); BOOL promptPosition = automaticLetterPosition == string::npos; BOOL promptVelocity = automaticLetterPosition == string::npos; Vector initialPosition = Tp1Constants::INITIAL_POSITION; Vector initialVelocity = Tp1Constants::INITIAL_VELOCITY; if ( promptPosition ) promptInitialPosition(initialPosition); if ( promptVelocity ) promptInitialVelocity(initialVelocity); cout << endl << "Fermer la fenetre pour recommencer une simulation ou terminer le programme" << endl << endl; UINT type1Position = simulationType.find("1"); if ( type1Position != string::npos ) // Simulation 1 ApplicationManager::get()->startApplication(new Tp1Simulation1(&commandLine, initialPosition, initialVelocity)); else // Simulation 2 ApplicationManager::get()->startApplication(new Tp1Simulation2(&commandLine, initialPosition, initialVelocity)); // Les resultat sont afficher dans la simulation directement ApplicationManager::destroy(); } while( TRUE ); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int retVal=0; if (argc <= 1) retVal = menu(); else if (argv[1][0] == '-') retVal = commandLine(argc, argv); else retVal = legacyCommandLine(argc, argv); // Close the log file if logging gp_Log(NULL); return retVal; }
bool MetaParser::isShellCommand(MetaSema::ActionResult& actionResult, Value* resultValue) { if (resultValue) *resultValue = Value(); const Token& Tok = getCurTok(); if ( { consumeAnyStringToken(tok::eof); const Token& NextTok = getCurTok(); if ( { llvm::StringRef commandLine(NextTok.getIdent()); if (!commandLine.empty()) actionResult = m_Actions->actOnShellCommand(commandLine, resultValue); } return true; } return false; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("amakaseev"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain(""); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("SpriteSheetPacker"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion("1.0.3"); SpritePackerProjectFile::factory().set<SpritePackerProjectFile>("json"); SpritePackerProjectFile::factory().set<SpritePackerProjectFileOLD>("sp"); SpritePackerProjectFile::factory().set<SpritePackerProjectFileTPS>("tps"); if (argc > 1) { return commandLine(app); } else { MainWindow w;; return app.exec(); } }
std::map<std::string, Material> Run2D::readInput(int argc, char** argv) { GetPot commandLine(argc, argv); std::string Device2DFile; std::string MaterialFile; if(, "-2d", "--file") &&, "-m", "--file") ) { Device2DFile = commandLine.follow("", 2 , "-2d", "--file"); MaterialFile = commandLine.follow("", 2, "-m", "--file"); } else { cerr << "Error: input file missing. Use \" Leno -2d device2DFile -m materialFile \" " << endl ; exit(0); } // Create io io2D.readDevice2D(Device2DFile); io2D.readMaterial(MaterialFile); // create Materials, with default T = 300 K Params param; std::map<std::string, Material> matLib; int i = 0; for (std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>::iterator it = io2D.matMap.begin(); it != io2D.matMap.end(); ++it) { Material t(i, (int)round(it->second[0]), it->first.c_str(), it->second[1], it->second[2], it->second[3], it->second[4], (int)round(it->second[5]), it->second[6], it->second[7], it->second[8], it->second[9], it->second[10], it->second[11], it->second[12]); // std::cout << i << "," << (int)round(it->second[0]) << "," << it->first.c_str() << "," << it->second[1] << "," // << it->second[2] << "," << it->second[3] << "," << it->second[4] << "," << (int)round(it->second[5]) << "," << it->second[6] // << "," << it->second[7] << "," << it->second[8] << "," << it->second[9] << "," << it->second[10] << "," << it->second[11] << "," // << it->second[12] << std::endl; matLib.insert(std::pair<std::string, Material>(it->first, t)); } std::cout << " ** material library is completed." << std::endl; return ( matLib ); }
/** Launch a process @param aProcess The RProcess object to use to create the process @param aExeName File name of the executable to create the process from @param aCommandLine The command line to pass to the new process @return KErrNone on success, or one of the other system wide error codes */ TInt LaunchProcess(RProcess& aProcess, TDesC & aExeName, TPtr & aCommandLine ) { TPtrC commandLine( aCommandLine ); TInt err = aProcess.Create( aExeName, commandLine ); // check that there was no error raised if(err != KErrNone) { return err; } TRequestStatus status = KRequestPending; aProcess.Rendezvous(status); if(KRequestPending != status.Int()) { // startup failed so kill the process RDebug::Printf( "> RProcess Rendezvous() failed with %d. Killing process", status.Int() ); aProcess.Kill(KErrNone); return status.Int(); } else { // start up succeeded so resume the process aProcess.Resume(); User::WaitForRequest(status); if(KErrNone != status.Int()) { RDebug::Printf( "> RProcess Resume() failed with %d. Killing process", status.Int() ); aProcess.Kill(KErrNone); } return status.Int(); } }
bool PluginHangUIParent::Init(const nsString& aPluginName) { if (mHangUIProcessHandle) { return false; } nsresult rv; rv = mMiniShm.Init(this, ::IsDebuggerPresent() ? INFINITE : mIPCTimeoutMs); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); nsCOMPtr<nsIProperties> directoryService(do_GetService(NS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (!directoryService) { return false; } nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> greDir; rv = directoryService->Get(NS_GRE_DIR, NS_GET_IID(nsIFile), getter_AddRefs(greDir)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsAutoString path; greDir->GetPath(path); FilePath exePath(path.get()); exePath = exePath.AppendASCII(MOZ_HANGUI_PROCESS_NAME); CommandLine commandLine(exePath.value()); nsXPIDLString localizedStr; const PRUnichar* formatParams[] = { aPluginName.get() }; rv = nsContentUtils::FormatLocalizedString(nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "PluginHangUIMessage", formatParams, localizedStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } commandLine.AppendLooseValue(localizedStr.get()); const char* keys[] = { "PluginHangUITitle", "PluginHangUIWaitButton", "PluginHangUIStopButton", "DontAskAgain" }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArrayLength(keys); ++i) { rv = nsContentUtils::GetLocalizedString(nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, keys[i], localizedStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } commandLine.AppendLooseValue(localizedStr.get()); } rv = GetHangUIOwnerWindowHandle(mMainWindowHandle); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsAutoString hwndStr; hwndStr.AppendPrintf("%p", mMainWindowHandle); commandLine.AppendLooseValue(hwndStr.get()); ScopedHandle procHandle(::OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, TRUE, GetCurrentProcessId())); if (!procHandle.IsValid()) { return false; } nsAutoString procHandleStr; procHandleStr.AppendPrintf("%p", procHandle.Get()); commandLine.AppendLooseValue(procHandleStr.get()); // On Win7+, pass the application user model to the child, so it can // register with it. This insures windows created by the Hang UI // properly group with the parent app on the Win7 taskbar. nsCOMPtr<nsIWinTaskbar> taskbarInfo = do_GetService(NS_TASKBAR_CONTRACTID); if (taskbarInfo) { bool isSupported = false; taskbarInfo->GetAvailable(&isSupported); nsAutoString appId; if (isSupported && NS_SUCCEEDED(taskbarInfo->GetDefaultGroupId(appId))) { commandLine.AppendLooseValue(appId.get()); } else { commandLine.AppendLooseValue(L"-"); } } else { commandLine.AppendLooseValue(L"-"); } nsAutoString ipcTimeoutStr; ipcTimeoutStr.AppendInt(mIPCTimeoutMs); commandLine.AppendLooseValue(ipcTimeoutStr.get()); std::wstring ipcCookie; rv = mMiniShm.GetCookie(ipcCookie); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } commandLine.AppendLooseValue(ipcCookie); ScopedHandle showEvent(::CreateEvent(nullptr, FALSE, FALSE, nullptr)); if (!showEvent.IsValid()) { return false; } mShowEvent = showEvent.Get(); MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); STARTUPINFO startupInfo = { sizeof(STARTUPINFO) }; PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo = { nullptr }; BOOL isProcessCreated = ::CreateProcess(exePath.value().c_str(), const_cast<wchar_t*>(commandLine.command_line_string().c_str()), nullptr, nullptr, TRUE, DETACHED_PROCESS, nullptr, nullptr, &startupInfo, &processInfo); if (isProcessCreated) { ::CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); mHangUIProcessHandle = processInfo.hProcess; ::RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&mRegWait, processInfo.hProcess, &SOnHangUIProcessExit, this, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE); ::WaitForSingleObject(mShowEvent, ::IsDebuggerPresent() ? INFINITE : mIPCTimeoutMs); // Setting this to true even if we time out on mShowEvent. This timeout // typically occurs when the machine is thrashing so badly that // plugin-hang-ui.exe is taking a while to start. If we didn't set // this to true, Firefox would keep spawning additional plugin-hang-ui // processes, which is not what we want. mIsShowing = true; } mShowEvent = nullptr; return !(!isProcessCreated); }
static void parse_commandline(int argc, char* const argv[], SkTArray<SkString>* inputs, sk_tools::PictureBenchmark* benchmark) { const char* argv0 = argv[0]; char* const* stop = argv + argc; int repeats = DEFAULT_REPEATS; sk_tools::PictureRenderer::SkDeviceTypes deviceType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kBitmap_DeviceType; SkAutoTUnref<sk_tools::PictureRenderer> renderer(NULL); // Create a string to show our current settings. // TODO: Make it prettier. Currently it just repeats the command line. SkString commandLine("bench_pictures:"); for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { commandLine.appendf(" %s", *(argv+i)); } commandLine.append("\n"); bool usePipe = false; int numThreads = 1; bool useTiles = false; const char* widthString = NULL; const char* heightString = NULL; int gridWidth = 0; int gridHeight = 0; bool isPowerOf2Mode = false; bool isCopyMode = false; const char* xTilesString = NULL; const char* yTilesString = NULL; const char* mode = NULL; bool gridSupported = false; sk_tools::PictureRenderer::BBoxHierarchyType bbhType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kNone_BBoxHierarchyType; sk_tools::PictureRenderer::DrawFilterFlags drawFilters[SkDrawFilter::kTypeCount]; sk_bzero(drawFilters, sizeof(drawFilters)); SkISize viewport; viewport.setEmpty(); for (++argv; argv < stop; ++argv) { if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--repeat")) { ++argv; if (argv < stop) { repeats = atoi(*argv); if (repeats < 1) { gLogger.logError("--repeat must be given a value > 0\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else { gLogger.logError("Missing arg for --repeat\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--pipe")) { usePipe = true; } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--logFile")) { argv++; if (argv < stop) { if (!gLogger.SetLogFile(*argv)) { SkString str; str.printf("Could not open %s for writing.", *argv); gLogger.logError(str); usage(argv0); // TODO(borenet): We're disabling this for now, due to // write-protected Android devices. The very short-term // solution is to ignore the fact that we have no log file. //exit(-1); } } else { gLogger.logError("Missing arg for --logFile\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--multi")) { ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing arg for --multi\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } numThreads = atoi(*argv); if (numThreads < 2) { gLogger.logError("Number of threads must be at least 2.\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--bbh")) { ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing value for --bbh\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "none")) { bbhType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kNone_BBoxHierarchyType; } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "rtree")) { bbhType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kRTree_BBoxHierarchyType; } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "grid")) { bbhType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kTileGrid_BBoxHierarchyType; ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing width for --bbh grid\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } gridWidth = atoi(*argv); ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing height for --bbh grid\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } gridHeight = atoi(*argv); } else { SkString err; err.printf("%s is not a valid value for --bbhType\n", *argv); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--mode")) { if (renderer.get() != NULL) { SkDebugf("Cannot combine modes.\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing mode for --mode\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "record")) { renderer.reset(SkNEW(sk_tools::RecordPictureRenderer)); gridSupported = true; } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "clone")) { renderer.reset(sk_tools::CreatePictureCloneRenderer()); } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "simple")) { renderer.reset(SkNEW(sk_tools::SimplePictureRenderer)); } else if ((0 == strcmp(*argv, "tile")) || (0 == strcmp(*argv, "pow2tile")) || 0 == strcmp(*argv, "copyTile")) { useTiles = true; mode = *argv; if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "pow2tile")) { isPowerOf2Mode = true; } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "copyTile")) { isCopyMode = true; } else { gridSupported = true; } ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { SkString err; err.printf("Missing width for --mode %s\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } widthString = *argv; ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { SkString err; err.appendf("Missing height for --mode %s\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } heightString = *argv; } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "playbackCreation")) { renderer.reset(SkNEW(sk_tools::PlaybackCreationRenderer)); gridSupported = true; } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "gatherPixelRefs")) { renderer.reset(sk_tools::CreateGatherPixelRefsRenderer()); } else { SkString err; err.printf("%s is not a valid mode for --mode\n", *argv); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--viewport")) { ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing width for --viewport\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } viewport.fWidth = atoi(*argv); ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing height for --viewport\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } viewport.fHeight = atoi(*argv); } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--tiles")) { ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing x for --tiles\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } xTilesString = *argv; ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing y for --tiles\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } yTilesString = *argv; } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--device")) { ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing mode for --device\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "bitmap")) { deviceType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kBitmap_DeviceType; } #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "gpu")) { deviceType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kGPU_DeviceType; } #endif else { SkString err; err.printf("%s is not a valid mode for --device\n", *argv); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--timers")) { ++argv; if (argv < stop) { bool timerWall = false; bool truncatedTimerWall = false; bool timerCpu = false; bool truncatedTimerCpu = false; bool timerGpu = false; for (char* t = *argv; *t; ++t) { switch (*t) { case 'w': timerWall = true; break; case 'c': timerCpu = true; break; case 'W': truncatedTimerWall = true; break; case 'C': truncatedTimerCpu = true; break; case 'g': timerGpu = true; break; default: { break; } } } benchmark->setTimersToShow(timerWall, truncatedTimerWall, timerCpu, truncatedTimerCpu, timerGpu); } else { gLogger.logError("Missing arg for --timers\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--timeIndividualTiles")) { benchmark->setTimeIndividualTiles(true); } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--min")) { benchmark->setPrintMin(true); } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--logPerIter")) { ++argv; if (argv < stop) { bool log = atoi(*argv) != 0; benchmark->setLogPerIter(log); } else { gLogger.logError("Missing arg for --logPerIter\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--filter")) { ++argv; if (argv < stop) { const char* colon = strchr(*argv, ':'); if (colon) { int type = -1; size_t typeLen = colon - *argv; for (size_t tIndex = 0; tIndex < kFilterTypesCount; ++tIndex) { if (typeLen == strlen(gFilterTypes[tIndex]) && !strncmp(*argv, gFilterTypes[tIndex], typeLen)) { type = tIndex; break; } } if (type < 0) { SkString err; err.printf("Unknown type for --filter %s\n", *argv); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } int flag = -1; size_t flagLen = strlen(*argv) - typeLen - 1; for (size_t fIndex = 0; fIndex < kFilterFlagsCount; ++fIndex) { if (flagLen == strlen(gFilterFlags[fIndex]) && !strncmp(colon + 1, gFilterFlags[fIndex], flagLen)) { flag = 1 << fIndex; break; } } if (flag < 0) { SkString err; err.printf("Unknown flag for --filter %s\n", *argv); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } for (int index = 0; index < SkDrawFilter::kTypeCount; ++index) { if (type != SkDrawFilter::kTypeCount && index != type) { continue; } drawFilters[index] = (sk_tools::PictureRenderer::DrawFilterFlags) (drawFilters[index] | flag); } } else { SkString err; err.printf("Unknown arg for --filter %s : missing colon\n", *argv); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else { gLogger.logError("Missing arg for --filter\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--help") || 0 == strcmp(*argv, "-h")) { PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } else { inputs->push_back(SkString(*argv)); } } if (numThreads > 1 && !useTiles) { gLogger.logError("Multithreaded drawing requires tiled rendering.\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } if (usePipe && sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kNone_BBoxHierarchyType != bbhType) { gLogger.logError("--pipe and --bbh cannot be used together\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } if (sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kTileGrid_BBoxHierarchyType == bbhType && !gridSupported) { gLogger.logError("'--bbh grid' is not compatible with specified --mode.\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } if (useTiles) { SkASSERT(NULL == renderer); sk_tools::TiledPictureRenderer* tiledRenderer; if (isCopyMode) { int x, y; if (xTilesString != NULL) { SkASSERT(yTilesString != NULL); x = atoi(xTilesString); y = atoi(yTilesString); if (x <= 0 || y <= 0) { gLogger.logError("--tiles must be given values > 0\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else { x = y = 4; } tiledRenderer = SkNEW_ARGS(sk_tools::CopyTilesRenderer, (x, y)); if (benchmark->timeIndividualTiles()) { gLogger.logError("timeIndividualTiles is not compatible with copyTile\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else if (numThreads > 1) { tiledRenderer = SkNEW_ARGS(sk_tools::MultiCorePictureRenderer, (numThreads)); } else { tiledRenderer = SkNEW(sk_tools::TiledPictureRenderer); } if (isPowerOf2Mode) { int minWidth = atoi(widthString); if (!SkIsPow2(minWidth) || minWidth < 0) { tiledRenderer->unref(); SkString err; err.printf("-mode %s must be given a width" " value that is a power of two\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } tiledRenderer->setTileMinPowerOf2Width(minWidth); } else if (sk_tools::is_percentage(widthString)) { if (isCopyMode) { tiledRenderer->unref(); SkString err; err.printf("--mode %s does not support percentages.\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err.c_str()); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } tiledRenderer->setTileWidthPercentage(atof(widthString)); if (!(tiledRenderer->getTileWidthPercentage() > 0)) { tiledRenderer->unref(); SkString err; err.appendf("--mode %s must be given a width percentage > 0\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else { tiledRenderer->setTileWidth(atoi(widthString)); if (!(tiledRenderer->getTileWidth() > 0)) { tiledRenderer->unref(); SkString err; err.appendf("--mode %s must be given a width > 0\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } if (sk_tools::is_percentage(heightString)) { if (isCopyMode) { tiledRenderer->unref(); SkString err; err.printf("--mode %s does not support percentages.\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err.c_str()); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } tiledRenderer->setTileHeightPercentage(atof(heightString)); if (!(tiledRenderer->getTileHeightPercentage() > 0)) { tiledRenderer->unref(); SkString err; err.appendf("--mode %s must be given a height percentage > 0\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } else { tiledRenderer->setTileHeight(atoi(heightString)); if (!(tiledRenderer->getTileHeight() > 0)) { tiledRenderer->unref(); SkString err; err.appendf("--mode %s must be given a height > 0\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } } if (numThreads > 1) { #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU if (sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kGPU_DeviceType == deviceType) { tiledRenderer->unref(); gLogger.logError("GPU not compatible with multithreaded tiling.\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } #endif } renderer.reset(tiledRenderer); if (usePipe) { gLogger.logError("Pipe rendering is currently not compatible with tiling.\n" "Turning off pipe.\n"); } } else { if (benchmark->timeIndividualTiles()) { gLogger.logError("timeIndividualTiles requires tiled rendering.\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } if (usePipe) { if (renderer.get() != NULL) { gLogger.logError("Pipe is incompatible with other modes.\n"); PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } renderer.reset(SkNEW(sk_tools::PipePictureRenderer)); } } if (inputs->count() < 1) { PRINT_USAGE_AND_EXIT; } if (NULL == renderer) { renderer.reset(SkNEW(sk_tools::SimplePictureRenderer)); } renderer->setBBoxHierarchyType(bbhType); renderer->setDrawFilters(drawFilters, filtersName(drawFilters)); renderer->setGridSize(gridWidth, gridHeight); renderer->setViewport(viewport); benchmark->setRenderer(renderer); benchmark->setRepeats(repeats); benchmark->setDeviceType(deviceType); benchmark->setLogger(&gLogger); // Report current settings: gLogger.logProgress(commandLine); }
Result<ExitCode> ProcessAsUser::Run(const Settings& settings, ProcessTracker& processTracker) const { Trace trace(settings.GetLogLevel()); trace < L"ProcessAsUser::Attempt to log a user on to the local computer"; StringBuffer userName(settings.GetUserName()); StringBuffer domain(settings.GetDomain()); StringBuffer password(settings.GetPassword()); StringBuffer workingDirectory(settings.GetWorkingDirectory()); StringBuffer commandLine(settings.GetCommandLine()); SecurityManager securityManager; auto setPrivilegesResult = securityManager.SetPrivileges(trace, { SE_TCB_NAME, SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME }, true); if(setPrivilegesResult.HasError()) { return setPrivilegesResult.GetError(); } auto newUserSecurityTokenHandle = Handle(L"New user security token"); unsigned long logonTypeCount = sizeof(allLogonTypes) / sizeof(allLogonTypes[0]); for (unsigned long logonTypeIndex = 0; logonTypeIndex < logonTypeCount; logonTypeIndex++) { auto logonType = allLogonTypes[logonTypeIndex]; trace < L"::LogonUser using logon type "; switch (logonType) { case LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE: trace << L"LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE"; break; case LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK: trace << L"LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK"; break; case LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH: trace << L"LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH"; break; case LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE: trace << L"LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE"; break; } if (LogonUser( userName.GetPointer(), domain.GetPointer(), password.GetPointer(), logonType, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &newUserSecurityTokenHandle)) { break; } auto error = Error(L"LogonUser"); trace << L" - "; trace << error.GetDescription(); if(logonTypeIndex == logonTypeCount -1) { return error; } } trace < L"ProcessAsUser::InitializeConsoleRedirection a new security descriptor"; trace < L"::InitializeSecurityDescriptor"; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR securityDescriptor = {}; if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor( &securityDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { return Error(L"InitializeSecurityDescriptor"); } trace < L"::SetSecurityDescriptorDacl"; if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( &securityDescriptor, true, nullptr, false)) { return Error(L"SetSecurityDescriptorDacl"); } trace < L"ProcessAsUser::Creates a new access primary token that duplicates new process's token"; auto primaryNewUserSecurityTokenHandle = Handle(L"Primary new user security token"); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES processSecAttributes = {}; processSecAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = &securityDescriptor; processSecAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR); processSecAttributes.bInheritHandle = true; trace < L"::DuplicateTokenEx"; if (!DuplicateTokenEx( newUserSecurityTokenHandle, 0, // MAXIMUM_ALLOWED &processSecAttributes, SecurityImpersonation, TokenPrimary, &primaryNewUserSecurityTokenHandle)) { return Error(L"DuplicateTokenEx"); } SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES threadSecAttributes = {}; threadSecAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr; threadSecAttributes.nLength = 0; threadSecAttributes.bInheritHandle = false; STARTUPINFO startupInfo = {}; trace < L"ProcessTracker::InitializeConsoleRedirection"; auto error = processTracker.InitializeConsoleRedirection(processSecAttributes, startupInfo); if(error.HasError()) { return Result<ExitCode>(error.GetError()); } trace < L"::LoadUserProfile"; PROFILEINFO profileInfo = {}; profileInfo.dwSize = sizeof(PROFILEINFO); profileInfo.lpUserName = userName.GetPointer(); if (!LoadUserProfile(primaryNewUserSecurityTokenHandle, &profileInfo)) { return Error(L"LoadUserProfile"); } auto newProcessEnvironmentResult = GetEnvironment(settings, primaryNewUserSecurityTokenHandle, settings.GetInheritanceMode(), trace); if (newProcessEnvironmentResult.HasError()) { UnloadUserProfile(primaryNewUserSecurityTokenHandle, profileInfo.hProfile); return Result<ExitCode>(newProcessEnvironmentResult.GetError()); } auto setIntegrityLevelResult = securityManager.SetIntegrityLevel(settings.GetIntegrityLevel(), primaryNewUserSecurityTokenHandle, trace); if (setIntegrityLevelResult.HasError()) { return Result<ExitCode>(setIntegrityLevelResult.GetError()); } trace < L"ProcessAsUser::Create a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the security context of the user represented by the specified token."; PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation = {}; startupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; startupInfo.wShowWindow = ShowModeConverter::ToShowWindowFlag(settings.GetShowMode()); auto cmdLine = settings.GetCommandLine(); trace < L"::CreateProcessAsUser"; if (!CreateProcessAsUser( primaryNewUserSecurityTokenHandle, nullptr, commandLine.GetPointer(), &processSecAttributes, &threadSecAttributes, true, CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, newProcessEnvironmentResult.GetResultValue().CreateEnvironment(), workingDirectory.GetPointer(), &startupInfo, &processInformation)) { auto result = Error(L"CreateProcessAsUser"); UnloadUserProfile(primaryNewUserSecurityTokenHandle, profileInfo.hProfile); return result; } // ReSharper disable CppInitializedValueIsAlwaysRewritten // ReSharper disable CppEntityAssignedButNoRead auto processHandle = Handle(L"Service Process"); processHandle = processInformation.hProcess; auto threadHandle = Handle(L"Thread"); threadHandle = processInformation.hThread; auto exitCode = processTracker.WaiteForExit(processInformation.hProcess, trace); UnloadUserProfile(primaryNewUserSecurityTokenHandle, profileInfo.hProfile); return exitCode; }
Configuration::Configuration(int & argc, char ** argv) : runNormally_(true), observationToCheck_(0), logLevel_(milog::DEBUG), port_(0) { const char * USER = std::getenv("USER"); const std::string databaseUser = USER ? USER : "******"; options_description commandLine("Command-line options"); options_description observation("Single observation"); observation.add_options()("station,s", value<int>(), "Check the given station")( "obstime,o", value<std::string>(), "Check the given obstime")( "typeid,t", value<int>(), "Check the given typeid")( "qcx", value<std::string>(), "Only run the given check. This also means that control flags will not be reset before checks are run")( "model-source", value<std::string>(&modelDataName_)->default_value("yr"), "Get model data from the given source (from model table in database"); options_description logging("Logging"); logging.add_options()( "runloglevel", value<std::string>()->default_value("info"), "Set loglevel (debug_all, debug, info, warn, error or fatal")( "runlogfile", value<std::string>(&runLogFile_)->default_value( kvalobs::kvPath(kvalobs::logdir) + "/kvQabased.log"), "Set file name for run log")( "logdir", value<std::string>(&baseLogDir_)->default_value( kvalobs::kvPath(kvalobs::logdir) + "/checks/"), "Use the given directory as base directory for script logs"); options_description database("Database"); database.add_options()( "database,d", value<std::string>(&databaseName_)->default_value("kvalobs"), "Name of database to connect to")("host,h", value<std::string>(&host_), "Hostname of database")( "port,p", value<int>(&port_), "Port of database")( "user,U", value<std::string>(&user_)->default_value(databaseUser), "Database user"); options_description generic("Generic"); generic.add_options() ("process-count", value<unsigned>(& processCount_)->default_value(4), "Run the given number of processes") ("config", value<std::string>(), "Read configuration from the given file") ("version", "Produce version information") ("help", "Produce help message"); commandLine.add(observation).add(logging).add(database).add(generic); parsed_options parsed = command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(commandLine). //allow_unregistered(). run(); variables_map vm; store(parsed, vm); notify(vm); if (vm.count("version")) { version(std::cout); runNormally_ = false; return; } if (vm.count("help")) { help(std::cout, commandLine); runNormally_ = false; return; } options_description configFileOptions; configFileOptions.add(logging).add(database); if (vm.count("config")) parse(vm["config"].as<std::string>(), vm, configFileOptions); boost::filesystem::path defaultConfig = defaultConfigFile(); if (not defaultConfig.empty()) parse(defaultConfig, vm, configFileOptions); if (vm.count("qcx")) { std::string qcxFilter = vm["qcx"].as<std::string>(); qcxFilter_.push_back(qcxFilter); } if (vm.count("runloglevel")) { std::string wantedLevel = vm["runloglevel"].as<std::string>(); if (wantedLevel == "debug_all") logLevel_ = milog::DEBUG1; else if (wantedLevel == "debug") logLevel_ = milog::DEBUG; else if (wantedLevel == "info") logLevel_ = milog::INFO; else if (wantedLevel == "warn") logLevel_ = milog::WARN; else if (wantedLevel == "error") logLevel_ = milog::ERROR; else if (wantedLevel == "fatal") logLevel_ = milog::FATAL; else throw std::runtime_error(wantedLevel + " is not a valid loglevel"); } //milog::Logger::logger().logLevel(logLevel_); observationToCheck_ = getStationInfo(vm); }
Result<ExitCode> ProcessWithLogon::RunInternal(Trace& trace, const Settings& settings, ProcessTracker& processTracker, Environment& environment, bool changeIntegrityLevel) const { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes = {}; securityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR); securityAttributes.bInheritHandle = true; STARTUPINFO startupInfo = {}; startupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; startupInfo.wShowWindow = ShowModeConverter::ToShowWindowFlag(settings.GetShowMode()); PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation = {}; trace < L"ProcessTracker::InitializeConsoleRedirection"; processTracker.InitializeConsoleRedirection(securityAttributes, startupInfo); StringBuffer userName(settings.GetUserName()); StringBuffer domain(settings.GetDomain()); StringBuffer password(settings.GetPassword()); StringBuffer workingDirectory(settings.GetWorkingDirectory()); StringBuffer commandLine(settings.GetCommandLine()); if (changeIntegrityLevel) { trace < L"::LogonUser"; auto newUserSecurityTokenHandle = Handle(L"New user security token"); if (!LogonUser( userName.GetPointer(), domain.GetPointer(), password.GetPointer(), LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &newUserSecurityTokenHandle)) { return Error(L"LogonUser"); } trace < L"::LoadUserProfile"; PROFILEINFO profileInfo = {}; profileInfo.dwSize = sizeof(PROFILEINFO); profileInfo.lpUserName = userName.GetPointer(); if (!LoadUserProfile(newUserSecurityTokenHandle, &profileInfo)) { return Error(L"LoadUserProfile"); } SecurityManager securityManager; auto setIntegrityLevelResult = securityManager.SetIntegrityLevel(settings.GetIntegrityLevel(), newUserSecurityTokenHandle, trace); if (setIntegrityLevelResult.HasError()) { return Result<ExitCode>(setIntegrityLevelResult.GetError()); } trace < L"::CreateProcessWithTokenW"; if (!CreateProcessWithTokenW( newUserSecurityTokenHandle, LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, nullptr, commandLine.GetPointer(), CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, environment.CreateEnvironment(), workingDirectory.GetPointer(), &startupInfo, &processInformation)) { return Error(L"CreateProcessWithLogonW"); } } else { trace < L"::CreateProcessWithLogonW"; if (!CreateProcessWithLogonW( userName.GetPointer(), domain.GetPointer(), password.GetPointer(), LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, nullptr, commandLine.GetPointer(), CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, environment.CreateEnvironment(), workingDirectory.GetPointer(), &startupInfo, &processInformation)) { return Error(L"CreateProcessWithLogonW"); } } // ReSharper disable once CppInitializedValueIsAlwaysRewritten auto processHandle = Handle(L"Process"); processHandle = processInformation.hProcess; // ReSharper disable once CppInitializedValueIsAlwaysRewritten auto threadHandle = Handle(L"Thread"); threadHandle = processInformation.hThread; return processTracker.WaiteForExit(processInformation.hProcess, trace); }
static void parse_commandline(int argc, char* const argv[], SkTArray<SkString>* inputs, sk_tools::PictureBenchmark*& benchmark) { const char* argv0 = argv[0]; char* const* stop = argv + argc; int repeats = DEFAULT_REPEATS; sk_tools::PictureRenderer::SkDeviceTypes deviceType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kBitmap_DeviceType; // Create a string to show our current settings. // TODO: Make it prettier. Currently it just repeats the command line. SkString commandLine("bench_pictures:"); for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { commandLine.appendf(" %s", *(argv+i)); } commandLine.append("\n"); bool usePipe = false; bool multiThreaded = false; bool useTiles = false; const char* widthString = NULL; const char* heightString = NULL; bool isPowerOf2Mode = false; const char* mode = NULL; for (++argv; argv < stop; ++argv) { if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--repeat")) { ++argv; if (argv < stop) { repeats = atoi(*argv); if (repeats < 1) { SkDELETE(benchmark); gLogger.logError("--repeat must be given a value > 0\n"); exit(-1); } } else { SkDELETE(benchmark); gLogger.logError("Missing arg for --repeat\n"); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--pipe")) { usePipe = true; } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--logFile")) { argv++; if (argv < stop) { if (!gLogger.SetLogFile(*argv)) { SkString str; str.printf("Could not open %s for writing.", *argv); gLogger.logError(str); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } } else { gLogger.logError("Missing arg for --logFile\n"); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--mode")) { SkDELETE(benchmark); ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing mode for --mode\n"); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "record")) { benchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::RecordPictureBenchmark); } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "simple")) { benchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::SimplePictureBenchmark); } else if ((0 == strcmp(*argv, "tile")) || (0 == strcmp(*argv, "pow2tile"))) { useTiles = true; mode = *argv; if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "pow2tile")) { isPowerOf2Mode = true; } ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { SkString err; err.printf("Missing width for --mode %s\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } widthString = *argv; ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing height for --mode tile\n"); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } heightString = *argv; ++argv; if (argv < stop && 0 == strcmp(*argv, "multi")) { multiThreaded = true; } else { --argv; } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "playbackCreation")) { benchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::PlaybackCreationBenchmark); } else { SkString err; err.printf("%s is not a valid mode for --mode\n", *argv); gLogger.logError(err); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--device")) { ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { gLogger.logError("Missing mode for --deivce\n"); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "bitmap")) { deviceType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kBitmap_DeviceType; } #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "gpu")) { deviceType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kGPU_DeviceType; } #endif else { SkString err; err.printf("%s is not a valid mode for --device\n", *argv); gLogger.logError(err); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--help") || 0 == strcmp(*argv, "-h")) { SkDELETE(benchmark); usage(argv0); exit(0); } else { inputs->push_back(SkString(*argv)); } } if (useTiles) { sk_tools::TiledPictureBenchmark* tileBenchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::TiledPictureBenchmark); if (isPowerOf2Mode) { int minWidth = atoi(widthString); if (!SkIsPow2(minWidth) || minWidth < 0) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); SkString err; err.printf("--mode %s must be given a width" " value that is a power of two\n", mode); gLogger.logError(err); exit(-1); } tileBenchmark->setTileMinPowerOf2Width(minWidth); } else if (sk_tools::is_percentage(widthString)) { tileBenchmark->setTileWidthPercentage(atof(widthString)); if (!(tileBenchmark->getTileWidthPercentage() > 0)) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); gLogger.logError("--mode tile must be given a width percentage > 0\n"); exit(-1); } } else { tileBenchmark->setTileWidth(atoi(widthString)); if (!(tileBenchmark->getTileWidth() > 0)) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); gLogger.logError("--mode tile must be given a width > 0\n"); exit(-1); } } if (sk_tools::is_percentage(heightString)) { tileBenchmark->setTileHeightPercentage(atof(heightString)); if (!(tileBenchmark->getTileHeightPercentage() > 0)) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); gLogger.logError("--mode tile must be given a height percentage > 0\n"); exit(-1); } } else { tileBenchmark->setTileHeight(atoi(heightString)); if (!(tileBenchmark->getTileHeight() > 0)) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); gLogger.logError("--mode tile must be given a height > 0\n"); exit(-1); } } tileBenchmark->setThreading(multiThreaded); tileBenchmark->setUsePipe(usePipe); benchmark = tileBenchmark; } else if (usePipe) { SkDELETE(benchmark); benchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::PipePictureBenchmark); } if (inputs->count() < 1) { SkDELETE(benchmark); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } if (NULL == benchmark) { benchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::SimplePictureBenchmark); } benchmark->setRepeats(repeats); benchmark->setDeviceType(deviceType); benchmark->setLogger(&gLogger); // Report current settings: gLogger.logProgress(commandLine); }
bool PluginHangUIParent::Init(const nsString& aPluginName) { if (mHangUIProcessHandle) { return false; } nsresult rv; rv = mMiniShm.Init(this, ::IsDebuggerPresent() ? INFINITE : kTimeout); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); nsCOMPtr<nsIProperties> directoryService(do_GetService(NS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (!directoryService) { return false; } nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> greDir; rv = directoryService->Get(NS_GRE_DIR, NS_GET_IID(nsIFile), getter_AddRefs(greDir)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsAutoString path; greDir->GetPath(path); FilePath exePath(path.get()); exePath = exePath.AppendASCII(MOZ_HANGUI_PROCESS_NAME); CommandLine commandLine(exePath.value()); nsXPIDLString localizedStr; const PRUnichar* formatParams[] = { aPluginName.get() }; rv = nsContentUtils::FormatLocalizedString(nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "PluginHangUIMessage", formatParams, localizedStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } commandLine.AppendLooseValue(localizedStr.get()); const char* keys[] = { "PluginHangUITitle", "PluginHangUIWaitButton", "PluginHangUIStopButton", "DontAskAgain" }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArrayLength(keys); ++i) { rv = nsContentUtils::GetLocalizedString(nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, keys[i], localizedStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } commandLine.AppendLooseValue(localizedStr.get()); } rv = GetHangUIOwnerWindowHandle(mMainWindowHandle); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsAutoString hwndStr; hwndStr.AppendPrintf("%p", mMainWindowHandle); commandLine.AppendLooseValue(hwndStr.get()); ScopedHandle procHandle(::OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, TRUE, GetCurrentProcessId())); if (!procHandle.IsValid()) { return false; } nsAutoString procHandleStr; procHandleStr.AppendPrintf("%p", procHandle.Get()); commandLine.AppendLooseValue(procHandleStr.get()); std::wstring ipcCookie; rv = mMiniShm.GetCookie(ipcCookie); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } commandLine.AppendLooseValue(ipcCookie); mShowEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); ScopedHandle showEvent(::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)); if (!showEvent.IsValid()) { return false; } mShowEvent = showEvent.Get(); STARTUPINFO startupInfo = { sizeof(STARTUPINFO) }; PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo = { NULL }; BOOL isProcessCreated = ::CreateProcess(exePath.value().c_str(), const_cast<wchar_t*>(commandLine.command_line_string().c_str()), nullptr, nullptr, TRUE, DETACHED_PROCESS, nullptr, nullptr, &startupInfo, &processInfo); if (isProcessCreated) { ::CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); mHangUIProcessHandle = processInfo.hProcess; ::RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&mRegWait, processInfo.hProcess, &SOnHangUIProcessExit, this, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE); ::WaitForSingleObject(mShowEvent, kTimeout); } mShowEvent = NULL; return !(!isProcessCreated); }