Ejemplo n.º 1
testEBFluxFAB(const EBISBox& a_ebisBox, const Box& a_box)
  Interval comps(0,0);
  IntVectSet ivs(a_box);
  EBFluxFAB srcFab( a_ebisBox, a_box, 1);
  EBFluxFAB dstFab( a_ebisBox, a_box, 1);
  for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++)
      //set source fab to right ans
      for (FaceIterator faceit(ivs, a_ebisBox.getEBGraph(), idir, FaceStop::SurroundingWithBoundary);
          faceit.ok(); ++faceit)
          srcFab[idir](faceit(), 0) = rightAns(faceit());

  //linearize the data to dst
  int sizeFab = srcFab.size(a_box, comps);
  unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[sizeFab];
  srcFab.linearOut(buf, a_box, comps);
  dstFab.linearIn( buf, a_box, comps);
  delete[] buf;

  //check the answer
  int eekflag = 0;
  for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++)
      Real tolerance = 0.001;
      for (FaceIterator faceit(ivs, a_ebisBox.getEBGraph(), idir, FaceStop::SurroundingWithBoundary);
          faceit.ok(); ++faceit)
          Real correct  = rightAns(faceit());
          if (Abs(dstFab[idir](faceit(), 0) - correct) > tolerance)
              pout() << "ivfab test failed at face "
                     << faceit().gridIndex(Side::Lo)
                     << faceit().gridIndex(Side::Hi) << endl;

              eekflag = -4;
              return eekflag;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
testIVFAB(const EBISBox& a_ebisBox, const Box& a_box)
  IntVectSet ivs = a_ebisBox.getIrregIVS(a_box);
  if (ivs.isEmpty()) return 0;

  Interval comps(0,0);
  BaseIVFAB<Real> srcFab(ivs, a_ebisBox.getEBGraph(), 1);
  BaseIVFAB<Real> dstFab(ivs, a_ebisBox.getEBGraph(), 1);
  //set source fab to right ans
  for (VoFIterator vofit(ivs, a_ebisBox.getEBGraph()); vofit.ok(); ++vofit)
      srcFab(vofit(), 0) = rightAns(vofit());

  //linearize the data to dst
  int sizeFab = srcFab.size(a_box, comps);
  unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[sizeFab];
  srcFab.linearOut(buf, a_box, comps);
  dstFab.linearIn( buf, a_box, comps);
  delete[] buf;

  //check the answer
  int eekflag = 0;
  Real tolerance = 0.001;
  for (VoFIterator vofit(ivs, a_ebisBox.getEBGraph()); vofit.ok(); ++vofit)
      Real correct  = rightAns(vofit());
      if (Abs(dstFab(vofit(), 0) - correct) > tolerance)
          pout() << "ivfab test failed at vof " << vofit().gridIndex() << endl;
          eekflag = -1;
          return eekflag;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void meanShiftSegmentation(const oclMat &src, Mat &dst, int sp, int sr, int minsize, TermCriteria criteria)
            CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_8UC4);
            const int nrows = src.rows;
            const int ncols = src.cols;
            const int hr = sr;
            const int hsp = sp;

            // Perform mean shift procedure and obtain region and spatial maps
            oclMat h_rmap, h_spmap;
            meanShiftProc(src, h_rmap, h_spmap, sp, sr, criteria);
            Mat rmap = h_rmap;
            Mat spmap = h_spmap;

            Graph<SegmLinkVal> g(nrows * ncols, 4 * (nrows - 1) * (ncols - 1)
                                 + (nrows - 1) + (ncols - 1));

            // Make region adjacent graph from image
            Vec4b r1;
            Vec4b r2[4];
            Vec2s sp1;
            Vec2s sp2[4];
            int dr[4];
            int dsp[4];
            for (int y = 0; y < nrows - 1; ++y)
                Vec4b *ry = rmap.ptr<Vec4b>(y);
                Vec4b *ryp = rmap.ptr<Vec4b>(y + 1);
                Vec2s *spy = spmap.ptr<Vec2s>(y);
                Vec2s *spyp = spmap.ptr<Vec2s>(y + 1);
                for (int x = 0; x < ncols - 1; ++x)
                    r1 = ry[x];
                    sp1 = spy[x];

                    r2[0] = ry[x + 1];
                    r2[1] = ryp[x];
                    r2[2] = ryp[x + 1];
                    r2[3] = ryp[x];

                    sp2[0] = spy[x + 1];
                    sp2[1] = spyp[x];
                    sp2[2] = spyp[x + 1];
                    sp2[3] = spyp[x];

                    dr[0] = dist2(r1, r2[0]);
                    dr[1] = dist2(r1, r2[1]);
                    dr[2] = dist2(r1, r2[2]);
                    dsp[0] = dist2(sp1, sp2[0]);
                    dsp[1] = dist2(sp1, sp2[1]);
                    dsp[2] = dist2(sp1, sp2[2]);

                    r1 = ry[x + 1];
                    sp1 = spy[x + 1];

                    dr[3] = dist2(r1, r2[3]);
                    dsp[3] = dist2(sp1, sp2[3]);

                    g.addEdge(pix(y, x, ncols), pix(y, x + 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0]));
                    g.addEdge(pix(y, x, ncols), pix(y + 1, x, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[1], dsp[1]));
                    g.addEdge(pix(y, x, ncols), pix(y + 1, x + 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[2], dsp[2]));
                    g.addEdge(pix(y, x + 1, ncols), pix(y + 1, x, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[3], dsp[3]));
            for (int y = 0; y < nrows - 1; ++y)
                r1 = rmap.at<Vec4b>(y, ncols - 1);
                r2[0] = rmap.at<Vec4b>(y + 1, ncols - 1);
                sp1 = spmap.at<Vec2s>(y, ncols - 1);
                sp2[0] = spmap.at<Vec2s>(y + 1, ncols - 1);
                dr[0] = dist2(r1, r2[0]);
                dsp[0] = dist2(sp1, sp2[0]);
                g.addEdge(pix(y, ncols - 1, ncols), pix(y + 1, ncols - 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0]));
            for (int x = 0; x < ncols - 1; ++x)
                r1 = rmap.at<Vec4b>(nrows - 1, x);
                r2[0] = rmap.at<Vec4b>(nrows - 1, x + 1);
                sp1 = spmap.at<Vec2s>(nrows - 1, x);
                sp2[0] = spmap.at<Vec2s>(nrows - 1, x + 1);
                dr[0] = dist2(r1, r2[0]);
                dsp[0] = dist2(sp1, sp2[0]);
                g.addEdge(pix(nrows - 1, x, ncols), pix(nrows - 1, x + 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0]));

            DjSets comps(g.numv);

            // Find adjacent components
            for (int v = 0; v < g.numv; ++v)
                for (int e_it = g.start[v]; e_it != -1; e_it = g.edges[e_it].next)
                    int c1 = comps.find(v);
                    int c2 = comps.find(g.edges[e_it].to);
                    if (c1 != c2 && g.edges[e_it].val.dr < hr && g.edges[e_it].val.dsp < hsp)
                        comps.merge(c1, c2);

            vector<SegmLink> edges;

            // Prepare edges connecting differnet components
            for (int v = 0; v < g.numv; ++v)
                int c1 = comps.find(v);
                for (int e_it = g.start[v]; e_it != -1; e_it = g.edges[e_it].next)
                    int c2 = comps.find(g.edges[e_it].to);
                    if (c1 != c2)
                        edges.push_back(SegmLink(c1, c2, g.edges[e_it].val));

            // Sort all graph's edges connecting differnet components (in asceding order)
            std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end());

            // Exclude small components (starting from the nearest couple)
            for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
                int c1 = comps.find(edges[i].from);
                int c2 = comps.find(edges[i].to);
                if (c1 != c2 && (comps.size[c1] < minsize || comps.size[c2] < minsize))
                    comps.merge(c1, c2);

            // Compute sum of the pixel's colors which are in the same segment
            Mat h_src = src;
            vector<Vec4i> sumcols(nrows * ncols, Vec4i(0, 0, 0, 0));
            for (int y = 0; y < nrows; ++y)
                Vec4b *h_srcy = h_src.ptr<Vec4b>(y);
                for (int x = 0; x < ncols; ++x)
                    int parent = comps.find(pix(y, x, ncols));
                    Vec4b col = h_srcy[x];
                    Vec4i &sumcol = sumcols[parent];
                    sumcol[0] += col[0];
                    sumcol[1] += col[1];
                    sumcol[2] += col[2];

            // Create final image, color of each segment is the average color of its pixels
            dst.create(src.size(), src.type());

            for (int y = 0; y < nrows; ++y)
                Vec4b *dsty = dst.ptr<Vec4b>(y);
                for (int x = 0; x < ncols; ++x)
                    int parent = comps.find(pix(y, x, ncols));
                    const Vec4i &sumcol = sumcols[parent];
                    Vec4b &dstcol = dsty[x];
                    dstcol[0] = static_cast<uchar>(sumcol[0] / comps.size[parent]);
                    dstcol[1] = static_cast<uchar>(sumcol[1] / comps.size[parent]);
                    dstcol[2] = static_cast<uchar>(sumcol[2] / comps.size[parent]);
TensorMechanicsPlasticTensileMulti::consistentTangentOperator(const RankTwoTensor & trial_stress, const RankTwoTensor & stress, const Real & intnl,
                                                       const RankFourTensor & E_ijkl, const std::vector<Real> & cumulative_pm) const
  if (!_use_custom_cto)
    return TensorMechanicsPlasticModel::consistentTangentOperator(trial_stress, stress, intnl, E_ijkl, cumulative_pm);

  mooseAssert(cumulative_pm.size() == 3, "TensorMechanicsPlasticTensileMulti size of cumulative_pm should be 3 but it is " << cumulative_pm.size());

  if (cumulative_pm[2] <= 0) // All cumulative_pm are non-positive, so this is admissible
    return E_ijkl;

  // Need the eigenvalues at the returned configuration
  std::vector<Real> eigvals;

  // need to rotate to and from principal stress space
  // using the eigenvectors of the trial configuration
  // (not the returned configuration).
  std::vector<Real> trial_eigvals;
  RankTwoTensor trial_eigvecs;
  trial_stress.symmetricEigenvaluesEigenvectors(trial_eigvals, trial_eigvecs);

  // The returnMap will have returned to the Tip, Edge or
  // Plane.  The consistentTangentOperator describes the
  // change in stress for an arbitrary change in applied
  // strain.  I assume that the change in strain will not
  // change the type of return (Tip remains Tip, Edge remains
  // Edge, Plane remains Plane).
  // I assume isotropic elasticity.
  // The consistent tangent operator is a little different
  // than cases where no rotation to principal stress space
  // is made during the returnMap.  Let S_ij be the stress
  // in original coordinates, and s_ij be the stress in the
  // principal stress coordinates, so that
  // s_ij = diag(eigvals[0], eigvals[1], eigvals[2])
  // We want dS_ij under an arbitrary change in strain (ep->ep+dep)
  // dS = S(ep+dep) - S(ep)
  //    = R(ep+dep) s(ep+dep) R(ep+dep)^T - R(ep) s(ep) R(ep)^T
  // Here R = the rotation to principal-stress space, ie
  // R_ij = eigvecs[i][j] = i^th component of j^th eigenvector
  // Expanding to first order in dep,
  // dS = R(ep) (s(ep+dep) - s(ep)) R(ep)^T
  //      + dR/dep s(ep) R^T + R(ep) s(ep) dR^T/dep
  // The first line is all that is usually calculated in the
  // consistent tangent operator calculation, and is called
  // cto below.
  // The second line involves changes in the eigenvectors, and
  // is called sec below.

  RankFourTensor cto;
  Real hard = dtensile_strength(intnl);
  Real la = E_ijkl(0,0,1,1);
  Real mu = 0.5*(E_ijkl(0,0,0,0) - la);

  if (cumulative_pm[1] <= 0)
    // only cumulative_pm[2] is positive, so this is return to the Plane
    Real denom = hard + la + 2*mu;
    Real al = la*la/denom;
    Real be = la*(la + 2*mu)/denom;
    Real ga = hard*(la + 2*mu)/denom;
    std::vector<Real> comps(9);
    comps[0] = comps[4] = la + 2*mu - al;
    comps[1] = comps[3] = la - al;
    comps[2] = comps[5] = comps[6] = comps[7] = la - be;
    comps[8] = ga;
    cto.fillFromInputVector(comps, RankFourTensor::principal);
  else if (cumulative_pm[0] <= 0)
    // both cumulative_pm[2] and cumulative_pm[1] are positive, so Edge
    Real denom = 2*hard + 2*la + 2*mu;
    Real al = hard*2*la/denom;
    Real be = hard*(2*la + 2*mu)/denom;
    std::vector<Real> comps(9);
    comps[0] = la + 2*mu - 2*la*la/denom;
    comps[1] = comps[2] = al;
    comps[3] = comps[6] = al;
    comps[4] = comps[5] = comps[7] = comps[8] = be;
    cto.fillFromInputVector(comps, RankFourTensor::principal);
    // all cumulative_pm are positive, so Tip
    Real denom = 3*hard + 3*la + 2*mu;
    std::vector<Real> comps(2);
    comps[0] = hard*(3*la + 2*mu)/denom;
    comps[1] = 0;
    cto.fillFromInputVector(comps, RankFourTensor::symmetric_isotropic);


  // drdsig = change in eigenvectors under a small stress change
  // drdsig(i,j,m,n) = dR(i,j)/dS_mn
  // The formula below is fairly easily derived:
  // S R = R s, so taking the variation
  // dS R + S dR = dR s + R ds, and multiplying by R^T
  // R^T dS R + R^T S dR = R^T dR s + ds .... (eqn 1)
  // I demand that RR^T = 1 = R^T R, and also that
  // (R+dR)(R+dR)^T = 1 = (R+dT)^T (R+dR), which means
  // that dR = R*c, for some antisymmetric c, so Eqn1 reads
  // R^T dS R + s c = c s + ds
  // Grabbing the components of this gives ds/dS (already
  // in RankTwoTensor), and c, which is:
  //   dR_ik/dS_mn = drdsig(i, k, m, n) = trial_eigvecs(m, b)*trial_eigvecs(n, k)*trial_eigvecs(i, b)/(trial_eigvals[k] - trial_eigvals[b]);
  // (sum over b!=k).

  RankFourTensor drdsig;
  for (unsigned k = 0 ; k < 3 ; ++k)
    for (unsigned b = 0 ; b < 3 ; ++b)
      if (b == k)
      for (unsigned m = 0 ; m < 3 ; ++m)
        for (unsigned n = 0 ; n < 3 ; ++n)
          for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
            drdsig(i, k, m, n) += trial_eigvecs(m, b)*trial_eigvecs(n, k)*trial_eigvecs(i, b)/(trial_eigvals[k] - trial_eigvals[b]);

  // With diagla = diag(eigvals[0], eigvals[1], digvals[2])
  // The following implements
  // ans(i, j, a, b) += (drdsig(i, k, m, n)*trial_eigvecs(j, l)*diagla(k, l) + trial_eigvecs(i, k)*drdsig(j, l, m, n)*diagla(k, l))*E_ijkl(m, n, a, b);
  // (sum over k, l, m and n)

  RankFourTensor ans;
  for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
    for (unsigned j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j)
      for (unsigned a = 0 ; a < 3 ; ++a)
        for (unsigned k = 0 ; k < 3 ; ++k)
          for (unsigned m = 0 ; m < 3 ; ++m)
            ans(i, j, a, a) += (drdsig(i, k, m, m)*trial_eigvecs(j, k) + trial_eigvecs(i, k)*drdsig(j, k, m, m))*eigvals[k]*la;  //E_ijkl(m, n, a, b) = la*(m==n)*(a==b);

  for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
    for (unsigned j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j)
      for (unsigned a = 0 ; a < 3 ; ++a)
        for (unsigned b = 0 ; b < 3 ; ++b)
          for (unsigned k = 0 ; k < 3 ; ++k)
            ans(i, j, a, b) += (drdsig(i, k, a, b)*trial_eigvecs(j, k) + trial_eigvecs(i, k)*drdsig(j, k, a, b))*eigvals[k]*mu;  //E_ijkl(m, n, a, b) = mu*(m==a)*(n==b)
            ans(i, j, a, b) += (drdsig(i, k, b, a)*trial_eigvecs(j, k) + trial_eigvecs(i, k)*drdsig(j, k, b, a))*eigvals[k]*mu;  //E_ijkl(m, n, a, b) = mu*(m==b)*(n==a)

  return cto + ans;

Ejemplo n.º 5
void CPDF_RenderStatus::DrawShading(CPDF_ShadingPattern* pPattern,
                                    CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
                                    FX_RECT& clip_rect,
                                    int alpha,
                                    FX_BOOL bAlphaMode) {
  CPDF_Function** pFuncs = pPattern->m_pFunctions;
  int nFuncs = pPattern->m_nFuncs;
  CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pPattern->m_pShadingObj->GetDict();
  CPDF_ColorSpace* pColorSpace = pPattern->m_pCS;
  if (!pColorSpace) {
  FX_ARGB background = 0;
  if (!pPattern->m_bShadingObj &&
      pPattern->m_pShadingObj->GetDict()->KeyExist("Background")) {
    CPDF_Array* pBackColor =
    if (pBackColor &&
        pBackColor->GetCount() >= (FX_DWORD)pColorSpace->CountComponents()) {
      CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 16> comps(pColorSpace->CountComponents());
      for (int i = 0; i < pColorSpace->CountComponents(); i++) {
        comps[i] = pBackColor->GetNumber(i);
      FX_FLOAT R = 0.0f, G = 0.0f, B = 0.0f;
      pColorSpace->GetRGB(comps, R, G, B);
      background = ArgbEncode(255, (int32_t)(R * 255), (int32_t)(G * 255),
                              (int32_t)(B * 255));
  if (pDict->KeyExist("BBox")) {
    CFX_FloatRect rect = pDict->GetRect("BBox");
  CPDF_DeviceBuffer buffer;
  buffer.Initialize(m_pContext, m_pDevice, &clip_rect, m_pCurObj, 150);
  CFX_Matrix FinalMatrix = *pMatrix;
  CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap = buffer.GetBitmap();
  if (!pBitmap->GetBuffer()) {
  int fill_mode = m_Options.m_Flags;
  switch (pPattern->m_ShadingType) {
    case kInvalidShading:
    case kMaxShading:
    case kFunctionBasedShading:
      DrawFuncShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, pDict, pFuncs, nFuncs, pColorSpace,
    case kAxialShading:
      DrawAxialShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, pDict, pFuncs, nFuncs,
                       pColorSpace, alpha);
    case kRadialShading:
      DrawRadialShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, pDict, pFuncs, nFuncs,
                        pColorSpace, alpha);
    case kFreeFormGouraudTriangleMeshShading: {
      DrawFreeGouraudShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix,
                             ToStream(pPattern->m_pShadingObj), pFuncs, nFuncs,
                             pColorSpace, alpha);
    } break;
    case kLatticeFormGouraudTriangleMeshShading: {
      DrawLatticeGouraudShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix,
                                ToStream(pPattern->m_pShadingObj), pFuncs,
                                nFuncs, pColorSpace, alpha);
    } break;
    case kCoonsPatchMeshShading:
    case kTensorProductPatchMeshShading: {
          pPattern->m_ShadingType == kTensorProductPatchMeshShading, pBitmap,
          &FinalMatrix, ToStream(pPattern->m_pShadingObj), pFuncs, nFuncs,
          pColorSpace, fill_mode, alpha);
    } break;
  if (bAlphaMode) {
    pBitmap->LoadChannel(FXDIB_Red, pBitmap, FXDIB_Alpha);
  if (m_Options.m_ColorMode == RENDER_COLOR_GRAY) {
    pBitmap->ConvertColorScale(m_Options.m_ForeColor, m_Options.m_BackColor);
Ejemplo n.º 6
std::string get_fluid_param_string(std::string FluidName, std::string ParamName)
        std::vector<std::string> comps(1,FluidName);
        shared_ptr<CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend> HEOS(new CoolProp::HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend(comps));

        CoolProp::CoolPropFluid *fluid = HEOS->get_components()[0];

		if (!ParamName.compare("aliases"))
			return strjoin(fluid->aliases, ", ");
		else if (!ParamName.compare("CAS") || !ParamName.compare("CAS_number"))
            return fluid->CAS;
		else if (!ParamName.compare("ASHRAE34"))
            return fluid->environment.ASHRAE34;
		else if (!ParamName.compare("REFPROPName") || !ParamName.compare("REFPROP_name") || !ParamName.compare("REFPROPname"))
            return fluid->REFPROPname;
        else if (ParamName.find("BibTeX") == 0) // Starts with "BibTeX"
            std::vector<std::string> parts = strsplit(ParamName,'-');
            std::string item = parts[1];
            if (item == "EOS"){
                return fluid->pEOS->BibTeX_EOS;
            else if (item == "CP0"){
                return fluid->pEOS->BibTeX_CP0;
            else if (item == "SURFACE_TENSION"){
                return fluid->ancillaries.surface_tension.BibTeX;
            else if (item == "MELTING_LINE"){
                return fluid->ancillaries.melting_line.BibTeX;
            else if (item == "VISCOSITY"){
                return fluid->transport.BibTeX_viscosity;
            else if (item == "CONDUCTIVITY"){
                return fluid->transport.BibTeX_conductivity;
                return format("Could not match BibTeX item: %s", item.c_str());
			return format("Input value [%s] is invalid for Fluid [%s]",ParamName.c_str(),FluidName.c_str());
	catch(std::exception &e)
		return(std::string("CoolProp error: ").append(e.what()));
		return(std::string("CoolProp error: Indeterminate error"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: xyce.cpp Proyecto: nvdl/qucs
 * \brief Xyce::createNetlist
 * \param[out] stream QTextStream that associated with spice netlist file
 * \param[in] simulations The list of simulations that need to included in netlist.
 * \param[out] vars The list of output variables and node names.
 * \param[out] outputs The list of spice output raw text files.
void Xyce::createNetlist(QTextStream &stream, int , QStringList &simulations,
                    QStringList &vars, QStringList &outputs)
    QString s;
    bool hasParSweep = false;

    if(!prepareSpiceNetlist(stream,true)) return; // Unable to perform spice simulation

    // set variable names for named nodes and wires
    for(Node *pn = Sch->DocNodes.first(); pn != 0; pn = Sch->DocNodes.next()) {
      if(pn->Label != 0) {
          if (!vars.contains(pn->Label->Name)) {
    for(Wire *pw = Sch->DocWires.first(); pw != 0; pw = Sch->DocWires.next()) {
      if(pw->Label != 0) {
          if (!vars.contains(pw->Label->Name)) {
    for(Component *pc = Sch->DocComps.first(); pc != 0; pc = Sch->DocComps.next()) {
        if (pc->isProbe) {
            QString var_pr = pc->getProbeVariable(true);
            if (!vars.contains(var_pr)) {
        /*if (pc->isEquation) {
            Equation *eq = (Equation *)pc;
            QStringList vars_eq;

    //execute simulations

    QFileInfo inf(Sch->DocName);
    QString basenam = inf.baseName();

    QString nod,nods;
    foreach (nod,vars) {
        if (!nod.startsWith("I(")) {
            nods += QString("v(%1) ").arg(nod);
        } else {
            nods += nod + " ";
    QString sim = simulations.first();

    for(Component *pc = Sch->DocComps.first(); pc != 0; pc = Sch->DocComps.next()) { // Xyce can run
       if(pc->isSimulation) {                        // only one simulations per time.
           QString sim_typ = pc->Model;              // Multiple simulations are forbidden.
           QString s = pc->getSpiceNetlist(true);
           if ((sim_typ==".AC")&&(sim=="ac")) stream<<s;
           if ((sim_typ==".TR")&&(sim=="tran")){
               Q3PtrList<Component> comps(Sch->DocComps); // find Fourier tran
               for(Component *pc1 = comps.first(); pc1 != 0; pc1 = comps.next()) {
                   if (pc1->Model==".FOURIER") {
                       if (pc1->Props.at(0)->Value==pc->Name) {
                           QString s1 = pc1->getSpiceNetlist(true);
           if ((sim_typ==".HB")&&(sim=="hb")) stream<<s;
           if (sim_typ==".SW") {
               QString SwpSim = pc->Props.at(0)->Value;
               if (SwpSim.startsWith("DC")&&(sim=="dc")) stream<<s;
               else if (SwpSim.startsWith("AC")&&(sim=="ac")) {
                   hasParSweep = true;
               } else if (SwpSim.startsWith("TR")&&(sim=="tran")) {
                   hasParSweep = true;
               } if (SwpSim.startsWith("HB")&&(sim=="hb")) {
                   hasParSweep = true;
           if ((sim_typ==".DC")) stream<<s;

    QString filename;
    if (hasParSweep) filename = QString("%1_%2_swp.txt").arg(basenam).arg(sim);
    else filename = QString("%1_%2.txt").arg(basenam).arg(sim);
    QString write_str;
    if (sim=="hb") {
        write_str = QString(".PRINT  %1 file=%2 %3\n").arg(sim).arg(filename).arg(nods);
    } else {
        write_str = QString(".PRINT  %1 format=raw file=%2 %3\n").arg(sim).arg(filename).arg(nods);

Ejemplo n.º 8
 bool isConnected(const Graph & g)
     std::vector<int> comps(order(g));
     long num = connected_components(g, &comps[0]);
     return num < 2;
Ejemplo n.º 9
main(int argc,char **argv)
#ifdef CH_MPI
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    // registerDebugger();

    // begin forever present scoping trick

        Vector<std::string> names0(1, "phi");
        Vector<int> refRatio(3,2);
        Vector<Real> coveredVal(1,3.0);

        const char* in_file = "sphere.inputs";
        // read in an input file or use default file
        // if (argc > 1)
        // {
        //   in_file = argv[1];
        // }

        //parse input file
        ParmParse pp(0,NULL,NULL,in_file);
        RealVect center;
        Real radius;
        RealVect origin;
        RealVect dx;
        Box domain;
        ProblemDomain pDomain(domain);

        int eekflag = 0;

        LevelData<EBCellFAB> fine, med, coarse;

        LevelData<EBCellFAB> fineRHS, medRHS, coarseRHS;
        LevelData<EBCellFAB> fineResidual, mediumResidual, coarseResidual;

        Vector<LevelData<EBCellFAB>* > ebvector(3,NULL);
        Vector<LevelData<EBCellFAB>* > vresidual(3,NULL);
        Vector<LevelData<EBCellFAB>* > rhsvector(3,NULL);
        rhsvector[0] = &coarseRHS;
        rhsvector[1] = &medRHS;
        rhsvector[2] = &fineRHS;


        Box domainFine(domain), domainMedi, domainCoar;
        ProblemDomain pFine(domain);
        RealVect dxFine(dx), dxMedi, dxCoar;

        CH_assert(eekflag == 0);

        domainMedi = coarsen(domainFine, 2);
        domainCoar = coarsen(domainMedi, 2);
        dxMedi = 2.0*dxFine;
        dxCoar = 2.0*dxMedi;
        Vector<RealVect> xVec(3, IntVect::Unit);
        xVec[0]*= dxCoar;
        xVec[1]*= dxMedi;
        xVec[2]*= dxFine;

        Vector<DisjointBoxLayout> grids(3);
        ProblemDomain baseDomain(domainCoar);
        ProblemDomain pMed(domainMedi);
        Vector<ProblemDomain> pd(3);
        pd[0] = baseDomain;
        pd[1] = pMed;
        pd[2] = ProblemDomain(domainFine);

        RefCountedPtr<BaseBCValue>value(new DirichletBC());
        DirichletPoissonDomainBC*  domainBC = new DirichletPoissonDomainBC();
        RefCountedPtr<BaseDomainBC> bc(domainBC);

        //make data holders
        Vector<int> comps(2,1);

        int steps= 5;
        int step = 0;

        while (step < steps)

            eekflag = makeGeometry(

            //make grids
            //IntVectSet tags = mfIndexSpace->interfaceRegion(2);
            IntVectSet   tags(domainCoar);
            makeHierarchy(grids, baseDomain, tags);

            const CH_XD::EBIndexSpace* ebisPtr = Chombo_EBIS::instance();

            Vector<EBISLayout> layouts(3);
            EBISLayout& fineLayout = layouts[2];
            ebisPtr->fillEBISLayout(fineLayout, grids[2], domainFine, 2);
            EBCellFactory fineFactory(fineLayout);
            ebvector[2]->define(grids[2], 1, IntVect::Unit, fineFactory);
            rhsvector[2]->define(grids[2], 1, IntVect::Zero, fineFactory);

            EBISLayout& medLayout = layouts[1];
            ebisPtr->fillEBISLayout(medLayout, grids[1], domainMedi, 2);
            EBCellFactory medFactory(medLayout);
            ebvector[1]->define(grids[1], 1, IntVect::Unit, medFactory);
            rhsvector[1]->define(grids[1], 1, IntVect::Zero, medFactory);

            EBISLayout& coarseLayout = layouts[0];
            ebisPtr->fillEBISLayout(coarseLayout, grids[0], domainCoar, 2);
            EBCellFactory coarseFactory(coarseLayout);
            ebvector[0]->define(grids[0], 1, IntVect::Unit, coarseFactory);
            rhsvector[0]->define(grids[0], 1, IntVect::Zero, coarseFactory);

            for (int lev=0; lev<3; lev++)
                setValue(*rhsvector[lev], RHS(), pd[lev].domainBox(), xVec[lev], origin, true);

            Vector<int> refRatio(3,2);

            int max_iter = 40;
            pp.get("max_iter", max_iter);
            Real eps = 1.e-6;
            pp.get("eps", eps);
            int relaxType;

            DirichletPoissonDomainBCFactory* domDirBC = new DirichletPoissonDomainBCFactory();
            RefCountedPtr<BaseDomainBCFactory> domBC( domDirBC );
            DirichletPoissonEBBCFactory* ebDirBC = new DirichletPoissonEBBCFactory();
            RefCountedPtr<BaseEBBCFactory> ebBC( ebDirBC );

            Vector<EBLevelGrid> eblgs(3);
            Vector<RefCountedPtr<EBQuadCFInterp> > quadCFI(3, RefCountedPtr<EBQuadCFInterp>());
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
                eblgs[i] = EBLevelGrid(grids[i], layouts[i], pd[i]);
                if (i > 0)
                    quadCFI[i] = RefCountedPtr<EBQuadCFInterp>(
                                     new EBQuadCFInterp(grids[i],
                                                        1, *eblgs[i].getCFIVS()));

            EBAMRPoissonOpFactory opFact(eblgs, refRatio, quadCFI, xVec[0], RealVect::Zero,
                                         4, relaxType, domBC, ebBC, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
                                         IntVect::Unit, IntVect::Zero);
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++)

                LevelData<EBCellFAB> &phi=*ebvector[i], &rhs=*rhsvector[i], &residual=*vresidual[i];
                LevelData<EBCellFAB> correction;

                DisjointBoxLayout dblMGCoar;
                EBISLayout ebislMGCoar;

                EBAMRPoissonOp* opPtr = opFact.AMRnewOp(pd[i]);
                EBAMRPoissonOp& op = *opPtr;

                RelaxSolver<LevelData<EBCellFAB> > solver;
                solver.define(&op, false);
                solver.m_imax = max_iter;
                solver.m_eps  = eps;

                op.create(residual, rhs);
                op.create(correction, phi);

                op.residual(residual, phi, rhs);
                Real r2norm = op.norm(residual, 2);
                Real r0norm = op.norm(residual, 0);

                pout()<<indent<<"Residual L2 norm "<<r2norm<<"Residual max norm = "

                solver.solve(phi, rhs);

                op.residual(residual, phi, rhs);
                r2norm = op.norm(residual, 2);
                r0norm = op.norm(residual, 0);

                pout()<<indent2<<"Residual L2 norm "<<r2norm<<" Residual max norm = "

                delete opPtr;

#ifdef CH_USE_HDF5
            sprintf(iter_str, "residual.%03d.%dd.hdf5",step, SpaceDim);
            Vector<std::string> names(1);

            writeEBHDF5(iter_str, grids, vresidual, names, domainCoar,
                        dxCoar[0], 1, step, refRatio, 3, true, coveredVal);

            sprintf(iter_str, "phi.%03d.%dd.hdf5",step, SpaceDim);
            writeEBHDF5(iter_str, grids, ebvector ,names, domainCoar,
                        dxCoar[0], 1, step, refRatio, 3, true, coveredVal);

            center[0]-= dx[0]/3.0;
            center[1]-= dx[1]/2.0;
            radius += dx[0]/6.0;


        pout() <<"\n "<<indent2<<pgmname<<" test passed " << endl;

    } // end scoping trick

#ifdef CH_MPI

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void CMessage::drawIWindow(CInfoWindow * ret, std::string text, PlayerColor player)
	bool blitOr = false;
	if(dynamic_cast<CSelWindow*>(ret)) //it's selection window, so we'll blit "or" between components
		blitOr = true;

	const int sizes[][2] = {{400, 125}, {500, 150}, {600, 200}, {480, 400}};

	for(int i = 0; 
		i < ARRAY_COUNT(sizes) 
			&& sizes[i][0] < screen->w - 150  
			&& sizes[i][1] < screen->h - 150
			&& ret->text->slider;
		ret->text->resize(Point(sizes[i][0], sizes[i][1]));

		ret->text->slider->addUsedEvents(CIntObject::WHEEL | CIntObject::KEYBOARD);
		ret->text->resize(ret->text->label->textSize + Point(10, 10));

	std::pair<int,int> winSize(ret->text->pos.w, ret->text->pos.h); //start with text size

	ComponentsToBlit comps(ret->components,500, blitOr);
	if (ret->components.size())
		winSize.second += 10 + comps.h; //space to first component

	int bw = 0;
	if (ret->buttons.size())
		// Compute total width of buttons
		bw = 20*(ret->buttons.size()-1); // space between all buttons
		for(auto & elem : ret->buttons) //and add buttons width
		winSize.second += 20 + //before button
		ok->ourImages[0].bitmap->h; //button	

	// Clip window size
	vstd::amax(winSize.second, 50);
	vstd::amax(winSize.first, 80);
	vstd::amax(winSize.first, comps.w);
	vstd::amax(winSize.first, bw);

	vstd::amin(winSize.first, screen->w - 150);

	ret->bitmap = drawDialogBox (winSize.first + 2*SIDE_MARGIN, winSize.second + 2*SIDE_MARGIN, player);

	int curh = SIDE_MARGIN;
	int xOffset = (ret->pos.w - ret->text->pos.w)/2;

	if(!ret->buttons.size() && !ret->components.size()) //improvement for very small text only popups -> center text vertically
		if(ret->bitmap->h > ret->text->pos.h + 2*SIDE_MARGIN)
			curh = (ret->bitmap->h - ret->text->pos.h)/2;

	ret->text->moveBy(Point(xOffset, curh));

	curh += ret->text->pos.h;

	if (ret->components.size())
		comps.blitCompsOnSur (blitOr, BETWEEN_COMPS, curh, ret->bitmap);
		// Position the buttons at the bottom of the window
		bw = (ret->bitmap->w/2) - (bw/2);
		curh = ret->bitmap->h - SIDE_MARGIN - ret->buttons[0]->pos.h;

		for(auto & elem : ret->buttons)
			elem->moveBy(Point(bw, curh));
			bw += elem->pos.w + 20;
	for(size_t i=0; i<ret->components.size(); i++)
		ret->components[i]->moveBy(Point(ret->pos.x, ret->pos.y));