Ejemplo n.º 1
SolutionbasedShapeFunction :: copyDofManagersToSurfaceData(modeStruct *mode, IntArray nodeList, bool isPlus, bool isMinus, bool isZeroBoundary)
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nodeList.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        FloatArray values;
        DofManager *dman = mode->myEngngModel->giveDomain(1)->giveDofManager( nodeList.at(i) );

        computeBaseFunctionValueAt(values, * dman->giveCoordinates(), this->dofs, * mode->myEngngModel);

        for ( int j = 1; j <= this->dofs.giveSize(); j++ ) {
            SurfaceDataStruct *surfaceData = new(SurfaceDataStruct);
            Dof *d = dman->giveDofWithID( dofs.at(j) );

            surfaceData->DofID = ( DofIDItem ) this->dofs.at(j);
            surfaceData->DofMan = dman;
            surfaceData->isPlus = isPlus;
            surfaceData->isMinus = isMinus;
            surfaceData->isZeroBoundary = isZeroBoundary;
            surfaceData->isFree = d->giveBcId() == 0;
            surfaceData->value = values.at(j);

Ejemplo n.º 2
SolutionbasedShapeFunction :: copyDofManagersToSurfaceData(modeStruct *mode, IntArray nodeList, bool isPlus, bool isMinus, bool isZeroBoundary)
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nodeList.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        FloatArray values;

        IntArray DofIDs;
        DofManager *dman = mode->myEngngModel->giveDomain(1)->giveDofManager(nodeList.at(i));

        computeBaseFunctionValueAt(values, *dman->giveCoordinates(), this->dofs, *mode->myEngngModel );

/* <<<<<<< HEAD
        for ( int j = 1; j <= this->dofs.giveSize(); j++ ) {
            SurfaceDataStruct *surfaceData = new(SurfaceDataStruct);
            Dof *d = dman->giveDofWithID( dofs.at(j) );
>>>>>>> 147f565295394adef603dae296a820af5f28d9cd
        // Check that current node contains current DofID
        for (int j=1; j<=this->dofs.giveSize(); j++) {
            for (Dof *d: *dman ){ //int k=1; k<= dman->giveNumberOfDofs(); k++ ) {

                //Dof *d = dman->dofArray.at(k);// giveDof(k);

                if (d->giveDofID() == this->dofs.at(j)) {
                    SurfaceDataStruct *surfaceData = new(SurfaceDataStruct);
                    surfaceData->DofID = (DofIDItem) this->dofs.at(j);
                    surfaceData->DofMan = dman;
                    surfaceData->isPlus = isPlus;
                    surfaceData->isMinus = isMinus;
                    surfaceData->isZeroBoundary = isZeroBoundary;
                    surfaceData->isFree = d->giveBcId() == 0;
                    surfaceData->value = values.at(j);

Ejemplo n.º 3
SolutionbasedShapeFunction :: computeCorrectionFactors(modeStruct &myMode, IntArray *Dofs, double *am, double *ap)
     * *Compute c0, cp, cm, Bp, Bm, Ap and Am

    double A0p = 0.0, App = 0.0, A0m = 0.0, Amm = 0.0, Bp = 0.0, Bm = 0.0, c0 = 0.0, cp = 0.0, cm = 0.0;

    EngngModel *m = myMode.myEngngModel;
    Set *mySet = m->giveDomain(1)->giveSet(externalSet);

    IntArray BoundaryList = mySet->giveBoundaryList();

    for ( int i = 0; i < BoundaryList.giveSize() / 2; i++ ) {
        int ElementID = BoundaryList(2 * i);
        int Boundary = BoundaryList(2 * i + 1);

        Element *thisElement = m->giveDomain(1)->giveElement(ElementID);
        FEInterpolation *geoInterpolation = thisElement->giveInterpolation();
        IntArray bnodes, zNodes, pNodes, mNodes;
        FloatMatrix nodeValues;

        geoInterpolation->boundaryGiveNodes(bnodes, Boundary);

        nodeValues.resize( this->dofs.giveSize(), bnodes.giveSize() );

        // Change to global ID for bnodes and identify the intersection of bnodes and the zero boundary
        splitBoundaryNodeIDs(myMode, * thisElement, bnodes, pNodes, mNodes, zNodes, nodeValues);

        std :: unique_ptr< IntegrationRule >iRule(geoInterpolation->giveBoundaryIntegrationRule(order, Boundary));

        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
            FloatArray *lcoords = gp->giveCoordinates();
            FloatArray gcoords, normal, N;
            FloatArray Phi;

            double detJ = fabs( geoInterpolation->boundaryGiveTransformationJacobian( Boundary, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(thisElement) ) ) * gp->giveWeight();

            geoInterpolation->boundaryEvalNormal( normal, Boundary, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(thisElement) );
            geoInterpolation->boundaryEvalN( N, Boundary, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(thisElement) );
            geoInterpolation->boundaryLocal2Global( gcoords, Boundary, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(thisElement) );

            FloatArray pPhi, mPhi, zPhi;
            pPhi.resize( Dofs->giveSize() );
            mPhi.resize( Dofs->giveSize() );
            zPhi.resize( Dofs->giveSize() );

            // Build phi (analytical averaging, not projected onto the mesh)
            computeBaseFunctionValueAt(Phi, gcoords, * Dofs, * myMode.myEngngModel);

            // Build zPhi for this DofID
            for ( int l = 1; l <= zNodes.giveSize(); l++ ) {
                int nodeID = zNodes.at(l);
                for ( int m = 1; m <= this->dofs.giveSize(); m++ ) {
                    zPhi.at(m) = zPhi.at(m) + N.at(nodeID) * nodeValues.at(m, nodeID);

            // Build pPhi for this DofID
            for ( int l = 1; l <= pNodes.giveSize(); l++ ) {
                int nodeID = pNodes.at(l);
                for ( int m = 1; m <= this->dofs.giveSize(); m++ ) {
                    pPhi.at(m) = pPhi.at(m) + N.at(nodeID) * nodeValues.at(m, nodeID);

            // Build mPhi for this DofID
            for ( int l = 1; l <= mNodes.giveSize(); l++ ) {
                int nodeID = mNodes.at(l);
                for ( int m = 1; m <= this->dofs.giveSize(); m++ ) {
                    mPhi.at(m) = mPhi.at(m) + N.at(nodeID) * nodeValues.at(m, nodeID);

            c0 = c0 + zPhi.dotProduct(normal, 3) * detJ;
            cp = cp + pPhi.dotProduct(normal, 3) * detJ;
            cm = cm + mPhi.dotProduct(normal, 3) * detJ;

            App = App + pPhi.dotProduct(pPhi, 3) * detJ;
            Amm = Amm + mPhi.dotProduct(mPhi, 3) * detJ;
            A0p = A0p + zPhi.dotProduct(pPhi, 3) * detJ;
            A0m = A0m + zPhi.dotProduct(mPhi, 3) * detJ;

            Bp = Bp + Phi.dotProduct(pPhi, 3) * detJ;
            Bm = Bm + Phi.dotProduct(mPhi, 3) * detJ;

    * am = -( A0m * cp * cp - Bm * cp * cp - A0p * cm * cp + App * c0 * cm + Bp * cm * cp ) / ( App * cm * cm + Amm * cp * cp );
    * ap = -( A0p * cm * cm - Bp * cm * cm - A0m * cm * cp + Amm * c0 * cp + Bm * cm * cp ) / ( App * cm * cm + Amm * cp * cp );