Ejemplo n.º 1
	void PCModelObject::setCloud(const PCPtr& nuCloud)
		cloud = nuCloud;
		computeBoundingBox(cloud, vMin, vMax);
		cloudScreenCoords = getScreenCoords(cloud);
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool Polygon::init(int vertexCount_, const Vertex *vertices_) {
	// Rember the old obstate to restore it if an error occurs whilst initializing it with the new data
	int oldvertexCount = this->vertexCount;
	Vertex *oldvertices = this->vertices;

	this->vertexCount = vertexCount_;
	this->vertices = new Vertex[vertexCount_ + 1];
	memcpy(this->vertices, vertices_, sizeof(Vertex) * vertexCount_);
	// TODO:
	// Duplicate and remove redundant vertecies (Superflous = 3 co-linear verts)
	// _WeedRepeatedvertices();
	// The first vertex is repeated at the end of the vertex array; this simplifies
	// some algorithms, running through the edges and thus can save the overflow control.
	this->vertices[vertexCount_] = this->vertices[0];

	// If the polygon is self-intersecting, the object state is restore, and an error signalled
	if (checkForSelfIntersection()) {
		delete[] this->vertices;
		this->vertices = oldvertices;
		this->vertexCount = oldvertexCount;

		// BS_LOG_ERROR("POLYGON: Tried to create a self-intersecting polygon.\n");
		return false;

	// Release old vertex list
	delete[] oldvertices;

	// Calculate properties of the polygon
	_isCW = computeIsCW();
	_centroid = computeCentroid();

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    Vector3d getCentroid() {
      if (HaveCentroid_) {
	return centroid_;
      } else {
	return computeCentroid();
Ejemplo n.º 4
void recomputeCentroid(cluster& cl) {
	vector &centroid = cl.centroid;
	list<vector*> vectors;
	for(int i=0; i<cl.members.size();i++)

	centroid.size = 0;
	computeCentroid(centroid, vectors);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ConfigStat::compute() {


Ejemplo n.º 6
ConvexPolyhedronID createConvexPolyhedron( BodyStorage& globalStorage, BlockStorage& blocks, BlockDataID storageID,
                                           id_t uid, Vec3 gpos, TriangleMesh mesh,
                                           MaterialID material,
                                           bool global, bool communicating, bool infiniteMass )
   WALBERLA_ASSERT_UNEQUAL( ConvexPolyhedron::getStaticTypeID(), std::numeric_limits<id_t>::max(), "ConvexPolyhedron TypeID not initalized!");

   ConvexPolyhedronID poly = nullptr;

   Vec3 centroid = toWalberla( computeCentroid( mesh ) );
   translate( mesh, -centroid );

   gpos += centroid;

   if (global)
      const id_t sid = UniqueID<RigidBody>::createGlobal();
      WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(communicating, false, "Global bodies can not be communicating!" );
      WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(infiniteMass, true, "Global bodies must have infinite mass!" );

      auto cp = std::make_unique<ConvexPolyhedron>(sid, uid, gpos, Vec3(0,0,0), Quat(), mesh, material, global, false, true);
      poly = static_cast<ConvexPolyhedronID>(&globalStorage.add(std::move(cp)));
   } else
      for (auto& block : blocks){
         if (block.getAABB().contains(gpos))
            const id_t sid( UniqueID<RigidBody>::create() );

            BodyStorage& bs = (*block.getData<Storage>(storageID))[0];
            auto cp = std::make_unique<ConvexPolyhedron>(sid, uid, gpos, Vec3(0,0,0), Quat(), mesh, material, global, communicating, infiniteMass);
            cp->MPITrait.setOwner(Owner(MPIManager::instance()->rank(), block.getId().getID()));
            poly = static_cast<ConvexPolyhedronID>(&bs.add( std::move(cp) ) );

   if (poly != nullptr)
      // Logging the successful creation of the box
                "Created ConvexPolyhedron " << poly->getSystemID() << "\n"
             << "   User-ID         = " << uid << "\n"
             << "   Global position = " << gpos << "\n"
             << "   Material        = " << Material::getName( material )

   return poly;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void detect2(Mat img, vector<Mat>& regionsOfInterest,vector<Blob>& blobs){
/*	Mat blurred; 
	GaussianBlur(img, blurred, Size(), _SharpSigma, _SharpSigma);
	Mat lowContrastMask = abs(img - blurred) < _SharpThreshold;
	Mat sharpened = img*(1+_SharpAmount) + blurred*(-_SharpAmount);
	img.copyTo(sharpened, lowContrastMask);
	Mat gray; 
	Mat out = Mat::zeros(Size(WIDTH,HEIGH), CV_8U);
	Mat masked = Mat::zeros(Size(WIDTH,HEIGH), CV_8U);
	Mat morph = Mat::zeros(Size(WIDTH,HEIGH), CV_8U);
	Mat bwmorph = Mat::zeros(Size(WIDTH,HEIGH), CV_8U);
	Mat cont = Mat::zeros(Size(WIDTH,HEIGH), CV_8U);
	Mat maskHSV = Mat::zeros(Size(WIDTH,HEIGH), CV_8U);
	Mat whiteMaskMasked = Mat::zeros(Size(WIDTH,HEIGH), CV_8U);
	Mat whiteMaskOrig = Mat::zeros(Size(WIDTH,HEIGH), CV_8U);
	Mat Bands[3];
	Mat noBackMask = Mat::zeros(Size(WIDTH,HEIGH), CV_8U);
	Mat kernelEr = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE,Size(5,5));
	Mat thMasked; Mat thOrig; Mat bwOrig; Mat bwNoBackMask;
	Mat kernelOp = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE,Size(13,13));
	vector<Mat> BGRbands;  split(img,BGRbands);
	vector< vector<Point> > contours;
	gray = (gray!=0);
	/*Rimozione Ombre e Background*/
//	masked = applyMaskBandByBand(maskHSV,BGRbands); split(masked,BGRbands);
	/*Rimozione sfondo e sogliatura per videnziare esclusivamente ciò che è bianco*/
	noBackMask = backgroundRemoval(img);
	masked = applyMaskBandByBand(noBackMask,BGRbands);
	whiteMaskOrig = computeWhiteMaskLight(img);
	whiteMaskOrig = whiteMaskOrig + computeWhiteMaskShadow(img);

	whiteMaskMasked = computeWhiteMaskLight(masked);
	whiteMaskMasked = whiteMaskMasked + computeWhiteMaskShadow(masked);
	CBlobResult blobsRs;
	blobsRs = computeWhiteMaskOtsu(img, img, blobsRs, img.rows*img.cols, img.rows*img.cols, 0.8, 0.8, 30, 200, 0);
	//Mat newimg(img.size(),img.type());
    for(int i=0;i<blobsRs.GetNumBlobs();i++){

		cout << whiteMaskMasked.type() << " " << whiteMaskOrig.type() << endl;
	masked = applyMaskBandByBand(thOrig,BGRbands);
	/*Operazioni morfologiche per poter riempire i buchi e rimuovere i bordi frastagliati*/
	morph = masked;
	/*Ricerca componenti connesse e rimozione in base all'area*/
	findContours(bwmorph, contours, CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
	vector<double> areas = computeArea(contours);
	for(int j = areas.size()-1; j>=0; j--){
		if(areas.at(j)>MAX_AREA || areas.at(j)<MIN_AREA )

	/*Calcolo Bounding Rectangle a partire dall'immagine con componenti connesse di interesse*/
	 vector<Rect> boundRect( contours.size() );
	 vector<vector<Point> > contours_poly( contours.size() );
	 vector<Point2f>center( contours.size() ); 
	 vector<float>radius( contours.size() );
	 /*Costruzione immagine finale ed estrazione regioni di interesse*/
	for (int idx = 0; idx < contours.size(); idx++){
		Blob b; b.originalImage = &img;
		Scalar color(255);
		approxPolyDP( Mat(contours[idx]), contours_poly[idx], 3, true );
		boundRect[idx] = boundingRect( Mat(contours_poly[idx]) );
		minEnclosingCircle( (Mat)contours_poly[idx], center[idx], radius[idx] );
	//	Rect tmpRect(center[idx].x-boundRect[idx].width/2,center[idx].y-boundRect[idx].height/2,boundRect[idx].width,boundRect[idx].height);
		Rect tmpRect(center[idx].x-radius[idx],center[idx].y-radius[idx],radius[idx]*2,radius[idx]*2);
		//Rect tmpRect = boundRect[idx];
		Rect toPrint; 
		tmpRect += Size(tmpRect.width*RECT_AUGMENT ,tmpRect.height*RECT_AUGMENT);			  // Aumenta area di RECT_ARGUMENT
		tmpRect -= Point((tmpRect.width*RECT_AUGMENT)/2 , (tmpRect.height*RECT_AUGMENT)/2 ); // Ricentra il rettangolo
		drawContours(cont, contours, idx, color, CV_FILLED, 8);
		if(tmpRect.x>0 && tmpRect.y>0 && tmpRect.x+tmpRect.width < morph.cols && tmpRect.y+tmpRect.height < morph.rows){ //Se il nuovo rettangolo allargato
																														// NON esce fuori dall'immagine, accettalo
			b.cuttedWithBack = img(tmpRect);
			b.cuttedImages = masked(tmpRect);
			b.blobsImage = cont(tmpRect);
			b.rectangles = tmpRect;
			toPrint = tmpRect;
			toPrint = boundRect[idx];
			b.cuttedImages = masked(boundRect[idx]);
			b.cuttedWithBack = img(boundRect[idx]);
			b.rectangles = boundRect[idx];
			b.blobsImage = cont(boundRect[idx]);
		Point centroid = computeCentroid(contours[idx]);
		b.centroid = centroid;
		b.area = contourArea(contours[idx]);
		b.distance = HEIGH - centroid.y;
		/*rectangle( cont, toPrint.tl(), toPrint.br(), color, 2, 8, 0 );
		circle( cont, center[idx], (int)radius[idx], color, 2, 8, 0 );*/
	//out = out+cont;
Ejemplo n.º 8
   void MeshResampler::resample( HalfedgeMesh& mesh )
      // TODO Compute the mean edge length.
			double mean2 = 0;
			for(auto edge = mesh.edgesBegin(); edge != mesh.edgesEnd(); ++edge)
				Vector3D v0 = edge->halfedge()->vertex()->position;
				Vector3D v1 = edge->halfedge()->twin()->vertex()->position;
				mean2 += (v0 - v1).norm();
			mean2 /= (double)mesh.nEdges();
			mean2 *= mean2;
      // TODO Repeat the four main steps for 5 or 6 iterations
			const int ITER_TIMES = 5;
			const int SMOOTH_TIMES = 20;
			const double WEIGHT_FACTOR = 0.2;
			const double LONG_EDGE_2 = 1.7777777778;
			const double SHORT_EDGE_2 = 0.64;
			std::unordered_set<EdgeIter> edgeSet;
			for(int i = 0; i < ITER_TIMES; ++i)
				// TODO Split edges much longer than the target length (being careful about how the loop is written!)
				EdgeIter old_end = mesh.edgesEnd();
				for(auto edge = mesh.edgesBegin(); edge != mesh.edgesEnd(); ++edge)
					Vector3D v0 = edge->halfedge()->vertex()->position;
					Vector3D v1 = edge->halfedge()->twin()->vertex()->position;
					if((v0 - v1).norm2() > LONG_EDGE_2 * mean2)
					if(edge == old_end)
				// TODO Collapse edges much shorter than the target length.  Here we need to be EXTRA careful about
				// TODO advancing the loop, because many edges may have been destroyed by a collapse (which ones?)
				for(auto edge = mesh.edgesBegin(); edge != mesh.edgesEnd(); ++edge)
				while(edgeSet.size() > 0)
					EdgeIter curr = *(edgeSet.begin());
					VertexIter v0 = curr->halfedge()->vertex();
					VertexIter v1 = curr->halfedge()->twin()->vertex();
					if((v0->position - v1->position).norm2() >= SHORT_EDGE_2 * mean2)
					HalfedgeIter h = v0->halfedge();
						if(edgeSet.find(h->edge()) != edgeSet.end())
						h = h->twin()->next();
					while(h != v0->halfedge());
					h = v1->halfedge();
						if(edgeSet.find(h->edge()) != edgeSet.end())
						h = h->twin()->next();
					while(h != v1->halfedge());
					VertexIter v_new = mesh.collapseEdge(curr);
					if(v_new != mesh.verticesEnd())
						h = v_new->halfedge();
							h = h->twin()->next();
						while(h != v_new->halfedge());
				// TODO Now flip each edge if it improves vertex degree
				for(auto edge = mesh.edgesBegin(); edge != mesh.edgesEnd(); ++edge)

//				 TODO Finally, apply some tangential smoothing to the vertex positions

				for(int j = 0; j < SMOOTH_TIMES; ++j)
					for(auto vertex = mesh.verticesBegin(); vertex != mesh.verticesEnd(); ++vertex)
					for(auto vertex = mesh.verticesBegin(); vertex != mesh.verticesEnd(); ++vertex)
						Vector3D dir = vertex->centroid - vertex->position;
						Vector3D nrm = vertex->normal();
						dir -= (dot(nrm, dir) * nrm);
						vertex->position = vertex->position + WEIGHT_FACTOR * dir;


Ejemplo n.º 9
Triangle::Triangle( const PrecomputedTriangle& ptri ) :
a(ptri.a),b(ptri.b),c(ptri.c), plane( a,b,c )
  computeCentroid() ;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool Law2_ScGeom_JCFpmPhys_JointedCohesiveFrictionalPM::go(shared_ptr<IGeom>& ig, shared_ptr<IPhys>& ip, Interaction* contact){

	const int &id1 = contact->getId1();
	const int &id2 = contact->getId2();
	ScGeom* geom = static_cast<ScGeom*>(ig.get()); 
	JCFpmPhys* phys = static_cast<JCFpmPhys*>(ip.get());
	Body* b1 = Body::byId(id1,scene).get();
	Body* b2 = Body::byId(id2,scene).get();

	Real Dtensile=phys->FnMax/phys->kn;
	string fileCracks = "cracks_"+Key+".txt";
	string fileMoments = "moments_"+Key+".txt";
	/// Defines the interparticular distance used for computation
	Real D = 0;

	/*this is for setting the equilibrium distance between all cohesive elements at the first contact detection*/
	if ( contact->isFresh(scene) ) { 
	  phys->normalForce = Vector3r::Zero(); 
	  phys->shearForce = Vector3r::Zero();
	  if ((smoothJoint) && (phys->isOnJoint)) {
	    phys->jointNormal = geom->normal.dot(phys->jointNormal)*phys->jointNormal; //to set the joint normal colinear with the interaction normal
	    phys->initD = std::abs((b1->state->pos - b2->state->pos).dot(phys->jointNormal)); // to set the initial gap as the equilibrium gap
	  } else { 
	    phys->initD = geom->penetrationDepth; 
	if ( smoothJoint && phys->isOnJoint ) {
	  if ( phys->more || ( phys-> jointCumulativeSliding > (2*min(geom->radius1,geom->radius2)) ) ) { 
	    if (!neverErase) return false; 
	    else {
	      phys->shearForce = Vector3r::Zero();
	      phys->normalForce = Vector3r::Zero();
	      phys->isCohesive =0;
	      phys->FnMax = 0;
	      phys->FsMax = 0;
	      return true;
	  } else { 
	    D = phys->initD - std::abs((b1->state->pos - b2->state->pos).dot(phys->jointNormal)); 
	} else { 
	  D = geom->penetrationDepth - phys->initD; 
	phys->crackJointAperture = D<0? -D : 0.; // for DFNFlow

	if (!phys->momentBroken  && useStrainEnergy) phys->strainEnergy = 0.5*((pow(phys->normalForce.norm(),2)/phys->kn) + (pow(phys->shearForce.norm(),2)/phys->ks));
	else if (!phys->momentBroken && !useStrainEnergy) computeKineticEnergy(phys, b1, b2);

//Compute clustered acoustic emission events:
	if (recordMoments && !neverErase){ 
			cerr << "Acoustic emissions algorithm requires neverErase=True, changing value from False to True" << endl;
	if (phys->momentBroken && recordMoments && !phys->momentCalculated){
		if (phys->originalClusterEvent && !phys->computedCentroid) computeCentroid(phys);
		if (phys->originalClusterEvent) computeClusteredMoment(phys);
		if (phys->momentCalculated && phys->momentMagnitude!=0){
			std::ofstream file (fileMoments.c_str(), !momentsFileExist ? std::ios::trunc : std::ios::app);
			if(file.tellp()==0){ file <<"i p0 p1 p2 moment numInts eventNum time beginTime"<<endl; }
			file << boost::lexical_cast<string> ( scene->iter )<<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( phys->momentCentroid[0] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( phys->momentCentroid[1] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( phys->momentCentroid[2] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( phys->momentMagnitude ) << " " << boost::lexical_cast<string> ( phys->clusterInts.size() ) << " " << boost::lexical_cast<string> ( phys->eventNumber ) << " " << boost::lexical_cast<string> (scene->time) << " " << boost::lexical_cast<string> (phys->eventBeginTime) << endl;

	/* Determination of interaction */
	if (D < 0) { //tensile configuration
	  if ( !phys->isCohesive) {
	    if (!neverErase) return false;
	    else {
	      phys->shearForce = Vector3r::Zero();
	      phys->normalForce = Vector3r::Zero();
	      phys->isCohesive =0;
	      phys->FnMax = 0;
	      phys->FsMax = 0;
	      return true;
	  if ( phys->isCohesive && (phys->FnMax>0) && (std::abs(D)>Dtensile) ) {
	    phys->isCohesive = 0;
	    phys->FnMax = 0;
	    phys->FsMax = 0;
	    /// Do we need both the following lines?
	    phys->breakOccurred = true;  // flag to trigger remesh for DFNFlowEngine
	    phys->isBroken = true; // flag for DFNFlowEngine
            // update body state with the number of broken bonds -> do we really need that?
	    JCFpmState* st1=dynamic_cast<JCFpmState*>(b1->state.get());
	    JCFpmState* st2=dynamic_cast<JCFpmState*>(b2->state.get());
		phys->momentBroken = true;
            Real scalarNF=phys->normalForce.norm();
	    Real scalarSF=phys->shearForce.norm();
	    totalTensCracksE+=0.5*( ((scalarNF*scalarNF)/phys->kn) + ((scalarSF*scalarSF)/phys->ks) );
            totalCracksSurface += phys->crossSection;
	    if (recordCracks){
                std::ofstream file (fileCracks.c_str(), !cracksFileExist ? std::ios::trunc : std::ios::app);
                if(file.tellp()==0){ file <<"iter time p0 p1 p2 type size norm0 norm1 norm2 nrg onJnt"<<endl; }
                Vector3r crackNormal=Vector3r::Zero();
                if ((smoothJoint) && (phys->isOnJoint)) { crackNormal=phys->jointNormal; } else {crackNormal=geom->normal;}
                file << boost::lexical_cast<string> ( scene->iter ) << " " << boost::lexical_cast<string> ( scene->time ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( geom->contactPoint[0] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( geom->contactPoint[1] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( geom->contactPoint[2] ) <<" "<< 1 <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( 0.5*(geom->radius1+geom->radius2) ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( crackNormal[0] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( crackNormal[1] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( crackNormal[2] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( 0.5*( ((scalarNF*scalarNF)/phys->kn) + ((scalarSF*scalarSF)/phys->ks) ) ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( phys->isOnJoint ) << endl;
        if (recordMoments && !phys->momentCalculated){
        	checkForCluster(phys, geom, b1, b2, contact);
			clusterInteractions(phys, contact);
			computeTemporalWindow(phys, b1, b2);
	    if (!neverErase) return false; 
	    else {
	      phys->shearForce = Vector3r::Zero();
	      phys->normalForce = Vector3r::Zero();
	      return true;
	/* NormalForce */
	Real Fn = 0;
	Fn = phys->kn*D; 
	/* ShearForce */
	Vector3r& shearForce = phys->shearForce; 
	Real jointSliding=0;

	if ((smoothJoint) && (phys->isOnJoint)) {
	  /// incremental formulation (OK?)
	  Vector3r relativeVelocity = (b2->state->vel - b1->state->vel); // angVel are not taken into account as particles on joint don't rotate ????
	  Vector3r slidingVelocity = relativeVelocity - phys->jointNormal.dot(relativeVelocity)*phys->jointNormal; 
	  Vector3r incrementalSliding = slidingVelocity*scene->dt;
	  shearForce -= phys->ks*incrementalSliding;
	  jointSliding = incrementalSliding.norm();
	  phys->jointCumulativeSliding += jointSliding;
	} else {

	  shearForce = geom->rotate(phys->shearForce);
	  const Vector3r& incrementalShear = geom->shearIncrement();
	  shearForce -= phys->ks*incrementalShear;
	/* Mohr-Coulomb criterion */
	Real maxFs = phys->FsMax + Fn*phys->tanFrictionAngle;
	Real scalarShearForce = shearForce.norm();
	if (scalarShearForce > maxFs) {
	  if (scalarShearForce != 0)
	  if ((smoothJoint) && (phys->isOnJoint)) {phys->dilation=phys->jointCumulativeSliding*phys->tanDilationAngle-D; phys->initD+=(jointSliding*phys->tanDilationAngle);}

// 	  if (!phys->isCohesive) {
//             nbSlips++;
//             totalSlipE+=((1./phys->ks)*(trialForce-shearForce))/*plastic disp*/.dot(shearForce)/*active force*/;
// 	    if ( (recordSlips) && (maxFs!=0) ) {
// 	    std::ofstream file (fileCracks.c_str(), !cracksFileExist ? std::ios::trunc : std::ios::app);
// 	    if(file.tellp()==0){ file <<"iter time p0 p1 p2 type size norm0 norm1 norm2 nrg"<<endl; }
// 	    Vector3r crackNormal=Vector3r::Zero();
// 	    if ((smoothJoint) && (phys->isOnJoint)) { crackNormal=phys->jointNormal; } else {crackNormal=geom->normal;}
// 	    file << boost::lexical_cast<string> ( scene->iter ) <<" " << boost::lexical_cast<string> ( scene->time ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( geom->contactPoint[0] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( geom->contactPoint[1] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( geom->contactPoint[2] ) <<" "<< 0 <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( 0.5*(geom->radius1+geom->radius2) ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( crackNormal[0] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( crackNormal[1] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( crackNormal[2] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( ((1./phys->ks)*(trialForce-shearForce)).dot(shearForce) ) << endl;
// 	    }
// 	    cracksFileExist=true;    
// 	  }

	  if ( phys->isCohesive ) { 

	    phys->isCohesive = 0;
	    phys->FnMax = 0;
	    phys->FsMax = 0;
	    /// Do we need both the following lines?
	    phys->breakOccurred = true;  // flag to trigger remesh for DFNFlowEngine
	    phys->isBroken = true; // flag for DFNFlowEngine
	    phys->momentBroken = true;
	    // update body state with the number of broken bonds -> do we really need that?
	    JCFpmState* st1=dynamic_cast<JCFpmState*>(b1->state.get());
	    JCFpmState* st2=dynamic_cast<JCFpmState*>(b2->state.get());
	    Real scalarNF=phys->normalForce.norm();
	    Real scalarSF=phys->shearForce.norm();
	    totalShearCracksE+=0.5*( ((scalarNF*scalarNF)/phys->kn) + ((scalarSF*scalarSF)/phys->ks) );
            totalCracksSurface += phys->crossSection;
	    if (recordCracks){
	      std::ofstream file (fileCracks.c_str(), !cracksFileExist ? std::ios::trunc : std::ios::app);
	      if(file.tellp()==0){ file <<"iter time p0 p1 p2 type size norm0 norm1 norm2 nrg onJnt"<<endl; }
	      Vector3r crackNormal=Vector3r::Zero();
	      if ((smoothJoint) && (phys->isOnJoint)) { crackNormal=phys->jointNormal; } else {crackNormal=geom->normal;}
	      file << boost::lexical_cast<string> ( scene->iter ) << " " << boost::lexical_cast<string> ( scene->time ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( geom->contactPoint[0] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( geom->contactPoint[1] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( geom->contactPoint[2] ) <<" "<< 2 <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( 0.5*(geom->radius1+geom->radius2) ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( crackNormal[0] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( crackNormal[1] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( crackNormal[2] ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( 0.5*( ((scalarNF*scalarNF)/phys->kn) + ((scalarSF*scalarSF)/phys->ks) ) ) <<" "<< boost::lexical_cast<string> ( phys->isOnJoint ) << endl;
// 	    // option 1: delete contact whatsoever (if in compression, it will be detected as a new contact at the next timestep -> actually, not necesarily because of the near neighbour interaction: there could be a gap between the bonded particles and thus a broken contact may not be frictional at the next timestep if the detection is done for strictly contacting particles...) -> to TEST
//             if (!neverErase) return false;
//             else {
//                 phys->shearForce = Vector3r::Zero();
// 		phys->normalForce = Vector3r::Zero();
// 		return true;
//             }

        if (recordMoments && !phys->momentCalculated){
        	checkForCluster(phys, geom, b1, b2, contact);
			clusterInteractions(phys, contact);
			computeTemporalWindow(phys, b1, b2);
            // option 2: delete contact if in tension
//	    shearForce *= Fn*phys->tanFrictionAngle/scalarShearForce; // now or at the next timestep? should not be very different -> to TEST
	    if ( D < 0 ) { // spheres do not touch
                if (!neverErase) return false;
                else {
                    phys->shearForce = Vector3r::Zero();
                    phys->normalForce = Vector3r::Zero();
                    return true;
	/* Apply forces */
	if ((smoothJoint) && (phys->isOnJoint)) { phys->normalForce = Fn*phys->jointNormal; } else { phys->normalForce = Fn*geom->normal; }
	Vector3r f = phys->normalForce + shearForce;
	/// applyForceAtContactPoint computes torque also and, for now, we don't want rotation for particles on joint (some errors in calculation due to specific geometry) 
 	//applyForceAtContactPoint(f, geom->contactPoint, I->getId2(), b2->state->pos, I->getId1(), b1->state->pos, scene);
	scene->forces.addForce (id1,-f);
	scene->forces.addForce (id2, f);
	// simple solution to avoid torque computation for particles interacting on a smooth joint 
	if ( (phys->isOnJoint)&&(smoothJoint) ) return true;
	/// those lines are needed if rootBody->forces.addForce and rootBody->forces.addMoment are used instead of applyForceAtContactPoint -> NOTE need to check for accuracy!!!
	scene->forces.addTorque(id1,(geom->radius1-0.5*geom->penetrationDepth)* geom->normal.cross(-f));
	scene->forces.addTorque(id2,(geom->radius2-0.5*geom->penetrationDepth)* geom->normal.cross(-f));
	return true;