Ejemplo n.º 1
double beliefPenaltyCollocation(std::vector< Matrix<B_DIM> >& B, std::vector< Matrix<U_DIM> >& U, beliefPenaltyMPC_params &problem, beliefPenaltyMPC_output &output, beliefPenaltyMPC_info &info)
	double penalty_coeff = cfg::initial_penalty_coeff;
	//double trust_box_size = cfg::initial_trust_box_size;

	int penalty_increases = 0;

	Matrix<B_DIM> dynviol;

	// penalty loop
	while(penalty_increases < cfg::max_penalty_coeff_increases)
		bool success = minimizeMeritFunction(B, U, problem, output, info, penalty_coeff);

		double cntviol = 0;
		for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
			dynviol = (B[t+1] - beliefDynamics(B[t], U[t]) );
			for(int i = 0; i < B_DIM; ++i) {
				cntviol += fabs(dynviol[i]);
	    success = success && (cntviol < cfg::cnt_tolerance);
	    LOG_DEBUG("Constraint violations: %2.10f",cntviol);
	    if (!success) {
	        penalty_coeff = penalty_coeff*cfg::penalty_coeff_increase_ratio;
	        //trust_box_size = cfg::initial_trust_box_size;
	    else {
	    	return computeCost(B, U);
	return computeCost(B, U);
void NeuralNetwork::trainOn(arma::mat& input, const arma::mat& output, int numIterations, int iterationsBetweenReport)
    if (input.n_cols != static_cast<unsigned int>(m_numNeuronsOnLayer[0]) ||
            output.n_cols != static_cast<unsigned int>(m_numNeuronsOnLayer[m_numLayers - 1]))
        throw InvalidInputException("File's input / output length doesn't match with the"
                                    "number of neurons on input / output layer.");

    if (m_featureNormalization)

    double prevCost = computeCost(input, output, m_theta);
    double crtCost = prevCost;
    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < numIterations; ++iteration)
		if (iterationsBetweenReport)
        	if (iteration % iterationsBetweenReport == 0 || iteration + 1 == numIterations)
            	std::cout << "Iteration: " << iteration << " | Cost: " << crtCost << std::endl;
        if (crtCost > prevCost)
            std::cout << "The cost is increasing. Choose a smaller learning rate." << std::endl;
        backprop(input, output);
        prevCost = crtCost;
        crtCost = computeCost(input, output, m_theta);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ParallellizeBySquares2D::parallelize(){
        // we must have the same number of blocks as processors
    PLB_PRECONDITION(xTiles*yTiles == processorNumber);
    plint totalCost = computeCost(originalBlocks, finestBoundingBox);
    plint idealCostPerProcessor = totalCost/processorNumber;
    pcout << "Total cost of computations = " << totalCost << std::endl;
    pcout << "We are using " << processorNumber << " processors...\n";
    pcout << "Ideal cost per processor = " << idealCostPerProcessor << std::endl;
    std::vector<plint> totalCosts(processorNumber);
    plint total = 0;
    for (plint iProc=0; iProc<processorNumber; ++iProc){
        plint blockCost = computeCost(originalBlocks,finestDivision[iProc]);
        totalCosts[iProc] += blockCost;
        mpiDistribution[iProc] = iProc;
        total += blockCost;
    pcout << "---- Costs Per Processor ----\n";
    for (pluint i=0; i<totalCosts.size(); ++i){
        pcout << i << " : " << totalCosts[i] << std::endl;
        // check if everyone is doing something
        if (totalCosts[i] == 0){
            pcout << "\t >> processor " << i << " does not have work to do. Exiting.....\n";
    pcout << "*******************************\n";
    pcout << "Sum of all costs = " << total << std::endl;
    pcout << "*******************************\n";
    // convert the original blocks to the new blocks
    plint finestLevel= (plint)originalBlocks.size()-1;
    for (plint iLevel=finestLevel; iLevel>=0; --iLevel) {
        parallelizeLevel(iLevel, originalBlocks,finestDivision, mpiDistribution);
        // Adapt the regions to the next-coarser level.
        for (pluint iRegion=0; iRegion<finestDivision.size(); ++iRegion) {
            finestDivision[iRegion] = finestDivision[iRegion].divideAndFitSmaller(2);
void InflationLayer::computeCaches()
  if(cell_inflation_radius_ == 0)

  //based on the inflation radius... compute distance and cost caches
  if(cell_inflation_radius_ != cached_cell_inflation_radius_)
    if(cached_cell_inflation_radius_ > 0)

    cached_costs_ = new unsigned char*[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
    cached_distances_ = new double*[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++i)
      cached_costs_[i] = new unsigned char[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
      cached_distances_[i] = new double[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++j)
        cached_distances_[i][j] = sqrt(i * i + j * j);

    cached_cell_inflation_radius_ = cell_inflation_radius_;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++i)
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++j)
      cached_costs_[i][j] = computeCost(cached_distances_[i][j]);
/**Fills `edges` with all of the edges in the provided mesh, computes their
cost (with computeCost), then sorts them. -CJ*/
void QuadricErrorSimplification::populateEdges(STTriangleMesh* m){
  int i,j;
  STVertex *v1,*v2;
  for (i=0; i < m->mFaces.size(); i++){
    for (j=0; j<3; j++){
      Edge newEdge  = Edge(v1,v2);
      if (findEdge(this,&newEdge) == -1){
	edges.push_back(new Edge(v1,v2));
  int i1,i2;
  STVertex w = STVertex(0,0,0,0,0);
  STMatrix4* Q1;
  STMatrix4* Q2;
  for (i=0;i<edges.size();i++){
    i1 = findVertex(m, edges[i]->vertex1);
    i2 = findVertex(m, edges[i]->vertex2);
    if (i1==-1){
      printf("Error: QuadricErrorSimplification::populateEdges could not find vertex at %f,%f,%f\n",
    if (i2==-1){
      printf("Error: QuadricErrorSimplification::populateEdges could not find vertex at %f,%f,%f\n",
    Q1 = qMatrixes[i1];
    Q2 = qMatrixes[i2];
    edges[i]->cost = computeCost(m, v1, v2, &w, Q1, Q2);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    void computeCost(node *r)
        r->reduce_cost = 0;
        if (r->children_count==0)

        double mean_r = static_cast<double>(r->reds) / r->count_cum;
        double mean_g = static_cast<double>(r->greens) / r->count_cum;
        double mean_b = static_cast<double>(r->blues) / r->count_cum;
        for (unsigned idx=0; idx < 8; ++idx)
            if (r->children_[idx] != 0)
                double dr,dg,db;
                dr = r->children_[idx]->reds   / r->children_[idx]->count_cum - mean_r;
                dg = r->children_[idx]->greens / r->children_[idx]->count_cum - mean_g;
                db = r->children_[idx]->blues  / r->children_[idx]->count_cum - mean_b;
                r->reduce_cost += r->children_[idx]->reduce_cost;
                r->reduce_cost += (dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db) * r->children_[idx]->count_cum;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CRandom::perform()
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Update context for start of inlining.
void InliningDecider::accountForInlining(const Func* callee,
                                         const RegionDesc& region) {
  int cost = computeCost(region);
  m_cost       += cost;
  m_callDepth  += 1;
  m_stackDepth += callee->maxStackCells();
Ejemplo n.º 9
void KdTree::orderLineSegmentsByCost (LineSegments &lineSegments, LineSegments::iterator begin, LineSegments::iterator end, int orderType, int depth, map<int, LineSegments> &orderedLineSegments)
  double min_c = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  int mid;
  int i = 0;
  for (LineSegments::iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it, ++i) {
	double c = computeCost(lineSegments, begin, end, (*it)->p0, orderType);
	if (c < min_c) {
	  min_c = c;
      mid = i;
	c = computeCost(lineSegments, begin, end, (*it)->p1, orderType);
	if (c < min_c) {
      mid = i;

  // separate the line segments such that the first half is for the left sub-tree and the second half is for the right sub-tree
  LineSegment *mid_l = *(begin + mid);
    swap(*(end - 1), *(begin + mid));
	LineSegments::iterator it = begin;
	LineSegments::iterator r_index = end - 2;
	for (; it != end - 1 && it <= r_index;) {
      if (orderType == 0) {
        if (XOrder((*it)->p0, mid_l->p0) == 1) {
		} else {
          swap(*it, *r_index);
	  } else {
        if (YOrder((*it)->p0, mid_l->p0) == 1) {
		} else {
          swap(*it, *r_index);

    swap(*it, *(end - 1));

	mid = it - begin;


  if (mid > 0) {
    orderLineSegmentsByCost(lineSegments, begin, begin + mid, 1 - orderType, depth + 1, orderedLineSegments);
  if (begin + mid + 1 != end) {
    orderLineSegmentsByCost(lineSegments, begin + mid + 1, end, 1 - orderType, depth + 1, orderedLineSegments);
Ejemplo n.º 10
MockStrategy::MockStrategy(const Matrix & flow, const Matrix & distance) : IStrategy(flow, distance) {
    if (0 == testId) {
        m_result = {0, 1}; 
    else if (1 == testId) {
        m_result = {8, 3, 5, 2, 10, 6, 11, 1, 7, 9, 0, 4};
    else if (2 == testId) {
        m_result = {4, 6, 0, 9, 10, 2, 3, 1, 8, 5, 11, 7};
		// Creates the best possible patch to match the given target
		Heightmap bestPatch(const Heightmap *output, const Patch &target_patch, const ivec2 &target_offset, const vector<Patch> &candidates) {

			// Create a comparator for PatchCandidate
			auto cmp = [](const PatchCandidate &left, const PatchCandidate &right) { return left.cost > right.cost; };

			// create and populate a priority queue for candidates
			priority_queue<PatchCandidate, vector<PatchCandidate>, decltype(cmp)> target_candidates(cmp);
			for (const Patch &p : candidates) {
				// use patch if the the degree matches
				if (p.degree == target_patch.degree)
					target_candidates.emplace(&p, computeCost(p, target_patch, target_offset, output, 5.0, 2.0, 0.001, 1.0));

			// if no patches were found with matching degree, use all patches
			if (target_candidates.empty()) {
				for (const Patch &p : candidates) {
					target_candidates.emplace(&p, computeCost(p, target_patch, target_offset, output, 5.0, 2.0, 0.001, 1.0));

			// compute cost (and graphcut) for best n (typically 5) candidates
			float best_cost = 0;
			Heightmap best_patch = graphcut(output, &(target_candidates.top().patch->data), target_offset, &best_cost);

			for (int i = 0; i < 5 && !target_candidates.empty(); ++i) {

				float cost = 0;
				Heightmap g = graphcut(output, &(target_candidates.top().patch->data), target_offset, &cost);
				if (cost < best_cost) {
					best_patch = g;
					best_cost = cost;
			return best_patch;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  void CostMap2D::propagateCosts(){
      QueueElement* c = queue_.top();
      unsigned char cost = computeCost(c->distance);
      updateCellCost(c->ind, cost);  

      // If distance reached the inflation radius then skip further expansion
      if(c->distance < inflationRadius_)
        enqueueNeighbors(c->source, c->ind);

      delete c;
void NeuralNetwork::checkGradients(arma::mat &input, arma::mat &output, std::vector<arma::mat>& gradients)
    double e = 0.0001;
    std::vector<arma::mat> numericalGrads;
    for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < gradients.size(); ++layer)
        std::vector<arma::mat> thetas = m_theta;
        arma::mat grads = arma::ones(m_theta[layer].n_rows, m_theta[layer].n_cols);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < grads.n_rows; ++i)
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < grads.n_cols; ++j)
                arma::mat thetaPlus = m_theta[layer];
                arma::mat thetaMinnus = m_theta[layer];
                thetaPlus(i, j) += e;
                thetaMinnus(i, j) -= e;

                thetas[layer] = thetaPlus;
                double loss1 = computeCost(input, output, thetas);
                thetas[layer] = thetaMinnus;
                double loss2 = computeCost(input, output, thetas);

                grads(i, j) = (loss1 - loss2) / (2 * e);
    for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < gradients.size(); ++layer)
        std::cout << "----------------------------------------" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Numerical computed gradients" << std::endl;
        std::cout << numericalGrads[layer] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Analytical computed gradients" << std::endl;
        std::cout << gradients[layer] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "----------------------------------------" << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void finiteDifferenceCostGrad(std::vector< Matrix<X_DIM> >& X, std::vector< Matrix<U_DIM> >& U, double& cost, Matrix<XU_DIM>& G, Matrix<XU_DIM,XU_DIM>& diag_hess) {

	cost = computeCost(X,U);

	double cost_plus, cost_minus;
	int index = 0;

	for(int t = 0; t < T; ++t) {
		for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM+U_DIM; ++i) {
			if (i < X_DIM) {
				double original = X[t][i];

				X[t][i] += step;

				cost_plus = computeCostTruncated(X,U,t);

				X[t][i] = original;

				X[t][i] -= step;
				cost_minus = computeCostTruncated(X,U,t);

				X[t][i] = original;

			} else if (t < TIMESTEPS - 1){
				double original = U[t][i-X_DIM];

				U[t][i-X_DIM] += step;

				cost_plus = computeCostTruncated(X,U,t);

				U[t][i-X_DIM] = original;

				U[t][i-X_DIM] -= step;

				cost_minus = computeCostTruncated(X,U,t);

				U[t][i-X_DIM] = original;

			} else {
				break; // no U at T-1

			G[index] = (cost_plus - cost_minus)/(2*step);
			diag_hess[index] = (cost_plus + cost_minus - 2*cost)/(step*step);

Ejemplo n.º 15
void Pair::init()
    // Boundary quadrics only needed for Vertex::init()...so clean up some space:
    if (m_pQuadric)
        delete m_pQuadric;

    // We'll use this instance of the matrix for pair cost computations:
    m_pQuadric = NULL;

    Matrix4x4 Quadric;
Ejemplo n.º 16
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int BFReconstructionEngine::calculateCost(CostData::Pointer cost,
                                          SinogramPtr sinogram,
                                          GeometryPtr geometry,
                                          RealVolumeType::Pointer ErrorSino,
                                          QGGMRF::QGGMRF_Values* QGGMRF_Values)
  Real_t cost_value = computeCost(sinogram, geometry, ErrorSino, QGGMRF_Values);
  //std::cout << "cost_value: " << cost_value << std::endl;
  int increase = cost->addCostValue(cost_value);
  if(increase == 1)
    return -1;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
static void computeCtcCosts(Bundle& bundle, const std::string& costFunctionName,
    double costFunctionWeight,
    const Matrix& inputActivations, const LabelVector& labels, const IndexVector& inputTimesteps)
    auto costFunction = CostFunctionFactory::create(costFunctionName);

    Bundle inputBundle;

    inputBundle["outputActivations"] = MatrixVector({inputActivations});
    inputBundle["referenceLabels"]   = labels;
    inputBundle["inputTimesteps"]    = inputTimesteps;


    auto costs = inputBundle["costs"].get<Matrix>();

    bundle["cost"] = static_cast<double>(reduce(costs, {}, matrix::Add())[0]) * costFunctionWeight;
Ejemplo n.º 18
static Matrix optimizeWithoutDerivative(const NeuralNetwork* network,
	const Image& image, unsigned int neuron)
	Matrix bestSoFar = generateRandomImage(network, image, 0, 0.00f);
	float  bestCost  = computeCost(network, neuron, bestSoFar);
	std::string solverType = util::KnobDatabase::getKnobValue(
		"NeuronVisualizer::SolverType", "SimulatedAnnealingSolver");
	auto solver =
	assert(solver != nullptr);

	CostFunction costFunction(network, neuron, bestCost);

	bestCost = solver->solve(bestSoFar, costFunction);
	delete solver;
	return bestSoFar;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void MockStrategy::perform() {
    std::swap(m_result[swapedIndxs.first], m_result[swapedIndxs.second]);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * Use gradient-projection to solve an instance of
 * the Variable Placement with Separation Constraints problem.
unsigned GradientProjection::solve(
        valarray<double> const &linearCoefficients, 
        valarray<double> &x) {
    COLA_ASSERT(sparseQ==nullptr || 
                (sparseQ!=nullptr && (vars.size()==sparseQ->rowSize())) );

    if(max_iterations==0) return 0;

    bool converged=false;

    solver = setupVPSC();
    if(solveWithMosek==Outer) {
        float* ba=new float[vars.size()];
        float* xa=new float[vars.size()];
        for(unsigned i=0;i<vars.size();i++) {
        for(unsigned i=0;i<vars.size();i++) {
            //printf("mosek result x[%d]=%f\n",i,xa[i]);
        delete [] ba;
        delete [] xa;
        return 1;
    // it may be that we have to consider dummy vars, which the caller didn't know
    // about.  Thus vars.size() may not equal x.size()
    unsigned n = vars.size();
    valarray<double> b(n);
    // load desired positions into vars, note that we keep desired positions 
    // already calculated for dummy vars
    for (unsigned i=0;i<x.size();i++) {
        if(scaling) {
        if(!vars[i]->fixedDesiredPosition) vars[i]->desiredPosition=result[i];
    valarray<double> g(n); /* gradient */
    valarray<double> previous(n); /* stored positions */
    valarray<double> d(n); /* actual descent vector */

    double previousCost = DBL_MAX;
    unsigned counter=0;
    double stepSize;
    for (; counter<max_iterations&&!converged; counter++) {
        double alpha=computeSteepestDescentVector(b,result,g);

        // move to new unconstrained position
        for (unsigned i=0; i<n; i++) {
            // dividing by variable weight is a cheap trick to make these
            // weights mean something in terms of the descent vector
            double step=alpha*g[i]/vars[i]->weight;
            //printf("   after unconstrained step: x[%d]=%f\n",i,result[i]);
            if(!vars[i]->fixedDesiredPosition) vars[i]->desiredPosition=result[i];

        //project to constraint boundary
        bool constrainedOptimum = false;
        for (unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
            double step = previous[i]-result[i];
        // beta seems, more often than not, to be >1!
        if(constrainedOptimum) {
            // The following step limits the step-size in the feasible
            // direction
            d = result - previous;
            const double beta = 0.5*computeStepSize(g, d);
            // beta > 1.0 takes us back outside the feasible region
            // beta < 0 clearly not useful and may happen due to numerical imp.
            if(beta>0&&beta<0.99999) {
                for (unsigned i=0; i<n; i++) {
                    double step=beta*d[i];
        /* This would be the slow way to detect convergence */
        //if(counter%2) {
            double cost = computeCost(b,result);
            printf("     gp[%d] %.15f %.15f\n",counter,previousCost,cost);
            if(fabs(previousCost - cost) < tolerance) {
                converged = true;
            previousCost = cost;
        if(stepSize<tolerance) converged = true; 
    //printf("GP[%d] converged after %d iterations.\n",k,counter);
    for(unsigned i=0;i<x.size();i++) {
        if(scaling) {
    return counter;
int ZoltanLibClass::precompute()
  std::string str1("Isorropia::ZoltanLibClass::precompute ");
  MPI_Comm mpicomm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Comm default_mpicomm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
#endif // HAVE_MPI
  int itype;

  Library::precompute(); // assumes input_type_ is set

  if (input_graph_.get() || input_matrix_.get())
    if (input_type_ != hgraph2d_finegrain_input_){
      computeCost();     // graph or hypergraph weights

  if (input_type_ == graph_input_)
    itype = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::graph_input_;
  else if (input_type_ == hgraph_input_)
    itype = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::hgraph_input_;
  else if (input_type_ == hgraph2d_finegrain_input_)
    itype = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::hgraph2d_finegrain_input_;
  else if (input_type_ == geometric_input_)
    itype = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::geometric_input_;
  else if (input_type_ == simple_input_)
    itype = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::simple_input_;
  else if (input_type_ == hgraph_graph_input_)                 // hierarchical partitioning
    itype = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::hgraph_graph_input_;
  else if (input_type_ == hgraph_geometric_input_)             // hierarchical partitioning
    itype = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::hgraph_geometric_input_;
  else if (input_type_ == graph_geometric_input_)              // hierarchical partitioning
    itype = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::graph_geometric_input_;
  else if (input_type_ == hgraph_graph_geometric_input_)       // hierarchical partitioning
    itype = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::hgraph_graph_geometric_input_;
    itype = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::unspecified_input_;

  if (input_graph_.get() !=0 && input_coords_.get()!=0) //geometric and graph inputs
    queryObject_ =  Teuchos::rcp(new ZoltanLib::QueryObject(input_graph_, costs_, input_coords_, weights_, itype));
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    const  Epetra_Comm &ecomm = input_graph_->RowMap().Comm();
    const Epetra_MpiComm &empicomm = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm &>(ecomm);
    mpicomm = empicomm.Comm();
    catch (std::exception& e)
        // Serial Comm with MPI
        MPI_Comm_split(default_mpicomm, ecomm.MyPID(), 0, &mpicomm);
  else if (input_matrix_.get() !=0 && input_coords_.get()!=0) //geometric and matrix inputs
    queryObject_ =  Teuchos::rcp(new ZoltanLib::QueryObject(input_matrix_, costs_, input_coords_, weights_, itype));
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    const Epetra_Comm &ecomm = input_matrix_->RowMatrixRowMap().Comm();
    const Epetra_MpiComm &empicomm = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm &>(ecomm);
    mpicomm = empicomm.Comm();
    catch (std::exception& e)
        // Serial Comm with MPI
        MPI_Comm_split(default_mpicomm, ecomm.MyPID(), 0, &mpicomm);
  else if (input_graph_.get() != 0) //graph inputs
    queryObject_ =  Teuchos::rcp(new ZoltanLib::QueryObject(input_graph_, costs_, itype));
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    const  Epetra_Comm &ecomm = input_graph_->RowMap().Comm();
    const Epetra_MpiComm &empicomm = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm &>(ecomm);
    mpicomm = empicomm.Comm();
    catch (std::exception& e)
        // Serial Comm with MPI
        MPI_Comm_split(default_mpicomm, ecomm.MyPID(), 0, &mpicomm);
  else if (input_matrix_.get() != 0) //matrix inputs
    queryObject_ =  Teuchos::rcp(new ZoltanLib::QueryObject(input_matrix_, costs_, itype));
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    const Epetra_Comm &ecomm = input_matrix_->RowMatrixRowMap().Comm();
    const Epetra_MpiComm &empicomm = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm &>(ecomm);
    mpicomm = empicomm.Comm();
    catch (std::exception& e)
        // Serial Comm with MPI
        MPI_Comm_split(default_mpicomm, ecomm.MyPID(), 0, &mpicomm);
  else if (input_coords_.get() != 0) // coord inputs
    queryObject_ =  Teuchos::rcp(new ZoltanLib::QueryObject(input_coords_, weights_));
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    const Epetra_Comm &ecomm = input_coords_->Map().Comm();
    const Epetra_MpiComm &empicomm = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm &>(ecomm);
    mpicomm = empicomm.Comm();
    catch (std::exception& e)
        // Serial Comm with MPI
        MPI_Comm_split(default_mpicomm, ecomm.MyPID(), 0, &mpicomm);
  else // BlockMap inputs
    queryObject_ =  Teuchos::rcp(new ZoltanLib::QueryObject(input_map_, itype));
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    const  Epetra_Comm &ecomm = input_map_->Comm();
    const Epetra_MpiComm &empicomm = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm &>(ecomm);
    mpicomm = empicomm.Comm();
    catch (std::exception& e)
        // Serial Comm with MPI
        MPI_Comm_split(default_mpicomm, ecomm.MyPID(), 0, &mpicomm);

  float version;
  int argcTmp=0;
  char *argvTmp[1];
  std::string lb_method_str("LB_METHOD");

  // create a Zoltan problem

  argvTmp[0] = NULL;
  Zoltan_Initialize(argcTmp, argvTmp, &version);

  zz_ = new Zoltan(mpicomm);

  if (zz_ == NULL){
    throw Isorropia::Exception("Error creating Zoltan object");
    return (-1);

  // set problem parameters

  std::string dbg_level_str("DEBUG_LEVEL");
  if (!zoltanParamList_.isParameter(dbg_level_str))
    zoltanParamList_.set(dbg_level_str, "0");

  if (!zoltanParamList_.isParameter(lb_method_str)) //set default parameters
    if (input_type_ == graph_input_)
      zoltanParamList_.set(lb_method_str, "GRAPH");
    else if (input_type_ == geometric_input_)
      if (!zoltanParamList_.isParameter(lb_method_str))  //MMW: Don't think this if is needed
        zoltanParamList_.set(lb_method_str, "RCB");
    else if (input_type_ == simple_input_) //not sure this is needed
      zoltanParamList_.set(lb_method_str, "BLOCK");
    else if (input_type_ == hgraph_graph_input_    || input_type_ == hgraph_geometric_input_ ||
             input_type_ == graph_geometric_input_ || input_type_ == hgraph_graph_geometric_input_ )
      zoltanParamList_.set(lb_method_str, "HIER");
      zoltanParamList_.set(lb_method_str, "HYPERGRAPH");

  // Make LB_APPROACH = PARTITION the default in Isorropia
  std::string lb_approach_str("LB_APPROACH");
  if (!zoltanParamList_.isParameter(lb_approach_str)) {
    zoltanParamList_.set(lb_approach_str, "PARTITION");

    // For fine-grain hypergraph, we don't want obj or (hyper)edge weights
  if (input_type_ == hgraph2d_finegrain_input_)
    zoltanParamList_.set("OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "0");
    zoltanParamList_.set("EDGE_WEIGHT_DIM", "0");
  else if (input_type_ == geometric_input_)
    // We always overwrite user choice.
    // if (!zoltanParamList_.isParameter("OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM")) {
      if (weights_.get())
        zoltanParamList_.set("OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "1");
        zoltanParamList_.set("OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "0");
  else if(input_type_ != simple_input_) //graph or hypergraph
    if (queryObject_->haveVertexWeights())
      if (!zoltanParamList_.isParameter("OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM"))
        zoltanParamList_.set("OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "1");

    if (queryObject_->haveGraphEdgeWeights() ||
      if (!zoltanParamList_.isParameter("EDGE_WEIGHT_DIM"))
        zoltanParamList_.set("EDGE_WEIGHT_DIM", "1");

  // For fine-grain hypergraph, we will use (row, col) of nz for
  // vertex GIDs.  Don't need LIDs.

  if (input_type_ == hgraph2d_finegrain_input_)
    zoltanParamList_.set("NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "2");
    zoltanParamList_.set("NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");

    iter = zoltanParamList_.begin(),
    iter_end = zoltanParamList_.end();

  for(; iter != iter_end; ++iter)
    const std::string& name = iter->first;
    const std::string& value = Teuchos::getValue<std::string>(iter->second);
    zz_->Set_Param(name, value);

  // Set the query functions

  zz_->Set_Num_Obj_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::Number_Objects, (void *)queryObject_.get());
  zz_->Set_Obj_List_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::Object_List, (void *)queryObject_.get());

  int ierr;
  num_obj_ = ZoltanLib::QueryObject::Number_Objects((void *)queryObject_.get(), &ierr);

  if (input_type_ == hgraph2d_finegrain_input_)
    zz_->Set_HG_Size_CS_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::HG_Size_CS, (void *)queryObject_.get());
    zz_->Set_HG_CS_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::HG_CS, (void *)queryObject_.get());
  if (input_type_ == hgraph_input_           || input_type_ == hgraph_graph_input_ ||
      input_type_ == hgraph_geometric_input_ || input_type_ == hgraph_graph_geometric_input_)
    zz_->Set_HG_Size_CS_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::HG_Size_CS, (void *)queryObject_.get());
    zz_->Set_HG_CS_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::HG_CS, (void *)queryObject_.get());
                                 (void *)queryObject_.get());
    zz_->Set_HG_Edge_Wts_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::HG_Edge_Weights, (void *)queryObject_.get());
  if (input_type_ == graph_input_ || input_type_ == hgraph_graph_input_ ||
      input_type_ == graph_geometric_input_ || input_type_ == hgraph_graph_geometric_input_)
    zz_->Set_Num_Edges_Multi_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::Number_Edges_Multi, (void *)queryObject_.get());
    zz_->Set_Edge_List_Multi_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::Edge_List_Multi, (void *)queryObject_.get());
  if (input_type_ == geometric_input_ || input_type_ == hgraph_geometric_input_ ||
      input_type_ == graph_geometric_input_ || input_type_ == hgraph_graph_geometric_input_)
    zz_->Set_Num_Geom_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::Number_Geom, (void *)queryObject_.get());
    zz_->Set_Geom_Multi_Fn(ZoltanLib::QueryObject::Geom_Multi, (void *)queryObject_.get());

  return (ierr);
Ejemplo n.º 22
void YARPDispMap::assignWeights(node * graph, int length, unsigned char * data1, unsigned char * data2,int * Sobel, int * tmpDisparity, float alpha, int totArcs, int totNodes)
	int i,j;
//	int graphSize = length * length;
	float arcCost;

	int nodedisp;
	int nextdisp;
	float occlWeight;

	unsigned char left, pright, cright, nright;

	for (j=0; j<totNodes; j++)
		for (i=0; i<graph[j].no_of_nodes; i++)
			nodedisp = graph[j].left-graph[j].right;

				occlWeight = _beta * abs(nodedisp);
				graph[j].arcweight[i] = occlWeight;
				left = data1[graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].left];
				cright = data2[graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].right];

				if (graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].right>0)
					pright = data2[graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].right-1];
					pright = cright;

				if (graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].right<length-1)
					nright = data2[graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].right+1];
					nright = cright;

				nextdisp = graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].left-graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].right;
				occlWeight = _beta * abs(nodedisp-nextdisp);

				if ((graph[j].left==graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].left)||(graph[j].right==graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].right))
					occlWeight /= 1.5f;

				arcCost = computeCost(left,cright,nright,pright)+occlWeight;
				graph[j].arcweight[i] = arcCost;
				if (alpha> -0.5)
					if (graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].left!= 0)
						if (graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].left!= length-1) 
							graph[j].arcweight[i] += computeInterCost(alpha,Sobel[graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].left],tmpDisparity[graph[graph[j].foll_nodes[i]].left],nextdisp);
	//First node
	for (i=0; i<graph[0].no_of_nodes; i++)
		nodedisp = 0;
		left = data1[graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].left];
		cright = data2[graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].right];

		if (graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].right>0)
			pright = data2[graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].right-1];
			pright = cright;
		if (graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].right<length-1)
			nright = data2[graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].right+1];
			nright = cright;

		nextdisp = (graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].left-graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].right);

		occlWeight = _beta * abs(nodedisp-nextdisp);
		graph[0].arcweight[i] = computeCost(left,cright,nright,pright)+occlWeight;

		if (alpha> -0.5)
			if (graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].left!= 0)
				if (graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].left!= length-1) 
					graph[0].arcweight[i] += computeInterCost(alpha,Sobel[graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].left],tmpDisparity[graph[graph[0].foll_nodes[i]].left],nextdisp);
Ejemplo n.º 23
    void reduce()

        // sort reducible by reduce_cost
        for (unsigned i=0;i<InsertPolicy::MAX_LEVELS;++i)
            std::sort(reducible_[i].begin(), reducible_[i].end(),node_cmp());
        while (colors_ > max_colors_ && colors_ > 1)
            while (leaf_level_ >0  && reducible_[leaf_level_-1].size() == 0)

            if (leaf_level_ <= 0)

            // select best of all reducible:
            unsigned red_idx = leaf_level_-1;
            unsigned bestv = static_cast<unsigned>((*reducible_[red_idx].begin())->reduce_cost);
            for(unsigned i=red_idx; i>=InsertPolicy::MIN_LEVELS; i--)
                if (!reducible_[i].empty())
                    node *nd = *reducible_[i].begin();
                    unsigned gch = 0;
                    for(unsigned idx=0; idx<8; idx++)
                        if (nd->children_[idx])
                            gch += nd->children_[idx]->children_count;
                    if (gch==0 && nd->reduce_cost < bestv)
                        bestv = static_cast<unsigned>(nd->reduce_cost);
                        red_idx = i;

            typename std::deque<node*>::iterator pos = reducible_[red_idx].begin();
            node * cur_node = *pos;
            unsigned num_children = 0;
            for (unsigned idx=0; idx < 8; ++idx)
                if (cur_node->children_[idx] != 0)
                    cur_node->count  += cur_node->children_[idx]->count;
                    //todo: case of nonleaf children, if someday sorting by reduce_cost doesn't handle it
                    delete cur_node->children_[idx], cur_node->children_[idx]=0;

            if (num_children > 0 )
                colors_ -= (num_children - 1);
void ApexQuadricSimplifier::collapseEdge(QuadricEdge& edge)
	uint32_t vNr0 = edge.vertexNr[0];
	uint32_t vNr1 = edge.vertexNr[1];
	QuadricVertex* qv0 = mVertices[vNr0];
	QuadricVertex* qv1 = mVertices[vNr1];

	PX_ASSERT(qv0->bDeleted == 0);
	PX_ASSERT(qv1->bDeleted == 0);

	//FILE* f = NULL;
	//fopen_s(&f, "c:\\collapse.txt", "a");
	//fprintf_s(f, "Collapse Vertex %d -> %d\n", vNr1, vNr0);

	// contract edge to the vertex0
	qv0->pos = qv0->pos * (1.0f - edge.ratio) + qv1->pos * edge.ratio;
	qv0->q += qv1->q;

	// merge the edges
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < qv1->mEdges.size(); i++)
		QuadricEdge& ei = mEdges[qv1->mEdges[i]];
		uint32_t vi = ei.otherVertex(vNr1);
		if (vi == vNr0)

		// test whether we already have this neighbor
		bool found = false;
		for (uint32_t j = 0; j < qv0->mEdges.size(); j++)
			QuadricEdge& ej = mEdges[qv0->mEdges[j]];
			if (ej.otherVertex(vNr0) == vi)
				found = true;
		if (found)
			ei.deleted = true;
			if (ei.heapPos >= 0)
				heapRemove((uint32_t)ei.heapPos, false);
			ei.replaceVertex(vNr1, vNr0);
	// remove common edge and update adjacent edges
	for (int32_t i = (int32_t)qv0->mEdges.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		QuadricEdge& ei = mEdges[qv0->mEdges[(uint32_t)i]];
		if (ei.otherVertex(vNr0) == vNr1)
			if (ei.heapPos >= 0)

	// delete collapsed triangles
	for (int32_t i = (int32_t)qv0->mTriangles.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		uint32_t triangleIndex = qv0->mTriangles[(uint32_t)i];
		QuadricTriangle& t = mTriangles[triangleIndex];
		if (!t.deleted && t.containsVertex(vNr1))
			t.deleted = true;
			//fprintf_s(f, "Delete Triangle %d\n", triangleIndex);


			for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				//fprintf_s(f, "  v %d\n", t.vertexNr[j]);
	// update triangles
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < qv1->mTriangles.size(); i++)
		QuadricTriangle& t = mTriangles[qv1->mTriangles[i]];
		if (t.deleted)
		if (t.containsVertex(vNr1))
		t.replaceVertex(vNr1, vNr0);

	mNumDeletedVertices += qv1->bDeleted == 1 ? 0 : 1;
	qv1->bDeleted = 1;
	edge.deleted = true;

Ejemplo n.º 25
 * Local greedy surface area heuristic
 * TODO : The accurate way of determining the candidate planes thus is
 * to first clip the triangle t to the voxel V , and use the sides of
 * the clipped triangle’s AABB B(t ∩ V )
bool KdTreeNode::findBestSplit(int axis, float* bestSplit)
    float cost, bestCost = FLT_MAX;
    std::list<float> limits;

    std::list<Object*>::iterator iterObj;
    AABB * aabb;

    for (iterObj = objects.begin(); iterObj != objects.end(); iterObj++)
        aabb = (*iterObj)->getAABB();

        if (axis == 0) {        // X
        } else if (axis == 1) { // Y
        } else {                // Z


    float thisMin, thisMax;

    if (axis == 0) {        // X
        thisMin = this->aabb->minX;
        thisMax = this->aabb->maxX;
    } else if (axis == 1) { // Y
        thisMin = this->aabb->minY;
        thisMax = this->aabb->maxY;
    } else {                // Z
        thisMin = this->aabb->minZ;
        thisMax = this->aabb->maxZ;

    //Logger::log(LOG_DEBUG)<<"limit list size = "<<limits.size()<<std::endl;

    std::list<Object*> objectsNode;
    std::list<Object*> objectsLeft;
    std::list<Object*> objectsRight;

    objectsNode.assign(objects.begin(), objects.end());

    bool splitFound = false;

    std::list<float>::iterator iterLimit;

    for (iterLimit = limits.begin(); iterLimit != limits.end(); iterLimit++)
        if (thisMin < *iterLimit && *iterLimit < thisMax) {
            splitFound = true;

            //Logger::log(LOG_DEBUG)<<"limit candidate = "<<*iterLimit<<std::endl;

            createChildren(axis, *iterLimit);
            splitObjects(axis, &objectsNode, &objectsLeft, &objectsRight);
            cost = computeCost(&objectsLeft, &objectsRight);
            //Logger::log(LOG_DEBUG)<<"cost = "<<cost<<std::endl;
            if (cost < bestCost) {
                bestCost = cost;
                *bestSplit = *iterLimit;
            //Logger::log(LOG_DEBUG)<<"best cost = "<<bestCost<<std::endl;
            objectsNode.splice(objectsNode.begin(), objectsRight);                          

            if (left != NULL) delete left;
            if (right != NULL) delete right;

    //Logger::log(LOG_DEBUG)<<"bestSplit = "<<*bestSplit<<std::endl;

    return splitFound;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  CostMap2D::CostMap2D(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const std::vector<unsigned char>& data,
      double resolution, unsigned char threshold, double maxZ, double zLB, double zUB,
      double inflationRadius,	double circumscribedRadius, double inscribedRadius, double weight, 
      double  obstacleRange, double raytraceRange)
    : ObstacleMapAccessor(0, 0, width, height, resolution),
    maxZ_(maxZ), zLB_(zLB), zUB_(zUB),
    inflationRadius_(toCellDistance(inflationRadius, (unsigned int) ceil(width * resolution), resolution)),
    circumscribedRadius_(toCellDistance(circumscribedRadius, inflationRadius_, resolution)),
    inscribedRadius_(toCellDistance(inscribedRadius, circumscribedRadius_, resolution)),
    weight_(std::max(0.0, std::min(weight, 1.0))), sq_obstacle_range_(obstacleRange * obstacleRange),
    sq_raytrace_range_((raytraceRange / resolution) * (raytraceRange / resolution)), 
      staticData_(NULL), xy_markers_(NULL), kernelWidth_((circumscribedRadius_ * 2) + 1)
    if(weight != weight_){
      ROS_INFO("Warning - input weight %f is invalid and has been set to %f\n", weight, weight_);

    unsigned int i, j;
    staticData_ = new unsigned char[width_*height_];
    xy_markers_ = new bool[width_*height_];
    memset(xy_markers_, 0, width_ * height_* sizeof(bool));

    // Set up a cache of distance values for a kernel around the robot
    cachedDistances = new double*[inflationRadius_+1];
    for (i=0; i<=inflationRadius_; i++) {
      cachedDistances[i] = new double[inflationRadius_+1];
      for (j=0; j<=i; j++) {
        cachedDistances[i][j] = sqrt (pow(i, 2) + pow(j, 2));
        cachedDistances[j][i] = cachedDistances[i][j];

    // Allocate memory for a kernel matrix to be used for map updates aruond the robot
    kernelData_ = new unsigned char[kernelWidth_ * kernelWidth_];


    // For the first pass, just clean up the data and get the set of original obstacles.
    std::vector<unsigned int> updates;
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<width_;i++){
      for (unsigned int j=0;j<height_;j++){
        unsigned int ind = MC_IND(i, j);
        costData_[ind] = data[ind];

        // If the source value is greater than the threshold but less than the NO_INFORMATION LIMIT
        // then set it to the threshold. 
	// Workaround for miletone 1. We treat no information as a lethal obstacle.
        if (/*costData_[ind] != NO_INFORMATION &&  */costData_[ind] >= threshold)
          costData_[ind] = LETHAL_OBSTACLE;

        // Lethal obstacles will have to be inflated. We take the approach that they will all be treated initially
        // as dynamic obstacles, and will be faded out as such, but
        if(costData_[ind] >= LETHAL_OBSTACLE){
          enqueue(ind, i, j);

    // Now propagate the costs derived from static data

    // Instantiate static data
    memcpy(staticData_, costData_, width_ * height_);
  Costmap2D::Costmap2D(unsigned int cells_size_x, unsigned int cells_size_y, 
      double resolution, double origin_x, double origin_y, double inscribed_radius,
      double circumscribed_radius, double inflation_radius, double max_obstacle_range,
      double max_obstacle_height, double max_raytrace_range, double weight,
      const std::vector<unsigned char>& static_data, unsigned char lethal_threshold, bool track_unknown_space, unsigned char unknown_cost_value) : size_x_(cells_size_x),
  size_y_(cells_size_y), resolution_(resolution), origin_x_(origin_x), origin_y_(origin_y), static_map_(NULL),
  costmap_(NULL), markers_(NULL), max_obstacle_range_(max_obstacle_range), 
  max_obstacle_height_(max_obstacle_height), max_raytrace_range_(max_raytrace_range), cached_costs_(NULL), cached_distances_(NULL), 
  inscribed_radius_(inscribed_radius), circumscribed_radius_(circumscribed_radius), inflation_radius_(inflation_radius),
  weight_(weight), lethal_threshold_(lethal_threshold), track_unknown_space_(track_unknown_space), unknown_cost_value_(unknown_cost_value), inflation_queue_(){
    //creat the costmap, static_map, and markers
    costmap_ = new unsigned char[size_x_ * size_y_];
    static_map_ = new unsigned char[size_x_ * size_y_];
    markers_ = new unsigned char[size_x_ * size_y_];
    memset(markers_, 0, size_x_ * size_y_ * sizeof(unsigned char));

    //convert our inflations from world to cell distance
    cell_inscribed_radius_ = cellDistance(inscribed_radius);
    cell_circumscribed_radius_ = cellDistance(circumscribed_radius);
    cell_inflation_radius_ = cellDistance(inflation_radius);

    //set the cost for the circumscribed radius of the robot
    circumscribed_cost_lb_ = computeCost(cell_circumscribed_radius_);

    //based on the inflation radius... compute distance and cost caches
    cached_costs_ = new unsigned char*[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
    cached_distances_ = new double*[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++i){
      cached_costs_[i] = new unsigned char[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
      cached_distances_[i] = new double[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
      for(unsigned int j = 0; j <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++j){
        cached_distances_[i][j] = sqrt(i*i + j*j);
        cached_costs_[i][j] = computeCost(cached_distances_[i][j]);

      ROS_ASSERT_MSG(size_x_ * size_y_ == static_data.size(), "If you want to initialize a costmap with static data, their sizes must match.");

      //make sure the inflation queue is empty at the beginning of the cycle (should always be true)
      ROS_ASSERT_MSG(inflation_queue_.empty(), "The inflation queue must be empty at the beginning of inflation");

      unsigned int index = 0;
      unsigned char* costmap_index = costmap_;
      std::vector<unsigned char>::const_iterator static_data_index =  static_data.begin();

      //initialize the costmap with static data
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_y_; ++i){
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < size_x_; ++j){
          //check if the static value is above the unknown or lethal thresholds
          if(track_unknown_space_ && unknown_cost_value_ > 0 && *static_data_index == unknown_cost_value_)
            *costmap_index = NO_INFORMATION;
          else if(*static_data_index >= lethal_threshold_)
            *costmap_index = LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
            *costmap_index = FREE_SPACE;

          if(*costmap_index == LETHAL_OBSTACLE){
            unsigned int mx, my;
            indexToCells(index, mx, my);
            enqueue(index, mx, my, mx, my, inflation_queue_);


      //now... let's inflate the obstacles

      //we also want to keep a copy of the current costmap as the static map
      memcpy(static_map_, costmap_, size_x_ * size_y_ * sizeof(unsigned char));
      //everything is unknown initially if we don't have a static map unless we aren't tracking unkown space in which case it is free
Ejemplo n.º 28
void planPath(std::vector<Matrix<P_DIM> > l, beliefPenaltyMPC_params& problem, beliefPenaltyMPC_output& output, beliefPenaltyMPC_info& info, std::ofstream& f) {

	util::Timer solveTimer, trajTimer;
	double totalSolveTime = 0, trajTime = 0;

	double totalTrajCost = 0;

	std::vector<Matrix<B_DIM> > B_total(T*NUM_WAYPOINTS);
	std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > U_total((T-1)*NUM_WAYPOINTS);

	std::vector<Matrix<B_DIM> > B(T);

	Matrix<U_DIM> uinit;

	Matrix<X_DIM,1> xtmp;
	Matrix<X_DIM,X_DIM> stmp;
	for(int i=0; i < NUM_WAYPOINTS; ++i) {
		LOG_INFO("Going to waypoint %d",i);
		// goal is waypoint position + direct angle + landmarks
		xGoal.insert(0, 0, waypoints[i]);

		// want to be facing the next waypoint
		if (i < NUM_WAYPOINTS - 1) {
			xGoal[2] = atan2(waypoints[i+1][1] - waypoints[i][1], waypoints[i+1][0] - waypoints[i][0]);
		} else {
			xGoal[2] = atan2(xGoal[1] - x0[1], xGoal[0] - x0[0]);

		xGoal.insert(C_DIM, 0, x0.subMatrix<L_DIM,1>(C_DIM,0));


		std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > U(T-1);
		bool initTrajSuccess = initTraj(x0.subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0), xGoal.subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0), U, T);
		if (!initTrajSuccess) {
			LOG_ERROR("Failed to initialize trajectory, continuing anyways");

		double initTrajTime = util::Timer_toc(&trajTimer);
		trajTime += initTrajTime;

		vec(x0, SqrtSigma0, B[0]);
		for(int t=0; t < T-1; ++t) {
			B[t+1] = beliefDynamics(B[t], U[t]);

		//pythonDisplayTrajectory(B, U, waypoints, landmarks, T, false);

		//double initTrajCost = computeCost(B, U);
		//LOG_INFO("Initial trajectory cost: %4.10f", initTrajCost);


		double cost = 0;
		int iter = 0;
		while(true) {
			try {
				cost = beliefPenaltyCollocation(B, U, problem, output, info);
			catch (forces_exception &e) {
				if (iter > 3) {
					LOG_ERROR("Tried too many times, giving up");
					pythonDisplayTrajectory(U, T, false);
					logDataToFile(f, B_total, INFTY, INFTY, 1);
				LOG_ERROR("Forces exception, trying again");

		double solvetime = util::Timer_toc(&solveTimer);
		totalSolveTime += solvetime;

		vec(x0, SqrtSigma0, B[0]);
		for (int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
			B[t+1] = beliefDynamics(B[t], U[t]);
			unVec(B[t+1], xtmp, stmp);

		for (int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
			B_total[t+T*i] = B[t];
			U_total[t+(T-1)*i] = U[t];
		B_total[T-1+T*i] = B[T-1];

		totalTrajCost += computeCost(B,U);

//		LOG_INFO("Initial cost: %4.10f", initTrajCost);
//		LOG_INFO("Optimized cost: %4.10f", cost);
//		LOG_INFO("Actual cost: %4.10f", computeCost(B,U));
//		LOG_INFO("Solve time: %5.3f ms", solvetime*1000);

		//pythonDisplayTrajectory(B, U, waypoints, landmarks, T, true);

		unVec(B[T-1], x0, SqrtSigma0);


	LOG_INFO("Total trajectory cost: %4.10f", totalTrajCost);
	LOG_INFO("Total trajectory solve time: %5.3f ms", trajTime*1000);
	LOG_INFO("Total solve time: %5.3f ms", totalSolveTime*1000);

	logDataToFile(f, B_total, totalSolveTime*1000, trajTime*1000, 0);

	pythonDisplayTrajectory(B_total, U_total, waypoints, landmarks, T*NUM_WAYPOINTS, false);
Ejemplo n.º 29
void ParallellizeByCubes3D::parallelize(){
    // we must have the same number of blocks as processors
    PLB_PRECONDITION(xTiles*yTiles*zTiles == processorNumber);
    plint totalCost = computeCost(originalBlocks, finestBoundingBox);
    plint idealCostPerProcessor = totalCost/processorNumber;
    pcout << "Total cost of computations = " << totalCost << std::endl;
    pcout << "We are using " << processorNumber << " processors...\n";
    pcout << "Ideal cost per processor = " << idealCostPerProcessor << std::endl;
    std::vector<plint> totalCosts(processorNumber);
    // greedy load balancing part
//     plint currentProcessor = 0;
//     bool allAssigned = false;
//     plint iBlock = 0;
//     plint maxBlockCost = 0;
//     while ( (currentProcessor<processorNumber) && !allAssigned) {
//         plint blockCost = computeCost(originalBlocks, finestDivision[iBlock]);
//         if (blockCost > maxBlockCost) maxBlockCost = blockCost;
//         if ( totalCosts[currentProcessor] < idealCostPerProcessor ){
//             totalCosts[currentProcessor] += blockCost;
//             mpiDistribution[iBlock] = currentProcessor;
//             ++iBlock;
//         }
//         else {
//             currentProcessor++;
//         }
//         if (iBlock>=(plint)finestDivision.size()){
//             allAssigned = true;
//         }
//     } 
//     if (maxBlockCost > idealCostPerProcessor){
//         pcout << "There is a problem : maxBlockCost=" << maxBlockCost << " and ideal cost=" << idealCostPerProcessor
//               << std::endl;
//     }
    plint total = 0;
    for (plint iProc=0; iProc<processorNumber; ++iProc){
        plint blockCost = computeCost(originalBlocks,finestDivision[iProc]);
        totalCosts[iProc] += blockCost;
        mpiDistribution[iProc] = iProc;
        total += blockCost;
    pcout << "---- Costs Per Processor ----\n";
    for (pluint i=0; i<totalCosts.size(); ++i){
        pcout << i << " : " << totalCosts[i] << std::endl;
        // check if everyone is doing something
        if (totalCosts[i] == 0){
            pcout << "\t >> processor " << i << " does not have work to do. Exiting.....\n";
    pcout << "*******************************\n";
    pcout << "Sum of all costs = " << total << std::endl;
    pcout << "*******************************\n";
    // convert the original blocks to the new blocks
    plint finestLevel= (plint)originalBlocks.size()-1;
    for (plint iLevel=finestLevel; iLevel>=0; --iLevel) {
        parallelizeLevel(iLevel, originalBlocks,finestDivision, mpiDistribution);
        // Adapt the regions to the next-coarser level.
        for (pluint iRegion=0; iRegion<finestDivision.size(); ++iRegion) {
            finestDivision[iRegion] = finestDivision[iRegion].divideAndFitSmaller(2);
Ejemplo n.º 30
void MockStrategy::performNormalComputeCost() {