Ejemplo n.º 1
void CGeneticSystem::stepGeneration(){
	std::vector<CChromo> newPopulation(m_populationSize*2);
	for(int i = 0; i < m_populationSize*2; i++)
		CChromo p(m_noCitys , m_distMatrix);
		newPopulation[i] = p;
    int newPopulationSize = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < m_populationSize; i++)
	  for(int j = 0; j < m_noCitys; j++)
			int test = m_ChromoPopulation[i].getGene(j);
            newPopulation[i].setGene(j,test );
    while(newPopulationSize < 2*m_populationSize)
        int idx1 =0; //tournamentSelection();
		int idx2 =0; //tournamentSelection();
		while(idx1 == idx2)
			idx2= tournamentSelection();
			idx1= tournamentSelection();
		CChromo &pfather=m_ChromoPopulation[idx2];
		CChromo &pMother=m_ChromoPopulation[idx1];
        CChromo p_offspring1(m_noCitys,m_distMatrix) , p_offspring2(m_noCitys,m_distMatrix);
		pMother.crossover(&pfather, &p_offspring1, &p_offspring2);
		newPopulation[newPopulationSize] = p_offspring1;
		if(newPopulationSize >= newPopulation.size())
        newPopulation[newPopulationSize] = p_offspring2;

    SortPopulation(newPopulation , true);  //ass
    for(int i = 0; i < m_populationSize-2; i++) //keep last best
		m_ChromoPopulation[i] = newPopulation[i];
    SortPopulation(m_ChromoPopulation , true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CGeneticSystem::stepGeneration2()
	std::vector<CChromo> newPopulation(m_populationSize*2);
	for(int i = 0; i < m_populationSize*2; i++)
		CChromo p(m_noCitys , m_distMatrix);
		newPopulation[i] = p;

	int newPopulationSize = 0;
	SortPopulation(m_ChromoPopulation , false);

	for(int i = 0; i < m_populationSize; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < m_noCitys; j++)
			int test = m_ChromoPopulation[i].getGene(j);
			newPopulation[i].setGene(j,test );

	while (newPopulationSize < 2*m_populationSize) 
		int idx1 = tournamentSelection();
		int idx2 = tournamentSelection();
		CChromo offspring = m_ChromoPopulation[idx1].CrossOver2(&m_ChromoPopulation[idx2]);
		newPopulation[newPopulationSize] = offspring;
	SortPopulation(newPopulation , true);
	for(int i = 0; i < m_populationSize; i++)
		m_ChromoPopulation[i] = newPopulation[i];
void improveGlobalPopulation(int * initialPopulation , int startRow , int offSpringCount , unsigned int **dMat){
	int i , k;
	double dadFitness, tourFitness;

	struct timeval globalTime;
	/* Use two most fittest solution to generate children */
	int * dad = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * NUM_CITIES);
	int * mom = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * NUM_CITIES);

	/* Temporary Structures */
	int ** firstPath, ** secondPath;

	char ch = 'u';

	firstPath = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *) * (NUM_CITIES + 1));
	secondPath = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *) * (NUM_CITIES + 1));

	int * globalPopPool = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * NUM_CITIES);
	char * status = (char * )malloc(sizeof(char) * (NUM_CITIES + 1));

	int curLoc , flag, offset , pos , temp , buf;
	unsigned int distanceMin ;

	for (i = 0 ; i <= NUM_CITIES ; i++){
		firstPath[i] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);
		firstPath[i][0] = firstPath[0][1] = -1;

		secondPath[i] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);
		secondPath[i][0] = secondPath[i][1] = -1;
	/* Make temporary copy of most fit solutions */
	memcpy(dad , &initialPopulation[startRow * NUM_CITIES] , NUM_CITIES * sizeof(int)) ;
	memcpy(mom , &initialPopulation[(startRow  + 1 ) * NUM_CITIES] , NUM_CITIES * sizeof(int)) ;	

	CheckValidity(dad , "Dad");
	CheckValidity(mom , "Mom");

	dadFitness = computeFitness(dad , dMat);
//	printf("Dad");		printTour(dad); 	printf("\t");		
	gettimeofday(&globalTime, 0);	printf("Dad Fitness : %0.2lf , Global Time %ld\n  " , dadFitness, globalTime.tv_usec);
//	printf("Mom");		printTour(mom);		printf("\t");		
	gettimeofday(&globalTime, 0);	printf("Mom Fitness : %0.2lf , Global Time %ld\n  " , computeFitness(mom , dMat), globalTime.tv_usec);

	/* Special cases */	
	firstPath[dad[0]][1] = -1;
	secondPath[mom[0]][1] = -1;
	firstPath[dad[0]][0] = dad[1];
	secondPath[mom[0]][0] = mom[1];

	firstPath[dad[NUM_CITIES - 1]][0] = -1;
	secondPath[mom[NUM_CITIES - 1]][0] = -1;
	firstPath[dad[NUM_CITIES - 1]][1] = dad[NUM_CITIES - 2];
	secondPath[mom[NUM_CITIES - 1]][1] = mom[NUM_CITIES - 2];

	for (i = 1 ; i < NUM_CITIES - 1 ; i++){
		firstPath[dad[i]][0] = dad[i+1];
		secondPath[mom[i]][0] = mom[i+1];
		firstPath[dad[i]][1] = dad[i-1];
		secondPath[mom[i]][1] = mom[i-1];

	for (i = 1 ; i <= NUM_CITIES ; i++){
		printf("\n\t%d)\t%d %d \t\t%d %d", i , firstPath[i][0] , firstPath[i][1]  ,secondPath[i][0] , secondPath[i][1]);
	} */
	curLoc = 0;
	flag = 0;

	for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_CITIES ; i++)
		if ( ( firstPath[dad[i]][0] != -1) && 
		     ((firstPath[dad[i]][0] == secondPath[dad[i]][0]) || (firstPath[dad[i]][0] == secondPath[dad[i]][1])) )	
			if (!flag){
				globalPopPool[curLoc++] = dad[i];
				flag = 1;
			globalPopPool[curLoc++] = dad[i];
			flag = 0;

	for (i = 0 ; i < offSpringCount ; i++) {
		/* To optimize */
		for (k = 0 ; k <= NUM_CITIES ; k++)
			status[k] = 'u';

		initialPopulation[(startRow + i) * NUM_CITIES] = globalPopPool[rand_int(curLoc)];
		offset = 1;
		temp = initialPopulation[(startRow + i) * NUM_CITIES] ;
		status[temp] = 'v';
		while(offset < NUM_CITIES) {	
		        if ( (firstPath[temp][0] != -1 ) && 
			     (status[firstPath[temp][0]] == 'u') && 
			     (( firstPath[temp][0] == secondPath[temp][0]) || (firstPath[temp][0] == secondPath[temp][1]) ))
                                initialPopulation[(startRow + i) * NUM_CITIES + offset] = firstPath[temp][0]; 
				temp = firstPath[temp][0];
				status[temp] = 'v';
				/* find nearest element from current city */
				distanceMin = INT_MAX;
				pos = 0;
				for ( k = 0 ; k < curLoc ; k++ ) {
					buf = dMat[temp-1][globalPopPool[k]-1];
					if(status[globalPopPool[k]] == 'u' && buf < distanceMin) {
						distanceMin = buf;
						pos = k;
				initialPopulation[(startRow + i) * NUM_CITIES + offset] = globalPopPool[pos];
				temp = globalPopPool[pos];
				status[temp] = 'v';
			offset += 1;
		/******************************************** Tour Statistics *******************************/
		CheckValidity(&initialPopulation[(startRow + i) * NUM_CITIES] , "New population Generation");
		tourFitness = computeFitness(&initialPopulation[(startRow + i) * NUM_CITIES] , dMat);
		if (tourFitness < dadFitness){
			memcpy(&initialPopulation[(startRow + i) * NUM_CITIES] , dad , NUM_CITIES * sizeof(int));
			//printf("\nTour %d : " , i);		
			//tourFitness = computeFitness(&initialPopulation[(startRow + i) * NUM_CITIES] , dMat);
//			printTour(&initialPopulation[(startRow + i) * NUM_CITIES]);
			//gettimeofday( &globalTime, 0 );	
			//printf("\n\tFitness : %0.2lf , Global Time Improved Fitness %ld  " , tourFitness, globalTime.tv_usec);
		//else /* Reject this new tour because it is less fitter than the parent */
		//	i--;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
	#pragma mark Configuration
	const int generation_size = 40;
	const int generation_count = 10000;
	const float mutation = 0.1;
	const int time_total = 60000; // should be the same as in kernel.cl


	#pragma mark Allocate standard memory
	int * c_position = (int *) malloc(generation_size * sizeof(int));
	int * c_velocity = (int *) malloc(generation_size * sizeof(int));
	int * p_angle = (int *) malloc(generation_size * sizeof(int));
	int * p_velocity = (int *) malloc(generation_size * sizeof(int));
	int * fitness = (int *) malloc(generation_size * sizeof(int));
	int fitness_sum = 0;
	int best_key = 0;

	int * next_c_position = (int *) malloc(generation_size * sizeof(int));
	int * next_c_velocity = (int *) malloc(generation_size * sizeof(int));
	int * next_p_angle = (int *) malloc(generation_size * sizeof(int));
	int * next_p_velocity = (int *) malloc(generation_size * sizeof(int));

	#pragma mark Generate first generation
	for (int i = 0; i < generation_size; i++) {
		int sign = rand() % 2 == 1 ? 1 : -1;
		next_c_position[i] = sign * rand() % 1000;
		next_c_velocity[i] = sign * rand() % 1000;
		next_p_angle[i] = sign * rand() % 1000;
		next_p_velocity[i] = sign * rand() % 1000;
		// fitness[i] = 0;

	#pragma mark Genetical algorithm
	int n;
	int last_sum = 0;
	for (n = 0; n < generation_count; n++) {
		c_position = next_c_position;
		c_velocity = next_c_velocity;
		p_angle = next_p_angle;
		p_velocity = next_p_velocity;

		fitness_sum = 0;
		best_key = 0;

		computeFitness(c_position, c_velocity, p_angle, p_velocity, fitness, generation_size);

		// prevent computing generation in the last cycle
		if (n == generation_count - 1) break;

		int fitness_max = 0;
		// TODO: allocate it only once
		int * border = (int *) malloc(generation_size * sizeof(int));
		for (int i = 0; i < generation_size; i++) {
			fitness_sum += fitness[i];
			if (fitness[i] > fitness_max) {
				fitness_max = fitness[i];
				best_key = i;

			if (i == 0) {
				border[i] = fitness[i];
			} else {
				border[i] = border[i - 1] + fitness[i];
		// break if best solution is already found
		if (fitness_max >= time_total) break;

		//printf("gen[%d] best_fitness = \t%d\t[%d]\t%s\n", n, fitness_max, fitness_sum, last_sum < fitness_sum ? "up" : "FALLS");
		last_sum = fitness_sum;
		// Elite - always copy the best one
		next_c_position[0] = c_position[best_key];
		next_c_velocity[0] = c_velocity[best_key];
		next_p_angle[0] = p_angle[best_key];
		next_p_velocity[0] = p_velocity[best_key];

		for (int k = 1; k < generation_size; k++) {			
			int key_parent_1 = 0;
			int key_parent_2 = 0;

			// Get weighted entity (roulette wheel implementation)
			int roll = rand() % fitness_sum;
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < generation_size; i++) {
				if (roll < border[i]) {
			key_parent_1 = i;

			roll = rand() % fitness_sum;
			for (i = 0; i < generation_size; i++) {
				if (roll < border[i]) {
			key_parent_2 = i;

			printf("%d\t", c_position[k]);

			// Prepare next generation as combination of two parens, with mutation
			next_c_position[k] = c_position[key_parent_1] + mutation * (rand() % 2 == 1 ? 1 : -1) * (rand() % (c_position[key_parent_1] == 0 ? 1 : c_position[key_parent_1]));
			next_c_velocity[k] = c_velocity[key_parent_1] + mutation * (rand() % 2 == 1 ? 1 : -1) * (rand() % (c_velocity[key_parent_1] == 0 ? 1 : c_velocity[key_parent_1]));
			next_p_angle[k] = p_angle[key_parent_2] + mutation * (rand() % 2 == 1 ? 1 : -1) * (rand() % (p_angle[key_parent_2] == 0 ? 1 : p_angle[key_parent_2]));
			next_p_velocity[k] = p_velocity[key_parent_2] + mutation * (rand() % 2 == 1 ? 1 : -1) * (rand() % (p_velocity[key_parent_2] == 0 ? 1 : p_velocity[key_parent_2]));
	printf("Solution:\n\tfitness = %d\n\tc1 = %d\n\tc2 = %d\n\tc3 = %d\n\tc4 = %d\n", fitness[best_key], c_position[best_key], c_velocity[best_key], p_angle[best_key], p_velocity[best_key]);

	return 0; // comment to run tests

	#pragma mark -
	#pragma mark Debug
	printf("\nENTERING DEBUG SCOPE:\n\n");
	initiated = 0; // so the context is new

	#pragma mark - GPU test
	printf("GPU fitness again:\n");
	int k = generation_size;
	int * test_c_position = (int *) malloc(k * sizeof(int));
	int * test_c_velocity = (int *) malloc(k * sizeof(int));
	int * test_p_angle = (int *) malloc(k * sizeof(int));
	int * test_p_velocity = (int *) malloc(k * sizeof(int));
	int * test_fitness = (int *) malloc(k * sizeof(int));	
	for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
		test_c_position[i] = c_position[best_key];
		test_c_velocity[i] = c_velocity[best_key];
		test_p_angle[i] = p_angle[best_key];
		test_p_velocity[i] = p_velocity[best_key];
	computeFitness(test_c_position, test_c_velocity, test_p_angle, test_p_velocity, test_fitness, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
		printf("Test Solution:\n\tfitness = %d\n\tc1 = %d\n\tc2 = %d\n\tc3 = %d\n\tc4 = %d\n", test_fitness[i], test_c_position[i], test_c_velocity[i], test_p_angle[i], test_p_velocity[i]);
		break; // since all the results are the same

	#pragma mark - CPU test and Visualization
	printf("CPU fitness:\n");
	char command[254];
	FILE *fp;
	char output[254];

	// link this to to the Visualization binary
	sprintf(command, "/Volumes/Data/Projects/PoleBalanceGPU/Visualization/build/Debug/Visualization %d %d %d %d", c_position[best_key], c_velocity[best_key], p_angle[best_key], p_velocity[best_key]);	
	fp = popen(command, "r");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf("Failed to run command\n" );
	while (fgets(output, sizeof(output), fp) != NULL) {
		printf("\t%s", output);
	int cpu_fitness = atoi(output);

	// this might fail from time to time since CPU and GPU round implementation differs
	assert(fitness[best_key] == test_fitness[0] && fitness[best_key] == cpu_fitness);
	return 0;