Ejemplo n.º 1
Matrix4d MinEnFilter::iterate(MatrixXd& XY, VectorXd& Depth, MatrixXd& Flow) {
	cout << "Iterate: " << iteration << endl;
	iteration ++;
	LieAlgebra grad, KE;
	MatrixXd Hessian, KP;
	// get and check dimensions
	nPoints = XY.rows();
	if (nPoints!= Depth.rows()) {
		cerr << "Dimensions of XY do not coincide with Dimensions of Depth." << endl;
	if (nPoints!= Flow.rows()) {
		cerr << "Dimensions of XY do not coincide with Dimensions of Flow." << endl;
	MatrixXd XYZ_inhom  = inhomCoordinates(XY, false);		// inhomogenous Coordinatestes
	MatrixXd Flow_inhom = inhomCoordinates(Flow, true);		// inhomogenous (relative) flow
	MatrixXd Disps_inhom = XYZ_inhom + Flow_inhom;			// inhomogenous Disparities
	MatrixXd temp(nPoints, 4);
	temp << XYZ_inhom, Depth.cwiseInverse();
	MatrixXd Gk = (Depth*MatrixXd::Ones(1,4)).cwiseProduct(temp);

	// compute Gradient of Hamiltonian
	grad = computeGradient(currG , Gk, Disps_inhom);
	// compute Hessian of Hamiltonian
	Hessian = computeHessian(Gk, Disps_inhom);

	// Numerical integration of state and second order information
	for (size_t i = 0; i < numSteps; i++ ){
		KE = integrateGImplicit(grad, Gk, Disps_inhom);
		currG = currG * KE.exp_g();
		KP = integratePExplicit(grad ,Hessian);
		currP = currP + delta * KP;
	return currG.E;
Ejemplo n.º 2
template<typename PointSource, typename PointTarget> double
pcl::NormalDistributionsTransform<PointSource, PointTarget>::computeStepLengthMT (const Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> &x, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> &step_dir, double step_init, double step_max,
                                                                                  double step_min, double &score, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> &score_gradient, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> &hessian,
                                                                                  PointCloudSource &trans_cloud)
  // Set the value of phi(0), Equation 1.3 [More, Thuente 1994]
  double phi_0 = -score;
  // Set the value of phi'(0), Equation 1.3 [More, Thuente 1994]
  double d_phi_0 = -(score_gradient.dot (step_dir));

  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>  x_t;

  if (d_phi_0 >= 0)
    // Not a decent direction
    if (d_phi_0 == 0)
      return 0;
      // Reverse step direction and calculate optimal step.
      d_phi_0 *= -1;
      step_dir *= -1;


  // The Search Algorithm for T(mu) [More, Thuente 1994]

  int max_step_iterations = 10;
  int step_iterations = 0;

  // Sufficient decreace constant, Equation 1.1 [More, Thuete 1994]
  double mu = 1.e-4;
  // Curvature condition constant, Equation 1.2 [More, Thuete 1994]
  double nu = 0.9;

  // Initial endpoints of Interval I,
  double a_l = 0, a_u = 0;

  // Auxiliary function psi is used until I is determined ot be a closed interval, Equation 2.1 [More, Thuente 1994]
  double f_l = auxilaryFunction_PsiMT (a_l, phi_0, phi_0, d_phi_0, mu);
  double g_l = auxilaryFunction_dPsiMT (d_phi_0, d_phi_0, mu);

  double f_u = auxilaryFunction_PsiMT (a_u, phi_0, phi_0, d_phi_0, mu);
  double g_u = auxilaryFunction_dPsiMT (d_phi_0, d_phi_0, mu);

  // Check used to allow More-Thuente step length calculation to be skipped by making step_min == step_max
  bool interval_converged = (step_max - step_min) > 0, open_interval = true;

  double a_t = step_init;
  a_t = std::min (a_t, step_max);
  a_t = std::max (a_t, step_min);

  x_t = x + step_dir * a_t;

  final_transformation_ = (Eigen::Translation<float, 3>(static_cast<float> (x_t (0)), static_cast<float> (x_t (1)), static_cast<float> (x_t (2))) *
                           Eigen::AngleAxis<float> (static_cast<float> (x_t (3)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ()) *
                           Eigen::AngleAxis<float> (static_cast<float> (x_t (4)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY ()) *
                           Eigen::AngleAxis<float> (static_cast<float> (x_t (5)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ ())).matrix ();

  // New transformed point cloud
  transformPointCloud (*input_, trans_cloud, final_transformation_);

  // Updates score, gradient and hessian.  Hessian calculation is unessisary but testing showed that most step calculations use the
  // initial step suggestion and recalculation the reusable portions of the hessian would intail more computation time.
  score = computeDerivatives (score_gradient, hessian, trans_cloud, x_t, true);

  // Calculate phi(alpha_t)
  double phi_t = -score;
  // Calculate phi'(alpha_t)
  double d_phi_t = -(score_gradient.dot (step_dir));

  // Calculate psi(alpha_t)
  double psi_t = auxilaryFunction_PsiMT (a_t, phi_t, phi_0, d_phi_0, mu);
  // Calculate psi'(alpha_t)
  double d_psi_t = auxilaryFunction_dPsiMT (d_phi_t, d_phi_0, mu);

  // Iterate until max number of iterations, interval convergance or a value satisfies the sufficient decrease, Equation 1.1, and curvature condition, Equation 1.2 [More, Thuente 1994]
  while (!interval_converged && step_iterations < max_step_iterations && !(psi_t <= 0 /*Sufficient Decrease*/ && d_phi_t <= -nu * d_phi_0 /*Curvature Condition*/))
    // Use auxilary function if interval I is not closed
    if (open_interval)
      a_t = trialValueSelectionMT (a_l, f_l, g_l,
                                   a_u, f_u, g_u,
                                   a_t, psi_t, d_psi_t);
      a_t = trialValueSelectionMT (a_l, f_l, g_l,
                                   a_u, f_u, g_u,
                                   a_t, phi_t, d_phi_t);

    a_t = std::min (a_t, step_max);
    a_t = std::max (a_t, step_min);

    x_t = x + step_dir * a_t;

    final_transformation_ = (Eigen::Translation<float, 3> (static_cast<float> (x_t (0)), static_cast<float> (x_t (1)), static_cast<float> (x_t (2))) *
                             Eigen::AngleAxis<float> (static_cast<float> (x_t (3)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ()) *
                             Eigen::AngleAxis<float> (static_cast<float> (x_t (4)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY ()) *
                             Eigen::AngleAxis<float> (static_cast<float> (x_t (5)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ ())).matrix ();

    // New transformed point cloud
    // Done on final cloud to prevent wasted computation
    transformPointCloud (*input_, trans_cloud, final_transformation_);

    // Updates score, gradient. Values stored to prevent wasted computation.
    score = computeDerivatives (score_gradient, hessian, trans_cloud, x_t, false);

    // Calculate phi(alpha_t+)
    phi_t = -score;
    // Calculate phi'(alpha_t+)
    d_phi_t = -(score_gradient.dot (step_dir));

    // Calculate psi(alpha_t+)
    psi_t = auxilaryFunction_PsiMT (a_t, phi_t, phi_0, d_phi_0, mu);
    // Calculate psi'(alpha_t+)
    d_psi_t = auxilaryFunction_dPsiMT (d_phi_t, d_phi_0, mu);

    // Check if I is now a closed interval
    if (open_interval && (psi_t <= 0 && d_psi_t >= 0))
      open_interval = false;

      // Converts f_l and g_l from psi to phi
      f_l = f_l + phi_0 - mu * d_phi_0 * a_l;
      g_l = g_l + mu * d_phi_0;

      // Converts f_u and g_u from psi to phi
      f_u = f_u + phi_0 - mu * d_phi_0 * a_u;
      g_u = g_u + mu * d_phi_0;

    if (open_interval)
      // Update interval end points using Updating Algorithm [More, Thuente 1994]
      interval_converged = updateIntervalMT (a_l, f_l, g_l,
                                             a_u, f_u, g_u,
                                             a_t, psi_t, d_psi_t);
      // Update interval end points using Modified Updating Algorithm [More, Thuente 1994]
      interval_converged = updateIntervalMT (a_l, f_l, g_l,
                                             a_u, f_u, g_u,
                                             a_t, phi_t, d_phi_t);


  // If inner loop was run then hessian needs to be calculated.
  // Hessian is unnessisary for step length determination but gradients are required
  // so derivative and transform data is stored for the next iteration.
  if (step_iterations)
    computeHessian (hessian, trans_cloud, x_t);

  return (a_t);