Ejemplo n.º 1
T* doPermute(T* pIn, const std::vector<int>& dimsVect)
    int iDims = pIn->getDims();
    int* piDimsArray = pIn->getDimsArray();
    int* piOffset = new int[iDims];
    int* piMaxOffset = new int[iDims];
    int* piIndex = new int[iDims]();

    computeOffsets(iDims, piDimsArray, dimsVect, piOffset, piMaxOffset);

    T* pOut = pIn->clone();

    for (int iSource = 0, iDest = 0; iSource < pIn->getSize(); iSource++)
        pOut->set(iDest, pIn->get(iSource));
        for (int j = 0; j < iDims; j++)
            iDest += piOffset[j];
            if (piIndex[j] < piDimsArray[j])

            iDest -= piMaxOffset[j];
            piIndex[j] = 0;

    delete[] piIndex;
    delete[] piOffset;
    delete[] piMaxOffset;

    return pOut;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PtexReader::readFaceData(FilePos pos, FaceDataHeader fdh, Res res, int levelid,
                              FaceData*& face)
    // keep new face local until fully initialized
    FaceData* volatile newface = 0;

    switch (fdh.encoding()) {
    case enc_constant:
        ConstantFace* pf = new ConstantFace((void**)&face, _cache, _pixelsize);
        readBlock(pf->data(), _pixelsize);
        if (levelid==0 && _premultiply && _header.hasAlpha())
            PtexUtils::multalpha(pf->data(), 1, _header.datatype,
                                 _header.nchannels, _header.alphachan);
        newface = pf;
    case enc_tiled:
        Res tileres;
        readBlock(&tileres, sizeof(tileres));
        uint32_t tileheadersize;
        readBlock(&tileheadersize, sizeof(tileheadersize));
        TiledFace* tf = new TiledFace((void**)&face, _cache, res, tileres, levelid, this);
        readZipBlock(&tf->_fdh[0], tileheadersize, FaceDataHeaderSize * tf->_ntiles);
        computeOffsets(tell(), tf->_ntiles, &tf->_fdh[0], &tf->_offsets[0]);
        newface = tf;
    case enc_zipped:
    case enc_diffzipped:
        int uw = res.u(), vw = res.v();
        int npixels = uw * vw;
        int unpackedSize = _pixelsize * npixels;
        PackedFace* pf = new PackedFace((void**)&face, _cache,
                                        res, _pixelsize, unpackedSize);
        bool useMalloc = unpackedSize > AllocaMax;
        void* tmp = useMalloc ? malloc(unpackedSize) : alloca(unpackedSize);
        readZipBlock(tmp, fdh.blocksize(), unpackedSize);
        if (fdh.encoding() == enc_diffzipped)
            PtexUtils::decodeDifference(tmp, unpackedSize, _header.datatype);
        PtexUtils::interleave(tmp, uw * DataSize(_header.datatype), uw, vw,
                              pf->data(), uw * _pixelsize,
                              _header.datatype, _header.nchannels);
        if (levelid==0 && _premultiply && _header.hasAlpha())
            PtexUtils::multalpha(pf->data(), npixels, _header.datatype,
                                 _header.nchannels, _header.alphachan);
        newface = pf;
        if (useMalloc) free(tmp);

    face = newface;
Ejemplo n.º 3
OffsetPointGenerator::extractPoints(const LineString* line)
	const CoordinateSequence& pts = *(line->getCoordinatesRO());
	assert(pts.size() > 1 );

	for (size_t i=0, n=pts.size()-1; i<n; ++i)
		computeOffsets(pts[i], pts[i + 1]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
esvmArr2_f *convolve2D(float im[], const int irows, const int icols, float kern[], const int krows, const int kcols)
	esvmArr2_f *output = (esvmArr2_f *)esvmMalloc(sizeof(esvmArr2_f));
	output->arr = (float *)esvmCalloc(irows*icols,sizeof(float));
	int *offset = (int *)esvmMalloc(krows*kcols*sizeof(int));

	ispc::convolve2D(im, irows, icols, kern, krows, kcols,(ispc::esvmArr2_f *)output,offset);
	return output;	
Ejemplo n.º 5
EBStenVarCoef(const Vector<VolIndex>& a_srcVofs,
              const BaseIVFAB<VoFStencil>& a_vofStencil,
              const Box& a_box,
              const EBISBox& a_ebisBox,
              const IntVect& a_ghostVect,
              int a_varDest)
  : m_box(       a_box       ),
    m_ebisBox(   a_ebisBox   ),
    m_ghostVect( a_ghostVect ),
    m_destVar(   a_varDest   )
  computeOffsets(a_srcVofs, a_vofStencil);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void PtexReader::readLevel(int levelid, Level*& level)
    // temporarily release cache lock so other threads can proceed

    // get read lock and make sure we still need to read
    AutoMutex locker(readlock);
    if (level) {
        // another thread must have read it while we were waiting
        // make sure it's still there now that we have the lock
        if (level) {

    // go ahead and read the level
    LevelInfo& l = _levelinfo[levelid];

    // keep new level local until finished
    Level* volatile newlevel = new Level((void**)&level, _cache, l.nfaces);
    readZipBlock(&newlevel->fdh[0], l.levelheadersize, FaceDataHeaderSize * l.nfaces);
    computeOffsets(tell(), l.nfaces, &newlevel->fdh[0], &newlevel->offsets[0]);

    // apply edits (if any) to level 0
    if (levelid == 0) {
        for (size_t i = 0, size = _faceedits.size(); i < size; i++) {
            FaceEdit& e = _faceedits[i];
            newlevel->fdh[e.faceid] = e.fdh;
            newlevel->offsets[e.faceid] = e.pos;

    // don't assign to result until level data is fully initialized
    level = newlevel;

    // clean up unused data
Ejemplo n.º 7
esvmArr2_f *convolvePyramids(const esvmHogPyr *feats, const esvmHogPyr *whogs, const bool enablePadding,const int userTasks)
	esvmArr2_i *offsets = (esvmArr2_i *)esvmMalloc(sizeof(esvmArr2_i)*feats->num*whogs->num);
	esvmArr2_f *outputs = (esvmArr2_f *)esvmMalloc(sizeof(esvmArr2_f)*feats->num*whogs->num);

#pragma omp parallel for	
	for(int i=0;i<feats->num;i++) {
		for(int j=0;j<whogs->num;j++) {

			const int frows = feats->hogs[i]->rows;
			const int fcols = feats->hogs[i]->cols;
			const int fbins = feats->hogs[i]->bins;

			const int wrows = whogs->hogs[j]->rows;
			const int wcols = whogs->hogs[j]->cols;

			offsets[i*whogs->num+j].arr = (int *)esvmMalloc(wrows*wcols*sizeof(int));
			offsets[i*whogs->num+j].rows = wrows;
			offsets[i*whogs->num+j].cols = wcols;
			outputs[i*whogs->num+j].arr = (float *)esvmMalloc(frows*fcols*fbins*sizeof(float));
			outputs[i*whogs->num+j].rows = frows;
			outputs[i*whogs->num+j].cols = fcols;

	ispc::convolvePyramids((ispc::esvmHogPyr *)feats,(ispc::esvmHogPyr *)whogs,(ispc::esvmArr2_i *)offsets,enablePadding,(ispc::esvmArr2_f *)outputs,userTasks);

	if(__unlikely(enablePadding==true)) {

#pragma omp parallel for	
		for(int i=0;i<feats->num;i++) {
			for(int j=0;j<whogs->num;j++) {

				const int frows = feats->hogs[i]->rows;
				const int fcols = feats->hogs[i]->cols;
				outputs[i*whogs->num+j].arr = (float *)realloc((void *)outputs[i*whogs->num+j].arr,frows*fcols*sizeof(float));
	else {
#pragma omp parallel for	
		for(int i=0;i<feats->num;i++) {
			for(int j=0;j<whogs->num;j++) {

				const int frows = feats->hogs[i]->rows;
				const int fcols = feats->hogs[i]->cols;
				const int wrows = whogs->hogs[j]->rows;
				const int wcols = whogs->hogs[j]->cols;
				const int apronRows = (wrows/2);
				const int apronCols = (wcols/2);
				const int rowEnd = frows-apronRows+(1^(wrows&1));
				const int colEnd = fcols - apronCols+(1^(wcols&1));
				const int urows = rowEnd-apronRows;
				const int ucols = colEnd-apronCols;
				float *uout = (float *)esvmMalloc(urows*ucols*sizeof(float));
				float *output = outputs[i*whogs->num+j].arr;
				for(int ii=0;ii<urows;ii++) {
					float *tmp = uout+ii*ucols;
					float *tmpout = output+(ii+apronRows)*fcols+apronCols;
					for(int jj=0;jj<ucols;jj++) {
						(*tmp++) = (*tmpout++);

				outputs[i*whogs->num+j].arr = uout;
				outputs[i*whogs->num+j].rows = urows;
				outputs[i*whogs->num+j].cols = ucols;


	return outputs;

Ejemplo n.º 8
esvmArr2_f *ompConvolve3D(const esvmHog *feat, const esvmHog *whog, const bool enablePadding, const int userTasks)
	if(__unlikely(feat==NULL||whog==NULL)) {
		fprintf(stderr,"convolve3D:: got NULL features or NULL weights\n");
		return NULL;

	const int frows = feat->rows;
	const int fcols = feat->cols;
	const int fbins = feat->bins;

	const int wrows = whog->rows;
	const int wcols = whog->cols;
	const int wbins = whog->bins;

	if(__unlikely(wbins!=fbins || frows<wrows || fcols<wcols)) {
		fprintf(stderr,"convolve3D:: dimensions of feature and weights don't match. feat(%d,%d,%d) ; weight (%d,%d,%d)\n",frows,fcols,fbins,wrows,wcols,wbins);
		return NULL;

	const int apronRows = floor(wrows/2);
	const int apronCols = floor(wcols/2);
	float *kern = whog->feature;

	float *output = (float *)esvmCalloc(frows*fcols*fbins,sizeof(float));
	if(__unlikely(output==NULL)) {
		fprintf(stderr,"convolve3D:: Not enough memory for output array. Needed %ld bytes\n",frows*fcols*fbins*sizeof(float));
		return NULL;

	int *offset = (int *)esvmMalloc(wrows*wcols*sizeof(int));
	if(__unlikely(offset==NULL)) {
		fprintf(stderr,"convolve3D:: Not enough memory for offset array. Needed %ld bytes\n",wrows*wcols*sizeof(int));
		return NULL;


	const int dim1 = frows*fcols;

	for(int i=0;i<fbins;i++) {

	conv2DValid(feat->feature+i*dim1, frows, fcols, kern+i*wrows*wcols, wrows, wcols, apronRows, apronCols, offset, output+i*dim1, frows, fcols,1,0); 
	mergeConv(output, frows, fcols, fbins);


	if(enablePadding==true) {
		//shrink the output
		output= (float *)realloc((void *)output,frows*fcols*sizeof(float));
		esvmArr2_f *soln = (esvmArr2_f *)esvmMalloc(sizeof(esvmArr2_f));
		soln->arr = output;
		soln->rows = frows;
		soln->cols = fcols;
		return soln;
	else {
		const int rowEnd = frows-apronRows+(1^(wrows&1));
        	const int colEnd = fcols - apronCols+(1^(wcols&1));
		const int urows = rowEnd-apronRows;
		const int ucols = colEnd-apronCols;
		float *uout = (float *)esvmMalloc(urows*ucols*sizeof(float));
		for(int i=0;i<urows;i++) {
			float *tmp = uout+i*ucols;
			float *tmpout = output+(i+apronRows)*fcols+apronCols;
			for(int j=0;j<ucols;j++) {
				(*tmp++) = (*tmpout++);
		esvmArr2_f *soln = (esvmArr2_f *)esvmMalloc(sizeof(esvmArr2_f));
		soln->arr = uout;
		soln->rows = urows;
		soln->cols = ucols;
		return soln;

Ejemplo n.º 9
void Builder::fixup() {
Ejemplo n.º 10
T *doNativePermute(T *pIn, const std::vector<int>& dimsVect)
    int iDims = pIn->getDims();
    int* piDimsArray = pIn->getDimsArray();
    int* piIndex = new int[iDims]();
    int* piOffset = new int[iDims];
    int* piMaxOffset = new int[iDims];

    computeOffsets(iDims, piDimsArray, dimsVect, piOffset, piMaxOffset);

    T* pOut = pIn->clone();
    typename T::type* pout = pOut->get();

    if (pIn->isComplex())
        typename T::type* poutImg = pOut->getImg();
        for (typename T::type *pin = pIn->get(), *pinImg = pIn->getImg(); pin < pIn->get() + pIn->getSize(); pin++, pinImg++)
            *pout = *pin;
            *poutImg = *pinImg;
            for (int j = 0; j < iDims; j++)
                pout += piOffset[j];
                poutImg += piOffset[j];
                if (piIndex[j] < piDimsArray[j])

                pout -= piMaxOffset[j];
                poutImg -= piMaxOffset[j];
                piIndex[j] = 0;
        for (typename T::type *pin = pIn->get(); pin < pIn->get() + pIn->getSize(); pin++)
            *pout = *pin;
            for (int j = 0; j < iDims; j++)
                pout += piOffset[j];
                if (piIndex[j] < piDimsArray[j])

                pout -= piMaxOffset[j];
                piIndex[j] = 0;

    delete[] piIndex;
    delete[] piOffset;
    delete[] piMaxOffset;

    return pOut;