Ejemplo n.º 1
static int r_print_format_struct(RPrint* p, ut64 seek, const ut8* b, int len, char *name, int slide) {
	const char *fmt;
	int flag = (slide>=STRUCTFLAG)?SEEFLAG:-1;
	if ((slide%STRUCTPTR) > NESTDEPTH) {
		eprintf ("Too much nested struct, recursion too deep...\n");
		return 0;
	if (flag) p->printf = realprintf;
	fmt = r_strht_get (p->formats, name);
	if (!fmt || !*fmt) {
		eprintf ("Undefined struct '%s'.\n", name);
		return 0;
	r_print_format (p, seek, b, len, fmt, flag, NULL);
	return computeStructSize(strdup(fmt));
Ejemplo n.º 2
int computeStructSize(FieldList var){
	FieldList fp = var->tail;
	int size = 0;
	int array_size = 0;
	int struct_size = 0;
	while(fp != NULL){
			case basic:
				size += 4;
			case array:
				array_size = (fp->type->u).array.size;
				size += array_size*4;
			case structure:
				struct_size = computeStructSize((fp->type->u).structure);
				size += struct_size;
		fp = fp->tail;
	return size;
Ejemplo n.º 3
InterCodeNode translate_VarDec(treenode *VarDec_n, Operand place){
	if(VarDec_n == NULL){
		//deprintf("VarDec is NULL\n");
		return NULL;
	treenode *id = VarDec_n->node[0];
	char *name = id->idval;
	if(VarDec_n->child_num == 1){
		// vardec -> id
		FieldList var = fetchArg(name);
		if(var != NULL){
			if(var->type->kind == basic){
				struct Var_info *new_var = new_VarInfo(name,++g_var_count,BASIC,4);

				place->kind = VARIABLE;
				place->u.var_no = g_var_count;
				return NULL;
				assert(var->type->kind == structure);
				int size = computeStructSize((var->type->u).structure);
				struct Var_info *new_var = new_VarInfo(name,++g_var_count,STRUCT,size);

				Operand var_op = new_Operand();
				Operand size_op = new_Operand();
				var_op->kind = VARIABLE;
				var_op->u.var_no = g_var_count;
				size_op->kind = SIZE;
				size_op->u.value = size;
				InterCode dec_code = new_InterCode();
				dec_code->kind = DEC;
				dec_code->u.dec.var = var_op;
				dec_code->u.dec.size = size_op;
				return produceNodeByCode(dec_code);
	assert(VarDec_n->child_num == 4);
	//vardec -> vardec [int]
	//vardec -> id
	treenode *num_node = VarDec_n->node[2];
	treenode *check_multi = VarDec_n->node[0];
	int size = num_node->ival;
	if(check_multi->child_num != 1){
		printf("Can not translate the code: contain multidimensional array and function parameters of array type\n");
	treenode *array_id = check_multi->node[0];
	FieldList array_var = fetchArg(array_id->idval);
	if(array_var != NULL){
		int elem = 4;
		Type base_type = (array_var->type->u).array.elem;
		if(base_type->kind == basic){
			struct Var_info *new_var = new_VarInfo(array_var->name,++g_var_count,ARRAY,size*elem);
		}else if(base_type->kind == structure){
			elem = computeStructSize(base_type->u.structure);
			struct Var_info *new_var = new_VarInfo(array_var->name,++g_var_count,STRUCT,size*elem);

		Operand var_op = new_Operand();
		Operand size_op = new_Operand();
		size_op->kind = SIZE;
		size_op->u.value = size*elem;
		var_op->kind = VARIABLE;
		var_op->u.var_no = g_var_count;
		//array size dec
		InterCode dec_code = new_InterCode();
		dec_code->kind = DEC;
		dec_code->u.dec.var = var_op;
		dec_code->u.dec.size = size_op;
		return produceNodeByCode(dec_code);
	//deprintf("Error NULL!\n");
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
//maybe useless
InterCodeNode translate_ExpDotExp(treenode *enode, Operand place){
	//Exp -> Exp [Exp]
	//		Exp -> Exp.id
	//		Exp -> Exp[Exp].id[Exp]
	treenode *exp1 = enode->node[0];
	treenode *index_exp = enode->node[2];

	treenode *exp2 = exp1->node[0];
	treenode *field_id = exp1->node[2];

	treenode *var_id = exp2->node[0];

	Operand start = new_Operand();

	FieldList if_para = fetchPara(var_id->idval);
	FieldList field = NULL;
	if(if_para != NULL){
		struct Var_info *temp_var = fetchVarInfo(var_id->idval);
		start->kind = VARIABLE;
		start->u.var_no = temp_var->var_no;
		field = (if_para->type->u).structure->tail;
		struct Var_info *temp_var = fetchVarInfo(var_id->idval);
		start->kind = REFERENCE;
		start->u.var_no = temp_var->var_no;
		FieldList temp_var2 = fetchArg(var_id->idval);
		field = (temp_var2->type->u).structure->tail;
	int count = 0;
	FieldList p = field;
	while(p != NULL){
		if(strcmp(p->name,field_id->idval) == 0)
			case basic:
				count += 4;break;
			case array:
				count += 4*((p->type->u).array.size);break;
			case structure:
				count += computeStructSize((p->type->u).structure);
		p = p->tail;
	Operand field_offset = new_Operand();
	field_offset->kind = CONSTANT;
	field_offset->u.value = count;

	Operand array_start = new_Temp();
	InterCode add_code = new_InterCode();
	add_code->kind = ADD;
	add_code->u.binop.result = array_start;
	add_code->u.binop.op1 = start;
	add_code->u.binop.op2 = field_offset;
	InterCodeNode node1 = produceNodeByCode(add_code);

	Operand t1 = new_Temp();
	InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Exp(index_exp,t1);
	Operand t2 = new_Temp();
	Operand length4 = new_Operand();
	length4->kind = CONSTANT;
	length4->u.value = 4;

	InterCode mul_code = new_InterCode();
	mul_code->kind = MUL;
	mul_code->u.binop.result = t2;
	mul_code->u.binop.op1 = t1;
	mul_code->u.binop.op2 = length4;
	InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(mul_code);

	Operand addr = new_Temp();
	InterCode add_code1 = new_InterCode();
	add_code1->kind = ADD;
	add_code1->u.binop.result = addr;
	add_code1->u.binop.op1 = array_start;
	if(t1->kind == CONSTANT){
		t1->u.value = t1->u.value * 4;
		add_code1->u.binop.op2 = t1;
		node3 = NULL;
		add_code1->u.binop.op2 = t2;

	InterCodeNode node4 = produceNodeByCode(add_code1);

	// Operand new_addr = new_Operand();
	// new_addr->kind = ADDRESS;
	// new_addr->u.temp_no = addr->u.temp_no;
	// Operand data = new_Temp();
	// InterCode assign_code = new_InterCode();
	// assign_code->kind = ASSIGN;
	// assign_code->u.assign.left = data;
	// assign_code->u.assign.right = new_addr;
	// InterCodeNode node5 = produceNodeByCode(assign_code);
	place->kind = ADDRESS;
	place->u.temp_no = addr->u.temp_no;
	InterCodeNode temp12 = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
	InterCodeNode temp123 = produceNodeByNode(temp12,node3);
	InterCodeNode temp1234 = produceNodeByNode(temp123,node4);
	return temp1234;
	//return produceNodeByNode(temp1234,node5);