Ejemplo n.º 1
void Scheduler::operator()(){
    //get the bit patterns and sort by node id (like the available algos)
    std::vector<state_type> bits = compute_dependencies();   
    // some book keeping vectors
    size_t size = algos_->size();
    std::vector<EventState*> event_states(0); //TODO - has to move to init 
    do {        
        // BEGIN TODO: replace by thread safe code in start event
        // loop through all events that need to be started
        bool queue_full(false);
        do {
            unsigned int event_number(0);
            queue_full = new_events_queue_.try_pop(event_number);
            if (queue_full){
                Context* context(0);
                bool whiteboard_available = wb_.get_context(context);
                if (whiteboard_available){
                    EventState* event_state = new EventState(size);
                    event_state->context = context;
                    context->write(event_number, "event","event");
        } while(queue_full);
        for (unsigned int algo = 0; algo < size; ++algo) {
            // loop through all currently active events
            for (unsigned int event_id = 0; event_id < event_states.size() ; ++event_id) {
                EventState*& event_state = event_states[event_id];
                // extract event_id specific quantities
                state_type& current_event_bits = event_state->state;
                // check whether all dependencies for the algorithm are fulfilled...
                state_type tmp = (current_event_bits & bits[algo]) ^ bits[algo];
                /// ...whether all required products are there...
                // ... and whether the algo was previously started
                std::vector<AlgoState>& algo_states = event_state->algo_states;
                if ((tmp==0) && (algo_states[algo] == NOT_RUN)) {
                	tryRunAlgo ( event_state, algo_states, algo );
        // check for finished events and clean up
        for (std::vector<EventState*>::iterator i = event_states.begin(), end = event_states.end(); i != end; ++i){
            if ((*i)->state == termination_requirement_) {
                Context*& context = (*i)->context;
                delete (*i);
                i = event_states.erase(i);
    } while (not has_to_stop_);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static file_entry &compute_dependencies(int srcrootlen, astring &srcfile)
	// see if we already have an entry
	astring normalfile(srcfile);
	normalfile.replacechr(PATH_SEPARATOR[0], '/');
	file_entry *foundfile = file_map.find(normalfile);
	if (foundfile != NULL)
		return *foundfile;

	// create a new header entry
	file_entry &file = *new file_entry;
	file.deplist = NULL;
	file.name = normalfile;
	file_map.add(file.name, &file);

	// read the source file
	UINT32 filelength;
	char *filedata;
	if (core_fload(srcfile, (void **)&filedata, &filelength) != FILERR_NONE)
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read file '%s'\n", srcfile.cstr());
		return file;

	// find the #include directives in this file
	for (int index = 0; index < filelength; index++)
		if (filedata[index] == '#' && strncmp(&filedata[index + 1], "include", 7) == 0)
			// first make sure we're not commented or quoted
			bool just_continue = false;
			for (int scan = index; scan > 2 && filedata[scan] != 13 && filedata[scan] != 10; scan--)
				if ((filedata[scan] == '/' && filedata[scan - 1] == '/') || filedata[scan] == '"')
					just_continue = true;
			if (just_continue)

			// scan forward to find the quotes or bracket
			index += 7;
			int scan;
			for (scan = index; scan < filelength && filedata[scan] != '<' && filedata[scan] != '"' && filedata[scan] != 13 && filedata[scan] != 10; scan++) ;

			// ignore if not found or if it's bracketed
			if (scan >= filelength || filedata[scan] != '"')
			int start = ++scan;

			// find the closing quote
			while (scan < filelength && filedata[scan] != '"')
			if (scan >= filelength)

			// find the include file
			astring filename(&filedata[start], scan - start);
			astring target;

			// create a new dependency
			if (find_include_file(target, srcrootlen, srcfile, filename))
				dependency *dep = new dependency;
				dep->next = file.deplist;
				file.deplist = dep;
				dep->file = &compute_dependencies(srcrootlen, target);

	return file;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int recurse_dir(int srcrootlen, astring &srcdir)
	static const osd_dir_entry_type typelist[] = { ENTTYPE_DIR, ENTTYPE_FILE };
	int result = 0;

	// iterate first over directories, then over files
	for (int entindex = 0; entindex < ARRAY_LENGTH(typelist) && result == 0; entindex++)
		osd_dir_entry_type entry_type = typelist[entindex];

		// open the directory and iterate through it
		osd_directory *dir = osd_opendir(srcdir);
		if (dir == NULL)
			result = 1;
			goto error;

		// build up the list of files
		const osd_directory_entry *entry;
		list_entry *list = NULL;
		int found = 0;
		while ((entry = osd_readdir(dir)) != NULL)
			if (entry->type == entry_type && entry->name[0] != '.')
				list_entry *lentry = new list_entry;
				lentry->next = list;
				list = lentry;

		// close the directory

		// skip if nothing found
		if (found == 0)

		// allocate memory for sorting
		list_entry **listarray = new list_entry *[found];
		found = 0;
		for (list_entry *curlist = list; curlist != NULL; curlist = curlist->next)
			listarray[found++] = curlist;

		// sort the list
		qsort(listarray, found, sizeof(listarray[0]), compare_list_entries);

		// rebuild the list
		list = NULL;
		while (--found >= 0)
			listarray[found]->next = list;
			list = listarray[found];
		delete[] listarray;

		// iterate through each file
		for (list_entry *curlist = list; curlist != NULL && result == 0; curlist = curlist->next)
			astring srcfile;

			// build the source filename
			srcfile.printf("%s%c%s", srcdir.cstr(), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], curlist->name.cstr());

			// if we have a file, output it
			if (entry_type == ENTTYPE_FILE)
				// make sure we care, first
				if (core_filename_ends_with(curlist->name, ".c"))
					dependency_map depend_map;

					// find dependencies
					file_entry &file = compute_dependencies(srcrootlen, srcfile);
					recurse_dependencies(file, depend_map);

					// convert the target from source to object (makes assumptions about rules)
					astring target(file.name);
					target.replace(0, "src/", "$(OBJ)/");
					target.replace(0, ".c", ".o");
					printf("\n%s : \\\n", target.cstr());

					// iterate over the hashed dependencies and output them as well
					for (dependency_map::entry_t *entry = depend_map.first(); entry != NULL; entry = depend_map.next(entry))
						printf("\t%s \\\n", entry->tag().cstr());

			// if we have a directory, recurse
				result = recurse_dir(srcrootlen, srcfile);

		// free all the allocated entries
		while (list != NULL)
			list_entry *next = list->next;
			delete list;
			list = next;

	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static file_entry *compute_dependencies(int srcrootlen, const astring *srcfile)
	astring *normalfile;
	UINT32 filelength;
	file_entry *file;
	char *filedata;
	int index;

	/* see if we already have an entry */
	normalfile = astring_dup(srcfile);
	astring_replacechr(normalfile, PATH_SEPARATOR[0], '/');
	file = (file_entry *)tagmap_find(file_map, astring_c(normalfile));
	if (file != NULL)
		return file;

	/* create a new header entry */
	file = (file_entry *)malloc(sizeof(*file));
	file->deplist = NULL;
	file->name = normalfile;
	tagmap_add(file_map, astring_c(file->name), file, FALSE);

	/* read the source file */
	if (core_fload(astring_c(srcfile), (void **)&filedata, &filelength) != FILERR_NONE)
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read file '%s'\n", astring_c(srcfile));
		return file;

	/* find the #include directives in this file */
	for (index = 0; index < filelength; index++)
		if (filedata[index] == '#' && strncmp(&filedata[index + 1], "include", 7) == 0)
			astring *filename, *target;
			int scan = index;
			dependency *dep;
			int start;
			int just_continue = 0;

			/* first make sure we're not commented or quoted */
			for (scan = index; scan > 2 && filedata[scan] != 13 && filedata[scan] != 10; scan--)
				if ((filedata[scan] == '/' && filedata[scan - 1] == '/') || filedata[scan] == '"')
					just_continue = 1;
			if (just_continue)

			/* scan forward to find the quotes or bracket */
			index += 7;
			for (scan = index; scan < filelength && filedata[scan] != '<' && filedata[scan] != '"' && filedata[scan] != 13 && filedata[scan] != 10; scan++) ;

			/* ignore if not found or if it's bracketed */
			if (scan >= filelength || filedata[scan] != '"')
			start = ++scan;

			/* find the closing quote */
			while (scan < filelength && filedata[scan] != '"')
			if (scan >= filelength)

			/* find the include file */
			filename = astring_dupch(&filedata[start], scan - start);
			target = find_include_file(srcrootlen, srcfile, filename);

			/* create a new dependency */
			if (target != NULL)
				dep = (dependency *)malloc(sizeof(*dep));
				dep->next = file->deplist;
				file->deplist = dep;
				dep->file = compute_dependencies(srcrootlen, target);


	return file;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int recurse_dir(int srcrootlen, const astring *srcdir)
	static const osd_dir_entry_type typelist[] = { ENTTYPE_DIR, ENTTYPE_FILE };
	int result = 0;
	int entindex;

	/* iterate first over directories, then over files */
	for (entindex = 0; entindex < ARRAY_LENGTH(typelist) && result == 0; entindex++)
		osd_dir_entry_type entry_type = typelist[entindex];
		const osd_directory_entry *entry;
		list_entry **listarray = NULL;
		list_entry *list = NULL;
		list_entry *curlist;
		osd_directory *dir;
		int found = 0;

		/* open the directory and iterate through it */
		dir = osd_opendir(astring_c(srcdir));
		if (dir == NULL)
			result = 1;
			goto error;

		/* build up the list of files */
		while ((entry = osd_readdir(dir)) != NULL)
			if (entry->type == entry_type && entry->name[0] != '.')
				list_entry *lentry = (list_entry *)malloc(sizeof(*lentry));
				lentry->name = astring_dupc(entry->name);
				lentry->next = list;
				list = lentry;

		/* close the directory */

		/* skip if nothing found */
		if (found == 0)

		/* allocate memory for sorting */
		listarray = (list_entry **)malloc(sizeof(list_entry *) * found);
		found = 0;
		for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL; curlist = curlist->next)
			listarray[found++] = curlist;

		/* sort the list */
		qsort(listarray, found, sizeof(listarray[0]), compare_list_entries);

		/* rebuild the list */
		list = NULL;
		while (--found >= 0)
			listarray[found]->next = list;
			list = listarray[found];

		/* iterate through each file */
		for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL && result == 0; curlist = curlist->next)
			astring *srcfile;

			/* build the source filename */
			srcfile = astring_alloc();
			astring_printf(srcfile, "%s%c%s", astring_c(srcdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name));

			/* if we have a file, output it */
			if (entry_type == ENTTYPE_FILE)
				/* make sure we care, first */
				if (core_filename_ends_with(astring_c(curlist->name), ".c"))
					tagmap *depend_map = tagmap_alloc();
					tagmap_entry *map_entry;
					file_entry *file;
					astring *target;
					int taghash;

					/* find dependencies */
					file = compute_dependencies(srcrootlen, srcfile);
					recurse_dependencies(file, depend_map);

					/* convert the target from source to object (makes assumptions about rules) */
					target = astring_dup(file->name);
					astring_replacec(target, 0, "src/", "$(OBJ)/");
					astring_replacec(target, 0, ".c", ".o");
					printf("\n%s : \\\n", astring_c(target));

					/* iterate over the hashed dependencies and output them as well */
					for (taghash = 0; taghash < TAGMAP_HASH_SIZE; taghash++)
						for (map_entry = depend_map->table[taghash]; map_entry != NULL; map_entry = map_entry->next)
							printf("\t%s \\\n", astring_c((astring *)map_entry->object));


			/* if we have a directory, recurse */
				result = recurse_dir(srcrootlen, srcfile);

			/* free memory for the names */

		/* free all the allocated entries */
		while (list != NULL)
			list_entry *next = list->next;
			astring_free((astring *)list->name);
			list = next;

	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int recurse_dir(astring &srcdir)
	int result = 0;

	// iterate through each file
	for (librarylist_entry *lib = librarylist; lib != NULL; lib = lib->next)
		for (list_entry *src = lib->sourcefiles; src != NULL; src = src->next)
			astring srcfile;

			// build the source filename
			srcfile.printf("%s%s.c", srcdir.cstr(), src->name.cstr());

			dependency_map depend_map;

			// find dependencies
			file_entry &file = compute_dependencies(srcfile);
			recurse_dependencies(file, depend_map);

			for (dependency_map::entry_t *entry = depend_map.first(); entry != NULL; entry = depend_map.next(entry))
				astring t(entry->tag());
				if (core_filename_ends_with(t, ".h"))
					char *foundfile = include_map.find(t);
					if (foundfile != NULL) {
						printf("%s\n", foundfile);
						// we add things just once when needed

	// iterate through each file
	for (librarylist_entry *lib = librarylist; lib != NULL; lib = lib->next)
		// convert the target from source to object (makes assumptions about rules)
		astring target("$(OBJ)/target/",lib->name.cstr());
		printf("\n%s : \\\n", target.cstr());

		for (list_entry *src = lib->sourcefiles; src != NULL; src = src->next)
			astring srcfile;

			// build the source filename
			srcfile.printf("%s%s.c", srcdir.cstr(), src->name.cstr());
			dependency_map depend_map;

			// find dependencies
			file_entry &file = compute_dependencies(srcfile);
			recurse_dependencies(file, depend_map);

			// iterate over the hashed dependencies and output them as well
			for (dependency_map::entry_t *entry = depend_map.first(); entry != NULL; entry = depend_map.next(entry))
				astring t(entry->tag());
				t.replace(0, "src/", "$(OBJ)/");
				t.replace(0, ".c", ".o");
				if (core_filename_ends_with(t, ".o"))
					printf("\t%s \\\n", t.cstr());
		for (list_entry *src = lib->sourcefiles; src != NULL; src = src->next)
			astring srcfile;

			// build the source filename
			srcfile.printf("%s%s.c", srcdir.cstr(), src->name.cstr());
			dependency_map depend_map;

			// find dependencies
			file_entry &file = compute_dependencies(srcfile);
			recurse_dependencies(file, depend_map);
			for (dependency_map::entry_t *entry = depend_map.first(); entry != NULL; entry = depend_map.next(entry))
				astring t(entry->tag());
				if (core_filename_ends_with(t, ".lay"))
					astring target2(file.name);
					target2.replace(0, "src/", "$(OBJ)/");
					target2.replace(0, ".c", ".o");

					t.replace(0, "src/", "$(OBJ)/");
					t.replace(0, ".lay", ".lh");

					printf("%s: %s\n", target2.cstr(), t.cstr());
				if (core_filename_ends_with(t, ".inc"))
					astring target2(file.name);
					target2.replace(0, "src/", "$(OBJ)/");
					target2.replace(0, ".c", ".o");

					printf("%s: %s\n", target2.cstr(), t.cstr());
	return result;