Ejemplo n.º 1
 * config_SaveConfigFile: Save a module's config options.
 * This will save the specified module's config options to the config file.
 * If psz_module_name is NULL then we save all the modules config options.
 * It's no use to save the config options that kept their default values, so
 * we'll try to be a bit clever here.
 * When we save we mustn't delete the config options of the modules that
 * haven't been loaded. So we cannot just create a new config file with the
 * config structures we've got in memory.
 * I don't really know how to deal with this nicely, so I will use a completly
 * dumb method ;-)
 * I will load the config file in memory, but skipping all the sections of the
 * modules we want to save. Then I will create a brand new file, dump the file
 * loaded in memory and then append the sections of the modules we want to
 * save.
 * Really stupid no ?
static int SaveConfigFile( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_module_name,
                           bool b_autosave )
    module_t *p_parser;
    char *permanent = NULL, *temporary = NULL;

    if( config_PrepareDir( p_this ) )
        msg_Err( p_this, "no configuration directory" );
        return -1;

    /* List all available modules */
    module_t **list = module_list_get (NULL);

    char *bigbuf = NULL;
    size_t bigsize = 0;
    FILE *file = config_OpenConfigFile (p_this);
    if (file != NULL)
        struct stat st;

        /* Some users make vlcrc read-only to prevent changes.
         * The atomic replacement scheme breaks this "feature",
         * so we check for read-only by hand. */
        if (fstat (fileno (file), &st)
         || !(st.st_mode & S_IWUSR))
            msg_Err (p_this, "configuration file is read-only");
            goto error;

        bigsize = (st.st_size < LONG_MAX) ? st.st_size : 0;
        bigbuf = malloc (bigsize + 1);
        if (bigbuf == NULL)
            goto error;

        /* backup file into memory, we only need to backup the sections we
         * won't save later on */
        char *p_index = bigbuf;
        char *line = NULL;
        size_t bufsize;
        ssize_t linelen;
        bool backup = false;

        while ((linelen = getline (&line, &bufsize, file)) != -1)
            char *p_index2;

            if ((line[0] == '[') && (p_index2 = strchr(line,']')))
                /* we found a new section, check if we need to do a backup */
                backup = true;
                for (int i = 0; (p_parser = list[i]) != NULL; i++)
                    if (!strncmp (line + 1, p_parser->psz_object_name,
                                  strlen (p_parser->psz_object_name))
                     && ((psz_module_name == NULL)
                      || !strcmp (psz_module_name, p_parser->psz_object_name)))
                        backup = false; /* no, we will rewrite it! */

            /* save line if requested and line is valid (doesn't begin with a
             * space, tab, or eol) */
            if (backup && !memchr ("\n\t ", line[0], 3))
                memcpy (p_index, line, linelen);
                p_index += linelen;
        fclose (file);
        file = NULL;
        free (line);
        *p_index = '\0';
        bigsize = p_index - bigbuf;

     * Save module config in file
    permanent = config_GetConfigFile (p_this);
    if (!permanent)
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;

    if (asprintf (&temporary, "%s.%u", permanent, getpid ()) == -1)
        temporary = NULL;
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;

    /* Configuration lock must be taken before vlcrc serializer below. */
    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);

    /* The temporary configuration file is per-PID. Therefore SaveConfigFile()
     * should be serialized against itself within a given process. */
    static vlc_mutex_t lock = VLC_STATIC_MUTEX;
    vlc_mutex_lock (&lock);

    int fd = vlc_open (temporary, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
    if (fd == -1)
        vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;
    file = fdopen (fd, "wt");
    if (file == NULL)
        msg_Err (p_this, "cannot create configuration file: %m");
        vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);
        close (fd);
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;

    fprintf( file,
        "### lines beginning with a '#' character are comments\n"
        "\n" );

    /* Ensure consistent number formatting... */
    locale_t loc = newlocale (LC_NUMERIC_MASK, "C", NULL);
    locale_t baseloc = uselocale (loc);

    /* We would take the config lock here. But this would cause a lock
     * inversion with the serializer above and config_AutoSaveConfigFile().
    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);*/

    /* Look for the selected module, if NULL then save everything */
    for (int i = 0; (p_parser = list[i]) != NULL; i++)
        module_config_t *p_item, *p_end;

        if( psz_module_name && strcmp( psz_module_name,
                                       p_parser->psz_object_name ) )

        if( !p_parser->i_config_items )

        if( psz_module_name )
            msg_Dbg( p_this, "saving config for module \"%s\"",
                     p_parser->psz_object_name );

        fprintf( file, "[%s]", p_parser->psz_object_name );
        if( p_parser->psz_longname )
            fprintf( file, " # %s\n\n", p_parser->psz_longname );
            fprintf( file, "\n\n" );

        for( p_item = p_parser->p_config, p_end = p_item + p_parser->confsize;
             p_item < p_end;
             p_item++ )
            if ((p_item->i_type & CONFIG_HINT) /* ignore hint */
             || p_item->b_removed              /* ignore deprecated option */
             || p_item->b_unsaveable)          /* ignore volatile option */

            /* Do not save the new value in the configuration file
             * if doing an autosave, and the item is not an "autosaved" one. */
            bool b_retain = b_autosave && !p_item->b_autosave;

            if (IsConfigIntegerType (p_item->i_type))
                int64_t val = b_retain ? p_item->saved.i : p_item->value.i;
                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text,
                              (p_item->i_type == CONFIG_ITEM_BOOL)
                                  ? N_("boolean") : N_("integer"),
                              val == p_item->orig.i,
                              p_item->psz_name, "%"PRId64, val);
                p_item->saved.i = val;
            if (IsConfigFloatType (p_item->i_type))
                float val = b_retain ? p_item->saved.f : p_item->value.f;
                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text, N_("float"),
                              val == p_item->orig.f,
                              p_item->psz_name, "%f", val);
                p_item->saved.f = val;
                const char *psz_value = b_retain ? p_item->saved.psz
                                                 : p_item->value.psz;
                bool modified;

                assert (IsConfigStringType (p_item->i_type));

                if (b_retain && (psz_value == NULL)) /* FIXME: hack */
                    psz_value = p_item->orig.psz;

                modified =
                    (psz_value != NULL)
                        ? ((p_item->orig.psz != NULL)
                            ? (strcmp (psz_value, p_item->orig.psz) != 0)
                            : true)
                        : (p_item->orig.psz != NULL);

                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text, N_("string"),
                              !modified, p_item->psz_name, "%s",
                              psz_value ? psz_value : "");

                if ( !b_retain )

                    free ((char *)p_item->saved.psz);
                    if( (psz_value && p_item->orig.psz &&
                         strcmp( psz_value, p_item->orig.psz )) ||
                        !psz_value || !p_item->orig.psz)
                        p_item->saved.psz = strdupnull (psz_value);
                        p_item->saved.psz = NULL;

            if (!b_retain)
                p_item->b_dirty = false;
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);

    module_list_free (list);
    if (loc != (locale_t)0)
        uselocale (baseloc);
        freelocale (loc);

     * Restore old settings from the config in file
    if (bigsize)
        fwrite (bigbuf, 1, bigsize, file);

     * Flush to disk and replace atomically
    fflush (file); /* Flush from run-time */
    if (ferror (file))
        vlc_unlink (temporary);
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        msg_Err (p_this, "cannot write configuration file");
        clearerr (file);
        goto error;
#ifndef WIN32
#ifdef __APPLE__
    fsync (fd); /* Flush from OS */
    fdatasync (fd); /* Flush from OS */
    /* Atomically replace the file... */
    if (vlc_rename (temporary, permanent))
        vlc_unlink (temporary);
    /* (...then synchronize the directory, err, TODO...) */
    /* ...and finally close the file */
    vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
    fclose (file);
#ifdef WIN32
    /* Windows cannot remove open files nor overwrite existing ones */
    vlc_unlink (permanent);
    if (vlc_rename (temporary, permanent))
        vlc_unlink (temporary);
    vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);

    free (temporary);
    free (permanent);
    free (bigbuf);
    return 0;

    if( file )
        fclose( file );
    free (temporary);
    free (permanent);
    free (bigbuf);
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * config_SaveConfigFile: Save a module's config options.
 * This will save the specified module's config options to the config file.
 * If psz_module_name is NULL then we save all the modules config options.
 * It's no use to save the config options that kept their default values, so
 * we'll try to be a bit clever here.
 * When we save we mustn't delete the config options of the modules that
 * haven't been loaded. So we cannot just create a new config file with the
 * config structures we've got in memory.
 * I don't really know how to deal with this nicely, so I will use a completly
 * dumb method ;-)
 * I will load the config file in memory, but skipping all the sections of the
 * modules we want to save. Then I will create a brand new file, dump the file
 * loaded in memory and then append the sections of the modules we want to
 * save.
 * Really stupid no ?
static int SaveConfigFile( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_module_name,
                           bool b_autosave )
    module_t *p_parser;
    FILE *file = NULL;
    char *permanent = NULL, *temporary = NULL;
    char p_line[1024], *p_index2;
    unsigned long i_sizebuf = 0;
    char *p_bigbuffer = NULL, *p_index;
    bool b_backup;
    int i_index;

    if( config_PrepareDir( p_this ) )
        msg_Err( p_this, "no configuration directory" );
        goto error;

    file = config_OpenConfigFile( p_this );
    if( file != NULL )
        struct stat st;

        /* Some users make vlcrc read-only to prevent changes.
         * The atomic replacement scheme breaks this "feature",
         * so we check for read-only by hand. */
        if (fstat (fileno (file), &st)
         || !(st.st_mode & S_IWUSR))
            msg_Err (p_this, "configuration file is read-only");
            goto error;
        i_sizebuf = ( st.st_size < LONG_MAX ) ? st.st_size : 0;

    p_bigbuffer = p_index = malloc( i_sizebuf+1 );
    if( !p_bigbuffer )
        goto error;
    p_bigbuffer[0] = 0;

    /* List all available modules */
    module_t **list = module_list_get (NULL);

    /* backup file into memory, we only need to backup the sections we won't
     * save later on */
    b_backup = false;
    while( file && fgets( p_line, 1024, file ) )
        if( (p_line[0] == '[') && (p_index2 = strchr(p_line,']')))

            /* we found a section, check if we need to do a backup */
            for( i_index = 0; (p_parser = list[i_index]) != NULL; i_index++ )
                if( ((p_index2 - &p_line[1])
                       == (int)strlen(p_parser->psz_object_name) )
                    && !memcmp( &p_line[1], p_parser->psz_object_name,
                                strlen(p_parser->psz_object_name) ) )
                    if( !psz_module_name )
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_module_name,
                                      p_parser->psz_object_name ) )

            if( list[i_index] == NULL )
                /* we don't have this section in our list so we need to back
                 * it up */
                *p_index2 = 0;
#if 0
                msg_Dbg( p_this, "backing up config for unknown module \"%s\"",
                                 &p_line[1] );
                *p_index2 = ']';

                b_backup = true;
                b_backup = false;

        /* save line if requested and line is valid (doesn't begin with a
         * space, tab, or eol) */
        if( b_backup && (p_line[0] != '\n') && (p_line[0] != ' ')
            && (p_line[0] != '\t') )
            strcpy( p_index, p_line );
            p_index += strlen( p_line );
    if( file )
        fclose( file );
    file = NULL;

     * Save module config in file
    permanent = config_GetConfigFile (p_this);
    if (!permanent)
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;

    if (asprintf (&temporary, "%s.%u", permanent, getpid ()) == -1)
        temporary = NULL;
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;

    /* The temporary configuration file is per-PID. Therefore SaveConfigFile()
     * should be serialized against itself within a given process. */
    static vlc_mutex_t lock = VLC_STATIC_MUTEX;
    vlc_mutex_lock (&lock);

    int fd = utf8_open (temporary, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
    if (fd == -1)
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;
    file = fdopen (fd, "wt");
    if (file == NULL)
        close (fd);
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;

    fprintf( file, "\xEF\xBB\xBF###\n###  " COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE "\n###\n\n"
       "###\n### lines beginning with a '#' character are comments\n###\n\n" );

    /* Ensure consistent number formatting... */
    locale_t loc = newlocale (LC_NUMERIC_MASK, "C", NULL);
    locale_t baseloc = uselocale (loc);

    /* Look for the selected module, if NULL then save everything */
    for( i_index = 0; (p_parser = list[i_index]) != NULL; i_index++ )
        module_config_t *p_item, *p_end;

        if( psz_module_name && strcmp( psz_module_name,
                                       p_parser->psz_object_name ) )

        if( !p_parser->i_config_items )

        if( psz_module_name )
            msg_Dbg( p_this, "saving config for module \"%s\"",
                     p_parser->psz_object_name );

        fprintf( file, "[%s]", p_parser->psz_object_name );
        if( p_parser->psz_longname )
            fprintf( file, " # %s\n\n", p_parser->psz_longname );
            fprintf( file, "\n\n" );

        for( p_item = p_parser->p_config, p_end = p_item + p_parser->confsize;
             p_item < p_end;
             p_item++ )
            if ((p_item->i_type & CONFIG_HINT) /* ignore hint */
             || p_item->b_removed              /* ignore deprecated option */
             || p_item->b_unsaveable)          /* ignore volatile option */

            vlc_mutex_lock (p_item->p_lock);

            /* Do not save the new value in the configuration file
             * if doing an autosave, and the item is not an "autosaved" one. */
            bool b_retain = b_autosave && !p_item->b_autosave;

            if (IsConfigIntegerType (p_item->i_type))
                int val = b_retain ? p_item->saved.i : p_item->value.i;
                if (p_item->i_type == CONFIG_ITEM_KEY)
                    char *psz_key = ConfigKeyToString (val);
                    config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text, N_("key"),
                                  val == p_item->orig.i,
                                  p_item->psz_name, "%s",
                                  psz_key ? psz_key : "");
                    free (psz_key);
                    config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text,
                                  (p_item->i_type == CONFIG_ITEM_BOOL)
                                      ? N_("boolean") : N_("integer"),
                                  val == p_item->orig.i,
                                  p_item->psz_name, "%d", val);
                p_item->saved.i = val;
            if (IsConfigFloatType (p_item->i_type))
                float val = b_retain ? p_item->saved.f : p_item->value.f;
                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text, N_("float"),
                              val == p_item->orig.f,
                              p_item->psz_name, "%f", val);
                p_item->saved.f = val;
                const char *psz_value = b_retain ? p_item->saved.psz
                                                 : p_item->value.psz;
                bool modified;

                assert (IsConfigStringType (p_item->i_type));

                if (b_retain && (psz_value == NULL)) /* FIXME: hack */
                    psz_value = p_item->orig.psz;

                modified =
                    (psz_value != NULL)
                        ? ((p_item->orig.psz != NULL)
                            ? (strcmp (psz_value, p_item->orig.psz) != 0)
                            : true)
                        : (p_item->orig.psz != NULL);

                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text, N_("string"),
                              !modified, p_item->psz_name, "%s",
                              psz_value ? psz_value : "");

                if ( !b_retain )

                    free ((char *)p_item->saved.psz);
                    if( (psz_value && p_item->orig.psz &&
                         strcmp( psz_value, p_item->orig.psz )) ||
                        !psz_value || !p_item->orig.psz)
                        p_item->saved.psz = strdupnull (psz_value);
                        p_item->saved.psz = NULL;

            if (!b_retain)
                p_item->b_dirty = false;
            vlc_mutex_unlock (p_item->p_lock);

    module_list_free (list);
    if (loc != (locale_t)0)
        uselocale (baseloc);
        freelocale (loc);

     * Restore old settings from the config in file
    fputs( p_bigbuffer, file );
    free( p_bigbuffer );

     * Flush to disk and replace atomically
    fflush (file); /* Flush from run-time */
#ifndef WIN32
    fdatasync (fd); /* Flush from OS */
    /* Atomically replace the file... */
    if (utf8_rename (temporary, permanent))
        utf8_unlink (temporary);
    /* (...then synchronize the directory, err, TODO...) */
    /* ...and finally close the file */
    vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
    fclose (file);
#ifdef WIN32
    /* Windows cannot remove open files nor overwrite existing ones */
    utf8_unlink (permanent);
    if (utf8_rename (temporary, permanent))
        utf8_unlink (temporary);
    vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);

    free (temporary);
    free (permanent);
    return 0;

    if( file )
        fclose( file );
    free (temporary);
    free (permanent);
    free( p_bigbuffer );
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * config_LoadConfigFile: loads the configuration file.
 * This function is called to load the config options stored in the config
 * file.
int config_LoadConfigFile( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    FILE *file;

    file = config_OpenConfigFile (p_this);
    if (file == NULL)
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Look for UTF-8 Byte Order Mark */
    char * (*convert) (const char *) = strdupnull;
    char bom[3];

    if ((fread (bom, 1, 3, file) != 3)
     || memcmp (bom, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3))
        convert = FromLocaleDup;
        rewind (file); /* no BOM, rewind */

    char *line = NULL;
    size_t bufsize;
    ssize_t linelen;

    /* Ensure consistent number formatting... */
    locale_t loc = newlocale (LC_NUMERIC_MASK, "C", NULL);
    locale_t baseloc = uselocale (loc);

    vlc_rwlock_wrlock (&config_lock);
    while ((linelen = getline (&line, &bufsize, file)) != -1)
        line[linelen - 1] = '\0'; /* trim newline */

        /* Ignore comments, section and empty lines */
        if (memchr ("#[", line[0], 3) != NULL)

        /* look for option name */
        const char *psz_option_name = line;

        char *ptr = strchr (line, '=');
        if (ptr == NULL)
            continue; /* syntax error */
        *ptr = '\0';

        module_config_t *item = config_FindConfig (p_this, psz_option_name);
        if (item == NULL)

        const char *psz_option_value = ptr + 1;
        switch (item->i_type)
            case CONFIG_ITEM_BOOL:
            case CONFIG_ITEM_INTEGER:
                int64_t l;

                errno = 0;
                l = strtoi (psz_option_value);
                if ((l > item->max.i) || (l < item->min.i))
                    errno = ERANGE;
                if (errno)
                    msg_Warn (p_this, "Integer value (%s) for %s: %m",
                              psz_option_value, psz_option_name);
                    item->saved.i = item->value.i = l;

            case CONFIG_ITEM_FLOAT:
                if (!*psz_option_value)
                    break;                    /* ignore empty option */
                item->value.f = (float)atof (psz_option_value);
                item->saved.f = item->value.f;

                free ((char *)item->value.psz);
                free ((char *)item->saved.psz);
                item->value.psz = convert (psz_option_value);
                item->saved.psz = strdupnull (item->value.psz);
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);
    free (line);

    if (ferror (file))
        msg_Err (p_this, "error reading configuration: %m");
        clearerr (file);
    fclose (file);

    if (loc != (locale_t)0)
        uselocale (baseloc);
        freelocale (loc);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * config_LoadConfigFile: loads the configuration file.
 * This function is called to load the config options stored in the config
 * file.
int __config_LoadConfigFile( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_module_name )
    FILE *file;

    file = config_OpenConfigFile (p_this);
    if (file == NULL)
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Look for the selected module, if NULL then save everything */
    module_t **list = module_list_get (NULL);

    /* Look for UTF-8 Byte Order Mark */
    char * (*convert) (const char *) = strdupnull;
    char bom[3];

    if ((fread (bom, 1, 3, file) != 3)
     || memcmp (bom, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3))
        convert = FromLocaleDup;
        rewind (file); /* no BOM, rewind */

    module_t *module = NULL;
    char line[1024], section[1022];
    section[0] = '\0';

    /* Ensure consistent number formatting... */
    locale_t loc = newlocale (LC_NUMERIC_MASK, "C", NULL);
    locale_t baseloc = uselocale (loc);

    while (fgets (line, 1024, file) != NULL)
        /* Ignore comments and empty lines */
        switch (line[0])
            case '#':
            case '\n':
            case '\0':

        if (line[0] == '[')
            char *ptr = strchr (line, ']');
            if (ptr == NULL)
                continue; /* syntax error; */
            *ptr = '\0';

            /* New section ( = a given module) */
            strcpy (section, line + 1);
            module = NULL;

            if ((psz_module_name == NULL)
             || (strcmp (psz_module_name, section) == 0))
                for (int i = 0; list[i]; i++)
                    module_t *m = list[i];

                    if ((strcmp (section, m->psz_object_name) == 0)
                     && (m->i_config_items > 0)) /* ignore config-less modules */
                        module = m;
                        if (psz_module_name != NULL)
                            msg_Dbg (p_this,
                                     "loading config for module \"%s\"",


        if (module == NULL)
            continue; /* no need to parse if there is no matching module */

        char *ptr = strchr (line, '\n');
        if (ptr != NULL)
            *ptr = '\0';

        /* look for option name */
        const char *psz_option_name = line;

        ptr = strchr (line, '=');
        if (ptr == NULL)
            continue; /* syntax error */

        *ptr = '\0';
        const char *psz_option_value = ptr + 1;

        /* try to match this option with one of the module's options */
        for (size_t i = 0; i < module->confsize; i++)
            module_config_t *p_item = module->p_config + i;

            if ((p_item->i_type & CONFIG_HINT)
             || strcmp (p_item->psz_name, psz_option_name))

            /* We found it */
            errno = 0;

            vlc_mutex_lock( p_item->p_lock );
            switch( p_item->i_type )
                case CONFIG_ITEM_BOOL:
                case CONFIG_ITEM_INTEGER:
                    long l = strtoi (psz_option_value);
                    if (errno)
                        msg_Warn (p_this, "Integer value (%s) for %s: %m",
                                  psz_option_value, psz_option_name);
                        p_item->saved.i = p_item->value.i = (int)l;

                case CONFIG_ITEM_FLOAT:
                    if( !*psz_option_value )
                        break;                    /* ignore empty option */
                    p_item->value.f = (float)atof (psz_option_value);
                    p_item->saved.f = p_item->value.f;

                case CONFIG_ITEM_KEY:
                    if( !*psz_option_value )
                        break;                    /* ignore empty option */
                    p_item->value.i = ConfigStringToKey(psz_option_value);
                    p_item->saved.i = p_item->value.i;

                    /* free old string */
                    free( (char*) p_item->value.psz );
                    free( (char*) p_item->saved.psz );

                    p_item->value.psz = convert (psz_option_value);
                    p_item->saved.psz = strdupnull (p_item->value.psz);
            vlc_mutex_unlock( p_item->p_lock );

    if (ferror (file))
        msg_Err (p_this, "error reading configuration: %m");
        clearerr (file);
    fclose (file);

    module_list_free (list);
    if (loc != (locale_t)0)
        uselocale (baseloc);
        freelocale (loc);
    return 0;