Ejemplo n.º 1
void *search_speedtest( void *r )
  struct sigaction actions;
  memset(&actions, 0, sizeof(actions)); 
  actions.sa_flags = 0; 
  actions.sa_handler = thread_exit_handler;

	search_t *results = r;
	conn_t conn[1];
//	int oldstate;
	/* Allow this thread to be killed at any time.			*/
//	pthread_setcancelstate( PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &oldstate );
//	pthread_setcanceltype( PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &oldstate );
	memset( conn, 0, sizeof( conn_t ) );
	conn->conf = results->conf;
	if( !conn_set( conn, results->url ) )
		results->speed = SPEED_ERROR;
	else if( !conn_init( conn ) )
		results->speed = SPEED_ERROR;
	else if( !conn_info( conn ) )
		results->speed = SPEED_ERROR;
	else if( conn->size == results->size )
		/* Add one because it mustn't be zero			*/
		results->speed = 1 + 1000 * ( gettime() - results->speed_start_time );
		results->speed = SPEED_ERROR;

	conn_disconnect( conn );
	return( NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void *search_speedtest( void *r )
    search_t *results = r;
    conn_t conn[1];
    int oldstate;
    /* Allow this thread to be killed at any time.            */
    pthread_setcancelstate( PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &oldstate );
    pthread_setcanceltype( PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &oldstate );
    memset( conn, 0, sizeof( conn_t ) );
    conn->conf = results->conf;
    if( !conn_set( conn, results->url ) )
        results->speed = SPEED_ERROR;
    else if( !conn_init( conn ) )
        results->speed = SPEED_ERROR;
    else if( !conn_info( conn ) )
        results->speed = SPEED_ERROR;
    else if( conn->size == results->size )
        /* Add one because it mustn't be zero            */
        results->speed = 1 + 1000 * ( gettime() - results->speed_start_time );
        results->speed = SPEED_ERROR;

    conn_disconnect( conn );
    return( NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 3
int search_makelist( search_t *results, char *url )
	int i, size = 8192, j = 0;
	char *s, *s1, *s2, *s3;
	conn_t conn[1];
	double t;
	memset( conn, 0, sizeof( conn_t ) );
	conn->conf = results->conf;
	t = gettime();
	if( !conn_set( conn, url ) )
		return( -1 );
	if( !conn_init( conn ) )
		return( -1 );
	if( !conn_info( conn ) )
		return( -1 );
	strcpy( results[0].url, url );
	results[0].speed = 1 + 1000 * ( gettime() - t );
	results[0].size = conn->size;
	s = malloc( size );
	sprintf( s, "http://www.filesearching.com/cgi-bin/s?q=%s&w=a&l=en&"
		conn->file, results->conf->search_amount,
		conn->size, conn->size );
	conn_disconnect( conn );
	memset( conn, 0, sizeof( conn_t ) );
	conn->conf = results->conf;
	if( !conn_set( conn, s ) )
		free( s );
		return( 1 );
	if( !conn_setup( conn ) )
		free( s );
		return( 1 );
	if( !conn_exec( conn ) )
		free( s );
		return( 1 );
	while( ( i = read( conn->fd, s + j, size - j ) ) > 0 )
		j += i;
		if( j + 10 >= size )
			size *= 2;
			s = realloc( s, size );
			memset( s + size / 2, 0, size / 2 );

	conn_disconnect( conn );
	s1 = strstr( s, "<pre class=list" );
	s1 = strchr( s1, '\n' ) + 1;
	if( strstr( s1, "</pre>" ) == NULL )
		/* Incomplete list					*/
		free( s );
		return( 1 );
	for( i = 1; strncmp( s1, "</pre>", 6 ) && i < results->conf->search_amount && *s1; i ++ )
		s3 = strchr( s1, '\n' ); *s3 = 0;
		s2 = strrstr( s1, "<a href=" ) + 8;
		*s3 = '\n';
		s3 = strchr( s2, ' ' ); *s3 = 0;
		if( strcmp( results[0].url, s2 ) )
			strncpy( results[i].url, s2, MAX_STRING );
			results[i].size = results[0].size;
			results[i].conf = results->conf;
			/* The original URL might show up		*/
			i --;
		for( s1 = s3; *s1 != '\n'; s1 ++ );
		s1 ++;
	free( s );
	return( i );
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: axel.c Proyecto: ghuntley/axel
/* Create a new axel_t structure					*/
axel_t *axel_new( conf_t *conf, int count, void *url )
	search_t *res;
	axel_t *axel;
	url_t *u;
	char *s;
	int i;
	axel = malloc( sizeof( axel_t ) );
	memset( axel, 0, sizeof( axel_t ) );
	*axel->conf = *conf;
	axel->conn = malloc( sizeof( conn_t ) * axel->conf->num_connections );
	memset( axel->conn, 0, sizeof( conn_t ) * axel->conf->num_connections );
	if( axel->conf->max_speed > 0 )
		if( (float) axel->conf->max_speed / axel->conf->buffer_size < 0.5 )
			if( axel->conf->verbose >= 2 )
				axel_message( axel, _("Buffer resized for this speed.") );
			axel->conf->buffer_size = axel->conf->max_speed;
		axel->delay_time = (int) ( (float) 1000000 / axel->conf->max_speed * axel->conf->buffer_size * axel->conf->num_connections );
	if( buffer == NULL )
		buffer = malloc( max( MAX_STRING, axel->conf->buffer_size ) );
	if( count == 0 )
		axel->url = malloc( sizeof( url_t ) );
		axel->url->next = axel->url;
		strncpy( axel->url->text, (char *) url, MAX_STRING );
		res = (search_t *) url;
		u = axel->url = malloc( sizeof( url_t ) );
		for( i = 0; i < count; i ++ )
			strncpy( u->text, res[i].url, MAX_STRING );
			if( i < count - 1 )
				u->next = malloc( sizeof( url_t ) );
				u = u->next;
				u->next = axel->url;
	axel->conn[0].conf = axel->conf;
	if( !conn_set( &axel->conn[0], axel->url->text ) )
		axel_message( axel, _("Could not parse URL.\n") );
		axel->ready = -1;
		return( axel );

	axel->conn[0].local_if = axel->conf->interfaces->text;
	axel->conf->interfaces = axel->conf->interfaces->next;
	strncpy( axel->filename, axel->conn[0].file, MAX_STRING );
	http_decode( axel->filename );
	if( *axel->filename == 0 )	/* Index page == no fn		*/
		strncpy( axel->filename, axel->conf->default_filename, MAX_STRING );
	if( ( s = strchr( axel->filename, '?' ) ) != NULL && axel->conf->strip_cgi_parameters )
		*s = 0;		/* Get rid of CGI parameters		*/
	if( !conn_init( &axel->conn[0] ) )
		axel_message( axel, axel->conn[0].message );
		axel->ready = -1;
		return( axel );
	/* This does more than just checking the file size, it all depends
	   on the protocol used.					*/
	if( !conn_info( &axel->conn[0] ) )
		axel_message( axel, axel->conn[0].message );
		axel->ready = -1;
		return( axel );
	s = conn_url( axel->conn );
	strncpy( axel->url->text, s, MAX_STRING );
	if( ( axel->size = axel->conn[0].size ) != INT_MAX )
		if( axel->conf->verbose > 0 )
			axel_message( axel, _("File size: %lld bytes"), axel->size );
	/* Wildcards in URL --> Get complete filename			*/
	if( strchr( axel->filename, '*' ) || strchr( axel->filename, '?' ) )
		strncpy( axel->filename, axel->conn[0].file, MAX_STRING );
	return( axel );