MStatus liqLightNodeBehavior::connectNodeToAttr( MObject &sourceNode, MPlug &destinationPlug, bool force )

    MStatus result = MS::kFailure;
    MFnDependencyNode src(sourceNode);

    if we are dragging from a liquidLight
    to a light then connect the assignedObjects
    plug to the plug being passed in

        if(src.typeName() == "liquidLight")
            MPlug srcPlug = src.findPlug("assignedObjects");

            MObject dstNode = destinationPlug.node();
            MFnDependencyNode dst( dstNode );
            MPlug dstPlug = dst.findPlug("liquidLightShaderNode");

            if(!srcPlug.isNull() && !destinationPlug.isNull() && destinationPlug == dstPlug )
                //MString boolean = (force)? "true":"false";
                MString cmd = "connectAttr ";
                //cmd += "-force " + boolean + " ";
                cmd += + " ";
                cmd +=;
                result = MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd);
        /* in all of the other cases we do not need the plug just the node
        that it is on                                                    */
        MObject destinationNode = destinationPlug.node();
        result = connectNodeToNode(sourceNode, destinationNode, force);

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
MStatus slopeShaderBehavior::connectNodeToAttr( MObject &sourceNode, MPlug &destinationPlug, bool force )
//	Description:
//		Overloaded function from MPxDragAndDropBehavior
//	this method will assign the correct output from the slope shader 
//	onto the given attribute.
	MStatus result = MS::kFailure;
	MFnDependencyNode src(sourceNode);

	//if we are dragging from a slopeShader
	//to a shader than connect the outColor
	//plug to the plug being passed in
	if(destinationPlug.node().hasFn(MFn::kLambert)) {
		if(src.typeName() == "slopeShader")
			MPlug srcPlug = src.findPlug("outColor");
			if(!srcPlug.isNull() && !destinationPlug.isNull())
				MString cmd = "connectAttr ";
				cmd += + " ";
				cmd +=;
				result = MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd);
	} else {
		//in all of the other cases we do not need the plug just the node
		//that it is on
        MObject destinationNode = destinationPlug.node();
		result = connectNodeToNode(sourceNode, destinationNode, force);
	return result;